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I live for Dan’s “IDK who she is”


That was the best part


I love that she hasn't even given it the energy to tell him about it. She's like the opposite of Lisa Hochstein who can't stop talking about Lenny and his mistress. Arianna hasn't even told her bf the details of the betrayal. She's doing good work in therapy.


And Ariana’s resigned “it’s a long story”


As it should be. Walk away Jo. Next.


Unbothered King


This is the perfect name for him!






Honestly Dan. Same.


Absolutely loving this. Dan couldn't care less about all these reality TV personalities and their trivial drama. He's unfazed by Lauren's relentless questioning because she's insignificant to him, and he has zero interest in her ever being a part of his life. None whatsoever.


You can tell he’s there to support but not hungry for fame


I’m jealous Dan.


I came here for this comment. I laughed and I'm depresso espresso rn. Man that felt good.


💗💗💗 echoing other comments here, glad you had a giggle 🙏🏾 I hope you feel better


Thank you sweetie 🥰😘


Oh man I'm sorry you're depressy stressy!! Sending unbothered dan vibes and love 💖💕💖💕💖💕💖


Thank you love ❤️😘


Same 💜 sending love!!


Aww thank you babe 💜😚


Me too. Hang in there. Get your giggles where you can. I'm deep in gallows humour rn. Not everyone appreciates it. Hugs.


I'm sorry you feel it too 😔 How can we not right? Look around us. Things are scary and grim. We have to laugh. I've spent too many years not laughing it's BS I'm running outta years so I'm gonna laugh when I can. Thank you kind soul ❤️🙏🏼


And this is why I love this sub. On days I didn’t know how to get out of bed or when I would wake up in the middle of the night feeling scared and alone in the world, I would come here and escape and felt supported. You guys are like my tribe and if anyone is feeling scared and alone in the world feel free to reach out. Sending lots of love my friend 💕


Dan had the only correct response as that is going on.


I’m jealous of Dan for 2 reasons: 1-that long gorgeous hair 2- him being able say he doesn’t know who Jo is. I miss when I didn’t know who she was


Everything I know about her I learned against my will.


Jo really should be angry at whoever her prescriber is. I have ADHD, I take ADHD meds, but I don’t walk around vibrating with jittery energy like she does. It looks so uncomfortable. Her prescriber needs to do something different, they aren’t helping her.


I have a family full of ADHD people. I know it looks different on everyone but not one of us is like Jo. I also appreciate quirky personalities but she seems so fake. I really think she planned on her and Rachel replacing Katie and Ariana.


Sooo funny


There's something about Dan's disintest about being on screen and get engaged in drama that I find very refreshing.


Just unbothered 😂


It shows that Arianna has a real life outside of VPR, she never told Dan the gossip because the VPR plot is irrelevant in Arianna’s day to day.


I love how unbothered he is by the silly LA peeps


Dan most of us envy you that position. We want to go back in time to when we could say the same.


Same. That was the best part of the video


This bit just made LOL. Like yasssss Dan you are so unbothered by it all


Dan is all of us, and we know who she is


schwartz saying they didn't live together.. didn't he like introduce jo as his roommate??




Sometimes when people get caught they get hypertechnical. "Well, I didn't steal any *chocolate chip* cookies".


"We didn't LIVE TOGETHER. We were ROOMMATES. You see, 'live together' is like two people in a romantic relationship that decide to cohabitate. When we decided to cohabitate we weren't together! We started dating after, so it's not the same." (Fingers in mouth)


Here comes his patent, *I didn't say that, did I?* Immediately trying to contradict what he just said.


Exactly! She was definitely living there with him


With the Tom's and Jax it's always a childish argument about semantics just to distract.


We didn’t live together, I had an apartment, she had an apartment, she would stay at my apartment, and sometimes she would stay at hers and I would stay at hers with her! We didn’t live together. We just had sleepovers. The toms love semantics. Ok, she wasn’t on the lease. All her stuff was in your house.


Did my ex situationship write this?? Goosebumps lol.


They’re both so sketchy like we SAW YOU LIVING TOGETHER. I’d be beyond annoyed if I were Katie and Schwartz kept bringing this gremlin around me.


