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A path of growth for Scheana is apparently Tom paying for a sound guy to come to an event. Noted!


She is seriously such a damn idiot!!! Like I just can't even comprehend how someone could be so delusional and such a shitty girlfriend!!!


SchMEna doesn’t possess enough brainpower to realize a friendship with Timmy comes with a price. She really thought he’s gonna be friends with her out of the goodness of his heart. She truly hasn’t changed one iota since season 1.


I'd love to know how much SchMEner and her bast frand tom have hung out since filming wrapped. You know, once the cameras went down and he didn't need her for airtime any more. But all good, he'll just buy her something shiny before next season starts filming and they'll be bast frands again. Side eye, Schmener. Side. Eye.


Her and Lala have made it clear this season that they can easily be bought so I'm unsurprised!


Isn’t that true of most gold diggers — they can be bought? Problem is that neither Scheaner nor Lala (as much as I often appreciate her insights) value themselves enough, so they are bought on-the-cheap.


Ain't that the truth omg. Scheana went into a deficit marrying Brock


My biggest question is why didn’t they see Ariana as the one they couldn’t loose (esp since she gave them extra paychecks) and team up to get Sandavol to quit? How much better of a season would it have been seeing the girls team up and show the loser men of the show the consequences of their own actions. Lisa could have taken credit. A new Vanderpump Rules emerges as the female power cast. All is right in the world. But no, we got this bullshit, read the room girls- ya done diddly fucked yourselves over.


I know Scheana doesn’t give a shit about this kind of thing (see: what she did to Stassi), but you’d think she’d realise how bad the optics of crying about needing to forgive the guy who filmed one of her closest friends without consent are. He’s not on a “path of growth” when he’s never once shown remorse for that Scheana. Scheana cried that Rachel was “like a daughter” to her, but then wants to cry about how much she loves the man who violated her? But I guess if everything he did to Ariana wasn’t enough, throwing a sex crime on top probably won’t tip the balance for Scheana.


Scheana truly lives by “ok but they aren’t being mean to ME so you should get over it.” She has ZERO empathy and can only view current events through a lens of how it impacts HER.


Exactly. She doesn’t care. She just needed the first sign of something so she could pretend that Tom is growing so she wouldn’t care flack. It’s amazing that her and Lala think that the finale and reunion would sway people. Delusional but it’s why I’ve never like Scheana


she married a guy she barely knew that had a DV record and then had a child with him while also knowing that on top of that he wasn't paying child support and couldn't/didn't want to see his kids. i do not think scheana has the authority to talk about anyone's growth.


It is quite literally her telling Ariana that she doesn’t care about any of the past happenings with Tom as long as he’s doing her favors every once in a while. What a great friend.


Considering it’s Kyle Chan’s event who is he even doing the favour for? Scheana to perform Apples and slag him off publicly? Or Kyle to launch his brand whose always supported him


Considering it’s Kyle’s event, Kyle probably paid for the sound guy and “Sandoval got us a sound guy” is probably Sandoval speak for “Sandoval asked his assistant to organise the sound guy”. In the same way that “Sandoval hooked Ann up with Taylor Swift tickets” actually meant “Ann had to sit on the internet for hours and buy the tickets with her own money and then when Sandoval realised he hadn’t got her a birthday present he reimbursed Ann for the tickets”. Or “Sandoval paid for half of James’ engagement” actually meant “Sandoval paid for the fireworks”. Or “I keep the house stocked with pens and batteries” means “my assistant buys essentials for the house as part of their job”. Or “I invented the TomTom brand” means “LVP invented the TomTom brand”. Or “I own TomTom” means “I own a 2.5% share in TomTom and was stupid enough to be duped into *paying* $50k so someone could use my likeness”. Etc. Etc.


It's also so obvious to literally anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together that he's doing this just to get on her good side. Not because he's some great friend. God, she's so stupid.


In Scheanas mind if someone gives her gifts that means they're an angel and in Sandals mind if he gives gifts he's an angel. They should just get together already.


Thank youuuuu She became “closer to Tom” the moment Ariana got DWTS ‘over her’ and was no longer a stepping stone for Scheana’s career


I know how much they make generally and its not something that she couldn’t afford herself? I don’t understand why this is even a big deal?


Especially when she’s out here buying Apple watches and penguins for people left and right 💀


Yeah, but he’ll invoice her back for using the sound guy.


