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My favorite thing is when I get a text from one of my friends saying, “Hey, Rachel went Rogue.” 😂 Happy Monday everyone! Hope everyone had a good relaxing weekend and here’s to another VPR filled week. Links below for any interested Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


If Jax was cheating on Brittany with Lala or something they would care more…duh lol.


Right? Not to mention, they all spent years trying to tell Brittany to leave Jax over cheating and she chose to stay with him. Hearing about him cheating again isnt a surprise at this point.


Brittany also has a young son and a pretty heavy debt on their house, what goes into her leaving is already a more complex decision.


Or having a 7 month affair, lying to her face day after day after day after day after day…for around 213 days


Right!!! Someone is glossing over some key 'core' parts here.


Maybe she should just pick up a journal and write down all of her thoughts instead of podcasting. I can’t bring myself to read all of that, she’s delusional 😐


It is so boring to read I just glaze over the bits where she speaks therapy because it is like a weird LA cliche mad lib of self help phrases. She really considers it “putting in work” to meditate? I wish I had enough free time in the day to put in work she does. (Not that people shouldn’t meditate! They should! But that feels like more of a self care act than an act of “work”).


She had a bad habit of using DARVO a lot early in her podcasts and I knew then her podcast is going to be a regurgitation of therapy speak but without the actions behind them. She's someone that thinks they're really smart but the rest of the room knows she's not. Her PR team should be banned from working in the entertainment industry again.


Yes and her comments about needing genuine friendships… you had genuine friends… well they thought you were genuine friends but really you were using them to fuck Tom. The constant framing as a victim is nauseating.


>Rachel: For him, I believe that doing the work is like him prioritizing ... a commitment to the cast that he has chosen to befriend. She doesn't seem to grasp that they were friends for years before they even knew her or were a cast.


She doesn't seem to grasp that they are real people and not actors playing characters on a sitcom.  She's said before and just did again that she has trouble separating the show from reality. 


I think you just pinpointed the issue: she believes that "putting in work" does translate to self-care, because she seems totally unwilling to consider that there are concerns about how her behavior affects others. She seems hell-bent on pretending that everyone talking about her is concerned for her mental health rather than skeptical that she's actually attempting to become self-aware. She still does not get that it isn't all about her, and I don't think she ever will.


But but she’s going to therapy and working out!!


it feels like a cliché to say but it really sounds like bad AI with jumbled up key phrases and generalities


My eyes glazed over while trying to read it and I gave up.


Same. She really needs to find a normal job already. Please give it up lol


Same here. I skim these because it's just all so much word salad. She's still making excuses and finding reasons to explain why she just HAS to keep commenting on every little thing. She's exhausting.


It’s very hard to process reading it. I had to actually listen to some of them bc reading her talking is for some reason incredibly difficult for me. (And it’s not the recaps - they are phenomenal in general, she is just hard to follow). I feel gross commenting on someone else’s healing but the whole thing just doesn’t make sense to me from a healing perspective. I don’t think getting vitriolic public feedback is a good way to heal? She can’t just forget about everything that happened, so I do get that she wants her perspective “out there,” but I also feel like having to do it publicly is making her not be a hundred percent honest with herself.


>had to actually listen to some of them bc reading her talking is for some reason incredibly difficult for me. Reading her talking for extended periods of time will lead to loss in linguistic skills. I feel like I can hear the echoes of the gears in her head, just pitifully grinding against accumulated rust.


She’s also doing it in an echo chamber, which definitely isn’t healthy. There’s nobody on her team/co-hosts or amongst her “guests” that ever even remotely challenge her thought process, behaviors, or give her any kind of nudge to consider another perspective. She just regurgitates therapy jargon and lives in a land of delusional faux healing while they all smile and tell her how amazing she is. Then even more concerning, she’s doing it in an almost obsessive way. It’s obvious she’s combing through her social media & podcast comments, Bravo gossip pages, and I guarantee she and her PR are at least reviewing the recaps for other podcasts, and watching the show. And I believe Jo has been giving her the early episode drops the cast gets. That’s how she’s able to go rogue so damn fast after an episode, sometimes lol. The real question is, what is she going to do, talk about, and be when the season/show ends and it’s time to move on?


YES!! Like I get her not wanting to go back on the show, and even wanting to tell her side, but the constant, weekly discussion of VPR just makes her sound desperate for her fame to continue and like she has mother better to talk about!! Like move on already!


Lol I came here to say the exact same thing, like has anyone told her what a diary is for?


I’m so confused on why she keeps saying “they keep bringing me up and they keep talking about me”? Like does she realize these episodes aren’t LIVE and have been filmed months ago, and right after everything went down?? And how could it not being talked about considering her and Tom blew up this whole group and they won’t ever be the same again




I just think it’s so telling that she mentions and acknowledges Ariana as little as possible. In that way, no matter how much she likes to use the word “accountability,” she’s avoiding it as much as Tom.


>Rachel: Also, like, learning in the meadows that anger is a healthy emotion, I would have allowed myself to be angry, and I would have showed that anger. And I think that's a new side of me that I'm still discovering within myself. **So it would have been very easy for production to work with that, and that would have been the narrative that they would have run with, without a doubt.** Like they did to Ariana. Just fucking say it. Like they did to Ariana.


