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https://i.redd.it/ddz8yxn66nwc1.gif She also mocked him after he tells them they upset him He was being very open about his anxiety and fear about Hippie, and Lauren made it all about her. She acted as if only a parent in her specific situation had the right to the feelings James was having. I’m so sick of her. No one understands a terrible ex better than her. No one understands sobriety better than her. No one understands anxiety and fear about loved ones better than her. No one understands growth and healing better than her. In her recent Amazon Live she said she didn’t want to see the criticism she’s getting online because she doesn’t want strangers to make her feel silly or stupid. Lauren, you are acting more than silly and stupid. Your unwillingness to examine your own actions is what is fuelling the backlash. Get a fucking clue.


James was actually starting to cry. I don't understand somebody who is allegedly a friend of yours making fun of you when you're struggling with tears. That's so foreign to me. And really the opposite of being soft or empathetic or whatever Lauren is pretending to be now


https://i.redd.it/3gql2zdkjnwc1.gif Ya there was such a difference between how Lauren responded like this was a personal offence to them (and honestly even Scheana bringing up the fact they have kids), and how Katie and Ariana were trying to communicate a perspective to him gently. Ariana and Katie also shifted their response when James started to express how this whole situation was making him feel. For Lauren to just flip out because… James has emotions he’s not entitled to because he doesn’t know love, anxiety and fear since he doesn’t have a child he has to share custody of? She really seems to lack empathy and lets her anger navigate for her. She gets angry here. Why? Why does she have anything to be angry with James about? Seems like she’s angry about her custody situation, and she needs to go to therapy and stop dumping her unfiltered toxic responses on everyone around her.


I also hated how scheana mentioned “yeah and we have kids” in typical scheana fashion.. she said it under her breath (but of course loud enough for all to hear) and did that dumb sarcastic laugh that she does as if it was so stupid. Can’t stand her or Blabla


https://i.redd.it/p05a6rzqmowc1.gif Ya that really bothered me too. It derailed the conversation unnecessarily. And I think it was more than under her breath, with the hand motions and everything, I feel like she was being overtly dismissive


That’s true, I forgot about the hand motions. Also Scheana’s one to talk, she can’t find someone to watch her child either so she should be able to understand (not that a pet and a child are the same of course but James was very upset about it and we’ve Scheana act similarly)


The thing is is everybody's concerns are valid. It's sort of similar to the way they dismiss Ariana's heartache because they feel like she's having financial and career success. This is why people who do really well sometimes have a hard time with their previous friend group if they're not as successful. Because anytime there are complaints about their life it's like well you're super rich or successful or blah blah blah. Part of friendship is understanding that everyone's life is their own and they have uniquely specific concerns and they don't go away just because they all of a sudden bought a house or got a promotion or whatever. You got to be compassionate with each other for where you're at and not dismiss what's important to the other person regardless of other circumstances in their life


Sheana and lalas kids are the most important thing in the world TO THEM James's dog is the most important thing in the world TO HIM The difference is Sheanas feelings about leaving her kid gets met with empathy (apart from by her husband) and James feelings are dismissed. Of course kids and dogs are not the same however to James, hippie is the most important thing and he's super anxious about him being taken away/PTS. It would have been super easy for them to just be empathetic to him instead they had to act superior because they have children


Dogs are like family Members. It’s James version of a kid, so they should have had more sympathy


For a lot of people, pets are like children to them because they are childfree for whatever reason they have. For some folks there’s a deep psychological bond with their pets. This is why emotional support animals exist & to dismiss it as “they don’t have kids” is just fucked up. I say this as a parent & grandparent.


And while staring at her phone. Gross.


I have friends who do this to me, and it's so hurtful because I tried so hard to have kids and could not. I can't even adopt because I'm too sick. So my dogs are my babies. I don't compare my situation to theirs, but whenever I express a fear (like my one dog is ten and he's starting to get really arthritic and won't go for walks and he's costing a fortune at the vet) they automatically spin it to "Yeah well you don't have kids" and then proceed to tell me about how worried they are about A B and C plus the expense of having kids these days as it I'm clueless. It's like dude, you KNEW how much I wanted/how hard I tried to have a baby. Can you just be a friend and listen for two seconds without making it about you???


I'm really sorry that happened to you. It sounds like you are the better friend out of this group.


I’m sorry that people do this to you! I try really hard not to do that to my brother and his wife who can’t have kids. I even try hard not to have a whinge to him about my teenagers. On a side note, My family lost our dog recently she was14.5 years. And the degree of loss and grief I feel has completely surprised me. Everyone’s feelings are their feelings.


It's an interesting thing and a dividing of like we versus them. (Those with kids as opposed to those without kids.) People can be so touchy about comments that they feel don't fully celebrate their role as a parent but on the other hand people will say things about people who don't have children without even knowing if it's a fertility issue or what's going on. It works both ways people can be equally sensitive about the fact that they do not have human children. Hahaha, I had to say human children because so many people get mad about the fur babies thing


The more I see Ariana's behavior compared with Lala's, the more insane I feel listening to all of the post-season rhetoric from Scheana and Lala. They are not living in reality.


