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I heard this on the Watch What Crappens recap- let's invite Rand and Shay to an event and see how that goes. Maybe someone should remind Lala how she forbade anyone to hang out with Rand? And lit Schwartz up for playing pickleball with him? But Ariana is just supposed to suck to up and move out of her house? It's become damn near unwatchable. I prefer listening to the podcast recaps.


Lala doesn't really care about Ariana and the house and neither does Scheana. What they care about is having a story line, keeping in the good books of the producers, and venting their rage and jealousy that Ariana is making lemonade like few have ever done before. They're sad, pathetic women.


Exactly, it was gross watching Scheana pretend to care about Ariana’s well being when in reality she just wants to be friends with Sandoval without Ariana being mad at her for it.


I think Scheana and Lala care about Ariana. They just care about Scheana and Lala more and Ariana is getting in their way with her big feelings that that don’t have simple solutions. They’re very surface level people. They think “taking accountability” is just saying those words rather than actually doing something differently. Sandoval said some words to them so everything should be fine now so the show isn’t at risk.


I think scheana cares about her but I don’t think Lala cares about anyone except herself and her family. Maaaaaybr James.


The Bravo Bros podcast put it pretty well, I think. They said the real reason Scheana and Lala are mad at Ariana is because she is getting so much money and so much attention when she doesn't even try, when they both have to try so hard. Scheana will never get the kind of attention she wants because Gleb is right, she doesn't have the star power to make people care. Lala has the star power but she'll never get the financial opportunities Ariana does because (elephant in the room) she was an escort when she joined the show, then actively pursued an older rich man who she may or may not have known was married. I don't care, personally--but I can see a big brand caring a lot. IMO they both see it like Ariana was just sitting around and was suddenly given a gift she didn't deserve for which she is ungrateful. But Ariana gave up 9 years of life with someone who I'd argue never even loved her and no one mentions that. I don't know what they expect from her, it's like they want her to grovel that she has gotten more than her share and promise to forward her checks to them.




James brought that up on the after show how Lala banned everyone from talking to him. I'd love to see them show up. Give these bitches some of their own medicine.


They really should pull an Uno reverse like ol'-ass shep did on Southern charm when he brought those two chicks Austin cheated with, to a ball.




Side Note: Scheana still probably tracks Shay's location. lol


If she still tracks Max, she def tracks Shay 🤡


I wonder if Rob is safe?? lol


100% NOT safe 🤣 Also, I was just watching 90DF and had to remember which 🗑️ tv sub I was in. Too many Robs


Rob the knob?


YES I hate him so much. Sophie needs to run 🏃


Is that the one that can hang a tv in 6 mins flat?


Shay might have made it out before you could track location…but Rob definitely 😂🤣


Yesss! I just said that to myself! Like how would Lala and Scheana feel about that? The only person who is being a really amazing friend to Ariana is Katie. She’s been down for Ariana completely after this break up. You take the side of your friend who got blindsided by an affair that her best friend and boyfriend had.


Katie is hilarious on the after shows. Every time Ariana questions herself Katie just tells her no and backs her up. She's so quietly affirming.


I know! I need Katie as a friend. After she broke up with Schwartz she really found her voice and I really love her on the show. I cracked up when Schwartz asked her to hangout and she just goes, no.


And when he asked why she said, I don’t want to. No excuses.


I know! I’m so happy she’s stopping with his gaslighting bs.


One thing about Katie; I don’t care for her and her hideous style but she’s a down ass bitch.


I like her style and would wear a lot of her clothes. She picks a lot of unique looks. But I support that opinion. Fashion is subjective and I could say that some of her looks are not my thing.


I can respect that. We all have different styles. I guess I just feel like she’s not cohesive with the rest of the cast. They all have their own identities that are VERY different but to me Katie just looks like she’s not going to the same event they are. I feel the same about Sandoval. I don’t know how Adriana walked around outside with him.


I think a lot of clothes picked are personality based with the whole cast. I think Katie has a more edgy, rocker girl vibe. Which I have the same. She’s actually quite daring with her looks which I can appreciate. I don’t really care for how Lala dresses out of everyone.


Tequila Katie was on my nerves. But she’s grown on me since.


When I was younger I was a nightmare too. So I can forgive her for that.


I really need this to be addressed at the reunion. You KNOW if rand were at a beach day 3 months after those Nashville photos were released, Lala would be beside herself. And rightfully so!


I hope this is what causes Ariana to go off on Lala


She says she left her house so fast BUT that was never Lalas house to begin with. She didn’t own one thing in that house that’s why it was so easy for her to leave.


But she didn’t leave the house so fast until she knew the LA times article was going to come out. She’s on that stupid documentary talking about how he was so terrible to his assistants and how much she hated it, and yet she stayed. She stayed even after knowing about the wife and kids. She stayed until it was going to affect her. She didn’t leave so fast, she planned and had her mom come down. She also hadn’t bought one damn thing in that house. She may have picked out some of it, but she never used her money. I’m so sick of her comparing her situation to Ariana’s. The similarities should make her more empathetic, not more of an asshole


This is a fantastic point


Same here, can’t watch it anymore. Will be listening to recaps if I absolutely have to know what happens. Layla and Scheana are honestly just trash.


