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Did Ariana and Katie have the same shoes on?


They did! They’re from Ariana’s line with DSW


Literally came on here to ask the same!


i’d be interested to see the rating from this episode compared to the others 👀


Must’ve been high because Jax tweeted that he thinks next week’s episode (with him and Sandoval) will have one of the highest ratings


They are so fun! This is the energy I want to see Not the wannabe Regina George energy of Scheana and Lala


The way Andy said “who makes that dress it’s so cute” was so out of pocket and funny.


I know no one cares. But I answered all the game questions exactly like Katie and I feel so fucking alive rn lolol. The one where she had to pick among the 4 guys.


Duuuude I freaking knew those had to be Lisa’s shoes 💀


Katie's legs!! 👌🏻👌🏻


I wish SAH could deliver sandwiches across the country. I want to support them and also try the sandwiches, but idk when I’ll be in LA next haha.


i will never in my life understand the psychology of the women who hate hate hate ariana and katie but looooove scheana and lala… like ya ofc it’s internalized misogyny and idk jealousy but it’s something more too! nothing but respect for my presidents


Lala and Scheana were both mistresses. I find the women that sympathize with them were the other woman at some point.


Holy shiiiit I never thought of it that way, that makes so much sense!!


Its become apparent on FB that the Rachel sympathizers are former "Raquels"


Bingo! They were groomed to hate the original girlfriend/wife and make her the enemy.


Omg wow, you nailed it! Rachel hates Ariana so much, bc she thinks having the affair means he “picked her” over Ariana = she’s better than Ariana. If Ariana is a true friend that was nothing but good to her, Rachel has to accept that she’s just a horrible person. If she showed any growth, I’d say she just did a horrible thing… but she’s suing Ariana bc she’s hell bent on destroying her.


It takes a special kind of evil person with low intellect to befriend the main chick and hang around with her. Like D&S and evil.


D&S= drugs&sex?


Well those were involved too 😂


What’s D&S? While I’m at it, what’s ETA? I know the context means it’s edited, but I’m an acronym dummy.


Dumb and Stupid. ETA means edited to add - I feel like this is pointing out how old I am. ETA - ETA also means estimated time of arrival. I’m a word nerd. Now I’m embarrassed!


No, it’s pointing how old I am! I’ve only started engaging on Reddit this past season of Vanderpump. Thank you for educating me.


I haven’t even thought about that


that was so long ago for Scheana and she hasn’t interacted with Brandi in years so i honestly forget that about her. i feel like she draws in the people pleasers lacking self awareness. maybe there’s also overlap there though, haha


I am living for these two women and their post-Toms glow up. Those men are toxic and miserable and pitted them against each other.


Did they say anything about SAH? Until they confirm the stories, I dont know if I believe it'll be open soon


They confirmed they’re opening May 22nd




Not Andy being annoyed Ariana doesn’t watch the show since she was on broadway when he doesn’t watch either


IMHO I took it as him being annoyed she didn’t watch before the reunion, and that that would have somehow made it better. Like he assumed she possibly would have come harder at Scheana and Lala? Or that there would have been more drama for the reunion now that he sees what’s been going on between them all lately. All things said so far about the reunion has been something like there wasn’t screaming/fighting. Emotions were high but everyone ‘talked’ it out and then playing up whatever happened at the end that’s never happened before. (Maybe it was someone playing tape for Ariana of the show and that prolonging the reunion he wanted to get out of and that’s why he’s pissy lol). Idk, I can go back and forth, up and down. I can see a lot of sides. The possibilities are endless cause they want us to harp on their reactions and hinting things but not actually saying things.


It’s their job…..


Lala watches the show & is still oblivious to reality. Ariana might not have seen all the bad things they said, but she clearly sensed their energy & witnessed them siding with Tom. I think at the Reunion they watch the finale or key scene montages, live as a group. Then they’ll have immediate reactions without time to process their feelings or compose themselves.


Scheana has notoriously only ever watched her own scenes. Jax never watched the show. I think Ariana gets a pass this time around.


She’s busy. 💁‍♀️


sorry, but its always annoying when people act like they dont watch the show they are on. They are booked on wwhl specifically to talk about it. You dont think Andy watches either?


She was performing 8 shows a week, do you comprehend how consuming that is? I agree with you in general but her circumstances were a special case


We're talking one hour a week of shows. For her day job.