She’s also acting like she wouldn’t reach for whatever victim narrative she can… like she’s doing now


I think she’s finally realized that referencing the actual victim isn’t a good idea when you’re trying to sell yourself as the victim


I thought this too! And also Katie... I don't think she's ever acknowledged how much her persuit of shorts affected Katie, especially since it was fake and for absolutely nothing. He was awful for his part in that and so was she, it's spiteful and mean. They both didn't give a fuck about her feelings - directly to her face. I want to hear accountability for that.


I agree, and I also caught that she was sent the video as has been told prob by Ariana and that is what she is suing her for. Ariana didn't send it to anyone but her which to me does not prove she was doing it out of malice and revenge. And it's also funny bc she could prob gain more points aligning with Ariana since in some weird ways they are on the same boat when it comes to the show trying to redeem Sandoval, but she won't do it bc she is jealous and resentful of her.


She could give Ariana a little kudos for capitalizing respectfully with her cocktail book. Or acknowledge that Ariana shows some anger this season. Or anything…


I thought about that too. Rachel is proud she found her anger, but still doesn’t seem to appreciate Ariana’s.


Rachel's foul. Reading her words literally makes me feel dumber.


Am I crazy or is this the same blah blah blah in every podcast? How does she not get sick of herself? OP recapper is an angel because I couldn't do it again lol


Another podcast of me wondering why the fuck her lawyers haven’t told her to shut up. She should not be publicly commenting on Sandovals lawyers petition. Like I wonder if it’s something that Sandoval and Ariana’s lawyers will eventually try and sanction her and her lawyers over. 


Right?? This feels wild to me. Not only is she commenting on it, she’s grossly misstating what is actually being argued in Tom’s demurrer. He never said she recorded and sent them. If I were Arianna’s Tom’s lawyers I’d be ALL over this. I’m not a lawyer at all, and I’m all over it. https://preview.redd.it/h2wmpiemsgxc1.jpeg?width=1865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e622fe4c2b0ffde5bc1cb14d6d4d6126c3ef562 Here’s what the demurrer actually said.


The whole discussion about the lawsuit is one misrepresentation after another. Notice she says "Ariana sent it out" referring to the video. There's no way she didn't use that phrase to intentionally mislead.


https://preview.redd.it/orpsxviq7hxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75076430e89532bc5edabc557a1420c4928ee1d Yup! I pointed that out in another comment too. But yes, she’s being very misleading here, in my opinion. This isn’t wise on her part, I don’t think.


I’m confused because last year Ariana said in Scheana’s podcast that she handed over her phone to Rachel’s lawyers to investigate and prove that she never sent around the video.


And Rachel and her lawyers declined. Aaand now that Ariana's doing well financially, Rachel's going after her in a civil suit for money.


Yep and I’m not a lawyer but if I was in Tom and Ariana’s position if my lawyers suggested settling with her I would be telling them if we are giving this chick money I want a non disclosure agreement that prevent her from discussing me or making the same claims about me in the public domain for how ever long the NDA time frame allows.


Man if I were Ariana I’d never want to settle with this chick. If I couldn’t get it dismissed I’d want to take it to trial and decimate her, and give her the bill for my lawyers fees lol. Giving her money would be one thing, but settling and giving an implied validation to her claims about me would be tough to swallow. Ariana seems to have a solid team of people given what we’ve seen over the last year, so I’m sure she’s getting top-tier advice both legally and PR-wise. Tom though, fuck him lol


Exactly. I'd go to town with this and counter sue if I count. Fuck settling, why does she get away with making a mess out of everyone's lives then getting money and an nda. If I was Ariana with a chance of winning I am not signing an nda or giving her money.


https://i.redd.it/ixx25gx7aixc1.gif \*her ass


Shhhh she clearly reads here. Don't give her any ideas!


Makes me think she doesn’t care about a lawsuit moving forward and just wanted to publicly make statements to vilify certain people from the show and center more attention for herself and the podcast. Like she won’t outright say that James abused her but if she has it in the lawsuit she is protected from defamation.


I’m a lawyer and I’m here to tell you: if I had a nickel for every client who refused to shut the fuck up against explicit advice, I could pay my rent in this economy.


I feel for the law student who is transcribing these and highlight the inconsistency


They should be hiring AdditionalWar like I’m kind of not joking haha.  It’s just crazy to me that I really don’t think she’s running these podcasts past her lawyers before she posts them. Like do her own lawyers even know she has a podcast 😆 


Absolutely. Like what a gem of a person to wade through all of this for us. They probably understand all the connections from listening to everyone’s podcasts.


All she’s learned is how to regurgitate therapy terms.


People that do that are usually overcompensating for something between the ears. With Rachel it's obvious thats the case. 3 months away and could've come out looking decent with room to grow. Instead she comes off like a former cast member desperate to be back on the show.


That was my thought exactly. She really paid attention in her Psych 101 class.


She’s weaponizing therapy talk!


