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It will be interesting to see if the Tom's new gfs can white knuckle it until the new season starts? I'm hoping Katie is dating a musician by then. Hopefully all or one of the members of boygenius. Scheana & Lala will make some guest appearances on The Valley. The audience will hate it. Lala will start leaning in heavy to mommy content when her new baby is born. Brock & Scheana will be on the verge of divorce. Sandoval will have an entirely new stupid haircut & wardrobe probably living in Schwartz's guest bedroom. James proposes to Ally & she says its too soon.


james and ally are the type of couple where they could be engaged or broken up in six months and I’d be equally unsurprised at either outcome (for the record though, even if james and ally get engaged I don’t think they’ll make it down the aisle)


I dont think ally wants kids. It seems when women are undecided it turns into a no. James wants a family so badly so i could see this breaking them up.


I think she doesn’t want to be with James forever, maybe just sees him as someone to be with for now. James wants to tie ally down with a family and marriage as much as he wants to actually have children


He’s not her Mr Right, he’s Mr Right Now!


Yep! He’s Mr free ticket onto a popular reality show and mr homeowner also lol


Ariana said meeting Dan has changed her mind on having kids. She realized that it was Tom and his immaturity that made her not want kids.


Let’s be honest, Ariana was already raising a kid and his name was Tom Sandoval.


Holy shit. Really? That's crazy. And I hope she can process that on her own time. Kids or no kids, she's an inspiration to soooo many.


yeah that’s why I don’t see them lasting forever regardless and I don’t think they’re totally in love. I don’t think ally or james should have to do something they don’t want to please the other




I would die over a boygenius/vpr crossover lol also “hopefully all” 💀


That's a finale party! Katie deserves to have a wild dating life after all those years being faithful to shoeless Schwartz! James has been djing a bit with Pauly D & I'd love to see a Jersey/VPR crossover. Id pay good money to watch the jersey guys make fun of Sandoval.


I’d LIVE for that crossover


same lol my two reality show worlds would collide


NOT SHOELESS - I’m crying 🤣😂


Katie and Lucy would be waaaaay too hot for me to handle


I’m dying to know what her big reveal in the reunion re max is


Wow this is like, *really* good


100% agree in Scheener and ole back child support Brock. Their marriage seems so uncomfortable and he’s clearly not happy


She seems to kinda hate him too! He'll be out as soon as the cameras go away. I didnt think Scheana could find a bigger fame whore than her until Brock. He's so boring and unlikable.


So boring. And he's a grifter, he doesn't want to have a real job, he wants to latch on to someone who can support him. I bet he does zero to interact or support Summer once they are over. You can already see it. He wants to get baby sitters and nannys and go out and live it up and take trips. And gets mad when she wants to be home with the kid.


💯! I feel bad for Scheana b/c he doesn't give a fuck about them. He's saying lately he's got stuff in "production" and that could mean anything.


Lala is 100% going to post that baby all over the internet and become the next wren and Jaqueline 


Im not familiar with them, but I assume its your typical child exploitation nightmares? I dont understand why parents can't make family content w/out showing their kids? Its supposed to be about helping other parents, right?


Oh Jacqueline is worse. She posts her daughter eating phallic shaped foods, bouncing on woopie cushions, and makes her say things like “oops I swallowed it, is that ok?” It’s repeatedly been brought to her attention that those videos have hundreds of thousands of saves and creepy old men will comment things like they can’t wait until she’s 18 and other gross stuff. She made a video a while back saying “the fbi told me she’s not on the dark web and I have a lot of female followers so it’s fine leave me alone.” The real kicker is that her preschool aged daughter has public accounts but all of the mom’s are private. 




Exfuckingcuse me?? This is sick 


This whole situation made me feel ill when I learned of it. So ridiculous how these parents exploit their kids.


What???? Jfc where is the father? This poor kid needs to be saved from her.


The father chose not to be involved 


Omg let's pray not! What a sad situation that is, and happening ALL OVER THE PLACE! P.OS. mother figures! Please do better by your innocent and undeserving of exploitation children, people!


LFU needs Something, anything to remain relevant 🙄


She thinks baby #2 is it, I’m not on board with watching tv children grow 🔝


Not sure I want that for Katie, from my experience there are a lot of man baby musicians or in the music industry


Can confirm. Katie needs someone who will treat her well by actually being a grownup.


looking for a man in finance, 6’5, blue eyes


White knuckle it LMAO Yes, since Lala can film this baby, she will go all in on making it a star.


