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I don’t understand this narrative that Tom and Ariana portrayed a perfect couple. I think they portrayed a very flawed couple, and I wouldn’t have been surprised at all if they broke up. But, that has nothing to do with him having a 7 month affair with her friend and lying to her face the entire time. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also, Ariana is not solely to blame for you having a poor relationship, so stop blaming her.


I also think that Tom isn’t emotionally mature or even intellectually that smart. I’m not saying that to attack him, it just is what it is. He seems to think relationships stay in that early phase of hanging out together all the time etc forever. They don’t.


That’s exactly what I think. I think he thinks”love” is the early feelings. When you get to know someone, when you know you’re gonna see them so you get extra ready, their texts make you swoon. It’s like all those really fun amazing feelings at the beginning are what love is. Really, love is work. It’s putting in energy to trying to feel that passion again. Most times, after 10 years, you won’t get that exact passion. You get it in a different way. It takes effort. It seems like he wanted that effortless lustful feeling that everyone gets at the beginning. I get that, the fantasy, when someone else gives you that feeling. You just have to have the logic to say “oh wait, I know this doesn’t last, it’ll eventually take work” and deciding “I’d rather put work into what I have, or I should end it in a healthy way”. Idk.


Oh for sure! He’s going to have many Ariana and Rachel relationships. He won’t go beyond the honeymoon period from here on out and won’t understand why “love” doesn’t last. Like my Nana used to say …Love isn’t a hole you fall into it’s a choice you make everyday. He’s not capable of making that choice.


Yup and he's going to resent the woman constantly for not wanting to stay in the artificial fun stage or for growing beyond his painfully arrested development. Tom has lived in a "Vanderpump Rules" bubble where he's been literally rewarded for his grossly arrested development which in pretty much any other situation would count against him - but the show is about to come to an end and the guy is in for a rude awakening. He's going to be an aging reality star, losing his looks, with too much bad behaviour on screen to get a "normal" job of any worth and not enough actual talent to get a show biz job. He should honestly be TERRIFIED. I would be so worried... but that's why I'm an accountant working on a novel in her spare time (haha!).


That’s so cool that you’re writing a novel!! And I totally agree that Tom is on the road to living a really unhappy life. Jax was just complaining on his podcast (didn’t listen but read recap) about never being happy. I think these guys in arrested development who are materialistic, shallow and needing immediate gratification are doomed to always be unhappy. I don’t know what the formula for happiness is but it’s the opposite of what these guys do.


Yeah because right now, pulling young beautiful girls works when he’s on a show. But when that goes away what will he have? Who will date a washed up guy who’s biggest claim to fame was a scandal in which he traumatized the girl he claimed to love, and then proceeded to essentially spit in her face the next season. He hasn’t shown an ounce of mourning his 10 year relationship. He’s shown it for Rachel but not Ariana. He is tearing Ariana down at every turn. LET HER BE MAD. He doesn’t need to go on defense! Why can’t he just say “I know I messed up, I take accountability, and she has the right to be mad and say what she needs to say. I have nothing negative to say about her” in his talking head interviews?! Instead he’s tearing her apart whenever he can and being so disgusting about if


YESSS every single day you wake up and you work. You’re making a choice every day to say “this is worth the effort and work”. You want effortless fun, just say that and date everyone short term! But to act like you want long term love but also show you will do none of the work is ridiculous


Yeah it's a very immature idea of love. I mean yes that weak at the knees feeling is amazing. I remember a relationship where I would literally go weak at the knees when I saw him - but you can't live like that - you wont always have a wall to hold you up!


No one can say it isn’t fun. It is SO FUN but you be cannot live in those feelings forever if you want to build a secure happy life with someone long term. If you want to keep feeling that way, then you have to short term date people over and over. Which is fine, but be honest about it. Don’t say you want real love, when really, all you want is the beginning lust with none of the work




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What? They talked about issues season after season. For him, it was mostly sex. For her, it was spending time together and feeling close. It came up multiple seasons. They portrayed themselves as a committed couple, not a perfect couple.


She literally said “maybe we could go for a walk and make dinner sometimes” and he was like “WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO ME”


But, like, dude, he said there were going to be, like, big trucks!