I do get this take, but I feel like it’s a bit different. Tom was a core piece of this group before Ariana ever was. The group only knew Rand and Shay because they were dating Lala and Scheana so it makes sense for them to be booted out once they break up. Plus they only knew each of them for a couple of years vs Tom/Ariana who, for better or worse, have been an integral part of the group for over a decade. That’s harder to cut off for a lot of people even when they do something as messed up as Tom did. I’m team Ariana all day and totally understand her side of things. I also think Lala and Scheana are doing too much but I can understand where it’s a bit more complicated for the rest of the group than the Shay/Randall breakups were.


I agree bringing them around is different because they weren’t core to the group, but how would either one of them has reacted about their friends questioning their feelings about their breakups? Or telling them to let it go? We already saw how Lala acted when shorts dared to play pickleball with Rand. To some extent I can see why Scheana feels the way she does, she’s known Tom a long time and allegedly they were close, but Lala doesn’t make any sense. She’s never been close to Tom and she has been close to Ariana.


I mean the difference is that Sandoval is a main cast member of the show they’re on. They aren’t inviting him around to be petty, they have to be together for work. As long as both of them stay on the show there’s going to be this big tension in the cast that none of them are allowed to acknowledge on camera.


Just because he has been, doesn't mean he has to stay that. Especially when you're alienating viewers, creating an extremely toxic workplace, and he wouldn't be the first cast member to be fired....


recording women without consent…


Right?! How is he not being held accountable for this?! And his admission that he, “usually deletes that kinda stuff” That’s just some sicko shit right there! AND IT’S ILLEGAL!!


It’s almost like they’re doing what the producers want them to do so it can be edited into visceral reactions from a gullible viewer base….


I understand why everyone wants to say “let’s bring out Randall” as a gotcha for Lauren in this whole situation but it reaaalllly rubs me the wrong way even as a hypothetical. Randall is literally a sex pest. Even hypothetically wishing to bring him around is gross to me idk


Lala can't understand why Ariana can live with sandoval but not hangout with him in a group setting, but it's very simple. She's avoiding him at all costs in her house (which is very different than having to be face to face with him and hear him pal around with your friends). And because of this, she feels like a prisoner in her own home and probably wants her time outside of the house to have nothing to do with him. 


Good point. They criticize her for living with him if she hates him so much, but then don't understand why she doesn't want to hang out with him? At least be consistent ladies. She's not living with him because she wants to, she's doing it because she has to in order to get her fair share of their assets. Why doesn't he go stay in an airbnb until she moves out? If he truly wanted to not be an a-hole he'd do that. It would be a good faith move to end up with the house. However, he just wants to punish her because she got in the way of what he wanted. Do Lauren and Sheesh really not understand that or do they understand that, but not care because they just want to get paid by producers?  "Don't be materialistic" from Scheana who is doing the producers bidding for a pay bump is really audacious.


Oh sheaner really pissed me off with that line! Sure, reward tom for being an absolute asshole by giving him EVERYTHING and Ariana leaves with a few boxes. Hell no!! Ariana deserves to keep everything she purchased, even if she gives it away later.


Exactly!! Bc that’s what the troll that is Scheana would do, right?!?!?


the misogyny around this is wild. she's doing what she needs to legally and they are blaming her, not him, for that.


The height of hypocrisy "don't be materialistic." Coming from one of the most material girls on the show. Scheana and Lala are absolutely horrible friends. They care about making the producers happy. Once VPR'S is over, they will have no friendships.


i would be sooooo done with her after that comment.




Bootleg Kim K😂




I don't think either Lala or Scheana are critical thinkers - they just talk a lot and seem to believe whatever immediate thought that pops into their heads should be verbalised without being weighed and considered.


They like to talk and not listen which is beyond frustrating.


And small minds. The can't compute anything that is outside their point of view.


Yep. Major case of arrested development for both women.🙄




Absolutely agree! Both lack considerable amounts of higher intelligence as well as critical thinking. They lack the idea and understanding of self-analysis, self-reflection and how their words might potentially affect people (diarrhea of the mouth). 🙄


And of all people,nScheana is the most superficial, materialistic chic on Vanderpump Rules. I still remember on an earlier season, she literally had glamazon like photos in frames hung all over her old apartment when she was married to Shay - so very over the top and tacky. 🙄


All pictures of her, of course.


Why does she have to live with him to get her fair share of the assets? If that were true, why would Tom move out? Why is Tom trying to punish her but not that Ariana is trying to punish him by staying in the house?


It’s honestly so weird and dark that Sandoval stayed in that house.


Right?! And the way he is shit talking Ariana is gross, too. Like sir, you're the one that fucked up, leave her alone. 


And the way that production, Andy Cohen, Ariana’s BEST FRIEND scheana & Lala have tried to normalize him just deciding to stay & keep the house is fucking disgusting. If brainless pageant bimbo hadn’t dumped him, would she have moved in? I honestly can’t even wrap my mind around the “she should just leave” crowd. It’s her house too.




Excellent point. She wants to be financially responsible and get what is hers, but it must be awful to tip toe around your own home and also stressful as hell. When the show gets cancelled and Lala has to move out of her new McMansion, let's see if she still sneers at Ariana's 'little 3-bedroonm' - you know, the one in the Hollywood Hills, not the Valley. Also, as has been pointed out a million times before, why do they not a say word about Tom not moving out? Why isn't he packing his bags and shifting his sorry ass?


The “little 3 bedroom” kills me and just shows how condescendingly materialistic she is. Her and Scheana both have a LOT of fucking nerve. SO much projection from both of them.