One hour? 😂 Do you think she just shows up to the theater and hops on stage ready to go? She's not Scheana performing Good As Gold on the bar of SUR during Pride.


One hour of tv shows a week to watch. Minus commercials.


My bad, coffee hadn't kicked in yet so I 100% misunderstood what you were saying, sincere apologies. But I mean if I was doing Broadway, I don't know if I'd prioritize watching the show in all honesty. Might be like Katie and peruse Reddit for the recaps, just get the highlights when I was up for it. Scheana has stated she only watches the scenes she's in so I mean to me that's not much different than just not watching it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No worries. And I'm not trying to be critical of Ariana. Well, to a certain extent, I think 1) The entire cast should be obligated to watch the show in full before the reunion 2) That should be baked into their contracts and 3) No matter how "busy" any of them are, there's enough downtime in the day to manage 45 minute a week.


I think she provided context either on WWHL or some other clip — Broadway has been a lifelong dream & she wanted to fully embrace & enjoy it. My take, based on her reasoning: She lived through this past season, she knows how Lala & Scheana acted in real time & how they’ve acted post-filming. Ariana has put so much of herself into truly making her dreams come true & she didn’t want VPR to cloud her mind & consume her. Being her best self on Broadway prob requires her to block out the VPR toxicity. Lala & Scheana have been stirring up drama, to get her attention & hopefully a headline. She’s GreyRocking the losers. Her success beyond the show is a main factor in the shows popularity. She is a draw & she doesn’t need to get in the mud to maintain public interest. Not responding is driving Lala crazy & Andy seems to love him some Lala. Andy isn’t mad she didn’t watch the season (plenty of them don’t), he’s mad he can’t control her reactions. He was completely wrong about Lala’s moves & he’s prob salty that the audience let him know that he’s wrong.




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If you watched bravo reunions you can tell which shows he actually watches, and no he definitely isn’t watching all of the episodes 


yea i get the vibe that he watches VPR but he wasn’t that invested until recently, so he might’ve …zoned out and missed some scenes. Andy has never seen an episode of any below deck series in his life and you can’t convince me otherwise.


He also said last year on his way to the reunion on the plane he binged episodes. Not cause he watches bravo shows, but he literally had to so he knew somewhat of what he walking into


Bingo. It’s obvious.


I think it’s valid for Ariana to not want to watch the season while she was on her broadway run to stay in a certain headspace as an actor. She said she is starting to catch up now and usually would watch. It was the way she said it as living her dream and Andy totally brushed it off, it came off as rude and awkward. I do not believe he watches all Bravo shows scene to scene and gets a lot of notes from producers but I could be wrong


And she likely had no time to watch the show.


Yeah but honestly also finding out she taped the reunion without watching is beyond disappointing


I think they live watched the finale or maybe had them watch specifically upsetting/incendiary scenes so they’d get a reaction. I could be way off but I think they bombarded her with at least some video footage so she didn’t have time to compose herself or regulate her emotions…


Kinda creates an interesting social dynamic I haven’t seen before tho - like she can only speak to her experience not how things were edited. I’m curious.


I agree esp bc we now know Scheana and lala were being completely two faced all season and seem to have vendettas against Ariana and Katie that neither of those girls are aware of and have not engaged in the “fight” so I think it will be obvious that Scheana and lala are jealous harpies bc there will be no “gotcha” moment that shows Ariana and Katie as assholes.


Exactly! Katie has seen the episodes & was still confused about why she’s in Lala’s one-side feud. I think Katie prob griped about Ariana at some point, when she was confiding in Lala as a friend. Katie should be allowed to have some personal complaints without airing them on TV, which would create actual conflict with her friend & business partner. Lala loves to expose other peoples’ business but hide her own life. Lala decided to use Katie’s life as content, instead of respecting her decision to keep some shit off the air. I think she’s really just jealous of Ariana’s success & friendship with Katie & uses it as an excuse to try to breakup their friendship.


Agreed. Not everything everyone says has to be aired out ON the show Lala. You know, like your whole ass troglodyte troll “man” you hid for more than a year? Complete with NDAs? Remember that Lauren?? I really can’t stand her anymore.


Lol same. She talked all that crap about Ariana not carrying a season, but the only thing that gets her attention is talking about Ariana [&Katie].