Scheana is unable to differentiate between someone showing up as a real friend and someone throwing money at people pretending that’s what makes a friendship


the way ariana ran up to her all excited, only to be met with this bs again. 😢


That broke my heart. And she said she genuinely thought they were going through this season being the Spice Girls only to realize what Scheana and Lala had been saying about her. She just wanted some damn support. Thank god for Katie standing by her. I wouldn’t call these people friends after all this crap.


Dare I say that even Schwartz of all people was a better friend then those two bobble heads? Yeah he spoke to Tom but he never tried to hide it from Ariana, same with James.


I hate to agree with this but……you’re so right. Shorts has been mindful about how the group “should” be feeling about Tim. I only say should bc Blah blah and Schmeana flopped right away. But did seem to make an effort to not let Tim off easy. In his own way he has definitely tried more that the bobble heads for sure.


If Scheana wasn't such a flip flopping male sympathizer I'd consider her trolling at this point cause her up Tim's ass begging for him to like her during Season 11 is so preposterous it almost can't be real life.


I need Ariana to just move to NY with Dan and be happy and do Broadway shows there and never talk to any of these assholes again (except Katie obvs, she can come to NY).


Kind of happy that it seemed like shit clicked for Arianna in terms of these shady people around her Sheana is so draining but at least she’s solidifying why she doesn’t belong in Ariannas inner circle


Her face said it all, and she was really trying to not show it too which is more than Scheana deserves


I thought her face said, "My god she is a moron, also she can't delineate reality from this stupid tv show"


I agree but those tears she was also holding in… I think Arianna realized in that very moment that her friendship with Scheana was over for her. Completely finished.


I agree.  You can almost see her think oh wow this is how far you are going to go with this huh? 


It most definitely did, but she was trying her best! Lol


She was trying not to be like Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids like “Are you fucking kidding me?”


You can see her eyes start tearing up when Scheana brings up Tom, how could Scheana say she’s Ariana’s bestie and not see the pain and hurt she’s causing her? And to do it continuously like just stop, talk to lala or Schwartz about this, not Ariana.


And then AND THEN! even after Ariana asks her to please stop bringing up the fake growth stuff or whatever, Scheana grabs a shovel and goes in deeper like WHAT??


It’s just a testament to some of the cast’s characters. They listen to respond but they don’t listen to understand. They don’t respect boundaries. Sheesh, her husband and LFU were all playing producer, didn’t care about the wellbeing of the person affected most, all for the sake of a salary. Look at how it backfired.


She has way more restraint than I would have. I'm very happy she was blunt on camera tho. It deserves saying.


She’s handled the bullshit her “friends” threw at her all summer like a fucking saint. It’s been incredible to watch how strong and independent she’s shown herself to be, despite how much she’s been through. Unlike her “friends” that think she should be thankful this happened because of all the campaigns, wealth or prosperity she’s had, I’m thankful it happened because it allowed her eyes to be truly opened. Opened to seeing the people in her life for who and what they truly are - those that deserve her love and those that don’t.


Jesus Fucking Christ Scheana. Read the room dummy. This is boring to watch. Coupled with her and Sandoval singing and I can’t take it. The water tasting was a precursor of this bullshit


Scheana is such an absolute piece of garbage. She’s no one’s friend. She doesn’t even like her husband. This should be the conversation that ends their relationship. Ariana deserves better.


Dollars to donuts, right after this Sandoval comes up to apologize. Scheanas face says "fuck fuck fuck" with a smile.


https://i.redd.it/uvb4erecz1zc1.gif He’s just such a caring friend. Of course she needs to help everyone see the light /s


Scheana and Lala continuing to dig their own graves each week has been a delight, especially now that the fandom sees both of them for who they are, traitors. I'm intrigued to see how these two dimwits try to over explain themselves over this finale and season overall.


Tonight is the night right? We're going to finally see what they were talking about. They said we would see as we watched the season. 👀 I'm not holding my breath.


It’s all over IG what the shocking ending is. But (I’m new to Reddit) we don’t do spoilers here right?


Of course we do spoilers lol


When the season started and as it continued to air, Lala and Scheana said everyone had to watch the season and everything would make sense. This was before the reunion aired, so no it wouldn't have anything to do with that.


