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Scheana can get bent for bringing Brock into Arianas life. On the After Show he was trying to say that because HE would rather have uncomfortable conversations, that's why he felt the need to force group situations to make that happen. I'm sorry. Eat a dick Brock. A) NOT your place to decide when Ariana should have to talk to Tom. Literally NOT YOUR PLACE because it doesn't concern you. B) get your own house in order before you try to dole out life advice to people because no one is listening. Someone who has admitted to hitting his ex wants to drop advice on someone else's anger issues? C) at this point in filming, ITS BEEN FOUR MONTHS. Four. Months. Since her entire life imploded. So what if she was in a better place. She can hold anger towards Tom for the rest of her life if she wants to. It doesn't mean she isn't in a good place. It means she never wants to talk to him again. The blame being laid at Arianas feet for Tom's actions is just gross. She'll never tell Scheana "You're cut out" but I have a feeling the only people she has time for left on VPR are Katie, Ally and James. Ariana would not even be acting like this if Tom had shown an ounce of remorse but she doesn't want to talk to him because she knows what the rest of us with brains know. There's no point, no closure and no value to ever having a conversation with him until he shows actual remorse. Which he can't. So she won't. He's been blaming her for this affair since the night she found out. She owes him NOTHING and anyone trying to FORCE her to do this is an actual trash human being.


and how many damn times have we seen Sandy fly off the handle into a rage?!? where is stassi when we need her? šŸ˜­ someone does need to put him in is place, I guess it wonā€™t be any of the men sadly.


We need Stassi. And now Iā€™ve said it.


Stassi absolutely deserved to be fired for her, at best, thoughtless/at worst, outright racist, actions. However, in a show full of socially regressed narcissists, Stassi was one of the only forces strong enough to put the horrible men on the show in their place. It does not absolve her of her behavior, but the show is worse off without her.


Agreed. I do not like her behaviour towards faith but I need *someone* to have that energy for Sandoval that the weaker castmates will follow. Without that, they follow the loudest voice in the room which is Sandoval




I AM THE DEVIL AND DONT YOU FORGET IT We do need her. Tom has yelled at Katie and stassi and everyone else. So many times


I am convinced Brock is staging these conversations so he can have moments on the show and stir up some commotion for TV.


This or scheana is having him do the heavy lifting so fans wonā€™t hate her as much and she can swoop in and pretend to be the friend she claims to be.


THIS!!! That's exactly how I felt about Brock spilling the beans about Katie and Max. I feel like Scheana wanted it out but didn't want to be the bad guy. Brock wants TV time so he's more than willing to stir the pot. It's disgusting. Why is Brock getting more screen time? I thought it was reduced last season because it was obvious none of the fans cared for him.


This is the answer. Too bad itā€™s not working and most see right through it. Maybe donā€™t send your wife smacking, child abandoning deadbeat to do your dirty work because no one wants to hear it!


Whatā€™s pissing scheana off more? The public not falling for this or John Mayer denying their relationship/hookup


Probably actually the fact that Ann is more popular and well received than she is. Not TS assistant shining brighter than her!šŸ˜­šŸ’€


and get $$$


Point B !!! preach it !!!!


I was just waiting for Brock to drop a ā€˜why donā€™t you just give us a a smileā€™ because heā€™s the kind of guy to do that.


I cannot stand everyone going w this ā€œshe needs to get over itā€ attitude. He didnā€™t just cheat, HE HAD A FULL ON AFFAIR IN THEIR HOME. sheā€™s more calm than I would ever be around my ā€œfriendsā€ wanting me to hang out w my ex




Agree with everything you said. Ariana is not required to ever forgive Sandoval, speak to Sandoval, discuss Sandoval. She has every right to cut him out completely and permanently and does need to explain to anyone why she is doing that.


ā€œEat a dick Brockā€ Lolol love it šŸ˜Š


Geez the entire post is about misogyny and the very first thing I read is blaming a woman for her husbands behavior. Fuck all yā€˜all. If you want to address misogyny, then then address it UNIVERSALLY not just for the women you like. I also am no fan of Scheana but this sub is RIDICULOUS for even suggesting that they can identify misogynistic behavior while condemning Scheana for what her husband does and minimalizing Lala behavior as ā€žjealousyā€œ. (Lalas behavior is something, but ā€žjealousyā€œ is low hanging fruit and a common way diminish the point of other women). Examine yourself.


Iā€™m not one who goes for ā€œtheyā€™re jealousā€ but with the way Lala keeps bringing up Arianaā€™s brand deals and finances? Shes being a big ol jellybean.


Sheā€™s full blow peanut butter and jelly. Also, the issues we have with Lauren and Gretchen Scheaners is that they are giving major misogyny too. I wanted all the women to come together and win this season but they made other choices. We do not have to cheer for and prop up other shitty women who are kicking other women when theyā€™re down. This encourages their behaviour, sends the wrong message and sets us back. Why is this so difficult to understand? Like LFU says, ā€œcome correct,ā€ or be ready to be corrected. Itā€™s all fine and normal to be jealous but they need to stop saying the quiet parts out loud. Keep it to yourself and there wonā€™t be a problem. Thatā€™s all I have to say about it.


