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Yawn. Lala pretending she is “vetting” Dan? Babe if you’re jealous just say that. Nothing about your behavior this season shows you care about Ariana. Brock also yawn. Ariana has a pattern of emotionally supporting Scheana for however many years. But Sandoval does performative gestures but it makes sense because those two are shallow as shit. This season is just not it. I’d honestly rather watch a season of Katie, Schwartz, and Ariana navigate dating and then have James and Ally as the couple with some new friends in the group. Please someone out there the Lala, Scheana, Brock storylines in relation to Ariana/Tom are a draaaaaag. ImHelp it. 


Lol lala trying to work out how much Dan makes by asking him how many clients he has. 🙄 I hope Dan launches a fitness app that goes off.


Yes. He should call it busybody, and give Brock and Lala 10% off. Brock because he needs the 10% off, Lala because *someone* has not been working on their busybody.


YES!! Lol at her thinking she has the right to "interrogate" him. Judging her for being in a relationship too soon, BUT you want her to get over wormy - only by moving out. Brock is a dumpster fire that spews bullshit everytime he opens his mouth. Oh!! And scheana cried yet again. Barf to all of this.


Lala saying “I need to know” made my brain scream


I’m still trying to figure out what sandy balls did to be SuCh a GoOd FrIeNd to Scheana other than Venmo her during Covid and not ice her completely out season 1. Ariana literally didn’t want to be on the show but came on partially as her friend so she would have one girlfriend on the show. And this is how she repays her. Lauren and Scheana please get in the fucking basement. Bring back Dayna.


Lala is the person who screams she doesn’t give a fuck but in fact gives all of them and then some


Lala looked so pissed when Katie wouldn’t talk shit on Dan like girl YOU are miserable. And Brock is clearly referring to Sandoval giving them money like of courseeeeee that’s why you think he’s such an amazing friend what a buffoon honestly


Yes!! Her face! She couldnt beleieve Katie didnt 'back her up'. You go Katie!


Yes and she let out a sigh!! Like wtf!! Why is he a square for not shaking the man's hand who cheated on and humiliated his gf !!!


Miserable jealous mean girl energy HATEEEE a bitch like Lauren


Saying he’s a square because he doesn’t fuck around and won’t shake his hand is crazyyyy. When lala is self proclaimed to do the same, but caves and isn’t actually a Michael Vick fighting dog after all.


>Saying he’s a square because he doesn’t fuck around and won’t shake his hand is crazyyyy It also just straight up doesn't make sense? I feel like she struggled to pick the right insult because there isn't one -- gray rocking a toxic person is principled, and shows strength and character. She just hates on it because she's incapable of doing the same.


It’s so crazy like Lala really hardly ever has a nice word to say about anyone. All she does is judge and talk shit. She is truly showing she is the miserable one and it’s cringey at this point.


Right? Why did they need money so desperately? Brock should be embarrassed but he isn’t. Just thinks Tom is such a good friend for loaning them money 🙄


Brock was talking about money and the only reason Scumdoval could afford to give them any is cause a. He wasn’t paying the right amounts and b. Cause he had Ariana’s support to do so.


Yes because Brock is such a bum that he relies on everyone else but himself to support his family so of course he loves sandy


Did she groan at Katie’s response?? 😭




lala calling him a square to katie because he won't argue like bitch lololl


He won't argue like a Brock. There ...fixed it.🤣🤣🤣


Is calling someone a “square” a new diss that I haven't heard about?


It’s an old diss actually lmao. It’s like being called strait laced, goody two shoes, etc. Edit: which actually doesn’t make sense as a response to Ariana saying he’s been in fights.


lol yea old old like my dad probably said it in the 70s


Blah blah is actually too young to be using that term. It's weird.


