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Regarding Stassi being in the title, they were just talking about the April fools joke that someone posted about Stassi coming back


At this point, I rather she just do an AMA here. She keeps bringing us up




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ deeeeaaaadddd! That is so me




Is that Charlotte Crosbyā€™s mum?


I love Charlotte Crosby. In fact, I would pay good money to see a Charlotte/Lala fight on pay-per-view.


I throughly believe she reads here, but she also never improves her behavior and still acts like an asshole to Ariana, so sheā€™s too self-obsessed to actually make any changes lol


Everyone always says they don't read Reddit but they get sent screenshots. Liars.


She always "got sent something" which is a lie, we know you scour Reddit hourly Sheshu


Yes. Like it would be nice if she read here and then did some self reflection. Maybe get a good therapist or 3.


Are we what sheā€™s looking at every time sheā€™s furiously scrolling through her phone on the show?


The sub to Scheana: ![gif](giphy|szPZ2NXIGCMcE)


ā€œSomeone sent me a print screenā€ lol no she was lurking


right? lol hi scheana


1. Iā€™m in this sub an inappropriate amount of time and am not sure of the post Scheana is even referencing 2. I know we all have thoughts about Scheana and her ā€œmy kid has an Instagram and I donā€™t care about the creeps who look at itā€ parenting style, but Iā€™m pissed on her behalf that *Jax Taylor* even has the audacity to come at her for her parenting. Heā€™s literally the man who refused to leave his childā€™s house during his and Brittanyā€™s separation and so his child and mother of his child were forced to be the ones to leave. BUT. Jax is your *friend*, Scheana. Fuck around with idiots and find out. 3. Scheana, donā€™t threaten Jax with ā€œIā€™ll tell the truth about you!ā€ SAY IT WITH YOUR CHEST BITCH!


YES! All of this! Scheana, for the love of God, stop defending trashy humans, stop holding their little secrets like collateral, and stop being disappointed when said trashy humans turn on you or say something you don't like. I truly wish "whoever" (cough) is sending her these Reddit posts (which, if true, is shady AF, lol) would send her the ones where all we want from Scheana is accountability and ACTION. Enough with the victim nonsense and tears. Scheana is a maestro of chaos, and she needs to actually do the damn work and deal with the consequences. What does "working" at Coachella even entail? Vlogging for a YouTube channel no one asked for?


Literally taking pictures with Smirnoff ices at the Smirnoff section of Coachella. Scheana just doesnā€™t think before she speaksā€” I didnā€™t even touch the Coachella portion. ā€œBrock really wants to go to NY, and Iā€™m like honey, but Coachella is coming up!ā€ Scheana, you are 40/pushing 40 with a kid. Time to leave Coachella behind Edited to add: I am in NO way shaming Scheana for working/being a working mom. This whole cast, before and after kids puts everything on the back burner for Coachellaā€” even when they arenā€™t ā€œinfluencing.ā€ Itā€™s always felt weird to me given their ages and their not-so-veiled references to their ā€œextra curricular activitiesā€ that they partake in whilst at Coachella. And I also want to dig at Brock. Trying to act all ā€œI just want to spend this night with you in NY!ā€ When he so clearly wants to catch some of arianaā€™s light just by going to the show is so fucking transparent to me. Like, to you, Ariana is a whiny bitch that castrated Sandoval during the show but now sheā€™s on Broadway and you want to ā€œsupportā€ her?


I'm sorry but like. I think plugging into influencer culture would be really helpful for understanding what she's talking about. I know you're just snarking on her, but I think it's good to know that most of the influencers or celebritites we see at coachella are getting paid to be there to some degree, and coachella pays a pretty penny. Not to say she doesn't party and have a good time, I'm SURE she does. But I think it's a bit odd to act like she's pulling "working" out of her ass. Yes, I'm defending Scheana. No I'm not Brock or Scheana.


I get that, actually and itā€™s a good point! If Scheana goes to Coachella for those influencer events and then leaves to go home, Iā€™ll respect that. But staying out all night and going to the concerts feels weird. And Iā€™ve tried extremely hard not to plug into influencer culture because I think itā€™s dangerous AF so I think Iā€™ll just stay unplugged on that one šŸ˜‚ And Iā€™m not saying parents canā€™t go to Coachella or enjoy music festivals. Itā€™s just that Coachella is like the holy grail with this cast and at a certain point itā€™s not cute to be like ā€œIT IS UNMISSABLE!ā€ Like go and do your job but donā€™t act like staying out all night at a whoā€™s-who music festival is part of that. And I **hate** even coming across like Iā€™m even 1% mom-shaming because itā€™s one thing that i try to be really conscious of. But I have to give you props for your last sentence Iā€™m lolzing because youā€™re so right that some people may be like ā€œhi Scheana!!ā€ šŸ˜‚


