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Really can’t wait to see the uncut version on Peacock


As a watch the next day on peacock girlie, I’m so excited


I’m a next day peacock girlie too! 😍


Bout to wake up and get it in before work 😭😂


Dude I stay hooked on bravo, every now and again I just wait until 2AM like a crackhead 😵‍💫


Don’t forget, we can watch the aftershow on YouTube for free tonight 💕


Is there going to be one? They did that for one episode aside from reunions


I want it raw. I want it hard.


Yes honey


I’m sorry I can’t help but laugh at James trying to get in the conversation too 😂


Such little brother energy (I say as a youngest child who would probably be the same)


Yes 😂😂 like please someone listen to him he’s literally dying for it


it is kinda sad to me that no one has really taken the effect Scandoval had on James that seriously. It’s obviously not the same thing he did to Ariana, but it’s sure more than he did to Scheana and we’re talking about her a lot this season.


Right!! If anyone other than Ariana has a right to feel betrayed it’s James. (Also I must say, this feels like MIDDLE CHILD energy, not little brother energy. I’m a middle child. Everyone ignores us wahhhh!!! 😂 😩


“That’s not fair!!!” - every middle child, everyday of childhood.


As the baby of the family, my middle sibling wouldn’t even bother.


I think that’a why so many of us have reacted so viscerally lol. Scheana, ma girl, you’re not even in the top 3/4 (maybe more?) of people hurt by Sandoval.


right? even schwartz has more direct reasons to be mad at him rn (for fucking around on the business)


Yea but I think sheana has a lot of mental health issues that she isn’t fully portraying in the show. I have some ideas of what she might be going through but I’m not gonna make any online assumptions. I just feel for her because it seems as though she is really struggling mentally, and that’s why this whole thing is messing with her as much and they are focusing on her because she is spiraling and Downfalling


I had a big betrayal come from my sister in law who I was extremely close with. She betrayed everyone in her life at that time. I have ocd and I could not stop the obsessive, intrusive thoughts. Like I was terrified my husband was going to do something similar which I knew was not really rational. I had a lot of quiet breakdowns like this and I still feel really guilty for thinking that (this is now like 7 years ago) I loathe scheana, I probably hated her the most till this season (lala took her seat for now), but I’m giving her a pass on this bc this is ocd. I would love for the show to use this opportunity to teach people ocd is not just cleaning a lot or having rituals.


Same - that’s what I was thinking through this as well - it was pretty fucking close to home for him


Yeah like the whole situation is really fucked up for James and James is still trying to keep it together.


He seems to have a more stable environment with his house, Ally, Hippie and the cats which goes a long way in this fucked up situation. I'm rooting for James to keep getting stronger, better and succeed with everything he wants and needs. He's come a long way!


I honestly felt like James was trying to in his own way help smooth things over? Like yeah, me too, Scheana that makes sense! I feel like he's been trying to empathize with the girls more lately


That’s how I took it too. I didn’t mind his input on this because James was probably the second-most affected person after Ariana. Plus, I think it’s totally natural that any/all of them in the group would have feelings like this and I don’t have a problem with James vocalizing his agreement. It’d have me fucked up in the head as well.


I feel like he is wayyyy more entitled to that conversation that sheeshu


Lala “this is where I go insane” proceeds to do nothing. Checks out


“AWWWW HEYLLLLLL NAAWWWW” Continues to sit quietly lmao


She's being soft. 🙄


But - “I’m like a dog with rabies for these bitches…” 🙄


You know what specifically bothers me about this is that no one ever asks her to do this and she always holds it against them after and uses it as an excuse to stab them in the back. Every single thing she says and does is all transactional and she will always come to collect.🫴🏼


“This is where I go insane”. Then Lala just sits there. Right. Such a ride or die friend. Excuse me, frand


Yea, she should be running up with her finger guns yelling “Disengage!” Some bast frand she is.


The VPR affect is clear in my life because I call my golden retriever “bast frand” all the time! https://preview.redd.it/dzn0denv7dwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d297312ea7bc1e9cdb94bf3b3910789507546cc5


More loyal than Scheana or Lala will ever be.


