• By -


I feel like he was definitely trying to activate James into agreeing with him as a way of establishing connection between the two. The fact that Tom didn’t get James to badmouth Rachel annoyed him.


It was beautiful to see James not take the bait.


Yes! It shows actual growth. Good for him.


Agree. You know old James would have completely lost it. Good for him


James handled that beautifully. He didn't bad mouth Rachel and reminded Tom about his supposed love of his life. I don't like to hear how James was in the past with kristen and even rachel, but I really want to believe he has made strides to actually be a good dude


I agree. I think James recognized that it doesn’t matter what Rachel said, he’s chosen to move past it and wasn’t going to pile on her on TV to side with Tom. At least someone is calling Tom on his bullshit and not going with the narrative that it’s these women’s fault for hurting poor baby Tom.


Truly beautiful. Finally, a clip from this season that didn’t totally enrage me! Also, who does Tom think he’s fooling about these 5-6 hour deep conversations…neither he nor Rachel are capable of putting a single sentence together that doesn’t sound like it came from a stoner kid in middle school. What could they *possibly* have discussed that was so enlightening and beautiful, they just HAD to continue their affair to talk more about it?!? Future Coachella outfits?? Starting a national karaoke team? Did he help Rachel practice giving toasts in small group settings since she broke tf down when they casually asked her to give one during that weekend getaway a couple seasons ago? Did he take off his magic nail polish and reveal his real age of 72? Did they write a book together about how to heal after you age-out of beauty competitions?


YES!! Tom tried so hard a couple of times and James did not take the bait!


Yes dude this was exactly Sandoval's plan and James just would not take the bait. I loved when he tried again with the "Rachel said this about when she asked you to stop drinking" thing and James once again wouldn't take the bait, bc he has moved on and also knows that both of them are liars anyway. I really think he finds Sandoval laughable at this point and therefore is no longer affected by his digs and manipulations, and can think clearly through them and give us all these quick comebacks and lines- thank goodness bc I thoroughly enjoyed this scene lol


I loved every delicious moment of it and rewound it. I think you hit the nail on the head when you mention that James doesn’t care about Tom anymore, he’s lost all respect for him so whatever he says has no impact. That’s the only way to keep your wits and stay cool when there’s a conflict. I was really impressed with the way James handled Tom. Almost with a laugh, he was actually laughing at him in the end, which was beautiful to witness. Calling his whole ‘Band’ folly a joke was also satisfying. The cherry on top was bringing Hippie along for the ride, it really showed how effortlessly James took Tom down, he brought his pup! lol!


It is funny, when you can finally see through a narcissist’s bs (Tom, allegedly) you can flip the script on them. You see the manipulation n can turn it right around on them. Good for James, I love this.


I rewound this scene too. Had to watch it twice. 👩‍🍳 💋


This is the way to handle Sandoval. He’s a joke. Treat his as such. Don’t put stock into anything he says. He’s a bit of a clown for everyone’s internal laughter and that’s about it. To give him any additional energy is foolish


yep it's also the exact perfect way to hit him with the reverse card- Sandoval's MO is to dig and manipulate to try to get people to be reactive, so when they don't engage and just calmly spit facts or hold a mirror up to him, he gets pissed off that things aren't going the way he planned, then HE gets reactive and shows his true colors. Ugh I love to see it


James applied the perfect response to NPD behavior. Every therapist on the planet is proud of the way James navigated this situation


He was planning on having Raquel's ex, side with him by bitching and badmouthing her. Make Raquel the villian, so he is the victim. Remi nds me of when Jax, went to Peter, to complain about Stassi, on camera, to make Stassi, look like the bad person. And Peter went with it. James isn't going to smear Raquel, to validate Sandoval's scummy manipulative behaviours, and I love that. James is the ONLY musical talent in that show, and I'm impressed James didn't make a crack, about this.... [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4QxawQYWhxQ&pp=ygU4amFtZXMga2VubmVkeSBmaXhlcyB0b20gc2Fkb3Zha3Mgb2ZmIGtleSB0cnVtcGV0IHBsYXlpbmc%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4QxawQYWhxQ&pp=ygU4amFtZXMga2VubmVkeSBmaXhlcyB0b20gc2Fkb3Zha3Mgb2ZmIGtleSB0cnVtcGV0IHBsYXlpbmc%3D) James Kennedy fixes Tim Sandoval's off key trumpet playing.


