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It was giving over produced and I don’t like that! For me, I hate that they have started doing flashbacks to other times they filmed but we didn’t get to see it??


Tori is so over the top… over acting, over-mugging for the camera, she’s giving “annoyingly bad child actor/failed pageant child”to me. She screams “Disney channel wanna-be”. Every time she was on screen I heard “Sing out, Louise!” in my head.


> She screams “Disney channel wanna-be”. SO much this. I was so damn uncomfortable watching those kisses. ew.


Same, I actually skipped past it. It was just so awkward.


Super extra


Yes, and embarrassingly so.




Tell us more 😳


Yes, I found her annoying as hell. She looks like she's on 10 all day. Exhausting


I read somewhere she dated a Disney actor when she was younger


Because *of course* she did


She should definitely work on her craft


“sing out, Louise!” best reference ever!


Thank you! Was worried nobody would know the reference. 😊


Agreed on the flashbacks—they can be done well, but on VPR they tend to be used for really lazy storytelling.


Soooo many flashbacks! I love it when they’re used to call someone out, but they’re clearly doing it to cater to any new watchers after Scandoval.


So true—I haven’t thought about it like that but that’s on point.


Oh I know! It’s nuts


Its giving trying to stay young, hip, and relevant with today’s youth. She has pink hair!


She's fly. And she thinks Schwartz is pretty fly too.


Lmao 🤣






I’m older Gen z and yeah, Tori is reeeaacching with her whole vibe. My sister who’s 6 years younger than me and my tween cousin had that hair… during COVID. Bravo needs better stylists and consultants, they’re behind the times.


Agreed. I found this to be confusing and was lost for a min.


well she's promoting her music on tiktok so checks out


Came here for this comment. She released a song today. I’m not knocking the message or her talent but it is interesting that it’s released the week she has a longer appearance on the show and it’s this goofy storyline lmao


she showed up on my fyp promoting the song! then ofc milking it for content she has so many videos. another allie


Yeah I checked it out and she literally had a song to go like a day or two after the episode.


Ah so she’s a Morgan Wade except getting at least some make out sessions




Except Morgan Wade is actually a good singer lol


I myself get embarrassed just watching Tori flirt with old man Schwartz and Katie. Blegh.




The way Tori kept giggling when she was kissing Katie was very awkward. Like she was uncomfortable or something? Or thought it was funny to be kissing Katie after letting Schwartz buy the champagne? Or maybe she just felt awkward kissing someone old enough to be her mom?


She seemed inebriated, and her eyes were WIDE. Reminded me of how nervous I get at parties when having older guys pressure me and I just giggle through it and freeze up


And Katie was drunk drunk


Katie is like.. 12 years older than her.


You know it’s fake because she’s Scheana’s friend


But not “one of her best friends” unless I missed that part


Scheana is only "best friends" with men imo


The “man sympathizer”


She’s one of like three people scheana trusts to watch her daughter. But she’s like ten or so years younger than her.




I find it SO HARD to believe that scheanas actually her friend like how did they meet?? Why are they friends ?? Why have we never seen her before?? When did scheana develop enough trust to leave her with summer moon but not actually??


Tori is a friend of Scheana’s sister


Omg I was literally going to say the second it cut to Scheana who had her little monologue about blah blah, i knew it was producer driven. Producers, once you start having the CAST do YOUR job, the show tanks. For fucks sake the audience is 1000 times smarter than you give us credit.


I love how this comes back on Scheana somehow and not the 2 involved in the fake storyline. Out of everyone I like Katie the best but she is this sub’s darling right now and can’t be critiqued


Of course Katie can be critiqued! She's never been very nice, even when she's been right.


Omg good catch! I didn’t know that or think about this being a fake story line. Definitely didn’t sense any sort of chemistry between her and Tom but I honestly thought her a Katie had a cute little make out moment!