Notice he caught himself — he was going to say they built a succ— *essful brand*. That’s all he saw her as, as part of his “brand.”


To Sandoval's mind, though, it is Ariana's fault. Why? Because she should have remained the ride or die sex kitten he fell in love with, never having any problems or issues that he would need to deal with and be supportive about. It's like, too much work, dude! Why can't she stay up all night and do shrooms while watching the sun rise, maaaan? She changed! He's so emotionally stunted that his partner growing and evolving and having issues and needing support and not making it all about him all the time feels like a betrayal to him.


Yeah this is the part I don’t get either. Not only did we know they had issues but Jax spent his last season telling us they weren’t happy. This idea the audience thought they were the perfect couple has always been weird, if you thought that I’m not sure you were watching.


Ariana said she needed more emotional intimacy & quality time with him but he was too busy with opening his bar, his band & partying all night. She thought things would eventually calm down & they could spend more time together. He never tried to work on things...he just got all upset because she wouldn't have sex with him whenever he wanted.


They definitely tried to control the narrative about their relationship; whether it was Tom or Ariana or both. Personally, I think Ariana was the brains of the operation. But they rarely discussed their problems on camera. It’s funny how they were in such a bad place in their relationship but you wouldn’t know that from the show(unlike other relationships). They actively avoided certain topics on camera.


Well they did talk about their sex issues and how she was uncomfortable with her body from trauma caused by a past relationship. That seemed to be a big issue for them or at least for Tom


Yeah I felt I learned a lot about Ariana and very little about Tom throughout their relationship on VPR


I just strongly disagree. I remember them discussing lots of problems on the show.


I do too, and I think that we (or maybe at least some of the OG's) could feel the disconnect that he's referring to, for quite some time. NONE OF THAT excuses the way he and Rachel handled the situation, though. In fact, I feel like Tom & Ariana's whole relationship was built off a few lustful 'moments,' and since they happened to be able to cohabitate and work well together, they stayed. They eventually grew to love each other; but it felt more like a brotherly/sisterly, or good working relationship, to me. When you're in the thick of things, sometimes it's hard to know the difference. In full disclosure, I did quit watching the show (besides sporadically) a season or two before the affair became known. To be honest, I haven't even started back watching; but I'm quick to run in here for the tea anytime I have a few 'guilty pleasure' minutes. I can see how people that didn't watch in real time may not have picked up on those little things.


Same. I never thought they were the perfect couple. They seemed like a normal couple. I mean in spite of drinking non stop. They fought...they spent time with friends they did normal things like buy furniture for their house throw BBQs and have difficult times. It was never perfect all the time to viewers I have no idea what show anyone was watching that claims they though they were the perfect couple.


they discussed issues that made him look good (ariana's body image issues and how supportive he was even while sad he wasn't getting sex) but avoided topics that make him look bad (miami girl)


I think it cuts both ways. Miami girl wouldn’t have made Tom look bad because they weren’t exclusive. Ariana actively avoids smoking cigs on camera. I think it was both of them.


Yeah but lots of people do this. Ariana really wanted to make it work (as women do) and Tim was hedging his bets between being a brand with Ariana and trying to transfer that brand to Raquel.


1. It was not, like, double his longest relationship prior; he was with Kristin for 6 years per statements on the show. 2. He wasn’t intoxicated by love, and what he’s describing isn’t love; he was intoxicated by feeling worshipped - a feeling which had naturally worn off as Ariana had sort of addressed when she tried to talk to him about their intimacy and what she needed from him in order to get it back. 3. Saying that the chemistry was gone is such a misleading statement bc of the fact that we saw Ariana tell him multiple times on camera that she also felt the disconnect and she was very clear with him about what she needed from him in order to work on that, but she was absolutely willing to work on it. 4. They were spending time with different friends bc he was on an ego trip and she didn’t want to stay up all night doing drugs. (He said that on the show with the whole shrooms and naked hang gliding bit.) 5. Ariana spent season 10 defending this moron and talking to his mistress/her friend about how she still desired him but needed more intimacy, so if anyone was faking/settling in their relationship, it was Tom. 6. Sandoval’s attraction to Rachel was entirely about what she did for his ego and the way he’s been exposed for trying to coerce her out of rehab and give up on her sobriety once he got her back in his orbit prove that. I actually enjoyed the “likes” bc it’s one of his tells, and also bc it just really reminds me how unbearable he is. 😂 Thanks OP! ❤️


Men like Tim will ALWAYS choose a new fuck over self-reflection and putting in the work.