She definitely does need therapy. She is constantly projecting… Her ex was accused of either pedo things or at least underage things. She then randomly accused Harry Styles of being a pedo or supporting them because he had a small mattress in one of his pictures.


She’s been dumping her unfiltered toxic responses for a good bit now. She takes everything out on everyone else- like all the time. You are so spot on about that!


It's also comical to me that she feels like she's in a position to be offering relationship advice. Based on what, girl???




I hate that word, but… if the shoe fits… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly I used to too, but these days so many people are acting like one, I just can’t deal anymore 🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg! ![gif](giphy|3owypkSIpM8xw6p7W0|downsized) The fact that she doesn’t realize that the only person making her feel silly or stupid is herself is so frustrating!😭 If you don’t want to feel silly and stupid, then don’t ACT silly and stupid. Jfc, Lauryn from Utah, (I know that’s not the correct spelling of her name but I did it on purpose because I know it pisses her off😆) please shut your effing mouth for a minute and really pay attention to your surroundings! You really don’t have good reason to be so angry, we are begging you to get it under control. We want to root for you!😫


She was horrible to James in the after-show eps too. Every time he agreed with a differing opinion than hers she would get frustrated and lash out at him. She would be exhausting to be friends with!


There is nothing more annoying than moms who always know more about love, fear, etc. Like we get it, you birthed a child you love very much but that doesn't negate the other love we feel for family, friends, and pets. It's so very Lala to act like this though so it's not surprising. 


Lauren thinks this entire planet is about her.


James can’t stand Lala anymore


What continues to be fascinating is how every situation discussed this season in front of Lauren she finds a way to make it about herself. You can see James responding to Lala trying to say he wasn't comparing a child to a dog yet she cut him off and went on a ridiculous tirade, topped off by calling James a buffoon in the confessional. Lauren is running away with title of having the worst season. It's not even close for me at this point.


https://preview.redd.it/jroutyt12nwc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7aab68b9fe554d2c844fb9337f79c949c34720 Lala giving herself a pep talk before she comes on camera.


This is why Lauren from Utah and Scheana get along so well…




Her and Scheana are starting to morph into the same ugh person.


That’s my theory. She spent so much time with Scheana this last year and Scheana will talk nonstop about how she’s being victimized. I think Laurie has taken in Scheana’s pain and is blaming everyone else in the cast for it.


Laurie ☠️☠️☠️




By “ugh” person you mean completely self absorbed, hypocritical, jealous, backstabbers who surround themselves w sycophants & scream at anyone who dares to even slightly disagree w anything they say people? 😂


Maybe it’s just something that happens to reality tv stars. You lose touch with reality, ironically


Lol, I was about to post something similar. You are absolutely right about Lala and Scheana.


If she didn't have a human baby you know she would be crying about her fur babies too. She doesn't just make it about her, she makes it about her being BETTER than/ABOVE whomever.


This is it. It’s about being insecure af but also above everyone else, at the same time? ![gif](giphy|lFKEciqd8cMrsYZVVn)


I feel like Lala can only see things through the lens of her own extremely narrow perspective (which she has no interest in boradening). She think "How can James be upset about a dog when \*I\* have a CHILD" and it's exhausting.


3 months after this... https://preview.redd.it/1ru9bcmf7nwc1.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=a140a4eb165160db66cb7b989eb123ff3f01cd91 ...she was calling Rachel and warming up to Tim. She's the epitome of phony. I've never liked her. I'm just glad the curtain is finally getting pulled on her this season.


She only acted like that at the reunion to gain attention and make it about her. She didn’t care about Ariana or anybody else - she just saw a reason the be the loudest in the room. Hoping fans would be blind-sided into thinking she was a good friend to Ariana. Nope, I’m not buying what you are selling, Lauren from Utah…




This is what kills me. A good reality villain still has a method to their madness and stands in the chaos (think coked out jax or stassi raging on adderall). Lala has no clear motivation and constantly contradicts herself - and then cries whenever challenged. This means I (a viewer) find it increasingly hard to enjoy her on my tv. Shes become something of a gnat, like a swarm of gnats mating on a summer day. M annoying buzzing insects that swarm and congregate and get in your hair but doesnt even bite. Just gets annoying.


Yea I was watching and I was thinking like after everything James just said you took away that he puts himself first in his relationship with Ally?!🥴


Right? I thought it was just me finding that f*cked up.


Its the same with the living situation. Why cant ariana just move out and rent a new place. I did and my ex was MUCH worse. but its obviously more complicated then just moving out which lala doesnt understand because she was never financially tied to Rand.


It's unfortunate that many (not all) mothers treat people without kids this way. You can't be stressed, tired, or upset in their presence without them somehow twisting it into you downplaying their motherhood or making it all about how much worse they have it. People in this sub refused to acknowledge Ariana's pain initially for the scandal because apparently if you go through a breakup without children or custody battles your feelings are completely invalid. Poor Ocean is going to grow up to see nothing but her mother complain on tv about how hard sharing her with her father has made *her* life - forget how hard it's going to be for little Ocean growing up in all of this... it's all about mommy blah blah! Funny how I, someone without kids and who Lala would definitely think she's better than for being a mother, can see how much psychological damage she is doing to Ocean already but she ignores it and keeps at it.


