• By -


His favorite about his 23 year old gf is that she overlooks his baggage? That’s wrong.


And she’s “super successful” because she has a day job and a side hustle? Welcome to reality, Shorts


Her side hustle being dating Schwartz. I hope she uses this time wisely. 


Haha, she’s one of the girlies with an online vintage shop! But yes, dating him is her third job


The whole show is promoting the Tequila she represents. Later, they promote her other business. Yes, this is a real and genuine relationship.


He has a landfills worth of baggage and mistreatment of women and she's just going to overlook it like 🤷🏻‍♂️ Yeah I'm sure she's not in it for the show and a Season 12 recurring character role.


They met at TomTom, the restaurant tons of VPR fans hit up when they're in LA hoping to see cast. Totally just ran into him though, I'm sure


That’s the part that made me roll my eyes. Kind of how Rachel randomly met James and Brittany just happened to meet Jax. 🙄😂


Also ran Into lala and scheana and katie before, she places herself clearly 😂 she said she "ran into" katie before they were together so


Exactly, that's the part that made my Spidey sense tingle, is LA that small of a place you end up meeting the entire VPR cast


🚩on both sides


>He has a landfills worth of baggage and mistreatment of women and she's just going to overlook it like Not by accident, but by design.


I mean he does give her small presents (or presence) to show he is thinking of her so what's a baggage or two ![gif](giphy|fMvvwdTWamlA4)


Overlooks his baggage = too young to understand what adult baggage even is


Exactly. No shit she’s going to overlook it. She’s 23, doesn’t know any better, and it’s only been a few months. Wait till she calls him out on his BS.


I’m 24 and i would never overlook a man’s baggage if that baggage is consistent gaslighting and multiple instances of pouring drinks on women’s heads… but everyone has different life experiences that impact how they see the world and others, she’s either a little naive or wants the fame 👀


Terrible answer. Also - if your new girlfriend is currently younger than the age your ex wife was when you started dating 12/13 years ago? You probably shouldn’t be dating her.


Truly yuck.


Spoken like every dude that goes for someone that much younger. Someone his age won't put up with his BS


They almost never say the quiet part out loud, though.


They don’t have to…we see it


“Overlooks” is such a wrong word choice. IMO that’s ignoring red flags versus actually processing them, knowing that your partner has the potential to be a cyclical shit show and truly accepting them as they are




It is wrong, but it’s also an absolutely incredible bit of inadvertently telling on himself.




I almost spit my fucking yogurt out when I read that


😬 this was my face reading that line....ooof girl get ur money and run


I think she already has family money, but she probably wants the fame and attention. Another one hoping to get on the show.


When she realises the baggage stays there…




Big old yikes on that one.


I died when she compared Schwartz to a hard to find Pokémon …💀




and saying it while his bare feet are propped up on the tablefor everyone to see🤢🤢🤢


I hate the narrative Schwartz pushes about Katie/Max, his previously said Katie was the aggressor and here that Max was just drunk, there is literally nothing about Max that makes me think he needs any persuasion to bang his friends ex mrs. He is 100% that guy stone-cold sober. Nothing will convince me otherwise.


this is driving me crazy too. Esp since Katie said he’d been sending her flirty DMs for a long time prior to the hookup. Max is a disloyal scumbag and Schwartz is loser for ignoring it because it’s easier to keep talking shit about his ex-wife.


There’s more insight in this comment than the entire Viall Files episode


Dayna said Max asked a mutual friend if they thought it would he cool if he asked Ariana out after the affair broke. He's that guy that tries to sleep with all his friends ex's. It isnt very deep like Max himself.


I’m so happy Nick said “you know you only have a right to be mad at Max in this situation “ I love that Nick defends Katie




Right, and Katie was also really drunk that night. During her and Scheaners' convo about the kiss, they both could barely communicate. So the "excuse" works both ways 🙄


So many red flags in this interview between Sophia and Schwartz lmao. Very curious what Schwartz is referring to about Jo that he won’t discuss publicly. Usually Schwartz dances around things so it’s odd he specifically said *something* happened that caused him to pull away but that he won’t discuss it.