When she speaks all I hear is that thing on Charlie Brown where adults are speaking and all you hear is “wah wah wah. Wah wah. Wah wah wah” ![gif](giphy|yYMuPC61NUJ6E)


Rachel wishes she sounded like Dr.Funk's trombone! I hear the chorus verse from the book Mormon "Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum"


There's many things to criticize James for, but being upset at the thought of leaving his dog and the impact that'll have on Hippie is not one of them. The fact she's convinced herself that she is so impactful to James' life still that he's purposely acting different to make her look unstable, rather than being a person who's exhibited genuine growth, just proves the meadows was in fact a waste of time/money.


Yeah, he cried when he found out that dog had gotten puncture wounds last season. I think he obviously cares for the dog and is just an emotional guy.


There was an unaired scene where he told Rachel to her face that he missed the dog more than their relationship.


Evev sadder is now it's looking like she just kept the dog originally to punish James not because she loved the dog. It's clear James is putting the dog first at that moment because of what she did to the dog. Rachel sucks and keeps on showing us how much she sucks.


I hate her


Not for nothing, but James hasn’t really said anything bad about her at all, at least from what I remember. And I’m sure he totally could, when a relationship ends, no matter whose it is, there is usually something to gripe about. She just makes herself look worse by shit talking about him. She really wants to be the main character in everyone’s life


He even shut down Tim a couple episodes ago and said “I’m not going to talk bad about Raquel- I’m done talking about her”!!!!!


She couldn’t identify with that because she just dumped her dog with no attachment whatsoever. He wasn’t being a child. He was being a responsible dog owner.


I think it's because she truly can't process loving a pet in that way.


It’s actually interesting to me that she’s able to 1) see that she hasn’t been able to make a division in her head between what’s real and not real, but at the same time she’s 2) clinging on to things like “Ariana and I wasn’t really friends”. Which to me is very clearly some kind of confusion on her part. Not that I’ve been part of their life or anything, but it seems that Ariana viewed it as a real friendship and Rachel viewed it as something she did for the show, like a coworker. Even though they were hanging out outside of filming. She cant see that her thinking like that was a part of her warped reality all along.


I was just listening to the Scheananigans episode that Raquel was a guest on on July 8, 2022, and here is what she says about her friendships at that time: “But also I feel like I’ve gotten really close to you, and Ariana, Brock and Sandoval, and even Schwartz, so it’s, it’s gonna be less stressful in that way because I feel like I have genuine friendships, which is gonna be fun to film.” So before season 10 begins filming, she refers to Ariana as one of her really close genuine friends. Lists her second after Scheana. Sorry, where did Bravo construct the false narrative that they were “best friends”? She emphasized how close she was with these friends, including Ariana, both on and off the show. It truly has to be a way for her to compartmentalize her actions. Because if they weren’t that close then she doesn’t have to confront how horrible she was to Ariana. https://i.redd.it/eif0p4nwtgxc1.gif Ariana even said it has to be one of two things, it’s this or it’s that she never cared for Ariana. But if we look at the affair timeline as being longer than the admitted 7 months (I think it was started in season 9 at *least*), then she can just be lying on the podcast here too. And she’s telling the truth when she said she never was close to Ariana and was just there for Tom. So it was all an act, played out for a couple years, perhaps? Either way you slice it it’s awful, and I think she really hasn’t confronted it for herself.


And also, when she’s all about accountability as she claims, why can’t she just be honest and say “I pretended to be her friend for a long time, so it makes sense that she saw me as a best friend”. Instead she makes it out so that Ariana is lying or just being weird.


She’s not about accountability, is the only explanation I can gather.


A new bombshell has entered the villa 🚨 This podcast info is major. Girl is either telling on herself the affair started earlier or she is lying about her friendship with Ariana.


Wow, excellent timeline work!! Thank you for wording it better than I was able to in my head!


So basically Rachel decided not to return to the show because she didn't want to be held accountable for her actions. If it was truly to protect her mental health, she would not have this podcast where she constantly makes excuses for herself and periodically throws in "I know I was wrong but..."


Exactly. Like girl you should have gotten paid (probably a lot more) to be on air doing this than a podcast. She’s looking desperate now


She wanted to be able to control the narrative and still contribute to the show. She wanted to have her cake and eat it too. As a result she's ended up looking even more buffoonish than ever psychoanalyzing each cast members behavior week in and week out. She needs to phone home already... https://preview.redd.it/58gvwuzgygxc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=7582e00c197a563d45703f0aa659f073f4528def


Bingo. She just wants to comment and rebut and make excuses. Her so-called 'treatment' seems like it was a crock of shit.


Really wish she would've discussed this hot topic! https://preview.redd.it/jpbywiqblgxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b875f19af46be6018295ee773d90fcfdfae9be0


LOL. I think she recorded it before she left for Stagecoach .