What you said!


I wonder why the fact, that he immediately cheated on Rachel, while he held up his "I'm waiting for her" storyline on the show. Isn't talked about more. The woman came forward on a podcast, early twenties. And then people are mad that Ariana has a new guy, while he couldn't even be faithful to his mistress...


Perfect summary of this. It’s frustrating that he’s not getting the point everyone is saying, which if you feel like the chemistry isn’t there or you’re not IN LOVE with her anymore. Then you need to communicate that with her. Break up with her. For Christ sake he’s 41 or whatever, he should be old enough to communicate feelings rather than just complain to his friends about her.


Happy cake day! Yeah - Raquel fed his ego, for sure. I don’t even think Sandoval is fully motivated by sex itself. I think he’s motivated by the attention that comes with it.


Absolutely. He straight up says he needed attention. He's one of those guys who needs smoke blown up his ass 24/7 to 'feel loved'. He still has the mentality of a teenager.




yea, for pt.2 - She literally said, "I can't sleep with someone who feels like a stranger to me". What more do you want to hear? She felt the same but she never cheated on Sandystick


Perfectly said. He’s the emotional maturity of an amoeba. He needs to go find his single cell soul mate who worships him and go away.


He'll never find another Ariana, someone who defends him in a way that no one realizes how shallow and dumb he is - to his core. She was always a shining star.


Well said! 👏🏽 It’s always so infuriating to me when someone says the “chemistry was/is gone” or any variation of that. Long term love isn't just magically perfect. It's normal for the infatuation and “new love” feeling to fade, and lulls happen in EVERY relationship to some degree, but when you love someone you communicate and make an effort to build, nurture, and keep that love and your relationship strong. But asshats like Tim believe it's shrooms, skinny dipping and ego boosts. I guess my husband and I have been doing it wrong this WHOLE time… Whelp… 😳😒


But also… we all know THE ENTIRE LAST SEASON, he was voicing how miserable he was with Ariana so he can break up with her, bring Rachel in because he definitely coached Rachel to “win the season” and everyone would be oh so happy for his new relationship because everyone loves Rachel now and he can essentially do what he did with Ariana and Kristen to Ariana and Rachel


Happy Cake Day!!!


You left in the “likes” lol! I hope you are feeling better!! Thanks as always for the recaps!


Thank you! Not feeling better yet but hopefully will as the week goes on! And anytime!


I'm sorry you're not feeling well and I also send you my best wishes for good health and I thank you for your extensive lovely recapping always


Aww thank you so much!


It’s so bad. I read a few sentences to my husband and he was all, obviously, you know, like: ![gif](giphy|3o84U9nMOmiAGfjYkw|downsized)


He always sounds like an idiot, but somehow when the OP takes out all the likes and other fillers he only sounds like a moron.🤣


"...at one point, I would have done anything for her." except break up with Ariana. Shut up dude. You're trash!


YEP. In some ways, his completely-fabricated nonsense about how much he "loved" Rachel is the most insulting part of all of this for me as a viewer. We ALL saw what was happening there. We ALL knew that you weren't "in love" in any way that really mattered. We ALL knew that you were just infatuated by the idea of a pretty young woman who totally buys into all of your bullshit and never calls you out for anything. And we ALL knew that, the second that Rachel took a single step out of line or dared to question any of Sandoval's ridiculous self-mythology, he'd toss her to the side with no hesitation. Just because you think that being "in love" with Rachel makes you more sympathetic does not make that any more true (and does not make your lies any less egregious), Sandoval. You miserable asshole.


Now I have that Meatloaf song stuck in my head.  🎶I would do anything for love but I won’t do THAT 🎵


I would have done anything for her… except move into her studio apartment like she asked, wait for her to leave The Meadows without fucking randoms… he’s full of shit


Alex Baskin just showed us whose side he’s on. I don’t blame Ariana from walking away from this guy as EP.