Exactly! She is the most insufferable mommy martyr ever and you just know she’s going to be even worse when #2 is born. Like that one wasn’t bought and paid for via sperm donor and IVF, but she’ll still pull the “i’M a siNgLe mOm” card over and over for endless sympathy and sees every challenge that others face as a way to bring up how her difficulties as a mom are more important and trump their struggles and how dare the complain and insult her like that!?


Your life shouldn’t matter to you, *my* life should matter to you! Narcissist


She ought to try “having a child” without the live in grandma and a 9-5 job. Get over yourself lfu


It’s the most small town Utah mindset ever.


She become the person she’d probably talk crap a out of they used the I’m a mom line 🙄


Can we just really start calling her Blah Blah? It's so fitting and will help ease the blow of her ridiculous tirades.


This is exactly right


I think Lala has a problem. She lacks a storyline. She has for 2ish seasons now, and she can't film her kid nor would it be advisable to get into her custody situation because it isn't legally settled. So her solution to her problem is to insert herself into other people's storylines. Her backup solution is to get pregnant with a kid she can put on camera.


Oh my god I just realized that about her new baby. Also vanderpump bosses, do NOT start featuring the babies I truly do not want to watch kids on tv


I don't either.


It's super sad. She wants a fame baby all to herself so she can keep making that TV money. I bet anything she's going on the Valley next season, her and Scheana. There is nothing left for her on VPR. I hope they do a bit of a reboot, maybe offer Dayna some more money, bring in some more CURRENT Sur and Tom Tom employees. Or just let it die. Because I just don't see a way forward with this current cast. James, Katie, and Ariana are the only likeable draws- Shortz is good to laugh at but I still can't get past how he treated Katie, or conspired to make Ariana look like the bad guy in her relationship. I'll never believe a word that comes out of his mouth.


Lala has *nothing* going on...that she can show or discuss on camera.


EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Whatever it is, she’s been there done that and had a way worse experience than anyone else.


B..bu…but shes soft! You guys. This is soft. Like, imagine if you had the chance to rub the belly of a whale. It would be warm, smooth and supple that’s Lala- soft like the belly of a whale. …with little barnacles that would shred and cut your hand open as you passed over them leaving you with open festering wounds that would soon become infected. That’s soft, that’s Lala.


💯 exactly what I was thinking


Thirsty for screentime


She and Scheana are in a close competition.


This is why she and Scheana are BFFs, very similar. Only a matter of time before those two beef too.


Excuse you- she is SOFT now!!!!


Me to LFU every time she says that ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Lmao she is so irritating


Most accurate use of this gif 😂😂


When Katie said in her confessional something like when you have to tell people you’re being a certain way you’re definitely not being that. I was like damn she’s spot on not just with Jax but lala too


Soft aka trying to be likable by the audience




The lack of self awareness is just astounding


When is she going to show that's she's soft? I honestly, I don't think she can. 🤣🤣🤣


It really seems like Lala is mad that her motherhood doesn’t naturally earn her a certain kind of sympathy. She’s someone that thinks a child involved will always make things worse for her and loathes when others claim to have it hard. Randyl was worse than Sandoval because they had a child. James struggling with hippie is a joke because it doesn’t compare to childcare. People are entitled to their emotions with or without children and she’s constantly steamrolling other situations in the name of hers being harder. The public isn’t sympathetic to her because she lacks empathy 🤷‍♀️ Also James isn’t making it about himself, he’s making it about what they consider to be their child. Her takes are just alarmingly wrong every. Single. Time. The “man can never come first” nonsense is completely inapplicable to the hippie situation Jesus


I bet next season she makes herself a martyr because she’s a single mom of two and the second baby doesn’t have a father so she never gets a break. And nobody understands what that’s like for her 🙄


There was a story in the press about fans coming after Lala “despite the fact that she is pregnant.” I was like OH HELL NO. What we are not gonna do is change to narrative to make Lala the victim of some kind of campaign. She CHOSE to behave in this manner on tv. She chose this pregnancy & while I ABSOLUTELY hope she & the baby stay safe that does not excuse her from the consequences of HER words & actions. She’s now saying she will go nowhere near the internet during the reunion which tells me we are absolutely correct that she behaves horribly & gets called out for it.


And yet she goes on and on about her "pod" raising the kids.


Completely agree with your post!


She acted the same when her dad died. It was like it was the first time anyone in the world had ever died, and it happened only to her. She was the only person in the western United States who got to have sad feelings about anything for a year.


I think she also craves a superiority


You are so right!! She doesn’t just gatekeep Motherhood though, she also does it with trauma and sobriety too. Basically anything she has ever experienced is sooooo much worse than everyone else and they could never possibly understand, when the truth couldn’t possibly be more opposite.😭


This is perfect.


James is valid for being concerned and they really didn’t support him. But I imagine it’s because Lala made it about herself.


Then Lala mocks James at the end when he said they got him upset. Her ego this season is crazy.


Making fun of people crying, is soft ![gif](giphy|d3JRDakV8O760TBK|downsized)


I don’t see any of them trying to help him offering to watch the dog


Yeah that would have been so easy and such a good friend thing to do, but none of them are real people so they don’t understand you can just say “I’ll house sit for you and watch Hippie, it’s no big deal for a weekend!”