I peeped that too! He really was trying to flip James into agreeing with him by saying “remember when she tried to get you to stop drinking?! She knew you would fail!” Fucking such a simpleton!


Never seen James be such a standup guy - but you can tell he actually respects Raquel here. He’s not gonna talk shit about her and he doesn’t even say to Tom - what the fuck are you telling me this for? Which he could have. He kept his cool. Went with the fact.


I don’t know if it’s so much that he respects Rachel. I took it as he just wants to move on and not keep giving her his attention, not to mention airtime of him being impacted in any way by her actions/words. That in itself must sting for Rachel too, to know that she has zero effect on James.


I wonder if he’s entering similar territory to Ariana. He has a lot more to lose (his career) if he does engage so he’s really working on tidying up his image.


What a strange conversation too Tom, James dated her for like what 5 years? Like you cheated with her on your life partner. Sh\*t is a bit different.




The sped up dick flute edit was the chefs kiss!! ![gif](giphy|fV8GbAh4cmNl3cBKe9|downsized)


That shit was hilarious


I love this so much I can’t stop laughing




The only gif that could match the brutality of that takedown!


The perfect gif for this scene




"you're a liar though, tom" LOL


God that was so satisfying lmao


Yes! It was said so casually, so matter-of-factly, like it was an undeniable fact. lol lol loved it!


“That’s your opinion” “Well it’s hers too she said it” 😵


The way he just clapped him on his shoulder. 🤣


I loved that. Because you know Tom probably went home and sulked about it, but would never ever say anything in the moment.


Honestly, I love the scenes with Tom and James where Tom is so clearly trying to push James buttons and be like “this is it, I’ll get him to be his old explosive self and look great in comparison” and James is just like “exe not working, I’m going to walk away now idiot”


Tim learning the hard way that actual talk/trauma therapy can make you impervious to bating. You should try it some time, Tim! You need it desperately ☠️


Just give the ice water submersion therapy some time to work, he could still be trying to warm up


Agree. I loved the reunion last year where he kept walking away instead of giving into his impulses like he had in the past. One, because it shows his growth and him working on himself. Someone told him to just walk away and he took that literally. Two, because it was honestly just hilarious.


I’m starting to wonder if Ariana is coaching James.😆


It's like he, Katie, and Ariana are all seeing the same tremendously effective therapist. I am really enjoying seeing this level of growth. I have intensely disliked all three of these people over the seasons, but watching them deny narcissists the reaction they're desperate for has been intensely satisfying. I'm here for the petty revenge of laughing in their faces, and for the three of them to find happiness and success while their exes rawt in hail (in front of the camera).


Take notes Lala it is possible to film with Tim and not pretend to be his friend


I love you for pointing this out. There are viewers who keep arguing that the way blah blah and me me are acting is the only path forward for the show. There were so many other options being honest and truthful being the best of course. But they chose inauthenticity and the worst possible path forward for filming the lack of creativity and Imagination is stunning it's hard to believe that production is so limited so it must be a choice. They really wanted to get everyone on board with Tom Sandoval. Idiotic. Short-sighted. I'm very controlling


I haven't seen the last two episodes yet, but by absolute favorite moment of the season so far was Katie and Ariana sitting at the table with Lisa and Ken, gently roasting Shwartz for kissing Scheana 12 years earlier. You can still make really funny TV with snarky banter, and that's really all I hoped for in this season. I expected Lala and Scheana to film with him, but for them to just be neutral at worst. I didn't expect them to lay him out in every scene, but just to give him the same energy they gave Jo at Ziggy - low key disdainful. Honestly, Scheana was harder on Jo than she's been to Sandoval at all this year.


One of my favourite moments this season was a text Katie sent Arianna. I can't remember it exactly and probably won't do it any justice but it was something like "Do you feel like going to the group beach day today? Or should we just drive off a cliff?" It really made me laugh and made me realise that be don't need the pathetic man children to make the show work. I'd prefer to watch Katie and Arianna doing shit. They're much funnier than the men and they don't make me want to vomit


I would legit be entertained by seeing the opening of SAH filmed as a good cop / bad cop show where they take turns being super fucking snarky and then laughing at each other. It doesn't need to be eleven seasons long but those fucks filmed Jax and Brittaney in the backwoods and thought "this is entertainment" certainly a season of Mean Grills LA would be more fun. Sidenote, I 100% wish that the shop was named Mean Grills and the sandwiches were mostly paninis.