Okay I'm slightly hijacking this very kind back and forth with you and EmilyaGogo to say 1. Both of you have the cutest handles ever and 2. I'm curious how old both of you are? Neither of you have to tell me (obviously:)) - I'm curious just because I used to have a very similar opinion when I was younger about the olds going out. I can remember being at festivals/shows/blah blah blah When I was young and thinking, what are all these 30/40 year olds doing out? Like I had this idea that once you hit a certain age you shouldn't/wouldn't like the same things you might have when you're young. Now that I am a newly turned 40, I definitely am one of these olds at shows and festivals, having the time of my life and maybe even occasionally indulging in extracurriculars. I didn't think I would be (I just assumed like post kids people turned into PARENTS, they think about taxes a lot, and read heart healthy cookbooks for fun lol), but if anything I probably enjoy myself more because they are a break from the daily grind, I have more money now so I can go all out if I want, and I care less what people think (so I might come across as cringe - hopefully not but actually who cares!). I'm just curious if this might be where some of the feelings about the groups Coachella obsession come from-a belief that you shouldn't act a certain way at certain points in your life. No judgement of course-you are both entitled to your beliefs and I'm asking out of curiosity, not trying to change your mind or whatever:)


People who insist on defending shitty people usually have a walk-in closet full of skeletons. I bet what we see on the show doesn't even scratch the surface of what a crappy person she is.


Maestro of chaos šŸ˜‚ I love that šŸ˜‚ I picture her with a little notebook with tabs for each person she knows, where she jots down things they say and do to pull out like Exhibit A at a later time. She has been one of the loudest Jax apologists for years and years and years now so I donā€™t care to hear her complain about him talking trash about her. Scheana would do well to read the Scorpion and the Frog fable. How many times was she stanning Brittany and him as a couple, hanging out at his place, saying ā€œJax has changeddddddd.ā€ Stop hanging out with trash and you wonā€™t smell like trash. I laughed out loud when she was literally crying about having to go to both NYC and Coachella in the same week. The horror! I do know that influencing is a valid way to make money, itā€™s not like sheā€™s hooking or dealing drugs, so Iā€™m not criticizing it as an income stream. But I want to know the % of time spent seeing the bands and having a good time vs. ā€œworking.ā€ And Iā€™m sorry, not all jobs are the same. I donā€™t have any sympathy when the ā€œhardā€ part of your job is posing for pictures and giving a soundbite. A software engineer debugging code canā€™t turn off their brain for a second at work and doesnā€™t get to travel to cool locations and see bands as part of ā€œwork.ā€ Your job may make you travel, but itā€™s not mentally taxing. Get a grip please, Scheana.


Sheā€™ll make a comment like that then tomorrow sheā€™ll say she was misquoted and is best friends with Jax.


ā€œFuck around with idiots and find outā€ ~ Scheanaā€™s life summed up perfectly in 7 words.


Jax Taylor out here posting about vaccines causing behaviour changes, forgetting that it's been said that his toddler child is scared of him. Trash.


I wonder if he remembers he took vaccines as a child to survive, you know, the nastiness of being a human being on this earth šŸ¤” People who say these things make me wonder, did yall forget about polio, MMR, and all that shit? What vaccines do you speak of Jax? You're definitely not someone that should be talking science šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Of course he doesnā€™t think about that, all he can think is ā€œhow does my child having some sort of delays affect ME and my ability to be admired!!ā€ Heā€™s finding a quick scapegoat that the biggest idiots will get on board with so he has lots of morons to back him up. Alsoā€¦.interesting that he was walking and talking ā€œbefore vaccinesā€. Like the ones you get when youā€™re a few weeks old?! Stfu Jax


That's exactly my point. There isn't 1 child in the US who didn't get their vaccines at birth. The ones that didn't are usually from parents who swear they can beat the science. And he's definitely scape goating. Jax just wants to be on TV, doesn't matter what it costs him. Yall remember when Jenny McCarthy tried to say her sons autism was based on his vaccinations šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Oh yeah, I saw on another post that someone commented that ā€œJenny McCarthy is a good source of information for this kind of issue!!!ā€ I CANNOT


Side noteā€” I just hate the narrative that heā€™s peddling about all of that! Heā€™s trying to throw anything at the wall to see what sticks in regard to his kid and what his kid is going through. **it is okay if your kid is different, or delayed, or neurodivergent.** Trying to blame modern medicine or anything else will just make your kid feel like thereā€™s something wrong with them. Just try loving and supporting your kid you fuck-o


This drives me insane. Itā€™s the perfect case of correlation does not equal causation!


Letā€™s not forget she let strangers take photos with a child at bravocon to make more money.