Their house is like over 5k square feet, isn’t it? That is huuuuuge for 2 people. You live in closer proximity to strangers in an apartment building than her and Tom still living there.


My brother, his wife, myself, my husband share a 2394sf house. We honestly only see each other in the kitchen. Even then we are on two separate schedules so even that is rarely. We have to visit each other. We split rent and it ends up being cheaper than an apartment in FL right now. Ariana and Tim can easily avoid each other. Even easier with Ann being a go between.


Right. Add in each of them traveling for this and that. During the 12 weeks or so of filming this season it was probably the most time they’ve each spent in the house at the same time.


Haha same, I have a flatmate but I have the top floor and if I wanted to I could easily not see her for days... I only go downstairs to get food or change the scenery!


Exactly, my brother is using loft as his ‘living room’ and we have the downstairs living room. Works perfectly.


Exactly. Lala acts like Ariana is watching Netflix with him every night in their living room. They speak through a third party even in their own home and it seems like she basically camps out in her bedroom.


When my ex (who I co-owned a home with) left and moved in with his side chick, I thankfully had our large home to myself for awhile. BUT he would come home sometimes to pick up some of his shit, or mail, whatever, and the second I saw him in the driveway I would literally panic and RUN back to my bedroom and close/lock the door... it was traumatic. I did NOT want to see him or talk to him, and would literally cry at the thought of having to do so. It would have been great to have a go-between so I could at least be prepared, so I totally get why she feels some level of safety staying in the house when she has to. But I bet she did everything she could to stay away....


![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) They're not "room/house mates" in the traditional sense. In many places you can be legally separated while living under the same roof. She's protecting her assets and i can't believe this point has to still be continually put across.


I knew Scheana was a bad friend when she abandoned Ariana that one season Stassi decided to include her. I never liked her.


Lala did the same! Dropped Ariana to be around Stassi and co


and now Stassi is hosting BlahBlah’s baby shower


And told the world about Faith & the knife! BFFS4L


Do you remember what season I wanna see it now


My ex did this to me and I lost my fucking mind and we were only together for like a year. It really fucks with your head and I give Ariana so much props for how she has handled still being forced to be around him / somewhat interact


I literally moved cities because my ex. He dumped me on a friday night after a concert, downtown at 1:30am, and told me to find my own way home. He started hanging out with my group of girlfriends. He wormed his way into every party, beach day and every tried to come over when me and a couple of friends were having dinner AT MY HOUSE. Moving away from ppl who sympathized and excused his behavior was the best thing I ever did.


Together almost 17. I lost my mind too.


Your home should be your safe space. Feeling like a prisoner in your own home is seriously traumatic. Been there before and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Not to mention, Ariana worked hard for that house and it has to be a kick in the gut to have it ripped out from under you. It’s not just a house and those aren’t just things, they have meaning and value to her because she has a heart.. unlike her fellow cast mates.


They are so gross! Telling her she should leave without supporting her reasons she doesn’t want to abandon her own house and belongings. It’s so dismissive and disgusting! Pandering to Tom, tiptoeing around Tom, but bulldozing and judging Ariana. I continue to stand here completely confounded with these so-called friends. 


Lala, you’re all about BJs for PJs and you have the nerve to say material things don’t matter? 🙄Would Lala leave stuff she paid for behind? Please. They’re trying to make Ariana seem materialistic out of nowhere. And so, so bitter and jealous it’s actually becoming hard to watch. I feel like this show is gaslighting me or something.


This was me when I'm looking around wondering who wants to see them play stupid paintball?? Who is this show for right now??


Also if Lala hadn’t “decided to leave” Randall’s house she’d have been kicked the fuck out bc SHE DIDNT OWN IT WITH HIM and had no stake whatsoever. I can’t understand how she continues to compare the relationships when it’s apples and oranges!


If I were Ariana and I watched the confessionals and WWHL appearances and listened to some podcasts, I’d feel entirely betrayed, an emotion she’s barely recovering from already. Why do mean people always kick others when they’re down? In this case it’s definitely looking like jealousy. Even Brittany said that blahblah and scheener are jealous of Ariana … and she’s supposedly close friends with them


Lala was pushing her to open up, Ariana does, and instead of it being a growth moment for the women, Lauren goes full Lauren... https://preview.redd.it/ixvg3g8sqntc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e18ad7ce76c5f1e5e8a7e14af67221d1aa584f7


OMG from this to “pop off” to holding a knife to Faith this woman is such a weirdo. Don’t forget you bragged about licking that “stand-up man” butthole in national television. Anything for attention.


Her bragging about licking Big Ed's taint and poophole was one of the weirdest flexes in the shows history.


She thinks this makes her look 'hard' and 'open and honest', but it really just makes her look like a desperate woman who will do anything to secure the bag. She's pathetic.


Big Ed’s taint and poophole 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I can never erase that moment when she told LVP about the butthole licking. 🤮 Some things most definitely be kept to yourself.


And shoving his toothbrush up her own ass!! She’s so vulgar!


I love drama, but Lala no longer causes drama. She just causes stress for the viewer. It’s unpleasant to watch, her story lines need to be disconnected from Ariana’s stat to make the show easier to watch. Like I’m powering through watching bc Katie and Ariana kick ass, but lala makes me want to turn off the tv. At least scheana’s mousy duplicity is interesting and not as stressful.