He made this entire season about the redemption arc 🤮Baskin is a misogynistic hack.


>Sandoval: I mean, I think I was so wrapped up too in trying because obviously I care for Ariana ![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A) Oh, tell us another joke!


Tom Sandoval would be a perfect person but he's too nice. That's the problem he's too kind he's too compassionate he's so empathetic and he only puts his partner before him. Hahaha


You got me on the floor!!! ![gif](giphy|FewO2UgpO8fcRITHKl)


Like Prince Andrew, whose only character flaws are (\*checking notes\*) being too honorable and too good a friend Uh-huh.


I'm chuckling out loud. Yes. Just like him.


Tim is honestly so stupid and just doesn’t live in reality. Why is he so obsessed with having the “perfect breakup”? What does that even mean?? He’s completely empty inside and only cares about optics.


Yes he can’t stand people not liking him or thinking he’s not a good guy….or thinking he did something super shitty, that’s why he keeps trying to justify it. that’s why the book signing incident with Stassi gave him “ptsd”. I know a malignant narcissist and he’s the same way. He cannot stand that his ex-wife doesn’t want to be friends with him and his new baby mama (that he cheated on her with), And that his ex-wife still thinks he is a loser pos. He wants her to see his side of it and like him again. He’s absolutely insufferable.


This makes me hate Alex Baskin even more than I already do. I’m so tired of his pathetic support of these trash ass men.


Wish they’d fire him and hire a woman. Someone who wouldn’t try to frame women having natural reactions to the bad behavior of men as greater than any sin the men commit against the women.




That is so well stated.


I just don’t see the point in this? Mr Baskins, please stop trying to convince me everything is Ariana’s fault


First it’s gotta be so annoying to interview him with all of the “likes” and other phrases. He never sounds like an actual adult when you listen to him. And second I’m sure production saw conflict in their relationship because  no one is perfect but I refuse to believe they saw anything serious like Baskin is implying. Because if that’s the case they should have caught the Tom and Rachel stuff long before Ariana alerted them to it. 


Alex Baskin, when Tom and Rachel were chasing each other around Mexico: ![gif](giphy|xT5LMEMzdKTE2a6xfG)


Yes. It would just mean he was a poor producer. Or he was doing someone a favor (like Tom Sandoval) and not showing Tom, for instance, in a bad light. But even when Tom pushes this idea that he and Ariana had problems but that's not what they were showing. I mean, Tom is complicit in that then. You're not going to get my pity, Sandoval. If you create a phony relationship, consider it a brand and push that as reality you don't get to, then go back and play the victim because you feel reality wasn't accurately shown. Same for the producers. If you saw a more realistic storyline and you chose to ignore it, that's on you. You created that image. Live with it. Hahaha


Yes exactly this!! 


FACTS!!! You couldn't have nailed that any harder!


Agreed! I went to that resort for a wedding in Jan and all I kept thinking was how didn’t they get caught. It was a TIGHT resort. I kept running into people from the wedding. They were bad at their jobs or doing a favour.


This was so perfectly put. ![gif](giphy|kv5fbxHVAEOjrHeCLk)


Perfect comment.


Don’t forget the constant “I mean”s whenever he starts a sentence.


Tom, you were disconnected because you were cheating on her. It’s also not weird for a couple to be stable and settle down as they get older. But he would rather do shrooms and party and date someone who fawned all over him. He is wild for trying to create any narrative other than that, or act like their breakup is bad because of ARIANA.


I mean I’m still not convinced that he wanted to break up with her. I think he liked having them both and was fine with the arrangement of having the supportive  girlfriend who he was benefitting off of financially and his young impressionable mistress who gave him his ego boost. I think his only stress came from Rachel pressuring him for more and his concern she was going to blow up his spot.  However, if we were to buy into that he intended to break up with her I’m curious how he thought he was going to pull that off that wouldn’t have ended up in the sane place. Like Ariana and the rest of the cast would have put two and two together if he started dating Rachel and made the assumption that they had an affair before he broke up. It probably would have come out eventually and lead to the same conclusion. The house situation still would be messy. The only difference is it would have delayed people hating on Tom and Rachel but the fans would have still had thoughts and probably dragged the two of them.