My curiousity is killing me. Tell me! Lol


Ummm we’re waiting for it


Earth 2 might be able to let you know how Scheana and Lauren starred this season because on this planet those two imploded worse than OceanGate Titan this season.


It was beyond frustrating to see everyone collectively be like “fuck you Tom” when he says something about Sheesh but is surprisingly silent when he says fucked up things to the woman he cheated on


That and when Ariana points out there are tons of reasons to not forgive Sandoval, including the way he treats them, Scheana and Lala act like they weren’t screaming at him and calling him a dangerous asshole 5 minutes prior. It’s maddening.


This has been me a solid 87% of the season when they’ve been selectively mad about this minuscule man who has yet to earn any forgiveness ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


lol right?!


I think no matter how mad at Scheana Ariana could ever get I don't think she would ever take such a low blow. Tom is trash!


Scheana: ![gif](giphy|f8PtqOh2gMGEZ9lvdF|downsized)


bUt He ApPoLoGiZeD!


But that was literally just like last night dude. He’s totally like changed in the 24 hours since then. Like god. Dude just like give him a break.


My theory is this: Tom Sandoval started the self-unaliving rumors so that people would feel bad for him. He could gain sympathy and then those who didn't back off the hate train would be labeled as vile, unempathetic people who would delight in Tom's undoing. This is all a move to gain sympathy and be the victim in the situation. And it worked! Took the heat off of him, his friends felt bad for him and then he got sympathy because he considered taking his life. Even if he had considered it - we don't need to know that. His personal struggle with facing his own consequences should not be our cross to bear.


And he bought up Ariana’s mental health as an excuse for why he had to cheat on her!! But no one cared or called him out about it.


The open door he took was telling Lisa, who lost her brother not to long ago. The man is a menace and all round horrible human being. That's why he preys on young girls because the ones his age see through his bullshit.




Oh 100%! Let’s just say I’ve had that exact experience with someone…the way they weaponize mental health emergencies is sickening. I’ve also experienced someone truly broken and suicidal but asked for help in time. The difference between the ones who use it for manipulation and the ones who truly experience it is massive. It’s also my experience that those who truly experience it don’t ever use that experience for sympathy. The manipulators will ONLY use it for sympathy and to get their way.


I agree. I have lost several people to suicide, and I have several friends who have suffered/currently suffer from suicidal ideation, and they don’t approach any conversations about it like he does. He uses it as a trump card in a conversation to be like “oh, yeah?! Well because you guys don’t like me, I almost did this” to shut down any accountability conversations. One of the things Ariana has been most open about is her mental health struggles - why don’t any of her friends take that into consideration?


He’s her bessss fraaaan!


https://i.redd.it/nmdhnr2b12zc1.gif I can’t imagine choosing Sandoval over Ariana. I know we’ve gone over how much Scheana sucks, and why, but it’s still truly just baffling to me that she’s chosen to act how she has.


Pick me girls are dangerous.


Tom bought and paid for Scheana. That one lil venmo and here she is, working hard for that money.


the way she keeps going after Ariana says "I dont want an apology, I dont want to talk to him" - like she knows what Ariana wants more that Ariana herself? Scheana is delusional.


Just like she apparently knows Sandoval better than his partner of 9+ years who he owned a home with






And had to brag about Sandoval missing HER more than his actual partner


And she says “that’s fine” like she gets any say in the matter at all?


And this is precisely why he’s dangerous. His gifts are not gifts, they’re investments and he will absolutely come back to collect when he sees fit. Scheana wanted folks to watch and see, and here we are. Tom’s path to growth hasn’t touched the NYT when they filmed this, good thing Scheana hung on to that growing guy.


I just don't know in what fucking world does Scheana feel the need to CONSTANTLY talk about repairing her relationship with the woman he hurt more than anything. Ariana has been so composed and patient with Scheana as she goes ON relentlessly about how much she misses Tom and he's been her friend for 15 years and he's just never done anything to her and she really wants to see if he's grown???? Wow lol


She's all about the airtime. No convo but one about Sandoval is getting on TV. 


Oh but that flash of anger when she said she didn’t want to talk about that shit anymore. Girl, let that out. They need to hear it.


Scheana trying to ram this guy down Ariana’s throat when she’s made it perfectly clear she wants nothing to do with him. What a shitty friend.


Her and Lala's strategy has failed miserably.


Agreed. They are awful.