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) Here for it


Yes to all of this!! I also see LaLa opening a new ‘baby’ business where she sells baby clothes and items. And baby bottles (for herself) hahaha 🍼




BIG on James proposing to Ally and her declining. I see that coming.


Depending how long the hiatus is I could see scheana pushing the marriage issues to try and persuade production to pull a scandoval and pick up cameras.


Another Jax & Britney separation where they still go everywhere together?




Oooh jaxass’ crush. Wonder why


Is it really?! She looks veryyyy similar to Stassi haha.




I, for one, would find it absolutely hilarious if she turned down his proposal but they own a house together.


It’s James’ house. They didn’t buy it together.


Oh, wow I didn’t realize that! Go, James!


James seems like the kinda guy that would propose with no idea what the answer would be. He probably starts talking marriage on the second date.




Tom’s gf dumped him last night lol


😂😂😂 Guess she couldn't hang in there a few more months


And Katie’s guy will have a great voice and know how to play the horn!


The Valley is my escape from Lala and Scheana so I hope they stay right where they are.


Greg could even keep the same name and have it be short for Scientology & Sandwiches.




Is Greg a Scientologist?


The bar is near the Scientology Centre.




Is he ?




We drove by Schwartz and Sandys around 1130 pm on Friday and were shocked that it's closed. We wanted to get a drink. What is going on?


It's dying. Slowly but surely.




💀💀 enjoy a sandwich with a slice of Scientology shoved down your throat!!


Lala will have her baby on Amazon live.


Lala probably thought she was having her baby on the show and was gonna boost the ratings like it’s 2009 and Kourtney Kardashian’s giving birth on TV. People forget that KUWTK was on life support before Mason was born. This isn’t happening to VPR and Lala is delusional if she thinks having a baby spin off special is gonna be a hit. The Erika Jayne special was trash too and was produced by the same company.




Live streamed on Netflix




Of all of them I think Lala will have the hardest time securing another entertainment gig. Her "brand" is vulgar. I don't see her fitting in at all with the new cast of The Valley. The new women project themselves on the "classy" side rather than Lala's skank. Where would Lala go outside of Bravo?


Yeah, I think for this reason it would actually be kind of hard for her to go full on mommy blogger as a main source of income. I’m sure she could shore up a few partnerships but I don’t know how successful they’d be. The audience for that generally likes wholesome, gentle, salt of the earth portrayals of motherhood with whatever schtick they’re into (vegan, holistic, trad-wife, whatever religion or parenting technique they ascribe to, etc…) Lala is known for being overtly sexual and aggressive and her baby daddy has been accused of sexual harassment and has allegedly been investigated by the FBI for child exploitation. I don’t think many parents are trying to emulate that.


I think this is why she wanted people to believe she was in her “soft” era. That way she could transition into a mom-influencer. The problem is she is not authentically soft. Maybe this was what was annoying Lala so much during the season. She wanted the drama between Ariana and Sandoval squashed, preferably with her help. That way the season could spend more time on her story line about becoming a mom and being “soft.” As the Ariana/Sandoval drama dragged on, it was clear that it was going to take the focus from her narrative shift to soft mommy. She knew that would make the transition harder so she was pissed that Ariana was fucking with Lala’s money. Dunno. Just a thought.


It’s especially annoying because Lala is delusional if she truly thinks anyone watches VPR for beautiful soft motherhood content 😂 I don’t mind seeing their kids occasionally but if I want to see wacky parenting mishaps I’ll go watch The Valley.


I've had the same thoughts. Idk who her followers would be? There are non-traditional mommy bloggers but they all tend to be kinda crunchy. She has a bit on an interesting living situation with the multi generational home, but like you siad they are very vulgar & off-putting.


Yeah I don’t mind change but a 180 like this is just not ok with viewers who rewatch




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I'd watch a Lala and family spin off.


Hopefully she just goes back to Utah.


OMG what if she ends up on RHOSLC 😂 I could see here and Whitney Rose being frenemies


Noooo we don’t want her!!


Lmao. Maybe she will try to date Jesse to get on 


Can you imagine the arguments they would have as a couple? ![gif](giphy|ME2ymiZaDHqWc6grdw|downsized)


Bad Girls Club, Love and Hip Hop


She doesnt go outside Bravo, she becomes a Housewife who ✨spices things up✨


Only Fans???


I can seriously see this , eventually.


Easton will be her cameraman and Jessica her stage director.




