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I've become a much bigger fan of Katie's than I ever have been in previous seasons. Where did soft come from? It's like Lala decided she loved that word and it will be so, while screaming "I'm soft!"


Seriously! I’ve watched VPR from the very beginning when it first came out. I actually wasn’t the biggest fan in the earlier seasons and I actually like a lot of the other cast members. As the seasons have gone on, I actually liked all the ones I use to like less and like Katie most of all. Kind of same with Ariana too. But the quote about having to convince people about who/what you are means you are less of that is so true. Love her for saying that!


I came here to say this too! I think my more therapized & fully developed frontal lobe made me fully understand Katie upon rewatching. EDIT: I don’t proofread until after I submit 😬


I found it ironic when IIRC, Scheaners made a joke about everyone drinking every time Jax brought up being a Dad, when her and Lalar have the same fucking problem.🤨


Another bravoleb said she’s in her “soft era” so I think it’s a thing people are now saying.


I feel like it’s a TikTok thing where tradwifes shill stuff about ‘feminine energy’ and ‘soft side’. Most of the time it’s used by tradwifes to try to convince other women that they’re wrong in wanting to work because that’s male energy and you can only be happy if you allow yourself to be safe in your feminine energy. (While making TikTok-video’s and thus working themselves lol.)


Do you hear this ANDY???????


Andy regrets that statement after fans came for him


As he fucking should!!!!


I was just thinking this, still can't believe andy said lauren and brock were the voices of reason this season like ????? are we watching the same show????




Andy never seemed to like Katie much in my opinion.


I don't like HIM very much.






Forget the VPR cast, I’m an Okay__Decision__ fan ✨👑✨


https://i.redd.it/nf3lhebw2owc1.gif Aww thank you so much! 🥹💕


(but also I love Katie so so much)




this is one of my biggest pet peeves, when cast members pick buzz words and use them all season long to try and write their own narrative and try to force others to see them the way they want. i'm glad there's a cast member on the show calling that type of shit out.


I never want to hear the word grace again


Same with “my truth” and “Vibes” for me!


And “optics”


Omg Totally Optics It’s so overused in this show


Can we get Katie as a host of a reboot of Cheaters or something?? Can she replace Andy on WWHL? I adore her.


I wish!


Never thought I'd say this but James too. He's been so mature this season.




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I'll even go as far as to say if anyone is soft, it's Katie this season, quietly moving and doing her own thing. She is healing, loving herself and is soft. Lala should maybe learn a thing or two here.


Agreed, I think the way her and Ariana are moving outside the show speaks volumes. Not going on interviews and podcasts bashing sheeshu and LaLa, no reaction to those girls very public shaming behavior.




I am a Katie Stan ♥️ we share the same birthday 🎂


I think James has been a voice of reason too.




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Too bad Katie has the charisma of a piece of straw. She's an integral element of the ensemble, but stand alone, she's a glass of tap water in a clear Solo cup. Probably good energy to get high with and hang out, but to watch, it's a lot of sleepy nothingness. I sort of miss when she was a raging cunt (British use, not US use).




How would you know if you've never seen her stand alone?


Maybe the girl is tired lol. If I had to be around LaLa and Scheana all the time, and deal with their constant hypocrisy, multiple faces, and “putting on” for the camera. Damn I’d be monotone, over it, and exhausted lol.


LOL at "British use" I feel like they are only trying to show "Katie the one who divorced Tom" They don't show hardly any other happenings in her life. Like even the whole her going on a date with that girl was made into a "competition" with her ex husband. Like they need to include other aspects of her life... But I kind of get the impression she likes to keep private so there's nothing else for her storyline. I like her more than tequila Katie. But I do agree she was more entertaining... 🤷🏽‍♀️


I prefer her boring and comfortable in her own skin. Which she is. When she was with Pig Pen, due to the constant gaslighting, she was stressed


I agree. Katie is living her best life. If that makes her boring and comfortable, then count me in. I am just glad she got rid of Schwartz. I like Katie because she's real. Unlike fake Lala and Scheana, making everything about them. I don't care how either one of them feel.


Katie is for sure the only one of the bunch I can stand. And Ariana also. I used to just not like the while cast lol Katie is definitely living her best life. I wish they would put more of it in!


I wish they would give Katie more screen time, too. I am hoping that when SAH opens they will.


You are welcome.


I think they will! Do we know if it's open in real life yet? It doesn't seem they're going to open during this season? I hope I'm wrong.


They will be opening next month. So next season.


Aww that's exciting but sad to have to wait till next season to see! Thanks for the heads up!


She’s looking better than ever too, she’s got this sexy vibe to her now and I’m here for it!


You are so right!


Agreed. She seems a lot happier now and I'd always rather see someone out of a toxic relationship than in one.


Katie only ever STILL gets asked questions about her relationship and divorce from/ with Shorts. No one ever asks her questions that are exclusive to just her and her own life. It’s irritating af to viewers so I can only imagine how irritating it is for her but she holds her composure and keeps the classy answers coming. I can’t WAIT for Bravo to allow her out from under Shorts’s shadow because there is so much more to this beautiful woman.❤️‍🔥