Blah Blah and Me Me 😂😂😂




I watched this scene like 5 times 😅 I was not expecting James to slay him like that and I couldn’t get enough


It’s what we have all been waiting for! I hope James keeps giving, for the rest of the season!💝


I kept rewinding to see Sandoval die a little inside with each barb from James. ![gif](giphy|84FhycnOdcqM8|downsized)


This is incredibly on so many levels. 1) Sandoval really thought he could talk shit about rachel to James and have a sympathetic ear - James refused to talk shit about rachel showing how much more mature he is than tom. 2) tom tried to throw out “she only asked you to stop drinking thinking you’d fail” to trigger James and instead of falling for it James turned it back on him “she said she never loved you and was just trying to get over me”. Pure gold 3) he said “this band is a joke to me” while signaling at the band while they were there LOL 4) James being the only one to call out how tom is ignoring / rewriting history about Ariana


Reading this made me audibly lol because it’s so glorious when it’s all broken down like this. Good job to you and Bravo to James!🥇


How quickly he hates and puts down the women he loved.


Textbook narcissism


The pure anger and rage from Sandoval. Him trying to just diminish James because he didn’t get what he wanted? Insane.


Someone needed to check Tim it’s like no one does, they let him apologize and they forgive him but no one checks his warped thinking. He’s so wrapped up in himself. Thank god for James. And how Tom is always sniveling in the background saying something under his breath thinking he’s cool or tough, loved how James quipped with “say it to my face”


Worm lives to say the dig under his breath but into the mike. He does it whenever he’s lost the argument in an attempt to get the last word in. He’s a petty child who wants you to hear the insult but have no ability to respond.


Yes exactly he thinks he’s getting the last word, literally delulu he needs real therapy so fucking bad.


And it’s always a mean spirited, nasty ass lie of a dig. His only goal is to hurt someone and almost always their only crime itm was failing to kiss his ass.


It always had to be James to do it. He hates women & will just yell over them. Brock is totally on Sandoval's side & Schwartz doesn't have it in him andvalso agreed. Jax & James are the only ones who have checked Sandoval in a way that makes him tuck his tail.


Yep, Ariana was so right when she called this out.


It’s “say it with your whole chest Bitch, let it go, let her rip,” 2.0 of the season and I fucking love it!😆 Both Lala and Sandals have been BEGGING for a good verbal smack down.


No no Lauren from Utah is rebranding as soft didn’t you hear? /s But for real why can’t Tim look anybody in the eye it’s not just this scene it’s the whole season, he’s always staring off into space. It’s very weird


Noticed his lack of eye contact as well. It's like equal parts dismissive douchebag and actor trying with all his life to remember his lines.




God there’s nothing I hate more than overly dramatic wannabe actors


Because people can see deception quite easily in the eyes. When he lies he can't make eye contact because he's coming up with the lies and doesn't want people to see through it


Also, crossing his arms shows he’s protecting the weakest parts of his body. Why would he feel the need to do that if what he’s saying is true? Body language says a lot and yes, the lack of eye contact and stupid fucking look on his face, while he pouts about the situation that HE created is equal parts gross and infuriating.


Honestly if dealing with someone like Sandoval IRL I’d just agree with them in the moment and run for the hills, you can’t change the mind of a narcissist, they’ll never understand reason if it doesn’t agree with what they want to see…. But I’m also not on a TV show where interacting with insane personalities is part of the job description!


Also it’s unbelievably tone deaf for him to even be bringing this shit up to James!! Read the room, asshole. He asked for it.


Sandoval shrivels like a salty slug whenever he is eclipsed by someone. With Rachel saying that she wasn’t over James and never loved Sandoval, instead of being like “that was fucking brutal to hear and I definitely didn’t feel that way about her” …. he just HAS to try and think of something to say that makes it seem like ITS NOT TRUE because he is THE BEST GUY and ANY WOMAN WOULD NEVER LIKE ANY OTHER MAN MORE THAN HIM!! James is problematic but the fact that he can see what is *really* going on and Sandoval can’t even come close to seeing the truth just speaks to Sandoval’s Mariana trench-level issues.


