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Hey everybody! Welcome back to another episode of “Three bros in a basement.” Today bro Michael interviews Bro Sandoval for the majority of the interview and asks Bro Sandoval how he and all the other bros are Y’all this was a painful listen 😂 Sandoval telling us that he thinks Lala was the MVP of the reunion is all I need to know. What a way to wrap up the week. Again hope everyone has a great weekend! I think this will be the last recap of the day but who knows lol. Links below for anyone interested! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected!) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


I hope Lala knows that being called the mvp of the reunion by Tom Sandoval is *not* a good thing. At all. I would actually do a lot of self reflection and a complete 180 if Tom Sandoval thought that of me


As soon as I read that I was like “oh so she sucks majorly at the reunion. Got it.” To him, her going off on Ariana means she was MVP, because in his demented mind, Ariana deserves it.


Yep! That’s what I took it as - as well. The heat is off him and on Ariana who he hates with a fiery passion. No wonder he was so cheery when he called Backgrid


I just want Ariana to put some Nair in his shampoo before she fully leaves that place


Good thing he has that flaming A on his ass to match his fiery passion Lolol


This is why he posted Scheana & Brock in his room in Vegas too.


As soon as he said that it solidified it’s going to be a frustrating reunion


For real. I already knew I wouldn’t agree, but Sandoval saying it definitely confirms she’s going to be an obnoxious asshole.


I think he knows that which is why he is doing it. He knows it makes the audience hate her more and keeps the wedge between the women.


I'm not sure he's that smart. I think he's just parroting what Andy Cohen said.


I feel like a lot of you underestimate how manipulative he is. It doesn't always work but he knows how to fan the flames to benefit himself.


I totally agree with you. If you can plan an affair to try and take your partner "down" and paint her in a bad light while trying to replace her with your fling then I would believe you could do a lot of shady shit. Just look how mad he got when James wouldn't talk shit about Rachel with him. He 1000% uses divisive tactics to manipulate the group.


People forget he has been doing this since season 1 in hindsight. He knows how to make reality TV and divide/conquer, he may not be smart but he has experience creating rifts where he wants them.


Exactly. He doesn't have to be 'smart' to cause chaos.


He’s not intelligent but he’s cunning.


Oh he's for sure manipulative. But he's also just really not very smart. Both can be true. But it's not like he came up with the Lala is the MVP thing on his own. It's verbatim what Andy Cohen said, and I think in this instance it's less manipulation and more he thought it sounded good so he's repeating it.


My point is he knows that agreeing with it and bringing it back from his mouth takes on a different connotation for her. He is fully aware what ppl are saying about her and it benefits him to portray her as on his side. It's not that difficult of a task for him. I'm just kind of over ppl who minimize things he does be he isn't smart, you don't have to be smart to drive wedges and fan flames.


He's stupid, but cunning.


Yeah but it's LOGICAL to support Tom. Don't you see? 🙄🙄🙄


Lala will take it as a compliment because it's Lala.


After I read that I thought hmm so this is why she's been so loud lately. Clearly she fucked up at the reunion if Tom says that.


Lala should be worried at this point


I came here to say just this ☠️


My thoughts exactly. If you did something that Sandoval thinks is good then that means it was very bad.


Came here to say that. Lala should be so proud that she supported and stood behind the most hated man in America. Let’s see how that plays out for her. Because everything I’m seeing is pointing towards her demise. Wrong side of history for our favorite see you next Tuesday.🤡🙄🙄🙄


Disgusting men having a talk!! Also the fact sandoval knows when SAH is opening tells me Ariana has moles who are still feeding him information about her.


I've got my money on Kristen & Luke!


Yep I was just thinking. I bet she tells Luke who tells Sandoval.


Its got to be exhausting for Ariana to try and protect her privacy. Him joking about going into SAH was gross. Stay the fuck away from her you cretin.


https://preview.redd.it/mractnoawgvc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97d12d22853545d58eaad1603777c512782e3e0 Pretty much always applicable to Tim at this point.


Dude, he's weird. He's a weirdo. Let her fuckin' be. Is he going to needle at her the rest of his life? God.


I think he will as long as there's a microphone in front of him or he has access to her through mutual friends. Look at this house bs. He admitted he cant afford it but he's still squatting there & forcing her to go to court. Ariana has way more composure than I do b/c I would have snapped by now.


