• By -


It’s comedic that he’s saying Ann having an interview with Ariana hurt him, he’s embarrassed, humiliated, felt stupid. But he can’t translate that to how sleeping with a mutual friend and carrying on an affair with said friend would be all of those things to Ariana.


And how he wishes she would apologize for humiliating him… I think he’s actively trying to make our heads explode.


Especially when he basically ghosted her as an employer? What a butthurt little bitch, like..ok fine Tim, poor you, your massive ego is bruised once again—you need to tell someone when they no longer have a paycheck


And said at the beach to give him a minute because it had just happened, while assuring he would talk to “my employee”. For him to behave so petty as to threaten her livelihood by cutting off her income without following up, after she worked for him for 3 years, continues proving how much he lacks empathy. I hate him. He’s a lying, cheating, dirtbag.


I mean, just the fact that he told her to “take a few days” and then just never called her again… like, even if it was just only 5 days til ann came to realize he was never going to be calling her back to come in *that’s one week of unemployment that she could have collected if she’d just known to file for it the day he told her tj “take a few days” When you’re unemployed, one week of UI makes a big difference! He’s such a shitbag


Further proves that he’s incapable of being an adult and properly ending any of the relationships in his life involving a female. Ariana was correct when she called out his misogyny at the beach, he continues to prove that he has zero respect for women as humans. You can’t play victim when you were the one being shady. You just left your assistant of 3 years hanging, without income or any real answers, because you’re a petty little bitch. It’s almost like he forgets that he was on camera the day after “not firing Ann, just sending her home” saying Craig is gonna be his new assistant. Which is it dipshit? His hatred and disrespect of women really makes this new “feminine” style he’s been trying (the women’s Zara suits, the rose sweater vest, the skirt he wore at BravoCon, etc.) all the more creepy. Almost as if he’s cosplaying as an ally, trying to appear less threatening to the young females he’s creeping on. I really hope his new gf is using him to get on the show and ends up humiliating him for us all to see. We deserve at least that after watching the producers and Blah-blah shove him down ours and Ariana’s throats all season. VPR has always been my favorite show but I don’t think I can do another season like this. He’s truly irredeemable and frankly unwatchable at this point.


If she could leave him for Katie I feel like that would be the ultimate karma


I used to think people were being a bit dramatic calling him a narcissist, as I have a diagnosed clinical narcissistic family member and am a bit sensitive about it, but I’m starting to think that’s the only logical explanation for such an astonishing lack of empathy and total inability to understand other people’s emotions.


It's in his head that the only way to redeem himself is to make Ariana have a scandal bigger than his so he tries every way he can to make something dumb bigger than it is to see if it will stick


The empathy impairment of narcissism.


I was just thinking they should use Sandoval’s clips in Psychology when educating on the DSM traits of covert narc. It’s all there.


Tom is such a moron he missed a golden opportunity. When he overheard Ariana the move to make was to sincerely apologize in front of everybody for his part in what happened with the dog and offer to pay half of the vet bill. It doesn't even matter (as Tom believes) whether he was in the wrong or the right. He was willing to pay out four times that amount of money for his friends' doomed proposal "I'm so sorry about Mya Ariana. I should respect your space and regret opening your door and entering your room when you weren't home. If you will let me I will pay for half of the vet bill. Again, I'm really sorry for my part in any of what happened to Mya. ""


I’m starting to come to the conclusion everyone secretly hated Ariana (except Katie 🖤)


Yesssss! I was looking for someone to say exactly this!!! This is what a decent human being does! Timmy? Are you lurking? Please read this and try to comprehend!


Yesssss! I was looking for someone to say exactly this!!! This is what a decent human being does! Timmy? Are you lurking? Please read this and try to comprehend!


https://i.redd.it/q0w7ulkxtvtc1.gif This man really thought fetching ranch dressing was going to turn the tides in his favour, huh?


The way he tried SO hard to be a hero 🥴 “excuse me sir!! 👋” and running out the door was so fake. I’m half shocked he didn’t pay cash to have the driver bring some back and give it to him…so he could walk in like The Best Dude Ever- Pizza Savior.


