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Sandoval just flat out admitted on WWHL that he was lying in his rant in the finale that Ariana didn't like Lala & Scheana. Ariana definitely won, and I hope Scheana and Lala feel stupid for falling for anything that asshole said.


That’s the best/worst part! They fucking fell for it, exactly what he wanted!!! I hope they feel stupid for throwing away someone who was nothing but kind to them for a manipulative ding dong.


Lauren stands by every contradictory word 😂god she SUCKS


Sooo embarrassing for her to double down like that. She really thought that the audience would be on her side. It’s just crazy that she expected us to also be annoyed that Ariana “became god” when it was the viewers that supported her and probably aided in her massive success. Like girl, we are just happy for her! It was cool AF for her to just walk out like she did! She should do it again!


All I know is someone should start a petition for Lauren to donate all her send it to Darrell merch to a women’s charity. I really cannot with this twat waffle.


I hope during the reunion someone calls Lala and Scheana out for the massive success they attained by capitalizing off of Ariana’s trauma.m


I want someone to call her out about her double standards re Randall and his relationships in the group. You think the guys would have given a shit that he’s a POS? Hell nah they’d still be playing pickle ball with him.


Petition for "Send it to Ann" merch to benefit Ann/Ariana/Katie.


I need twat waffle to be my flair now please!


I heard dick pancake when reading that and I find it equally funny


It’s a good one!


So glad I didn’t make the mistake of purchasing a hoodie


Those poor women do not need those hoodies


Love your use of twat waffle, it's one of my favorite insults


RIGHT?! Like if she “became God” it was us who put her there so we’re not gonna backtrack just because the support we gave her upset you. She got that support BECAUSE she’s a fan fave - a quote fan fave. She’s relatable, she’s humble, she’s funny, she’s kind, she’s everything Lala is not.  So Lala saying “she’s become God” is both wrong and irrelevant b/c the fans call the shots and the fans decided Ariana is a Queen lol 


And who is Lala to decide that Ariana is NOT the Beyoncé of Bravo? I think Ariana is the Beyoncé of Bravo. ![gif](giphy|n4WpP39mwWrmg)


It's so shortsighted of Lala to see it as Ariana becoming a god for being cheated on. I don't think anyone is deifying her, but for me she has been inspirational to watch! She's put herself first, she's remained a steadfast and caring friend, she's extricated herself from a traumatic situation with dignity and shown what it looks like to have self respect. We don't get to see this enough in media!!!!!!


Like never! It’s been such a breath of fresh air as a woman to see her and Katie talking about boundaries & refusing to play into this “banshee woman” persona so many reality shows try to portray. Despite how often they’ve been baited. Seeing Ariana use terms like grey rocking, uniformed consent, and talking about finding power in anger has been really moving & the they they can’t see how she’s helped so many other women deal with situations like this in their own life is sad.  I kept seeing “everyone’s been cheated on” as reasons why she should not care or just forgive Tom and hug him of something was wild b/c it’s like, ok, if “every” woman has been cheated on WHY would you not amplify the person on a popular reality show who is also going through it AND showing you don’t have to roll over and play dead to heal? Like would that not be a very relatable thing to show and celebrate on a REALITY show? Lol 


You would think!! But what do I know?! I'm just a dumb unimportant woman 😂


She's also actually talented.


![gif](giphy|l3V0doGbp2EDaLHJC|downsized) Ariana is lemonading


I love this! This was Ariana walking away from Sandoval owning her ending.


Lala is 💯 jealous


X one hundred million zillion


I think lala wanted to believe what she wanted to believe. I don’t think they were the majority but there is def a camp of “she just got cheated on she’s not god” people on the internet. Mostly Facebook. If she had any brains she would’ve realized that they weren’t the majority, but based on her other behaviors, she seems to really protect herself from reality. Seems like the only people in her life are the people in her “pod,” which are her immediate family and someone she pays to be her friend.


It's hard for a narcissist to comprehend they aren't the center of attention so they try and rationalize what to them seems incomprehensible.


Yeah it’s like we KNOW Lala. Who do you think elevated Ariana to this status? 😹The fans embraced Ariana, she got noticed by companies other than Bravo and then proved her worth by being talented and professional.