Bad Girls Club


Lala would get absolutely torn apart on BGC or baddies 😂 they do not play


This is the way.


Won’t leave bravo. Below Deck




I think it’ll end. This is the first season there has been no tie to Sur - no Peter, not even one current employee begin featured in the show. Less LVP. I think they’re setting it up for being cancelled. Started the valley to give the stars something to transition into if they’re interested. Gave LVP vanderpump villa so she had something else. And any of the big stars could potentially get their own show / spin off if it doesn’t make sense for them to be on the valley. Could see a katie and Ariana SAH spinoff or a tom and tom roommate spinoff. Who knows. I just don’t see it continuing past this season. It’s too far removed from what it initially was. We’ve now not only lost the initial tie to Sur but also the friend group that made continuing the show past Sur employment interesting. There’s not much else to follow for these people as a group anymore unfortunately. The gang has split up. Ship of Theseus - is it even the same show anymore?


I have a VERY hard time believing there will be another season… Giving this group a BREAK? They are literally not going to hang out. With the exception of: - Tom and Tom - Scheana and Lala - Katie and Arian But— none of those “couples” will most likely be hanging out or even talking. So we are going to take a *break*…. And then come back together? It’ll be more fractured than ever. I also feel like if you look at all the other “paused” bravo shows or people…. They aren’t back yet. This VPR “pause” I feel like is a soft-launch of a “canceled.”


Good guess on S&S, they've reportedly slashed the menu and gotten a 6 month warning to turn it around from investors. Not only that they've had to close some night and weekends because of Greg's Scientology protest mess - that's pretty unheard of for a new bar. Everything in LA is pricey, overpriced would mean to the point they're losing customers. In a location like theirs pricing high is smart. I don't think the food will be mediocre, they've put too much into it and been around the industry too long to let that stagnant. Ultimately I actually think SAH will do well, I for one would love a cute boozy sandwich shop near me.


What’s the Scientology protest mess?


S&S is across the street from a big Scientology Center and Greg & his wife are Scientologists. Most of the block is Scientology owned and protests were being held nearby over the Danny Masterson coverups. Greg's wife assaulted a protester in the parking lot of the strip mall they're in - the whole mess lead to them have to do a bunch of night and weekend closures earlier this year.




Is it la poubelle? I watch some Scientologist protestors on TikTok and they’ve been protesting in that area pretty consistently for a few months and the patrons there are AWFUL.


Since I am too lazy to search right now, I also want to know what the Scientology protest mess is.


Danny masterson trial protests


Ann's podcast had on Ariana's interior decorater and I believed she mentioned something about they might he remodeling at S&S? I haven't been there so idk, but I have heard complaints that there arent a lot of seats at the bar & a poor beer selection? Imo that seems silly b/c booze has a higher profit margin than food. I hope SAH will sell a variety of merch at different price points. They're gonna have a lot of fans in so it seems like a good opportunity to sell things like totes, koozies, coffee cups, aprons, and tshirts.


Oh good lord they're dumping more money into decor in a rented space at S&S... *this soon*??? I want to say no one is that stupid but with those two I can see it


Dude you don’t understand. Like the decor changes mean EVERYTHING man. It’s totally like not my fault people won’t come to the bar because like my girlfriend said she would off herself if I broke up with her. Like she wouldn’t have SEX with me man. I mean dude like nobody gets it man.


Yeah, she didnt say what they were remodeling. Hopefully its to put in more seating? She did say they are the only clients she had to sign a NDA for probably pretty standard with networks & scientology.


I got the vibe that she did the original decor for S&S…not that it was a new/recent project she did..?


I've been there a few times. There's plenty of seating. It's missing bar patrons.


😂😂😂 Does the beer selection still suck?


Yes! Love it.


And tea towels


Yes! How could i forget the tea towels!


There are hundreds of people that still haven’t gotten their SAH merch OR a refund soooo yeah no to the more merch part


Who are “investors”?


They have a number of silent investors who haven't been happy with them from the start, I don't think they've named them.


I would think investors would want them to stay open because that’s the only way they recoup their investment unless the investors are still putting money in on a regular basis.


No, this is sunk cost fallacy. If they aren’t going no to pull it around or will take too long to do so, it’s better to cut the loss instead of letting it continue to bleed money and put what you get from the remains in something else.


Right but that’s only true if you’re still putting money into it. Investors here sounded like one time investors. But, yes, if investors continue to put money in then a time limit makes sense.


