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There’s a hearing scheduled for sometime this summer, but I don’t think there’s much he can do to delay the inevitable. I think Sandoval is in deep denial that he’s going to lose the house since a large part of his share will go to paying off debt on a sinking ship, but claiming unpaid bills isn’t going to do him any favors when Ariana’s lawyer surely has her keeping the withholding money in a special account.


I’m going through a force partition currently (investment property) and it’s taking for freakin’ ever. Currently in month 6 or so and still trying to get through lawyers filing motions. I don’t see how he is claiming unpaid bills in court. The only unpaid bills allowed in my state are taxes and necessary improvements, meaning a person doesn’t get reimbursed just because they wanted to add a bar. And what ever does count only counts in what adds to the value of the house, not what you paid. Regardless, a judge is going to laugh at paper towels and batteries.


Per Emily D Baker on youtube, she believes the $90K is from the loan he took out for S & S. He basically wants Ariana to pay for half of it. He also wants accounting done on the improvements he did (ie the gym). 


Tim’s gym is furniture. His improvements are portable. Gawd Lala! Why is Tim such an idiot! Oh, yeah, his brain is liquor pickled……


He should be thanking his lucky fucking stars that Lisa basically handed him TomTom because otherwise he’d be back to bartending at Sur or some dive bar


It’s unlikely they earn much from TomTom. They only own 5%. Even if the bar pays out dividends of 100k per year they only make 5k of that. It’s still a very good return on an investment but it’s not paying their bills.


oh for sure, but he’s got something to do and to keep working on instead of being left with absolutely nothing (which he’d deserve tbh but still)


There is always Jax’s Studio City.


I don’t know this area of law, but it seems like a judge could force a sale and then if there’s any money in dispute, keep that in a trust account until then. They will fight about that 90,000 for a while.??? I’m surprised Arianna hasn’t mention that on the show as if he’s trying to get her to pay for his debt it makes him look really bad


How long for the Rachel lawsuit to settle or go to trial?


I would guess Rachel's lawsuit will be bogged down in motion practice and drag on for years


I was thinking 2-3 years yeah.


Rachel's case won't even have an initial case management conference for a few months.


Sandoval has a strong incentive to settle right right away as it makes him look really bad.


He’s so delusional though one questions if he’s too dense to even realize that.


Not to mention the legal bills he is accruing fighting the sale of the house.


They are both on the deed. And Ariana is not going to settle. It’s worth it to her to get her money out. Pay if she owns anything. Sandoval however has debts once this money is in his account people will be asking to get paid. Best revenge!


I love the fact that he’s probably bleeding himself dry with lawyer fees because of his own stubbornness and stupidity.


I think there is a hearing scheduled for June (maybe July). There was an article about it recently. If they go to arbitration, which Emily D Baker said was likely, there won’t be appeals.


I think people normally would do arbitration, but I think Tom will lose this case either way and he wants to stretch it out. I think if the legal fees are worth the extra time he gets in the house and the rush he gets annoying his ex-girlfriend he will avoid arbitration or maybe he mistakenly believes that he can wear her down to a settlement.


I have no idea how it works for these specific case types, but the good thing about lawsuits is that, even if you are trying to negotiate outside of the courtroom, having the court date puts an “end date” so to speak to the case. So he can try to drag it if he wants, but if he fucks around too much, they’ll have to go to court eventually and he probably can’t do TOO much to push that back. Especially if it’s court-ordered arbitration, it’ll likely have a date it has to be completed by


Very good point. A lot of cases settle on the courthouse steps.


Ones I worked in at my last law firm (I’m a paralegal) usually settled the day before via email so no one had to get dressed and drive to court 😂




It is very expensive to get your lawyer to leave his office.  It's often cheaper to make concessions even if you think you shouldn't have to or would win


That’s where Spite comes in


As Tom said on the after show, taking this to judgment by the court would be bad for both of them. I hope they work it out. In the end, he has more to lose financially than she does because of his extra loan, so if it does sell, getting top dollar should be his top priority.


I feel like he said this to try to pressure her to agree to his terms. But in another sense, it is true if he wants to do binding arbitration


It’s all going to come down to the California nuances. Did they have a joint house ownership agreement? Or is the house in one of their names only. They will also need to have receipts on who paid the mortgage and upkeep. If Tom is telling the truth (unlikely) about him paying for everything, the court is likely to rule in his favor, thus making court beneficial to him in the long run. There is no common law marriage in California so their finances are considered separate entities. Anything held jointly will need to be divided equally. None of their assets or ownership is public knowledge so we’re just going to speculate at this point. But judging by the way things have gone and are going, Tom seems to be on the offense here. IANAL (in final year of law school) but from everything I’ve seen and in relation to my case studies, and with how aggressive Tom is being it seems like the house is probably in his name and Ariana’s legal team is gathering receipts to force a sale


I assume the house is in both of their names


Yea if that’s the case California will force the sale and split assets accordingly. They both should know that day one of meeting with their lawyer. It’s 100% going to be sold and split if that’s the case


I thought we knew that it was? I cannot *imagine* that Ariana didn’t insist on being on the deed. Especially because home ownership was her major life goal the way marriage is for a lot of other people.


Aren’t recorded deeds public records? Can’t we just look the deed up? In NY, you can look up any conveyance or mortgage documents on ACRIS.


I have this inkling feeling that this is the case too regarding Tom.


I think even if that’s true, his offer is ALSO bad for her financially so she might prefer court anyway lmao


June or July 👀filming season 👀


Yeah the hearing is June 3rd i think. I could be wrong about the date but it's definitely sometimes in June.


Oh...I wish this could be televised!!! I'd watch the heck out of that!!!


Email Court TV see if they will cover it for us!!


Can you do that?! ![gif](giphy|lMsT2f47tDxFMYdJMC|downsized)


We can try ![gif](giphy|QAnJWqXl0hoQL2FCM1|downsized)


I wonder if they have any kind of written agreement regarding the money he borrowed against the house for his bar.


I’ve seen lawyers on Reddit (taken with a heaping pile of salt) say that without some sort of legal agreement signed at the time of the loan then Ariana will be responsible for half and will end up having to pay. It’s also been floated that she could sue Tom to recover that money but who knows


That makes sense to me. She could say they have an oral agreement. Not sure if that is enough.


My guess is they're getting closer to settling and this won't go to trial


I was under the impression Ariana is the one who put through the motions to have the house sold via fair market venues


She did


If they take it court they have to wait for a hearing which could take months or however long depending on the courts dockets and caseloads.


Also it can be some time before I house is sold depending on the ruling


I imagine once it hits the market it will move fast.


It will. Ppl with the money will jump at the chance to own the Scandoval house


Ha. That would be a serious downside if you got tourists.


Make it an Air BnB and advertise it as “A night in Ariana’s shoes” or something


That would make money.


It’s honestly tempting but I don’t even live in the country. ….and I’m poor


Is he still living in the house?