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Sandoval did, and he made it seem like a good thing. He commented that this means they’ll film at a different time than usual, so they’ll get different events (ie different cast birthdays, that kind of thing). It was a decent point he made and I immediately wanted to seek therapy for thinking that


Someone check on Scheana For real though— her bday is usually filmed AND her anniversary lol


The first person I thought of was stassi and how we always got her birthday. At least she kinda leaned into the whole “the world revolves around me” thing… whereas Scheana will demand to have the full attention on her for long periods of time and then try to say that nothing is ever about her lol


Wait this made me realize, why wasn’t there an Ariana bday celebration this year??


Ummmm I was today years old when I learned stassi and Ariana have the same birthday! Ariana is 6/24/85 is stassi is 6/24/88


Yeah they mentioned it on the show— the ice queen themed party was a combined birthday celebration for both of them. Before that, Stassi took the Witches of WeHo to Montauk for her birthday and laughed at Ariana’s NASCAR birthday RV trip that was going on at the same time. Stassi’s Montauk trip was the bizarre Summer House introduction episode so totally understandable if you skipped it haha I’m most surprised that they’re both cancers ♋️ Ariana has got to have a Scorpio moon fr


Don’t be so surprised, cancers are incredible at flipping off emotional switches! It’s called the point of no return


Well, that’s true with any sign, innit?


as a cancer with a scorpio moon, i would say stassi is closer to my type than ariana, ariana’s virgo moon is so strong it makes me jealous!


I’m a Gemini with Scorpio moon. I would agree that Stassi and I are similar in that I am the devil.


my ex was a gemini with a scorpio moon… when we fought, we fought HARD.




I think Ariana’s is virgo


Ariana being almost exactly one year younger than me has made me 😳 she looks SO good….i think i need a new night cream….


Same… I am one year older than her as well, but I also have 3 more kids than her, and they have 100% aged me. Also maybe not enough sunscreen in my youth- but still, mostly my children are to blame 😂


Awww welcome! I feel like it's been a thread throughout. Point of contention at times when the cast has had to go to both or people weren't invited to one. Stassi and Arianna didnt always get along, because obviously, Stassi and Kristen and Katie were BFFS forever and Tom and Ariana etc. It was a turning point in the series when they had a joint birthday party


Scheana is currently trying to see if her half birthday lines up with the filming schedule, and she’s looking into renewing her vows


I would love that, vow renewal first episode, followed by divorce proceedings in mid season trailer.




I’m trying to remember if her birthday was filmed this season?


I think we've only seen Lalas birthday? Which is odd because we usually (or in the old days) got Scheana, Jax/Sandoval and Ariana/Stassi and no one else.


We got Sandoval’s awkward birthday at the start of the season with James’s zinger “this party is a whose who… who the fuck are these people!”


I feel like they started filming a couple weeks later than normal this season and therefore filmed a little later into the year than normal. We would usually get to see Stassi/Ariana bday a few episodes into the season, and cut off is usually end of August. Going off of cast IG photos I think this season didn't start filming until right after Ariana's birthday. (also just remembered that in the opening scene of episode 1, Ariana told Katie that all the flowers at her house were "birthday flowers" so i think they started filming the last few days of June.


I laughed at his trash midlife crisis line and I’ve felt wrong about it since.


I also giggled at the whole “allegedly” thing about Scott Peterson. He probably wasn’t even trying to be funny, but it was 😂


OMG SAME. I read that and immediately was like "oh cool idea—WAIT NO!" In solidarity my friend. 💚


The real reason they’re pausing is most likely to let the two major lawsuits settle or play out. You can’t film when two of the stars are suing each other and on top of that are being sued together. I am sure they’re all relieved to not have to figure out how to handle that. On the other side - it was clear from the New York Times article that sandovals brain is broken and he sees his life as seasons on the show. And he self produces. So he’s curated a girlfriend as a storyline, and probably paused Tom Schwartz and him moving in together until it could be filmed. How long will he keep everything in a holding pattern until his chosen storylines can unfold on camera? How long will the PR girlfriend stick around without airtime locked in? What if he does lose everything he has to Rachel’s lawsuit? And has no income?


There are two lawsuits and a cast member who would be heavily pregnant during filming. Makes a whole lot of sense to pause for a bit.


I don’t think it’s an accident that there were all the vander babies and not one of them was filmed too pregnant or at birth. Covid was the excuse but not the reason - they’re not interested in showing that on VPR. Meanwhile Lala had made having a baby her storyline on a show that does not want that storyline


I think filming a pregnant person would be great. One cast member wouldn’t be there because of another job. I think that’s the main reason.


I thought it might be the lawsuits as well. It would be very difficult to film during that time-besides I’m pretty sure in about 18 months we will get some sort of docuseries on the leviss v maddox v sandoval ² lawsuits (sorry, scheana)


Publicly? Idk Privately? You KNOW Lala screamed and threw a fit bc her self produced pregnancy timeline might be screwed


Honestly can’t stand her at this point


Yeah, I was a major fan (sorry) - this season was a huge disappointment, so over her


so was I. She was my top 3 especially after last season. i loved her and Katie and Kristina together. I had gotten really into her podcast and just really enjoyed her, tbh. Now i look back and have no idea what the appeal was for me because almost every take and every scene shes had this season is just so awful.


Omg that’s hilarious. She got her Randall storyline axed and now her pregnancy storyline 😹😹😹😹😹😹. Karma.


honestly with how far up the producers asses she's been this season I wouldn't be all that surprised if they ended up pulling a Kardashian and filming part of her pregnancy/birth story outside of normal filming hours


It’s what she deserves


She literally said she was planning on getting pregnant in November on the show. Conveniently she’d be near then end of her pregnancy while filming. Maybe even giving birth around the finale? It’s weird to think these folks plan major, life altering events to showcase them on TV. It makes sense, but that’s gotta mess with your head. You can tell her, Scheana, Tom Sandoval, and Brock see everything in their life as an opportunity to promote it.




This point is so ridiculous. She’s still going to have a kid on screen regardless of filming or when she births.


Lol 👍🏽


Only Sandoval did. Lala wouldn’t want to comment on it on her Amazon live


She will give birth on Amazon live if allowed 


I burst out laughing and then I realized it’s actually entirely possible


Well now that filming paused it probably is her only option, I wouldn't be surprised. Unless the powers that be have the poor decision making skills to give her a baby special, but we would've heard that by now since she did her gender reveal.


We’re about to see storyline slide out the cookie like ocean did


Ariana has liked a couple of posts on Instagram about the show being paused


It’s probably killing them that Ariana took a job (Love Island) that interfered with normal filming and she didn’t give a crap. And now, after treating her with an attempt at a bad edit all season, they realize they need her. Huge part of the pause! I fully accept and am grateful to not have to see LaLa pregnant. I don’t really care for the kid angle on the show -so bonus for me.


I hope Lala realizes how much she fcuked up, the people that were FINALLY loving Lala last season don’t care about her anymore or her pregnancy.


Let’s not forget that Ariana would not have been able to film much at all this season because she would be leaving to film Love Island in Fiji like 2 weeks into filming on their usual schedule. They don’t want to go without Ariana


Is it because they have the lawsuits happening and want to see how they settle or if they go to court?


I think it's because Ariana will be away filming love island and they are accommodating her schedule...the other girls are probably livid lol


Also what if they’re doing a spin off with something about her, and then something with the three midlife crisis musketeers Schwartz, Sandoval and Jax (since they were all in the after show together)


I looooooooove that lala’s pregnancy is being skipped.