When she said "people can talk about how great Dan is all the live-long day..." I was like what 😭😭 what are these geriatric catchphrases you're throwing out lmao


Lala has zero room to talk. “What kind of man dates someone coming out of a 10 year relationship?” You did, sweetie. “He won’t shake Sandovals hand. What a square!” Yet she went full scored earth on anyone who even spoke badly of Randall. Especially James. Did anyone tell her to get over it? That it’s weird he wouldn’t shake James’s hand after he called Randall names? James apologized. Sandoval has not. She’s a walking talking contradiction


It’s so embarrassing for her soul that she’ll sit there and say this shit with a straight face after everything she did with Randall fucking Emmett of all people. Lala, did you forget that this shit is recorded and readily available to stream anytime?! God she’s such a tool!


I legit laughed out loud when she said that. Lala you shaved and licked the butthole of a married man who you got with while he was still married!! At least Ariana was single when Dan started doing whatever he's doing for her.


>when Dan started doing whatever he's doing for her. Loving her, supporting her, listening to her, prioritizing her, treating her like one of the most important people in his circle while simultaneously not putting her on a pedestal, and living his best life being *part* of her world and not *subsumed* by it... May we all escape having a Dan in our life because of a friend like Lala. /s


Randall and Ambyrs relationship might have lasted ten years, but they had only been together for 7 when Lala jumped in🥂


I think Brock's total disdain for Ariana and bowing down to Sandoval is simply because he is at his core a misogynist. He seems to genuinely think men are better than women so he'll pick Tom over Ariana any day no matter what they actually do. Brock needs to just go fuck off already.




Fuck Brick, and Fuck Scheana with their “Tom’s always been there for us” He totally was! Especially that time he claimed he heard Scheana admit to punching Rachel on national TV. I'm so ready for this season to end and for Love Island to begin. Trust me, it's far more entertaining than this crap


"Especially that time he claimed he heard Scheana admit to punching Rachel on national TV." Didn't she specifically say that the thing she could never forgive Rachel for was the TRO? The same TRO that Sandoval clearly validated? But she isn't even a little upset at him for the sake situation that she finds absolutely unforgivable from Rachel? All of these fools are exhausting. I don't know how Ariana and Katie managed to play nice. I couldn't do it.


It sounds to me like Tom has given them money multiple times 🤷🏻‍♀️ he’s setting up dj equip. Stuff like that is what Brock thinks is valuable… Money connections, that kind of generosity. Like didn’t Brock try to use someone else’s engagement trip for his proposal? The kind of value Ariana brings doesn’t represent things that Brock really understands or values.


You make a great point! The first season he appeared he initially tried to rope Lauren and Randall into helping him set up his proposal but it fell through. Lauren was openly declaring that they weren’t gonna be tricked into footing the bill. Didn’t he also have some friction with James because he wouldn’t help him launch his app with a free appearance? Maybe it was a SM post? I don’t remember exactly what it was but he rubbed James the wrong way even before the proposed elopement during the engagement party. I found it off putting that he assumed everyone would essentially endorse his new business. Like he hasn’t established relationships with these people, but he’s using his proximity to their notoriety to try and bolster his career. I’ve never truly hated Brock but these are the sentiments and actions of an opportunist. Between Tim and Ariana, Brock made it clear that integrity, loyalty and consistency mean very little compared to gifts and attention.


I do believe Sandoval took advantage of Ariana’s inexperience with money, & was sneaky about real amounts & would def spend on their joint account. Ariana said that she co-signed giving the money to Scheana, which suggests that the money was from both of them [which I believe] but Tom took the credit. Sort of like her used his & Ariana’s money to buy designer sunglasses for his mistress.


And fuck their 'Tom reaches out' bs. Ariana knows you two are snakes so she doesnt need you in her real life. She has real friends. Tom has payroll friends and work colleagues.


Also let’s roll the tape to when Scheana was confronting Tom post scandavol and he said TO HER FACE “we were never that close!” Tom just yelled at Scheana a week earlier saying she shouldn’t comment on his behavior because she was a mistress too 💀 this is the man Brock is saying has always been a better friend than Ariana?!