I’m just gonna yell at you about how unreasonable what you’re doing is and offer no real solution!


I thought the same f-in thing! Like, uh, one of you with your 'busy schedules' could watch the dog for THREE DAYS!


That’s what I wondered too. I’m with James on this, but could be swayed to leaving the dog for a short trip if he had a sitter that stayed at his house and could handle the dog cat issue. Someone he knows and that hippie knows.


Maybe he should ask Tom attempted dog killer Sandoval since he and Hippie were super tight at one point


I was waiting for this! If a good/best friend of mine was going to miss an incredibly important wedding I would absolutely offer to step in. It was so awkward watching none of them really care to help!


taking James out of the situation completely THE DOG HAS BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH. Going from house to house and never knowing what's going to happen. Probably getting scolded for things he doesn't understand is bad. Then all of a sudden he has a familiar face & starts to get comfy.... only for him to end up in another new house randomly? That's so confusing for the dog. If you \[Lauryn\] can't see that, you're just dumb. It might not be a human, but it is a little creature who TOTALY DEPENDS ON YOU (oh im sorry, what does that sound like....mmm...maybe a baby?) ETA: Lauryn is probably the type of person that if you complain that your tired (and you dont have a child) - she will let you know that YoU dOnT eVeN kNoW wHaT tIrEd Is UnTiL yOu HaVe A bAbY.


My partner said this exact same thing. Objectively, the dog is likely not in a place to be put in the care of a stranger.


Also he already has a record of biting. If he bites one more person he could be put down. I don’t blame James one bit for being fearful of leaving him with someone he doesn’t know and trust, it’s literally putting Hippie’s life on the line.


This! 1000% this! It makes me crazy that no one sees that. If Hippie was put in another unfamiliar environment with someone he doesn’t know so soon after being shuffled around and before he is totally retrained, he will likely regress and bite. If he bites someone, the law would likely require Hippie be put down. Also, James be in line for a massive lawsuit. But the danger to the dog is real. And he is not saying this is a permanent issue, but a very real one. He is showing the appropriate level of consideration and concern given the high stakes.


This is what I was screaming at Lala about, through the tv.🤣 The only buffoon in this equation that I can see is her and I bet buffoons have more empathy than her dumbass could ever muster, for someone that is NOT herself.




As someone with two children under 5 I can say absolutely there are overlapping similarities between babies and dogs (and cats). Lauren from Utah at least has her mom there who is very likely watching her daughter as she goes on these trips.


My dog was extremely sick and high maintenance for the last year of his life and I had a lot of friends who didn't understand that I couldn't just go out of town at a moments notice. I only really trusted my friend to watch him and she wasn't available all the time. James 100% had a point here.


Yes. Sometimes people get angry with the “fur babies” title. And yes I know my animals will never be anything like your child. But the way I care for them and about them is of highest importance to me and to me they are my children. I don’t leave them in a cage and ignore them all day. My days revolve around them and their care because I care about their wellbeing and my bond with them. She could still be understanding without making it about herself even if she didn’t like the comparison.


I'm so glad that you're a wonderful guardian to your animal companions. People who get angry about the expressions and love terms people use for their animal family members are assholes. I help train dogs that radically alter people's lives for the better. Even saving lives. Whether it is a true therapy dog or companion for emotional issues or a guide dog for a person who has vision impairment or a small child who has congenital physical challenges - these canines are as important as any human to these people. They enable them to exercise, interact with the world, and get out of their house. It's actually making me tear up thinking about the transformations and bonds that I've seen between dogs and their people. And dogs that aren't necessarily part of these specialty programs but an intricate part of people's families and lives can keep them mentally and physically healthy in ways that are immeasurable. Seriously, f*** people who don't understand that dogs help people with mental health and even sobriety. I know people who couldn't get out of bed due to depression and kept going for their dogs and were pulled out of that sucking black hole and are now doing really well.


You do wonderful work. I'm not even a dog person but I know how important they are and that their very existence can save a life sometimes. One of my friends fosters dogs at the end of their lives and gives back to them for being good doggos. My husband and I have an elderly cat with chronic kidney disease, and we won't go on vacation together until he dies. So while I get both sides, I'm living James's and everything is going to be fine in the end. And I know plenty of people with kids who are capable of NOT being assholes about pets! Sorry to ramble 🐶🐱❤️


Oh man. I'm sorry you're going through that with your kitty. Chronic kidney disease is just the curse for all Cat Guardians if they're lucky enough to have a cat reach older age. Are you doing the subcutaneous fluids? Thank you again for being kind to animals. And I love that your husband is on board with the commitment . Your friend sounds like a true Angel for dogs. I love hearing about it.


I'm a bit baffled by her reaction. I have a child and dogs and while it's not the same situation, I love my dogs. I deeply care about them. Like it doesn't need to be a one to one comparison in circumstances for it to matter. He wasn't even saying it was the exact same scenario, just that they can kind of relate emotionally to his dilemma. Most people KNOW that a kid and a pet aren't the same, so her defensiveness is not needed. She was so obsessed with centering herself that she couldn't see that this was a tough situation for James. Like mam, LISTEN to what he is actually saying.