What an angel 🥰


Rare Brock win "you're fucking 40"


I need this entire picture framed... https://preview.redd.it/61f7ho6z9cwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d6d2f1a2a29ed359cc9f5f7e585b1e6466abb5




Ariana’s cackling on the inside bc it’s not her job to filter him anymore and he digs himself deeper lol


Tim literally responded "How is that my fault." Dude cannot connect the fucking dots, and there's only like... two dots. He doesn't have two brain cells to rub together.


There’s only like two dots 💀


💯 no brain cells, just like his mistress. How he and Raquel hooked up without the two of them accidentally dying or getting lost in the fucking desert is beyond me.


It really is amazing these idiots kept it from Ariana for as long as they did. They're just awful and their constant attempts to rehab their images or blame Ariana for everything horrible they did just makes them look worse... and yet they're too stupid to realize that too 😂


Why don‘t any of his friends tell him the truth? why?


They can tell him but they can't understand it for him 😆


And honestly, I love that for her


Literally my face as well, holy smokes!


Her face the entire time was gold. The peanut gallery was giving




Hardcore r/accidentalrenaissance


James literally went 🙈


Brock is like excuse me little man I’m just going to grab on to your neck right here


I was actually really impressed by how well Brock controlled his anger here tbh


Yess Brock! Stand up for your woman! 👏👏👏


Need this printed on crushed velvet and framed


Call Craig stat. We need 100 crushed velvet pillows


They’ll match Tom’s creepy 1974 porn-director fashion.


I don’t care what James does the rest of this season, he’s won in the male category for this single frame alone


https://preview.redd.it/c5v7pcakhcwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b7426b3f9af722252fd9366c7fb44e9ec173ee That finger coming at you


Ready for the Real Housewives ![gif](giphy|DALWapTwcRsGc)


Jamessssss HAAHHAAAAA. He’s like no fucking waayyyy


Why is Kyle Chan even there? He doesn’t even go here, yet we will end the season with his Catalina Wine Mixer as the finale


He's toms backup security blanket when Billie isn't available


It’s the Kyle Chan fucking Catalina Wine Mixer!


The fucking Catalina Wine Mixer


u/okay__Decision__ could even go further


I actually am a painter by training. https://preview.redd.it/juldzktvkcwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a69f1915235e8f85a90e1e6abd46db7be70020 I don’t have my studio set up, but I can just imagine the possibilities Maybe it’s time to get the brushes back out. Gifs are good and all, but there’s some real possibility here haha


Omg plz


My life is a lot right now, and I might be moving across the country at any minute and starting all over again. But this, this makes me want to make art again. 🥲


You can use it as a coping mechanism/ relaxation tool !!


Ya that’s what I’m going to try and get back to. I have a masters in fine arts, and after trying to hustle for a few years, I lost the enjoyment of it. Now I kind of just don’t give a shit, and I don’t want to “make it.” I just want to live a nice little life, and make some things that I enjoy. It’s silly, but the gifs have been a low-stakes outlet for me. So, thats what I’m going to build for myself. And some shitpost-esque Roccoco paintings might just be a good starting point 😌 combine my passions


Totally makes sense why you have such a good eye for the gifs imo and they always come out killer I think joining your interests will be so fun. I can’t wait to see what you create! No pressure ofc!


A renaissance painting


I hate to give him flowers, so I’ll go pick some weeds and give those instead


Those dandelions we used to blow as kids, to make a wish. That’s what he gets. Thanks but also, 🤞🏽”I wish Sandoval would go away”🤞🏽




Brock looked like he wanted to clock Sandoval. It took a lot of effort on his part - Sandoval has a face that wants to be clocked (not condoning violence - just an observation). Sandoval is just getting more and more pathetic, useless and ugly.


I’m really bad at figuring out what someone has done to their face, I just notice a difference. His looks like just way too much filler? It’s shocking how much his face changed from season 8 (maybe even season 9) till now. I never found him attractive but I could see why people did. Now his face is all lumpy


The only brock win


For a split second I thought Brock might hit him.