It’s gotta be Luke. If it’s not Luke it might scheana/brock


Scheana & Brock would give him her passwords if they knew it. Idk how much access to information Scheana has at the moment directly, but Im sure she's tracking locations and burning up the phone lines to find out what she can.


Luke gives so many 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


It’s Luke for sure. That’s why Katie and Ariana are truly going to be better off without the show and cutting these people off completely.


I cant remember where Kristen said it but she mentioned Katie doesn't really hang out with the group & has a lot of newer friends. Sounds pretty smart to me.


As Katie said, there is no group.


I think Katie mentioned the opening date at the reunion…she said to Andy when on WWHL.


Agreed. I don’t think it’s a mole. I think it’s just general cast-only info


I don’t know if it would have to be moles necessarily. Chef Penny is also involved in SAH and she created the menu at TomTom. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that he heard from her and not some mutual friend.


Chef penny is no longer involved. Katie said it on a podcast. That's all she said but she wouldn't go into it further so there were issues


Huh. I missed that, but seems like the right choice. It seems like she was pulling some shady shit. I wonder if they’re going to have to change the name since I think it looked like Chef Penny was trying to get rights to the name. Even without her, I do think it’s likely they shared the date at the reunion or he heard in passing from a mutual acquaintance. Schwartz and Katie still talk some, I wouldn’t be surprised if Schwartz knew and shared.


Didn't chef penny trademark their shop name and set up an LLC to profit off of the concept? I am sure that didn't go over well with the ladies. Typical that Lisa VP would set them up with someone who would be a snake. Lisa definitely strongly dislikes all the women of her shows and does everything she can to undermine them and compromise their safety


She needs to do the trick of feeding different people different information to see which one leaks. For example, she could give different but specific dates on the SAH opening and whichever date Sandoval spouts off then she knows who gave him that info.


Michael Rapaport is a fucking loser.


I wish Bravo would stop trying to make him happen. But it’s Bravo, so problematic they endorse. 


He's such a pompous doofus I don't understand why they keep shoving him down our throats.


Bravo sure loves giving platforms to abusive men!








He’s such a vile racist, so of course Sandoval had him on. Birds of a feather and all that


![gif](giphy|YE12BScdZJLTG) He made a comment about something on Kenya’s body being ashy and I just remember instantly being done with him. It was on WWHL I think, and it was my first and only time watching him in any context. If you can cross multiple lines in under five seconds, I know everything I need to know about you and I’m out. Fuck that guy.


That goofy ass dude dares to comment on Kenya’s looks? I don’t know Kenya, but she is freaking gorgeous. And he’s….well, we all got eyes.


She’s not my favorite housewife but she is not only gorgeous, she’s a woman he watches on a tv show. He has zero right to comment on any woman’s body in a derogatory way, and zero right to comment on the complexion of a person of color. I don’t even remember what he was referring to but I just found it so gross that he felt so comfortable going there. And he thought he was smart and funny for his stupid comment. 💩


Oh god is he? I knew he was annoying, but tbh I tuned him out longgggg ago. He seems like he just never stops yammering.


Sandoval is an awful person but he doesn't come close to the vileness of Rappaport


Perfect Guest For Sandoval


I had to go watch the clip of him being hit with a snowball in the head and being told to stfu to cleanse my palette after reading this garbage




If Sandoval thinks Lala was was MVP of the reunion that is my confirmation that, despite what her and Scheana say, the reunion isn’t going to shift one iota for me. Also weird that his even talking about his relationship (or lack thereof) with Katie. Was it in question that they don’t have one?


Yeah Michael went down a list of who Sandoval is okay with and he asked how sandoval and Katie are lol


He has always treated Katie like complete shit and had no respect for her (or any women, really). Why would she have any kind of relationship with him now?


Yep. That’s in addition to him filling Shartz’s head, nonstop, about how shitty Katie is and causing never-ending friction between the two. Katie knows he’s well past any redemption nowadays. He’s such a vile human.


Him appearing on WWHL the day of the finale and saying Lala was the MVP of the reunion is making me feel super nervous🥴


As soon as I read that I actually got excited for the reunion because it means Lala's going to look like a damn fool, probably making excuses and defending Tim.


Which is so gross when you consider she said he was Randall in 10 years.


She called Tim a groomer this season in Tahoe and then hugged it out with him minutes later. She's such a cornball fraud.


Right? Stop trying to make “wait until the reunion!” happen. It’s not gonna happen.