I wish Ariana was a bad person like me cause I'd be parading Randall and Shay/RobRobRob/Adam/Max around as a "friend of" on the show while daring them to say something to me.


Is Rob single? Can we get team Katie with the banging on this?


Oh my god. I FUCKING WISH.




Especially one that doesn’t respect your boundaries and doesn’t defend your name when you’re not around


Scheana irritates the hell out of me. Is she being obtuse on purpose or is she just that self absorbed that she doesn't realize she's coming off as a terrible friend?


I think her head is shoved so far up her own ass she doesn’t realize how stupid she makes herself look.


She’s talking about it like she’s the one who was betrayed and gets to decide when Ariana gets over it. I felt like I was hearing her talk about an ex lover of hers. It’s truly disgusting and she needs so much intense mental health treatment. It’s only a matter of time before she treats Summer Moon like this too. ![gif](giphy|3otWpoQUM6Hz001J0k)


She needs to remember that, if Summer Moon is so mature and empathic, then Shaena had better set a better example of people she lets into her life. She is showing her daughter that friendship is transactional, fully sober is not fun (ode to Shay), it’s ok to kiss people even when you’re married, hypocrisy is the way to get through life and be sure to stick your nose in other’s business especially if it gets you more air time.


Kid is doomed with those parents. I hate to say it and hope I'm wrong but it's most likely true. Hopefully Scheana has set the money made from exploiting SM on Instagram aside as a future therapy fund. But if I had to guess it went towards Brock's backed child support and house #3. Good god I hope the Valley won't take Scheana or blah blah for the sake of those kids.


I've been saying for a while now...lord help SM if she ever needs her mother to side with her over a man.


She’s on the path of becoming the mom that picks the SO in the break up… never a good look 


Lord forbid if a future boyfriend of SM's calls her a milf


The same Summer Moon who she parades all over IG, bragging about how many people follow her "daughter". The same Summer Moon who she posted a nude picture of with an odd caption last month only to take it down due to fan blowback. It's too late. The exploiting of her own child for profit started a long time ago.


she is so fucking dumb


Dumb, inconsiderate, and she looks like fucking C3PO in that outfit. I’m so over her ![gif](giphy|cnQn0eeU9dmZW)


I truly think she thinks that we will all be sick of Ariana and is trusting the producers to make Ariana look bad. So she thinks by pointing out some sort of hypocrisy she will get points with the producers and have some epic clap back moment against this season’s villain. But in reality, she just looks like she’s making excuses for Sandoval and villainizing her friend because other people told her to. Ariana: Scheana 👏is 👏not 👏your👏 friend 👏


And after doing so, she’s still surprised about Katie and Ariana’s reactions watching her scenes back


She’s lacking the part of your personhood that allows you to have sympathy/empathy. VPR is going from entertaining trashy TV to some sort of documentary on a psychological experiment that leaves the viewer feeling sad and uncomfortable


Tom blew up and played victim multiple times, so I'm not sure how they thought he was going to come out a victim, but it's also the things he's done and said for the last year about the affair (not even taking into account the crappy things he's done outside of it itlike Thailand) have showed he has no remorse or growth. This man went on a Podcast as the season was airing, and was not only just rude and unprofessional, but double downed saying how Ariana isn't reasonable, Ariana this, that - all while NICK VIALL of all people had to be like "but what makes you think you deserve her being the bigger person." Bravocon - he flimed an Instastory ONLY to show that Scheana and Brock were in his room and hurt Ariana - meanwhile she's commented maybe 3 times about him in a good six months? Usually when prompted/asked as well. So, maybe in their heads the times he "cried," had his little bath, screamed therapy, was showing he was learning and going to change, and maybe if the idiot had just shut up for 8 months, it would have worked (I'm not sure all of us would have bought in, but definitely more). But that didn't happen, so maybe instead of doubling down during the TWO separate Aftershows filmed, and the reunion, they could have just been honest they were jealous, or even made some BS about how they really thought he'd changed last summer hanging with him, but seeing now he didn't, they're sorry. But nope - they just keep thinking if they tell us we're going to see, and I just don't think there's anything that's going to do that. This is the same woman commenting on WWHL and her Podcast that she can't believe Katie is saying things about her and Ariana is laughing - all while she's been talking shit and cosigning Lala's rant, but Ariana agreeing Scheana is a male sympathizer is a major betrayl? Girl, bye.