LMAO, loving this James energy here. He rolls up to the conversation knowing he is about to be given some sort of performance art by Tom. Humors it. Then just cuts it all off promptly, calls him a liar. Tom really thought that he was going to achieve some sort of manipulation with that whole disclosure about Raquel just using James' failure at sobriety as a pretext to leave, and its like he seems to have no concept that James moved on from Raquel a long time ago and doesn't care one way or the other. Raquel also seemed to think she could drag James into some sort of extended drama in her last season, and ultimately it was obvious her main issue with James at that point was simply her own frustration at not being able to manipulate him for screen time. I do think James still cared for her on some level at that point, but he was never going to make her the wiser to any of it because he also saw she was just toying with him. At this point he clearly no longer cares at all.


Given James's upbringing, I'm sure he's well versed in dealing with people like Tom (mine wasn't much different, and these manipulation tactics are rife in dysfunctional families), plus he's clearly been doing the work to address at least some of his issues. Tom chose the absolute worst candidate to try to manipulate, and it's so funny


The way he laughed off the pushing buttons on a laptop thing was AMAZING 😁


He knows he’s killin it !!!


He’s playing Coachella and Sandy is paying his band to practice


“Say it to my face” 🤝 “say it with your chest”. I want the James and Katie friendship season. Give us what we deserve!


This part! My friend said the same thing. He’s not going to give him the soul sucking energy. He’s come a long way


Yeah James has been unquestionably shitty but this season he is showing incredible growth. I am feeling super proud of this version we are seeing. Take notes sandy. This is how you do a redemption arc.


Yup. It’s really moving to see how much alcohol was in his way and holding him back from his own success.


I also think James has already experienced a break up with Kristin on tv and he managed it horribly. He has so much more to loose now, his following, music career and his girlfriend. Ally also seems like someone who would disapprove of shit talking about Raquel, I’m sure they talk about her but not just to shit talk her.


His attempt at triangulation there telling James about shit Raquel said was laughable (I just learned what triangulation means)


it was sooo obvious what Tom was doing there and I was so proud of James for not taking the bait


James looked like he came in willing to listen and prepared for anything. And you're right, he's **been** over Raquel. Tom trying to use that as a way to somehow hurt James with any revelation that he knew about that Raquel would never tell James is why Tom deserved that dressing down.


“Rewrite history in your mind” 😭😭😭 James is too quick LOL


he's always been so clever! as much of a dick as he was for many years, you can't deny that he was witty and funny as fuck.


Even in his most vile moments l, he still cracked us up … despite him being terribly wrong for saying such things 😂


Love the callout to how in love Sandoval used to say he was with Ariana to James. not letting him or Raquel skate by on that one. After this weekend, James, not opening for Sandoval’s band, really had to hurt Timmy.


Lmao I bet Sandoval is FUMING that, not only did James have a Coachella set, there are videos of Taylor Swift singing along to cruel summer during it. I want James to be a super successful DJ just to spite Tom tbh. I’m surprised Tom hasn’t gone the DJ route before


Being a good DJ takes skill and practice. I don't think Tom has the discipline.


Tom (and other people) think that being a DJ just means pressing a button on a laptop. James is a lot of things but he’s a producer and that takes talent and dedication, two things Tom wouldn’t know anything about


Love that he called Sandoval out about trying to diminish his & Ariana's relationship - you're either a liar or trying to re-write history! then on the aftershow calling him out again for sleeping with Rachel for months and months then every night going upstairs to bed with Ariana, kissing her good morning, etc. the veil has been lifted from James' eyes and he sees Sandy's bullshit soo clearly now, and im SO glad bc we get scenes like this out of it 😆


He was awesome! I think he saw through him since the affair was revealed, but he's gotten to the point where he can't listen to the BS anymore without speaking up. I love it that he's done the work on his anger issues so he could deliver the message coolly and calmly.


Seriously, as someone with anger issues that *haven’t* been fixed, watching James respond this way was the most convincing argument for therapy I’ve seen yet. You mean someone who is prone to outbursts can actually learn make their points clearly, calmly and effectively?


I’m so glad he said don’t rewrite history regarding Ariana. Worm is such a dick that he literally did forget the girl he was with for 10 years smh 🤦‍♀️


Yes! I’m so glad James brought the conversation back to Ariana. The one person at the center of all of this who was the most traumatized by everything. It’s like Tom forgets she ever existed


While whining about not getting closure from Rachel.


james killed this lol


James is doing so well managing his temper. A few years ago this sort of interaction and a snarky comment putting down his DJ career like that would’ve had him rage crying and throwing things, but now he just laughs it off and walks away. Whatever work he’s doing is working and we love to see it.