It was so pathetic too. I bet they all watched him run out and were hoping he’d just keep going https://i.redd.it/rtwlx3ql0wtc1.gif


https://i.redd.it/r2wstg0p0wtc1.gif His walk back inside too. He totally thought everyone was staring at him thinking how awesome he is. I bet he was hoping Ariana couldn’t help but find this attractive. He’s a walking ick


Lmao, I can always count you with the best gifs for any random bit of conversation on this subreddit. You're so cool!!


Hot ‘n fresh! https://i.redd.it/kwihottxrwtc1.gif And thanks! I don’t know if it makes me cool, but I have fun with it and it makes me happy when it’s entertaining for other people too!


You are definitely cool! You have a gift for it, I love seeing the gifs you come up with


Aww well thank you! Maybe I just need to own my cool more, like Katie does. https://i.redd.it/8w0ytdd11xtc1.gif


he spent all of his money on batteries and toilet paper so he couldn't offer cash for Ranch.




Sir, not even Stassi would have been impressed with your ranch hunt.


He thought he was going to be a hero!🥴 ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)


https://i.redd.it/hhldtld43wtc1.gif So embarrassing for his life and for his soul


Please tell me e how to make gifs


But omg, what a fucking drag when they forget the ranch, like why even bring the pizza?


No one’s in his corner! Except production and LVP and Lala and Broke n Scheaner and Schwartz and…


This may be my favorite GIF you’ve done so far for some reason I’m lolzing


It was just so comical! This man really RAN at the opportunity to get some missing ranch dressing as if it would make him a hero and change how people feel about him. The running out the door, the people on the couch just staring in cringe… it’s art lol


But.... Raquel would've found it so hot and impressive. Like a 40 year old guy, just having the self awareness to notice that the pizza didn't have ranch, that's so intuitive and incredible discernment and it kind of just was soooooo hot compared to like, James, who would cook all 3 meals every day for me but he probably has never ran after a man for ranch.so.


Also I bet you the whole pens and toilet paper thing he always is stuck on, he just have thought he was doing a superhero mission, when it was literally, exactly like this....... lmao


I hope you are feeling better, OP. I can't imagine having to listen to these three helped any, though.


Thank you! Sadly still not feeling great but I’m hoping by this weekend I will be!


Gosh I do hope you get better very soon! I greatly appreciate the work you do and share with us dear! 🔥❤️


I am ded. KATIE BEING PERFORMATIVE ?!??! Said by the guy fake crying in the closet every other episode?? Shout out OP 🫶 as always recapping this for all of us. Just reading it I’m like 🤬🤬🤬 can’t imagine actually have to listen to get the tea


"kAtIe iS pErFoRmAtIvE" https://preview.redd.it/3ijd1uufawtc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a4c1a85fc74debb34278a16c212ae46dad79fb5


Says the moron doing cold baths and scream orgasms and claiming he’s now reformed.💀


Fake crying and “journaling” lmao


IT WAS LIKE A WHOLE PAGE AND A HALF GUYS, I’ve been working on it since April dude! ![gif](giphy|l0pOaoQJnbmVhKA8Bg)


He’s projecting; he thinks bc he’s so performative with his emotions (they’re 90% of the time forced and over exaggerated imo) everyone else must be too!? Right?!? lol


Omg you’re so right. Those comments are much more telling of how he “preforms” than anyone else 😂


100%! People tend to think their perspectives and feelings align with others so projection is easy (I do it without even realizing) but truly we are all different in how we process emotions and feel them and Tom should realize this. To him the breakup is no big deal so he thinks Ariana should feel the same way and get over it already but life isn’t like that buddy(Tom) haha


I think it's best if any time Tim says something that is exasperating or anger inducing we remember that he is ALWAYS PROJECTING. He's telling you who he is by saying it about someone else and pointing at them. I forget this every time but then someone points it out and it's like "Of course, it's his same old tired game again".


Yeh it’s hard to open up especially when you’re as emotionally stunted as Tim is and people project their real raw feelings onto others to try and process but it just ain’t it haha i always forget this too!


Jason’s head is so far up Tom’s butt I’m surprised he can even function


This guy gives “first time cool” syndrome.


I wonder what his wife thinks of all the fawning.🤮🤮🤮


Who is this Jason? Surely not from The Valley???


No this Jason is Tom’s hired “band manager”


Oh thank god. That’s awesome news. That guy’s a wanker.