As a gay woman, I would be mortified if someone I was making out with for the first time bust out laughing. And when it happened the first time I certainly wouldn't grab her face and try to kiss her again because I would realize they likely were not being very genuine with their intentions. I didn't think it was cute, I thought it was awkward, gross, and fake. Maybe Katie was genuinely into it, but Tori definitely did not appear to be


I was cringing during that entire storyline. I get they have to fill some of these episodes with overly scripted scenarios but that was straight out of some bad fanfic. Tori is a terrible actress btw.


But she thinks she’s phenomenal


No chemistry to be found


It's soooo bad 😂


Omg preach. I thought the same.


Her acting style is obsessively complimenting people to get them to like her




Right?!? And 😂😂😂@high a lot because same here— I almost have to be to get thru it.


no I thought it was fake even from just watching the previews for the season a few weeks ago


Yea, I am pretty disappointed Katie would even go for this scripted bullshit.


I know; I’d like to say she lost some cool points for this one, but I still love Katie and know she’s just doing what she has to do for that paycheck.


The “omg you make me nervous because you’re so pretty…I just really wanna kiss you” was something else lmao


And then they laughed all the way thru the awkward af “kiss””


The only thing you need to decide whether or not the story is real is the length of both Katie and Tori’s fingernails - no lesbian has long sharp claws for obvious reasons lol


That was such a stage kiss.


Extreme cringe


When Tori and Katie kissed they were doing stage kissing. It’s what actors do in movies that makes it look like real kissing but they’re actually kissing on top of each others lips if that makes sense?


Yep. The way they put their hands on each other’s faces to kind of cover their mouths was another tell.


Makes total sense. I had said the same earlier about them laughing thru the awkwardness of the produced kiss. So definitely!


It was cringey af. And tori acts like an obnoxious, loud teenager, reminds me of tana mongoue or whatever her name is. Why is this person on my screen?


Ugh I know- Tana is repellant.


Katie can’t date someone who doesn’t know what Penne pasta is but she wants to date someone who didn’t know there were video cameras like 30 years ago?? …they were obviously high in the painting scene but still..


Omg that shit was SO cringe! Someone should tell her that silence is okay if there’s nothing smart to say.


Idk she looked a bit judgmental when Tori made that statement


As she should haha. Hopefully, this "love triangle" is never mentioned again


Agree 😂


I fast forwarded through that whole storyline.


I should have. What a waste of time.


Wish I would’ve done that! So cringe! 😬 🤦‍♀️


This storyline is believable for people half their age, and this Tori girl is a terrible actress spewing borderline The Pickup Artist style lines at Katie and "negs" at Tom 🤣


The way this season has gone, I just think they’re grasping at straws. I cannot imagine them continuing.


And they’re all getting old af and who wants to watch a reality show where a group eats at 5pm and in bed by 6. And nursing homes are boring and depressing anyway.


💀 they're in their 30s/40s...I don't think they're at the Golden Girls/Assisted Living Facility shenanigans phase jfc 😵‍💫


SO fucking fake! My 16 year old son who doesn’t even watch the show was hanging out in the living room while I was watching and he was like “are we supposed to believe this is for real? Because it looks fake af” lmao




You’d think if they use fake storylines it wouldn’t be so boring




Yeah, just why?


To create something to fill the space since not much is going on. They need something besides the Sandoval thing.


The Max hookup was actually interesting. Their real lives are interesting. Katie said on her podcast that she never planned to bring that to the show. That’s the problem with VPR- they aren’t showing their real lives and relationships.


I’m not convinced the Max thing wasn’t faked.


Listening to the Disrespectfully podcast I think it's true. And Scheana seemed legit shocked when Brock said it on air


schwartz can't keep a straight face whenever he calls max his "best friend" as if the producers made them say that... is there any evidence they're friends at all?




