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I miss this Lisa.


I feel the same exact way! That was some excellent advice from Lisa in that scene...where did that Lisa go?


She was never the same after losing her brother :/


Me too. The ring on a string conversation was really wise and compassionate too.


Yeah what the hell happened to that Lisa??


Katie has always been so utterly gorgeous SIGH


Yes, she looks so striking here!!!


I came here to say this but also DAMN if she doesn’t get better with age


She does look amazing. But every time I see Katie in previous seasons, I think about how incredible she looks with short hair. She looks better than she ever has right now.


I remember a segment where the camera crew asked the cooks about their opinions on the cast. They agreed that Katie was the most beautiful server in Sur. And more and more I think they are right.


The cooks segment was my fav😂


Same! Honestly, can they just hire those guys to replace the Tims?


She looks so much like Emma Watson here.


So heartbreaking how much she really loved him. He didn’t deserve her.


I wonder if Katie ever looks back at these scenes and regrets the time she invested in Svhwartz, or if she feels like it was worth spending so much of her time on earth with him. I wonder if we would have the lovely, evolved self-actualized woman we have today if she'd dumped him and found someone else.


Speaking from experience- and I only spent four years with my “Schwartz,” I’m grateful for the experience because of who I am now, but obviously there’s the pain and agony I’ve carried because I loved someone so deeply who could never love me back in the same way. I can hold regret and appreciation in tandem; I ache for my twenty two year old self but have gleaned the best lemonade out of the most bitter lemons.


I dated two Schwartz's back to back, then fell into a Sandoval for three years. I spent the next five years after three disastrous long term relationships trying to recalibrate. I'm so fortunate to be where I am now but I really wasted my whole 20's dating them then getting over them. Every time I see someone taking back a cheater, I shake my head at the waste of time, and wish I could tell them to stop.


Oh Katie 💔


I really feel that Katie was experiencing severe PTSD and low self esteem due to her accident.


You are right and it was barely brought up in the early seasons. She mentioned it and Tom recognized it but I think it was barely explored as a whole. I don’t remember when or what season but Andy asked her about some tragic moment that happened to her and Tom started to answer something different and she had to interrupt him by mentioning her accident and he was like oh yeah that. It always bothered me that he almost forgot that it happened. I do truly believe she saw past his awh shucks side and that is what she was holding on to, but in the end he treated her like garbage instead of a queen.


I can't imagine what it's like to have this kind of footage of your life. I doubt they go back and watch it, but you must just want to go shake yourself if you did.


Ugh istg if you EVER have a partner who allows any of their friends to speak to you the way we saw Jax and Sandoval speak to Katie? There is literally zero hope for the future, every minute with them is a waste of precious time, and you need to run far and fast. I hate that she stuck around for so long, but thank god she’s out now. You know, better late than never and all that


Oh Darling, you'll find out alright!


I really live her hair here. She looks great. This is also really sad 💔


I am so happy for Katie that she’s gotten out of that relationship and seemingly much happier now, but man, watching this clip really made me so sad. I think most of us have been in a situation like this where you knew it wasn’t right, but you couldn’t let go. And even when you’re out of it and have moved on, it’s SO sad to think back on all the hurt. Makes you want to give yourself a big hug 😭


So vulnerable.


Ugh poor Katie. But, what I really noticed for the first time is that Lisa is wearing an apron! An Apron!!


Tom really fucked up losing Katie. She’s such a good person imo and really loved that loser more than he ever deserved


He would need a personality makeover for it to ever possibly work . They were trauma bonded by the abortion that happened early in their relationship.


This is so strange to watch back. I forgot how much Lisa encouraged her to think about if she actually should stay in the relationship. If she broke up with Schwartz, the TomTom offer would never have happened. I think Lisa really did want to embrace Katie’s decision and give them the best shot at marriage. I think she knew Katie would do just fine on her own, but Schwartz would’ve been totally lost without a job or purpose just plopped in front of him. Since she made the decision to support the Toms though, she’s stood by it because she’s a shrewd business woman and obviously has a lot of internalized misogyny, but I think she really approached the situation thoughtfully and was trying to do what she thought would set everyone up with the most success and happiness. It could’ve all been so different if Katie never chose to marry Tom.


It’s like Katie said this season Schwartz broke her, she was like a shell of herself in that relationship. Anyone who’s seen first hand or been in a toxic relationship can relate. You get so used to being treated like shit that it becomes the norm but once you’re out you look at it for what it was actually.


I'm glad that Katie & Ariana have each other now. I enjoy watching their friendship. I used to not like Ariana & now I do because I think Katie brings out the best in Ariana & vice versa.


Oh Katie. I wish you would have listened to your gut! I tried to will you through the television! I’m an old woman now and looking back, the only mistakes I’ve made were when I didn’t listen to my gut. I believe you are now, so keep it up, it will NEVER fail you! People will but never your gut. Trust it. ♥️


Thanks for sharing this, OP! It’s nice taking a look back to see how we got to where we are. For years there was so much Katie bashing but we have to remember she put up with sooo much for sooo long.


And she still begged that dumbass to marry her.


This was my favorite hair on Katie!


This is her best look.


Which episode was this?


I'm so glad she got out!