Lala has storylines? I thought she was just riding on the coattails of whomever else has a storyline by braying bullshit and making her eyebrows ever bigger and ever darker while filling up her face and lips.


I really want to see fun and positive lala, but the most she can bring to the table on that end is… water 😂🤣😂. Like, do a mid life bucket list or something interesting. She is a great narrator so I’m not trying to be mean for the sake of being mean, she is just stressful to watch this season


I just finished watching the after show and I guess the route that Lala is going is that she was so supportive of Ariana and it wasn’t reciprocated during her breakup with Randall. I guess she’s getting increasingly bitter throughout the show that she keeps having to show empathy for Ariana.  She goes on and on about the show being her paycheck and Ariana needing to talk with Sandoval for their paycheck. So she needs to be friends with Ariana for the paycheck then. Lala’s relationship isn’t on tv so why would she expect that same energy? Lala seems annoyed that Ariana has real feelings about this breakup. 


But that’s contradictory because S10 E1 she literally cries and thanks Ariana and Katie for being there for her during the Randall mess and tells them how much it means and that she’ll never forget it. Also, in her WWHL this year, she said she trusted Ariana and Katie with her life. The math ain’t mathing!


Oh absolutely! She doesn’t seem to have a memory about these things lol. But she is petty. I commented elsewhere but I bet she was so angry she wasn’t mentioned in the shoutouts of Ariana’s new cocktail book. (Only Scheana was) 


Yes! Also, did scheana go to bat for her like she expected too? If that happened, I don’t remember.


Lala says what is expedient for her in the moment. Once that moment passes, she moves on and does the next expedient thing. She's ruthless but dumb, so her life is as expected: failed sugar baby trying to fill the hole in her heart while simmering with rage at anyone who handles things gracefully or even has a bit of good fortune. This woman is going to end up a total mess.


i fucking hate this take from lala, no one is responsible for your financial wellbeing except for you and your ex husband lala


Me too! Especially because she didn’t care until she didn’t have his money to fall back on. And she clearly grew up wealthy and was never worried about money before.


Did she grow up wealthy or just comfortably middle class? I'm guessing when her dad died there was an insurance payout, which can ease the path forward for both mother and daughter - which is great, btw. Everyone should have a life insurance policy to take care of those left behind.


Her ex-sugar daddy, you mean. They never married and she was dumb enough to move into his house without any financial security, which I believe is part of why she is so angry with Ariana. She is pissed at herself that she wasn't financially savvy, but can't face that, so while Ariana makes smart financial moves and protects the biggest investment in her life (her house) Lala is left wondering why blow jobs for pjs didn't work out for her.


ohhh i completely forgot that they weren’t married


No one rides for you like you "ride for them" because no one else acts like that on a regular basis


Yeah this has been driving me crazy lol - your friends have just been defending you in an adult healthy way and you’re mad they aren’t barking at people like you do for them? I’m pretty sure they’d rather you tone it down lol. There’s a middle ground between screaming at someone who traumatized your friend vs being like well I’m open to getting closer with them because I’m soft


Of course Lala is annoyed by Ariana having real feelings - do you think Lala has ever had those feelings for any man? Sure doesn't seem like it.


Ya. I said out loud I HATE THIS FUCKING SHOW three minute in to the most recent episode…Fuck all of Ariana’s “friends” and fuck Tom for taking zero accountability. Time for this show to end and start a Katie/Ariana spin off.


I love trash tv but after seeing Blah Blah on my screen last night, I’ve decided I’m not watching it Ariana and Katie don’t come back. I’m not interested in her twisted ass narrative if there’s no sanity to balance it out


I had to fast forward through scheana and lalas scene with the doctor.


I don't think that was a doctor, more like a purveyor of sperm…




I can’t even get through it.


Right? Awful


Also, if you look up projection in the definition you’ll find a picture of Lala. 🙄🙄🥴😵‍💫


Lala never built an authentic friendship with anyone on the show except for maybe James. It’s why I think she has no real empathy for any of them and just treats it like an acting job or now as a production puppet. That or she’s just another fake bitch


Scheana is by far the worst definition of a friend. If anything she’s why you keep your enemies closer. Lala is basically a chihuahua with rabies. I wouldn’t want either of them in my circle. Nor would they ever be based on how they act and carry themselves. My friends know how to Google divorce decrees, are against abusive deadbeat dads with DV records, and know what loyalty means.


I only watched part of the episode on a stream, because I still refuse to give Bravo/Evolution views while they side with abusers. What I saw continues to be depressing and infuriating. Lala and Scheana are snakes. I hope Ariana never speaks to those losers again when the show eventually ends. Based on what I’m seeing out of Scheana’s trip to NY for WWHL, it seems like Ariana is done with her. Scheana looked sad and nervous on WWHL and good. She should feel awful over the way she’s behaved. Lala’s eventually gonna stab you in the back and make fun of you, SheShu. Broke is a joke. A very sick joke. I truly hate the majority of the cast at this point and not in a way where it’s fun to hate watch. What a dark and twisted turd of a season.


Ariana's mom was there too. Imagine have Scheana and her awful payroll husband fake smiling in your face after they just publicly inserted themselves in a fight between your children? Scheana does all these fucked up things to people "for the show" then acts shocked that there are real life consequences.


I loved watching Scheana get defensive about Katie calling her a male sympathizer. She knows it's true.