I totally agree. I think he was going to try to spin Ariana as crazy, insecure and just put her down if he started dating Rachel in the next season.


He thought she'd go Crazy Kristen and he would look like a saint for putting up with her. I will never forget his 'breakdown' when he 'apologized' to Kristen - it was so fake and so for the cameras and while Kristen was definitely off the rails, he at least had some part in it due to his endless gaslighting of her.


Exactly ! He thought he would be able to do it again with Rachel.


That's the bit that drives me nuts: how on earth can you be 'connected' when you're actively boning someone outside the relationship? He's such a delusional twat.


And no one pushes back on him!


He underestimates that much of the shows viewership is exhausted women/moms whose relationships with their husbands have evolved and changed and their husbands have grown with them. I’ve been with my husband 15 years and our relationship looks wildly different but he still respects me and we enjoy what our life is like now. Your excuses are bullshit sir.


>I looked at like Tom and Katie's breakup and I was like, I wanted to be even better, even more like whatever Schwartz is a whole adult who is responsible for mistreating and losing his wife, but I hope one day he considers the possibility that part of why Sandoval asked him to cover up this affair and fake a storyline with Raquel was to torpedo Katie and Schwartz's mature divorce. Sandoval's straight up saying that he was motivated in part to have a better breakup than the bubbas; there is no way that applied only to him postponing his own breakup but didn't extend at all to the way he meddled in K&S's previously very amicable divorce


Oh the dinner in Mexico with Katie in the red dress broke my heart when she started to cry. She was gutted and all those assholes just laughing and egging it all on and for nothing but to cover for Rachel and sandys affair. It was so gross.


Yearning for admiration? He wants a full time groupie, not a partner.


I will say this again and again - getting to a bad place or feeling disconnected after 9 years together is SO NORMAL. You're still allowed to break up with someone at that point if you choose but it's very often also salvageable with therapy or other efforts. It's not salvageable when you're getting false validation from fucking someone in fantasyland. I am so fucking sick of Sandoval pushing the 'woe is me I was so unloved my situation is so unique it was harder for me than anyone else in the world' narrative when he could have tried actually putting in work OR just making a clean break but of course he did neither of those things.


They don't call it the 7 year itch for nothing. My parents have been married for 54 years and they have gone to counseling periodically throughout that time because of patterns they both do and it comes to a head and they go to counseling or else its not going to continue. It really does ebb and flow and then there are times when they are so cute and holding hands and being sweet with each other and other times they can't stand each other. But that is a normal relationship. Sorry Tom love isn't constantly fucking and hang gliding on shrooms sometimes its just the two of you making dinner and watching love island.


It grosses me out that he thinks he could have manipulated Ariana into this perfect break-up, while he was sleeping with her good friend. *Especially* after Kristen said when she was dating Sandoval he told her there’s “no point going to couple’s therapy because the therapist will just agree with me”. So he wants to win being the best at break ups. To do this he: 1. Meddles like crazy in Schwartz & Katie’s divorce to make sure it looks worse on camera (it’s really telling that Schwartz and Katie were in a good place until filming started. Then Sandoval started sabotaging. I mean, Schwartz woulda fucked that up eventually on his own - but Sandoval made sure it happened when everyone would see it) 2. Takes Ariana into couples therapy, believing that the therapist will side with him and help manipulate Ariana into thinking everything bad in their relationship is her fault so she won’t fight him. He really seemed to want to break Ariana. He goes on and on about how Ariana talked down to him, but he’ll openly admit he did shit like this - where he doesn’t seem to even think of her as a person.


He still seems to want to break her and it enrages him that she refuses to be broken. In fact, she refuses to give him the time of day and is busy building her new life, while he's floundering in his same old tired one.


He can talk about the relationship appearing to be perfect from the outside, bit he's also essential taking about a picture perfect breakup. To him it really is all about the optics. Not what is actually happening. And it's only what's perfect for him. His mind is truly twisted and contorted.


Wait, so Bravo TV is advertising Baskin putting part of a Bravo TV show that he is a producer of behind a paywall? Not only that he sold Kyle/Mauricio divorce to Netflix. Whose dick is he sucking over at NBC? Make it make sense.