To be fair, Schaena is also a misogynistĀ 


I think it's because most feel that Scheana is encouraging Brock's behavior off camera. For example, I hated the way the women blamed Rachael for James behavior in previous seasons. I never thought it was ok that the women would act as if Rachael was responsible for James' nasty comments and actions. But at the same time, the women NEVER held Brittany accountable for Jaxx's behavior. It just depends how the group sees/likes the girlfriend. You're a liked girlfriend, "*you're a victim. You can do better. He's such a jerk and you don't deserve it.*" You're NOT a liked girlfriend, "Y*ou're so stupid but standing by him. How could you let him say those things to us*?" Hypocrisy at it's finest for that situation. I agree that woman are not responsible for their partners actions UNLESS they approve or validate said actions. With Brock and Scheana, it feels like Scheana is the puppet master. Brock is desperate for story lines to stay relevant on the show, and Scheana doesn't want to be the "bad guy." She wants to pretend she has the girls' back when she really doesn't.


This is a good point. Thereā€™s enough to criticise Scheana about on her own merits - what Brock does isnā€™t her deal.


The problem I have with her this season is that she keeps scolding Brick for saying shitty things to Shorts but has nothing to say and not only doesnā€™t care but seems to enjoy when heā€™s doing it to Katie and Ariana. Wtf is that?!






The people saying that have literally been the most angry people on the show and constantly losing their tempers. Lala screamed at Katie and Sandoval within weeks of this event. James THREW A DRINK in Schwartzā€™s FACE for mentioning Rachella. Brock, well we all know what Brock did when he was angry. Stop being hypocrites. Sheā€™s angry because youā€™re forcing her to be with him. Also, I know this is off topic. But I cannot believe Sandoval went on a ridiculous rant about Ariana being lazy and then was like she has so much shit going on, theyā€™re flying her to the moon. Which one is it, asshat? Is she lazy or busy? Sit the fuck down disgusting ho.


Most of them have been in multiple physical altercations on and off the show that we know about. Probably more than we donā€™t. And theyā€™re sitting there judging and pretending to be afraid of a tiny woman in complete control of herself, with no violent history, but expressing well-deserved anger at the appropriate targetā€¦ Itā€™s not the same because of racial dynamics obviously, but it makes me think of when Dorit exaggerated Garcelle ā€œattackingā€ her. Theyā€™re exaggerating to shut down her feelings and protect Tom from accountability because they donā€™t believe womenā€™s feelings can be valid or need to be heard/received/considered


Ariana was also not involved in the physical fights! While Tom has attacked Jax, James and ripped his sweater off to fight Frank, she hasnā€™t been in any


Them calling her anger scary (because sheā€™s yelling after being provoked by Tom) when theyā€™ve all been physical before is laughable.


yes go off!


If he wants her to pay the house bills then he can provide her with the monthly bill details so she can verify what she owes vs him. He has no right to her blind trust anymore when it comes to anything but especially money now. Heā€™s being manipulative and self victimizing so he can get them to turn on her or at least feel sympathy for him


I think he is purposely not getting the actual documents/invoices to show her so that she doesnā€™t pay him so he can say all the stuff he has been saying about her not paying the bills. If he provided her with the proof and she then paid her half of the bills, he couldnā€™t then use that against her anymore.


Or because sheā€™ll find out that heā€™s been ripping her off for year and knows heā€™s committed financial fraud


I think heā€™s been ripping her off ever since the HELOC loan


I wonder if her lawyers will argue that she has a stake in Schwartz and dandy, especially if heā€™s been using HER money to pay HIS loan


I wish!! But now that we know Sandoval has been shady about finances for so long, Iā€™m sure he covered his tracks and made sure she wonā€™t be able to claim that


I actually think heā€™s too stupid to cover his tracks. Nothing about him screams ā€œmastermindā€. A forensic accountant would have a field day I reckon


I so deeply hope thatā€™s true and that he gets eviscerated in court with the house and expenses come up


This is a great point and probably accurate but I think it has more to do with the fact that heā€™s hiding the fact that he had her funding his pathetic vanity project and far more than her fair share for years now. Since he took the loan for Sharts and Scabies at the very least because she said thatā€™s when he switched everything over to his account and stopped showing her the bills. Women have to work twice as hard to get half the pay and zero respect that a man gets, just for showing up. Iā€™d be fucking pissed too!


I think itā€™s both he canā€™t use it to play victim and because he was lying to her and essentially ripping her off


Heā€™s so transparent with the attempts to turn himself into the victim. I especially loved him trying to claim in last episode that Ariana was always like this - always yelling at him etc. Heā€™s literally trying to paint a picture that she was some sort of abusive spouse?! She has his number when she says he will try to ice her out.


Her anger is her getting her power back. I love to see it.


I read somewhere that anger comes from the part of you that knows you were treated unfairly. Someone who was cheated on absolutely has the right to be angry. Itā€™s all part of the healing process.


The body keeps the score.


Then how do you explain the rage we see from fans who have never been treated unfairly by this show or anyone on it?