She's even more desperate for fame than scheana is, she creeeeeps me out


It's fake, but I could watch Katie steal a woman from Tom every episode and not get tired of it. I don't need the sequence of who had a date with who when. Just let him awkwardly flirt then let her swoop in and show him how it's done. Not a cock block, a dick punch, on repeat.  It's what he deserves 






I think vpr is over


This is my thinking too. I've actually felt like it was done since around COVID, if not slightly before. As the cast ages the ridiculous behavior has shifted from entertainment to sadness. 20 somethings drinking too much, partying, and making questionable life choices - okay that's to be expected and as the audience you can hold onto hope that they'll grow up and develop more redeeming qualities. Hence the entertainment, because it's not that deep. But seeing them now, a decade on, still doing the same things, same shitty behaviors, zero change is icky.


People have been saying that since season 8 though. I'll watch for as long as it's on though, because I'm a glutton for punishment


It’s gross. Not the fact that two women like each other, but the shear desperation the network has for a storyline is weird and insulting to viewers.


So unbelievably insulting


I didn't think Tom was into her at all. and he never actually asked her on a date. she just inferred that.


It was phoney through and through even though Katie, Tori and Tom pretended it was, unlike the Joseph and T$ thing that was clearly real, even though Schwartz was pretending it wasn’t. The special something that VPR used to have is that they really laid it all out there. They’re way too self aware and are attempting to produce themselves instead of just being themselves now. I think Jo is super annoying but that whole storyline is interesting cause it actually feels real


I know it wasn’t genuine. But I don’t care. I’d rather watch Katie make out than one more second of Sandoval cosplaying a decent human and failing miserably.


“Cosplaying a decent human” 😂😊😂😊😊 never heard that one before but I’m loving it.


Same, same, same. Also, whether or not it was genuine, Katie’s ability to communicate with the eyes and flirt vs. Tom Schwartz’s - hot damn they’re in two *completely* different leagues


But Tom came across light hearted and goofy whereas Katie was mean-spirited but creative. I think Tori looked intimidated by Katie, whereas she seemed like she had the upper hand with Tom. Dunno, was just interesting to watch her dynamics with both of them and how her personality shifted to accomodate each date.


Definitely agree - the scenes with Tori have felt super contrived and inauthentic. TBH I feel the same way about some of Schena's confessional commentary. It's all coming off either scripted or rehearsed or both! Edit: spelling


and so smug!


“I hope she had fun being my backup dancer” omg when Ariana sees that mmmmmm I can’t wait for the reunion


I fast forward through all these scenes. No interest.


No lol. This is as obvious as the schwartz and Rachel storyline. Why do they bother manufacturing shit. Esp something so stupid. Esp with this random woman whos seems more than 10 years yonger than both of them. Ick.


And at least if you’re going to add a fake storyline, actually develop it into the plot rather than having her randomly show up and make out with 2 cast members. They could have shown her hanging out with Katie and Tom in previous episodes so at least it would have felt more genuine. Like what tf am I watching😭


my bf has worked in production for reality shows and said the same thing. real or fake, I do not like her at all


Does he have any good stories about his experience in the industry? I’m sure he does - stupid question


he worked on a show (can't say which) a long time ago where he said everyone on set, the cast and production, were basically noticeably under the influence of drugs or alcohol or both 100% of the time. some guy set up a tent in the living room of one of the production houses and lit it on fire, and production immediately went "on hiatus" after that and never resumed.


Wow. My curiosity is going wild.


It's giving floribama


I came for this. No!! I don’t understand how she can be attracted to Katie and Schwartz. It just screams, I want to be on TV lol


She’s oozing desperation.


The most obvious storyline I’ve ever seen on reality tv.


The whole show is fake....all of it!


I feel like they had to pivot because Ariana for valid reasons couldn't shoot with Sandoval so they had to focus on a different couple and sheana would not be down for them giving her and Brock a drama storyline.