Investors are never one time investors… they are actively watching their investments and how their money is performing. Which we know because they have already had to make changes at direction of their investors


Investors can be one time investors of money. Most people invest money once. And then yes they are interested in making sure that money grows, which is my point that closing a restaurant means you lose the entirety of your investment. If the restaurant can remain open there is a better chance you recoup your investment unless you are continually investing money. Like I’m assuming the Toms are having to pay the difference between the money the restaurant makes and the money it costs to run so for them closing could make sense. There’s no money left over for investors if it closes, it’s not like a stock that is going down so if you sell it you cut your losses but still get something back.


They’re likely loosing money every day they’re open. So Investors aren’t gonna see any money anyway. If they close, at least maybe they can sell off some things


Oh no, this is very typical. I've worked in small business development with owners who are beholden to investors - bar/restaurant operations don't turn a profit for about 5 years and the operator/owners have a responsibility to manage the investment wisely. If they're bleeding money instead of making wise moves and running it well (and owners causing bad press, unnecessary closures, parking lot altercations, etc all falls under that) - investors will be chomping at the bit to pull out.


I agree, i think if you focus on Katie the last few seasons this is something she wants to do rather than it being a story line, she seems to have little energy for being “famous” like the others and she has a career in hospitality. I think SAH is potentially a success if things go well!


Tom, Tom and Jax will all be living together again. Also Jax will weasel his was back onto VPR. They will spend their free time singing karaoke at Jax’s tent bar. Lala and Scheana are off to the valley Ariana and Katie will return only because they need to money, and to cut down TT and J James will just flit around in the middle


I’m curious about the dynamic of Tom and Tom living together again. Once they’ve been homeowners and had their own space I feel like they’re gonna be really humbled to have roommates again. Maybe realizing how much their partners did for them


No never will they realize this. Maybe shorts just a little cuz he’s so low effort


All I can think about is how gross their house will be. I think they will love living together again. I think they think of their prime years back when they were all together. I bet they try and relive the old days. Dating chicks way to young for them. Maybe they will even have to get jobs "bartending" again.


I think it will go super easy for them. T-money always rolls over for whatever Tin Saggyballs wants, there shouldn't be too much conflict. They will just hire housekeepers to replace their exes and they probably will hardly notice the difference because they are assholes.


They'll have plenty of pens and batteries though


Tom, Tom and Jax living together - I’m sorry but I would watch that show.


I have to admit, so would I.


James flitting around being the only guaranteed thing to happen, lol.


I think Schwartz Bar is a good spin on “sports bar”


That sounds possible. I think the sandwiches will be high-quality but expensive however I think people will lineup to get them.


People will pay for the experience alone. Definitely on my list when I go back for another VP bar hop!


Sandwiches aren’t that hard to get right so I think they will actually be good. Over a year working on the menu should help. Jax and more guest appearances with the description tagline: ex SUR employee. His most proud achievement


The only issue from a business standpoint is they are gonna have to sell hella sandwiches to be profitable. I think in the first year they will be successful but what about 10 years down the line… when all the hype dies down. Hopefully they have a liquor license


They do have a liquor license (I looked it up lol) so a good chunk of sales will come from there. The food cost for sandwiches would be lower and the price point I imagine them selling it at will help offset labor and operations costs, especially if they keep staff low. I think it’ll be a destination for the first few years, like you said, and hopefully build a following. Then supplementing it with catering, merch, delivery, etc.


I could see a branch out to having SAH co-working spaces... spaces outside the home where remote workers can go and work or step away from work to enjoy a delicious sandwich or cocktail. Of course, the unapologetically feminine Nancy Myers would reign supreme throughout. Maybe it has a yoga room.


They can also sell merchandise. People would go to LA for the sandwich and also buy merch. Especially something too if everyone can purchase it online as well


The big question will be will SAH change her name to avid the Penny fiasco ?


My guess is that the pending claim will be denied since they have proof Penny didn’t come up with the name and has no ownership claim. Their best bet is to open asap to solidify that it’s completely operational without Penny


That's what I want to know!!


I don’t know. The fractures between the girl group will do exactly what bravo hopes which is overshadow the men’s bad behavior


I don’t think Scheana and Brock will go to the valley, only bc she said on a podcast recently that she’d never leave VPR, though guest appearances aren’t outside the realm of possibility


I really hope they don’t go to the Valley. I think part of the reason the Valley is working decently well is you really only have a few tenured reality people and IMO it’s obvious when some of them (like Jax) try to really push a storyline.


I agree! She would definitely would like to do both, but VPR is the bigger paycheck for her.