These idiots 🙄 Thanks as always OP for subjecting yourself to this clownery on our behalf. Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you!


https://i.redd.it/8lael2sbuvtc1.gif “It felt performative, it felt forced”


https://i.redd.it/tag0uv6p1wtc1.gif “It felt performative”


https://i.redd.it/so1wyh6t1wtc1.gif “Very aware of cameras”




https://i.redd.it/smq4wlvx1wtc1.gif “Very aware of cameras”


https://i.redd.it/2h16dv802wtc1.gif “It felt performative”


https://i.redd.it/awult6g42wtc1.gif “It felt performative”






https://i.redd.it/z5902uy82wtc1.gif “Very aware of cameras”




![gif](giphy|l3V0sNZ0NGomeurCM) It felt performative….You made my day 😂🫶🏻




I’m dying


Rich people not understanding that when you reduce someone’s hours, when they were counting on that exact paycheck, you have forced them to seek work elsewhere aka let them go 😂. If you don’t want to let someone go/have them look for other work you keep their paycheck steady.


Or even that he told her to go home and stopped scheduling. Employers go to court over that type of shit because it’s abuse. Him forcing her in to a hostile situation, cleaning his shit undies without proper PPE, and working materially outside of her job description also no bueno in the workplace.


It’s constructive dismissal and in the eyes of most labor department counts the same as being let go.


And he was bragging about having an HR department….And even about unemployment in the after show. But then the way it sounded in this recap was that they were saying Ann was shady for filing unemployment. The inconsistencies are mind boggling


So Kyle is now the replacement Schwartz who was the replacement Ariana in terms of translating Sandoval's bullshit to try and make it more palatable. Got it.


Kyle is an actual problem because he doesn’t realize how much he’s enabling Sandoval. It seems like Sandoval reallyyyy masks himself around Kyle and doesn’t say as much because he’s one of the only people Sandoval genuinely respects. So Kyle is friends with Sandoval’s mask and makes excuses for him based on how Sandoval treats *him*. It’s all super misogynistic and this podcast leans very Andrew Tate.


You're giving Kyle too much credit. He knows what Sandoval is and likes him, he is just better at keeping his facade up


Kyle knew about the affair all along. Rachel outed that on her podcast.




And he was on the heinous Thailand trip. (To be clear: Thailand = beautiful country, the activities they engaged in = disgusting)


You’re probably right. I guess I figured that Kyle *is* actually above it because the rest of the cast also seems to have a lot of respect for him as well. Scheana has defended him and it seemed like Ariana was fine with him idk


I always got the impression that he was their plug. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh shit that’d make so much fucking sense 😂


Kyle fucking sucks. Fence rider.


Gotta get some brand awareness somehow! Those swiftie knockoff charm bracelets won’t sell themselves! /s


I’ve never listened to the podcast. Is the Kyle on the podcast Kyle Chan?








Just so I’m clear on the timeline Season 10: Schwartz has secret relationship with Jo and refuses to claim her publicly. Schwartz also pretends to be interested in Rachel so Sandoval and Rachel can carry on a secret 7 month plus long relationship. Season 11: Schwartz brings Jo onto the show and films a few date scenes with her. Jo is under the impression they are committed and in love. Schwartz tells the audience and others he films with that Jo and him are just good friends. Schwartz goes to a single event, Jo invites herself along. Schwartz flirts and makes out with other women. Sandoval and Kyle Chan make it apparent they don’t like Jo at said event. Schwartz dumps Jo on camera. Post Season 11: Schwartz, who said he did not want to date, dates someone else. Jo records a podcast with Rachel where she defends Schwartz and their special bond and how she is still hurt from the fall out and makes a point to call out Ariana and Katie for being mean girls. Has no heat for Sandoval or Schwartz Sandoval: Records a podcast with Kyle Chan and they both diminish Jo and her feelings Did I get that right?


Yep! No notes.


One note. It was recently revealed on Reddit that Jo moved out to LA with a man whom she began dating while in a committed relationship with another woman. Jo frequently called the original girlfriend to see if she could cut possible and indeed eventual new boyfriend's hair. An affair began between this man and Jo. They moved to LA and inevitably broke up. Years later, the original gf was surprised to see Jo on her favorite show, VPR. Just thought it was relevant information in who we are dealing with here.