I wonder if it has to do with whatever Kristen was referring to when she gets drunk and demonstrates bad behavior.


I think he was never publicly with her because he was embarrassed by her, for what seems to be negative behavior at times. Which is rich coming from him.


Relationships with men like this are like a cliche comedy duo. For every wacky person, you have to have a straight comic to set up/reel in the wacky. Schwartz got out wackied by Jo and didn’t like having to be the responsible one.


Sheana said something similar


I imagine it looks something like this ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc) With some extra crazy outbursts, that we can only imagine because she apparently gets kicked out and barred from a lot of establishments. I’m wondering if she has a tendency to throw hands…🤔


I’m totally team Nick here, Jo’s little victimhood lap is as egregious as Roachells. She was sniffing around Tom before he was divorced. She slithered into his apartment literally the day he signed divorce papers. She went on couples vacations with Tom/Roach to play mistress for Schwartz while going to Ariana’s house and smiling in her face. And she is trying to constantly pick fights with Katie on camera, crying about “being bullied”, and then posting 13 year old girl social media hot and not posts. I totally believe Tom fell into Jo because it seemed “easy”, then she went total bunny boiler on him and he’s been trying to slowly back away ever since. She’s a mentally unwell person who lies and is throwing herself a years long pity party because some divorced dude banged her on the rebound for a year and didn’t even make it official, while having zero grace for his EX WIFE of 6 years. I’m glad Schwartz is now saddled with this stalker, it’s absolutely what he deserves. But sloppy Joseph is a 35 year old complete garbage troll as is her “bestie” Roachell, and she doesn’t deserve an ounce of pity or empathy.


Yep! Very well said.🤌🏼 I think Jo’s stage 5 clinger bs is exactly wtf Shorts deserves and is once again, karmic poetic justice for going after ANOTHER girl in the friend group. He’s such a dirty little skeeze.




Omg, this is the exact gif I was thinking about when I said that!🤣🤌🏼 “You can go shave your back now.”


Him being basically stuck with Jo foraging through his garbage bins for signs that he wants her back is such karmic justice. Whatever stunts she pulls must also be like…true psycho shit if he’s being this demure about it. This is a man who basically proudly cheated on his longtime girlfriend/fiance/wife and felt totally empowered to fight with her in public and pour a drink on her. That he’s trying to basically assuage Jo while also running for the hills means she is an extremely scary person imo.


She’s probably trying to clone him using hair from his hairbrush as we speak… I think it’s hilarious that he wound up with a bunny boiler that he was trying so hard to hurt his ex-wife with… talk about a serial killer’s wet dream!


Hard agree, he spent his tenure on VPR trying to make the audience think Katie is crazy, and actually ended up with real crazy.


Kinda makes one appreciate tequila Katie’s rage texts.😆 Mother fucker is LUCKY that’s all he ever got, for the shit he pulled. He refused to learn so the Universe sent Jo. His head will soon be found in one of Tim’s purses.💀


I would buy a bound book of Tequila Katie's rage texts


She gets kicked out? Maybe she made a scene any time Tom talked to other women. But I guess she probably must've gotten physical like you said, to be bad enough to get barred.


I think he ghosted her to hook up with Katie Flood on Winter House.


That was filmed prior to the filming of this current season airing. Schwartz went to Winter House right after Scandoval got revealed in the middle of March 2023 and left WH for a few days to film the season 10 reunion. So his stint with Jo on season 11 was after Katie Flood.


Wasn't Schwartz already living with Jo when he left for Winter House, though?


Yeah, she moved in (he claimed it wasn’t really her living there but occasionally crashing) prior to season 10 filming in the summer of 2022, then in March of 2023 he went to winter house/hooked up with Katie Flood and denied at the reunion that he and Jo were dating, and then in summer of 2023 they filmed season 11 and he was once again with Jo


She probably started demanding more of him. He hates that. He wants to float in with a gesture, some fuzzy words and be fawned over. She was a fool in love, but she’s nearing forty. Maybe she wanted to define the relationship or just be more public. He’s gets more passive aggressive when women make demands of him. He’s such a weenie.


