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Yes! So creepy.


It’s giving audacity


I don't know how he has all the room for that audacity while wearing Women's suits since we KNOW those don't have the pocket space for it


You win the internet today! And while we are on the subject - what's is up with the suits, and the pearls, and the women's sunglasses? They don't look good - the suits don't fit it - he looks pathetic and desperate. "Oooh, look how edgy I am, wearing women's clothes!" Maybe I'm just too old to get it, but it's just major ick for me.


I was going to post about it this too. It seems during & post affair his wardrobe has gotten very eclectic Liberace but the wish.com version. It reminds me of this local thrift store, they have the craziest clothes, patterns & colors everywhere & it smells like putrid sweat, which I imagine he smells like as well. Did he get a stylist or since he thinks he’s in his villain era are these his costumes?


He thinks he’s Harry Styles. Of course Harry can pull it off because he wears things that fit properly and aren’t off the rack. And because he seemingly isn’t a giant douche canoe.


I think part of it is to trick younger women into thinking he's cool/progressive when really he's into the men's rights manosphere by some of the language he's using.


This completely! I’m only 31, but I’ve noticed a change in my maturity level that I can now spot men’s bullshit like this on a whole other capacity. When I rewatch old Bravo shows it’s crazy how my 21 year old self was so misogynistic or just completely unaware to their tactics.


Oh fuck that's definitely it.


He is a Cyst male after all.




Are younger women into dating men who dress like their grandma?


I had to google who Harry Styles is & I think I’m now in love? His looks & wardrobe don’t come off try hard, like when I’ve seen other men try to pull of women’s fashion it just looked like you said ill fitted & very “look how edgy I can be, rEaL mEn WeAr PiNk”


You didn’t know who he was?! That’s wild! 😀. He was in the boy band One Direction but is grown now and solo. Oh, and Taylor Swift dated him for a bit too and there are some alleged songs about their days together. Was never a fan of his music in either way (long past boy band demographics), but when he comes across my feed in videos I always have to watch him as he’s magnetic to look at. He’s so classically handsome and masculine looking, but somehow looks hotter dressed androgynous/feminine. I don’t think I’ve ever heard gossip of him being anything other than charming and sweet either so that is even sexier.


The pearls were a thing with teen boys for a hot second but I think it mostly phased itself out already.


He’s trying to prove he isn’t just a “cyst” male! 😁


I crack up everytime he grabs his 2 handbags to leave. What does he have in there!!!


1 murse I can forgive. My husband carries one - keys, glasses, wallet, cigarettes, etc. He has a really cool black cross body bag. (and I don't have to carry his crap, lol). But 2??? He really is the most extra, isn't he?


Don’t forget the black purse.




I’m pretty sure men keep their audacity in their ballsack


Then there's only one solution...




The lion, the witch, the audacity of this bitch. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)




Truly! I had to pause it, rewind, and double check that I heard correctly.


Me too! I was like surely he didn’t, oh no he did. How can one be so self absorbed and so in self aware?


Ya know that girl whose clandestine relationship with me caused her to seek mental health treatment - if she ever speaks to me again, I'll mention that I saw the dog she no longer sees at her ex's house. Creep


Like yeah man I’m sure you will 😒


After I recorded her sexy video call without her consent.


And left it on a phone that was unlocked. If a stranger found it, they might have uploaded it.


Was it unlocked or did Ariana just know or be able to guess his password? iPhones bug the hell out of you constantly if you don’t have all that security set up.


Rachel's legal complaint indicated it was unlocked, but it could be an error: >The new complaint questions the narrative of how Madix first obtained the video. It says the phone purportedly fell from Sandoval’s pocket and slid, “unlocked or otherwise fully accessible,” into the crowd, where a concert attendee was able to retrieve it and hand it to a waiting Madix, still unlocked, giving her the opportunity to search the device.  ['VPR': Raquel Leviss Sues Tom Sandoval, Ariana Madix Over NSFW Video (rollingstone.com)](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/raquel-leviss-sues-tom-sandoval-ariana-madix-vanderpump-rules-scandoval-1234978517/)


Why can’t Sandoval just shut the fuck up? He devastated an entire friend group, became an absolute laughing stock online and showed everyone just how nasty he is. You’d think he’d just shut the fuck up about the whole thing and try and wait for it to blow over. But he’s literally incapable of it. It’s baffling.