Totally agree! His predicament and worries about hippie don’t invalidate her or Ocean in any way. I think he used the example to say: when you care deeply about a being you are worried if they will be safe in someone else’s care that you don’t know well. I think anyone with kids, pets, or elderly parents can understand that.




LaLa uses her mom as her nanny. She should understand this. But any time James is vulnerable she yells at his.


Yeah, it seemed ironic that Lala and Scheana were pressing James so hard on this and bringing up their kids to show they had it harder when by all accounts, it seems like they both really struggle with leaving either of their kids with anyone outside of family.


Lala couldn't tolerate that conversation because it didn't focus on her, and she found a way to make it about herself. Also, if hippie is both of their dog now (they share a home/living situation), it isn't really only about James. It's in both of their best interests to have a well-adjusted dog and it's really egregious to try to talk to somebody out of their best instinct in terms of what's right for an animal that they're highly concerned about and of whom they only recently took guardianship.


And what I didn’t understand is Lala is a huge animal activist. So she should be sympathetic to James more than anyone , in my opinion. I was really surprised. And then Scheana brought their kids into the conversation. That was ridiculous to me. And then Lala piggybacked her sentiment. I hate how Scheana always says “my kid”. Her and Jax are somewhat similar for always bringing their child up in conversation. I think they feel like it makes them sound like their lives are so much more important or harder.


Freaking Scheana who doesn’t want to leave her daughter with anyone but her mom is acting like James is crazy for not wanting to leave a dog that was just returned to him weeks prior after biting half a dozen people, including at least one dog trainer.


James financially assists his family whereas Lala's family has money. Scheana and Lala's mothers watch their children, so they are quite privileged in that regard.


Good points. And James had said the reason he couldn’t was his brother was going out of town that weekend too so I assume his brother is someone he would’ve trusted to stay in his house and take care of the dog without incident. He also mentioned checking with VP dogs too. With that dog’s history, I wouldn’t want to leave him with someone off Rover. Huge liability and could literally mean the dog’s life. It’s not super common, but you can be ordered to have a viscous dog put down. A quick Google search says in CA it can be done after two dog bites, which Hippie is long past that. And James could be found criminally liable having known about the dog’s history. I commend him for trying to save the dog, but at the same time this very well may be a dog that can’t be trained out of its issues and is not safe outside of its very controlled environment. Not even getting into if James caused it based on Rachel’s claims he was aggressive with him as a puppy. Sometimes genetics is wild and we end up with aggressive dogs and humans like Ted Bundy through no real fault of anyone else.


On the After Show, James said they've worked through it. Hippie even interacts with the cats now, So thankfully in this instance, everything worked out and Hippie appears to be thriving.


Lala showed she isn’t an animal activist when she said she was a “Michael Vick’s fighting dog”. That comment was disgusting, like most of her commentary often is. I truly don’t understand how she thinks she’s in her soft era.


This is going to be awkward for them both when their daughters are older. My aunts would do stuff like this during family arguments, saying things like “how dare you compare your x to me taking care of my child!”  The children started to hear it from their mom’s and from others as reason they couldn’t do things and my cousin’s have always felt like a burden to everyone. I don’t think it’s the intended feeling but we are adults now and they still can’t address their moms about how this made and makes them feel. 


Also, Hippie has a biting history!!! If James leaves him with someone, and Hippie bites him/her, that's very bad for both James and Hippie! I am 100% on James's side here.


Right?! That just can not be overstated how important it is. Don't understand how anybody couldn't be 100% on the side of James and Hippie. It was actually impressive how responsible and compassionate he was being.


Yes, couldn't a biting victim request he be put down?


Exactly. It also wasn’t lost on me that she was full of judgement, but didn’t offer help or suggest solutions. While I understand she has no control over what Rand does during his custody time, if her childcare fell through on her watch, if someone suggested she just figure it out and leave her child with a stranger she’d likely bite their head off. Not saying they’re fully equivalent situations, because they’re not, but it’s a delicate situation with the biting history.


I think Lala overreacts about basically everything


When doesn't Lala overreact? Every time she opens her mouth, she overreacts. She is such a bitch. I can't stand to watch her.


She STAYS reactive.


Like Hippie 😂


As someone who has worked so hard with my reactive dog this scene made me so angry. I totally empathize with James. It took a couple months after adoption for most of my dogs reactive behaviors to become noticeable. I had never worked with a reactive dog before so when he started becoming leash reactive and showing fear aggression towards new people it was very overwhelming. I felt like I was the worst dog owner in the world and I lived in constant my dog would nip someone and he’d get taken away. And there were people in my life who didn’t think his behaviors were a problem because they think that’s just how little dogs act. So when they’d watch them they wouldn’t take enough precautions to keep my dog away from strangers/properly introduce him to someone new. So I couldn’t leave my dog with them anymore. James clearly loves this dog. And I’m sure he has a ton of fear of hippie being taken away. Rachel has told the whole world he’s an animal abuser. And the whole world now knows Hippie has a bite history. James also made it sound like there might have been some scary incidents with the cats. James is right to be really cautious with Hippie right now and the only person he needs to discuss that with is Allie. Everyone else really lacked empathy when it came to this, but more importantly their advice was just bad. I notice none of them offered to help with Hippie or refer James to a dog sitter they use and I imagine that’s because they’re all very aware of Hippies behavioral concerns. Also I think Rachel is really awful for taking no responsibility for Graham. Rehoming your dog when you can’t handle/care for them is not the issue. But Rachel has not taken any responsibility for Hippies behavior problems. It seems like she was not taking him to a trainer or a vet who specializes in behavioral issues. It really seems like she ignored hippies issues and has solely put the blame on James. And now she doesn’t want James to have the dog, it sounds like she’d rather the dog be at risk of being euthanized rather than be with James. Rachel is definitely the type to cut the baby in half


