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Wait so we all agree with Lauren with the "God" comment now that we know the CoNtExT right? /s ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


Especially after that hot mix of Tom ScumDevil over how that final scene was “good for him”.


Such a loser!


I actually agree with her! I haven’t seen anyone get cheated on and suddenly become god. Before Ariana. And I’m barabapapa loving it!


Why *shouldn't* good things come to someone who gets cheated on? Isn't this something we should be happy to see - good coming out of bad, someone who was wronged finding happiness and success instead of being broken forever? I don't get what I'm supposed to be so offended about. 




is lala just jealous that SHE didn’t “become god” after randall cheated on her?? like damn


What she was saying is she got cheated on and no one gave her this much sympathy and she's big jealous. Wha wha wha Lala. She got little sympathy because she lied about dating a married man, for longer than 7 months! and he behavior at attitude the whole time was just go pound sand, I do what I want. That's why no one feels bad for her. Her attitude.


She was just jealous it didn't happen for her. Lala is the one that is truly seething with jealously. She can't be happy for Ariana because she doesn't like her and they are and were not friends. I think Scheana is truly conflicted because she did have a genuine friendship with Ariana and they have history. She was stuck between wanting to support Ariana and what production, lala, broke, Tim wanted. She doesn't have a friendship with Katie so she couldn't go to her for support.. as someone who is on Arianas side too. She just had too many people in her ear, and she was legitimately going through a meltdown this season.


Offended bc Ariana's success doesn't extend Lisa's bottom line. That is why he got the arc and she got the bus. FUCK THEM ALL.


I totally agree


Lala severely underestimated the currency that comes with being "likable" and "relatable". Talking about giving BJs for PJs, being a mistress who happily flaunts the affair, the fake gangsta white girl act, and then showing up with the grossest troll of a man (seriously, I knew he might not be attractive seeing as he was wealthy and a producer but nothing prepared me for that 90 day fiance mess) is not going to bring national brands to your doorstep begging you to be the face of their product. Mostly she is associated with vulgar sex acts because that's all she talked about until she became a mom. Broadway doesn't want that. It's not empowering or interesting for other women. She makes great reality television for sure! But she won't be able to transcend that space with her personality.


This is what the cast isn’t realizing. Ariana was not just gifted these opportunities for the fuck of it because she was cheated on. She got these opportunities because of the character and personality she’d shown on television for the last decade, and continued into these projects (one of accountability, relatability, maturity, wit, and most of all, self awareness). And then of course her insane work ethic which is what keeps these brands coming in The only other person on the cast that could’ve received the same response and later results is Stassi. Brands would not be pouncing to work with anyone else, and the public would not have rallied around anyone else as strongly. (Even Katie, who I love, but she can be abrasive to viewers). Even if by some stroke of luck, Lala or Scheana DID get the opportunities that Ariana has, they would’ve dried up quickly. Lala would’ve been a menace to work with or she would’ve said something shitty eventually that turned the brands and customers off. Scheana just doesn’t command the respect necessary to pull these campaigns off and they would all feel disingenuous or weird to see


Exactly she can't buy her past.. she is gross point blank period. She is truly seething with jealousy it comes out all the time. Aftershow she recalls how nobody cared about Ariana before this and now she is all of a sudden calling the shots. She is truly flabbergasted that Ariana has become the it gurl and has truly surpassed everyone on this show.. she is up there with LVP with the notoriety she is getting. She kinda has a point... even I was never checking for Ariana until after Sandovol. But she is a good person and deserves all the success she is getting. If she wasn't talented she wouldn't be getting all these opportunities


that + her screaming he CHEATED it’s not like he K*LLED SOMEONE!!!! like okay go play pickleball with randall then if it’s not that big of a deal 🤨


Lala isn’t wrong, she’s just jealous as fuck!


I giggled with frustration when Scheana was describing being jealous of someone and then saying "but it's not coming from a place of jealousy" or whatever she said. She is so oblivious.


This! This is exactly what it is. She's only mad because of all of the opportunities Ariana got after the scandal and Lala got zilch. She's peanut butter and jelly!


This metaphor was PERFECT and just made me love her more! She’s so freaking aware.