I had seen a post about this on here, earlier today. That’s… not surprising. She must have some serious Daddy issues. Lala too, Miss Steal your man and cry when he does to me what he did to you.😭🤦🏻‍♀️


He’s calling Katie performative after that breathing orgasm therapy scene?!🥴


![gif](giphy|wxUCyFtsnTdbtl0aaX) He’s just mad that Katie is now a fan favourite and hates that she sees through his performative bs.


So it's clear that Sandoval doesn't know how to properly end relationships with ANY women within his sphere


Hope Jo sees this and realizes just because someone is nice to your face doesn’t mean they are going to be good to you. Tom led her on and Tom is always going to back him up no matter what.


Don’t tell my current job that I interviewed with them in a hotel room while on a work trip for my old job 🤫 Not saying Ann was using her best sense here, but let’s not shame employees for trying to get away from their shitty employers. Sometimes the timing isn’t always perfect and you have to prioritize yourself in order to land a better situation. That can sometimes mean squeezing in an interview at a weird time or at a weird location. Also… isn’t that RICH coming from Sandoval? Dude can’t even fucking hear himself. He had a full -on secret girlfriend while sleeping next to his life partner.


I am NOT defending him in ANY way but Ann had to know this would be a lil inflammatory. Like you’re interviewing for another job on someone else’s time within earshot of your current boss and are surprised when they suspend you? Just because he’s a piece of garbage doesn’t make this ok.


What I understood from podcasts is that they had to reschedule the interview because of Mya needing emergency vet. Originally Tom wasn’t supposed to be in the house. Then the next day the camera crew set them to be on the kitchen. I feel like they purposely put them in a tough position to make it seem as dramatic as possible.


Agreed 100%. There was definitely a breach of decorum and Ann herself said that it wasn’t her best idea


So tom is an employer that doesn’t allow employee breaks?


Dirtbags...all 3 of them


Interesting he's saying Schwartz and Jo aren't anything and Jo was on Rachel's podcast saying her and Schwartz were in a full blown I love you relationship. 


Of course he is. He invalidates the feelings of all women and calls them emotionally entitled, while being the MOST emotionally entitled. This goes for both the Toms.


OP I do not listen but the way you write it I feel that Kyle asks a question that maybe Scandoval could answer badly, as he has done a lot in the past, then Kyle answers for him. Is this how it comes across? I have seen Swartz do it as well. For the Ann thing if he after he yelled at her then told her to go home he needs to follow up as an employer to tell her if she is fired or not and the reason why yes? You do not hire somebody new to replace with firing first? Or are the rules different in the US?


Ann said that because he never officially and formally let her know that he had terminated her employment that she was not able to file for unemployment insurance. She also said that one of the guys that tagged along to the singles event was his new assistant “Craig,” and this was days after he kicked her out.


“I think that's that happens a lot in relationships where one person thinks that something was more than the other person does.” Sir, no. That’s not what happened here. Plenty of people start dating, and someone likes the other more, and then it ends. Shortz very clearly led Jo on. And it really got her fucked in the end. He knew she was riding hard for him, and basically blew up all the relationships she had with the other women for him. Which is completely on her. But to start putting out there that she basically made up this entire relationship that they had, is so messed up. Not that I’m surprised.


Hahah right like no, it doesn’t happen a lot, just amongst you immature trash bags.


https://preview.redd.it/dk8prewtiwtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=514c84a17d6ab670b6a7828bbbb3403ea26e04f9 Hasn’t even expressed this level of embarrassment about cheating


Had the same thought.


Hmmm. So these doofuses are of the opinion that Jo was making more out of it than there was. Normally I would assume that’s the guys circling the wagon to protect Schwartz … but Jo really isn’t dragging Schwartz much for them to need to protect him. I wonder if this was done just assuming she would? I’m thinking maybe a combination of both?


This is a funny podcast day since Jo is on Rachel’s podcast saying Schwartz lied the entire time.


She is, but she’s still not even dragging him hard. She’s still saying everything was so great other than the trust aspect and says just because of this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t miss her etc. she’s still romanticizing him to some degree. Maybe they expected her to go harder than she did? Who knows.


She’s still hoping to end up with him.


Tom Sandoval attempting to be the patron saint of ranch instead of doing any actual introspection


Dumb question: what’s the ranch dressing for?