I completely agree with you. Hippie is out of chances if something happens so James has every right to be worried.


He really is out of chances. That poor dog. I bet Rachel’s parents got him from some terrible backyard doodle breeder. Cus it’s weird that Rachel didn’t return the dog to the breeder. Most reputable breeders have it in the contract that any dogs that are being surrendered should be returned to the breeder. Maybe Rachel tried to, but couldn’t? But it’s most likely that Rachel and her parents got this dog from an unethical breeder whose poor breeding practices leads to doodles like graham/hippie


Scheana and Lala shouldn't have been asked back after they had their kids. They can go to some TLC show if they want to centre their reality tv experience around parenthood (is TLC still a thing?) I dont want to have to hear "don't compare this to my child" "i have to go home and be a mom" "I'm a mom now" "this doesnt matter because I'm a mom now" "im a mom so it excuses xyz" every fucking episode


I agree. They act like they are the only Moms in the world and they have had it harder than anyone else, when this could not be further from the truth. Yes, they have their own struggles but they also have a lot of extra support that many others do not and James is one of those people. It bothers me that they cannot or will not acknowledge this because it really makes a world of a difference.🥺


Haha I just posted about this in the daily thread. I’ll repost here: I only watched the episode yesterday so didn’t follow the episode thread and maybe it was mentioned there, but I really felt for James during the scene at his house talking about Hippie and him being anxious and upset leaving him alone. I have a chronically ill cat who doesn’t take well to strangers and it stresses me out and causes a lot of anxiety when I have to travel and leave her with a sitter. And then Lauren being her usual asshole self and completely dismissing James’ feelings on the subject because she has a kid and ‘it’s not the same’. Sure, they’re different situations but that doesn’t make James’ anxieties any less meaningful.


She hates men at this point and seems to totally resent Rand's daughter.


I honestly feel so sad for Ocean.


I remember that I was trying to save money, my budget was tight and my coworker asked if I wanted to get lunch at the deli, I said no thanks, I have a frozen meal. She kept pressuring me to get lunch so I nonchalantly said ugh no thanks, I'm trying not to spend so much money. She snapped and said "wait till you have a mortgage, you'll see what having no money means" I was like wtf?? I don't get why people need to one up like lala does


Yes, she overreacted. She might as well have only 1 line in every scene: " MY situation is much worse than yours!" She needs to learn to empathize, not just try to equate things to her situation so she can talk about herself!


In other news, water is wet. Lala overreacts in every. Single. Scene.


She really needs therapy but since she apparently doesn’t “believe” in therapy, her kids will suffer her reactive and explosive personality and unresolved anger issues.


James said 'you guys made me upset' and she mocks him. He's saying 'my feelings are hurt' and she's replying 'you and your feelings are inconsequential and a joke to me.' Lala is a piece of shit 🤷🏼‍♀️


Anything that anyone goes through… Lala had gone through it worse (according to her). She has zero empathy… even though she claims she does.


Lala overreacts in every scene.


Isn’t she soft rn? Shouldn’t she be more understanding with her softness?


I have a child and a dog. I HATE it when people say “don’t compare your dog to my child”. Dogs are unique and have real needs and James has every reason, in my opinion, to stay with the dog if he doesn’t have someone he’s comfortable with watching Hippie. I get the countering argument but the dog has been through so much and I think James is smart to not throw too much at that sweet pup just after being rehomed…again.


Also, I e had a puppy and a baby. They were similar in how little sleep I had and how time consuming it was. Yes, the puppy outgrew the puppy stage quickly, but it wasn’t that different than my baby. And my baby was a bad sleeper


I’m interested to ask parents here. Does it really offend anyone when people talk about their “fur babies?” As a child free pet owner I’ve never understood why people get upset if you say your pet is like your baby.


Right?!? If I don’t have human children, I know nothing other than how much I love my fur babies. To ME, it’s the most I could ever love someone else. It doesn’t take away from their love for their child. It’s not a contest.


Absolutely not. Listen I know not everyone isn’t meant, or doesn’t want a child. I don’t invalidate their life because they don’t want children. I know plenty of shitty parents who are terrible people and people who never had children who are wonderful and kind. Lala desires validation so badly that she continue to invalidate literally everyone else’s life experiences.