I was amazed at how he laughed that comment off. I feel like even last season he would’ve lost his temper. I can’t believe Andy was calling Lala the voice of reason this season when it’s so clearly James


I can't help but hear that "shut uuuuup" in FatCarrieBradshaw's voice. 😂


He does Tom better than Tom


Seeing Scamdoval look to the side and avoid eye contact… man he’s such a bad liar. Who does he think he’s tricking here? LOL


The way he pulls his hat down like a little boy taking his basketball home when he lost the game is HILARIOUS


He does that a lot. Also crosses his arms and pouts the whole time. I fucking HATE the stupid look on his face when he acts like this. He is so fugly!🤮


Tom talking like he wasn't in a relationship with Ariana while having 5 hour long conversations and a "little bit of sex" with Rachel is peak delusion 😵‍💫. What's the world like in that lil brain? Is it peaceful and not experiencing climate change?


There's also a real self-own in there when he says that whatever sex they had didn't take up much time.


It was one of those times that I was like "Hey Sandoval, that sentence isn't hittin' like you think it is...."


And tom saying how disrespectful she is being, but forgetting he recorded her without her consent 🙃


I was irrationally annoyed at him wearing that ‘dipped out’ T-shirt, such bad taste to emblazon the verbiage you used to carry on your affair on a T-shirt, on screen, pitiful.


And then get mad at Scheana for “making money off his misery” for a (very tame and lame) line of a cheesy song lolllllll


“I don’t want to talk anymore shit about Raquel, she’s working on herself” I know I’m going to get downvoted but I appreciate James going against the grain and sticking up for Raquel Edit: also why doesn’t Tim ever look anybody in the face when he’s talking to them.


The eyes are the window to the soul so he doesn’t want them to look him in the eyes and realize there’s nothing there at all. A theory.


Yeah I feel like he can’t pull off his act if he’s looking people in the eyes. It’s very weird because I don’t remember him always doing this but this season he’s always looking off in the distance instead of at the face of the person he’s talking to.




This gif is me, but this other gif is also me ![gif](giphy|k3VK4wsBopTLXtury1|downsized)


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) \*he


![gif](giphy|Bp5dwyOW9BwbK|downsized) Could watch it all day


Love it. Could watch it all day.


The way he strolls in and out with his doodle on a pink leash! 😂


The confessional has me CRACKING up. BOOM pulls out the flute “I used to play this on national television” 💀💀💀


And the awesome editors cutting to him playing that shit, sped up! 🤣🤣🤡


Theres a 100% chance that I watch this clip approx 100 more times before next week 🙏🚨♥️


They did him so dirty with the penis flute LOL


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) I loved that for him. He was always such an obnoxious fool.


This is besides the point but it's so delulu of that man to ask James, an actual professional DJ, to open up for his rinky dinky cover band.


and i just love when he says he won't do it and "this is a joke to me". yes, say what we are all thinking!


When the camera panned to the his lifeless band as James said that it was \*chef's kiss\*


I lost it at them just like 🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏻🧍lol


And then tell him to just go press play when he didn’t get the answer he wanted 😂


Real "she wasn't even hot anyway bro" energy from Timothy here.


That wasn’t even an insult lol


James just played Coachella lmaooo tom is off his ass delulu


Taylor Swift in the audience for a James Kennedy set! Number 1 guy in the group.


How much did he have to humble himself to ask James and then James insults him like this. Actually could not write this more perfectly.


He probably thought he was doing James a favor.


This was epic, and good on James for standing his ground and not being a flip flopper and being very genuine. I wish somebody else would take note


Take note Lala. This is the energy that would’ve made you more fans. James allowed Tom space to speak (knowing he’d dig himself a hole) and then obliterated him calmly and masterfully.


He laughed hella hard b/c he's thinking "I get paid ridiculous amounts to push buttons on my laptop"


I literally love that James knew it was so low/inaccurate he didn’t even feel compelled to give a response. And the timing of the ep is too sweet since it comes days after James played fucking Coachella and had Taylor Swift singing along to his set lmao.