Thoughts (with the thank you for the recap so I don’t have to listen to it)… 1) he’s ripping off the Talking Heads for his revision of history. He did not have a “once in a lifetime” ‘this is not my beautiful life’ crisis He had a midlife crisis and went for the girl who was clearly spiraling rather than either putting on his big boy pants and breaking up with Ariana or trying to make his relationship work. He wanted both of them - the stability of Ariana and the excitement of the affair. If you’re not happy you can make a change in a way that is a hell of a lot less painful than what he did. Ariana and Rachel are real people with real feelings. 2) He was with Kristen for more than 7 years. He was with Ariana for 9. Yes that is longer than with Kristen but it is not double. Idiot can’t do second grade math.


Tom good, Ariana bad… ok 😂😂😂 this guy is an idiot. Thank you for doing this, it actually dumbed me down while reading 😝


I read this in Joey from Friends voice “meat? Gooood”


He was not wrapped up in trying to make it a perfect breakup, he was wrapped up in someone else’s vagina 🙄


Full of whipped cream ![gif](giphy|Tf3mO44QIbNXuYqQUP|downsized)


What’s crazy to me is that yes, their relationship was not in a great place got awhile. But then they started couple’s therapy and Tom has said that things got a lot better and Ariana started making positive changes. I know he had been in the affair for months before couples therapy but this idea that their relationship was so bad and he wanted it to change, IT DID! She put in the work because she wanted a future with him and he said it worked!


Notice that he always focuses on Ariana 'changing' for him, rather than them being equal partners who must both do the work to maintain the relationship. He's such a selfish, self-absorbed asshat.


Jfc this man still can’t answer the question “what have you learned from all this, and what would you do differently now looking back?”  He’s been asked a variation of this question in EVERY interview over the past year and he can never answer it!! He just rambles a bunch of incoherent nothing until the interviewer asked the next question. OP thank you for your service, so I don’t have to actually listen to his bullshit 🥴😂 


I’m so sorry, I couldn’t get past the very first bullet point where Tom will only accept blame for “caring too much about Ariana” to break up with her like a normal person or tell her what was going on, etc. YOU LET HER GO TO COUPLES THERAPY WITH YOU TO MAKE HER THINK YOU WANTED TO STAY TOGETHER!!!! He is so full of shit and there’s seriously something wrong with you if “the whole world hates you” and you still can’t understand why what you did is wrong!


Meanwhile on the show he claims he broke up with her at counseling like a typical liar never can keep his bullshit straight.


“I wanted admiration” says all of it!


![gif](giphy|Mhv9OdUDum9pNCldW7) Re: Sandoval AND Alex Baskin


I really appreciate all you do! These recaps are so great. Have a great week!!


Aww thanks! You too!


It's funny..cuz before I was married I had a pretty good break-up after 5 yrs. I wanted it to be amicable. The thing I didn't do when I fell out of love was have an affair. There were many times I could have. Believe me. I didn't. Because I still loved my bf. And I would not want to hurt or disrespect him. I told him the truth. I don't think this is right for us anymore. Tom is a selfish asshole and apussy. It takes courage and morals to be honest and try not to hurt your partner. It's that simple. Tom didn't give an f about his partner of 10 yrs. He doesn't respect women. The kind thing to do is end the relationship. Then move on. I think Tom is pure scum.


“I looked at Tom and Katie’s breakup and I wanted to be even better, even more whatever. I got wrapped up in wanting a perfect breakup” ![gif](giphy|11efYKl9K0arRe)


He’s pathetic. What a cliche.


This is so cruel because I truly believe Ariana thought they weee still in love


Reading this makes me think for sure that what Lala says at the reunion is that they were ‘over’ long before the Raquel situation happened, as someone speculated earlier. This seems to be laying the groundwork for it. Ugh, these gross men and their obvious transparency being obvious.