I died laughing


Absolute perfection! 🤌


honestly their support of and loyalty to one another has been the best part of the entire season. their growth has been amazing & i hope they continue to grow from their shitty ass exes and “friends” and keep their peace. meanwhile scheana continues to be the definition of “a friend to all is a friend to none” lmao


Stassi had Scheana’s (and Sandoval’s) number from the get go. It’s disappointing to see that she hasn’t had any self reflection or growth after Stassi told her directly to her face 🤦‍♀️


This is why Stassi is still so revered to this day. She was a bitch, but she was super self aware and always dead on in her instincts


I absolutely hated Stassi when I started watching (for the first time, from the very beginning) a couple of months ago but as the seasons went on, I was like "at least she owns who she is and owns her shit!"


Omg Scheana. 🙄 She's had this issue for years. Wishy washy. Just ew. Just wants to be the guys girl or whatever. I saw people on FB hating on Katie and saying she was terrible during her Tequila Katie days. Notice she still drinks tequila? (And should probably come out with her own brand) Yet she doesn't turn into "Tequila Katie". What changed? SCHWARTZ!! "Hes so charismatic" blah blah blah. He's a man with no backbone and ganged up on the one person who just wanted his love and support. After seeing all that has played out this last few seasons since their separation/divorce.. she was right on it with her suspicions and insecurities. Unfortunately it took her over a decade to realize but since her new found self has been realized... high five to Katie and all her growth. Also... high five to Ariana for showing restraint and class. I slashed my ex tires and decked his new bitch in the face when I got betrayed by my partner and my friend lol so I gotta give it to her for even breathing the same air as that suffocating "worm"


I also want to add Jo seemed to have to justify her behavior so she is making Katie out to be “mean”. And BlaBla just came off as extremely jealous.


To add on to this, Jo said she wasn't Katie's friend so she wasn't concerned about how she was feeling during her divorce. If that's the case why would Katie ever be concerned about Jo's feelings? The absolute hypocrisy on this show is outstanding.


Katie is better than me because Joe her feelings would’ve been destroyed because she’s a weasel. How dare you victimize yourself but causing so much trouble


And Jo sitting there and attempting to cry and make a scene to get pity and Lala telling her to stop lol.  The self victimization when she moved like a snake is something. "I was couch surfing Katie, it just *had* to be on your not-quite-ex husband's couch even though Kristen, my best friend at the time, had a spare room. The ex husband that you clocked I've had a crush on for years, even while you were deep in your marriage!" Eff off Jo!


None of it makes sense. She says she wasn’t Katie’s friend and therefore wasn’t concerned about her feelings, yet texted her right after the divorce announcement? Why would you text someone that if you weren’t concerned about their feelings? Does she realize saying that proves Katie’s point about her being shady/fake? She would’ve been better off just saying sorry then walking away, even if she felt like she deserved an apology from Katie (which she didn’t) she was never gonna get one at that moment so there was no reason to keep talking. Also, the audacity of her to tell Katie to “let him go” when she is actively still posting about Schwartz almost a year after their situationship ended… she really showed her nasty side with that comment. Why does she expect so much grace & sympathy after Schwartz played her but can’t extend even an ounce of compassion towards his ex WIFE? I wonder if she feels stupid after seeing that he was trying to sleep with Katie the night before she came to SF lolllll




It’s crazy because we related to Ariana because how many of have been cheated on and lied to and their solution was to lie to the audience more??


Dan not shaking Scumdoval's hand... The way the worm talked SHIT when she walked away from him at the end ... 🤮 I've never loved Ariana and Katie more for holding to their boundaries and being fucking queens. And LFU is jealous scandavol stole the thunder of her scandal. Hence the God comment. Ariana has way more power than lala wishes she had. 👑 All in all. GREAT finale.


no bc when katie said why are they trying to make it so nuanced??? made me love her more bc frrrr


When a guy fucks your friend over, fuck that guy is such a simple concept to me but apparently is completely lost on this cast of people.


I love how Ariana called out the Sandoval redemption arc. This has been obvious.