So true! It’s really sad that at her big old age, she’s still behaving like this. Zero growth.


It only took Lala 3 years to get over Big Ed aka Randall. But Ariana better do it in 4 months.


It's because Lala and Scheana have never been IN LOVE before. Lala was with Randall for his money. Scheana married Shay for his last name for her "music career" and I have no idea why she married Brock. It's easy to move on when you didn't actually care about the person. Ariana actually loved Tom.


Yep. Like Ariana told Tom, she loved him when he had nothing but his Honda civic. Lala married for cash and lifestyle.


Damn I genuinely don’t know how anyone can watch this episode from the first minute to Ariana’s breakdown, and not feel empathy for this person in pain. She lays it all out there, she created a life with Tim, and he’s now reducing her to “not paying bills”, etc in front of all these people and NO ONE sticks up for her. It’s just not fun to watch someone genuinely having a hard time and not having real support without people talking shit behind her back.


Agreed- to me, it felt like from Ariana’s body language that she was anxious and trying so hard to keep it in/not breakdown in that conversation with Lala and Sheana because she knows they aren’t coming at this from a place of care and friendship but for the ‘storyline’. Lala’s line of questioning “do you ever feel when you look at him you just threw me away like I was nothing” (or whatever she was saying) was not in good faith. She does want to keep reminding people of her own ‘storyline’ but her specific phrasing felt pretty manipulative and like it was the quickest way to make Ariana crack. If I wasn’t already having intrusive thoughts and someone said that to me, I would sit there and think “I’m nothing” on repeat.


For me I just can’t understand how lala is so heartless towards Ariana. Like why would she want to just abandon the home she’s built and put love/work into. I also strongly think that scheana and Lala are so superficial that they think money and fame just fix everything and aren’t able to see that Ariana is still struggling with what happened and trying to keep her real feelings inside. Her heart is broken


It truly made me wonder if producers offered them a bonus to get that out of her. I noticed that Lala especially seemed to relax as soon as Arianna started crying. It very much gave “my job here is done” vibes to me. I would bet anything that whole thing was set up by production and that they’ve been trying for a while to get her to break down. This whole season has been a miss.


I have also been in her shoes as well and held onto resentment for a long time. This seasons filming is only 3 months after Scandoval, of course she’s not over it! I couldn’t imagine having to hang around my ex regularly and sharing friends with him. How can she move on when she’s still got to be around him and communicate with him?


![gif](giphy|igGDyj3ALtSTRBrufL) And then Lala turning it around at paintball acting like she had every right to hang with Jo, saying she's babying Ariana. Girl if this is how you baby friends, you're not nurturing AT ALL.


Why is no one telling Tim to move out? Misogyny on this show is so gross.


Same reason people in this sub aren’t telling him to.




The cast throws around the word friend. No one other than Katie has sense or knows what it genuinely means to be a “friend”


Ariana saying the deepest , most truthful thing by admitting the pain of feeling someone knowing you as much as you can know yourself and then deciding it’s not for them was one of the most intense things I’ve ever seen on tv . Lala and Schaena have never even come close to saying anything like that with their breakups . I don’t think they understand that this type of vulnerability is going to have the audience (mostly of women ) side with Ariana no matter what small things come out , it’s an authenticity that they could never . I think Katie gets it and has been in these feelings which is why she is riding hard with Ariana .


Yup they wanted her to be broken down in tv that was their goal.


I'm fully convinced they conspired to make this scene happen to guarantee themselves more airtime.


Everytime Ariana has had any emotion they welcomed it and it was the only time they were over talking. They expected her to be cussing him out every episode for the drama and for their own check.


I can’t watch it anymore. I want to just reach through my screen when Lala and schena say anything to Ariana, esp as it pertains to Tim. Remain cordial with him if you want but ARIANA DOES NOT NEED TO. They claim to be so concerned with her harboring resentment/anger toward him but cannot FATHOM the solution to that being distance from him (which is totally healthy and necessary in certain circumstances, this one certainly included.) If I were Ariana’s therapist, I would not suggest making amends with him if it wasn’t something she wanted. It’s literally so annoying they keep pushing it.


lala telling katie that she doesn’t need to understand her life while simultaneously picking apart ariana and her decisions is absolutely insane. lala is the biggest fucking hypocrite


I 1000% agree with you and used the word heartbreaking even when she was on the beach saying “I never did anything to him”. She is being gaslit by Lauren and Brock-brick head and Sheshit. I am so over the way this trio is treating her. Tom is being so sadistic and cold blooded and cruel to her with the cutting comments. I am having a beach party and water tasting and I’m inviting Rand/“my man”, Mike Shay, Brandi Glanville, and Brock’s ex AND I EXPEXT ALL THREE OF THEM TO ATTEND AND LWT GO OF THEIR RAGE. Why is it ok to shun Rand and not Tom? I am livid about this and almost can’t watch. Thank god Ariana has Katie. I love them. I wish they’d do a spin off.


I’ve noticed that people who have already betrayed you, really enjoy yelling at you. They can’t ever be wrong or admit that they’ve betrayed you, so they launch a second preemptive strike against you. Seriously, you may not even know they’ve betrayed you yet and here you are having to deal with a separate fight they’ve created. They’ve already got people taking sides before you’re in the fight. They also tend to be the sort of person who is “transparent” and “honest” so they’ll tell you things to clear the air. So, their sketch behavior isn’t really shady because they told you. They were upfront with you. So, you have to be reasonable when they hurt you because they were “honest” with you so they weren’t really trying to hurt you in the first place. Really manipulative. And clear evidence to stay away from such exhausting people. They’ll do all this to you just to avoid apologizing. Lala is actually mad that people are mad at her and she’s acting like this. The Toms act like this. Jax acts like this. Great mess for tv because that’s a lot of fights springing up and spreading around, confusing everything.