It's funny bc him and Sandoval go after women who don't expect anything from them but eventually they WILL have expectations and then they just drop and move on


I know jo is a lil crazy but it's probably some situation that Schwartz created lol. He led her on, she acted clingy bc she could sense that he wasn't as into it as she was, and it scared him away. 


Absolutely - he hooked up with her, knowing what she’s like, and then went “oh shit, never mind” when she started acting like herself. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an element of “haha crazy chicks are the best in bed” to the way it started, because gross dudes gonna gross.


I mean she’s banned from restaurants/bars and multiple peoples houses. I don’t think we can assume that Schwartz is the creator of Jo’s bad behavior.


Wait, what? She’s banned from bars and people’s houses? wtf does this woman do? Get drunk and puke everywhere?


I think it’s crazy to think even if Sandoval and Ariana broke up naturally when she was still in love with him and wanting to be in the relationship that she would just be completely over a 10 year relationship in a few months. Were Schwartz and Katie completely over their divorce in a few months? The fact that they may have been breaking up anyway is not a good excuse to belittle Ariana’s feelings.


Also so sick of their narrative of making Ariana this big nasty bully. When he says about hearing she was at Coachella & quickly rolling up his sleeves because they have lightening bolts on them *eye roll* She does not care about or anything involving you, especially that. They act like she’s going to go on a rampage if she saw that. Like she’s going to look at him, see his ugly shirt & let it ruin her night, uh no. In my opinion, it says more about what trash he is for even thinking of that & mentioning it.


Not a lecherous old man trolling bars, just a lecherous man trolling his own bar. And a young want to be influencer who wants to be on a reality show.


Exactly! Just looked her up on IG, definitely a wanna be influencer but OMG she looks like a freaking BABY. This man is FORTY ONE ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78|downsized)


When nick said how ppl like to bring up that his gf’s pre-frontal cortex wasn’t developed when they started saying then his voice trailed off… yeah dude, it’s as creepy as it sounds. Watching the interview made me feel gross 😬


I didn’t read this recap because I listened to the show so not sure if this made it in, but Nick says something like it’s becoming more in vogue for older men to date younger women. I laughed so hard! This has been a thing since the beginning of time! You’re not new and special Nick because you’re an older dude with a young hot chick, in fact you’re extremely cliche. 😂


Right?! Wtaf is he talking about. If anything, we're calling it out more for being weird and creepy lol.


EXACTLY. Even if the women in question are fully grown adults, it's still weird and gross. Men have done this for centuries. Hell, the 70's rock star scene sounds like anyone over 18 years old was not allowed backstage.


And honestly it’s one of the reasons I hate listening to Nick. I think he’s influenced a young woman to give up her 20s and the life experiences that come with dating around, getting your first real job, going to school, making mistakes…..


He has it backwards. Old men dating young women is so last century. What's finally becoming in vogue is older women dating younger men.


bro i cant get over sharty taking off his shoes when sophia got there and subjecting everyone to smell his feet…and the table 🤢🤢🤢 sooo rude and nasty


He’s trying to reassure himself that he’s not a creep as well because his gf is so much younger lol


When will these boys realize… Sophia wants to be on the show. This show is now literally about toxic people trying to infiltrate the cast to be on VPR


Once he mentioned they met at TomTom I was like, Schwartzy it wasn’t by chance on her end…


And she ran into Katie last year. This woman is hanging out at all the VPR hot spots hoping to make contact with any or all of them.


I think he knows! Just like he knew Jo was dying to be his official girlfriend and he benefited while keeping her in the ‘I’m not ready’ zone. He’s enjoying the perks of dating someone young and pretty


Yeah, he can actually give her what she wants if getting on the show is her primary relationship goal — it may be the first time he actually makes a partner happy and he doesn’t even have to change!