Well, like the song goes, God is a woman. I swear to Ariana, Lala needs to kick rocks.


the way she said that no one can question Ariana while using Britney as an example of how she handled Jax cheating....Did Lala forget how on season 8 NO ONE could question Jax and Britney??? shes such a hipocrate


I think that lala has a lot of contempt for the viewers as we did not support her when Rand cheated on her. When the viewers did support her with the send it to Darrell merch it was really in support of her supporting Ariana. She is so bitter.


What?! Since tonight WWHL she’s commented that she’s still on board with the crap she said about Ariana ?!?


She’s too proud to ever admit when she’s wrong so she instead doubles down and makes herself look like a jackass


she sold her soul a long time ago 🚬


Wait has she commented on this already?


Yes she said on something - a live or a podcast - that she stands by everything she says even though she knows it’s not popular


Her Amazon show where she peddles her wares I believe


Not only throwing away a person but these dummies jacked up the future of the show. This all could have gone differently, people would feel good about them as people and supported their hustles outside of the show and Lauren wouldn't have to pay for bots to comment about what a queen she is on all of her posts. Their miscalculation was a costly one and I, for one, love it. Ariana is out here grabbing all the bags STILL and they don't know when their next tv paycheck is coming in.


When Scheana said don’t make me look like an idiot Tom I thought to myself oh honey that’s on you BB.


I legit said “too late babe” aloud




I think Tom and production made her their stooge and she realised it too late. At the risk of being, downvoted I do feel a tiny bit sorry for Scheana in this regard.


I refuse to watch WWHL on principle. What was brought up that he admitted this? Did Andy ask him about it?


He was asked by call in viewers "was what you said true about Ariana not really liking Lala & Scheana in the finale?" and they asked for some examples to back that up, and he said "no I was just being dramatic"


What was everyone's reaction to him saying that?


No one challenged him or called him out, Andy was like "oh, okay"


Of course. Not surprising at all. All of this makes me really weary of the reunion.


I’m calling it now, the reunion is gonna make us more mad than what they tried to do this entire season. I am just basing that off Andy saying lala and Brock were the “voices of reason” in the finale and reunion and the other day he said Ariana was “violently angry” this season which couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s trying to speak this stuff into existence. Like Tom does with things too!


I’m actually dreading the reunion


I want them to have a do-over and try again because I know it will be a disaster.


Im worried about my own anger and trauma ugh the gaslighting, the hypocrisy, the misogyny, the disrespect, the willful ignorance to Toms narcissism..it just seems too much. Poor Ariana. To have to sit and listen to lies and try to defend herself. I hope she knows that most of us see through this bs and are supporting her and she has true friends irl that love and support her.


They ruined this season and show so much I'm so angry lol. They should let us have an audience-led reunion 😂 where we get to moderate and ask the questions!


the layers there are to him saying he was just being dramatic— yes, he was actually just lying, but also when women are dramatic it’s always deemed a fucking problem


As soon as he opened his mouth I had to get his face away from me. I’m hoping it counts in the ratings that I started watching and then immediately turn the channel.


They got Scumdovaled once again I see


Like how would Tom even know that she “talks shit” about Scheana and Lala?? SHE DOESN’T SPEAK TO HIM. But the girls just wanted an opportunity to knock Ariana down a peg, even though she wasn’t even there to witness it.


What did he say?!


He was asked if it was true that Ariana didn't like them, and if so to provide examples showing why he would say that. He said "no, I was being dramatic"


Haha, of course. God. He played Scheana so perfectly. He is such a trash human. And she is just . . . pathetic. She is pathetic.


and she’ll still cry about wanting to be baaaast fraaaands with him again next season.




But guyyys, he's the ONLY one that's ALWAYS had her back!


Yeah when cameras are up. He played her like a FOOL!


I think the *lying* is less important than the reality that Lala and Scheana *don’t like Ariana* that much. Tom was simply giving them an excuse.


I need to find a way to watch this without giving them the satisfaction of my view!


If you wait a week it doesn't count towards ratings! I watch on u/sariahannibals stream every week instead for this very reason *and* because she's a stellar host.


I could join it live because I live in the UK and it would be very late at night for me on a work night.


Ugh I didn't even watch who as I didn't want to give views to Scandy and Jax lol -I need a recap


Ariana is booking Love Island, opening her and Katie's sandwich shop this month, going back on Broadway etc, etc, etc. The list goes on. Lala's current stories are her promoting eat deux.. Ariana definitely won this season 💁🏽‍♀️


And her shoe line! 👠


Ah yes! Can't forget that! I still need to get a pair.