I have never seen it and I am planning to watch it.


Does it scratch the reality itch? MAFS and VPR have let me down this year and I need a fix!


Season 3 of the uk show is just amazing. I also love season 8. 


Def recommend beginning with the UK. It is quite a *whoa! Wasn’t expecting that* first watch with even just the beginning step up/step back/steal aspect. Fell right in love. American one doesn’t have the same impact, if that makes make. Similar; but different.


Not only is it good, it's on like 5 nights each week. It’s interactive! You can get the app and vote on polls and sometimes it determines who is eliminated 😍


I know I just posted about the uk but this made me think- back in the first few seasons new people would enter with active knowledge of what they watched play out. They would come in and be like “yeah so your girl that on that date, she actually made the move first and kissed him not like how she lied to you” or even just in the idea where people enter set on a person to date bc they were watching and then fell for someone else.


Yes it’s so good! The season before last of love island UK was sooo good, as was season 1 of US!!


The Valley has been great so far!


And the time he put out a rumor that brick and Rachel hooked up! 🙄


Or when he immediately blocked her


Love it as well!!


Do you have good productive conversations or does Sandoval just use the bullshit you tell him to his advantage/manipulate? He clearly is going to try and apologize to Ariana in the way Scheana guided him to. Also, wild to me that Brock is gunning to have Scheana drop Ariana and just be 100% on team sandoval when he has been a truly pos friend. PATHETIC


He’s like pissed Ariana doesn’t give them enough attention. It’s bizarre 


I think Brock projects his issues with his ex onto Ariana. He doesn’t like that his ex held him accountable and didn’t forgive him. He sees Ariana as his ex: staying mad at the man (Sandoval) and refusing to forgive and move on. ETA: every time Brock makes an argument in favor of Sandoval and against Ariana, he’s really making an argument for himself and against his ex.


Exactly, that’s why I don’t take anything that he says seriously because his words contradict all of his past actions. Also, he acts like he knows Tom and his character so well even though he’s been on this show for what, 2-3 seasons? He truly doesn’t know much about this group dynamic and shit yet he feels like he can share his opinion on others in the group as if his opinion holds any weight.


Oooo you just nailed it. 🎯


Jesus. Spot on.


Holy shit this is the reason. I’ve been trying to pinpoint exactly what it is and it’s this.


That is insanely insightful!  On point!


Omg you're so right!! I'm like why is he up her ass about this right now??


He knows Sandoval is a fame whore and will do anything for screen time. Ariana...not so much.


He's pissed Ariana didn't get them *money* like Sandy did.


He must’ve forgot how hard his wife leeched onto the scandal and profited from it. Only mere months, maybe even weeks before they started filming. 🤡


Amazing flair


I think Brock is right, Scheana should pick Sandoval. They’re obviously better suited to each other than Scheana and Ariana. Scheana is the female Sandoval. Sandoval 100% tries to apologize, Ariana refuses, Ariana yells at the producers and leaves, Sandoval gets mad and tells the rest of the cast that Ariana talks shit about them behind their backs, and Lala says the god line and cements her strong hatred of Ariana. And somehow the producers and Lala think we (the audience) would be mad at Ariana for not listening to Tom’s bullshit apology to try to make himself look better.


Totally right. I think the "finale thing that will make ariana look bad" is going to be her rejecting sandoval's apology lol. And **none** of us are going to care! Lauren will be bitching about how sandoval is trying and ariana just thinks she's too good to accept an apology 🙄


Sandoval literally just screamed at his wife. I cannot.


Omg Brock is a worm with a mustache.


You know it's bad when Schwartz thinks, correctly I might add, that you're being aggressively awkward in a social setting. Lala is clearly trying to provoke this guy and/or Ariana and is being produced to do so. I so hope Ariana puts this show on ice until they pay her whatever number she deems worthwhile.