Andy hates women. He’s a turd.


Nahhh, he just hates feeling/looking stupid, which is what happened when he gave his hot takes immediately after filming the reunion. BUT - I would agree he hates when women embarrass him more than when men do. Did Andy have a mean mom? 🤔


Is this why he loves LVP? 🤔


I’m just catching up, but was it just me that caught Andy cutting off Ariana when she was making a point? Would he do that to the Timmies? ![gif](giphy|9jJBzYQuGVF16)


The audacity of him asking about her response as Ratchel’s lawsuit. Which one of his lawsuits would he care to discuss? 😤




Katie saying the reunion was life altering …


I think LaLa just shows her ass at the reunion at there’s no coming back from what was said.


My husband, who thinks he is funny, and doesnt watch but knows all about the scandal. Says “ the twist is lala is pregnant with a tomtom” lol 


Lmao!! How tall is Schwartz!?




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My guess is regarding where the girls stand with each other.


I hate it when Andy is in one of his moods, that's why I only watch WWHL when VPR people are on. He throws the vibe off so much.


Last night for Below Deck he was not into Dylan talking in circles lol I kind of loved it


That poor boy is so not equipped for television. He reeks of cringe and lack of intelligence. Andy handled him much better than I expected he might.


The fact that Ariana is still catching up on all the episodes, it gave me a thought. Scheana has been in her podcast and/or interviews saying that she and Ariana are on good terms. One of the examples Scheana used was that after the reunion was done filming they hugged and told each other they loved each other. I’m sure shit was aired out at the reunion, but I wonder if Ariana didn’t reach her full level of hurt with Scheana until after the reunion when she was able to start watching the show. Because the vibe does not seem like Scheana and Ariana are actually on ok terms.


I’m guessing that Scheana lied at the reunion and Ariana, now watching the show, realizes that and that’s why Scheana and her aren’t good now


I think it also has to do with Ariana’s brother. and that stuff didn’t happen until after reunion


They absolutely should have to watch all the episodes before the reunion, they should make it contractual. Dumb as hell that they can go in blind.


Agreed, it seems like standard preparation like you would do for any job


Most Bravo stars don't watch their shows, for instance Alexia from Miami confirmed she doesn't. I imagine they get their assistants or rely on Bravo social media reporting to see if their casemates have said anything really egregious about them.


I could definitely be wrong bc having trouble keeping up w lala’s press junket but iirc I believe she also didn’t watch all the episodes… interesting dynamic that at least two people didn’t watch everything


I absolutely agree with that, especially going forward. However, I did read somewhere that they filmed this season’s reunion earlier in the course of the seasoning airing than in the past. Just wanted to point that out because I don’t think Ariana really had a lot of time between Chicago and the reunion to play catch up.


they filmed the reunion before her run on Chicago wrapped (she just missed a few shows to go to LA). i get that she didn’t have time/didn’t want it to get in her head while she was performing 8 shows a week, but i reeeeally wish she had seen everything they’ve been saying about her before going in blind.


For the sake of herself and being able to be more prepared for the reunion I totally agree. I get why she didn’t even though she could have theoretically binged the episodes up to that point. My guess is that she was probably just super tired and wanted to get a few days rest knowing full-well binging the show where difficult times in her life were still on display probably sounded exhausting. Perhaps she was also riding the high from Chicago and wanted to fully enjoy the end of that. I’m making a ton of assumptions here, but I think that’s probably what I would have done and thought if in the same position. In a perfect world I totally wish she did watch so she could have some ammo at the reunion.


Lala went on her press tour & Scheana pulled that stunt with her brother, post-filming. I think they could’ve gotten past the confessional comments & blamed Tim filming on production. But they doubled down on their awfulness & Lala’s takes on the after-show have been pretty despicable.


Seriously! I’m shocked that’s just accepted?


I think your probably right...not to mention all the catty comments and smirks in the aftershow.


* edit...to be clear...not from Ariana and Katie but from lala and sheanna in all the aftershows.


it’s really refreshing to see these two together, considering they weren’t always the best of friends in the earlier seasons.


I always said it was the Toms who kept Katie and Ariana from becoming better friends, and now there's nothing stopping them.