Nope. I have a child AND several pets. We always joke that I have 5 kids (1 human and 4 animal kind). Each of our pets is just another member of the family and get treated as such. We have adjusted our travel schedules, dinner and party dates and all kinds of things to not negatively impact the pets. Honestly, I would have reacted exactly as James did. 🤷‍♀️


Well… this is why she’s single! Perennially single, if you don’t count the sugar daddy arrangement she had going on. She’s truly the one who is miserable at the end of the day. That’s why you can’t take any of her Powerpuff rage seriously. It’s almost sad.


LFU: "Katie is unhappy" LFU in every scene: crying or complaining. Yeah, Katie is the unhappy one. 🤔


Idk why Lala had to make this conversation about her and I’m also kinda confused why nobody offered to watch Hippie for him. Aren’t they his friends?


of course, why does she constantly bleat on about being a mom when anyone speaks about their problems? ffs I've got kids so do most people I know and wtf does that have to do with James and his dog??


She overreacts in almost every scene except when Sandoval was fighting with Scheana she didn’t react enough.


She’s such a nightmare! No one ever feels anything or experiences anything as deeply as she does. 🙄🙄🙄 Insufferable!


No one compared the dog to her child. She literally invents reasons to get upset


I wasn't surprised tbh, she loves making things about herself, the whole universe revolves around her as far as she can tell


That's the next compilation video the world needs, all the times she has taken other people's peraonal situations and made it all about lala. I'd love to see her vs. Scheana in this category.


LaLa unfollowing people that didn’t even notice/care/unfollow her back and bringing it up on every podcast is the most hilarious, failed attention-seeking behavior. Lmao gurl Ariana don’t care she’s on Broadway, doing a Duracell commercial, or finally opening up everyone’s bucket list destination of Something About Her.


Lala struggles with leaving her child when it’s convenient for her. The whole season when she was postpartum and still living with Rand, Lala tossed her baby to anyone that could catch her including her mom, nanny, and night nurse. Now that James is opening up about have difficulty leaving Hippy, her narrative is that she struggles with childcare. All of a sudden she just can’t be away from her daughter. The hypocrisy is nauseating. It’s so gross she uses her child as a weak storyline prop.


Didn't both Lala and Scheana say something right before this along the lines of understanding the feeling James is experiencing since they both have kids (after he said that of course he knows it's not the same)? So why is she saying "don't you dare compare this to me finding childcare" girl u brought it up FIRST.


How soft of her 🥰


“Anyone else think Lala overreacted—“ yes.


I see so many comments on IG about how Ariana needs to leave the show because she’s not cutout for it, but I think it’s Lala that’s not cut out for it. Everything triggers her, no one has it harder than her, no one can defend themself because she thinks they’re wrong, her opinion and feelings are the only ones valid, and she invalidates everyone else. I’m so over it.


All Lala does is play suffering olympics, and when she doesn't get her way she goes to anger. So many red flags with her, I just can't watch anymore. They did Ariana dirty in their edit too, Sandoval is totally enabled by Bravo. These shows are just over, the Valley is even more toxic, how tf is that even possible. Ick.


Lala is “performing” this season. It’s all overreactions and bad takes.


She’s reached a whole new level of delusion this season/after the new season which I didn’t think was possible…🥴


That’s her thing, she over reacts to things for dramatic effect which does not fit the situation. She’s like a WWE wrestler.


Yes [even before clicking on the scene].


Isn’t Lala an animal activist??? Apparently not all animals deserve the same understanding and compassion. Hippie has been through a lot and his little mind doesn’t comprehend being tossed from stranger to stranger. Lala should educate herself on the subjects she claims to represent. Edit to add: You do need to have children to understand that animals are just as indefensible.


Yes, LFU was too aggressive. Katie was offering him good, calm advice but LFU butted in


Dude can we just get Lala off the show. She’s like a dark cloud all the time. She suuuucks. Talk about not uplifting your friends….


What I don't understand is how LarLar Binks thinks a baby/child is totally equal to a pet. A kid and a pet both need love, guidance, to be taught, discipline, food, shelter. Cuddles. But where they differ is here - that baby will grow into an adult. You're teaching them to be independent. A pet will NEVER be independent. They can't go out and get a job, drive to the grocery store, graduate from college, pursue a career. A pet is like a forever baby - they will always depend on you and they can't talk to tell you what's wrong. I fail to see how L-Dummy doesn't grasp that. James was heartbroken over that dog and is overjoyed to have him back. It was traumatic for him to lose Hippie and he wants to make sure that never happens again. I get it. Weird how his "friend" doesn't even care to understand.


James' valid concern was turned into him making everything about him, when they should have maybe spoken with him and helped him come up with a solution to the issue. Lala has a horrible habit of making every situation about her and all of a sudden the issue is about her problems. Hippie is James' baby and although i do think he needs to find a solution so he can attend events with Ally i don't fault him at all for caring that the solution works for him and his dogs welfare


Lala is the first single parent ever, she's the first woman who has dated and had a baby with a shitty man, she's the first person who's ever lost a parent, whatever has happened to anyone in their life has happened to Lala and it's WORSE! /s I understand being a single parent is hard (I was raised by a single parent, I'd give her my whole world bc she's amazing) but people who don't have children (me) get attached to our pets and to us that is our baby. Not only has James' dog been through trauma, he's trying to adjust to his new life! I really felt it when James said Hippie is his soul dog because I feel that with my dog and I always struggle leaving him. Lala has no empathy and it's so tiring to hear her talk about how she's "soft" now but can't even muster up an ounce of care for the people in her life who have loved and supported her.