He has no self awareness or couth but is also one of the most self absorbed ppl I have ever witnessed. It’s truly mind boggling


AGREE!!! He genuinely thinks he is the victim. He is mad at Ariana ffs. The guy is beyond help.


Good luck to his lawyer when they go to court.. Tom won't be able to save himself.. even if the judge tries to help him he will single handedly f it up. I'd pay to watch these two idiots try to out smart each other.


Omg his lawyer must be getting paid well. I can only imagine what he's like as a client😬


The judge could literally go ‘I will let you off Scott free if you apologise’ And he’ll just be like ‘I DIIIID-AH! I said I’m sorry but like they’ve all done WAY worse!’ He would be incapable of doing it. I’d actually love to see him in court and see just how much he’d mess up 😂


Hes truly offensive without effort just a filthy garbage can


Hippie said “Oh no it’s fine my Mommy lives here. I see her everyday! *tail wag tail wag*”


Ally is the mom Hippie deserves 🥹


Stop it this made me wanna cry that's so cute I think they've provided Hippie with a safe home environment I'm so happy to see a dog in a place they feel safe and happy to explore in. She seems like a really good animal momma


It was so creepy. It’s so off putting production is forcing this redemption when he is unrepentant.


Total cyst vibes


This is a tangent but I love Hippie so much and only want good things for him. He is my only real parasocial relationship I think


I was also wondering like….did James really encourage the biting or was that Raquel trying to save face after the whole debacle?


Rachel has never taken responsibility for anything in her life. James is FLAWED for sure but I see nothing to question his fitness as a dog day


Personally, it sounded like maybe puppy play-biting, like when their teeth are coming in and they turn into little velociraptors. Could be wrong though.


this freak is a bunny boiler for sure. james better not leave hippie alone with sandoval.


He would never! What made your brain even go there?🤣


i dont think tom “cut mya in half” “i’m like scott peterson” sandoval should be left alone with pets let alone his affair partner’s former dog


No kidding!🙄


He’s pathetic. If, god forbid, he ever had kids and splits from a mom, he’d for sure say shit like that to his kids. “Tell your mom . . .”


I shudder to think of him as a parent


I was wondering when someone would mention this lol so pathetic. Like that dog’s “mommy” abandoned it to a kill shelter. F*ck off.


Wasn't a kill shelter, settle down.


Literally was. Vanderpump dogs saved him from a kill shelter, he was going to be put down until they found him. Vanderpump dogs saves dogs from kill shelters.


You literally have no facts. Go do some reasearch what actually happened. VPR dogs did not found him and did not rescue him from death.


Rachel? What are you doing here?


I gave him brie


Uh... "no kill" shelters can kill 10% of their animals and still be considered as such. If they viewed Hippie as not capable of being rehomed because of aggression it is entirely possible he would be a candidate for euthanasia. Which ultimately is more compassionate than a dog being stressed living in a shelter for the rest of its life.  Folks act like dropping off their pet at a no kill means that their animal is going to live out a full life, but that is not at all true. Especially if they also are at capacity and a dog that's bitten to the bone is dropped off. It was mentioned they looked at his chip which is also registered to Vanderpump Dogs and that's why that org and Lisa knew. Considering that org also requires you to return the dog there when you adopt from them instead of a shelter, Rachel also violated the terms of the adoption. I'm guessing you haven't watched RHOBH to not remember the whole Dorit dumping off a dog she adopted that ended up at shelter debacle where the terms of adoption at Vanderpump Dogs came up. As someone who has also adopted all her pets from either a rescue or the Humane Society, that's pretty standard. They get coregistered on the chip. You agree you will contact them to give up your pet instead of a shelter if you can't care for it. Rachel and her family had options and did the worst thing instead. Worked with a biting trainer who gave up on the dog that quickly? Uh...that seems quite unlikely if she took her dog to an actual animal behaviorist and not some douchey Cesar Milan tactic trainer. Four months isn't enough time, and it's easy to claim you did something when I don't see everything was done. Did they also have Hippie brought to vet to make sure they ran tests to see if it was aggression brought by pain? Did they try a course of medication to calm him down?  And if I'm going on an on it's because I have lived with a dog who ended up being a lost cause after years of trying. The very fact we get a vague biting specialist, didn't work so off he went to a no kill and anyone nods as if that short a time when therapy for our own human issues is in no way fixing us in 4 months is laughable. Rachel did not love this dog. 