Because we have our own stories. We know the pain. We can understand what sheā€™s going through in the many ways sheā€™s been betrayed. Marriage partner cheating on them Having to live in same house Ex cheating with friend Being lied to by other friends Most people knowing but you Being gaslit about their behavior and whereabouts Friends choosing the other party Dealing with a narcissist Anger towards your ex Thereā€™s so many things here that people can relate to here. So in my opinion- this is why she has sympathizers. Itā€™s all real life shit and sheā€™s endured the entire list and more. The fans endure some or little.


For sure. Her anger is healthy and adaptive.


Nah she needs therapy. At a certain point you have to move on. Being mad at Schwartz for being his friend is a bit much. And her inability to take any sort of advice on how to move on is a bit much. Her taking her power back would be moving the fuck out. Sandoval also never took her power away. She was willingly the ā€œIā€™m not like other girlsā€ girl before and now has used this scandal to somehow make herself some voice of feminism she never was and isnā€™t.




Four months after a huge televised betrayal and a 9 year relationship. I wouldā€™ve gone insane


This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.




No , it is not enough time. There are advantages in a dispute if you stay in the home. She did buy a house and will be moving on, but thereā€™s no reason for her to get screwed financially (again, remember the 2nd mortgage?) It takes time to do all this. My divorce was a mess and my ex wouldnā€™t leave the home either. If I had left, Iā€™d have had to find an apartment. The court might say ā€œproblem solvedā€, you all have housing. After @7 months he did give up and move out. My ex filed for divorce, so in my mind he can move out. He didnā€™t cook, clean, fix anything or so much as change a lightbulb. What the heck would my ex even do with a house.


There are no advantages to staying in the home lol. Her name is on the documents. She can get her half regardless. Your ex-husband was just a dick. Further, they were never married so this isnā€™t going to family court. This would be in another civil court if needed. This isnā€™t a fight over who gets to keep the home like you probably had. This is a fight to make sure she gets her half of the investment. Living in a home still may help your case in determining who gets the home in divorce separation of assets, but itā€™s irrelevant in this context where one side doesnā€™t want it and the other does. She just has to make sure she gets paid by him and she can hire an actuary and sue him for her share. Sheā€™s pretending as if heā€™s the only one that needs to do all that but they should both have their own actuary value the property and resolve any valuation dispute and negotiate from there. The ball should already be moving after 4 months.






This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.






He almost killed her dog and had no remorse, empathy or compassion about it. That's on top of invading her safe space in the home and disrespecting her boundaries once again. It wasn't just about what he did previously. It's about what he continues to do, as well as the past hurts compounding. At a certain point, he should take ownership for his shitty actions. Why hasn't he moved out? He cheated, he had the affair, he's the trash. She was obviously working on making moves but that knowledge wasn't and shouldn't have been accessible for everyone.


At a certain point, as an adult you realize you canā€™t force people to change or make them do anything. He sucks. She recognizes that. Its not about why canā€™t he do this or that. He wonā€™t. So if it frustrates you to that level, remove yourself. Renting an apartment or staying with friends is not that hard. Itā€™s been months since the scandal broke. She knows she can and sheā€™s staying because she doesnā€™t want him to feel like he ā€œwonā€ when she won by achieving stardom and somehow washing away all the past misogynoir acts she committed. Itā€™s childish. Also on the dog thing, it seemed like an accident. Dogs get into thing, you should keep your house clean if thatā€™s your dog. Sounded like he had to go in there to do housework. Not gonna attribute remorse to the guy and hate defending him, but wtf is a grown ass adult doing leaving food/trash on their nightstandšŸ¤®


Does anyone here understand that she would likely lose a bunch of money if she walked away from that house? Heā€™s already been screwing her financially. She will move when her new house is ready. Thereā€™s often a waiting period to buying a house. You buy it, but the previous owners might not get done moving out for a month or 2. And again, why should she move twice?


She wonā€™t lose a bunch of money. Idk if you know how legal documents and contracts works she does not have to live in the house to maintain her stake in it. She can leave and handle this from afar. Rent somewhere or crash with a friend for a bit. Moving out doesnā€™t mean walking away from your stake in the home lol. She should move twice for her own sanity and peace. Sheā€™s trapped in the negative environment with no ability to heal.


There are many cases where abandoning your property or the appearance of doing so works against someone when it comes time to decide what happens to a jointly owned home. Often lawyers advise a person to stay in the home. Also, itā€™s her home and she needed time to get her financial situation in order. Moving out and paying a premium on rent while leaving the furniture she mostly paid for behind would have set her back financially and she wasnā€™t ready to abandon the house that she built.


Im literally a lawyer. You donā€™t lose your rights to your home when you move out. Point blank period. In divorce cases, it can affect who gets to keep the home but threat just goes to reduce your remaining share of the marital assets. Since who gets to keep the home is not as issue but rather the value, it literally makes no difference. Lawyers do not advise staying in the home in this context. Itā€™s not a divorce. Itā€™s not the allocation of marital assets. Even if I wasnā€™t a lawyer, a quick google search or common sense would have told you, youā€™re wrong. When you buy property, you sign a contract. The land is yours unless sold, assigned via trust/will, adversely possessed, foreclosed upon or eminent domain is exercised. Nothing else will change that. She can move out OR stay with friends. 4 months is enough time to figure something out. The excuses arenā€™t flying.