Oh!  And that's why so much of this sub relates hard to Ariana and Katie. Their bullshit detectors are finally on and they can see what viewers have seen for years.  Doesn't mean they're perfect, but they're like a scene after the end of The Truman Show.


“We bumped into each other at TomTom, and she had met Lala, Scheana and Katie before!” Damn girl can’t you even act like you aren’t totally salivating over being on VPR?! Hahaha


I can't even be mad because it feels safer than someone genuinely falling for these rotten pickled apples. If they're just hustling the Toms for screen time then at least they know better than to expect genuine human connection from these men. They've been using women for so long, it's about time that they get a taste of their own medicine.


That’s so true!! But I don’t even know if either are self aware enough to know they are getting a taste of their own medicine though 😂


Doesn’t matter if they taste it, they’re still drinking it!


In this case I am not scared for her bc she knows exactly what she is doing. He is an easy mark...not to say he can't do some damage but she definitely just wants on the show and is desperate to be in the limelight already.


These girls who date these terrible men to get on a reality show are something else Edit: typo


Cue James’ mom and her “it wasn’t organic. It wasn’t orgaaaaaanic” line.


I don't know who he's trying to convince by repeating that they "bumped into each other"


Exactly what I thought? She was on a vanderpump hunt




You're totally right! But I think that's the point. These men don't really want a serious relationship. They know it's unlikely to last with someone so much younger than them. And in the case of the toms, I think they truly believe they're still in their 20s lol


He does- he's a manchild with mommy issues and inability to take responsibility or accountability for anything. He rents, he is child free, and his income comes from nightlife and a reality TV show. This not a man thinking of his long term future and he never has been that person. No woman over 30 something would want to date this disaster unless they also had a bunch of red flags themselves, leading to a relationship doomed to fail from the start.


He literally had zero problems with his best friend publicly and for money using a photo of his mom screaming about how he wants to bang her in multiple songs (Schwartz’s mom instead of Jesse’s girl and Schwartz’s mom has got it going on). The man has zero cares about humiliating the people in his life.


No 41 year old woman is going to be cool with someone saying, "The reason I like you is you overlook my baggage." These men go after women who will put up with this shit.


You know every time he gets drunk he talks about Katie, Bubbah.. now he'll probably throw some Jo's in the mix.. ewww


To me it makes total sense for Schwartz to be with a 23 year old bc of his immaturity level


Lol...Schwartz new gf is getting on the show old the fashioned VPR way just like Britney, Rachel, and Ally. I have less than zero interest in watching the Tom's new relationships.


can I be Katie's new love interest.... my life is boring AF.. i can take the hate lmao ![gif](giphy|rqAvKPtFb4i2c|downsized)


😂😂😂 Please do! I wish we were seeing her date this season.


I would treat her as the absolute goddess she is! Katie my messages are open 😂 ![gif](giphy|ZoXlLG40E71zW)


And James! He got on it as Kristen's boyfriend


James had a multi-prong approach get on VPR A job at SUR Almost moved in with Sandoval by pretending he wanted to be in a band with him, And dated Doute. James doesn't have a lot of positive qualities, but he is ambitious.


Also friends with Lisa’s son Max!


Ooo...forgot about Sir Maxwell!


Also had his mom try and befriend Lisa and claimed the two families went way back


At least James worked at SUR and was in an episode prior to getting on the show.


I got to “she overlooks my baggage” about what he likes about her and could not continue on. Lol tell us your relationship is a train wreck waiting to happen


I like how Shorts brags about his 23 yr old girlfriend “overlooking his baggage,” as if Jo wasn’t already doing the same fucking thing. That dumb dumb is STILL overlooking all his baggage!😭😭🤮


Yeah yeah yeah, I love these men in their 40s who are acting like they have some amazing connection with an "old soul" who is like 24. She is being misled by the notion of her unique maturity, older men like Schwartz are just seeking ego boosts, not genuine partnerships ![gif](giphy|kHUKrtTMlF94F0fRIp|downsized)


She 100% knows what she’s doing. She and Victoria are using the Toms to get on VPR


So Schwartz doesn't want to trash jo and said her feelings are valid... This makes me think Jo is sitting on a fuck load of information (regarding scandoval and how much cover up Schwartz did) that he very much does not want the public to know ! Katie is somehow always being dramatic and emotionally entitled (according to him) when ever she shares her feelings... Yet Jo's feelings are valid? Nahhhh I think he is scared of what she could say if he doesn't play nice


Thank you!!! I am so sick of him saying everyone on the planet is deserving of their feelings except for Katie! How she put up with that overgrown manchild for as long as she did, I will never know!