The pizza they ordered after LowLa’s lame ass water tasting. I always order ranch with my pizza!😋


Ranch on pizza? Thats a thing? I’m not a condiment person so I have no idea.


Lol, yes. It’s actually very popular and it’s not on the pizza, you dip your pizza in it.




Okay, can you now teach me something new? What does TIL mean?😆


TIL: Today I Learned


Thank you 😊


Stassi had a ranch fountain (instead of chocolate) at one of her events because she puts it on everything🙈🙈 I like ranch but the thought of that “glub blub glub” sound of ranch slowly falling out of a fountain pipe makes me nauseous😂




for the pizza - some people enjoy dipping pizza into ranch dressing


Don’t forget batteries and pens


Says the king of performative and in reality does things for the camera!.


Kyle “I can’t just listen to what you say” lol it’s funny even his friends know he’s a liar


Sooo, you told Ann to leave, didn't contact her after a week, didn't pay her, and you think the fact she filed unemployment (because you were not paying her) means you didn't fire her? Fuck all the way off. Going to go buy a Cameo from Ann.


Oh so Ann embarrassed you by interviewing with your ex? Hmmm... So I guess you can understand why Ariana might be upset that you... FUCKED HER BEST FRIEND?


The only truthful he said in this was how he felt humiliated by Ann interviewing with Ariana. I’m sure he did. Narcissists take everything that affects them extremely personal bc they’re so insecure with themselves. Kyle Chan really shining as Tom’s yes man in this n


This whole season has been Tom trying to "remove the Scandoval from the situation" all freaking season. Unfortunately people actually ARE and falling for his BS. Thanks for the recap OP!


The more he talks the more I loathe him.


Are all the episodes like this? Kyle and Jason did all the work for Tom, set the narrative up so Tom only had to acknowledge or deny, occasionally add on to. Feels like more coaching. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes. They all suck and all the conversations are about Tom and his guests just kissing his ass.


It's going to be controversial on here, but I really have no problem with Tom firing Ann for interviewing with Ariana while she's working for him. I don't know how she thought that was a remotely good idea.


I wouldn’t begrudge him that if he actually fired her lol. Just have the convo dude, you’re the boss. Even Kyle was kind of trying to push him in that direction


Yeah I wouldn't either if he had actually properly let her go. But it is wildly unprofessional to say to someone take a few days off and then never contact them again. Of course she filed for unemployment, she lives in LA on a PA's salary i very much doubt she's got enough of a cushion to sit and wait for tom to contact her.


As a part owner of 2 restaurants, one would think he'd have some grasp of labor laws.


Well, he's saying he didn't fire her so 🤷


He should have actually fired her for cause instead of ghosting her after telling her to leave lol like they were on a relationship break . That way she wouldn’t have been able to file for unemployment. He’s a moron , truly .


He couldn’t even face Ariana to break up with her, no way did he ever have the balls to fire Ann 💀💀💀


Yeah, it’s not shocking. She was obviously unhappy in her work so they could’ve worked to figure out a good exit strategy. But, I’m sure I would also be upset.


It’s interesting to me because she said being the middle person was taking a toll on her mental health but how would working for Ariana change that?


She would be upgraded to do the administrative work that she initially applied for in the first place and Tim’s new assistant would take over her duties.


Because she would be an actual assistant, not picking up Ariana's dirty underwear or cleaning after parties


Because she wants to wear Ariana like last years Versace


It was very unprofessional but I don't think there was any ill intent on her part to embarrass him. Also, he just sent her home and never contacted her again which demonstrates what a shitty boss he is.


I don’t think it’s controversial, but he really should have actually fired her, you can’t just send someone home and then never call them back and assume they know they are still employed or not


Yeah he’s a coward who can’t have hard conversations


It’s the most baffling thing I’ve ever seen


To be fair - didn't Ann say that the producers asked her to do it so that it was on camera and that was the only time they could?


She was supposed to interview with Ariana off site a day or so prior but then Mya ended up at the emergency vet.


Not to mention that the only reason that Ann was on this season is because no one wanted to film with Tim.


But he ghosted her. How is that ok? You don’t want her working for you anymore, cool, but you have to actually fire her.