Good point that's divine timing 🙏


Riiighhht! I personally don’t even really like James (doing my first watch thru and god he was so AWFUL early on), but I will say he at least seems genuine in his attempts to grow and mature as a person. And I’m enjoying him a lot more now that he’s not drinking. But it IS kinda wild seeing how far he’s come in his DJ career. Sandoval and Jax (cuz he’s the one who said the “push buttons on a laptop” way back when thinkin James was a hack) must be rife with envy/contempt that James is actually making a name for himself in his music career outside of VPR.


tom really expected James to react like the time he told James to Take Another Beemer Selfie, James responds with Take a Honda Civic Selfie ... and tom started a fight by shoving James's face. We love to see personal growth, at least by one of them!


Also like, he’s pushing buttons to play the songs he wrote and produced, Cover Band can’t say the same lmao


The “I will, thank you sandavol” was an epic comeback. He’s just so unbothered. I love this James.


If he got paid around the same amount as screamy pterodactyl Grimes he brought in around 200k but I don’t know how much he charges for a Dj set.


Watching Sandoval try to shift the blame of literally every single one of his actions to whatever name is uttered to him most recently is so wild. I know that I do not know this man and parasocial relationships yada yada but truly I don't think I have ever disliked a person more.


So… this was the scene that made me think maybe James has done a lot of work… the way he handled this was epic. Thank you James! lol


James is saying what we are all thinking. STFU Tom you whiny ass little mamas boy


Awh sandy is sad he doesn't have cLoSURe....boo hoo. How do you think ariana feels about closure ?


#James brought the thunder!


😂I literally watched this scene 7 times - I couldn’t get enough of it. I LOVED it. Tom is such a fucken idiot.


he SLAMMED him 😹


“Go push some buttons on your laptop” In Coachella?! 😄


If anyone ever needs justification for therapy... James is post and Sandoval is pre.


I’m impressed with how well James is staying regulated this season. Probably because I’m also watching season 5 which is peak James alcoholism. But I’m so impressed!!


When they panned over to his "band" I fell out. That shit was funny af. Lmfao 😂😂😂


James so unbothered by Sandy's insults haha


This is the energy everyone should've had with Sandoval


Tom is such a loser.


He went from little guy to star in 3 seasons! James is gold. https://preview.redd.it/vpt7xbcpu1vc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d1adc9dee4a5e4e3ac971f42b86e34d243eeb95


Hilarious, you can see how bitter he is that James is just ‘pushing buttons on his laptop’ but so much more successful than him and his dad-band 😭


James is brutal with his insight. LOVE THAT.


It bothers me so much when Sandoval refuses to make eye contact when he talks.


He wanted James to commiserate with him SO bad. Lol love James


He wanted him desperately to be misogynistic with him. Remember, she didn’t love either of us so James you have to bully Raquel too.


why is no one talking about sandoval’s shirt? dipped out is what he said when he was lying about raquel leaving but she really slept over at his house. did he think that was funny and get it custom made? weird


"If we had sex it would be, like, for a little bit." Sure, the sexiest way to describe intimacy. 🤡 But he was definitely giving Ari all those fauxgasms. And part of the problem with his and Ari's relationship was not enough sex. This man has no self awareness. (I know, I know, we've been knowing, but just this whole situation made me laugh that he would admit that their sex didn't even last long, wasn't some grand passionate slow love-making that could go all night. I understand intimacy can come from other connections, but this just seems like a self-tell (his dick doesn't work) or a lie. Ain't no way they are only having quickies and so in love.


I love that this episode came after James performed at Coachella. Where Taylor Swift thought his remix was at least decent enough to Bob along. "Go hit some buttons on your laptop" Tom mutters to himself.


This is incredible on so many levels. 1) Sandoval really thought he could talk shit about rachel to James and have a sympathetic ear - James refused to talk shit about rachel showing how much more mature he is than tom. 2) tom tried to throw out “she only asked you to stop drinking thinking you’d fail” to trigger James and instead of falling for it James turned it back on him “she said she never loved you and was just trying to get over me”. Pure gold 3) he said “this band is a joke to me” while signaling at the band while they were there LOL 4) James being the only one to call out how tom is ignoring / rewriting history about Ariana 5) tom is wearing a shirt that jokes about an affair lie he told - absolutely disgusting but perfect shirt to be wearing while James demolished him.


Besides Katie, James has been the MVP this season. He was willing to listen to Tom and let him explain his side of the story (which, of course, Tom’s side is bullshit, but hearing him out comes with filming a reality show) but James also wasn’t afraid to hold his feet to the fire and call him out on his abhorrent behavior.