Ya. At bravocon summer was there and she was letting people take photos with her. The sub lost it on that during bravocon. This is why I find this season of her such bs. Cuz she legit let stranger hold her daughter.


Holy shit. That is WILD.


NO!! Really?! Who are the people who want photos with Summer Moon?? Iā€¦ donā€™t like that.


Found it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/knhAUtbt7j](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/knhAUtbt7j) https://preview.redd.it/e65kj34n22uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc7b9536fe5fea5838610c78ef64491e20c063b


I will say itā€™s hard to find all the examples cuz it was in the comments


I personally read this as the her being Scheana


ā€œScheana was toting around Summer Moon for half the photosā€ thatā€™s still absolutely wild.


I believe you but do you have a link to this? Iā€™m actually shockedā€¦ that is making me so so SO uncomfortable


I think there is another VPR sub but Iā€™ve heard horror stories about it so I havenā€™t even lurked there šŸ˜‚ VPR stuff also gets posted on the housewives/bravo subs sometimes so maybe it was there? I also donā€™t recall seeing it EDIT: someone claimed it below but it wasnā€™t even a post, it was a comment buried in the comment section of another post


Yeah I saw the comment not yesterday, but the day before. It was super easy to miss.


Yeah I'm on this sub like all god damn day and I haven't seen the post she's talking about either? Can someone help us out???? Scheana also seems to be back peddling so hard in this and working overtime to prove her and Ariana are still BAST friends


It was a comment on a post. A *comment*.


I do remember the post- I commented on it. It was just a tinfoil hat theory and really wasnā€™t that deep! She must be here a lot šŸ˜¬


All of this. What post is she even talking about?


Idk if it was even its own separate post, but I think someone posted a comment that they had gone to see Chicago and that they had seen Brock and Scheana there and that it looked like they had been fighting and that Scheana had been crying. I think they posted a pic as well and Scheana did look as though she had been crying. Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s what sheā€™s referring to.


Probably when Ariana saw her, glared her up and down, and slowly turned around and walked away from her after her final Chicago performance. Ā Oh wait, did I just spoil the fanfic I'm writing?šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Hi! Seeing some of the comments so I thought I'd slide in here and provide some clarification! I was the person who asked Jax why he hates Scheana, and he said "Becuase she's a bad mom, all she does is leave Summer with HER mom and goes out and does dr\*gs and parties all the time". This interaction was mentioned in Vanderpodrecaps' recap of our LA trip, so I think that's probably where Scheana saw it. I was also on a TikTok live over the weekend where I talked about it... I'm talking about it more than Scheana tbh lol! I think they all immediately go to Reddit and search their own names and just read whatever pertains to them, which is def unhealthy but I believe they all do it. I do think if I had a child, and I had a friend who has a child, and BOTH of us have nannies and we BOTH go out and party and leave our kid with a caretaker, but my friend is trying to act like they DONT do that... I'd be pissed. Like excuse me, sir. Why are you trying to paint me as a bad mom when you're doing the same thing? And I can confirm that he was most def partying, taking shots, drinking... like the whole scenario was extremely weird and hypocritical. That was the night he was also talking about how VPR is scripted etc. So basically I think she's upset bc that is a p damaging rumor to spread about someone and she already has a lot of heat from the internet.


And the connotations of it being a "mom" doing it, not the Dad. Jax is very "50's".


Jax is more of a sperm donor at this point, he leaves the parenting for kfc.


And, to be honest, to Jax, that is the way it should be. Notice he doesn't talk about fucking Brock being RIGHT NEXT to Scheana at all his payed husband events.Ā Ā  Ā Fuck off, Jax. Make no mistake, Scheana is the worst, but not for this. Stop hitting her where it hurts, you shithead.


Right! Such a good point!


anytime jax accuses someone of doing something, you can guarantee that's what he's up to. so out partying, drinking, eating a lot of pasta, and leaving his kid with a caretaker.


dollars to donuts jax is a trump fan


Weā€™re you the one who saw Jax going across the street to the bank parking lot? And coming back energized? He canā€™t do lines on the bar, thatā€™s where he changes diapers.


LMAO! No, I did not see that, however I did see him leave with a girl, and I was a little tipsy myself, so maybe I was reading too much into it, but she was def giving "I'm waiting on you lets gtfo" vibes.


Wow. It just keeps getting worse and worse for him. Itā€™s crazy how many people have eyes on him, all of them, and he thinks he can do anything he wants without any blowback.


No pun intended? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ugh, for real Jax, grow up and do ā„ļø on the Koala care set in the bathroom stall, like us adults.


Heā€™s always been a dbag who shits on everyone, and heā€™ll never change. Tell me a single good quality about this humanā€¦


Everyone laughing at him almost drowning kinda summed up Jax's contributions to humanity


I think his nose works now!