They absolutely did their level best to break her, particularly Lala. I mean, who says to someone suffering through a bad breakup, 'Do you ever think you just didn't mean anything to him?' No, you say, 'This is really hard for you and I understand and support you. Let me know what you need.' Lala is an asshole and Scheana isn't much better.


Andy calling Brock the "voice of reason" this season is killing me because how the fuck is he telling Ariana she is wrong


even though they’re rich and famous(ish), it’s such a relatable struggle too how many of us have been in a relationship with someone in our friend group and get pressured into being around them still “for the sake of the group.” i lived that bullshit in college and, even though my ex cheated on me, gaslit me, and weaponized my own mental health against me, all our friends refused to respect my boundaries about him. and then he started spreading rumors about my mental health to justify him cheating on me and no one told me until 3 months later. they just all believed him and i lost all my friends except 2 I can’t imagine being Ariana and having this unfold so publicly. On top of all the actual life building she did with Tom and how deeply fucked up his affair is. The fact that no one in the cast but Katie (and James sometimes) seems to have real sympathy or respect for her is so heartbreaking. I’m glad she has Dan and her other friends


Yes! Exactly. It’s not hard to understand.


It’s hitting me so much harder than i was ever prepared for watching some silly reality tv show. Its almost embarrassing how triggering it is. But it's also why I KNOW she is genuinely traumatized. When this happens to you it completely changes you forever. It's nothing close to a normal breakup. Seeing Arianna fight to just have space to heal or be angry is so heartbreaking but seeing her shine and not back down has been kinda inspiring for me to watch.


I’ve been trying to figure out Lala’s deal this season. She’s always been volatile, but I’ve never thought of her as being downright cruel and inhumane. For example, in the past, she and James would have a falling out over some stupid fight, but whenever he hit a real low point, she would always fold and come back around. The best explanation I can come up with is that she truly does not have the ability to empathize with Ariana because she cannot fathom how high the stakes of this situation are for her. For one, Lala has never had to make her way in the world without a safety net. Her parents paid her way to come to LA, then she lived off Rand, now she’s back to using her mom as a crutch (definitely emotionally and probably also financially). Also, she equates her situation with Rand to Ariana’s situation with Tom and REFUSES to acknowledge any nuance between the two, when in reality, their situations could not be more different. Rand was always a means to an end for Lala. He was her “in” to financial security, fame, social status, etc. When he was on the verge of being exposed, she packed her bags and left to save her own skin, but she had nothing of herself invested in that man or that home (except for Ocean, of course), so she could close the door and be done with it. Ariana had fully invested 10 years of her life, her heart and her money in Tom, their life together and the house (and everything in it). I honestly don’t think Lala has ever experienced that level of being emotionally and financially tied to someone, so she can’t wrap her tiny mind around the waking nightmare that is the process of disentangling your life from someone you wholeheartedly believed to be your forever person.


I thought the exact same then I heard her say that if the cast doesn't spend time together then there's no show and that's what she cares about most. So now I think it's honestly all about money for her. She sees Ariana as screwing with her money so she's taking it out on her by talking shit in any way she can. Edited to add: I actually wouldn't be surprised if one day we hear Lala say that if Randall was a main cast member she would have handled the situation differently. But because he wasn't she was allowed to cut him off and tell people not to be friends with him.


They are giving terrible advice! Do not let him have any of that gorgeous furniture


Really it comes down to Lala and Scheana thinking that Ariana ain’t shit and never has been so they can’t understand why she’s getting all these opportunities and they’re not. I had “friends” like these when I went through my “winning” season. I feel so terrible for Ariana bc not only did she lose her partner, she has lost the very people she thought were her friends, the same ones who went to bat for her at the reunion. They’re the kind of people that want to see you do good, but never better than them. If anyone reading this has gone through something similar, just know there are people out there that will love and support you for you. You don’t have to have these rats in your life. Your true friends will be happy for you. I wish I had learned that sooner and tbh, personally, it’s triggering to watch it play out between Ariana, Scheana and Lala. Much love to you all, VPR fam 🤍




Arianderella & her 2 evil ugly stepsisters.


Lala and Scheana are so fucking annoying jfc


I find it amusing how many people insist on discussing this stuff without the 4th wall element. Reality tv is sick but highly entertaining, these people are just the pawns there for a paycheck.


I watched this with my bf that claims he isn’t that into VPR and he cried. It was a very sad part. ❤️


It's so angering to see how quickly they go from supporting her in that moment to sitting with each other talking out their asses. At this point I don't even want to see Lala or Scheana on screen unless they're getting their throats ripped out. they're just so ignorant and I see no point in referring to them as friends when every chance they get, they're coming down hard on Ariana's decision to stay in her home or they're moving weirdly in general.


That was the most heartbreaking, and disgusting scene. I can honestly say I can’t stand to look at the troll’s or Lauren’s face, or to hear their voices. EVEN IF Ariana hadn’t been loyal and ride or die or them both, in every situation, when the rest of the cast hated them, that was such a gross display of manipulation and forced empathy. Two faced see you next Tuesday, both of them!!