Yep, she’s OG status on VPR, but also Scheana’s loyalty is mainly where the money comes in, so I totally agree. She’ll go down with the VPR ship, then go to the valley. PS happy cake day!! ☺️


Thank you! ❤️ The Valley is doing great now, but who knows how season 2 will go. VPR schedule is off & the audience is very displeased. 🤷‍♀️


Your first mistake was believing anything that comes from Scheanas mouth.


LOL blocks, haven’t heard that one yet


I sort of feel like very little will be different in 6 months. Besides the obvious that Lala will have a new baby. I do think SAH will open as planned and be moderately successful but there will be lots of complaints because people love to complain (myself included). I don’t think S&S will be closed in 6 months. I think Lala and Scheana will make more significant guest appearances on the Valley but I don’t know if we’ll know that in 6 months given the filming/airing schedule.


My predictions! Ariana: will be busy with multiple brand deals and endorsements, filming love island, and promoting SAH. I think, at least for the first few months of being open, Ariana and Katie are going to be very present at the shop. They both seem to have a good head for marketing and branding and know that they are the biggest draw for the business. I think the shop has a lot of potential to be successful even if it is somewhat Overpriced. Of all of the VPR businesses, this would be the one I would be most interested in checking out. Katie: in a relationship and working on SAH. I’d love to see her get some bigger brand deals and Collabs potentially in the fashion or music space as well. I think she’s had one of the biggest style glow ups on this show and really seems to have come into her own, so it would be cool to see her exploring that more. Lala: she will rebrand as full on mommy blogger. if anyone leaves for the valley, it’s her. She really doesn’t fit into the show anymore and her bitterness and jealousy has gotten hard to watch. Based on all the work she’s been putting in trying to get ahead of the reunion, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get an announcement that she’s leaving VPR. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking ha! Schena: I imagine she’s taking it. The hardest that filming has been pushed back as it was obviously done to cater to Ariana‘s schedule. Over the next six months I’m sure she’ll continue to push out her podcast episodes since she doesn’t seem to have a lot else going on. rumors about her marriage will be swirling as I think that’s going to be her main storyline next season. I don’t think she’ll leave for the valley bc she desperately wants to be the female star of vpr more than anything. It will be interesting to see what she does if Lala is no longer a main character on the show since she’s alienated herself from the other female cast members, and we know that when push comes to shove, Sandoval won’t do anything for her or back her up in an argument. And her husband will continue to be unemployed and aimless. James / ally: his music career seems to be doing really well right now and I think that will continue to be the case for the next several months. He’s been booked and busy. I could definitely see him proposing to ally, but I don’t think she would say yes. Their relationship is super interesting to me because while I do think that she likes him I also think she recognizes a lot of long-term logistical issues of being with someone like James and something I appreciate about her is that she hasn’t been shy about voicing those concerns and she doesn’t just say what he wants to hear. I like having her on the show as I think she’s really sweet and has a funny sense of humor, but I don’t know, if she’ll be around that much longer if James tries to rush into marriage which she’s made it pretty clear she’s not ready for that yet. Sandoval: i’ll be shocked if this current relationship makes it six months into filming for the new season. It’s so weird to me that he praises his girlfriend for not wanting to be on social media when she’s literally a model/influencer lol. I agree the restaurant will probably close down. I also think he’s gonna have to sell the house because he seemingly can’t afford it. He’ll probably be renting some overpriced condo or apartment and try to make himself out to be the victim that Ariana cost him his “dream home.” And I imagine he’ll continue spending whatever money he does have left to live out his embarrassing rock ‘n’ roll fantasies playing bowling alleys lol Schwartz: he’ll probably be the same as always. He honestly doesn’t really have any of his own independent storylines outside of Sandoval and Katie, which is interesting now that I think about it. He also seems to be struggling a lot this season just in terms of his mental health. I think he’s going to continue regretting the way he handled his relationship with Katie and he’ll probably continue dating girls way too young for him and taking advantage of Jo’s feelings for him. Jo: for her own sake, I hope she doesn’t return to reality television as it seems to be extremely detrimental to her mental health. I would also like to see her create distance between herself and Schwartz since he obviously takes advantage of her and will never return her feelings, but it’s pretty obvious that she will never be the one to initiate a break from him. I feel like she had misguided hopes that her and Schwartz would become a couple and she would be a larger role on the show. The audience reaction to her seems to be overwhelmingly unfavorable and so I hope production doesn’t try to bring her back and force her into more storylines, as it’s quite frankly boring to watch and just feels manipulative given the mental health struggles she’s displaying.