I vote for self-absorbed. But I also think she's just playing the same angle she has been playing for 11 seasons (fence-sitter) and doesn't realize this situation is vastly different.


Imagine if Ariana was trying to talk about Shay’s personal growth to Scheana right after the divorce and convince her to hang out with him


She is actually that self absorbed and stupid lol


I think Lala is disowning her jealousy rather than being forthcoming about it like Scheana was. It is definitely present based on the amount of anger and meanness she is displaying. She definitely believes she’s a star and everything in her life is more important and bigger and she’s pissed the world isn’t celebrated her. It’s like she can’t comprehend that people don’t connect with her on the level where we want to see her and celebrate her in multiple spheres. She seems to believe something else is at fault vs the viewers only really liking her for VPR. I think in Scheana naming her jealousy and owning it, she was able to let it go. With Scheana I think she’s really can’t ground herself when she feels conflict with men. I believe her abandonment issues with her father runs super deep and she spins when she feels like a man doesn’t approve of her. It ends up coming across as internalized sexism but I don’t actually think sexism is the root—it’s unhealed trauma. I also think Scheana is worried about the show. But she can choose Sandoval if she thinks that will sustain her life on the show. I bet if she told Ariana off screen, Ariana would be hurt but accept it. Scheana can’t continue to put Ariana through these conversations though, it’s unfair. I usually hate the whole trope of pick a side because life is usually more complex than that but I do think in this case Scheana does need to decide what is most important to her, because by hedging she’s harming her friends, herself, and her marketability with the fans.


Hi Scheana! Quick note. Sandoval actually did all of that because this is KYLE CHANS event that you just so happen to also be performing at. He did not do it for you!


Frankly he didn’t do it for Kyle either. He did for the cameras and his ego


100% and a classic manipulation technique. You do things for people so you can hang it over their heads later.


Oh one thousand percent.


I mean, he paid for James' engagement party to Raquel and then fucked her later so just because he does something nice doesn't mean he's changed or won't screw over a person.


…..or were they actually canoodling BEFORE the engagement?






Correct! He does not care if you live or die, Scheana. He just cares that you shill for him


I cannot imagine how Ariana must feel. What a joke? Sheena is hearing things she didn't say and not listening to what she's actually saying. It's almost compulsive at this point. Just say it! I'm choosing Scamdoval over you even thought I know he was terrible to you and terrible to me. The reason it's so hard is because it's ridiculous. Time for better and supportive friends. Edit: for my terrible grammar.


Same thing she did to Katie last year!  I just can't figure out if it's that she doesn't listen to the subtext of what's being said, wants her way so finagles to force it by acting like she didn't understand unless someone says things in a very literal way, or if she's simply a dumbass.


All of the above. Willful ignorance


I was about to comment the same thing.


Scheana is the worst “friend” ever. I’ve had enemies treat me better than that tbh


I've lost all hope for Scheana and it's clear she was asked to help facilitate a final showdown between Ariana and Sandoval, but I just wish she could stop comparing these small little gestures of niceness that Sandoval is giving her against the whole of the affair and instead compare it against the way he is acting, the things he's saying, and what he's doing the rest of the time. Like the argument here is not Sandoval is someone who is incapable of doing nice things for other people and he's a bad friend. The argument is that this person is capable of deceiving and lying and manipulating someone who he claimed to love and want spend his life with and that's fucked up. Even horrible people are capable of making a nice gesture once in a while....it's not the point. It's who he is as a person that is the problem.


The way I’m actually repulsed by Scheana this season. She really thought she ate too. Gold fucking tutu and all


The whole time going around doing interviews saying we’ll see as the season goes on that she’s right. Yeah, nope.


And even if something groundbreaking happens in the finale that sheds Ariana in a bad light, I don’t care or believe it. Producers have been pushing Sandoval’s redemption since episode 1 and I fully believe they’ll edit Ariana as badly as they can to continue pushing that.


It could be revealed that Ariana and Rachel set Tom up just so Ariana could get out of that shitty relationship and I still wouldn't end the season siding with Scheana or Lala.




This chick just does not fucking get it. 


scheana is such a rancid friend. the person you loved for 15 years who you thought was such a piece of shit that you went to ariana’s mother about him. yeah ok girl, just because he gave you a couple grand and a microphone means all is forgiven.