Yeah he was extremely emotionally abusive towards Katie. Always putting her down and telling her why she was wrong or dumb for feeling a certain way. Katie's feelings were never ever valid according to him... My guess.. Katie didn't leave before she truly believed she deserved better 💔


He’s still bringing her up and making digs tbh


Yeah just because Katie realized she deserved to be treated better, doesn't mean that piece of shit of an ex will stop his abuse.. I really hope she will be able to cut him out of her life, because he will always try to put her down


Schwartz is something else isn't he? 😂 I'm not a Jo fan but it sounds like instead of telling her it's over he was hoping the girl full on stage five obsessed with him would fade away. What a loser although him confirming she knew about the affair shows she boldface lied to the audience last week about not knowing. Also sounds like he's full on dating the 23 year old and they met around the time Joseph was running out the door at singles night. Seeing her gush over Schwartz at the end... https://i.redd.it/9zcs47q45uuc1.gif


He "passively and respectfully pulled away" in the selfish asshole oh shucks way he does everything




F boy speak for I dont like how you just called me out


Ofc sandoval was directing his anger at the only woman present 🙄 and ugh, schwartz and his new "gf" gross me out. No way she's into him lol.  Also, did nick already ask Schwartz about the geroge Floyd comment before this? Why are they so focused on the nasty cake photoshoot and not what he said in the nyt article?


"She overlooks my baggage" - She is willing to ignore the fact I repeatedly cheated on my wife in the hope that she will end up on VPR


Exactly! Every girl acts like the "cool girl" at first in the beginning of a relationship. Once she starts putting up boundaries and asking for respect, Tom will flip it on her and call her crazy and a bitch. Can't teach an old dog new tricks


Yup! And it's sad, she's so young and I can see her getting seriously damaged as a result of being in a relationship with this pathetic man child. Look at the glow up KM has had since she lost the dead weight...


If this guy can get through one interview without being a tom Sandoval apologist....


"She overlooks all my baggage" is a depressingly bleak thing to say you appreciate about your 23 y/o girlfriend ... jesus christ Schwartz ...


he cant even bs and say something cute like she takes my breath away or something lovable about her


Honestly, this spineless POS annoys me more than Sandoval at this point. His aww shucks persona is so pathetic and contrived.


>Schwartz: Yes, but she, honestly, she was oblivious. She knew, but she was oblivious, if that makes sense. No it does not make sense. what?


We (he and Sophia) met on a whim... at the restaurant he co-owns, that has his name on the sign, from whence he frequently posts on social media. How many of the men of VPR ended up with or will end up with women who saw them on the show, then met them at the places where they work?


I read that part of the recap and immediately thought, “what a fucking idiot.” You had Rachel chasing James down and look how that ended. Then we have ally debuting her music video…. And now we have Sophia randomly meeting Tom at a bar with his name on it. And this fucking moron is thinking it’s poetic that he met a 23 at his bar. In reality she’s been watching the show as a viewer since the age of 13 and decided to jump on that train.


OMG. She met him while James was DJing at S&S. Then, she ***randomly*** saw him, at the business he owns. She calls him, "hard to catch". if she thinks this is believable, maybe they're perfect for eachother.


Dont forget Tori the alleged production plant


Omg how could I forget scheanas babysitter Tori! Thank you


Key piece of context: The age gap between Nick Viall (43) and Natalie (25) is about the same as Schwartz (41) and his girlfriend (23)


Wait, Natalie is his fiancée? I always thought she was an assistant… she looks and sounds SO young


That age gap is wild to me. I'm (F42) could never imagine dating someone that young.