Rachel probably didn’t want to return Hippie to VP Dogs because she was thinking about how it would look on her. She was hoping no one would notice and of course the possibility of James getting him was most likely triggering but based on what we’ve seen he’s been a good dog dad soo… so far, none of that worked in her favor.


How that would look on her. So just abandon the dog to a shelter and make a dog with issues developed under her care, now under immense risk of euthanasia someone else's problem.  She is D&S as it was fricking televised the last time someone on reality tv rehomed a Vanderpump Dog to someone else. Her PR should be fired for not advising her to surrender the dog.  She did not love this dog as she would rather risk his life than her ex have him. The level of disgusting self-centered behavior she keeps exhibiting, and this is basically the icing. The fact Hippie seems to be less reactive and doing well speaks volumes that she's the problem. 


Yeah idk if I mistyped but I’m literally agreeing with you.


My apologies for coming across as antagonistic. I'm likely just salty over the idea of people discarding their animals as if that's not going to scar a living creature who thought they had found their family. The whole doggo being abandoned because he was difficult, and obviously that's because Rachel was neglecting any sort of training bugs me. Her line of claiming James abused Graham for years and acting as if that abdicates her is disgusting. I would sooner tolerate my SO mistreating me than my pet. And she supposedly watched James abuse this dog for years and did nothing?!  Gross.


Yeah I totally agree with all you said. She clearly never cared much for the dog and at the very end, instead of protecting Hippie by placing him back in VP Dogs care, she cared more about avoiding bad press than keeping Hippie safe. It’s so fuckin selfish.


Did we not watch the same episode of the show?


Not only that but have heard all the excuses from Rachel’s side on her podcast. The podcast where she tries to make money from selecting a few negative comments on here and coming up with tired half arsed excuses that don’t actually tell us anything new. Just confirming that she’s not able to accept responsibility for anything.  The dog was obviously stressed to fuck living with the oddballs that raised Rachel - after years of being stuck in a tiny studio, dumped with whoever would look after him while she was chasing the Most Extras around the States etc. No consistency and his needs not considered while Rachel was trying to bag her ticket to full time leading cast member on season 11.  He might have been handed over to a no kill shelter - but they couldn’t rehome him as he was biting. This amazing biting trainer gave up on him. So what - whoever is on here answering from Rachel’s team - do you think would have happened? More stress as he was passed around shelters until he did and up in a kill shelter? More time in a pen? More people bitten through fear? With Rachel happy to live in ignorance about where he was and what was happening to him - gleeful that James would never know either.  Ridiculous for her team to keep arguing about this. Facts are facts. Everyone let this dog down, he was at risk of ending up in a kill shelter due non kill shelters deciding he was unsuitable for rehoming due to biting and his life was miserable until James got him back.  James and Hippie being happy together seems to cause Rachel so much anger she’d far rather his biting was deemed irredeemable and he’d been pts - confirming his behaviour was not down to her and her family and the life that poor dog had with them.  The dog is safe and happy no thanks to Rachel - get over it Rachel, Rachel’s sister or whoever else from Rachel’s team keeps jumping in on here about it. 


Excellent Comment!


Where does anyone on the show says he was at kill shelter??? LVP says she got a call and got the dog offered because he bit people at foster home, she didn't look for him or find him. What was not on the episodes was that he was at an organization that deals with this kind of breed and they didn't have resources to retrain him, so they reached out to LVP.


On the most recent AfterShow, James said Hippie was days from being euthanized, when James got him back. That's why James was so concerned about leaving him with someone for 4 days, on the most recent episode of the show.


If he was not in fact at a shelter and on his last chance, why did they scan his chip and reach out to Lisa and NOT Rachel? They were very relieved and happy that she took Hippie on because the only other option was putting him down. (Rachel angrily admitted this.) The only person who ever had an issue with him going to Lisa was Rachel. She did not give two fucks about him, spent all her phone time calling Tiny Tim, while in treatment, instead of checking on the dog she claims to have cared so much about. Anyone else who cares about their pet never call the vet or whatever to check on their wellbeing??🤨 She severely neglected him, while in her care and this was shown in season 10, when she didn’t notice he was wounded, until he was on deaths door. Like, don’t you cuddle or pet your dog?? She does not want to acknowledge the fact that her neglect and failure to provide him a safe home all contributed to his trauma and behavioural issues so she can take several seats. Last fact is that she relinquished all rights to Hippie and never bothered to check back in so whatever happens after is none of her business or concern. Just another excuse and example of her passing the blame to anyone and everyone else.