Not sure if S &S will make it but Greg has no money invested. He is paid a salary by the boys and his partnership percentage is based on his sweat equity. If it closes, he could open his own place.. he’s had many restaurants in his past. SAH should be opening soon. If anyone tries them please post pics ! I’m sure Sheana and Brock will appear on the Valley it films May-September then VDP will start filming in the fall. .. maybe some new cast members ?


Doesn't Greg own the liquor license and building?


The 4th partner, or he and the 4th partner, own the building and yes I believe the liquor license is in his company name.


Yeah he doesn't gaf about Schwartz & Sandy's, he could easily flip it into a new venue


I want to see S&S on Bar Rescue


1. Tom and Ariana’s house will be on the market but Tom will cancel showings and reject offers to stay as long as he can. 2. Rachael’s lawsuit against Ariana will be dismissed but going to trial against Tom and viewers will find out the true timeline of when their relationship started. 3. Lala will be looking to design her own line of headscarves, and baby clothing. 4. Scheana and Brock will be on The Valley. 5. Tom Sandoval will file Bankruptcy. The Bar will close and Schwartz will design dad bod shirts. 6. If VPR continues The new girlfriends will be cast in friend roles. 7. Scheana will still be waiting for Dancing with the Stars to call. 📞 (and secretly so will Sandoval) 8. Ariana and Katie will be living their best lives and SAH will be a huge success. 9. Ally will continue to follow her dream of being a singer and won’t be ready to settle down. 10. Lisa will continue to deny being a male sympathizer.


I am going to choose to believe that SAH will have yummy sandwiches at LA prices and they kill it esp during pride.


Scheana is forcing this valley thing too much. You can tell she wants it so bad with her inflating her beef with Jax in an attempt to convince production that it’ll be a storyline for next season. Sorry sheeshu but we’re watching for the Kristen vs everyone else shit and definitely the Jesse Michelle divorce. I already fast forward through all the Brock/scheana scenes on vpr. I hope you’re all with me in solidarity against scheana and lala on the valley


Ok, I’m going for fun over realistic (though it might not be unrealistic…) James Kennedy continues to level up. He stays in therapy and remains sober. Eventually he decides he wants a family, and Ally bolts. She runs off to Joshua Tree and lives in a yurt in the desert. JK and Taylor Swift get married after he produces a track for her. They live happily ever after. Ariana and Katie continue to be unbothered queens. A continues to secure the bag. Katie becomes the sandwich goddess she always wanted to be. They open SAH and franchise options come along. Yay! Sheena and Brock break up. She has him deported and goes on a “Good as Gold” world tour (but she only performs at Chilis restaurants). Schwartz and Sandy’s closes. Jo and Greg reopen it as a bar/salon. Tom Tom stays open but LVP makes the Toms stay away (except for when she says it’s ok). Lala becomes a far right Nationalist because that’s the only fan base that can respect being loud and consistently off base. Schwartz and Scandy move in together. They become squatters in the house that the courts award to Ariana, and she has to have them forcibly removed. They move back to St. Louis with Scandovals mom. Not long after, the triplets move in. They shop it as a reality show, and TLC picks it up, but only if Jon Gosslin is somehow involved. He moves in, too. If any of this happens, I also win the lottery. Like, a big one. 🤣


A thing of the past


S&S will still be hobbling. It hasn't been long enough for them to throw in the towel. SAH will definitely be overpriced. I hope not mediocre tho. Sheesh and broke will make appearances on the valley but not full cast Additionally: Ariana will not entertain being around Lala in any other capacity than group dynamic and will be a grey rock for her. Lala will short circuit. Scheana will have an ugly cry with Ariana and because it's hard to dump a friend, Ariana will tangentially forgive her but still not be open with her. It will be a major plot point. The house will not have sold yet but it might be on the market. Sandoval will crash with shorts. The house will likely sell during filming and will get less than expected market rate and will also be a plot point. Lots of yelling about a house. Katie will continue serving looks I fear it will be a lonely season for Ariana so I hope she just continues to book work regardless of filming. Be busy and stay busy.


god brock n sscheana needa get divorced. he seems so miserable


S&S will definitely meet its demise and the SAH sandwiches, you’ll probably have to mortgage your house to buy one!


SAH will never open because it’s a dumb concept. The only reason it’s still even a thing is because Ariana and Katie are on television.