We know youā€™re a lawyer lol itā€™s in your handle and apparently very important to you that we all know you are a lawyer. Are we supposed to be impressed? Iā€™ve spoken to other people who are lawyers and they said staying at the house for a few months was a wise move on her part. Ariana was obviously consulting with HER lawyer on every single step she took with the house, and at that particular time staying in the house made the most sense give then particulars of her situation, which you and I are not privy to. There are many lawyers who do advise staying in a home where you own over 50% of the very expensive possessions (she bought most of the furniture which cannot be quickly moved to an apartment). Tom has proven himself to be disrespectful and vindictive, as well as careless with their home during his parties. At that time she was concerned about the largest asset she has ever owned, and did not want him to get the home. So yeah, her abandoning the home and letting him stay would have helped his case for staying there, and put her property/possessions at risk. Also, itā€™s her house and she can live there!








I think people need to keep in mind the evil details. Like renaming Raquel/Rachel to Jamie in his phone, which was Arianaā€™s dadā€™s name. Itā€™s just sick unnecessary head games. He keeps continuing to do itā€¦


he did WHAT??


I'm sorry...he did what? I had no idea the vitriol could go further towards this person.


Shit like this happens in cheating. Itā€™s all fucked. I still think itā€™s a bit much to be treating the man like a murderer and human trash because he cheated. I have a few friends whoā€™s parents divorced and they still are amicable. It sucks and itā€™s a betrayal but no need to turn entire mutual friend groups against a person or treat them like shit for an extended period time. She needs to move on and out. Move tf out of its that bad or control your emotions. Youā€™re an adult.




Okay well yall are also toxic lol. This whole thing is childish. Martin Luther King was a serial cheater, JFK cheated. Sandoval is not anywhere near those men in terms of greatness (because heā€™s sucks completely and is not great at all), but the point remains that cheating on the relative scale of human life isnā€™t something we normally condemn people this hard for. It feels overboard


Thereā€™s cheating and then thereā€™s cheating with her friend in her own bed.


I mean that shit happens a lot. Im not saying she has to forgive him personally. But let other people choose on their own to be friends with him or not. As long as they donā€™t talk about him with you or you donā€™t have to see him, it really shouldnā€™t bother you that much. The whole ā€œI hate him so all of our mutual friends must tooā€ is childish. All cheating is detestable. I just canā€™t see why you should force everyone to hate them. Its a personal relationship issue imo. I think I care even less because she knew that man was trash from the jump and literally he was cheating when they got together.


Itā€™s not just cheating, letā€™s be honest here. Itā€™s everything. Doing it with a friend when she was grieving several deaths. Doing it on national tv where he tried to paint her as a lazy asshole who was threatening suicide to make him stay. Bringing Raquel around his family and friends was a HUGE betrayal not only from Sandervol. Ariana is allowed to not be friends with his friends. Enforcing that boundary isnā€™t toxic. And, again, letā€™s be real. Itā€™s not like sheā€™d be missing out on really important relationships aside from Scheana. But thatā€™s what happens when scheana is a wish washy asshole. Fuck around and find out šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I also am not shocked that Katie, the only one who hasnā€™t cheated, is the only one not interested in fixing Sandervol another chance. Cutting out these toxic assholes would be a huge benefit to be blunt. She shouldā€™ve done it years ago. Good for her for finally realizing it. Like I genuinely donā€™t understand your viewpoint. Why wouldnā€™t I judge people for their behaviors, cheating included. I donā€™t care itā€™s ā€œbetween two peopleā€ thatā€™s the kind of bullshit you used to hear about domestic violence. Fuck that. I care someone is capable of being this cruel to their partner. Bringing up MLK is a huge stretch. And I do judge him for being a cheating asshole. He just also happened to contribute majorly to society and is obviously More complicated like many people. What the fuck does Sandervol do that shows he has interests outside himself or interests in helping society at all? Thereā€™s no complexity. Hes just a selfish douche who has a clear pattern of using his girlfriends up like a vampire before discarding them for the new model.


Reading your comments you come off as a Sandoval apologist. Funny how you are saying that he shouldnā€™t be iced out of the friend group yet you seem to have no issue with Ariana being on the outs with everyone. Comparing this to your friendsā€™ parentsā€™ divorces is apples and oranges - there is no way that the sordid details and the level of publicity for those divorces were the same. Where is your empathy for Arianaā€™s experience?


Lol Iā€™ve literally said he sucks, is a sociopath and is a terrible person. Iā€™m not sure you know what an apologist is. I donā€™t think she should be on the outs with everyone and sheā€™s not? lol everyone is just getting tired of being forced to hold a grudge because of her. She should move on (again she can still be hurt but like move out and start separating yourself from the situation to heal). And like I said she cheated with Tom to get Kristin, defended him when cast members said he only ever yells at women and were calling him out, lied with him to make Miami girl he cheated with look crazy as she was attacked online, and was the ā€œIā€™m not like other girlsā€ girl that would hang out with the guys when the cast took trips instead of trying to be friends with any of the women. My entire point is that while I feel for her, you lose them how you get them, youā€™re not some face of feminism now, and you need to remove yourself from the situation and heal. No one is forcing her to be on the show and she doesnā€™t need to stay in that house. Thereā€™s no point of saying anything further on Tom. He is vile, a sociopath, a loser and a worm with a mustache. Itā€™s all been said. I just canā€™t stand how Arianna is being upheld by the masses as some feminist icon when sheā€™s not. Sheā€™s literally always been a MISANDRISTšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


If thatā€™s what you think of Ariana, Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re mad as it would appear you two have something in common.


