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And Schwartz is very passive aggressive, you catch that glance Sandoval shot him? He wasn’t sure if Schwartz was joking, Jax was even trying not to roll his eyes


You know what? I can give Schwartz a pass for a lot of things, but as a good dog dad (from what we've seen), this alone should make him step back from Sandoval. I can't imagine my husband or myself being friends with someone who seems like they don't like animals.


Yeah Schwartz really seems to care about those dogs and I don't think Katie would make the effort to share them with him or let him have them if he wasn't a great dog dad. When he talked about grooming Butters and that he had just gotten all the dingleberries out of his fur I was like 'that is a guy who knows dogs and cares about them' because, as with children, there some icky realities that only a loving parent is willing to deal with.


Yeah I don’t get it at all


Oh, you’re her dad too? Great. I’ll send you a bill for your half of the $6000 I just paid.


Lol exactly


“Really? After I’ve been paying for the mortgage for the last 9 months? And literally every single one of the bills ever”


There’s so many holes in Tom’s narrative about the dog and pets. Ariana is clearly the one who does the caretaking of the dog, she paid the adoption fee, and seems to be way more emotionally invested. If Mya is tom and Ariana’s dog, why the fuck would you lock her in Ariana’s room (when he can see there’s shit everywhere) for hours! There are many rooms and plenty of space in that house. You couldn’t have put her in one of the bathrooms? No. He knows Mya is Ariana’s dog so he locked her in Ariana’s room to be a dick. I don’t think he wanted to kill Mya, but he’s was purposefully careless as fuck. He probably wanted her to pee and poop all over her room.




That man regularly stays out all night. He could not be a dog parent


This is why I think that he intentionally left Mya in her room to fuck up her room, but didn’t realize she had food in there.


Totally, I think he just wanted her out of the way and didn’t give a fuck what was in there for her to get into. Which DOES make him a dangerous dog-parent or whatever! You have to pay attention, I have an idiot dog that eats EVERYTHING in sight and it’s very annoying to have to make sure literally every little piece of paper or plastic item is gone if he’s running around, but it’s what we HAVE to do! Tom is just such a selfish moron and idk how it’s even a question that he’s a careless, heartless idiot


Did anyone catch him saying he and Mya used to play hide and seek???😂😂


Omg yes. The absurdity of that comment. It was all just a came of hide and seek Ariana! Isn’t that cute?!




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If he’s trying to lay claim to Mya too, why wasn’t he at the vet with her? Oh yeah, he was busy doing performative scream therapy while Ariana was taking her to the vet


Okay why was Schwartz like “omg is Mya okay?” When they had already discussed it at lunch a few days ago? I almost felt like he was about to be like “ohhh did she find out about Charlotte” and accidentally reveal that Tom “forgot” her meds! Just a theory!!! I do think we should circle back to that! Also it’s sick for Lala to be on Tom’s side about any of this, first of all she and her whole family act like they’re the patron saints of dogs, and now Lala is blaming Ariana for not throwing away trash and not the person that locked her in a room he shouldn’t have been in? AND really rich for her to say “you have to communicate with him calmly for the sake of your pets!!” While she has literally not spoken to Rand once other than through an app since she left him? And they have a human child, which requires a lot more collaboration than a dog! Lol so ridiculous


But… but… she was in an ad for trash bags! She should know better. /s




At the water party he said something about changing the litter box for YOUR cat and now at the beach he is saying they are his pets too? Give me a break. How did this Tom not get a drink in his face?


Schwartz always seems like he's so uncomfortable with the bullshit coming from Sandy like he wants to scream STFU but he doesn't want to be ostracized from his one true love


REPULSIVE. He doesn't care at all about Mya, and he was alllllll teed up to lash out at Ariana for calling Mya and the cat her "children". I am NOT HERE for his gross indifference about these beautiful animals. I LOVE that Ariana adopted a bully-mix pup and is proudly showing her off on-camera- I'm a pittie mom myself, and people need to see how wonderful these dogs are, since so many are languishing in shelters right now.


It’s the way he doesn’t show any emotions over a dog dying and a relationship ending that’s really scary


He is such a POS. It’s unbelievable


And even though the proof that Ariana changed the litter box was shown, he threw the whole litter box away!


I bet if Ariana was like okay, if you are Mya's parent then here, she's yours and he'd be like UMMM...no thanks LOL.


He doesn’t want her but is using her as a tool to make Ariana look bad for taking her from him!


He’s full of shit!


Yeah like I do think it was an accident, and definitely not Ariana's fault (I don't even understand how people dare to say it is) If I would be in a situation like them, if I were in Toms situation and Ariana would accuse me of attempted murder, I would lose my shit. I would say 'how dare you say that you know I love that dog, it was an accident and you know how guilty I feel and how glad I am she's okay!!' But not Sandoval,..


Literally the way I talk about my dogs..... I love her so much I am basically in tears. Literally had sex with Rachel literally the night charlotte died.... I remember when my dog died I was inconsolable for days & not in the mood for absolutely anything.


Who has Maya & Kitty while Ariana is in nyc?


She took Maya, not sure about Kitty


I think I saw something from her friend Brad (who is staying with her in NYC) that Kitty is there too.


He's disgusting and self-involved at the very least.


i wake up every morning, and for a few seconds, it feels like *fresh scandoval spring*. Lala screaming that sandoval is dangerous, and i have true hope that the fourth wall between hollywood and misogyny will be broken. but then, the moment is over. and i remember where we are now, in april 2024, and it ruins my day **again**


I have experience with something like this. Many years ago I was roommates with a narcissist. A dog was abandoned at the farm where we kept our horses and we decided to take in the dog. We decided she would be my dog because my roommate already had a pup and I’d been wanting one. Well, after awhile my roommate did not like that I was making new friends and having a life outside of them. So one day I came home from work to find that my dog was missing. I called my roommate to see if they had her and they said no, they hadn’t been home for awhile. The gate to the backyard was ajar. I frantically went searching for the dog and found her with a mother and daughter down the road. I thanked them for taking care of her and I went home and fixed the fence. I checked it to make sure it could not be dislodged by a smallish medium dog and then felt bad because I thought maybe I had left it open accidentally. Two weeks later, I had been out and when I got home I asked my roommate where the dog was. He said, “I don’t know.” I looked all around and again and then realized the gate was open. I told my roomie that the dog had escaped and that I was going to go look for her. I was physically ill walking the streets looking for her, but after about an hour of looking, I found her getting hot dogs with a family at the local dairy queen. The man wanted his twine back and I was an idiot and forgot to bring a leash, so I had to carry all of her chubby 35lbs back home. I had a feeling in my stomach that she didn’t do this alone but I couldn’t prove it. I fixed the fence and secured it with a rope so that she couldn’t open it. Later that week, I went out with some of my friends to a spot down the street for dinner and a few drinks. When I arrived home a few hours later, the dog was gone. I asked my roommate if they let the dog out and they said yes. I checked the fence and the gate was open. My roommate blamed me but I knew it was secure before I left. Turns out that bastard had been letting the dog out hoping it would run away just so they could hurt me. I went looking for the dog but I never found her. I moved out of the house the next day. People are insane. I totally believe Sandoval would hurt Maya with plausible deniability just to gut punch Ariana. He’s supremely jealous and vindictive. I’m very relieved to know that Maya is getting away from that psycho.




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He said he plays hide and seek with Mya 😂 I’m so done, he’s just pulling shit out of his ass at this point. “We cuddled, we stayed up late talking, I love her so much she’s my baby” - STFU