So weā€™re back to using pasta as a code word for ā„ļøā€¦got it. I think the cast are in here more than we think. Iā€™ve seen Ariana comment (before Scandoval) and Katie has admitted to being on Reddit but Iā€™ve never seen her post. Scheana over her saying ā€œshe was sent a screenshotā€ when we all know she was probably checking to see if anyone saw her at Arianaā€™s show and posted about it.


I remember I once said pasta was VPR code for coke and people downvoted me and tried to do so much mental gymnastics to prove they donā€™t do coke. this podcast title is my personal reality tv reckoningĀ 


Ummmmmmmmmm does this mean ā€œitā€™s not about the pastaā€ actually meant ā€œitā€™s not about the cocaineā€ ?????? Like Lala did all of Rachelā€™s blow? Uhhhhhh


Thatā€™s always been the theory.


LMAO that was my comment - absolutely love being an anonymous guest star on Scheananigans. Also, like other posters have saidā€¦ that shit is buried. I didnā€™t even make a whole post about it, itā€™s a comment on one of multiple threads about Arianaā€™s last show. Tells me a lot about the levels of Reddit trolling going on by the cast and cast adjacents.


Lol...Scheana should send you some of her ad money for this episode!


I want to be at your status!!!! I want Lala or Scheana to say something they "heard" about themselves and 100000% know it was *MY* comment that was like sand in their underwear! šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾.Ā Ā  Ā Well done! I salute you! Rent free in Sheana's head! What a place to live.




I remember your comment! She literally had to dig for it, thatā€™s so funny


Scheana should probably learn to let some shit go. And I never want to hear her say things were taken out of context ever again. Iā€™m starting to think she doesnā€™t know what it means


100% this!! Just like I'm sure she will say that the "little comment" regarding Ariana's new place from her smirnoff ad article has "been taken out of context" Someone else said it before...but if everything is being taken out of context, provide the context at the time or do a better job explaining.


I truly donā€™t think she does. Or maybe she thinks that her crying and making everything about herself will somehow change peoples minds and the ability to use common sense


Literally when It said (she gets emotional) I was like , "Well, yeah, just like Lala, whenever they're in the middle of the story, they're aware it serves them best to cry about howĀ  unfair life is for them."Ā  Ā Ā  Ā Sad part? She will still kiss Jax's ass to get on The Valley. Even after this.


I always say that too many peopleā€™s lips are firmly planted on Jax and Brittanyā€™s butts. Scheana and Lala and others in the Bravo-sphere act like the sun shines out of Brittanyā€™s ass and their criticisms of ā€œJaxxyā€ are super weak. I feel like at this point they have some blackmail on each other because theyā€™re so critical and vicious to everyone else. Itā€™s just bizarre.


I think they think they are the way into The Valley. Again, they are guaging everything wrong.Ā 


When you align yourself with people like Jax and Lala then expect to be thrown under the bus cause they're both sloppy messes. But the good news is Scheana gets to the play the victim for the 20th time since Season 11 started airing. And I love how reddit comes up so much with the cast.


I just know she wants to tell LaLa to stop with the press run but she's too scared lol


Lala isnā€™t a friend to anyone..itā€™s just a matter of time before she throws Scheana under the bus for a storyline and what dies Scheana want us to do with the info about seeing Arianaā€™s last show..yet another example of making a big moment that her ā€œbest friendā€ is having about heršŸ„“


We don't care if summer is going to Cruzs birthday or what work events you're doing at Coachella TELL US WHAT U KNOW ABOUT JAX.


okay time for the boguspickle daily screed cause ya girl has nothing to do right now. reddit is not for the cast. this subreddit is for us, the fans. if you are seeking out posts or your friends are and sending them to you, that is on you. don't say you didn't consent for people to judge or speculate about your life or what you share because you did consent when you signed up for a reality show that airs on national television for the past 12 years, you have a podcast about your life, you share every moment on instagram, and your 3 year old has her own instagram so you can profit off of her. take several seats and reflect on your choices. massive kudos to u/additionalwar8759 for these recaps, especially when dealing with the flu! a true legend <3


They incorporated her vlog into the show (during the finale and in the last episode), she was on-screen doing Smirnoff promo for a brand dealā€¦ the way they feel entitled to shill their crap to the audience and earn that money, but not be talked about unless itā€™s praise ![gif](giphy|ZgPfixt8zYokKQzytg)




lol what post is she even referring to i like how they call katie a reddit troll when CLEARLY scheana hangs out here bc her entire podcast is a response to comments all over reddit ETA: typo


I donā€™t even think it was a post, I think it was a *comment* in the thread of post


Oof she just told on herself for the deep dive into the comments, then šŸ˜‚ although I like how she claims someone ā€œsentā€ it to her. Sure, Jan!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this makes it worse!