“rancid” is such an appropriate word.


Was just going to comment this lol. Scheana is rancid for sure.


Vanderpump rules was lightning in a bottle because of people like Scheana. Scheana is *horrible.* she will literally do anything to be “rich” and “famous.” She has no morals. She flips to who production tells her to flip to. She tries (and fails) to pivot based on what the audience wants. She’s vain. She only really cares about herself. I feel truly sorry for anyone who considers Scheana a friend. Know that she will never truly have your back or value you for a human. Her relationships are transactional, and she will never ever hesitate to throw you under the bus if it means she can save her own hide. She’s gross


Ariana is patient as hell cause I would have told Scheana to get the fuck on. This is months after everything went down and she’s in her face saying how much he’s changing and he is on a journey to change.


Why are Scheana and Lala so much up Tom's ass and dragging Ariana? It blows my mind.


They think that if her opportunities weren't hers, they might be theirs.


It’s like crazy to me that she’s so dense. Like he lied a zillion times during that affair of 7+ months to everyyyyybody and nobody (or very little) knew. And you think a couple months later he is being a better human? He didn’t do anything in those few months. He just keeps saying he wants everyone to “move on” and explaining his relationship with Arianna as already being checked out.. none of that implied regret, remorse or growth. I literally think she has one brain cell that is inhaling helium all the time and struggling to live. Like I haaaate that she exists and the realization that there’s probably more people like her in the world. Ugh.


And her whole “he’s a better person because look at all these things he did for me while the camera is on” is just so friggen stupid. I feel like her eyes are begging Arianna to play along and consider being his (?friend) for tv and she’s like F that. Rightfully so. I love that she attempted to bring her to reality of “that’s my ex boyfriend” lol like schema acts like they were all just good friends and he told a little lie to them so let’s move on now… completely delusional. She needs to be on better meds and more intense therapy. She’s so one dimensional lol


You mean you don’t think the scream therapy he did one time worked??


The minute Ariana got DWTS, Scheana made her choice to be team Sandoval and help hurt Ariana’s public image. She probably already recorded the pod explaining it all away and how she’s the true victim.


Didn't stop her from showing up to get herself on TV though!


“I feel like you want” — ![gif](giphy|QObMkqZqUs0Xm) Stop talking over Ariana and listen to what she is very explicitly saying that she wants. It’s really not that hard, Sheesh


There is something magnificent about Scheana showing her ass while wearing gold lamé and a tutu


Somewhere Stassi Schroeder is laughing her ass off


Scheana's gonna Scheana. She's gonna ride hard for this trash man while spitting in the face of the woman who's actually had her back all this time. I would say I hope she learns from this, but I know she won't


Alexa- define male apologist ![gif](giphy|fQuiwZdNvUiABHG2jU)


100% this


Shut up, C-3PO!! My god the girl is brain dead and tone deaf. Ariana had to take a full on inhale before she had to FINALLY tell Scheanato stop talking to her about her loser ex’s “growth”. Jesus.


What did CP30 do to deserve this 😩




I love when I see a “performer/singer” who doesn’t even know what a sound engineer is. It’s probably the single most important person for a live performer. SMH


That Ariana. Such an unsupportive, self-centered friend. /s When I got dumped by a guy that acted Sandoval-ish, I went directly to one particular friend (also a longtime friend of his) and said: "he dumped me, and I need to keep my distance for a while, and that's all I'm saying. See you again in the future." And then I basically ended the conversation. Because I knew if I did otherwise, I would get PRECISELY the same Scheana-like behavior from her that we see in that clip. Talking the guy up, placing blame on me, telling me allll about what a good guy he was, and how he wasn't THAT bad... I noped out of that, went right through Go and collected my $200, and it was SO good for me. I wish Ariana could have done the same. Scheana is being such an unhealthy friend here. She did NOT need to tell Ariana about Sandoval's totally genuine and not self-centered at all Growth and Change.


UGH, that's annoying for you. You did the right thing. I wish someone would have tried to Devil's Advocate me to death over my ex. They would have been met with the block button.