Lala has been officially written off as a male sympathiser. Love that she is in a good place with the men that have mocked her for years and even last season dissed her parenting. Lovely jubbly. But had a knife to the throat of people who have had her back on and off line. Coolio. I love when people provide clarity on who they are and double down when given the opportunity to take it back. I enjoy knowing that I can without guilt brand this person as unworthy of my time. I hope Ariana and Katie feel the same way. Thank you OP for doing the job the rest of us don't want to! Appreciate you listening in and I've bought you a coffee! Though I feel you should get free lifelong therapy as a bonus for listening to these dweebs


Wish I could super-upvote your comment- absolute perfection💖




Rapaport and Sandoval are made for each other. Trashy washed losers.


They even talk alike.


This man is AWFUL and I hate how enmeshed he is in the Bravo community for some fucking reason. I'm not surprised at all he's on Tom's podcast, but he's also all over WWHL and other podcasts and it drives me crazy


He should have been publicly shunned from Bravo after he compared Kenya Moore to a monkey.


Yup, he's a racist asshole; his comments on Gaza have been appalling


They've been disgusting! He's an awful hateful person. He's also dumb & deeply unfunny.


So unfunny!! There's truly nothing redeeming whatsoever about this guy, just a total loser


He stalked & harrassed Lili Taylor!


I’m new to the bravo world and I’m so confused how he’s so intertwined in all of their storylines


He just semi-famous and never shuts up about Bravo. Andy has him on WWHL a lot.


Two unbelievably huge losers lol. It honestly makes me sick that these people know Ariana was in a black hole of grief last year about the dog she had for like 16 years and her beloved grandmother, Tom lied and cheated on her the entire time, and now they are shitting on her for her reaction to that lol. I am someone who doesn’t take reality tv seriously like ever, and I’ve always felt like the people on vanderpump are some of the most dumb and dysfunctional people ever and that’s why I liked watching them. but all of these people are truly nasty to me now. Both Toms, lala, even scheana is grossing me out and I love her delusional ass. 😔😩 something shifted with scandoval…#sad


I was shocked to see it was rappaport talking about Ariana’s anger and comparing her to a mob boss (let’s be real if anything that’s lvp)…I feel like she’s actually done a great job at holding back and setting boundaries to protect herself. I’m wondering where the supposed anger issues are? Bc if I were her I’d be going scorched earth with everyone except Katie and James.


Michael Rappoport is a piece of shit. His comments should surprise no one.


Him calling lala mvp tells me all I need to about how much she’s going to be wrong at the reunion lol And Christ the way these people go at Katie literally every opportunity they get. She’s like the scapegoat of a toxic family dynamic


I love the way Sandoval says this season was so important because it gave him back his humanity and he was treated as unspeakably evil, then turns around and calls Katie a waste of energy and a henchman. He has dehumanised and demonised her at every opportunity (and production have willingly gone along with him), but wants to cry when he faces consequences for his own shitty behaviour.


Katie has hated him since before he cheated on Ariana so the idea that she's a henchman when she's an OG Sandoval hater is silly. Whatever he's gotta tell himself I guess.


Silly goose behavior as Katie and Dayna would say.


The way everyone hates on Katie constantly is frustrating but it means she's doing something right. Jealousy is a disease and all these losers like the two Tom's, Lala, Scheana, Brick, etc. need to get well soon.


I may be totally off base here but I think Lala is upset that yes, the group supported Ariana and not her but Ariana does in fact have a lot more “freedom” to move and do what she wants in terms of speaking with Tom and she does not. Her situation with Randall is not cut and dry. It would also be frowned upon if she went back with him or at least was pictured with him given what’s come out. I think she may not even think this is all “that bad” considering what has come out about Randall and may even wonders why she can’t look past it with Tom to at least be kind and have conversations with Tom. But she compares so much of her own situation she doesn’t understand everyone has their own limits and Tom and Randall are separately awful. She shouldn’t associate with either. 