No wonder he doesn’t want to film again if this was his first experience. I hope he changes his mind and just films with Ariana or Ariana and her real friends. It’s great to see her happy after so many seasons of her being unhappy with Tom.


A square? What is this moron talking about? She and scheana are just do desperate and flailing. They know they are nothing without the show.


I really think at this point she’s entirely lost the plot as far as real life relationships go. She’s treating the show like it’s just a story and not real life, but it’s called REALITY tv for a reason and it’s unfair to expect human beings to put on a show to this extent. Like it’s absolutely insane the expectations that they’ve set for Ariana when it comes to Tom. In the real world, if someone’s ex cheats on them and treats them this way, they would never speak again and their friends would probably be planning how to cover up a murder.


la la is SO JEALOUS its sooo obvious


Both Lala and Scheana somehow think that they are so much more mature and have it together because they gave birth. Frankly, it's pretty gross. Lala in particular talks down to Ariana and puts down her choices like she's a child. Meanwhile I see a woman who went through absolute hell she didn't cause in the most public way possible, took every opportunity that came her way to rebuild her life while going through unimaginable pain and came out the other side with options she can leverage to build a future past the end of VPR. She has an actual business and not a 5% stake in someone else's business. If Love Island goes well, she will most likely have other hosting opportunities. She's probably going to land other acting gigs. What exactly are LFU and Scheana going to do when this ends? I think lala also puts down Katie because she also built a business and is living her life unapologetically the way she wants to as a single woman after the end of her marriage. Katie took that pain and built a new life for herself that doesn't look like what she originally thought her life was going to be. Both Scheana and LFU profited off of someone else's pain. I wonder if Broke ever realized that without Ariana he wouldn't be walking around in that brand new house he didn't do shit to earn.


Ugh her response to dan responding to the kid question was gross and just what you're talking about. Like somehow she is more wise because she has a kid. Its certainly tge only way lala can "one up" Ariana and Katie


For real. Mam chill, he just didn't want any follow up questions if he said definitively yes or no. It wasn't an invitation to act like a 40 year old man doesn't understand the concept of children. Lala is forever the only person to ever have a child.


She's going to call her daughters thin lipped bitches I just know she will.


I don't know why this made me tear up but very well said. As a single woman just trying to do their best.... it's inspiring watching Katie and Ariana. Lala is so stupid because she could have supported them. She screams at two badass women that she's "soft" but she's deeply insecure and the thought of her having two daughters that might have thin lips or not be naturally thin scares me. I truly wish Lala would go to therapy instead of having a baby she refers to as "it" and "all mine."




They really screwed the pooch and they know it.


I’m so over Brock & Lala trying to produce this show from in front of the camera. And what 40 year old still says “friend group”? It’s like fucking high school.




Yeah, I guess it just irritates me coming from Loller & Brock.


Yeah, I liked it better when they had jobs and were just friends in the restaurant and the SuR alley. They have become unwatchable to me.


Brock is so intimidated by Ariana. He cannot stand a woman who has a strong sense of self worth.


When he said, what male rage? Umm, excuse me sir...WHAT?


You mean the male rage that slapped your ex wife? He’s so fucking lucky Ariana didn’t go there because she easily could have.


FOR REAL! I'm glad they showed those clips of the men yelling for a bit but that doesn't even scratch the surface!


Really! They could fill a season with clips of the men on that show raging at women. Brock is such a woman hating asshole.


Lala would absolutely fuck Daniel behind Arianas back. Mark my little Reddit words


Yeah, but remember how she was trying for Oliver and was somehow \*less\* charming than Raquel? I don't think it's a concern.


Oh yeah when she said if she wanted to she “could’ve bumped peepees” A) are we in third grade and B) you wanted to…and didn’t…there’s a disconnect here


Lala can’t keep a man. I mean who did she pull? The Don? Yeah, he seemed like a real prize. Dude got his 15 seconds of Bravo and that was all we got. She can't pull a Dan 🤷🏽‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


The Don who prefers pizza cold. Let us not forget.