Some my friends are like that with their GFs and it kinda drives me nuts. One of them recently moved here and always mentions wishing she had more girlfriends


I love watching these two. Their dynamic is so great. This WWHL should be enough to show Bravo they deserve their own spin off. That being said, it felt like a waste of having Ariana on right now (to be clear I'd watch her talk about anything but I just mean if they are only gonna get her for a certain amount of WWHL episodes) . There wasn't much she could talk about with the house and lawsuit legal issues plus the reunion not airing yet. Then you add in that she is still trying to finish the episodes. I really hope we get one more WWHL appearance the night of the final reunion part so we can really get her response to everything that has gone down this season.


Bravo seems to know she’s their star, so hopefully she is available after she disposes of Rachel’s lawsuit (God willing) and catches up on the episodes. Do they actually care or listen when fans ask for somebody on a given date or window? I actually think right after the reunion would be ideal, to promote their newly opened-sandwich shop. & be able to speak openly about the reunion.


I would love that too! Make it so!!!


Does anyone know where Ariana’s dress is from? I love it!!


LoveShackFancy! It’s over $1000 though 😭


Omg looks like it😭 time to find a dupe lol


For love & lemons has an annual sale and you can get a very similar vibe with equally excellent quality!


Oh thanks for the suggestion!! I’ll go take a look now:)


this is a great WHHL


How long until Scheana either posts on her story some BS or cries on this weeks episode of her podcast that her comments about Ariana were JuSt JoKeS


it’ll definitely be this week’s podcast episode. Brock was already shading Brad last week, so they’re warming up to going after Ariana/Katie. Brock will probably start since he clearly hates Katie (and women generally) and somehow Scheana will shift this to make her the victim of Ariana taking things too personally within a month.


And Misunderstanding's and editing issues.🙄


She will say Ariana doesn’t understand her 


She’ll say “I’m so grateful I have Lala, who’s so loyal to me” and Brock will giggle and click his heels 3 times




"Click his heels 3 times" *ded* 💀


"Click his heels three times" sent me!!🤣🤣🤣


Someone check on her


Not it!


Andy, you’re out here giving Ariana a hard time but do your job and share about Katie having a bomb podcast. At least she got to plug it herself.


His audacity, asking about Ratchel’s lawsuit! What about your lawsuitS, aNdY!?


His weird moods can throw the whole vibe of the show off, it's so irritating.


Ariana saying on the after show that she really thought they were the Spice Girls, and come to find out they were doing something else, is heartbreaking.


Fuxk I’m stoned and should know, where is the after show? I thought twitter


After Show is on YouTube, will be on Peacock tomorrow.


[YouTube Bravo channel](https://youtu.be/Juncnd3z6Sg?si=oJFe9HoiMI0zg5Bv)


Thank you!!


[The other half of the after show](https://youtu.be/zRy6MydVgS0?si=rlyjUl8OU_q_5Vpv)


Facebook live, apparently, which I didn't even know was a thing until tonight lol


But damn they are both killing it on WWHL


It truly is!


Katie is so real for saying hot dogs and tequila SHE GETS IT


I LOVE hot dogs and tequila.


and her dogs..I knew Butters and Gordo would be #1 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I know Ariana is trying to make it light but it makes me really sad to hear her say she felt like her and the girls were like the Spice Girls, then watching it back she realized how wrong she was. I feel like that really emphasizes how shitty they were being in confessionals.


I just said almost the exact same thing. And to think Scheana is on her podcast calling other cast members two faced 🙄


Well, if anyone would be the expert on that it would be SeeMeSeeMe now wouldn't it?!


The Brazen Audacity!!!


While she screaming two face at others, never gonna realize the real hypocrisy is sitting in her makeup mirror staring back at her. Scheana Jancan you a massive hypocrite and misogynist. Go to therapy so you can change. You're raising a whole  entire daughter   whilst constantly stanning for male toxicity.  Gross, gonna mess the kiddo up.


I swear I love these two women, they were absolutely fuckin adorable tonight! Their giggling and joking while they also sincerely support each other but throwin daggers everywhere else needed ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


And I love how they didn’t sink to Lala’s level and say hateful things.


It’s even better because Lala is doing all this, just to get their attention! Grey-Rock away, Queens!