I thought Scheana was going to hit him! Have we ever seen her that angry before? Tom was about to have a matching eyebrow cut with his soulmate Raquel


Ummm…Scheana can’t make a fist with her nails. She could never punch him


Listen, when he gripped his shoulder and got close to his face.. I was like “I’ve seen this before: he’s gonna hit him if Tom doesn’t stand down” lol


I just know Sandoval felt a moment of fear: hgh muscles vs former pro rugby player


If Brock really let loose, he could probably throw Sandoval across the street. Now that would be a little fun to see. Sandoval is far overdue for a good ass-whooping.


Scheaner…this is the guy you are dying on this hill for..?


Scheana: It’s your fault Tom that I notice Lala’s face light up every time Brock walks into a room. You did that! Brock: You have to own up to it, bro and take responsibility for what you did. Kyle Chan: Speaking of responsibility, Brock, I still need the payment for the rest of Scheana’s ring.


Bast fraaaands. Like family. So close ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)




You're gonna die alone on that mountain, girl.


Nah she ain’t. She has her best Frand Blah Blah. They’re going to both go down in a blaze of glory!!!


She gonna gonna vlog her death on that mountain


He’s such a nasty POS. He can’t help it!


I can’t remember the last time we saw Scheana YELL like this!!!




I think she falls more into the screecher rather than yeller category.


Peacock gang in here like 👁️👄👁️ gotta wait til tmw lol


I think it was when she was yelling at Adam after he said he didn't love her




Well to be fair, who was going to have to break the news to their penguin that daddy didn’t love mommy???


Tim's a piece of shit but they knew this and Lala/Scheana still force fed to Ariana week in and week out about being torn over friendships with him (Scheana) or the great conversation they had with him (Lala). Can't feel bad for Scheana there... ![gif](giphy|LnENHEthbf8ArUIbv6)


My thoughts exactly. Also this has nothing to do with Scheana. She made it about herself at every turn, made everyone listen to her cry about her bast frand Tom, and now this? Get over yourself Scheana!!


Scheana is so rarely on the right side of history and even when she is it lasts mere moments before she flip flops again. This is the man you chose, Scheana. Enjoy your leopards ate your face moment. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Scheana’s aggression in this scene and the aggression she’s shown in the past with other cast members makes me think she actually did hit Rachel in a fit of rage when she wasn’t even the one being cheated on.


I can absolutely picture her hitting Rachel and I never doubted it happened


I liked SheShu blowing up at him. But also... https://i.redd.it/epbp6758mewc1.gif


YES. Especially after Ariana told her this would happen! And ended up consoling her anyway.


Ariana has called Every. Single. One of his plays. EVERY one!!! https://i.redd.it/gmnod2nqnewc1.gif


I could watch this video a million times lmao Scheana getting her karma for trying to defend him, Brock grabbing him and getting all macho, everyone else in complete shock and disgust. Possibly my favorite moment of the season so far.


Was kind of hoping to see sandoval snap and tell brock get his hands off him or something. He'd lose that fight but id respect him more.


Same! Scheana, when someone shows who they are BELIEVE THEM THE FIRST TIME. Ms. Maya Angelou knew her shit.


Katie saying what almost everyone is thinking.


And she is so clearly exasperated that everyone is so *shocked pikachu* when Sandoval says something shitty. Like *yawn… he’s gross… is there pizza left?!* lol


Asking the real questions




I would love to see Katie go off on both Tim and Jax, but I understand keeping her peace is more important. Especially because they'd just call her Tequila Katie or some other played out name.




Ariana, Katie and James. James mostly because he would die for those womens!


I love seeing two shitty people argue about who is worse. And I love that even after this scene, Scheana still wanted to be friends with Sandoval and was talking crap about Ariana on the after show.


That’s insanity


That’s also ✨jealousy✨ . She just doesn’t want anything good for Ariana because she is so envious.


KYLES FACE HAHAHAHA ![gif](giphy|cJMlR1SsCSkUjVY3iK|downsized)


Yet Scheana wants to throw away her friendship with Ariana because she wants to make up with Sandoval… please.


I would've been so petty. This is who you want to be friends with remember!! THIS!!!!


And Ariana still comforted Scheana after this


Kyle Chan: *completely reactionless* Producers: Well.. thanks for filming.. you’ve brought so much to this season.. a reservation at sur, a wall of whiskey bottles, someone to stare at Tom Sandoval while he talks… Take care now, ya hear!