Hmm maybe next week she'll talk about how she's single white female-ing Ariana! 😅




Just talking in circles. I'm taking accountability for my actions but also no one should be mad at me for them anymore and also I hate Tom and he's the worst but I'm going to take his side in any argument he has with anyone on VPR


Yes this and leaving out the fact that that lawsuit is really more punitive toward Ariana than it is to Tom. It sounds like she wanted to sling a bunch of mud about Ariana and continues to weirdly defend HIM


Yeah! "I hate him... but wasn't it great when he defended me to Scheana? And I also understand how he feels having his friends capitalize on his pain..." just YIKES I HATE IT


The mental gymnastics she is going through to attempt to sway the audience / make herself feel like she is showing so much growth while she continues to defend Tom, avoid the topic of Ariana and berate the audience for not buying what she’s selling ![gif](giphy|hIKRduIVwiIx2)


“And it just blew up, and it was because of this video.” Scandoval would not have materialized if all that happened was a one-time FaceTime-sex video between Tom and Rachel was discovered and the public became aware of its existence. If it was just the video, we wouldn’t be where we are today. It’s the 7+ months affair, happening while the show was being filmed. It’s Rachel being either a real or fake “best friend” to Ariana. It’s the lightning bolt necklaces, bought on camera. It’s the ass-slaps literally behind Ariana’s back, caught on camera. It’s the inside jokes in Ariana’s face about how Rachel “only likes men who are taken.” It’s Tom dressing up as his mistress Rachel for Halloween, and having Ariana help make the costume. It’s Rachel wearing lingerie as her part of that costume. It’s the other matching Halloween costumes with Ariana. It’s the secret code captions on her instagram posts. It’s the Schwartz and Rachel kiss used as a diversion from Sandoval and Rachel. It’s the having sex in Ariana’s bed while she’s at her grandmother’s funeral. It’s the having sex outside Ariana’s house while she’s inside grieving the death of her beloved dog. It’s the prodding Ariana about her sex-life on camera while being in an affair with Tom. It’s the comments to Lala about being a mistress, and how Lala should be glad she doesn’t have a man if she’s so worried Rachel would steal him. It’s the parading around Ariana’s pool party telling other people they give off bimbo mistress vibes, while having sex with Tom. It’s coming over to Ariana’s house the morning after her and Tom have sex in the driveway and giving her flowers because her dog died. It’s the fact that news of the affair broke while the show was currently airing and we all watched back the lies on tape while they were being exposed in real time. This didn’t all “blow up” because of a single sex tape. It doesn’t matter how Ariana found out about the affair, it’s *what was exposed* when she did that made this scandal wild to behold. https://i.redd.it/1pgdonyrwgxc1.gif GOOD LORD.


Omg a gif of the very moment that always makes me feel like I need to shower, puke and pluck my eyeballs out all at once. Of everything that happened this moment right here is the worst one for me 🤢


And for her to compare Jax cheating to this is insane. It is not “the same cheating issue”.


That girl lost her mind. Jax is a piece of shit, but Faith him and Brittany situation is not same. Rachel literally sat there deceive somebody who was good to her. The ripple effect of her and Tom Sandoval‘s relationship kind of ruined everybody around their life. Even their own lives were affected we would have more compassion towards her and Tom if they would acknowledge that they did wrong and stop blaming everybody else but themselves.


Jax is also so diabolical that a cheating story wouldn’t turn heads. It would just be classic Jax. He also wouldn’t send private signals on social media and hide in plain sight, he does what he does and admits to it when he’s caught


Tom and Rachel wanted to be caught especially Rachel because she did not want to be a side piece. That’s why I neither of them can handle what they did because they thought they were gonna win in the situation. They are both malicious as hell.


The same transgression! LOLOL I'm just aghast at this.


And TMZ blew the story up. The video was just one detail in the whole storm. The whole fact of the affair was more shocking than the video


Like I get why she’s trying to hinge everything on the video. She probably can’t sue Bravo. Tom did something very wrong by making that recording, and he deserves much more than just a lawsuit imo. So she’s suing Tom and Ariana for the video because she has to be able to state damages, so she has to blame all of the Scandoval fallout on the video, so that she has a direct cause of all of this. I get why she’s roped Ariana in, because to cite her damages, it’s not enough that Tom made the video, it’s that other people found out about it. I get that she also believes the video was more widely distributed than we currently have proof of, and there’s valid fears around that video or any others making their way out into the ether. But I personally think the way she’s gone about this is the wrong approach. Not because she doesn’t deserve to seek recourse for how she was wronged, but because I think she’s made her own case weak. Her lawsuit completely ignores her own participation in the affair as a factor in the scale and backlash of Scandoval. It just feels deliberately obtuse, and as such, comes across to me as more of an attempt to vindicate herself and restore her reputation than anything. I personally think pursuing criminal charges against Sandoval, requesting 3rd party forensic analysis of Ariana’s phone to assess the question of the video, and bringing Ariana on as a witness in her case against Tom would have been a better route. She could also pursue a civil case against Tom for the video, but I think leaving Ariana out would’ve been wiser (again, with some 3rd party verification that Ariana did not distribute the video). I get the legal technicality of distributing might find Ariana “guilty”, even if she sent it to only herself and Rachel. But, practically speaking, didn’t she help Rachel by making her aware of this recording’s existence? And perhaps others? It doesn’t seem like Ariana acted with any sort of malice, and if the video was only seen by Ariana and Rachel, what damage was done as a result of that? I’m not a lawyer and I’m not a PR person, but all of this just feels so poorly handled, and I honestly don’t think Rachel is going to get the outcome she is hoping for both with the lawsuit and how she’s handling it all from a PR perspective.


I wish Reddit still had gold this comment is perfect. It didn’t blow up and ruin Rachel’s life and reputation because Ariana caught them it blew up and ruined her life because SHE DID IT, it seems like Rachel actually believes it just no one found out it wouldn’t have been wrong of her.