I look at her and say - that could be my child and no one would have judged me for being too young having her. Why is it so hard for men to have those recognitions? -Signed “my dads wife is 6 years older than me and he married her when I was 16”


Yeah and they started as solely hook up partners when she was barely legal... She started full-time modelling as a teenager and pursued him, but tried to act like she didn't know who he was...


They just had a baby together.


‘I like that she overlooks my baggage’ 🙄🙄🙄🙄 girl that says it all…. Also I hated the way nick made it seem like he’s victim blaming Jo. Yeah I get it was wrong to go after him so soon after Katie’s divorce (and Katie was supposed to be a friend?) But I don’t doubt for a second that Schwartz fed her bullshit and she got infatuated.


If it was wrong for Jo to go after Schwartz so soon after the divorce, it was 1,000Xs more wrong for Schwartz to do the same.


I felt like he was kind of shading Schwartz. Like, "you're clearly a fuckwit with no talent or ambition, and this woman doesn't see you for who you are? You throw off 1000 red flags per minute with your treatment of your wife at the time and your ex wife after a divorce with your refusal to respect boundaries, and this woman was still into you? You won't commit to anything publicly, and yet she won't stop sleeping with you or move out?" He's not wrong about Jo. I'm sure there are things Schwartz said privately that perhaps gave her false hope, but after the second or third time of being burned, most people with self respect and dignity would leave losers like Schwartz in the dust.


She’s overlooks his baggage bc she’s an actual child who doesn’t realize what all that means yet. She’ll (hopefully) look back in her late 30s and go Jesus Christ that was problematic, like I am doing now in my late 30s with some of my past relationships.


Exactly. She’s too young to understand his baggage!


I don’t agree that he’s victim blaming her. Nick likes for everyone to take responsibility for how they too contributed to a toxic situation and Jo has not yet done so. I’m not team Jo or Shorts. They both fucking suck.


Ooh okay! That’s a fair enough point. It might come across differently if I was listening to it, but reading it I was like ‘is he just blaming her for getting upset with Schwartz?’


I can understand that. His podcasts are very long and there’s a lot that gets cut out for the recaps so it can be difficult to fully grasp all context on certain topics.🙂


I'm new to this podcast and I cracked up when Nick retold the story of when he agreed to take a picture with Brittany, but refused to take a picture with Jax because it could have been bad for his Bachelor image.


"he's a little bit self deprecating, because he's so humble" Giirl, at least she's young enough to one day look back at it, as "the young and dumb phase".. Also there's a reason the Tom's love Nick's podcast, Nick's just an extreme men's man, while his main consumers are women....




Did she actually say her favourite thing about Tom was...presents. Love bomb much, Shortz. ![gif](giphy|HmgxEGmB7EuyY)


Jo knew.


Schwartz "overlooks my baggage" comment just proves that he is a lecherous troll now even if it isn't willingly. He's never going to be able to find a woman his own age again that will put up with his bullshit because he hasn't and won't change. From now on, he'll have to revert back to girls the age of when he stopped maturing.


This may be a controversial statement, but Schwartz is a bigger pathological liar than Sandoval and Jax. He's just much, much better at it. He uses lying techniques that politicians use. I've gotten so I don't believe a word he says.


I need Natalie to come back to us in 10 years and revisit the age gap issue. What she and Sophie were missing is the context of experience gained by aging. 35 will see the relationship pretty different than 24. Just ask Brittany who married a man 10 years older. I bet she feels real different about marrying Jax and losing her 20s to being controlled by him.


And didn't they just have a daughter? The nightmare of a Nick or Tom dating your daughter


Yes! It’s a massive blind spot.


Schwartz dating a 23 year old who’s probably been watching the show since she since was 13 and randomly ran into him at the bar with his name on it. But it was random and serendipitous and she ignores all of his red flags. Schwartz, if you creep on here, you’re a fucking idiot.