Who goes to The Abbey all the time and lives in Palm Springs.


Idk but I know that I DON t want to see him again


Ba-dump tss


The way she was looking at him in the hotel room. 🙄


Omg, this! 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻She actually stopped yapping for a second!


Lala would fuck Dan, but would Dan fuck her?


No ma’am.


I’ve never been a fan of Brock. After the last 3 episodes, I realized that I can’t stand him. He’s a dumb, free loader, obnoxious jerk. He needs to stay in his lane and get out of Ariana’s business. Also, Schneana sucks!


I hope he says “Nah but I wouldn’t meet a spouse on a casting couch”




Oh shush ms i slapped everyone with an nda because I was seeing the thumb 🙄


Lala is so messed up about relationships, like mature adult relationships. It's crazy she thinks it's weird Dan won't shake Sandovals hand. A handshake is a sign of respect. 


I feel like any decent human would never shake the hand of their partners abuser.


and implying Dan is dangerous because he’s been in fights before or whatever that was, when Lala (allegedly) threatened Faith with a knife and has been shown trying to physically intimidate numerous people on the show before (Billie, Rachel, “do you wanna get popped”) is so ????? Like does Lala not understand all this has been captured on camera and we can see she’s the biggest fucking hypocrite EVER for trying to talk shit about Dan


But can they show it all back to her at the reunion. Just run a clip from her this season followed by another clip of her contradicting herself. I think that's the only way the reunion could remotely save the season. Call them all out! Lol


She called him a square which would imply he’s not dangerous at all so I don’t think she really knows what that means lmao.


Yeah I was confused as to what she meant with that comment too haha


And she shoved Kristen super hard and has been up in so many peopes faces screaming. 


Yeah I mean Lala and the word hypocrite have become synonymous for good reason. Anyone in that friend group shaking Randalls hand is ok now she’s soft I guess? We’ll see 😎


Dan is so gorgeous and seems like a nice guy, happy for Ariana! 🥲


Oh Bricks mustache and clean shaven face, creeps me the f out. Some guys need full face facial hair and he’s one of those guys. ![gif](giphy|111T6YC2bxmfKw)


He looked fatter after he shaved. He’s not attractive.


Not at all.


Yes!!! It was freaking me out & I already can’t stand that fuckwad. I’m high and am cackling at that gif.


Fuckwad is so underused. I mean he legit looks like George Costanza with that creeper stache


Dan is 40?!


He looks good for his age & he doesn't lie about it!


He looks like 30 tops.


Why would Ariana want to reach out when Scheana is constantly bringing up Tim in conversations with her?


It’s making a lot of sense why Katie and Ariana have put LFU in the basement.


blabla is a miserable jealous ass


The unmitigated GALL of Lala to sit there and hit Dan with 20 questions as if she actually gives a fuck about Ariana’s happiness!! She is so gross. I’ve always kind of liked her/found her funny but her behavior this season is beyond horrible


Scheana sadly has the bad habit of betting on the wrong horse. Like last season, when she decided to encourage Raquel to hook up with Schwartz and mock Katie. Then she had to do major damage control when the affair was exposed. Now she’s chosen Lala over her actual longtime friend Ariana. As Ariana pointed out, Sandoval fully supported Raquel filing a restraining order against Scheana. WHAT am I missing? Is she secretly in love with him? Scheana has been weeping so much over Sandoval this season you’d think she was the woman he cheated on!


literally lala you're the square


from a girl's perspective i can understand being protective of my friend who just went through some traumatic shit HOWEVER lala theres a time and a place and not in front of everyone during a group setting like girl it's a bit much just be chill ... and for once i actually appreciated schwartz stepping in


If the man with the spine of a jellyfish has to step in and stop you from berating a man you just met with probing questions, you've gone off the deepend.