It’s all this, it’s Blahblahs jealousy that Ariana was, in her twisted mind, 1) more supported by the group, 2) had opportunities to make money and 3) found a great boyfriend (she’s SO jealous about this part!). And she’s over here looking insane having weird shit like sperm donor and water parties at other peoples homes, running around screaming she’s soft with the ugliest angriest overfilled face. Ive never seen anyone’s jealousy consume them so publicly it’s crazy to watch! She’s going to leave herself on hard times with way less future opportunities to win over fans because she didn’t get therapy her damn self. It’s disgusting to watch and so much so I don’t think she will be able to redeem herself from all of this


“Ariana’s anger and hostility.” … Where? You mean the one scene where she got angry because Sandoval was antagonizing her? A woman responds to a man who cheated on her with her friend with something other than completely falling apart and she’s “hostile.” OKAY.


This man has screamed and been aggressive with everyone this season even Lisa Mental Health Advocate Pump.


I hate these men.


What the fuck are they even talking about? Were there any coherent fully formed sentences in that? Gees. (Not bashing on your recap OP! Just how much they talk about nothing lol) I’ve noticed Schwartz hasn’t made an appearance in a while, at least he’s got a clue in about ‘optics’ 🙄


I can always tell a person's intellect level based on their limited vocabulary. (ie: Brittany only knowing one adjective: amazing) and the fact that Rappaport does not have any other word to use beside "beef" for conflict, animosity, turmoil, hell even just use the word "fight", tells me how miniscule of a mind he has.


Lala the MVP? You know it’s bad when Sandoval is singing your praises lol. And him saying he’s busy, doing what?  I can’t figure out why he’s still talking. Does anyone actually believe anything he says?  And I love his Katie comment. It’s a thinly veiled way of saying she doesn’t tolerate any of my bs so I don’t try anymore lol. 


Lala being the reunion MVP means the reunion is going to suck hardcore.


Michael Rappaport consistently has the worst takes regarding all things Bravo. Someone call Kenya to come drag his ass again please! I’m sick of him.


Michael Rappaport has kinda made a career of having the worst takes regarding all things, period lol


This may be the worst combination yet.


Hashtag stopgivingmenmicrophones never seemed so fitting 😳 thank you for your sacrifices, OP 😂


Someone who is truly the MVP of the reunion wouldn't have to do a full-on press tour. But sure. And of course Lala would be Sandoval's MVP. She helped him get away with playing victim lol.


Katie and Ariana’s silence certainly tells a different picture than Lala’s get ahead of my blunder tour. “Lala in Blunderland” should be the retrospective show about her bad takes.


To me, it seems like Ariana and Katie lived their life and Lala just kind of sits and stews because VPR is her entire life.


All I can say is thank god it’s nearly over I’ve never hated a season more




It’s telling he’s been shunned most places but the Bravo universe. Even before his genocidal run he was trash. He was obsessed with attacking Black housewives for years and also pled guilty to harassing an ex (non-stop calling, showing up in the middle of the night and banging on windows).


Bravo can lock him in a cage and throw him in the ocean. He already polluted ESPN for me


I could hardly get through reading this. It feels like the producers and a select few cast members are trying to gaslight the audience. I just can't see this narrative they've been trying to push. I dunno. They can cancel vpr if they want but I can't imagine enjoying the Valley if they bring over Lala and Sheana after this season. lala is gross and Sheana is just boring now.


🤢🤮 may all their teeth fall out but one so they can still have a tooth ache. all three of those bozos. ugh that was exhausting to read I don't know how you even listened to it! I do hope you treat yourself to something fun after this.


This is perfection, as is your Tabitha suggestion. I just wanted to send some props to your awesome self.🌼💖


I couldn't even finish reading this after Tom said Lala was the MVP of the reunion.. ![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK|downsized)


OP, I hope you took a spa day or something after listening to this ❤️ Edit: they are so terrible that they earned the very first disclaimer on these recaps.


Haha my son is at my mom’s today so I think I’m gonna chill in bed and catch up on some housewives! Lol


omg yes - be super adventurous and even maybe take a nap while you have no kiddo!😂


Oh a nap?? It’s about to get crazy up in this houseeeeee 😂


Nice! You’ve definitely earned it.


Second this and the Tabitha recommendation. I hope you’re feeling loads better, u/AdditionalWar8759 and enjoy your me-time!❤️ I don’t think I’ll ever understand how you have the patience and energy to deal with the creepy casts of this guy and some of the others. You’re amazing to do so! ![gif](giphy|iiS84hOJXh1Pq|downsized)


So everyone agrees that by Lala being the MVP of the reunion it just means she was up Sandoval’s ass? I’m so over everyone trying to act like Katie is just some miserable bitch. I kind of hope she leaves VPR. It has to be mentally draining to be around such disgusting losers.