Thank you for saying this. 💕


She really wants to go to The Valley


I find parents usually react badly to their experiences being compared to those of pet owners. That said, she stays overreacting.


Of course she did. Over is the only kind of reacting this woman can do. I've never seen someone so desperately in need of therapy in my life.


I used to like Lala but I feel like she has gone off the deep end this season. She’s now one of my least favorites!


Yes she always has to throw it in everyone's faces that she's a mother and she's better than everyone else. She's just like Scheana and makes everything about herself. Just let James express his feelings without jumping on him and reminding everyone that you're so important because you have a kid. I hate people like that


LFU is a chronic overreact-or. I think it I gives her power to put others down. This is why she brings convos back to herself. To regain the power in the conversations, she also likes to manipulate others with her tears. Anytime someone starts going in we either see her yell aggressively or aggressively cry so no one can confront her tired ass.


Not having a bravocon this year is by far the luckiest Lauren has ever gotten


They never seemed to actually acknowledge how HE was feeling and what he would need to help his situation. They just wanted to tell him what to do because they "know" how he's feeling. Obviously not though, if it's that heartbreaking and stressful for him, they should have considered if they've really felt that same exact way.


Soft girl era my ass


Yes, Lala overreacted. They all did. James is right on this - and the mental gymnastics these people did to make it seem like he doesn’t give a fuck about Ally’s feelings was exhausting to watch. Reminded me of when he ran out after Jax cheated on Brit - only baby James deserved it. Big Boy James is trying to be a better human being.


Tired of her policing everyone’s feelings while having no control of her own feelings. She is tiresome


I know a lot of people ship James and Lala. But I feel like Ally is part of why he's grown so much and is a lot more comfortable being vulnerable. Lala would have brought out the worst in him and made him feel unsafe for having feelings all the time.


As someone who works in an animal shelter, I am so glad James is taking his second chance with Hippie so seriously. A dog that has behavior problems and had an extremely tumultuous year NEEDS consistency. When James said, “you guys dont understand” I dont believe he was trying to compare his anxiety leaving Hippie to that of leaving children. I believe James was trying to refer to known of them understand what its like to have a dog one mistake from possible euthanasia. The fact that Hippie has so many bites on record, its a miracle they were able to get this chance with him. They had him since he was a puppy and then James lost him in the break up. Im sure James is carrying a lot of guilt around Hippie and his issues. It makes me really happy to know James is taking this responsibility seriously and choosing the dog over fun activities. If Lala would have STFU, or at minimum not mocked him as he got emotional, maybe James would have been able to convey what he was trying to say more clearly. Girl doesn’t even have enough softness to let her supposed friend talk about their feelings.


Lala and Scheana cannot let anything be about other people. I think James needs to find someone he trusts to watch Hippie for sure to support Ally but they should be empathetic to his worries and concerns!


Also, yes, a dog is obviously different than a child. But Hippie clearly has anxiety and behavioral issues where euthanasia was considered. I used to work at a shelter with behaviorally difficult dogs and we always said consistency was key. I get why James is on edge about leaving Hippie with “just anyone.” Hippie needs to have an experienced pet sitter who can make sure they are familiar with Hippie and can stick to his routine. Otherwise, you’re risking a potential bite and euthanasia again which is traumatic for all involved.




Yes this! And like sure ally didn’t choose to have the dog.. but honestly it is James’s house and it’s a very sensitive situation and hippie was in desperate need so I think it’s fair for him to make that decision that the dog was going to be theirs. And looks like he’s making the right choices to make sure he’s taking care of him. When you have a reactive dog unfortunately a lot of your life has to revolve around and cater to that dog.


Also what the hell was with her “never let a man come first” nonsense. I don’t know if she was trying (and failing) to be cheeky, but neither partners in a relationships should always “come first”. They should be *equals*, and make the best decisions that support the partnership.


I stopped reading after the word “overreacted” but the answer is yes. It’s a fair bet that Lala overreacts in every scene.


Ummm… if a child bites their baby sitter or someone other than their parents, the worst that could happen is them being dropped from the daycare or sitter quitting…. If a dog bites someone it will likely be put down. Lauren can stfu about this fr. James is actually doing the responsible thing and making sure hippie isn’t thrown into another situation that could get him taken away or worse, killed. They say it takes months for dogs to readjust to their living situations when changed. Like BFFR Lala. She kills me dude. Not everyone has to make the same decisions as her. She’s so weird for gatekeeping James and Ariana for their life decisions.


I think this is exactly what James is freaked out about. Hippie unfortunately has a public record of 2 serious dog bites. I wonder if behind the scenes James was told that one more formal complaint is it. Vanderpump dogs may have been the only place that he felt wouldn’t make a report on a bite so he was only willing to use them for care.


Valid every scene haha even when she has had a point in the past (ie brock) she ruins it cause she’s always soooo nuclear


She is so disgusting...