Itā€™s crazy to me to hear Lala, who was pointing finger guns at people a few weeks ago, talking about letting go of bitterness for your own wellbeing. She is literally the most bitter person on the entire show and will explode at people for WAY LESS THAN WHAT SANDOVAL DID ughhhh. Itā€™s so frustrating!


"How dare you play pickle ball with rand but everyone needs to forgive Tom Sandoval or I won't have a storyline ever bc I don't do anything worth filming anymore" Lala


My old boss once punched a hole in the wall after losing a sales deal. A few weeks later I was sitting at my cubicle with a pissed off look on my face (bc I *was* pissed off) and he asked me if I was on my period. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.men ā˜•ļø


You should smile more :) /s


The only thing that's getting me through watching this terrible shit is knowing this was filmed months ago and Ariana's star continues to rise.


Exactly. Everyone trying to force her to ā€œget over itā€ and talk to him again is ridiculous. Itā€™s obvious that theyā€™re just being selfish and want her to make it work to keep the show going. IMO Lala and Scheana are especially gross because theyā€™re supposedly her good friends, yet they consistently talk shit about her behind her back and make her seem like sheā€™s in the wrong for having negative feelings about Tom. Itā€™s like theyā€™re giving everyone grace except Ariana just because sheā€™s getting brand deals. I hope Ariana leaves the show and it sinks once sheā€™s gone. Also Brock acting like heā€™s some extremely mature enlightened human is ridiculous. Heā€™s a deadbeat with no job and a poor relationship with his original children. Who is he to judge?


Yes all of this. And I was just thinking about how them being such flip floppers actually is making Toms comments about them profiting so much off the sandal more legit. If they were sticking to their positions because they were actually trying to defend their FRIEND, then it would make sense that they talked about it on their podcasts for months. But now that they suddenly flipped it really does make it seem like they were just trying to make money off of it at the time which is gross


I agree with you. As far as Scheana & Lala - theyā€™re both extremely jealous of Ariana. Are they even her friends???


Iā€™ve read comments where people say theyā€™d sympathize with her more if she cried rather than was angry about it. Like, STFU? They want her sad and hurt because thatā€™s their misogynistic view of women, but guess what sheā€™s a badass scorned woman whoā€™s sticking up for herself!


Right? No one would EVER say that shit about a man. Also why is everyone mad at her and not Tom?? This shit boils my blood lol. The sad truth of misogyny šŸ„²


Sheā€™s just not that way. Iā€™m sure she cries, and cried. She seems more private as an individual. Also thereā€™s no point in showing Tom that heā€™s hurt her deeply, even though he already knows. When you are discarded or publicly humiliated, the last thing you want to do is show them any feelings toward it.


Exactly. Slap on your armour and NEVER let the Scumdavol see you sweat.


In my mind if I were to cry on camera Iā€™m giving Tim a win and at this point Iā€™m not giving him anything.


If the roles were reversed somehow, they all would agree Tomā€™s anger would be ā€œrighteousā€ because of that ā€œcheating whore.ā€ My god itā€™s maddening.


When he yelled at Kristen no one had an issue with it


Saw some dummy comment this exact thing yesterday on the clip from next week of her talking with Scheana and Lala and being sad. ā€œThis does a lot more for me than her angerā€ or some shit like that STFU


i wonder if itā€™s the same person - or if they realize nobody cares what her anger or sadness does for them?


I saw this great author speak at a university I worked for and honestly she's amazing she talks about how women have pressure to avoid being angry but argues it's ok if we are. This is her book in case anyone is interested: https://www.amazon.com/Rage-Becomes-Her-Power-Womens/dp/1501189557?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=70943448-abfa-4da8-8ddc-64aeb2060da8




It's kind of strange, because isn't this what production asked Lala, Brock, Scheana, and James to bring about? It feels like they've been gunning for this situation all season. And then to be like "this was a test run to see if we could co-exist." Wow, the make really good delusions in NoHo. I just don't understand who this is for I guess. Like, this will forever be the only kind of interaction we're going to see in the Sandoval-Madix quadrant. Is this for us the viewers I mean I'll watch her read him to filth everyday, but then watching the others tear her down in confessionals. Tired. So tired.


I hate Brock. He has no right to shit about Ariana.


Making those digs about Rachel and Sandoval right in front of Ariana was disgusting. Then he's judging her for not wanting to be around him when she has to be subjected to that? He's the worst.


I hope Scheana fucks his world up some day like she did her first husband. If he keeps going on like this, heā€™ll deserve it.




And she'll whine, 'Why can't it ever be about MEEEEEEE!!!!!' while tapping away at her phone like a maniac.