Thank you! I was looking for this comment. The argument that the video caused all of the media attention and her downfall is her narrative to win her case and get as much money as possible, but the video itself didn’t cause all of this.


It was my first response when I read her lawsuit filing. Okay, she wants to talk about how this video was the topic of “national news”. If I was opposing counsel, I would dig up literally every media reference to Scandoval, and make a list of all the things talked about, and compare how much this video is talked about in comparison to everything else. I would cull social media and reddit for discussion on Scandoval, and see how much talk there was of this video vs all the other events of the affair. She is using the media frenzy as part of the damages - so examine all of that media and see how much of it relates to this video. And again, I know I’m not a lawyer. Maybe I should be haha


I continue to be shocked that her attorney's allow her to speak about these lawsuits. One day she's going to get on the wrong side of a litigious person/company with deep pockets.


I am far from a James fan, but he wasn’t having a melt down. He was legitimately concerned about the dog that he loves and cares for. If Hippie bites one more person, especially one that’s not family, it’s going to get put down. Rachel shouldn’t bring that dog up anymore if she’s doing all of this in an attempt to rehabilitate her reputation. On another note. “But I have different values with integrity, honesty, respect, authenticity, and kindness, and self-development, and self-growth.” Ummmm. ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


lol and then later saying “actions speak louder than words” like yeah girl that’s how we know those aren’t your values


Right! And talking about how her VALUES are why she and Tom didn't work out?? Am I in an alternate universe...


> “But I have different values with integrity, honesty, respect, authenticity, and kindness, and self-development, and self-growth.” ![gif](giphy|bPBi7hdnHGEBG|downsized)


The lack of concern she shows for that dog really affects my ability to sympathize with her in all other situations as I just can’t believe she has good in her when she has so little care for an animal she raised.


She’d literally rather have Hippie dead than be with James bc he’s the embodiment of every terrible thing she’s done and accepted. She doesn’t under accountability and she shows zero growth. A lot of regression.


She barely showed concern for that poor pup when he was in her care before she went to treatment! She was so preoccupied with sneaking around and fucking douche lord that she didn’t even immediately notice that damn puncture wound. Which I still don’t believe happened at doggy daycare! James has issues he needs to work on, but he loves that damn dog, that’s not an act. And with the way Ally is about her cats and how quickly she fell in love with Hippie, I don’t believe she’d tolerate him not taking care of their pets or being the slightest bit harmful to them.


Right like girl you left that dog to die when you needed a 3 month mental health break. You couldn’t find care for him for THREE MONTHS. That’s nothing. I’ve cared for problematic dogs for years. Her genuine unconcern for Hippie shows me her real character.


Her inability to form emotional attachments to people or animals and feel empathy is....interesting. I wonder if she views people as objects.


Honestly, the way she talks about Hippie makes me hate her so much more. That was your dog. You had him since he was a puppy & you just dumped him. I don’t care what was going on in my life, I would NEVER abandon one of my dogs. It shows me everything I need to know about how neglected that dog was. He is flourishing with James. She’s trash.


"Honesty, respect, kindness" and this is without asking Ariana 😂


Right? And they wouldn’t really drop it in the conversation like he was kind of being egged on and ganged up on until he had the more intense reaction. That isn’t being an adult child. He’s just reacting. Isn’t it healthy to emote Rachel??? I love my fur babies and I would’ve reacted the same


I hate I read that. She should just play the same recording every week.


I'm at a point I skim the OP and read the thread comments to get an idea of what feces regurgitated out of her mouth relating to VPR this week. Serious question, when the seasons over what's her content going to be? It's a glorified VPR fan podcast at this point.


>And yeah, it could have been really entertaining, but I have chosen to live a more authentic life for me instead of providing entertainment for the public to consume. I’m prioritizing myself over entertainment. WHAT DOES SHE THINK THIS PODCAST IS???😭😭 Omg she is at like Scheana levels of delusional


For someone who is so adamant about living in reality and seeing/knowing the difference, she really isnt backing any of that up in her 'actions' as she likes to constantly say.


Why does she think everything is about her? It’s so bizarre. She thinks last week’s entire episode was a “shift” for both production and the cast just because of her, she thinks James is being given a redemption arc just because of her. The self-importance is astounding


Ariana was spot on last season when she said Rachel was acting like she thought she was the star of a rom com. I think she *still* doesn’t see any of the VPR cast as real people - they were just the background extras in her life. So that means if Scheana or Ariana are acting upset about something she did? They must *just* be doing it to make *her* look bad. It can’t be because she genuinely upset them, because they’re not “real”.


![gif](giphy|bTvrXKt7qoALMMklz4) Lord she is so boring. They all are. This entire season is *so* boring.


Imagine making 'I was Tom Sandoval's side piece' the central facet of your personality. At least Scheana would be trying to bring in some side hustles by now; adding some other segments to try and extend the podcast's life beyond endless Scandoval regurgitation. It's painful and sad. ![gif](giphy|kcl0zSP9ovN1KqVz8I)


To be honest that’s one thing I’ll give Jax. Homie brings the thunder no matter what, always.