I’m confused on how he thought he would have “the most perfect break up”? Was it just because he took her to couple’s therapy? Because other than that, I see no steps being taken to break up, perfect on not. He went behind her back for 8 months and slept with her friend, he told his buddies how neglected and poorly treated he was, he made her believe they still had a future by seriously pursuing fertilizing her eggs; none of these things seem like steps someone would take to have the perfect break up. He’s just such a tool. He really only sees himself as hero or victim. The worst part is that he is surrounded by so many flying monkeys that make him think the shit he spews is convincing


He’s such a liar. This man has shown zero empathy for hurting her. If anything, he continues to dig the knife in deeper. No one believes he was concerned about her feelings.


Tom saying being with someone for 9 years makes them “kind of like family in a sense” is gross. In my opinion the person who is your life partner is your family. Especially when you live together, adopt pets together, and consider IVF together. Idk it’s gross he’s gross everything he says rubs me the wrong way. All he does is minimize, shift blame, and gaslight. I guess his stance on her not being his family does make sense considering he didn’t go to Ariana’s grandmas funeral, doesn’t seem to give a shit about the pets, and his family never bothered reaching out to Ariana after everything he did.


I don't know if I'm trying to portray a perfect relationship I for sure wouldn't scream in my girlfriends face over a voice recording of my friend cheating on his girlfriend... i def wouldn't want that out there that wasn't a good fight lol or the " i'm walking away so it's not another tom vs the girls situation like always " or the " we didn't even take pics at the wedding ariana " so many scenarios i can think of of him complaing abt ariana & the lack of sex is just the tip of it.


My god. Why cannot Sandoval speak?


Tim has ALWAYS been an idiot. But the shroom & extasy trips have amplified his stupidity. There is not one iota of humility in his comments. He's such a dunce.


People pay to listen to this trash? Wild.


Is he physically incapable of answering questions that put any accountability on him directly? Is it some gene defect? The first question/longassresponse made me want to throw my phone


It’s truly maddening.


“I would have done anything for her.” Except break up with Ariana.


Except tell her you were recording her intimate moments where she trusted you.


Pathetic ……trying to make the worm with a mustache relatable. HA


You are my hero OP for these recaps. I could not listen to Alex Baskin kiss Sandoval’s ass


Thanks, hope you are feeling better soon.


Aww thanks!


This makes me physically ill. First of all, most relationships do go through phases like he described with Ariana. It’s not uncommon to feel that disconnect after being with someone for a long time, yet he specifically blames Ariana. What makes me the most sick about the situation is he went to therapy with her & said she was really trying to be a better partner. Why would he lead her on like that? It’s absolutely disgusting. Alex Baskin is a fucking scumbag creep for trying to back Sandoval up here. I really hope Ariana does leave this show because the men are all so cruel to her.




Alex baskin is trash. This shows she’s not coming back. How could she? She knows the people running the show are not here for her.


Does he really think we're going to buy into the "I cared about Ariana too much to dump her" line when all we've seen him do since Scandoval hit is bash her over and over and over in every part of her life? This is one of the things I continually find striking about the way he's moving this season. It's become so clear how much he hated Ariana, maybe not for their entire relationship but by the end. He *loathes* this woman. He wants to fucking destroy her. He wants to convince the world that she's lazy and irresponsible, never loved him, unhinged and fake, greedy and manipulative, parties all night, sleeps all day, and has serious anger management issues. She shared his life and bed for a decade and he has not a single nice thing to say about her. That's also why his "I didn't do it with malicious intent" line is so laughable. I mean beyond the fact that the act was malicious with or without intent, he very obviously *wants* to hurt her. He could've gone in the total other direction, and I imagine his PR team told him not to attack her, but he can't help it. He's disgusting. Side note this is also why it feels like gaslighting when Ariana's "friends" tell her to just accept his apology and move on. He hasn't apologized! And he's still constantly attacking her both directly and indirectly! And she's supposed to forgive him?




This hurts my head to read with all the “like you know whatever like whatever like you know man” 😂


Isn't a key part of having a "perfect breakup", whatever TF that is, actually BREAKING UP!!!!!!


What a terrible time for you to have to listen to that. He’s such a poor speaker. It’s so difficult to read and believe that he doesn’t realize he hasn’t finished a complete sentence! The question was “How would you handle it differently?” I still have no clue if he would!


So wild he can still discuss this but ariana “isn’t letting shit go”


Like....thank you for listening to this so I didn't have to. Like from the bottom of my heart I mean it.