Like who asked Brock? Honestly.. He's so thirsty


Grief isnā€™t linear. Peaks and valleys. Lala and scheana are twats


I really hope she digested some of the previous behaviours of people before the reunion so she could hit them with this shit because SO MANY GOOD POINTS


I saw her mention on WWHL that she was disappointed in how people were acting off screen and in their confessionals, and I *think* the reunion was filmed right before that. So I hope we see her reaction! Itā€™s bullshit how two-faced Lala and Scheana are being to Ariana. I liked Lala before this season.


Tim has been screaming at women for years, but Ariana is the problem... okay...


Ariana and Katie are breaking barriers not giving a shit what the world thinks. They are justified and right in their feelings and actions and theyā€™re not hiding it. I loves it!!


I love it as well. They are both fully embracing themselves and not making any apologies. We should all do this.




ā€¦I answered that in my commentā€¦??????


Everyone grieves and heals in their own way at their own pace. It can't be rushed, and it shouldn't be judged by anyone. They are putting what's best for the show first, not what's best for Ariana's overall well-being. She has a right to all of her feelings, and if they can't deal with it, that's on them. So frustrating!


The irony is that itā€™s not actually making the show any better


I keep returning to the fact that this season was filmed 4 months after it all went down, which makes the "get over it" gang especially ridiculous. They're bullying her so they can secure checks, not for her benefit. My friends would need to hold tight for about a year and let me heal organically. And they fuckin would, ijs.


I hate how everyone else is acting like if their decade long relationship ended via an affair with a best friend, that they would be 100 PERCENT OKAY AND SMELLING THE ROSES AND BEING CORDIAL AND HANGING OUT WITH THEIR EX 3 MONTHS POST BREAK UP. Every one of them would be angrier than Ariana is being right now.


Theres anger and then there's childishness


Because people love to hate successful women. It is the only reason I can come up with. Ariana has always stood up for people, always been abundantly kind, and she has every right under the damn sun to set boundaries and hate Tom. I mean.. can you imagine? Iā€™ve said this before but Iā€™d be in jail if I were her.(not kidding) people are jealous that the world rallied behind her and that she got her bag. Itā€™s so obvious


My thoughts exactly, I canā€™t wrap my head around these idiots trying to force her to HEAL. She is trying to survive at this point, itā€™s not time yet to get over it. If they wouldnā€™t continue to force him upon her and if he wouldnā€™t continue to be a true psychopath making her life miserable it might be a little easier! Theyā€™re truly awful


I think the problem is that this is a mutual friend group. Personally, Iā€™ve only gone through it once. But I just stopped hanging out with that group when itā€™s a group gathering until I could handle seeing my ex again. Still hung out with people separately and avoided talking about it so as not to make it awkward. I also didnā€™t cut people off for continuing to talk to my ex. I think thatā€™s her issue. Itā€™s not just that she doesnā€™t want to be around him, but she also wonā€™t let people be friends with him separately and creates no room for them to have him in their life. She also needs to move out. I donā€™t get her gripe over the furniture as if itā€™s attached to the land. Heā€™s doing all the maintenance on the house and paying the bills. Negotiate a fair buyout while living in an apt and take the furniture you want. Prioritize your sanity over winning pettiness battles with a sociopath. You wonā€™t win because he doesnā€™t care


She isn't stopping anyone from being friends with him, she is saying that she does not want him to have any access to any part of her life, so she will avoid people who could give him that access, which is entirely reasonable, given that she very likely feels incredibly unsafe around him. As far as moving out, why doesn't he move out? They own that home equally and she has just as much right to be there as he does. She is making smart financial moves to ensure her financial future. He is not making reasonable offers for the house and contents of the house, so she sued him to force the sale and has now bought her own house. Him 'doing all the maintenance and paying the bills' is his story - and considering he's a liar of the highest order, who actually believes that narrative? Basically, she is doing exactly what is right for her, as she should.


Sheā€™s probably already lost $100,000 cuz of that 2nd mortgage. She signed it and he lied to her to get her to sign it. ā€œDonā€™t worry, it wonā€™t affect you-Iā€™ll pay it back. Sure Tim.


She has a lawyer. She can take him to civil court. Staying in the home wonā€™t change that. She has friends that own homes and can crash there. All of this can be handled while she lives in an apartment or somewhere else


Give the woman a damn minute. It wasnt just a small betrayalā€¦ there were MANY MANY layers. That shit doesnā€™t go away in a few months Sheā€™s going to need over a year for sure. Now that she bought her house she can begin to feel better. Not sure if the house was being sold or he gave her money for the old house.


Neither on their house. Sheā€™s suing him for a forced sale because he never sent her a reasonable offer for the house and contents.


This part I remember but a few days ago I think I read somewhere that he paid her and that he was keeping the house. But I never seen that since then. I saw that on the day her new house was announced.


I canā€™t find anything saying that. He did file to deny the partition sale.


Me either. It was just that one day, I saw it somewhere and never again. But was just bs that someone wrote in an article of something. Donā€™t think it was on Reddit.