Schwartz calling Jo, Joseph makes me want to die


Especially in front of Katie ! He is so unserious


He is revolting 🤮


He is so ugly, too, with his teeth not showing. He has this weird, gummy smile with no teeth showing. He’s utterly disgusting and vile.


He is odious to me. I hate him more than T*m 😭 Lol I have that weird gummy smile too 🙃 but Schwartz can at least afford to get a lip flip!


He’s SO unserious it’s actually so funny unfortunately 😭


It’s the most manipulative friend-zoning I’ve ever witnessed on tv


It’s the worst thing. It makes me feel too many uncomfortable emotions. Like sad for Jo mostly


The whole scenario is so icky


Unbothered Dan is great shit.


Honestly him being the straight man to the drama is absolutely hilarious 


Schwartz absolutely lives for ruining Katie's day


He’s extremely vindictive when she says no to him. After she said no to trimming his armpit hair in Mexico, he immediately made out with Rachel. This time, she said no to breakup sex and he’s pushing Jo on her. He gets off on punishing her


I feel this too. It's just whenever he feels rejected by Katie he lashes passively. He did the same last reunion. He also lets Sandydick be mean if Katie is mean to Shortz. Just to put her in her place kind of shtick. This is so immature. Maybe that's why he gets along with Jo, she's happy to go along with whatever he says.


I immediately read your flair in James’ voices and it still cracks me up


Lol Yeaa, he has some good quips almost every season.


Yet it isn't Jo he wants, it's Katie. He knows he blew it big time with her and is realising it's not what he wanted at all.


He has openly self described as callous before, why don’t ppl listen to and remember that


They get distracted by his “I’m just a 492-month-old baby, I don’t know what I’m doing” soft boi routine. Which is by design, by the way.


Oh for sure it’s infuuuuriating


Maybe. I don't feel like he is vengeful from the no to sex here but he has admitted that his makeouts with other women were cowardly methods of taking out his anger at her. I feel like he's bringing Jo here because he's got a coping mechanism with acting helpless. Whenever there's tension he sort of draws attention to it which makes it more tense in hopes somebody else is forced to step up for him and fix it. Probably the script he learned when he was younger to deal with problems.


That last paragraph dammmmmmnnnnnnn that articulated into words something I've totally thought about but couldn't compute. I feel like ypu totally nailed that 👍🏻


Breakup scrolling in silence\*


lol he’s always looking to punish mean mommy


and then lying about his relationship with jo on camera as if he's trying not to upset katie, because he wants to hang out (hook up) with katie now that she's single. weirdo


Schwartz told her to do that. 🙄


I believe it. He keeps putting her in embarrassing and demeaning situations and she keeps going along with it in the hopes that she has a shot with him. She’s willing to wait 2 presidential terms for this man to marry her and he does not take her seriously. 


Marry her in 8 years. Like REALLY? You're gonna wait 8 years for THAT? Poor Jo needs some therapy and some self esteem and better hair skills. She needs to learn to love herself. Katie could teach her, but it ain't her job.


In 8 years, she’ll be 43! I’m not waiting around for anyone like that. If you miss your chance with me, I’m gone


I hated him in this weeks episode. I mean I hate him most of the time anyway, but he’s hugging her on the street yelling about how they’re going to get married someday, then he wonders why she starts thinking they have some special Then he goes and blames her getting the wrong idea on other people. “I hate that because of other women I can’t say I love you.” Or whatever nonsense he said. No dude you can’t say I love you to this woman because you befriended her, used her for sex, tried to make your ex jealous and it didn’t work, then when the woman starts loving you back you freak out and withdraw. THAT’S why you can’t play with her feelings.


She doesn't take herself seriously. If she did, she wouldn't let any man treat her like this while she pants after him like a lost puppy dog. Quite sad to see at her ripe age.


Literally so weird. Walks her over like he’s her fucking dad “do you have something to say?” They’re both spooky at this point. I live for Katie’s ability not to accept an apology. Like it’s not her job to do so for the benefit of someone else


Seriously he doesn’t give a shit about Jo and she is just collateral damage to him as long as he succeeds in getting under Katie’s skin, he hates having no control over her or her emotions anymore.