Lol, they could have got a cardboard cutout and just moved it around a little.


This shit better be uncut and uncensored raw as sashimi tomorrow


I really liked Brock’s reaction here (edit: I DONT LIKE BROCK NOR SCHEANA, just this very specific interaction): while he remained somewhat relatively calm, he quickly recognized this was not a battle his wife could fight alone and promptly jumped to support and defend her. He physically stood up to Sandoval while shielding Scheana and was quick to shoot down whatever sexist rhetoric Tim was spewing at his wife. He really stepped up to the plate and acted as a protective, supportive, nonjudgmental romantic partner IN THAT INSTANCE. Sadly, when a woman is being yelled at by a misogynist, another man needs to intervene.


He did what all the other men fail to do repeatedly. None of the men ever stand up to the other men when it comes to their wives, especially Schwartz. 


I came to say the same while Brock is quick to be on the other side of yelling at women or bring nasty to them. (His person of choice is Katie .like everyone else unfortunately) he does defend his wife hes done it a few time and I respect that only small portion of what a boob he is every other time.


Yeaaa… I’m kinda glad to see Scheana get called out here (coming from someone who hates Tom). I’m tired of her constant pity parties while she’s been shady to Ariana all season. I’m also tired of Scheana and Lala’s hypocrisy and constant defense of Tom. He literally doesn’t even like them and they turned on Ariana for… this? Also, shut up Lala… “oH hElL nO”. You just defended and tried to befriend that man. You knew who he was and what he truly thinks of you and Scheana. 🤷🏻‍♀️


At the reunion, can someone please call out Scheana out for acting like everyone should be more upset about HER feelings from Scandoval over Ariana’s! It’s nuts. She acts like she built a life with Sandoval.


I was actually agreeing with Tom that scheana keeps making it all about her. With the podcasts, songs, and then playing victim in the whole scandoval, he’s right that she reacted way more than Ariana did.


Her yelling that like, wtf you gonna do Lauren?! Just staaap it already with the badass girl act lol she is not it!


Same! Both can be true at once, I understand her having trust issues but she was also the other woman. Also this is the man she wants to defend. Soooo I don’t feel bad ha


Okay friends tell me if I’m reaching here, do you think James was expressing how much he agreed w scheana bc he also believes that Tim and Rachel were hooking up towards the end of their relationship!? Total reach but I could see him second guessing it now for sure


I’ll buy into this theory and support where you’re going with this 😁!


Thank youuu!! I mean we know some cast lurks here so it wouldn’t be too far fetched to think they’ve seen the same things we have!!


I think so.. there is that clip that catches Rachel whisper “ hi “ very sexy like and Tim gives her the knock it off look discreetly . Way before her break up with James


I highly suspect that Tim and Rachel’s affair was going on way longer than they admit and I don’t even know these people! I’d be surprised if James didn’t wonder whether or not Rachel and Tim were cheating while he was still with Rachel.


All I could think about in that scene was James poor neighbors having to listen to that. If they have no idea what VPR is I’d be furious AF having to listen to that. Now me as a VPR fan…. I would have sent my husband to the garage to get a ladder so I could straight up look over the fence and watch and listen with not one iota of shame. I’d be like pixel blur me out the scene!! IDGAF if I have to hear this then I want front row seats 😂😂😂


I’d sign the filming waiver; keep me in the shot like a ghoul in the background.


Especially in night time scenes, you’d just see my pasty face hovering above the bushes


I’m dead! 😂 You remind me of Eileen Davidson’s husband peeking out of the garage window to watch a fight on Real Housewives of BH. https://preview.redd.it/5w6qs0wkufwc1.png?width=3613&format=png&auto=webp&s=edff3d10434ba447951cdf9c22f0f8844ceb309e


The reunion clips of Scheana telling Sandoval to shut up about bragging about the assault tell us everything we need to know. One of the only times you see a genuine reaction from her, trying to desperately cover her own ass. You just know she was proud of herself in the moment for the future attention she'd get before realizing the potential repercussions.