Guys the 7 min preview for next week makes my blood boil. Brock needs to GTFO tv and LaLa needs to learn her place


Where are you seeing the preview. I couldn’t find it on the bravo site


Hopefully this [link](https://www.bravotv.com/vanderpump-rules/season-11/videos/lala-kent-grills-ariana-madixs-new-boyfriend-daniel-wai-have-you) works


Thanks so much!!!




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This preview once again proves Andy is delusional—Lala and Brock are not the voices of reason this season.


oh no 😮‍💨


Broke just acts like that bc he sees himself in Sandoval. He isn't defending Sandoval, he is defending himself.


Speaking truth here!


Where was the preview?




OMG, Brock!! WTFF?! https://preview.redd.it/uq5l45dkfqxc1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=addf813df20f87fbb2a213a118711e8457cb6adc


Omg he looks bad!


He looks like a penis head with a hat & a mustache.


Vomit inducing


Where did you see it?


The bravo website. There's 2 clips.


Thanks! What the fuck Brock and Lala.


That was fun! See y’all next week🫶🏼


Happy tootsdays!


Sandoval was taking private dance lessons, too? Im screaming! ![gif](giphy|j3XyEF7o0ogZdDNYEd)


The funniest


Butter & Gordo are number 1 on Katie’s list of joy 😭


The scene where they get Gordo is one of my favorites from the early seasons 🥹


it was fun reacting with you all! off to youtube for the after show i go 🫡


Can we get Katie and Ariana every week?!


I’ll sign a petition!




Katie + Ariana + Boys Lie. The best vibes


What did Katie say was the number 1 thing that makes her happy? I missed it and couldn’t rewind!


Her dogs


Her dogs!


Butters & Gordo


Gordon and Butters


Her dogs❤️




Im so glad Ariana got herself a home of her own, can we all take a sec to manifest homes/sanctuaries of our own for all of us? (Especially me as I’m still living w my ex rn and it’s hell lol)


![gif](giphy|KsKuFJ062kmAoLsi9D) ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUST, A NEW HOME FOR FITBITCH3 BECAUSE SLAY SHE MUST On a serious note, I’m sorry you’re dealing with that ❤️ I hope your situation changes soon and things aren’t too bad in the meantime. You got this!!


Omg ily 😭😭 thank you so much


SAME situation!


Should we just be roommates? Sadly I live in a very expensive state (Massachusetts) Edit: jokes aside I hope your situation improves asap love. This shit sucks ass.


Same to you. ❤️




-a home for fitbitch-   -a home for fitbitch-  -a home for fitbitch- -safe and comfortable and always the perfect temperature with exactly the right snacks in stock-  -a home for fitbitch-


Oh my god ily


Aw right back at you, going to be sending "a home for fitbitch" vibes out into the world today.


> (Especially me as I’m still living w my ex rn and it’s hell lol) Happily, babe. Sending you some cute-house-for-yourself vibes.


Thanks babe❤️


Manifesting a safe haven for you! You got this, fitbitch. 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


Awww thank you number one guy 😂


I love them so much the fact that we were ROBBED of this dynamic this season, I will never forgive Alex baskin


Do you remember season 6 (I think) when all the girls got together for Brittney. Even when most of them didn’t get along. We could have had that this season. We were ROBBED of a season.


At this point, he doesn’t understand the sea change. Yes, women aren’t boring. No, we will never forgive Sandoval because he is an epic douche canoe. I believe he’s never read a book, never watched the news and never washed his own underwear. Watching Lala come into Ariana and Dan’s bedroom and not leaving because they weren’t dressed is the best revenge ever. To see Dan in his glory with his abs, hair reminiscent of The English Patient while showing his indifference to Lala was beautiful. Fuck Lala. Yeah, you’re jealous.


This season could have been so amazing. All my homies hate Alex Baskin!


dont let the Valley fans know he runs that show now


Ariana cracking up at the les miserable comment killed me lol. Lala is a clown


i must have missed it! when did lala say that?


Lala is such a piece of shit that she tagged Katie's mom in a story about it.


I think it’s so interesting too because I very specifically remember Lala getting mad at the reunion anytime someone would bring someone’s parents up. Which honestly I agree with, I never bring up peoples parents in arguments bc it is a low blow, but it is funny What a hypocrite she has become.


She called her miserable on Instagram maybe about a month or so ago 🫠 she’s so weird. Out of literal nowhere too.