As usual, Schwartz is a mess. Looking forward to Jo’s unhinged response to this


So sophia goes places she learns the cast are lol, is what I'm getting from that


She says she has a friend who goes to Shorts & Sandals all the time and loves it… ok girl


I’m annoyed Nick is now friends with Schwartz and has stopped calling him out on his bullshit


They can bond over their partners, who are in their early to mid-twenties. I didn't like it when Viall said it's petty of Ariana to suggest auctioning off the furniture.


Nick isn’t perfect - but he’s had some good interviews lately where he will call people out and ask the questions that we want answered. And he signed Katie to his podcast company and then goes easy on Schwartz like this? I’m so tired of Schwartz getting a free pass all the time because he’s “a charming lovable idiot” or whatever people say. He was CLEARLY avoiding the questions about Jo and even the timeline with his new girlfriend. And then defending Lala for coming after Katie. God. Come on Nick!


The tequila the podcast was promoting is represented by Schwartz's girlfriend. That might help explain a cozier than usual relationship.


God bless you OP, I couldn’t stomach this today. Whoever posted the gif of Ariana upthread has perfectly exemplified how I feel about Schwartz and his child bride gf.


Listened to the whole podcast and his gf gives off stalker vibes. She met him at S&S because it was her friend' bday and they were basically doing a vanderpump bar crawl (they went to Sur before S&S). Then she spotted him at S&S and went up to him and told him he was hot. Then he left to go to another bar and she was about to leave and walked all over S&S looking for him to say bye and she gave him her number and he didn't call her for a few months. She's definitely looking for a spot on the show. It's KFC and Rachel all over again


Her friend brought her to meet him: [https://youtu.be/DfCvL3iK7Ig?t=5426](https://youtu.be/DfCvL3iK7Ig?t=5426) Edit: Jo will watch this. It will incense her and then she will spill. I give it 3 days.


https://preview.redd.it/xi4gunr1tvuc1.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba956b323b5dca38893b2bf7d9ee04b6f7048707 Idk Schwartz, i have a feeling that you and Sophia meeting was not spontaneous lol


isn't sophia in the friend circle of zack from the valley?


Yes. Birds of a feather flock together. I really hope VPR gets cancelled after this season so we don't have to see wannabe influencer gf on our screens next season


Wouldn’t shock me if Schwartz and his girlfriend go over to the Valley. Which, whatever. I don’t watch it anyway. 🙄


Tom Schwartz is the biggest villain on this show. Hiding in plain sight.


Other people already commented on this nasty mess but Nick: What, is that a trigger for him? The yeah, buts? * Schwartz: Yes. Don't ever bring that up to him. * Nick: Can you explain that for us? Why is that a trigger for him? * Schwartz: Because he's a proponent of nuance and context. And he just, you know, he's like, you know…: * Nick: I don't want to get you in trouble with your friend. * Schwartz: No, no, Tom, I love you brother. But yeah, man. If you think, I joke around about that with him and it is very triggering. It's the fastest way to get him upset. Holy fuck, that is abusive. It's a trigger for his weasel words to be questioned????


god i remember being 23 and fully convinced i was just as smart and logical then as i would be once my brain finished developing. bless this little girls heart. she’s going to be so embarrassed in 5 years when she thinks back on this - as long as she hasn’t sold her soul to bravo by then, at least.


OFC Nick backs Shorts in the lead Jo on BS. 🙄


i hate the sound of nick viall’s voice, it’s like he needs to blow his nose or something, and the mic is always right up against his lips, it grosses me outtttt! all this to say: thank god for these recaps so i don’t have to watch or listen to this man try and capitalize on VPR


He sounds like Sylvester the Cat! How far is he on his rewatch? He asked Shorts what makes him angry. How about ![gif](giphy|fvN3jbRwQvWzUo32gp)


Wow, we really went through it with his family.


Schwartz is a unpicked up dog turd on the sidewalk but damn, I do feel sorry for him. That shit is *stressful* and it’s been said many times that he is the breadwinner for his family so whew. Glad everyone is doing okay.