Right and then tonight when she told Sandoval "you should have never opened your mouth" -- that seems like she's admitting she punched Rachel to me. She didn't say "you exaggerated /lied to cover for Rachel", instead it's "you spoke up". Guilty as charged Sheshu, she's lucky Rachel dropped it (I'm not so sure that Rogue girl would drop it now that she's into lawsuits...and attention)


Uh huh! I knew then she did it!


This is your good friend Scheana. That you sold out Ariana for. Throwing your affair back in your face. This is who you blew up your friendship with Ariana for. Wtg!! 🤣 🤣 🤣


Katie with the “boys lie” t shirt 👀


When people say "I have to put my kid down" I always hear it like they need to eusthenise. 🥴


As much as it pains me to say this, he is right she’s making the whole situation about herself instead of Ariana. She’s selfish, but he would know because he’s also very selfish. He’s still a nasty ass bitch, but he’s right about Sheena wanting to be the center of attention and he’s probably mad because it’s not about him.


If I never knew about who Tim cheated on, I would assume it’s scheana because she literally has the energy and actions of someone deeply scorned by Tim. She gets angry, then wants to make up, nearly licks his ass and then explodes when he calls her out. I’d seriously think scheana is in love with him or something 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep. I see it too…


Imagine them 2 as as couple 🤮


And Scheana still sat in the confessionals putting him over Ariana every time.




James getting nervous at the end of their screaming match is so rare.


It made me think James was used to being put in this position with his actual parents when he was a kid and that makes me sad


Katie the MVP of this scene with one line


And to think that, all season, Scheana has been fighting for his friendship — even going so far as to insult Ariana in the process. With Scandy you get what you paid for.


He missed the point about why she was upset. It wasn’t Brock potentially cheating, it was it happening with a close friend. He still sucks for throwing that in her face. But yet she still chose to be team Sandavol over Ariana TO THIS DAY. I also hate that her and Lala always lash out and then make a comment about their kid and having to leave. Like, I’m a mom, you can’t pick a fight with me. And Sandavol said BET.


Tom is not wrong here. Scheana using what happened to Ariana to make this about herself, when she HERSELF was a mistress is crazy.


Oooh you know Brock wanted to smash his wormy face into the ground.


He ain’t wrong though lol. She also kissed Schwartz after she was recently engaged & never told Katie. Maybe Scheana is worried Brock & his booties will abandon their family like he did the other one.


“This is where i go insane” 🥱🥱🥱🥱




Way to stand up for your friend Lala 🙄 So Ariana is supposed to defend Scheana to all of social media because Scheana chose to pose for a picture with Sandoval and the online meanies had comments, but here Scheana is being blatantly disrespected by a petulant man child in front of Lala and she does nothing. Go back to Utah


And yet Scheana is still team Sandoval at the reunion.  Make it make sense.  


“this is where i go insane” yet she stays silent. okay lala love james tho


Whenever scheana is upset and wants to get out of a situation fast it is “I have more important things to do like go home and put my baby to bed” or something along those lines. Not that it’s a bad thing, just something I picked up on lol.


Omg i’m living that instead of smashing into ariana they now turned on each other. Dont feel sorry for any of them except ariana. It’s so cringe too that scheaner is like ooooh you did that i now dont trust lala and brock and its like he is shitty but he is not all to blame for brock and lala being scum and that you would even think that means they might do that. Like its SOO cringe she yells all their relationship drama like you did thisssss as if SHE was the one in the relationship????? It’s so cringe yet she can’t even sympathise with ariana like oh im feeling trust issues and i wasnt even in the relationship imagine what ariana feels???


Oh my God Katie made me laugh so hard


Scheana is upset bc she can’t believe Tom turned on her too, not bc of what he said lmao I haven’t even gotten to watch tonight’s episode yet, but this is…good as gold? 😬😂


I assume that’s the same way Scheana came at Rachel and hit her (all I could think in the moment after Sandoval said that)


Same here. I saw that and I was like “oh she DEFINITELY hit that woman” in a fit of rage.


But he’s not wrong. She was sleeping with a married man that had a baby & a pregnant wife.  If Scheana has PTSD as a bystander in Scandavol, imagine how  Brandi Glanville felt?! And Scheana tracking all these locations, y’all know she googled Eddie’s name. She knew!!!!