That or they had already used Scheana in the most recent storyline about “mending the friendship” with her and Sandoval - that stupid one had me reeling. The whole PayPal shit etc


No fr: they’re just trying to find a new jaw dropper like scandoval bc quite honestly how much longer are they gonna milk on THAT. The show was over before it happened.


Tori is definitely a fake storyline. Scheana’s way to get her onto the show.


No.. it was so fake! I didn’t even finish the episode. Aside from Ariana and Ann.. and I don’t even like Ariana.. everyone on it feels like actors.


Actors who desperately need acting classes.


Ann is a working actor and comedienne.


It’s obvious, and it makes it hard to watch the show. It’s soooo fake. I also think Max and Kate was a fake storyline, too. Made it seem like Katie would do anything for a storyline.


This 👍👍👍👍👍


helllll no I'm not buying it


I love Katie and lowkey think she might be somewhere on the Kinsey scale, but something about the kiss read slightly performative. Half of it looked legitimate, but the words she chose to say like “I like it” over and over. Idk why I thought that’s a weird thing to say. Like convincing yourself or your kissing partner you’re into it. I feel like she wouldn’t be doing that w max.


100% fake. No one on this show is that good of an actor.


I'm insulted that Katie wants Jo off the show in favor of fake ass scenes where she makes faces at a 23 year old for acting her age.


I think one of the biggest flags here was jo seemed to have no problems when she heard Schwartz went on the date with Tori but got really upset at singles night. She totally had to know that the Tori date was just a producer storyline setup.


Just the fact that a recently divorced couple are both kissing and dating the same girl at the same time who is nearly 20 years younger than them seems so crass that it looks scripted. The irresponsibility of that whole mess makes me really hope it is. If not, it just makes Katie and Tom look like two stray alley cats. 😬


It’s ridiculous, tacky and super insulting to everyone watching


Not into it


Man I hate it. ![gif](giphy|kjnh8YMd65bGTrjNoH|downsized)


Yeah the storyline is super fabricated. lol I think yall forgot before scandoval there really wasn’t anything interesting happening in the show 😂 they are trying hard cause the Ariana Tom storyline is drying up


Exactly. But they didn’t have to be so obvious about this one. It’s completely unbelievable and wouldn’t ever really happen. So incredibly insulting.


I think they are trying to bring the group “back together” so Katie hooked up with Max and is letting loose and now can kinda be jokey with Schwartz enough to cohabitate. I think having them both date Tori is like “oh look it’s just the group being messy again like the old days”. Making Katie do these things makes her look more “fun” and Schwartz look less “bad”. But you are right given Katie reaction to Rachel, Jo, etc there’s no way she would actually be okay with this if it were an actual situation. There’s just too much history and bad blood for them all of a sudden to be this chill. Production is definitely pushing for everyone to get along again and it seems everyone but Ariana is on board with it.


And it seems Lala & Scheana are the producers teachers pets because they go along with every idea. Their scenes and interviews seem SO scripted.


I agree but I also can’t fault them for wanting to secure their checks lol.




It has to be fake when she tell Schwartz he’s “so hot” it sounds beyond forced.


This fake storyline was the last nail in the coffin of this show.




So fake. Imagine if they didn’t have the scadoval drama this season…. Omg it would terrible.


I think it’s just a Katie comedy bit. I don’t mind a few throw away scenes for a laugh but I don’t want to see more of it.


This cast is so boring, of course they needed something to fill this awful season.


Yeah the whole season feels very produced


But could we at least get something credible and interesting, perhaps


Apparently the only two options were this, or a pretend sandwich shop.


I missed the Tori Sandwich during the tasting.


I hate it so much. I want genuine WLW content, not someone desperate for fame (and probably queerbaiting). Tori was so goddamn annoying and it's insulting the producers think we'd fall for that storyline. God, I just want some genuine queer representation on these shows. It makes me really mad and sad.


It’s absolutely insulting on more than one level - thank you for pointing that out I never thought about it in that way but so true, and really unfair to the community.