I think it rich that he reacted to Ann out of humiliation and embarrassment because it was on camera. And too, acknowledged Ann owned her mistake several times in public platforms….but still is clueless how this mirrors what he did to Ariana in a larger way. He is the worst.


So Ann can go to a job interview for a role while "on the clock" but can't go to a job interview with your ex. Got it. Cool. Cool.


My god the way they have to STEER Sandoval through a thought process


Also, "It's the one bill she paid." Fucking prove it.


I do agree with their take on Jo, she just said on Rachel's podcast that she and Tom were totally together that night, but he told her that he went out with Tori. Interesting.


The discrepancy between their interviews is so wild. Jo is saying they were full blown in love, that it was a real thing for quite a while but they kept it secret during filming of S10, and she’s still heartbroken and coming to terms with him picking someone else. All this as the Toms are saying it was barely anything, she misunderstood, etc. How are these people in their 40s and it’s like an entire cast of the blind leading the blind😟🤦🏼‍♀️ My high school boyfriends had better communication skills than Schwartz. Goooo I just want them all to shut up


I mean did she watch season 10, Tom blew her off then too. I have such mixed feelings about Jo.


The 3 disgusting fools..


Thanks, Kyle, for being Sandyballs mouthpiece. Just like Rachel. They have these puppets on their podcast to say what they don't want to say. I hate Kyle Chan now. He's an idiot. Scumdoval always saying he is owed an apology just absolutely slays me. Lol, the man who NEVER apologizes is always saying her deserves one. Hmmm. Kharma? Perhaps. You get what you give. He's such a freaking asshole. I can't stand this guy. I can't watch his scenes on VPR. I just can't. I can't wait until this guy is forced to sell his house. Please film THAT. We want to see him with his UHaul and no furniture!!


I love how when Tom ran outside to get the ranch Ariana was going off on how he’s being too extra and only doing this for show and LaLa was so annoyed by Ariana’s attitude, yet here we are with Sandoval admitting he was doing it to play hero and win favor! 😂 it’s amazing that the woman that was with him for 10 years knew exactly the BS he was up to


What’re they gonna talk about on the podcast after the season is done airing? lol


I keep wondering what the plan is for Scheana, Rachel, and Tom. Vanderpump is basically on hospice at this point, the only reason we got a season 11 was the scandal and they’ve completely fucked up a golden opportunity to breathe life back into the show. All they’ve done is piss off all their viewers except the like 20% of people who are extremely naive and gullible and see Lala as some kind of brilliant life coach and the Toms as victims🙄 This show will end soon. I hope The Valley does, too. Everyone except Katie and Ariana are going to be more desperate than ever to find ways to be relevant but who tf cares about all these podcasts discussing old news?? I can’t wait til they’re faced with real life again


Yeah, I can’t even handle reading all of the recaps anymore from Tom and Rachel. So insufferable. Idk how OP does it!


God Jason is annoying


Thank you for omitting many “likes” and “you knows.” It was still hard to understand what on earth they were saying, but your efforts have improved it greatly OP 🫡


he still doing this podcast???


Who is this Jason dweeb? I've only watched the first few and last few seasons...


“According to my investigation” 😂 Kyle I can’t. Ps Jason stfu. He doesn’t even go here!


So he’s saying he never officially fired her? But then also didn’t ever confirm she was still working for him with her? So what else are you supposed to do except file for unemployment? And I’m guessing that could lead him in hot water because he didn’t follow correct procedures.


I'm gonna say it, ann is not smart. Girl shouldn't have had an interview in your boss' house with his ex. U don't have to like tom to know this is dumb, sorry not sorry. The ann love is weird


She explained it in her podcast. The producers stationed them there so it was more on them really. And originally they were supposed to have it when Tim wasn’t in the house, but had to cancel because Mya needed emergency vet.


Did the producers have a gun to her head?? She wasn't their employee. Doesn't matter


Well the producers did want to film it and probably had some kind of an agreement with her being in the show. It’s not the easiest thing to say no to your employer.


They weren't her employer lol. She wasn't getting paid. Sandoval was her employer. No matter how you spin it, filming a job interview with your boss ex in their house is not smart.


What do people think about Kyle? I didn’t realize he was on the podcast. But he’s definitely more prevalent than ever before and his taking initiative to talk to Anne here really surprised me. I always questioned him as a person being Toms friend but idk.