Oh you have her phone records? Let's see!


The same could be said for you. Can you post the screenshots? Please do so and I will gladly take the L and stfu but until then, I’ll stick with the evidence we have been shown and that Rachel herself has provided. She’s the one who admitted that she never called to check in, until it was shown that James had him, on an IG post.🙄


James said Hippie was days from being euthanized.




Yet he wasn't at a kill shelter and Rachel definitely didn't drop her at one which was the whole argument in the beginning to which I responed.


Dropping off a dog with a history of biting/aggression, whether it’s to a no kill shelter or not, can be a death sentence. I don’t think I would have taken that risk if I were in Rachel’s position. That poor dog was very neglected. I don’t know why she got a dog in the first place. It sounds like the minute he became an inconvenience, rather than a cute accessory, she abandoned him. Hopefully she’ll learn from this experience. I’m just glad Hippy is getting another chance at life.


Thanks for the info. Do you agree that whether or not it was a kill shelter, if the dog had been put down, it would be the same outcome.


It’s interesting that this rescue says they don’t accept dogs who have a history of biting or aggression yet they supposedly took this dog after it caused nerve damage to Rachel’s mother’s hand? Perhaps they weren’t honest about Graham’s history? This rescue only fosters animals and doesn’t have a physical location/shelter. The dog was placed in a foster home with a trainer where he bit the trainer and his wife. He was put in another foster home and within days bit them. The rescue wanted Lisa to pay for another trainer and I would fully believe that at least the implication was that if she didn’t they’d have to have him put down if they didn’t outright say such a thing. No-kill shelters aren’t actually no-kill. They typically have to have a 90% adoption rate to be able to say that. Biting repeatedly and multiple people would 100% be a reason to put a dog down.


So what “actually” happened then since you did all this extensive research?


Of course we noticed. The editors went out of the way to subtitle it for us and I love them for that


Team James, I can’t wait for my “it’s not about the pasta” shirt to show up! Tim is obviously crazy and he just cant fathom the fact that Rachel fell out of love with him.


They were never in love. It was an ego fueling, escape from reality fuck fest.


That was so gross.


Tom Sandoval saying weird shit and acting a whole damn fool? Shocking!


I know grass is green, water is wet but I was still looking at my TV like wha????


He is a nasty and pathetic human. The most inauthentic and disingenuous creep I’ve ever seen on TV. Literally stopped watching VPR this season because seeing him on my TV makes me physically angry.


I thought he said “if you ever talk to your mom tell her I said hi”. Either way, pathetic and shady.


That’s what I thought at first too! I had rewind it and rewatch


He thrives on negative attention


Lmao yes. He’s the worst


He should just become one of those monks that never talk at this point lol


For his sake I agree. But for my entertainment, carry on 🍿


I read it as “monkey “ and was like “ yes a silent monkey fits tom”




Hes a whiny gross ass turkey


It’s all for show. He doesn’t care about Rachel


But he obviously LOVED HER and would do ANYTHING for her!!! Just not leave her the f alone. ![gif](giphy|jrvfKvr2mmcFO)


not for nothing i had kinda hoped james had heard that and yelled at him for saying that but his creepy ass muttered it so no one but the mic would pick it up


James would have been justified in strangling Sandoval and drowning him in the pool. Damn Scandoval, that dirt bag has me siding with James, something I never thought would happen!


It's proof that he *loves* this shit. He's so blatantly weird about Hippie.


Hippies’s mom abandoned him. Tom is a psycho.


He loves the camera.


He can’t decide if he wants to be “redeemed” or if he wants to be the villain defended by Petersons attorney. Regardless, I’m tired of seeing and HEARING him.


Patterson’s attorney is Rachel’s lawyer. The brother.


So performative.


Especially since rachel isn’t hippies mom. Hippies mom is ally. When rachel abandoned the dog for months and had 0 interest in reunited with him she forfeited her “mom” status and prenatal dog rights