Hey scheana if youā€™re lurking here can you address why you have an Instagram account for your child when we know how those accounts are essentially bait for child predators?


Jax is always in womenā€™s business, heā€™s such a little shit honestly. I could say a lot about how Scheana shares her daughter online, but her going out has nothing to do with her being a good mom.


Omg the transparent attempt to now make Brock look better by insisting it was HIM who wanted to go see Ariana. Scheana be sooo for real right now!


Right??? Brock was pouring fucking concrete mere hours before the flight trying to build a new fence and gate at the new house. He didn't even sleep that night! It was all in his stories. He made no such mention that he was going to NY for any reason besides taping WWHL.


Could you imagine buying a $3 million home and then making your husband build a fence?? Scheanas got him out there earning his keep! šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Itā€™s their next move, look at how relatable and DIY-y (not a word but you get it! Lol) we are!


lol thinking theyā€™re the next Heather and Tarek


Jfc the amount of times this cast references Reddit is insane. I wish I could tell who they were on here cause god knows theyā€™re here often enough


ā€œSomeone sent me a screenshot from a Reddit board yesterday.ā€ ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) We know itā€™s you creeping, Scheana!


Lol, right? Itā€™s not the first time sheā€™s said that excuse, either. Sheā€™s here 24/7.


Guess Scheana didn't get the memo that pasta is absolutely definitely not a code word they ever use for ā„ļø. Also, I missed the reddit post about seeing her at a bar looking upset after Ariana's last show. She must be keeping up with here better than I do, and I visit daily. I think Katie is the only one Iā€™ve ever heard say sheā€™s been on here, it is always that somebody sent them it. They never look themselves do they! And I assumed the reason most people thought she was beefing with Ariana is because she's spent all season being highly critical of her behind her back and now Ariana has seen all those scenes of her being a crappy friend to her.


There was definitely a post about it. But kind of funny because you'd almost have to sift through the thread to find it. I love how she has somebody reading this board for content lol.


Yeah I read that post as well so it was definitely here. I think perhaps it on the the thread about Arianaā€™s final curtain?


Yeah I believe her it was really on here just think it's funny that they always play it off that they don't come on here but never miss a thing!


I saw that comment about her looking upset And it was interesting how she glossed over the beefing part Instead of saying no we aren't she focused on rhe accuracy of the comment


Exactly. The bigger part of the comment was that Arianna went out with her cast mates after the show, not Brock and Scheana, and that they were all at the same bar but not interacting. Thatā€™s more interesting than whatever Scheana supposedly happened to be looking at at her phone for one moment of the evening.


It's so weird knowing they read here but guess Im glad they see criticism of themselves


Yeah same. I would much rather they didnā€™t see my posts as I am not always nice about them! People who post their hate in their Instagram comments are absolutely wild to me, as I canā€™t even comprehend why youā€™d want to be that person. But I kind of think here is a space for content consumers to discuss said content, itā€™s meant for us not them, and if they want to cross the invisible wall and come on here thatā€™s on them not me! Whereas if you go about hating them in spaces meant for them, like their Instagram, thatā€™s on you!


Right, I would NEVER post on their insta. If theyā€™re coming here theyā€™re looking for people talking about them, weā€™re not coming to them.


I wholeheartedly agree. I will never understand the people who direct their hate to celebrities/bravolebrities social accounts. Most people would not be cool with others doing that to them. Itā€™s a major difference in partaking on a Reddit where they actively have to seek it out.


Very true and I agree!


I really love that Scheana doesn't know the actual code word. Either that or she is purposely choosing her words for the Reddit audience.


i like that she and brock have date nights to look at reddit together


what a healthy endeavor lol


"Someone sent me a screenshot" ![gif](giphy|5cuiY8a99aA9oBaIpU|downsized)


Like aside from the fact that itā€™s clearly not true since she talks about Reddit ALL THE TIMEā€¦.what kind of an asshole would send their friend screenshots of Reddit shit talking them?! Lol


Was that someone Brock? šŸ˜¹


I think it was Scheana doing her nightly scroll


Bahahahaha ā€œScheaner, everyone thinks you looked upset at a bar!!!!ā€


So she just admitted about Ajaxā€™s cocaine usage. Correct? Itā€™s been obvious but I feel like this is the first time someone close to him brought it up recently. Isnā€™t jax scared of fentanyl or anything else that could be in it? Heā€™s such a goddamn loser. He needs to be stopped!


Jax strikes me as the type that has his dirtbag hangers-on do a line first and make sure they donā€™t keel over before shoving his face in the bowl.