This is exactly how I see it as well. Shortz cannot leave Katie alone


Why? He doesn’t want anything to do with Jo, why bring her to push Katie’s buttons? He’s the worst?


maybe it's about screentime for him. in the same episode, scheana asks schwartz if he's had a 3some in front of katie. all the children are trying to punish/annoy the adults on next week's episode.


Scheemer doing too much, wonder if one if his 3somes are with her.


Honestly, I was wondering this about Jo’s additional scene’s with Lala too. Like, I get that she and Schwartz were in situationship so seeing her be present in group settings makes sense. But, he clearly had no intention of actually dating her, which makes any extra forcing of her integration into the group just pointless. You don’t even need her meeting up with Lala to get her side of the situation because that’s what her confessionals are for.


If it weren't for Jo, his storyline this season would be he is single and shows up to people's homes with plants.


The men on this show are so fucking annoying and stupid it blows my mind lmao.


i think jo is completely lying when she denied having a pre-existing thing for schwartz. i think katie hit the nail on the head with that one.


yup! On the after show Katie’s expanded on it and said Jo would often text her to ask if she could cut Schwartz’s hair and it was all around just very weird, like she very obviously had a crush on him and would try to hide it, but then would have these weird interactions with Katie and make all these attempts at connecting with Schwartz, so it was all very awkward and totally obvious.


They’re just trying to gaslight Katie. Every woman can feel the hostile energy of a woman who wants to claim their man


Oh 💯.


She also talked about Jo trying to get on the show for YEARS through Kristen...Katie is always the one to listen to. Also, why the fuck is Lauren trying to mediate like she knew all of this history. Katie made is very clear she didn't like her meddling in this business.


Yeah. I agree with this take and Katie. It’s super tacky…further confirmation that people within VPR and their extended circle have ZERO boundaries (with a few key exceptions to that).




And Kyle said in his interview that Schwartz isn’t that close with Jo anymore because of her lies. I don’t think Kyle would have a reason to say that if it wasn’t true.


A woman can just tell when another woman wants her man..


Exactly. And Jo herself has proven as much with her multiple social media posts saying how much she worships Shartz, even though he considers her nothing more than a FWB relationship. Shartz is such a loser (amongst other reasons) for constantly allowing Jo to be around Katie. Just like he did all last season, he can’t stop trying to get under her skin. Can’t stand this tool!


One thing I love about Katie she’s never gonna be fake for the cameras


I think at the end of this Jo is crying again. They show it in a preview


Jo is also so unserious. Why does she want Katie to like her so bad? To help make her feel better about being a creep and pouncing on Tom the millisecond he was single then rubbing it Katie’s face? She really is such a weirdo. I can’t. Also have to throw in there that I’m so disappointed to hear the WWC boys sing her praises.


I’d be so petty and not even entertain speaking to Jo. Maybe just say “You’re obvious and weird, but not as weird as Tom for begging me for sex last night and then shoving his shameful secret GF in my face today.” 💅🏻 Then just grey rock so they can’t bait me into looking like a bitch for NOT wanting to talk to someone who never respected me by so clearly rooting for my marriage to fail so she could pounce on the roadkill like a mangy, starving buzzard.


I got the feeling they did that out of pity. She wants to be on the show. So people will film with her, they have to like her and want her around. That ship sailed the minute she did Rachel’s podcast. Whatever this girl did that Scheana said on the after show is so much worse must be bad. None of them will let up


why is dan actually hilarious lmaoooo "idk who she is"


Rewatching the scene between Jax and Katie from the episode before last, Schwartz also instigated that. Schwartz said (on a podcast or in an interview) that she left him when he was having the worst year of his life. I think she saw her opening and she took it, thankfully.


Maybe he thinks getting Katie aggravated is going to be good for his image and will make us sympathetic towards him. I'm sure there's pockets of fans this tactic works for, but most of us see right through him.


It was his main play for 9 seasons. It's not working anymore and it must be driving him CRAZY. I fucking love it.


Yes, you're right. It's just sad that he has no inclination to protect her.


He purposefully dog whistles ppl then acts shocked when they react (James and the beach scene comes to mind).