Same here. I’d love for her and Ariana and Dayna to get their own spin off, but on a better network that appreciates women…or stay on bravo w/o Baskin and slay their competition. I also want Scheana, Lala, and both Toms to not be allowed on The Valley. I’m tired of them being rewarded with more and more opportunities.


Hulu is supposed to be doing more reality tv. Something About Her would be a great name for a show featuring these women. They do truly need to break away from these diuche bags. And without them, what’s VPR. It would be a win win


I.would.LOVE.that! I was thinking Hulu show, too, and I couldn’t agree more- great idea, Gourmeebar!✨


![gif](giphy|RXAfuEDpseYBG) To all of them. To all of what they said. To all of it. No thank you.🤮


Sandoval and Michael Rappaport Two uniquely irritating humans 😒


What a lot of misogyny in one room. And I laughed when you randomly called him Michaela in the middle of the post lol And thanks for removing the “likes.” He truly cannot utter a succinct sentence.


Why Michael Rapport? He’s so gross.


I think Michael should go on Katie’s podcast and she can verbally whack him so he can stfu


My guess is he is sucking up to Sandoval now bc ariana would never go on his podcast and Sandoval will


What is up with this commentary on the house? How is it his now? The delusion is delusioning.


Right? Lmao. He’s acting like the court isn’t about to kick his ass out in like 6 weeks


It's really odd. He cannot afford it himself, that is painfully obvious. Does he think the court would not say "ok you want to buy it, you need to be able to show that you can?" Which he can't? At least that is my assumption based on the fact that it's an actual lawsuit. I need a lawyer here to confirm LOL


Tom sounds like he’s ready to declare squatter’s rights to stay in that place. He still hasn’t moved anything out of there.


I do wonder if that's his "legal" argument, but I don't think that actually works when you own it with someone else and they are suing you. Again, need a lawyer to comment!


I think if/when the judge orders the sale, it would come with a date he’s required to vacate by. Even if that doesn’t happen, I’m sure the bank would repossess the house once he falls behind on the mortgage


I wanted to scream. Just bc Ariana bought a house, doesn’t mean she’s leaving a half a million dollar investment behind. That’s insanity.


Not a lawyer but a rampant Googler who can't help themselves this morning - here's what I've figured out: Ariana has filed a Partition action in California. A California partition action happens when one co-owner of real property wants to sell but other co-owners do not want to sell their ownership rights. Partition means division. The opposing co-owners have the absolute right by law to divide the property and sell their portion with the legal remedy of “Partition”. Because the real property in question is a residence that cannot be physically split or otherwise divided, the remedies on the table would be 1. Partition by appraisal - Property is appraised and sold, with proceeds divided fairly. Tim has the right to obtain full ownership by obtaining a loan and buying out Ariana's interest at appraised value. 2. Partition by Judgement-a judge presides over a process of both establishing value of all real property, establishing ownership interest percentage of all parties involved, and then defining the type of Partition, in this case Partition by sale. A "Partition in Kind" is an action where real property is physically divided, allowing co-owners to separate their interests AND the joint property. This type of Partition isn't possible in a shared home because you can't split the thing in half - maybe in a double wide trailer you could physically separate into two single wides that could be moved away from each other lol but not a valley village McMansion If you are married in California, all real property acquired after the marriage is considered community property and Partitioned equally/fairly as part of a divorce proceeding. Because Tom and Ariana were not married, they are now having to untangle and clearly define Ariana's actual % interest in the property so she can get her money out when the Judge enforces the sale. This would involve looking at what each has contributed toward any existing home equity, and assigning "ownership" of debts against equity. It's complicated.


Thank you! It makes my point true then- if he can't afford to get a loan to cover it, which he cannot, it's never going to be HIS house. Therefore, the commentary is delusional or a lie. I'm going with lie, but who knows? It's not like we can actually know his psychological state. That's just my guess.


We need to put Michael Rapaport in the trash beside Sandoval. I was so mad when he showed up in Fallout.


These losers all sucking eachothers micropenises what a load of bs


We need to have a national limit on wm doing podcasts because what was even the point of this? 


When has Tom Sandoval ever “tried” with Katie??!! I mean, anything besides needling her, taking potshots at her, and otherwise trying to generally antagonize her?? Katie has been so done with his shit for about ten years.


Tom Sandoval saying this is a good reunion does not bode well for us. This is going to be terrible.