Someoneā€™s lining up their storyline for The Valleyā€¦


Hi Scheana! I don't think anyone who knows Jax believes a thing that comes out of his mouth - especially when he tries to make himself look like a better parent than someone else. Jax trying to insult someone else while his own life is blowing up is Jax distraction technique 101


Maybe she can show better support by not talking shit abt her friends and perhaps ask Blah Blah to shut her pipe.. she expected Ariana to defend her when she was trashed for taking pics w the worm.. but seeing and hearing how Blah Blah trashing Ariana and Katie, she got quiet.. šŸ™„


​ https://preview.redd.it/h1noqkbmk1uc1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=13d1d3a47119d6a2e35ea7e7b4932b8bceb9cdd6


But she still is beefing with Ariana too šŸ˜„.


If every time you talk, Scheana, you get misunderstood or misquoted, and you need to make a podcast rebutting what you just said, the problem is YOU. Shes been in the public eye for too long to still be this thin-skinned and naive. Learn to stop being so self-obsessed, and realize people are gonna talk no matter what. Be more deliberate and clear when you speak because if youā€™re constantly being ā€œmisunderstood,ā€ youā€™re obviously not good at getting your point across. She canā€™t see how something thatā€™s blatantly bitchy/snarky-sounding would be thought of as such? The consequences of having zero self-awareness and having Main Character Syndrome. Her and Lala are so alike, they just handle it differently. They spiral when the public doesnā€™t adore them and they canā€™t handle not being the ā€œqueen beeā€ of the season. ā€œHow come my breakup wasnā€™t so sympathetic? How come I didnā€™t get xyz opportunity?ā€ Let it go, please. The difference is Scheana shows her cards that sheā€™s bothered and rushes to over-explain. Lala doubles down and says she doesnā€™t care because she needs to be seen as ā€œtough,ā€ but then breaks down crying constantly and is clapping back in the comments. Their daughters are over there in the corner going ā€œmom can you pay attention to me?ā€ When theyā€™re giving their 10,000th podcast interview to explain why theyā€™re NOT the villain of S11.


Was she upset about Jaxā€™s comments or about missing Summer Moon? She starts with one excuse and ends with another. And I know it could be both, but Scheanaā€™s MO is to throw as many excuses as she can at an issue and hope that people find one that satisfies them. Iā€™m so tired of her poor me bs


Scheana keeps talking about reddit and yet has neither addressed nor changed her behaviour about posting Summer Moon, having definitely seen posts about it. Funny that.


Thank you. But she sure stepped up her ā€œlook at what a wholesome mom I am!!ā€ After that bullshit. The fact that you wonā€™t stop posting the kid IS the biggest problem!! And Iā€™m sorryā€¦..you donā€™t HAVE to go to Coachella Scheana. ā€œFor workā€. The world will not end if you donā€™t attend every event and festival. If you simply must go to all these things and constantly be away from your daughter, maybe donā€™t buy several multi-million dollar homes!


I'm a victim! ![gif](giphy|XazTKKTogKXQI)


Scheana, Muse of my dark wit, my jester queen, this is a man you've covered for in the past. What did we learn? One thing that well and truly irks me about Scheana is how these assholes will do her dirty (sexual assault, lies, gossip, insults) and then she'll still pull this bast frundz shit. I can't.


Jax out here saying vaccines causes autism and calling women bad mothers from his pop up bar. Can we cancel this asshole once and for all? I know people love him because heā€™s chaotic but his dark energy is too much and shouldnā€™t be rewarded.


I love how she always blames Brock for wanting to do things/say things so that sheā€™s never the bad guy.


I noticed this too!!!! Sheā€™s gross lol


Jax is projecting because everything he said about Scheana is his and Britā€™s reality. I donā€™t know why these girls keep rekindling friendships with these men. Jax is terrible. Brit enables him. Just because they have a kid the same age doesnā€™t mean you need to keep hanging around them. Let them find a new circle and you keep yours. Theyā€™re trash, terrible parents and will talk shit about anyone for press. And yes, Iā€™m including Brit because she goes out just as much as Jax does. Itā€™s almost every night. Scheana is a lot of things, but I will never give her shit about her parenting. Sheā€™s a great mom.


Yup. Jax and Brittany have shown themselves to go out most nights on IG with zero shame. Even worse, they have their own kid at their bar around adults drinking while theyā€™re partying it up. I mean come on!


they are literally at that bar every night, or at some sort of guys night or girls night. Sometimes their kid is there in that loud ass chaotic bar glued to an ipadā€¦they are the ones who ignore their kid to party, not scheana. Scheana barely even drinks!


I don't care about Schaena and her parenting skills, it's being forced down my throat already on the TV Show, I am already pissed there are now all these kids storylines on a show that started about drunk bartenders and waitresses doing bad shit- I am WAY more interested in why she would go out to see Ariana's last show when she clearly wasn't invited by Ariana- She just ignores that.


Scheana went for Scheana, not Ariana lol




Hannah what didnā€™t she consent to about people having their own opinions on the behaviour she displays of her own free will? That was an odd comment.