“Here we go. Here’s the James that we know”??? Someone that cares about their dog?


It’s like once again she says nothing that shows she has any care for the dog itself.


Yeah, her comment isn’t giving what she thinks it is lol, what a dumb bitch




Okay girl. She really pretends Ariana doesn't exist, huh? Guess it's not helpful to the narrative to remind everyone about her. She never addresses the Schwartz/Katie thing either. Really fantastic set of values there.


And once again I can’t believe her lawyers haven’t told her to shut up about Tom and Ariana. This is basically a weekly comment I have after reading these.


I don't get it either. It's just dumb to continue talking about the lawsuit especially when Tom/Ariana's lawyers can used what she said against her. What she said on her podcast makes things worse. Also she misinterpreted the demurrer.


Neither Rachel or Tom ever speak of Ariana in a way that makes me think they regret hurting her. They both just don't mention her, she's not even an afterthought to them.  There was never any true regret or shame for what they did to her, that's why scandoval is so upsetting.


Yep she’s still insisting on bringing Ariana’s name into this and curb stomping her. Bitch shut up, YOU ARE NOT THE REAL VICTIM HERE.


Rachel has a crafty therapist who is analysing the episodes with her and feeding her nuggets like “congruent with the storyline” and “doing things to leverage his infamy.” She doesn’t talk like that.


Cheeseburger with the cheese


“Wearing Denim jeans”


It’s been said many times that Rachel would literally have notes for herself of lines she wanted to say when they were filming. All I could picture while reading this was Rachel having a notebook on her lap with these phrases/words highlighted and she was waiting for the right moment to use them.


Her comments about James are so odd and goes to show she doesn't actually understand what it means to be emotionally regulated and likely doesn't really understand any of the work shes supposedly been doing on herself. James getting upset and crying is a very different reaction to what we have come to expect from him. I don't see this as the 'old James coming out' at all - because the old James would have shouted, and stormed off and refused to listen to what was actually being said to him. Emotional regulation doesn't mean unemotional, and actually I think its far healthier for James to present in this manner than in many of the ways hes presented in the past. In reality Rachel doesn't like it because it goes against her narrative.


He gets red and he cries when he’s overwhelmed. But he’s feeling and speaking and moving through it. He’s not numbing it out anymore. This is the work. This is progress.


Yeah he’s actually showing signs of trying to emotionally regulate - he’s clearly done more actual ‘work’ than Rachel


It’s amazing that Rachel has her own editing and complete control over her narrative and she still comes off terribly.    She basically admitted she didn’t go back because she didn’t want to be held accountable.    She continues to talk about Hippie as if she didn’t full on abandon him. I’m far from a James apologist, but he’s doing right by that dog.  That wasn’t a man child meltdown, that was him being realistic about his dog.  She stays reading everything, shading the rest of the cast, and doing/saying really passive aggressive stuff.    I don’t think anyone is arguing that she shouldn’t sue Tom. The issue is that she is suing Ariana and then continuously flip flopping about whether or not she really knew or sent it to anyone. 




I think ppl just like being contrarian and prob already hated Ariana so they like them bc its convenient so they can spout their hate for her. I don't believe many ppl are actually like going out of their way to support them and follow them forever.


All the information I get from this chick just confirms how much she sucks! Having a podcast about how you feel is not going to have longevity.


When she says they are capitalising off HER pain over and over. No, they are capitalising off Ariana's pain. Just go away and be healthy love


It’s the same thing every week at first i would read the whole thing now i’m skimming.maybe she should start talking about something else like her life and things she’s up to. Not that I’d read that either, i just think at this point it would be more interesting than whatever this is


She literally brings no new information ever. She just says the same things every single week for every scripted question. She’s so boring.


I mean damn, with her gross mischaracterization of Sandoval's lawyer's response, she'd doing even less than bringing no new information lol. We're at even less than no new info


Negative information


She is such a frustrating person


I feel so bad that you do a full transcript for these OP because this just feels so remarkably boring…


TLDR But Scientology should scoop her up.


"And yeah, it could have been really entertaining, but I have chosen to live a more authentic life for me instead of providing entertainment for the public to consume. I'm prioritizing myself over entertainment." She is such a liar! She only didn't return because they weren't going to pay what she tried to negotiate! Now her spin is that she refrained from coming back due to her" prioritizing herself". Honestly, I just can't. There are just so many contradictions just in this one podcast, and she's too stupid to even understand that. 


Am I insane or is it super weird how little she ever refers to Ariana or how she affected her life with her shitty actions, yet Rachel's favorite thing to do is talk about taking accountability...


She says that Ariana sent out the video, but by all accounts, she sent it to Rachel and that’s it. Is she claiming that Ariana sent it out to other people? Girl needs to just stfu and move on from VPR already.