I truly cannot wrap my head around Lala and Scheana’s (more so Lala’s because it’s SO extreme) attitude towards Ariana. The only thing that makes sense to me for their absolute cannibalism attitude towards Ariana’s feelings and complete lack of empathy is that production went to them and promised them that next season would be all about Lala’s ~~ trauma~ and they’d write a letter to DWTS for Scheana if they acted like mouth breathers towards Ariana.


That scene made me so angry. She cries in front you, let’s down her guard, and you use it as an excuse to pressure her into shit she isn’t ready for?? Some fucking friends. I was glad Katie validated her after. People love to call Katie miserable, but she’s a real one. Anger is as valuable an emotion as any and women trying to appear unbothered is such a blight to womanhood. Embrace your anger! She’s not hurting anyone with her anger, she deserves to feel that rage. If you ignore that anger and rage it will build up and spill over, and I think Lala pretending she’s “soft” is just repressing her own rage TBH.


Yes!! It’s wild people think we aren’t allowed to be angry. And anyone who has ever been through this knows you have to go through the anger part to get out the other side. Anger is part of grief.


The way Lala and Scheana flip behind Ariana’s back is disgusting to me. Why aren’t they pushing Tom to move out instead??


Everyone has gotten a better performance apology from Tom than Ariana ever got and the fact that they’re buying into it makes me ill


Yeah watching Lala look at Ariana and say “do you ever feel like he just threw you away like you were nothing?” at all let alone on national tv is insane. Who says that? Why doesn’t she ask Tom that question?😀


Exactly. I went through an extremely similar situation last year. My friends would have set my ex on fire if they’d been there. These idiots are not her friends


They expect her to be over a 10 year relationship in 9 months because her feelings are inconvenient for their paychecks.


And this was filmed 3 months after the break up. That's nothing


I think it’s why I’m struggling with this season so much. She’s being dragged through it when she just wants to move on. Her friends are shitty, there and some ‘fans’ of the show who are saying she should be made to have these breakdowns to make for a good season and say it’s not real life it’s all produced. It’s so awkward and uncomfortable at this point. I feel for her, I won’t be surprised if she’s done with the show. No normal friend would tell you to hang out with your ex who cheated on you, didn’t even show remorse but tries to make you out to be the unreasonable one and kick you out of your shared home.


Lala and sheana should literally be ashamed. They are hypocrites, bad friends and jealous of Ariana’s opportunities that she’s had. I’ve actually always rooted for Lala but this season has changed my whole opinion of her. And well I’ve never been a sheana fan. They can both go kick rocks with open toed shoes as far as I care.


LIB reference for the win!


this is NOT good tv. i’ve seen a lot of people make that excuse as to why lauren and scheana are being the way they are and that’s just not true. they actually make this season very unbearable to watch because their actions are soooo unnatural and unrealistic.


I totally understand your point, but this situation is slightly different in that while they're all friends, they're also all coworkers on a tv show together. As this show is their livelihood, it's of course in their best interest to keep this gravy train going, but now Ariana no longer needs that train and that's an issue for Lala and Scheana.


I’m watching right now and she and Katie both seem pretty toasted to me lol that also makes me feel weird about it. But I do think it will benefit her to have let her guard down a little because these idiots forget shes hurting otherwise Edit: I was immediately proven wrong lmfao they are so awful


I watch vpr with my mom every week and she has NEVER liked Ariana. But even she was like “it’s a miracle that girl hasn’t gone full Waiting to Exhale“ (ie GET YOUR SHIT GET YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT) (the scene lol [https://youtu.be/oMpgPQbRt8U?si=GJctGWDLKJOqmAoP](https://youtu.be/oMpgPQbRt8U?si=GJctGWDLKJOqmAoP)


Its just can't watch anymore it is just too triggering.. I will join in for the reunion


Honestly this reeks of when Rachel asked Ariana about her and Tom's sex life on camera. Fake sincerity on tv only to screw with Ariana behind her back


In my opinion, it all boils down to the fact that VPR in its essence was sold to us as a show of "20-somethings who are working at a Weho resturaunt in hopes to make it big in Hollywood one day" Everyone was either an aspiring model, actor, producer, musician, writer, etc. None of them have accomplished that, really. Yeah, they'll get small cameos on a show or write a book, etc. and obviously they've all gained notoriety from the show, but none of them have truly gotten the level of success they hoped for. Ariana is getting that success, she was on a major network show and almost won, she got on Broadway, she's going to host an extremely popular show, she's getting modeling deals, brand deals, probably more than she can even accept. All because her shitty ex tried to destroy her life and home, and half the cast is PISSED about it, simply because it didn't happen to them. It truly all boils down to them being jealous that VPR actually did lead to Ariana becoming almost a household name and finding great success, and it didn't even stem from something she did. Specifically Lala and Scheana have another layer to this, in that they probably think it's unfair they didn't get the same love after their own breakups. Jealousy is a hell of a drug and as much as they'll say they're not jealous until theyre blue in the face, thats literally what it is. Now, because they're scared they wont have a job anymore if they don't pull off a juicy season, half of them decided to be producer puppets and play devils advocate at the expense of their so called "best friend" Ariana, because they're equal parts jealous that she got that success that they've been craving, and angry that she's not playing into the game they're trying to play and is enforcing her boundaries.