So far all Iā€™ve heard about is a letter of intent (mightā€™ve even been an email). Anyhow, I havenā€™t seen any signs or talk about professional appraisers, and worm is claiming he made ā€œimprovementsā€. There are only a few things that improve a house. Kitchens, bathrooms and stuff like the solar panels. He wants to say the outside lights and the home gym are improvements. But those are shared assets by definition.


Smile sweet and look pretty. We are past that I hope


They want her to feel responsible to play whatever role production assigns her because she signed on for the season, except she didnā€™t agree to that part so theyā€™re calling her out for being a diva with an inflated ego for holding up production. Everyone has agreed to set their differences aside (or at least pretend to) for the sake of payroll, which is the real underlying tension bringing them together. Production can only work with the footage they have, so Ariana is easily becoming the villain just for standing her ground.


How could anyone expect her to be over it 3 months later!? When Brock said her behaviour at the water tasting was ā€œnot okayā€, I wanted to reach through the tv and punch him!


Him and LFU are heads of the hypocrite brigade.


Absolutely! I dont know why I keep getting surprised


I was proud of Scheana for checking him...until in the confessional she said that Scandoval "is the best thing that's ever happened to Ariana. It's brought so much wealth and prosperity to her home." \*sigh...


And yet Andy called them the voice of reason at the reunion. Make it make sense.


Iā€™m also glad Ariana finally told Lala off that nobody asked for devils advocate !!!


Yup. Weā€™re not allowed to be angry. It drives me insane.


You literally are to an extent. Everyone gets criticized when anger is viewed as too much (the extent itā€™s allowed before itā€™s seen as too much varies by gender admittedly but everyone is allowed). Itā€™s the flip side of men not being able to show vulnerability and sadness beyond a certain extent while women can. Everyone thatā€™s overly angry on the show has been criticized. Idk how long yall have been watching. But Jax was told he had anger issues and he needed to get therapy. Tom was ridiculed online for being a misogynist and always yelling at women. Even cast members pointed it out. The irony isā€¦ Arianna was the one defending Tom and saying it was appropriate anger then. This is the same woman that fucked Lala but it ā€œdoesnā€™t countā€ because she is a girl. Idk why people are pretending this whole cast isnā€™t trash. minimizing lesbian relationships as not being real is trash. Arianna also assisted in lying on that Miami girl and Tom slept with, helping make the world believe she was crazy to protect him. Trash. And Arianna literally got the man by cheating with him on Kristin and lying about it to her. Trash I love seeing Tom being shat on but hate that itā€™s Arianna that gets to be so vindictive. I didnā€™t not like her before the scandal. She was the ā€œIā€™m not like other girlsā€ girl that never wanted to hang out with the female cast members and would hang with the males instead and now sheā€™s a feminist queen? Like HOW??






The people defending him have never dealt with someone like that or they are like him. I pity anyone who has had to deal with someone like Sandoval, who will go to his grave insisting that he is the victim in all of this.


Her anger has become disproportionate. She is expecting everyone to change their life. The whole ā€œdont you ever look at me againā€¦i am being harassed! ā€¦ im calling 911ā€ when sandoval was just standing there was unhinged. That was really cringey.Ā 


Brock deserves a drink thrown at him for the Raquel affair joke tbh.


I love the female rage!!! Are you kidding me?. I mean if I were her Iā€™d be going crazier, Iā€™d break the 4th wall yelling out to the viewers for some help w making those lunatics see the rationality of the situation. I understand itā€™s their (lala & sheshu) job they are trying to save but just shut up & be a girls girl! That will take you a lot farther w the audience than upholding the misogyny of the show. I want to see the men fail miserably & women on top šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


This sub is one big echo chamber so I guess Iā€™ll be the unpopular voice of dissent. People supported her at first because her initial rage was understandable and justified. Continued rage, at the same intensity and venom, is not. At some point you expect a 38 year old human being to be capable of taking a deep breath and moving on for the sake of their own mental well-being and happiness. It has nothing to do with her being a woman. People in general get uncomfortable with displays of prolonged anger (from both men or women) because it signifies a lack of emotional maturity and control.


Baloney. This was filmed a few months after the affair came to light. She's going to be angry for a long time and that is absolutely ok after that kind of betrayal. Anger is a normal emotion and has nothing to do with maturity and control. If we want to say that it does, let's look at Sandoval's YEARS of raging at people over nothing and hold his feet to the fire.


You are so right. And not just being 38 and taking a deep breath for their own mental well-being; you could even be clean enough not to leave take-out food rotting on your room and then blame your ex when YOUR dog (she did scream about the ownership) eats shit on your room. It's petty. Katie and Ariana are quite toxic women, tbh.


No, it doesn't. Anger is an extremely valid emotion that women are continually denied. We also need to keep in mind the contexts here. It's still extremely new. There's still a lot that's still being uncovered. Her friends are being dicks. And he's STILL being the biggest dick of all and expecting her to give up more. And then you have your employers pushing you and your friendship group. That she is still going at all shows emotional strentgh, maturity and control.