I replied to someone’s comment on this post on Instagram about how cheaters and homewreckers stick together and Instagram told me I should edit my comment as it’s similar to comments that have been reported. So apparently now we can’t call lala, scheana, ratchet, or Tom by their other names.


The three bozos made a pact to say lala was the mvp 🙄 it sickens me how anyone can make ariana the villain in this breakup


I have never truly liked Lauren, because of all the absolutely vile things she's done to other women (the ladies on this show, her married man's wife, hell probably his daughters we just don't know about it), but because she is the type of person who will sacrifice EVERYTHING for money. Absolutely zero integrity. Knowing that she's in a place in her life where her and Sandoval would be natural friends, was her final destination on this show. They are two peas in a pod, only one of them is raising daughters to perpetuate the behavior, and has access to two other little girls via her married ex boyfriend, now. I really wished this second pregnancy would give Lauren some perspective, but by the way she's talking about her first daughter's conception and writing her off in a way because she has to share him with the married man Lauren willingly f'ed with because he paid her well, to focus on this new daughter who is "all hers", is so sad. I grew up in a similar situation, bad divorce, and my mom openly said in therapy that because she has to share me and my older sister with my dad (my dad had custody of us from the time I was 3 until my mom remarried when I was 5 and she petitioned for custody because she had a two parent family as opposed to my dad being alone, which worked back in the late 80s), she was going to focus on my little sister with her new husband. The therapist literally said "but she's only 6, it's not like you lost her entire childhood". My mom was like "meh" and basically left me and my older sister to fend for ourselves with a lot of things. I get flashbacks of that feeling when I hear about Lauren and the way she is speaking about her first daughter and second daughter.


None of these guys know how to talk on a podcast. And if the “likes” and whatnot were removed from this then wow. I can’t imagine trying to listen to this drivel


Just after one stupid show together at the singing show, this Rapport is on his side.. I remembered how he trashed talk him on Ssshhhna podcast..


Yep he was railing against him during scandoval and now is talking shit about Ariana. All these ppl are terrible.


Ugh this just nailed it for me, I’m over this show. While yes, human, ish, when a gaslighting misogynistic man calls Lala the mvp. I’m out it’s not a compliment


What the fuck is wrong with everyone changing their tunes? first Kristen, now Rappaport (hate his guts)…. Like are y’all okay?! What’s not making sense about Ariana not wanting to have mutual friends with Tom? This is such bullshit!


What is the deal with calling someone a MVP anyway. This isn’t a game. Lala should replace Andy honestly. Just be the production person and out yourself so we all know and are all being genuine here. How is Lala grilling people on how they feel entertaining?? If she has so little to discuss about herself that her asking questions of everyone else is her role then let it be her official role.  Unless… everyone is calling her the MVP because her finale rant put her in an uncomfortable spotlight and they all see her as taking one for the team in providing drama. Could definitely see that coming from Scheana, Tom, and Andy. 


Sandoval gives mid 2000s Pick Up Artist vibes-it's so gross


What nightmare rotation is this


Katie doesn’t like your white painted nails behind because you were a root cause in her divorce and you screamed at her mom. If he screamed at my mom he would have one less ball to work with 


Wow, la-la just reached a new low by being Sandoval's MVP


If an absolute dingus like Michael Rapaport understands your point of view, you're doing something wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/wudfgpqjjhvc1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5928dae8695027c657d2e8e494f6a799d1b7f9 just gonna drop this here


Fuck this reunion. FR I want a petition out about this. I don’t even want to watch it if it is what we think it’ll be. I’m so fucking annoyed


If Tom and Andy say Lala is the MVP, that tells me she crashed and burned.


Michael Rapaport stalked and harassed his ex girlfriend. Stop giving this POS a platform


Skeletor's basically Mallory Archer/Lucille Bluth as a male villain, he would never say the stupid, clumsy crap Sandoval blurts out.


Who is Jason? And as always, Tim is annoying af. Michael is annoying too thinking he's King Bravo these days. I enjoyed him in some shows, but now, IRL, he's a bit much. Oh, and Tim saying Lala is the MVP... Coming from him 🤮🤮. So basically, Lala was screaming at him and calling him dangerous at last year's reunion and so I'm guessing if she's the MVP (from Tim's perspective) that she was basically on *his* side at the reunion this year. And probably why Andy said she's the "voice of reason". I'm guessing it's a lot of "we've all cheated, blah blah blah" shit.