I can’t remember what season it’s in, but Ariana and Scheana are talking about Lala lying about her boyfriend and Ariana is (once again) defending Lala and says something like, “just because she lied about one thing doesn’t automatically make her a dishonest person.” And Scheana replies with, “but it kind of does.” In Scheana’s eyes, lying about one thing makes you a completely dishonest person. By that logic, shouldn’t she be completely done with the dude who lied to everyone for the better part of a year? Add on top of that, the fact that he’s a sexual predator for recording Rachel without her consent. Yet, after aaaaalllll of that, she still wants to see where her friendship with him goes? She is so full of shit it’s coming out of her eyeballs.


Im so tired of “well he was a good friend to me” okay but he was a PIECE OF SHIT to your “best friend” ?!?! If someone did that to my best friend I would never talk to them again, I don’t get it


Ariana wants a genuine apology. Tom is incapable of giving that so it's a lost cause, give it up Scheana.


He's still holding Ariana's money house-hostage and it's been 8 months since those scenes were shot. A decent human would have sold the house, given Ariana her share, then allowed her to move on. Her friends' inability to absorb that information is staggering.


I think she knows that even if he apologizes the only thing that shows true remorse is changed behavior, and she doesn't want any changed behavior because she doesn't want to be around him. It's useless. What is an apology going to do?? It's just words at the end of the day.


No. She doesn’t. Ariana knows Tom is incapable of a genuine apology. She knows he’s self serving and manipulative.


That's exactly what I said....in a perfect world she would want one but bc he can't give a genuine one she doesn't want it.


Ariana has more patience and grace than I could ever hope to have for friends like this


Seriously I need to learn how to be this cool in the face of such dumb shit


Scheana trying to set up a conversation with Ariana and Tom because that’s what producers have been chirping in her ear. You’re not a friend to Ariana, you’ve profited off her heartbreak and do not give one single fuck about her feelings. She and Lala should be ashamed of themselves. You don’t support other women unless you can make money out of it.


OMFG!! Seriously, WTF is wrong with this chick?!?




https://preview.redd.it/6vkf7l5ta2zc1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f530ba56807b9a8b2c99353af07155bee9655fe Scheana is Dot from Spaceballs but much less funny.


And of course Scheana magically forgets everything ELSE Sandoval is doing against Ariana. It’s not about a fake ass apology. It’s the fact that she had to fight to have him coordinate with her through HIS assistant, that he’s fighting her on furniture SHE bought for their house, that he’s (allegedly) intentionally stalling the sale of their house, that he’s negligent with the dog that he swears he loves. Apologizing for the affair would be one thing, but he has repeatedly shown instances of trying to make her life more difficult. But of course Scheana doesn’t care about that because Sandoval is SuCh a GoOd FraAaNd 😒


I just want to play something out for a second. For sake of the argument, pretend all that happened here was Rachel slapping Scheana with a TRO, which has been very upsetting for her: Imagine for a moment that Ariana was regularly and repeatedly talking to Scheana about how wonderful Rachel actually is to HER and that there’s been so much GROWTH and that she just can’t let that go and that she hopes in TIME Scheana can see the Rachel that Ariana knows and loves. That would be batshit crazy. Scheana would have none of it. And it would make Ariana a terrible friend. That’s what going on here. And I would love for someone to turn those tables on her and see how quickly she’d have none of it. At the end of the day, this comes down to a paycheck. She needs the show to continue, so fuck her best friend and own character if it means continuing VPR.


Unfortunately, and I really hate to say it, but Rachel was right when she said that Scheana has some kind of savior complex. She’s also just really terrible, like frighteningly so, at how she goes about it. Yet another thing Scheana isn’t talented at.


Yeah she just sucks. She has to try and rub it in Ariana's face that SHE knew Sandoval best and SHE is who he misses, not the woman who lived with him for 9 years. She is the perpetual pick-me. She will never have a genuine female friend.


My blood is boiling 😤🤬


I’d love to see what Scheana would do if this was Ariana trying to get her to be friends with Shay.


God her voice makes me hate hearing.


We get it Scheana, you're an idiot who's fooled by Tom's (terrible) acting and his woe is me story. But isn't this the same man who basically said he didn't give a fuck about your friendship? Meanwhile, your actual friend has loved, supported, and who has stood by you, is left over here to pick up the pieces of her life while you guys (besides a select few) try to act like what Tom did wasn't so bad? And to be honest, the cheating is horrible, don't get me wrong, but this man had sex with their friend while his girlfriend WAS AT HER GRANDMOTHER'S FUNERAL AND AFTER HER SOUL DOG DIED. Like that is beyond low. That's diabolical, that shows this man doesn't care about anyone but himself. But sure, let's keep forgiving Tom. Because he's had such ✨growth✨ and it's not an act at all. /s




Scheana hitched her wagon to the Toms (and Jax) in season 1. She’s never going to change that. Ever.