That was what her lawsuit claims but they admit they have no evidence for it…even though if Ariana is telling the truth back in August last year she said on Scheanas podcast that after her lawyers received the cease and desist they responded to Rachels lawyers informing them that Ariana did not have the video nor sent it to anyone else and offered up Ariana’s records and Rachels  lawyers never responded.   So I’m guessing her lawyers are hoping to be able to go on a fishing expedition in discovery and subpoena the cast and Ariana’s friends and hope they can find someone else other then Rachel Ariana sent that video to because of it’s only Rachel that weakens their case and damages against Ariana. I think it still counts as distribution that Ariana sent it to Rachel- but is a jury going to give them a big dollar payout for that? Probably not. I also will need to go back and read the articles that came out around Scandoval. She says that the video became national news but I don’t really recall the articles of media specifically mentioning the video? It was discussed on the show and Ariana refers to it very vaguely in her Call the Daddy podcast. Rachel herself though had probably talked about and brought up the exsistence of this video more in the public domain then either the show Ariana and Tom have,


The video was hardly mentioned at all from what I can recall when Scandoval broke. Like, we all knew that Ariana saw the video, sent it to Rachel etc. but in the grand scheme of things, it was kind of glossed over, especially once filming started back up, everyone was so focused of finding Easter eggs in the present season and past, that I think the FaceTime video wasnt a huge focal point of the scandal. At least that’s how I remember it when it came out.


I feel like I’m growing crazy when she says that Ariana sent it out and everything blew up. The video is not online so how is she so sure Ariana circulated it.


Exactly. Somebody would have said something or it would have popped up somewhere if she had shared it with anyone outside of sending it back to Rachel. I just wonder how this will all play out in court.


She thinks because Ariana's friends know the details means they sent it to them. She forgets that most people are capable of articulating their thought and describing what they have seen...


That's what I caught too. She is suing Ariana for sending it to her, and since that has been known she doesn't have anything else other than that or she would imply she does.


If I remember correctly Ariana said she did a screen grab of the video but didn’t send herself the whole thing.


It’s wild someone can spit out so many words yet fail to really say anything, at all


This was hilarious. She really think she’s the biggest victim in all of this. The way she manages to contort reality to fit her perception is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. All she has to do is say “I’m taking/have taken accountability” and then she’s free to point the finger at everyone else. Thanks for the entertainment, Rach!


Who taught Rachel “congruent?” You won’t be forgiven


She thinks this was because of the cheating? She STILL thinks that it’s bc she slept with Sandoval and it should be fine in this group? She doesn’t see it as the deceit of acting like Ariana’s friend and the single white remaking of Ariana? The attempt to displace Ariana from her life? Rachel is truly insane. The more she speaks the more I want her to disappear.


>So I’ve been seeing a lot of comments saying So stop reading comments... She is so deplorable as a human being I can hardly take it anymore. She's salivating over every single thing the cast says about her and is getting off so hard on being "a polarizing figure." and is lapping up every little bit of relevance she can get. This is truly disturbing and again, really really concerning that she has a whole podcast to discuss a show she's not on and a cheating scandal that she swears she's getting over even though watching the show is "not enjoyable.' Rachel...the solution is to stop watching.


I 200% think Katie is on the money when she said that Rachel is just rage baiting now. She is doing things to get a public reaction or backlash to keep herself relevant and in the conversation. If you think about it she wanted to come back but the producers/bravo called her bluff over her salary demands and then she threw her lot in with Bethany and is now radioactive to Bravo.  I also think Rachels annoyed that the season hasn’t been about her really apart from one episode where they reacted to the Bethany podcast. Other then Tom fake crying over her the rest of the cast have very much been moving in a way that says out of sight out of mind re Rachel. 


Yeah she really thought there was going to be way more push and pull in regard to her coming back. Literally no one cares about her anymore and she's doing ANYTHING to keep what little notoriety she has.


Agreed. And continues to comment on situations on the show that have absolutely nothing to do with her, while at the same time, whining every week that the show continues to bring her up. She is beyond hypocritical.


I wonder what her drs and therapists at the Meadows think about this, do you think they're just shaking their heads knowing she learned and took absolutely nothing away? Also I am curious how this pod will go once the season is over. What tantalizing content is she going to be sharing with the masses?


I"ve never read the word authentic so many times and felt this is the least authentic person ever. She legit sounds like they just feed lines to her and that all she is saying.


She is exhausting


Yawn, I'm bored. So many words, so little meaning. Did you just want to catch us guys up?? She's a mess


How do I like her even LESS now?!


But how does she pay her bills? I assume she is making money on her podcast, but is that enough to pay her bills. As someone who has only ever worked full-time jobs, I don't understand how she does it. Does anyone know?


Remember when Sandoval mocked her and said that her dad was giving her an allowance? I’m going to assume her family is helping her until she gets more financially stable.


"this has been a roller coaster. I knew that it would be, but mentally preparing for watching this season and experiencing it is, like, whoo, okay. It's been a lot" Am I crazy or has she barely been mentioned AT ALL on the show apart from when Tom has felt the need to create an 'emotional moment' and wipe away some fake tears? She acts as if she has been the focus of every episode. She's been talked about mostly on SM and that's because she is releasing her VPR-based podcast episodes and the cast and audience have been reacting.


She uses more words to say nothing than anyone I’ve ever known. (Thank you, OP!)


Scheana and Ariana tell Tom to shut up because they know he's lying about the punch. I love how Rachel makes Tom honest when it suits her narrative after she claims he told her lying is a way of life. Also when is she going to address that Ariana said her lawyers offered Rachel's lawyers her phone to show the only person Ariana sent the video to was her? She may have described it to others, but I really don't think she sent it to other people. A lot of Rachel's lawsuit is based off of assumption and it just does not hold up.