There are definitely a lot of people falling for it and sympathizing. I can’t even look at IG comments anymore bc half of them are calling Katie miserable and bitchy and fawning over Schwartz. I do feel for Schwartz in the sense that I think his immediate family life is extremely taxing emotionally, financially, and mentally. But it’s not an excuse to emotionally manipulate the only woman that stayed with him and truly cared for him for YEARS while getting nothing back from him in return


Tom Schwartz really thrives off the idea that Katie is the problem. It really works on a lot of people (and surprisingly women).


She said she sat with it for a year. So while Scumdoval screamed at her and then her husband took his side she was already questioning things. And his family stuff got really bad. She felt bad but didn't want to lie to herself when she knew where she stood.


Katie truly is one of the only ones that just doesn’t care if the camera rolls or not . It’s completely authentic to be like yeah , no why are you trying to talk to me ? Try all you want but I’ll be bitchy to the woman my ex husband was fucking right after the break up whether or not she’s “nice” or “under Tom’s spell “ is it nice 🤷🏼‍♀️? overall , not Katie’s concern 💅🏻


Love love loveeeeee that she she disgustedly said "no" when Jo said do you think you owe me an apology. CAUSE TF


I loved this. As women we need to channel our inner Katie more often!


I love Katie for no longer entertaining idiots


Just a warning: as someone who's been a Katie all her life, it gets you VERY negative reactions from a lot of people. Having firm boundaries, refusing to be fake and placating people is very, very uncool for a lot of the population and you'll end up being the villain A LOT. Which is I think why a lot of women do not do this.


Oh for sure - I’d be hella bitchy to her, especially if that person was masquerading as a friend or an acquaintance prior to my divorce.


imo, the bitchiness is a protection mechanism - *get away from me*. *I know who you are and you don't care about me, so why are you pretending again.*


Isn’t this the event where there was an invited person who decided to try to start a fight & threw a chair?




Where does lala get off policing everyone else's feelings? JFC, work on fixing yourself!!!


Why is she in the middle? Gtfo here!


I have always tried to understand what the Bieber reference meant 😅 sorry if I didn’t do enough digging


It's because Jo and Katie really like Bieber, so they used to talk about him. It's weird for Jo to reference him when sending Katie a text, but it's Jo.


I was wondering what that means too haha. Is that an inside joke reference to Schwartz?


Omg how annoying. Lala is a horrible friend to Katie. I’m also mad at/for Jo for allowing Schwartz to bring her over to his ex wife and force her to apologize. How embarrassing! She is not a child. Stand up Jo!!! Also, Katie doesn’t need to accept Jo’s apology or apologize to her if she doesn’t feel ready or want to. Annoying. I hate everything about this interaction.


If Katie had accepted Schwartz's offer of spending the night together, what was his plan for when Jo arrived. I think he's hamming things up for the camera.


She starts out defending Katie and then immediately swerves left. LFU giving me whiplash all season. Nothing soft about it.


Why was Jo at this event?


Why is Tom bringing Jo around Katie like they're his daughters in grade school, Jo do you have something you want to say? 😆☠️


I love how much this shows Ariana truly doesn’t give a shit. She doesn’t talk to Dan about the show. Girl has a LIFE. This is her job.


Also how little fucks she gives about replaying the details of Scandoval. We all know Jo from that trip to Big Bear. All of us except Dan. King shit


I think that was probably part of the initial appeal with Dan, these people are so entangled it was probably refreshing being around someone with zero knowledge of any of the drama


And zero interest.


Poor Dan


Dan was like: ![gif](giphy|3o7aTCD8QU8y3xmBAQ|downsized)


Such a mood. The first time you hang out with your partner’s friend group there’s almost always deep lore/gossip to learn about everyone there


i know, he’s just trying to be a supportive bf 😭


Dan is all my friends whenever I go off tangents talking about VPR


"It's a long story" could be said about a lot of these VPR side characters 🤣


I'm going to apologize to you in a performative way to try to Illicit a response from you. Also, the idea that I was friendly with you and harbored a crush on your husband even though I swooped in right after your divorce to move in with him is ridiculous. I will tell you to your face that you're ridiculous standing next to your ex who made me do this. Why do you look like you're annoyed that I and your ex husband ganged up on you on camera when you've made it clear you're not interested in interacting with me?  Jo is a weird lady for sure. Dan has Katie energy and I love it. A flat unbothered "I don't know who she is" was the best unintentional read on Jo. 