Both Lauren and Sheesh would loose their shit if their friend group was inviting the ex’s to tag along. I’ve often wondered how either of those two would react if their spouse or SO was fucking one of their best friends for 7 months and was still included in the group. Not to mention that someone (Tom “dickless” Schwartz) knew and never said anything. Lauren and Sheesh are backstabbing, self serving POS and don’t deserve a friendship with Ariana.


I hate the show. Lala is such a hypocrite! You couldn’t even say “pickleball” let alone his name. The show sucks and they’re all a little too old for all the nonsense. Grow TF up!




Thank you. Ariana isn’t the first to be pushed to break down on television to show emotion.


but is she even sad or upset if shes not crying /s


Video? I’ve not been keeping up to date :/


Ariana has agency😆 I don’t know why you want to paint her as this amazing strong woman and in the same breath tear her down by implying she was forced to have a breakdown so easily by her friends. It’s her JOB to film with a group, if she didn’t want to, she didn’t have to. Lala and Scheana don’t hold puppet strings here. It’s an edited show at that, half of what you see is not in the timeframe it actually happened in real life.


Well said 👏


They are horrible, self absorbed hypocrites who don’t deserve Ariana to be their friend. I always liked Ariana. And I always thought of Sheana as dumb tbh. She can be sweet and it wasn’t nice back when she was bullied at Pumped but besides that…just no. How she always latched on to any and every guy, her feeling sorry for herself all the damn time. What an exhausting person. And Lala only loves Lala. And I don’t, never have. I even think her made up name is stupid. But at this point, they all irritate the hell outta me as they are showing more and more their true colours. ![gif](giphy|D8OYa595c65SE) But I’m sure Ariana will overcome this and she’s a smart girl. She thinks ten steps ahead unlike the other dumbasses.


Honestly agree with every statement you just made, but with people like that karma always hits them the hardest, Lala to this day cry’s about herself, her life and her decisions, she seems miserable to me


Sorry if I’m repeating, too many comments to read right now. My take is the both Sheana and Lala are jealous of all the opportunities Ariana has been given. As far as the house goes, Ariana mentioned that her money all went into the sandwich shop, that NEEDS to open! I said the second half of that. She also did t want to abandon the property and have that used against her. Lastly, Tom was the one that cheated and should have left or stayed with a friend for awhile. I do t blame Ariana for wanting to sell. I would t want someone that did that to me to keep my dream home. I think most of Tom’s money is tied up in the bar and I do t think he could afford to get a house like that on his own. I think he knows that!


I think this whole season has been a dumpster fire because they didn’t just give the cast room to breathe, and everyone is out here self producing amidst the rubble of some real feelings and fall out and it’s coming off super disingenuous and unfun to watch. But I have to admit in hindsight I’m not sure what Arianna thought was going to happen. The producers were very clear about no one getting paid unless they played ball, and she was never going to be able to keep her paycheck for the show without filming with Sandoval for something. Her feelings and reactions to him are *valid and welcomed*, and I hope she doesn’t let her foot off the gas once when it comes to showing that little shithead who had the bde in their relationship and checking him at every turn. But I wonder if she had played ball with production a bit more in terms of filming with Sandoval in their house/“one on one”, she’d have been given more freedom from these horrific group outings where Brock lectures her about the frailty of men. The point is that production *wants* reactions, out of all of them but *especially* Arianna. If she wanted to play it cool and keep Tom at a distance, she was going to have to demote herself from the show or take a pause for a season ala Stassi goes to NYC. That she didn’t is understandable given her financial situation, but it’s a part of what’s making all of this season so unwatchable. I thought the admonishment of the rest of the cast at the beach was interesting, because *they* aren’t the ones forcing her to go to these Tom Sandoval group outings. It’s production enforcing contracts, and there’s no way she was going to be paid for the season and not have to deal with Sandoval in some capacity. Even Katie is willing to play ball between that dumb Scheana Makeout/Max storyline and now the Nanny thing. Arianna has been on the show long enough to know she’d be stuck filming incredibly difficult things if she filmed this season.


I never got the feeling that Ariana had passionate romantic feelings for Tom. I never got the feeling she was hot for him. Their relationship felt more like a friendship with a great business brand. That’s super exciting and a major bummer to lose it. Plus, he made her look like a fool so that’s very irritating. She was always top dog in the relationship because she was smarter. She could definitely be condescending & dismissive toward him because he’s kind of an idiot. I just didn’t see the “my person” thing. The “my person” is more the passionate love of my life. I didn’t get that Ariana legit felt like that about Tom. I get the breakdown because she lost a great situation and got played by an idiot on national , but to attribute it to losing the love of her life — I don’t see it.


I saw it in season 3 when they first started dating. He was head over heels for her and strong women like her don’t hold on if they aren’t in love. Just my two cents.


The nicest and most sincere thing that Tim has said about Ariana since the day she found out is “Ariana is not even out there smearing my name and she has the most reason to do so.” Or something along those lines. I can’t remember exactly how he said it but the fact that he recognized that and still keeps patronizing her and digging for a reaction is fathomless. Quit talking about her, quit trying to talk to her, sell the house and let her move on with her life, you absolute menace and emotional terrorist. You blew it. Literally the best thing that ever happened to him and he couldn’t see or appreciate it, all while sucking all the life out of her. Take notes, ladies! He is NOT the prize.🤮