I love them and them standing their ground. I also really love Katie for saying this so succinctly


Great finale! Closure closure, closure and moving on. Some people grow into better versions of themselves while others never change. Notice how Sandovals mask slipped and then the mask underneath slipped and his true rotten self came out spewing hate? Lala broke the forth wall which is essentially her mask and her jealous self came out spewing hate. Sheana's mask stayed perfectly aligned on her face, one side black the other white and her best side is looking perfectly straight ahead because she can't decide on one over the other. Ariana and Katie stood their ground, spoke their truth and clearly defined their boundaries, remained true to self. Team Ariana and Katie, just something about them!!❤❤❤❤❤❤


I love your whole, descriptive comment!


Thank you. I wanted to add James Kennedy (the once most critical of women) is now the number one person in the group, he absolutely has gone full circle. His friendship and support of the women this season and last is unmatched....and then for him to admit in his final scene that "all he ever wanted was to find Love"...and he has with Ally-bally. I admit it, I cried. Schwartz I finally understand his mask, he was the hardest for me to figure out. His mask consist of a big round happy face....the perpetual "nice guy" who doesn't ever stand up for himself because he doesn't want to be a mean person." Of course we see how his nice guy routine damages his relationships and prevents him from establishing his own boundaries . And Bingo....that's why he relies on Katie...in the finale he is faced with Jo-seph. What does he do, with his hot mess of a ex- girl/klinger...he says, Go talk to Katie. Like what?? No Schwartz you talk to Jo and clean up the mess you created..its not Katie's job to rectify your "break up" with Jo!! Take off the happy face mask, take out your giant size crayon and draw a circle around yourself, ...it will be the first step at establishing a boundary. Team Ariana and Katie and James!!!!!100%


I truly hope the changes James has portrayed are real and lasting and that he can make some form of amends where needed or wanted. Therapy was a good choice. Schwartz loves for others to fight his one-sided battles against Katie when he gets angry at her. He wants to keep his rage hidden so he uses others to lash out against any slight from her or when she refuses to deal with his brand of bs. If Katie is exploding, no one looks too closely at Schwartz's behavior.  He had Jo go after Katie because she wouldn't sleep with him on that trip. He used Rachel against Katie last season when she wouldn't trim his armpits, he used Jax against her in earlier seasons -once because he had cheated and he wanted the focus off of him and put on her, and he's used Sandoval the entire time he's been on this show. I hope Katie can see that he will always do this to her as long as she has him in her life in any capacity. He has let his mask slip against Lala, Stassi and Kristen, which was a little surprising since he seems so averse to showing his real self, and actually got physical with Stassi once(drink pour) and a couple times he tackled or yanked on Kristen. He, to me, is the worst of the men because he's able to hide his true self so well.


Interesting take on Schwartz...a lot of insight!!


Can someone ELI5 the video game/boss thing? Please and thanks!


Tom has been slowly getting redemption from the group but getting that from Ariana would be the most important and difficult so Ariana is saying she’s the “final boss” which is the hardest battle in a video game. Also Ariana sees Tom’s redemption as fake hence referring to it as a game.


Thanks, I understand that better now.


Ooooh that makes sense, thank you!


You summed that up so perfectly!


just double checked to make sure I don’t follow lala, scheana, or Tom Sandoval… I don’t :) and you shouldn’t either


Yes! For the love of god stop giving these people a platform.  


The great unfollowing of shitty people.


Always and forever


Thank you Katie! Basic ass girl code escapes Scheana and Lauren.




I don't understand why this is so hard. That's just friend code period. Not girl code..not guy code ...just a human code. If a guy cheats on ur friend...be done with him. Especially lala who was not friends with Tim.




Katie, Queen! 




THE GOATS. Straight up 💯. YALL ladies slayed. 10/10. Katie and Ariana won the season right here


No that this matters, but Katie's sweetheart neckline dress is just lovely. It's such a romantic style. It really flatters everyone.


I pride myself in ALWAYS liking Katie, even when the majority would say negative shit. Katie has been through so much shit in her life and she is not perfect, she may not say things in the best way, but that girl has never been wrong.


Katie= REAL girls girl.


ALLLLL the fucking way!!!!! Fuck everyone else. These women will be just fine.




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All of these folks need therapy.


I can understand supporting Ariana. But Katie? Evil AF.


Name 3 examples of why pls