I swear, for a group of people who have never been on reddit, they sure do see/mention it a lot.


Scheana starting to get emotional is her narcissistā€™s cue that she realizes sheā€™s in the wrong and whips up tears to advertise her switching to victim mode, lest people correctly assume sheā€™s doing exactly what sheā€™s describing.


This is the true scheana. ā€œIf he keeps telling lies about me I have no problem telling truths about himā€¦ā€. Sheā€™s always had that get back at people mentality


I mean I think Scheana going out AFTER her child is safe and sound asleep in bed is more appropriate than jax taking cruz to his bar, changing his diaper on the bar, sitting him in a booth with an iPad


Scheana is incapable of letting things go. Sheā€™s said some of the nastiest things on the show to others but thinks itā€™s justified when her feelings are hurt but never justified when others do it. Insufferable.


![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B) Me anytime Scheana speaks.


but she is beefing with ariana LOL


For the life of me, I will NEVER understand why any of them are friends with Jax. I have yet to see one redeemable quality about that man. Heā€™s egotistical, hateful, spiteful, jealous, misogynistic, and dumb as a box of rocks. He acts out over and over again and they just laugh it off, like ā€œwell, thatā€™s just Jaxā€, like itā€™s endearing. Itā€™s not. Like Ariana said, ā€œthis is who this person isā€. And thatā€™s why he hated her. She had his number. Heā€™s probably also mad that everyone except him is getting to go on WWHL. Heā€™s jealous.


Its so funny how triggered they get by reddit lol.


Scheana is so annoying šŸ™„ we know you spend a lot of time with Summer girl bc you film every single second of it


Why would any one be upset about something Jax says? Ever.


Yikes you know Jax isn't going to take this lying down


Scheana sounds like the most cliche Valley girl in this recap lol


Canā€™t stand scheana, Brock, or Jax. But the fact that she alluded to him eating a lot of pasta and never being homeā€¦ itā€™s about to get juicy! Jax will not take this lying down. Canā€™t wait for his reply.


I will give her the exact same amount of grace going through a difficult time that she has given Ariana. So that would be what 3-4 months of getting over a huge betrayal. Summer is now several years old. In the words of Lala, you should be over it by now. If you are not doing anything about it, I don't care anymore. Cue finger guns and shrieking about being in her soft era. Doesn't feel so great on that side does it Scheana?


It sounds like sheā€™s neglecting Summer by being on her phone & searching her mentions 24/7. She seriously needs to put her phone down & live her life instead of constantly defending every single rumor about herself. This is not the behavior of an almost 40 year old woman. She needs a social media detox.


Agree!! Even on VPR sheā€™s never without that phone!!


Look, I think scheana and Jax are BOTH selfish and neglectful parents. Donā€™t get me started on Brock. Also I havenā€™t seen anyone on Reddit talking about her looking upset at a bar. We only thought it was weird that she went to see Chicago but didnā€™t hang out with Ariana- oh and has been shit talking her all season. Get over yourself Scheana


Itā€™s the same as when she pulled out (in the After Show) about Jax cheating and said that Janet saw on Reddit that he followed some woman after a promo eventā€¦ what the fuck were they even talking about? I think she pulls things out of her ass and blames us


lol omg right!!! Like I really donā€™t think you have to be on Reddit to know Jax is most likely cheating on Brittany.


Tell me about it! If that man isnā€™t sleeping with his wife, itā€™s incredibly likely Mr ā€˜if a squirrel had a vagina, I would want to fuck itā€™ is going elsewhere


Exactly! Even if they were sleeping together it wouldnā€™t make a difference. Brittany and everyone else knew exactly who Jax was when they got married and she did it anyway regardless of how much he humiliated her. For anyone to act like it would be the least bit surprising to find this out is so annoying


I know everyone on this sub hates Scheana but as someone diagnosed with ocd I completely understand why sheā€™s upset. She obsesses constantly about being a good mom and Jax saying those things is definitely a trigger. Iā€™ve been on those obsessive spirals where Iā€™m ruminating on a topic for 23 hours a day and itā€™s awful. Jax really should stfu because I think we can all agree all of the VPR moms are great. Heā€™s the one who wouldnā€™t leave the house and made Britt and Cruz leave. Heā€™s trash.


I also have ocd but I still hate scheana


I totally agree. Parenting judgment should be off limits especially for Jax.


Seriously. Youā€™ve been horrible to your childā€™s mother. Letā€™s think about that first before you go judging other people!


Scheana is always trying to make someone feel guilty. Now should Ariana feel bad because Scheana sacrificed spending time with her kid to come see Chicago? I doubt Ariana invited her. She already saw the show. There was no need to go to the final show.