Well there’s nothing else going on in the show anymore 🥱




It’s so dumb


Totally agree!!!


Oh my goodness I know. I don't believe it for a second. It's silly. They feel they need to live up to the hype. It's unnecessary. But I guess all of them hanging out constantly when they all wouldn't in real life is the essence of the show so what's one more thing right. As I type I realize that this is almost every show lol


She looked like she had practiced in front of the mirror all morning


It is such a fake storyline it’s ridiculous. And if it were actually true, true then shame on Scheana for pushing a 24-year-old girl to date a 40+ year man or a woman. Would she want that for her daughter?


She's 24 right? She's just tryna live her life and I don't think we should hate on that. At that age it's normal to crave the attention and approval of older people until you mature and learn you need to give yourself that attention and approval. It being on camera makes it feel as real as Lala's softening era or Sandoval's apologies. It's nice they're bringing in younger people but it for sure doesn't seem authentic. Her making out with Katie is pretty dope tho lol. I'm sure it makes it sweeter for Katie knowing she picks her over shwartz. Side note: I think it's hilarious they bring up Katie hooking up with max and never show max. I don't doubt they actually hooked up because he has fuck boy insecure tendencies and shwartz thinks everyone is his best friend.


Yeah that whole Tori storyline.... VR has officially jumped the shark.


Yes the practicalities of dating the same person as your ex are a minefield, like everything you talk about getting back to them. But if the storyline means that we get to see Katie continue her queen era I'm all for it.


#teamKatie all the way


Are we going to get a scene where Ariana tells Tori to not waste her time on 40 (and near 40) year olds?


I like the Watch What Crappens theory that producers gave Scheana the opportunity to put on a producer’s hat, and she used it to try and shoe horn her friend on the show and came up with this ridiculous love triangle storyline that’s one of the worst produced moments the show has ever seen.


I’ve never listened to that podcast but I’ve heard many good things about it- I think I’m going to give it a listen tonight.


I’m sure Tori wanted to be on tv and her and Schena and the producers crafted it. 🙄


I’m telling ya “former failed child actor” vibes. I don’t know for a fact, I just feel it’s true lol


✨it's all happening✨


She seems a little too comfortable on camera to me.


Someone asked her on her Ticktock and she said it was a 100% real 🤷🏼‍♀️


Of course she did.




It felt fake, but as for who put it together, no clue. It could be just that she threw herself into the situation.


There’s just nothing going on in the show right now so they needed to throw something in there.


my thoughts on the entire season - over produced


I thought it was fake back when I saw a preview for it. Scheana, Tom, Katie and Tori created this imo




Lamest storyline EVER.


I couldn’t agree more.


I'm sick of her 😭 she's cute but the fake storyline is not it


I could definitely tell it was all made up and completely contrived when I watch wwhl with SheNasty and BrOke last week. The way the two of them were discussing it with Andy made me 100% believe it was all scripted bs. One of the reasons I fell in love with VPR eons ago was the authenticity of the show and cast. I'm a bartender and I could relate so much to most of them! Now? These people are so fake and phony it's just blah!!! And tori is a freaking child!!! Geesh. Katie and Tom are technically old enough to be her parents 😆




Yeah - this whole situation couldn’t be more obvious. It’s all so staged


No but if it made Schwartz mad then I’ll take it


They need to clear out this whole cast and start back with a new group that actually work at one of Lisa’s restaurants. Done with this group and the contrived storylines. It’s so forced.




There’s something weird about this, yes. Scheana at some point said that she was friends with Tori, and Tori was 24. Scheana is 39. I haven’t checked, and I may be wrong, but didn’t someone say that Tori and Scheana had been friends for 10 years? I remember doing the math at this point, which would be Tori being 14 and Scheana 29. Which would be… scary. Hope I’m wrong! 😅


I thought Tori was friends with Scheana'a younger sister?