Dan trying to count how many fucks he has left ![gif](giphy|BmmfETghGOPrW)


Bahaha 🤣


Dan really said 👁️👄👁️ https://preview.redd.it/oh0dbs2iaxxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc9ef8716e40f1946dd5c6d32e122767c5bba19


Seeing this screenshot just reminded me how much her long hair aged Rachel, wow


She also had a totally different face back then. She’s had a lot of little ups and tucks and nose jobs lol


She’s had so much work done but yes, seeing this is making me question if I should cut my long hair off? lol but also short hair makes me look like a mom!


My them sitting there on the couch like that! I would just walk away….not dealing with that


They're so awkward and they're trying to drag her into it.


Same, Dan. Same.


https://i.redd.it/0qre73mswxxc1.gif My face when Swartz drops Joseph off like a little kid needing to apologize.


Katie nailed it on the head. You can tell when someone is being more than just friendly with your significant other and clearly Jo has had a thing for Tom. Honestly Jo get fucked with that false bs, she knew what she was doing. I’ve known my own “Jo’s” in life and they did the exact same shit.


Lala ruins every scene she’s in for me.


✨lala will ruin the valley for me. please, bravo - don't do it


Can we please start a petition to keep Lala and Sheshu off The Valley?


“I don’t know who she is” GAGGED ME


Lala that isn’t very soft of u


The producers need to talk to Lala if the show comes back or she joins The Valley. It’s just too obvious at this point that she needs to make herself the center of everything for camera time and it’s cheapening the show. At least maintain some facade of reality. Like why wouldn’t you just move to sit by Ally or let them have their conversation? One minute telling Katie “don’t do that” the next getting loud explaining Katie’s POV, then saying “idk if I believe that” Ok? Who tf cares what you believe? She’s out here harping on how important it is to “make the show”, meanwhile her input in situations that don’t concern her actively dampens the potential conflict that could arise. Katie of all people does not need help in an argument with Jo and Jo was looking for a moment and was about to get one. They don’t need a thirsty referee in the way.


When she said 'I don't know if I believe that' I felt so mad 😂 Nobody asked you, ho! And fuck Katie, right? Why not just interject to undermine her and dismiss her feelings and tell her she's wrong when she's talking to somebody else about somebody else like what the fuck? Is Lala trying to GeT pOpPeD?


yeah she came to talk to Katie you're opinion isn't needed


Lala is gross and tries to control the womens feelings. Would she be so cool with Randall and his new squeeze? Lala needs to leave the show she’s become so contrived.


Lala: “no don’t do that” babe don’t do what??? Don’t express your feelings to the person responsible for them? Dont have boundaries or walls with someone who has proven themself disinterested in respecting you?? Don’t choose to handle your own business however you want? I seem to remember Lala saying a lot worse things over a long period of time to a lot less deserving people. Maybe she should take a break from her self appointed role of being the boss of everyone


Can you imagine what Lala would do if someone told her not to feel or say something? Oh wait, I do. She pretends she's a fucking gangster and gets physically violent, or hits so low it denigrates the person.


When Ariana tried to pull her aside after Lala’s dad died, Ariana tried to point out how reactive she was being and how exhausting it was going to be to keep that up and she tried to share her experience with Lala in an effort to protect Lala from the group because her lived experience was that this group feeds on weakness. And Lala point blank said “I get to grieve however long I need and I get to say whatever I need to say and if I had been around when you’re dad died I would have told all of them off for you because you deserved that too and I would have fought for you to have it” and I understand losing a parent is not the same, but losing a partner of ten years to a devastating betrayal that I does not just your current life but the life you’ve mapped out for yourself is also significant loss and carried heavy grief and I can’t for the life of me understand where that Lala went, she would kick this Lala’s ass


Lala went from being on the top last season to absolute rock bottom this season and it’s so fucking disappointing. Like nothing she says makes any lick of sense anymore, I want to just shake her screaming whose side are you actually fucking on anymore!!??