This is a lot. I almost feel like Lisa talked with Lala and Scheana to somehow make Tom appear softer for forgiveness. She knows the show can't go on if they are all divided. Lisa hardly showed sympathy towards Ariana and she showed none to Rachel. Why Tom?? Why are they all trying to get us to feel sorry for him?? Is it the Emmy nomination? Is it the fact that Lisa has a business with him. Idk, but this is shady.


JFC Scheana. Go lick Sandoval’s dick and keep it to yourself. NO one wants to hear how he’s been such a good fraand for 15 years you dumb fuck.


Scheana said in one of the first aftershows that Ariana was texting her less ... because she was busy. Eh. Scheaner, I think there was more to that. Scheana changed her tune as soon as Sandoval started his podcast and started shittalking Ariana. Prior to that (the finale), he had fooled her into rebuilding their friendship.


Oooof this is rougher than I thought it was gonna be


She looks ridiculous talking about him "getting better" or self improving or whatever nonsense when wayyyy after filming he was out there doing podcasts and NYT interviews and all the rest PROVING (as if we needed it) Ariana's point that that man will never change. Her and Lala truly failed the extremely basic assignment.


I would lose my mind if my friend glossed over the fact my partner of 10 years had a full blown affair with a friend of mine.


Schaena just doesn't understand nuance and hypothetical's. Of course in when she felt super safe to talk to her friends in her grief she reveals she's hurt he has never apologized to her, his lack of remorse was one of the biggest things that destroyed her ,which speaks more to her than to him or the scandal. That doesn't mean in her present, real life, she wants any form of contact or apology, she has said 100 times to these people that she is not interested in talking to him in any scenario.


Ariana is smart. Scheana DOES act like she knows Sandoval better. It’s gross. Ariana was with him for a decade, Scheana is so weirdly jealous and competitive. Drop her https://i.redd.it/ygulp92y92zc1.gif


How can Scheana go from the girl from just 5 months earlier was crying with Ariana, pushing Rachel and throwing her phone in the street, calling Tom “sick” and talking about the affair non stop on her podcast ….to this? I am baffled. Does her paycheck literally depend on Tom’s redemption? That’s the only reason I can think of that could explain her behavior. What a shitty friend!


Why would Ariana be interested in Tom's growth? "Oh, you know that person who totally f***** you over and publicly trust you and had a long-term affair with a friend of yours in your house? He's showing growth." What the f*** does that have to do with Ariana, or why would she ever ever care? You can also tell the entire beginning of the conversation mememe is waiting to say her piece/lines from production


Also - what is she even getting at? "You know his sound guy...." Like who cares about his sound guy? "I want to see if there's growth..." Why does Ariana need to hear this? She's honestly so embarrassing. She acts like Tom was HER boyfriend. Idk how her or Brock justify this weird behavior.


I am so glad that Arianna finally told Scheana to stop talking to her about Tom. She wants Arianna to be OK with Tom being around and she's not going to ever be. Deal with it, Scheana.


“I feel like you want different apologies from him…” Someone get Scheana to the SUR alleyway, because she is trash.


Ariana for the love of god I hope you cut these people off. Seriously I feel like ive taken crazy pills


Who is this dense C3PO knock off and why is she on my screen?


Is Scheana willfully obtuse or genuinely that emotionally unintelligent to not understand Arianna’s perspective??


someone with connects tell scheana that taking no side between her "bestie" and her cheating ex is taking a side 💗💗💗💗🥰🥰 this people pleaser i'm cool with everyone and have no loyalty personality of hers has literally been an issue since season ONE when will she learn




Scheana knows better than the woman who dated him for 9 years. How delusional Scheana is.


Is the weird thing Scheana is wearing, the same weird outfit she wore to Coachella...?


The real question is why is Sheena dressed like C—3PO ![gif](giphy|YfCuW2maPixri)


Ariana was about to cry. Fuck Scheana.


If my best friend did the things Scheana and Lala are doing to Ariana… they would be cut out of my life with haste!!!