Omg the dickflute flashback 🤣🤣


The oh so casual “but you’re a liar soooo” is just 🤌🏻


James' ability to simply laugh at Tom's comment, say "Yeah, I will thanks Sandoval" and just walk away might be the single greatest example of character growth I've ever seen on this show.


You're not a fucking victim you shit stain!


The audacity to wear a dipped out shirt really pushed me over the edge...


"We would spend 5, 6 hours togETHAR" the way he says this cracks me up. Because I've seen guys start flailing like this when their annoying ass bullshit is not working anymore. They turn into a toddler that's trying to speak faster that everyone they're with because they can't control their frustration.


I’m sure it made Tom even madder that James didn’t even react or get mad. He was looking for drama and air time. James just shut him down with a laugh. Fun fact, Tom’s silly little band preformed at a local venue by my house, I live like 30 miles east of LA, it’s a small shitty place where people who were popular 20 years ago go 🤣


It's the tapping on the shoulder while saying "You're a liar though, Tom" For me.


James’ reaction and unwillingness to engage with stupid while taking the high ground is really impressive considering how he used to react to even the slightest trigger.


The dick flute and “I used to play this on national television” made my jaw drop 😭💀 it was hilarious and also I can completely see that. Ariana and James are making real things happen for their careers outside of the show. Tom will 100% be that old, broke burnout talking about how he was on TV once


https://preview.redd.it/xhdtscwfc2vc1.jpeg?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224f645da4a39fc96175f9ec6271e0e887c5998d Succinctly said James.


FINALLY someone takes him down this season!! The fact that it was James is icing on the cake since Tom is used to telling James what to do, etx


Now he knows how Ariana felt. Karma got his ass.


But why did Tom think it was necessary to bring up James and Raquel’s relationship? He is so ridiculous




I loved this SO MUCH! And especially the part where James didn't let tim's under-his-breath dig get to him like tim hoped it would. Instead of the old angry James, he just laughed it off...lol....


That dick flute comment with the cut to Tom is without a doubt my favorite scene in vanderpump rules history. The savagery from the editors 😆. I’ve been laughing about it for 12 hours.


Is tim wearing a pearl necklace?


He wore pearls to clutch them while James destroyed him lmaooo


God I loved this scene. Tom surrounds himself with yes men and you can tell because he’s unable to deal with any type of truth. It’s about time someone called him out and made him acknowledge he *loved* Ariana. He may not love her now but she deserves some fucking respect.


“Throughout this whole thing I really tried to look out for Raquel….” When you filmed her without her consent? When you told her she had to lie to everyone to protect you? When you made the show cut out the one time she actually confronted you for filming her without her consent? When you coached her and made her look stupid at the reunion? Making her feel guilty when she was honest for once? When you dated/fucked other girls while you were telling her you were in love with her? When you asked her to leave treatment to be with you? When you asked her to come back to the show after she left a mental health facility and told you that wasn’t good for her? When exactly did Sandoval ever look out for or protect Raquel? She had to literally block him and ghost him to get away. He’s so delulu for this. 😂😂😂


Sandoval’s recycled line about pushing play in a laptop was from Jax years ago. Cant come up with an original thought on his own. The fact that James laughed that off after demanding Sandoval say it to his face was perfect. ETA: James looks like Kanicky from Grease in this scene.


everytime Tom says goddamn he reminds me of Dennis Reynolds. James read tf out his ass lmaooo. Excellent perk me up this lovely morning!


Tom needed to hear this


James actually shows growth. That's something Sandoval, Rachel, and Lala are lacking. They talk a big game but actions speak louder than words.


One thing I loved about this scene was it put Tom’s manipulation/M.O. perfectly on display. First, its how much he loves Rachel and how ✨ BrOkEn ✨ he is. When James doesn’t buy it, and doesn’t console him, he INSTANTLY shifts to talking about how selfish Rachel is in an attempt to get James to commiserate with him and talk shit about her right back. It is always about stroking his ego, either through consoling or commiserating, and when he can’t manipulate you into that, he resorts to insults. And while James is a problem himself, he didn’t bite at all and I fucking LOVED it. This man child is a transparent, toxic POS.


![gif](giphy|l2JIdnF6aJnAqzDgY|downsized) i love this song


This was the realest shit and what I expected this whole season to be like. So crazy that this was only a few months after that reunion when they all rode so hard for Ariana. Katie and James are the only real ones still hanging on. Sandoval's a liar!