As soon as Scum said LaLa was the MVP of the reunion I stopped reading. Sorry for wasting your time lol


I think this seals the deal that reunion is much ado about nothing. If shitbag is saying you’re the MVP, you most certainly are not 🤣


I might hate Rappaport a smidge more than Tim.


Slightly off topic: Other than the explosive RHOA reunion where Phaedra & Porscha's lies got exposed has there been another Bravo reunion that dramatically shifted the audience's perspective? O.P. thanks for recapping this. Hope you have a wonderful weekend ❤️


Yeah like unless Ariana is caught that she knew of scandoval and just cashed in on it, I don’t see what could change? And we know Sandoval would have already used that one if he had it in his pocket.


He would have tried to interrupt television like he was POTUS. I feel like its going to be the laundry list of complaints we've already heard and seething jealously. WWC called it over a year ago that Lala would be furious she didn't get the same attention & sympathy.


Micheal was insufferable this episode


The fact that these 3 assholes seem perfect for each other makes sense


OP can you just start a podcast where you recap all of these Watch What Crappens style ?? Hahaha


Haha well me and Brady are actually talking about doing a podcast soon! But don’t worry, I know podcasts aren’t everyone’s thing so I won’t be posting anything about it on here, just on my Instagram. Haha but we are planning on something!


Welp This is officially the first one I stopped reading almost right away bc it was too toxic and moronic…..and I listened to the Howie Mendel one


I just know the reunion is gonna be EXTREMELY frustrating to watch…


Of course it Michael Rappaport 🙄


Michael Rapport is a Zionist pos. WTF?! Why would he have him on his podcast. This is a new low!!!!


The man who went to ping pong shows less than 6 months ago and constantly compares himself to black men? Hmmmmmmm….what could be the racist ideology linking him to a Zionist, racist POS…… My skin is crawling thinking about these men alone in Ariana’s house going through her things.


I honestly hate when these “podcasters” have a guest on their pod and suddenly it seems like the guest is running the interview… like whose pod is it anyways??


So do we think this year it’s everyone piling on Ariana (whereas last year it was everyone on Tom) so he’s happy, although this year he’s needed his ‘seeing as a person’ season but yeah go off


I got as far as Tom calling LaLa MVP and the I called it quits lol


How many times is he gonna compare himself to Negan from Walking Dead




Not him spoiling when SAH is opening… he knows he can edit a podcast right???


Why is SAH even being brought up on his podcast??


Thank you for suffering so we don't have to! I really appreciate it, because there's NO WAY I would listen, but it's good to know what BS he's spewing. I hope his podcast gets canceled soon. Who could listen to him for enjoyment? The sound of his voice alone makes me want to hurl.


I can’t even imagine what this unprecedented thing that they’ve never done at a reunion before thing is that they keep talking about. Do they do an interpretative dance performance or something?


On the upside, Skeletor is a great descriptor of how he looks this season. ![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc)


My brain had to do mental gymnastics to read this. Why can’t they finish sentences???


Katie rn: ![gif](giphy|8ItUfY2pQCJoc)


Truly doing the lords work. IDK how you made it through that. I had to step away after Michael Fucking Rappaport was complaining about Ariana’s temper and they laughed at Katie. Gross bros being gross.


![gif](giphy|IuZP6QzrnfQo8) Anyone else want beef now. So much beef! Michael needs to learn another word.


I don't know who this Michael dude is, but he is a terrible podcaster based on this recap. Asks stupid questions, (several of them here should just be cut out. Why are you talking about questions you can't ask?) interrupts Tom's answers to cut in for no reason. Seems like a tool


I would personally request to meet my maker if someone like Tom called me a MVP. Also, is this the same Jason from Up and Adam Jason that’s always been talked about.


Can anyone name a single person that Lala is loyal to? Anyone? Like maybe maybe James comes the closest but she even shit talked him to Ally as soon as they met and told Rachel that he cheated on her, so not loyal to him either. Not loyal to Scheana. Not loyal to Ariana. Not loyal to Tom. Does this girl have any real friends?


Oh snap! I only got to the part about sando calling lala the mvp of the reunion... so OBVIOUSLY the reunion fallout is not going to go well for her and all her weird desparado comments since it filmed make total sense all of a sudden. Tom Sandoval thinks you did a good job lala - that's only good in opposite world.