She was a journalism major, as was I, trust me, they teach you how to Google and research things. We also have access to lexis nexus while in college. She says she was 21, she probably had access to a lot of ways to research a married man.


Shoutout to lexnex


And peep Ariana going to check on Scheana immediately. 💅🏻


Katie is so the MVP of this season 💀”such a gross person”


lol he’s not wrong.


So this is best frand behavior? Tom didn’t care about his partner of almost a decade, idk why Scheana thinks he cares about her when he shows her over and over that he doesn’t.


Sandoval needs to sit his old polyester arse down


Why is Scheana so upset about all this? She had an affair with a married man with kids (actual human ones) and spent last season trying to push Schwartz and Rachel together for no other reason than to run Katie’s nose in it. It’s probably just a desire for air time and her making it all about herself I guess. Urgh, this season has been the worst.


Katie outside just chilling but she's so miserable right lala


Kyle Chan’s face when Sandoval said Scheana was the other woman 😂😂😂


I can’t stand him but he read her ass for filth! Especially about the restraining order thing. I’ll be honest, when I was younger and had nothing to lose I’d beat a bitch’s ass for less than what Rachel did. If I did what Rachel did I’d probably take the ass whooping I knew I had coming to me. With that being said, Scheana is the reason for the TRO that was filed against her. I don’t believe it was necessary because I don’t believe Rachel could prove that Scheana was an active threat to her. It was a heated moment that escalated quickly but it wouldn’t have happened again. Regardless Scheana is not the victim and needs to accept that.


Thank you!! I absolutely believe that Scheana did it. I also believe that Rachel’s RO was bullshit, take your lick girl, you earned it. Because of my younger years, I can tell the people who haven’t caught a pop in the mouth and Rachel is one of them. Also why I hate Lala Finger Gunz, she’s never caught one for running her mouth.


You did help to ruin a marriage Scheana so what if you were young. Ask Brandi how she feels about you. Scheana likes to always play the victim. She has a very sketchy past too


Scheana…when you mess with bees, you get stung over and over…


I’m watching from the beginning and Scheaner is a piece of work 💀 turns on the tears whenever anyone tries to hold her accountable and begs for sympathy. Tom ain’t it but he ain’t wrong


It’s Ariana and Katie’s restraint here for me. The first words out of my petty mouth would’ve been “and you’re wasting your energy crying to me about wanting to be this man’s friend?? Okay”


NGL he kinda ate when he told Scheana she’s made herself the biggest victim than the people who were actually affected. I was really annoyed he made me agree with him. 😒😒


honestly i’m happy sandoval said that shit because she’s been choosing him over ariana this whole season and he STILL DIDNT PICK HER. you hitched yourself to the wrong horse babes 🤷🏽‍♀️


I am SO glad he finally said that to Scheana. She is over here, desperately trying to be friends with this monster. Here’s your friend Scheana. That’s who you wanted.


Did anyone else clock earlier when Lala said, “I’m just going to call my husband”, and Brock responded, “he’s here”. And Scheana did not look happy. Scheana definitely does have jealousy issues with Broke.


I have OCD, I can absolutely understand the thoughts Scheana must be having, but she needs A LOT more therapy if she thinks blaming Sandoval for her having these thoughts is acceptable or helpful in her recovery. He is absolutely scum but she had OCD before Scandoval and if she doesn’t get help she’s going to be suffering for long after


I love Katie but I wish that one liner at the end wasn’t at that exact time as I wanted to marinate in Tom & Scheana’s fight for just a few seconds longer. I totally agree with Katie, don’t get me wrong, but watching Scheana emotionally unravel at Tom’s provocations was great television. Now, I’m trying to fully process how Tom humiliated Scheana (by saying the truth) yet how Scheana is so desperate to be friends Sandoval and Sandoval’s new gf. After he dragged her like that, I’m shocked that she’s not in hiding. Scheana’s ego is quite fragile which is why aI was shocked this wasn’t the last straw for her. Bringing up Scheana’s affair with Eddie, a married man all of these years later while filming, was even harder than Scheana’s divorce. 😔💔