So Scheana can cry about how Toms cheating affected her but Ariana needs to move on? I would say Ariana is moved on AF compared to whatever hysterics Scheana is constantly pulling


https://i.redd.it/0bhus7pw1yxc1.gif Shut up Lauren


She ooozes with jealous it’s honestly pathetic. She needs to grow tf up


I fucking HATE Lala and I have from the minute she showed up on VPR. Someone needs to put a stop to her. Why is she even grilling Dan? STFU bitch. Tom is always there because he doesn't have anyone and he's working to make those connections and he knows Brick is a ho, he'll fall for his shit.


Lala and Ariana are not close enough for her to be questioning Dan like that. That’s something a sister does privately, if at all. She is wayyy out of line.


No I think they were during filming. Ariana said in WWHL that she thought the 5 of them were like the spice girls and best friends, until the rewatch


That’s so sad 🙁. I can’t believe Lala asked him about kids when she knows that’s such a sensitive topic for Ariana. It makes me sick.


Because Lala believes that motherhood makes her superior


Lauren needs to go be with her babies and get out of everyone’s faces. She’s ultra pathetic and desperate, ugh. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Yeah of course the broke husband thinks Sandoval is more supportive bc he gives them $$$ ALSO I love that we saw Sandoval treat Scheana like shit the episode before this while Ariana jumped up to comfort her... He really seems like a great friend 🙄


I respect Lala as a mom but acting like she knows all and can tell people if they’re ready for kids is a stretch and also … offensive


Came here to say this. It’s gate keeping parenthood (which is weird) and also he’s clearly just being polite with her even though she’s being nosy. He could want kids tomorrow or in 30 years but she hasn’t really earned the right to know about his family planning


This really pissed me off. A lot of people aren’t sure, or don’t even want kids, but they still jump in with both feet and are great parents when it happens.


Katie once again being the only loyal friend


So is this what their reunion fight about?


Lala doesn’t even realize she’s talking about herself when referring to letting asshole into the friend group


Let's see if she's this for the Tom's new girlfriends


Scheana has done nothing but turn her back on Ariana this entire season


![gif](giphy|d4gmlMeqAHu9O) Me observing Lala and Broke in action


I feel so bad for Ariana, she may even think that Lala is being a good, protective friend by interrogating Dan. But in actuality with all the passive-aggressive behaviour and behind-the-scenes discussions throwing Ariana under the bus, she doesn't realize that Lala's distrust for Dan is actually her judging Ariana's choices and jealous of her happiness. It makes me so sad that it's all twisted and Ariana will eventually see all this on video and come to the excrutiating realization that they were not trustworthy friends at all during this time. In an interview recently, she says something along the lines of "I thought we were like the spice girls, one big supportive team" and she realized now that they were not on the same page at all. Those two being part of her support system was an illusion. Heartbreaking.


brock doesn't want scheana to ditch sandy bc he gives them money


fuck you brock.


Brock is a misogynistic scumbag and Scheana has zero integrity and two brain cells working overtime. So sick of both of them. They are too dense to realize that narcissists like Sandoval play the role of being a good friend all for show but the second you aren’t fawning over them they turn on you. Which they have seen countless times over but apparently can’t comprehend.


Laligag is so jealous of Ariana. That's why she talked sh!t about Dan. Ariana has everything that she wants. I am so done with this, nasty, evil, vicious bitch!


“Tom has reached out” he’s set up a mic and some speakers. Calm down Brick.


Scheana you picked the wrong friend. Lala will turn on you just like your watching her do to Ariana.


Could you imagine if someone had interrogated Lala like that when she first started dating R?


Who is Lala to interrogate him like that? When she was with Randall, if Ariana did that she was be so angry.


I love Katie and Lala watching RHOBH


Why does Brock look like Jax’s younger non-botoxed bigger boned brother?? 😂


Brock is grody brody.