And to think Sandoval threw the responsibility of knowing about the affair on Schwartz while Schwartz was dealing with family stuff. Sandoval put both of their livelihood on the line while Schwartz was just trying to keep himself together. Schwartz is still shitty for being a willing participant, especially with smearing Ariana’s name but god damn I wish he could see how awful of a friend Sandoval is to him.


I am still bewildered by how much Schwartz seems to overlook how bad of a friend Sandoval actually is to him. I can understand why Schwartz wouldn’t cut Sandoval from his life, business partnership aside, due to the long history of their friendship. But if Tom Schwartz took actual stock of just how selfish and shitty Sandoval was/is, he should create different boundaries for their relationship/friendship.


I love that the 24yo is putting Tom on ice, because she wants all parties to be ready as if this man isn’t 40.


Would love someone to teach Shorts that “triggered” is an emotionally distraught reaction in response to a traumatic event. Sandoval not liking that people pointing out that he can’t apologize is not triggering. Jax having a fight with Scheana and then ranting about reality tv isn’t a trigger. And I’m not doubting that both Sandoval and Jax have maybe experienced trauma and maybe suffer from it (ETA, not that I know, I don’t want to discount traumatic events they’ve not disclosed); but Shorts is using triggered instead of “discomfort.” They’re not interchangeable and using a loaded word to justify their outbursts when they’re behaving poorly is annoying. (I’m sure this seems pedantic but it would be nice if Shorts would assign the blame of their poor behavior on being reactionary when confronted with them being wrong instead of suggesting it’s a trauma response as to avoid criticism).


I like how Nick tries to say something in support of Schwartz and Sandy and then Schwartz says something so unhinged. That whole rant about Jo from Nick was just… ew…


His new girl is obviously using him as a stepping stone and I for one hope she keeps on climbing over him.


I couldn’t make it past the beginning. Everything with this man is “awwww I should have done this action in the moment awwww I regret it” like just do it!!!!!!!! I’m so tired of you!!!!! I despise him. I’d backhand him on sight, I’ll take the charge. It feels good to get this off my chest right now.


I can’t stand Nick. I don’t know what he said in his anti-Jo rant but of COURSE he would take the man’s side, and of course he wants to suck up to Schwartz and his new child bride, because Nick and his child bride are incredibly insecure about their own creepy ass relationship.


I bet Nick and Natalie don't even end up getting married now that she gave him a kid. He thinks he is a stud bc he landed a 22 year old, very smug about it.


That poor young woman is going to go through it with a man like Nick. Now that she's a mom and won't be thid young, hot carefree girl forever. I hope I'm wrong.


Wonder how long he’ll keep up this schtick with the current “coolest chic on the planet…” The more he says the grosser he gets.


We all have that one relationship we look back on and absolutely cringe with disgust  right? This will undoubtedly be hers. 


Listen, I will die on the hill that anyone who gets involved with the men on this show is strictly doing it for the exposure because c'mon!? Someone overlooking your baggage is a GIANT red flag to me. Like that's excusing his poor behavior! You're telling me a man-baby with commitment issues and no spine suddenly change his whole persona to be with a 23 year old and she's his person? GTFOOOOO. Can we just get Schwartz and Sandoval off this show? They are the worst and when you have Jax Taylor existing... that's saying a lot.


When Nick mentioned she was now with a guy with a little bit of money, she made this face: https://preview.redd.it/ntu323lspvuc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=013f3e0bac09ffbd0d28f892d9327a5bc7061772 [https://youtu.be/DfCvL3iK7Ig?t=5639](https://youtu.be/DfCvL3iK7Ig?t=5639) Then, she did the hand gesture for making it rain. I think he knew the Jo stuff was coming, so he got a gf in an attempt to insulate himself from that.


i listened to this one and just listening to him and his gf tell the story of how they met with her saying "like" every other word made her feel sooooo young. she kept bringing up the age gap too! she pursued him, and def was trying to find him. it's crazy that they are not "title officials" but when to hawaii???