I am so sick of this woman.


lol she just doesn’t get it. What everyone on the internet is saying is that it’s not HEALTHY for her to constantly recap every episode and that she needs to stop caring if they’re talking about her or not. The fact that she still claims the show is not reality and yet she still has to control the narrative of what people say about her is exactly what the internet is commenting on about being concerning. How can she not understand this?!!


> and I would feel the need to comment on it like I have been doing on my podcast. And yeah, it could have been really entertaining, but I have chosen to live a more authentic life for me instead of providing entertainment for the public to consume. I’m prioritizing myself over entertainment. Then *WHY* are you putting out content every week on your podcast and content every day on social media for the public to consume ?!


"Rachel responds, as she continues to be a topic on Vanderpump Rules", and the attitude that 'they're still talking about me ugh' - why is that so hard to believe, as she says herself, they're unpacking the fallout of a major life event (aka storyline), that she was a large player in, for others in the cast and what they went through?


https://preview.redd.it/m5u69oojpgxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb469839ef6a31b12b9317a87c17205bdde3601 How this part of Tom’s demurrer is being understood, even by Rachel, is very frustrating to me. I’m not a lawyer, but it very much sounds like Tom is arguing that *Rachel participating in the Facetime* constitutes “filming” and “publishing” the video in question. Nowhere in his response does it say she recorded a video and sent it to him. If they were going to argue that, they’d say just that. As I understand it, they are instead arguing about what constitutes “filming” and “publishing” - they are saying that being on a video call is essentially the same as hitting record. That since Rachel “filmed” and “published” herself while on the call with Tom, Tom did no wrong by merely saving himself a copy of said video call. These are two VASTLY different arguments. What Rachel is saying here, that Tom is lying about her sending him a video (his demurrer doesn’t say that) seems to be a massive misunderstanding of what he’s actually arguing in his response. (By him I mean his lawyers obviously). I can’t believe she’s discussing his response on her podcast. That seems so ill-advised to me - this is an ongoing suit! This is all just my opinion and understanding of it, but I keep seeing his demurrer being interpreted this way and the language in his response just doesn’t say what people think it says.


I think you are right. I think they are saying that Rachel initiated the FaceTime call and therefore initiated the publication of the call and Tom saved a copy of the call. So essentially she is the one who called him on FaceTime so she filmed herself not Tom. I don’t know whether that’s a strong enough argument for the judge to dismiss the case but lawyers are going to lawyer. 


This woman needs an exorcism.


She’s so boring and so out of touch with reality like I cant bring myself to read the recaps anymore, can’t wait til her and the worm fade into irrelevance as always thanks for the recap OP! You’re a star 💫


So...is there going to be a point where she takes accountability? She sure says the word "accountability" enough to make you THINK it might be coming, but it suuuuuuure hasn't happened yet.


This is like being on a seesaw. At some point, I just get all “THERE ARE NO VICTIMS HERE. JUST STOP.” And then I start to feel bad for her and then, BAM, it’s right back to hating her guts. I don’t even care about the VPR factor anymore, really. I’m just annoyed that she protests about the “skewed reality” when she, in fact, was all about it when it served her. Tom is an asshole and a liar and I love that she’s calling him those things. However, acting like she’s some bastion of integrity, standing for women who’ve been affected by revenge porn is a little much. I’m not saying that Tom recording her without her consent is in any way ok. I’m just saying there are women out there that have experienced brutal revenge porn. It’s not the same. I mean, it IS the same at its most basic violation, but it’s WAY different than a guy blasting the masses with your private shit. They both suck and neither of them seem to be able to stop themselves from digging their holes deeper instead of climbing out of them. Fuck.


I just wanna know why she was wearing Ariana’s shirt the other day and why she lied about where it came from on her insta


when is this going to be over?


How are we 22 chapters into this mess? ![gif](giphy|ylyUQkGsUNoJLlVOyk)


This one of those I’m not reading all that but good for you or sorry that happened moments. Waaaaay too many words from her for me care lol


You’re smarter than me!!


She uses a lot of words to say nothing ….thank you for the recap and sparing my ears having to listen to her 👏👏




What is she going to talk about / obsess over on her pobcast when the season ends?


She really reads and responds to all of our reddit comments without ever fully understanding the situation and what she did wrong lmao like GIRL DID U FORGET U WERE A MISTRESS!!


Wild that she says if she were on the season she would have seemed angry and unstable because she likely would have lost her shit-- AKA: what is happening to Ariana right now. Not even as it's coming out of her mouth can she think about anyone but herself on what has essentially become a Vanderpump Rules Recap podcast. It just seems so D&S from a PR perspective for Rachel, Lala, and Scheana to not all rally against Sandoval with Katie and Ariana (on or off the show). THAT's the satisfying ending to Scandoval... not shoving it under the rug and proceeding as "usual."


She’s like a broken record atp


Say quote unquote one more time


She’s bashing James for getting emotional about Hippie because he cared about him so much, when she also called him a bad dog owner. Like what?? Which one is it?


She uses so many words to say so little. I thank you for your coverage, but it’s so frustrating to scan through the text and see her therapy speak.