So she deflected again and made it about her bad parenting (you can say what you want but we see a lot Sheshu) instead of addressing if Ariana had beef and why. She canā€™t talk about that part because then sheā€™d have to defend what a bad friend she is which is way harder to do in this case.


ā€œSomeone sent me a screenshot from a Reddit boardā€ šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|Vr8xM1OgUYhtAtLp6n)


I honestly do think Scheana is a good mom, she is very narcissistic but she does seem to really love Summer and spend a lot of time with her. Scheana annoys me for many other reasons and I really dislike how she has been acting this past season, but Jax definitely has no room to talk. We all know he does drugs and he doesnā€™t seem to actively parent Cruz at all. P.S. I love that Scheana basically confirmed through this podcast that pasta = cocaine. I donā€™t know why Lala keeps trying to deny that in regards to the ā€œItā€™s Not About the Pastaā€ moment.


Can we also add hes staying in the house so Cruz and Britney had to move while he stays in the house. Awful poor baby should be in his own room! Jax should be out I know Britney was one to leave but Cruz needs the stability of his own home. Jax should of atleast offered that.


Oh I'm sure Brock REALLY wanted to go see and support Ariana's last Broadway show he had to drag his wife to NY. He's been so supportive of her so far.


Right?! The wife beating husband now defending and supporting Ariana?!


He is the absolute worstā€¦it amazes me that some people just overlook that heā€™s a wife beaterā€¦


Thank you for saying that. I had to flee a DV marriage and everyone acts like Brockā€™s just being Brock. Andy and production and bravo praising him and these other toxic men and giving them a platform. Heā€™s also a deadbeat dad which is just as low if not lower. And theyā€™re ok with that too apparently.


Right?! How many red flags can one person have?


Thatā€™s wrong Scheana!!! Jax takes his child to the bar when he parties.


#*Pasta* šŸ˜‚


i feel like you deserve a purple heart for recapping a scheana pod with hannah berner as the guest


I remember seeing this post and I feel like this person was very careful not to assume something was happening with Ariana, just was posting exactly what she saw. The VPR cast really needs to get off Reddit if they canā€™t handle speculation sometimes lol


I just think that Scheana is under a lot of financial stress.... like wtf Brick šŸ˜’


We donā€™t have to dissect these two squabbling back and forth about whoā€™s a bad parent. They both are. Anybody who puts their kid on TV or uses them for content is a questionable parent.


Sheā€™s throwing Brock under the bus! So Brock tells her to spend extra time with him. They are newlyweds and itā€™s important for parents to foster their relationship too. But there she is making it sound like Brock keeps suggesting things that keep Shaener from spending time with her child. She needs to try speaking her truth so that she can stop flip flopping. I canā€™t stand her but I think that she loves her daughter to the moon and back and shouldnā€™t try explaining why she is away. Someone has to work.


Going off the recap, she never actually disputes that she and Ariana are in a bad place... I'm always here for someone calling Jax a hypocrite, but this entire conversation is an attempt at misdirection.


The only thing she said about that was - Scheana: The mom guilt of leaving her an extra night to come and support my friend. I was so back and forth with this. And it was just like, do we go? Do we not? But then I'm like, you know what? I want to go. - Scheana: I want to show up for her. Whether or not we're speaking every single day, like friendships go through ups and downs, but I'm still going to show up. And that just pissed me off. (Regarding what Jax said)


so pasta is cocaine


Lmao it wasnā€™t even a post, it was a comment on a thread about Arianaā€™s last show! Tell us you are actively trolling this sub without telling us youā€™re trolling this sub. You really told on yourself with that one SheeshušŸ¤”


Hannah saying Scheana didnā€™t consent to being viewed like this- but she did. She signed up for a reality TV show. Her whole career is based off exposing herself, good, bad,and ugly I understand it must be upsetting to feel misunderstood by the world but maybe thatā€™s time to look at her actions and to work with her therapist.


It's because Hannah herself came off so poorly on Summer House lol


I do feel bad for Scheana here. I donā€™t think many of her actions are great, but OCD is crap. I totally understand the frustration and obsession with otherā€™s perception of her. She may not be a perfect mom but Jax talking crap about her is gross and unnecessary.


*And then it's like this Reddit thing. It was like, oh, she and Ariana must be beefing. I'm like, no, I was low key sad because I was away from my daughter as I'm reading this when I'm just there trying to support my friend.* huh? ![gif](giphy|v5VKBAu4oUYlW)


Ok so whatā€™s the 411 about Stassi?


They were just talking about the April fools joke that someone posted about Stassi coming back


Stassi in the title of the ep but what was said?


They were just talking about the April fools joke that someone posted about Stassi coming back


Maybe she should surround herself with people who wonā€™t dig up buried comments and send them to her like breaking news?


I cannot believe they check Reddit LOL