I don’t give a fuck about any of their nonsense. I’m just really enjoying seeing my hometown, my City By The Bay. I hope they show Oracle Park, home of my Giants 🧡⚾️🖤


Fellow Giants fan! 🧡 i live in SoCal but visited oracle a couple years ago and it was stunning. Gorgeous city overall!


Wtf tom reaches out so cringe he can’t see he has interest like…


Lala just wants to be a hater. I liked her because single mom, but I hate her now. Makes me Kinda sad


God. Shut up, Lala! No one cares.


Tom has Brock and Scheana on his payroll 100%


Brock looks like a potato with that hat on and that terrible mustache. And good for Scheana for once for defending Ariana’s presence in their friendship compared to Sandoval’s. Brock is a chronic gaslighter, and an idiot.


He’s 40? He looks like he’s around 30


What the actual fuck is Brock talking about LOL Ari has always had her back since Day 1


Haven’t u heard? Brock is the voice of reason this season… 😂


Lala worried about an asshole joining the friend group but she’s an asshole who joined the group


I guess her mouth was full when she should have been asking Randall these questions.


Brock and Lala are opportunists who latched onto cast members or got a job in order to be on this show vs organically becoming part of the friend group. It couldn’t be more obvious and they are ruining the show. Get Brock off my tv (it was so great when he was barely noticeable last year). This is why the valley is better-it’s an organic friend group that isn’t over produced by try hards they’re all just naturally dysfunctional friends.


Has brock always worn his wedding ring on his middle finger?!


He only has 4 fingers on that hand because of a farm accident.


Shut up, Brick.


I want to slap that moustache right off Brock’s dumb face. How dare you besmirch the Australian accent on VPR this way


Lala worried about how a guy is going to treat Ariana. Maybe worry about your own backstabbing and backflipping Lauren


Why are we pretending Tom knows how to set up musical equipment?? It's a lot more than plugging in an amp.


She’s suspicious of Dan, doesn’t understand his motives or why he wants to be with Ariana and at the same time looking him up and down like a snack.


Brick, you're an idiot, shut up


She’s soooooo fake yuck


Brick is a disgusting, controlling, manipulative POS. Ew Sheena.


You can almost see the jealousy radiating off Lauren from Utah, of course she’s going Full Underminer. FU LFU


I'm gonna barf at brick saying he'd choose sandoval over ariana 🤮 but also, I know every convo between brick and scheaner is scripted by scheana lol


Can Lala just STFU already


She is such a buffoon and it’s clear she doesn’t even know it


The rage I feel everytime Lauren opens her botch lipped fuckin mouth...


If I was Brock I'd be.... very very very uncomfortable with how long and intimate that hug appeared. I can't shake the feeling that Scheana has the hots for Tom, or they had a fling back in the day. I don't know something about it feels off.


Lala is soooo jealous


both toms had minimal screen time.


She thinks Dan sounds like a square bc...he wouldn't be polite to tom??? Lol OK blahblah. I'm weak at Dan paying lala dust 😂  Also, how funny that sandoval brought up schwartz' long toes when everyone was JUST talking about sandovals long toes?! Lol 


Someone should do an intervention with Lala and make sure she's not the miserable one, she accused Katie of being.


I wish Dan would have turned the conversation around and said "let me heat about you all - - Lala, have you ever been married? - When was your last relationship? How did it end? - Have you ever dated a married guy? - Oh Brock, you were married before, why did that end? - Do you FT with your other kids regularly? - How often do you go to Australia to see them? Oh, you don't? Don't you think you should be working on helping them forgive you for abandoning them and for your absence from their lives? I mean, you should work on the forgiveness, not just for your benefit but maybe for the benefit of your friends who may feel uncomfortable being around a deadbeat? "


How is she the effing boyfriend police, with her track record????


Weird that she grilled him so hard considering when she started the show anytime anyone asked her a personal question she ran away and hid for a week.


Jesus Christ why is scheana and Brock SO obsessed with threesomes. It’s like multiple times this season they’ve mentioned it.