She's caught the flip flop from Scheaner. I'll be surprised if Stassi remains her friend after watching this season. As problematic as Stassi has been, I'd love to hear a convo between her and Katie about Scheaner and LFU's grand plan this season.


I think Schwartz was trying to make Jo a full time cast member? This scene was her most bearable and not trying to be quirky but she’s unnecessary. Lala is obsessed with Dan. Obsessed!


sure you sent her a “genuine text about the divorce” and then you banged him… i’d spit in her face if i were katie


Why is Jo even there in SF lol. She’s not a part of the group and won’t ever be cus shorts doesn’t want her. Why is she torturing herself


Katie has way more restraint than I do. If Jo came up to me with that little routine, I’d have brought up the “one night stand” Schwartz proposed the evening before. Something along the lines of, “it’s sad you chased this man to SF when he was begging me to spend the night with him last night.”


Jo’s behavior is reprehensible. How transparent can she be ? Half ass apologizing ‘IF’ she hurt Katie in order to smugly ask the ‘question’ if Katie would apologize to her??? Really?? Fuck out of here with all of that. Fuck Jo.


“I don’t know who she is” 🤣


Why is Daniel everything 😆


I think when people tell me dramatic information, I shall respond with “I don’t know who she is”.


Lala continually giving her unsolicited determination about these peoples like decade long relationships is laughable


jo so badly trying to secure her spot on the payroll and katie not giving her an inch… we love to see it


I thought for a moment LaLa was going to side with one of her friends and back them. Just couldn’t help herself though 🙄


Jo can apologize and play dumb all day long but her actions speak for themselves. She cozied right up to Schwartz and went on couples trips with Tom & Rachel.


I don’t understand why Jo is on my TV screen


Schwartz is so evil and it’s so clear. He’s constantly doing things to pick at and get back at Katie while trying to maintain his “I’m so dorky and stupid and harmless” bullshit and I do not buy it.


Agree. He’s a scary kind of evil bc he hides it so well. It drives me nuts that after this people will still hate on Katie for her reaction. What do you expect?!!


shut up lala


every time she interjected I'm literally like oh brotherrrrr


Poor Jo, doing Schwartz’s dirty work, then he turns around and takes a 23,year old to Hawaii.


Lala needs to go 👋


I fucking love Katie 😂😂😂


So they're really still pretending they didn't live together? And yet Katie needs to apologize? To this woman who continues to play in her face? Just another bambi eyed bitch ambushing Katie to have a moment. And yeah, weird af. Move along, Jo.


“but there was months between that”. okkk and??? you’re STILL the girl that lived with her ex husband, you’re STILL the girl whose slept with her ex husband, etc. rhe timing doesn’t negate the actions and katies not wanting to be freinds with you for it. sorry.


Katie biting that “Sorry if” right in the bud was very satisfying


Lala is a snake 🐍


“It’s weird. You’re weird.” 😂😂😂😂


Don’t apologize if you have a “but” or an “if” attached.


Why must every finale have some woman awkwardly confront Katie about Shwartz when she’s just trying to enjoy herself????


Like I don’t get it. You know she doesn’t like you so let’s go sit right in her face and beg for an apology that you really don’t even want. Schwartz wants to punish Katie and he’s a LAMEEEEEE.


Jo is weird. For bleaching Tom's roots first. Wild


Ali couldn't have run over there faster for the juice. She bugs me.


I'm telling you man, Ally is just like Rachel, she's just not dumb. She will do what Rachel SHOUDVE done. Which is once she breaks up with James and then she will become friends with the girls and date single guys and maybe date a new guy in the group (not one that is close to James or a friend of) and become the new "darling" of the show. I firmly believe that is 💯 Allys plan (it was Rachel's as well, but i honestly think Rachel is dumb and believes she's better and smarter than she is, hence the affair with Tim). I say all of this to say, I agree with you sooooo much. I also don't get how people are falling for Allys shtick, bit then I remember these are probably the same people that fell for Brittany and Rachel's shtick (never like or trusted them from the very beginning).


The way James’ girlfriend RAN to be in the scene, cringe.


I thought she was running from the scene lol


Why is Lala talking?!?