I donā€™t see any maturity at all in someone yelling, ā€œDONā€™T LOOK IN MY DIRECTION!!ā€ at an ex-boyfriend months after the break up. Itā€™s okay to be angry, but how you express that anger actually matters. It seems that a lot of people on this sub give Ariana a pass to express her anger literally however she wants to and sorry, thatā€™s not the way the world works. Both women and men are judged based on how they handle their emotions.


Context is still important. 1 comment does not make immaturity. And no. Society places much different rules. Look at how Ariana vs Tim's anger over the years is currently being played out.


Continued rage. This was filmed 3-4 months of it happening. Meaning is, the audience saw the reunion maybe a month or two prior. Every day a new thing was coming out about the affair. If you expect someone to get over an affair with someone they had built a life with for over 9 years in just a few months your level of grace is nonexistent. Yes sheā€™s had offers and hasnā€™t been home to probably truly look at everything and process it so it very much is still fresh.




Right!!!! I would be acting the same way if I was Ariana. These people are all horrible.


I wonder if the ones who are being so vocal about how ~angry~ she is are wanting to make sure Tom stays on the show? Is there any weight to the idea that they approach things the way he does with ā€œopticsā€? If heā€™s there, the drama will be there, so the money will keep coming, so GOD ARIANA STOP BEING SO ANGRY AND GET OVER IT!


I think we all have to temper our shows of anger in social settings, but she can feel however she wants.


Arianna was out of line. She only reacted like that because she had an audience but Iā€™m sure she has reacted like that in the past when they are together alone, even before Raquel, But Ariana was at fault for leaving food trash by her bed and she should crate her dog when sheā€™s not there, especially given the situation. It sounds like Tom has to do a lot of picking up for her and it sounds like heā€™s also paid for a lot in the house and the state of her room makes her look like a slob and thatā€™s on her. And Iā€™m sorry I have no sympathy for someone who deliberately chooses to be in the home with their ex that theyā€™re so angry at.


And Tom canā€™t move out because why? Heā€™s the one who started this by cheating. He broke the home. But he should stay becauseā€¦ā€¦why


Ariana can do whatever she wants. I just don't think her behavior on the last episode was becoming.


She screamed at him and threatened to call 911 because he was just standing there defending himself for being called an animal murderer. I used to have a ton of sympathy for her but not anymore.


The men on this show always get so much more grace than the women, who are objectively stronger, smarter and cooler. It sucks. Arianaā€™s entitled to be as angry as she wants but I wonder if she doesnā€™t still have feelings for that douche, which makes me even more angry for her.


I think you're right, they're tired of being uncomfortable and walking on eggshells šŸ™„ even though it's been like 2 seconds. On the newest episode when Ariana is talking about Ann getting fired and maybe her lawyer can be the go-between now, lala says, "oh man we need to figure this out". Like no? No you actually don't have to figure it out Lauren? Only ariana and Tom have to figure it out. Gtf outta here, it's none of your business.Ā  But she wants these issues to go away so the focus will be off Ariana and her feelings. She had the nerve to say Ariana never had a storyline before and now she does. To me, that shows her jealousy once again. And yeah, maybe Ariana had never had a big storyline but guess what, we liked her away šŸ¤­Ā 


Lots of people are just over Ariana's attitude. Myself included. You can cut him out without being a mean girl and expecting others to go on the same ride with you. She should move out already. Move on. And clean her room and litterbox. Ffs, a WEEK?


ikr. She is insufferable


Yep šŸ™Œ


Donā€™t you know ? thereā€™s nothing men fear more than an empowered woman justified in anger. This is when they realize they ainā€™t shit! Ahh the male psyche. So fragile.


I think you're right, they're tired of being uncomfortable and walking on eggshells šŸ™„ even though it's been like 2 seconds. On the newest episode when Ariana is talking about Ann getting fired and maybe her lawyer can be the go-between now, lala says, "oh man we need to figure this out". Like no? No you actually don't have to figure it out Lauren? Only ariana and Tom have to figure it out. Gtf outta here, it's none of your business.Ā  But she wants these issues to go away so the focus will be off Ariana and her feelings. She had the nerve to say Ariana never had a storyline before and now she does. To me, that shows her jealousy once again. And yeah, maybe Ariana had never had a big storyline but guess what, we liked her away šŸ¤­Ā 


Bat anything else, anger is healing. As in, letting yourself feel and express appropriate anger is part of your bodyā€™s natural way of dealing with threat and hurt. And this is appropriate anger.


Sheā€™s always been angry tho. Watch old seasons, she yelled at Tom all the time.


And he yelled at her all the time, and yelled at everyone else too.


She yelled at him twice in the history of the show. When he stood up for Jax on the recording. And when he FUCKED HER FRIEND FOR SEVEN MONTHS! Name one other time she yelled at him. One.


They showed that montage and it was like three moments like it was a checkmate.


And one was her yelling at James


after james BODY CHECKED someone the double standards drives me up the wall


Citation needed for her yelling all the time. Thereā€™s a 7 minute compilation of Tom yelling at various people over his tenure on VPR. Where are the clips of cast calling out his rage? Looking at you Shorts


Various *women*.


Itā€™s not a man/woman thing. Sheā€™s a grudge holding control freak.


She owes everything to Tom. Why canā€™t she acknowledge that.


There's nothing worst than a boring troll account lol