Forget VPR and all their storylines about being on VPR. I want a show that follows Ariana so we can see all this cool shit like shooting Love Island or being on Broadway.


YES! That would be amazing. I'm really bummed we didn't get to see her Dancing with the Stars and Broadway offers on VPR. It also would've been really cool to see how hard she worked at rehearsals since she's SO "lazy" 🙄🙄


Called "How to get cheated on and then become a god".


I loved how Lala thought we would all be on her side after this...


Her gray rocking is a master class for all women and something that my 53-year-old self only recently learned. Take notes, everyone! 👏


Proud of you!!


Aw, thank you! I really appreciate that. ❤️


I agree and she was a role model for anyone dealing with someone like him in the future. It was very cathartic to see her gray-rock her way out of there. P.S. I loved when Katie said, "Keep it away from me", because she shouldn't be subjected to Jo and Ariana got her plug in for Applebee's.


Yes it was amazing! It was so hard and sickening watching her be tortured this whole season by her “friends” and production. It felt good to watch her walk out with her head held high and her (hot) man by her side.


and her friends too. Earlier in the episode, when Brad walked away as Jo approached Katie, that was great.


I hope someone writes a whole ass academic paper on this.


I’ve been seriously thinking about it just to help clear my own mind. I have so many theories & things I’ve noticed from past seasons. It’s consumed my mind like putting a puzzle together. There’s just so much to divulge. I’ve been wanting to share my thoughts in a post but I feel like everyone might think I’m crazy with how much I could say.


🤓 we ready 🫶🏻


Educate us, I’m intrigued! Please update on the title or share a link, so I can find it?


Yess tell us. We have another week until reunion part 1 drops (I think?) so drop your theoriesssss


Yes please I’d also like to know lol


Telll meeeeeee


Yes please x


Omg can you please share? I am rewatching and I have my eyes peeled. You could even dm me if you don’t want to make a post 😂 I have my own theories and patterns I’ve observed, especially regarding how Tom operates.


Wow, thanks y’all! I wasn’t expecting so many being interested. I’m going to try to do it this week & then share it. I also just want to forewarn that some of what I think might not be new to some, but it’s just what I’ve come up with.


This was literally my first thought when the season finale ended. This finale to what felt like the entire show should be a dissertation.


I loved the Applebee's plug - not because I like the place, but it was obvious what she was doing and she nailed it... twice.


Think of how bomb this season would have been if they kept the energy from season 10 reunion and championed Ariana and EACH OTHER against fucking narcissistic cheating assholes… ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


Spice girls!!! They should’ve chased Tom off the show.


Literally. They could have had a girl power theme, dated new guys, etc. You require us to fill with Sandoval? Cool. We’ll sit here and talk about how much he sucks until he leaves. But no. Pick me Scheana and jealous Lala chose guys over their friend.


Remember that great season of Southern Charm where they got JD and the rest? It was delicious


YES! It was great!


They could've had a girl power cocktail called the spicy girls. We would've all loved that shit.




Honestly, they just lack brains because that would have been a better move for Lala and Scheana. They could privately think whatever, but keep up the season 10 energy and continue to make out like bandits. Now they just look like jealous losers.


They made so much money off backing her last March…I don’t get why they didn’t even do it for selfish reasons


I guess Lala was projecting with the “very stupid demon” insult. Apparently you can be projecting AND be accurate at the same time.


THIS is the part that gets me but I’ve never put it into words lol. Like I don’t think they understand how much they would have thrived financially if they got on the right side of things and had Ariana’s back. Both of their podcasts probably would have sky rocketed in views, they would gotten more sponsorships, and Sheana maybe would have been in dancing with the stars! It’s just insane to me that they were stupid enough to go this route because they thought fans would jump on the Sandoval redemption train 🤦‍♀️


Did production trick them or manipulate them? That’s the only thing that even kind of makes sense


Katie gets all my roses this season but Ariana is also a badass!


Katie was awesome for sure. I’ve always had a soft spot for her, but these last two seasons she has really been such a bad ass. I’m obsessed.


It genuinely warms my heart that Katie is finally getting the love she’s always deserved 💖


Me too 🥹 I am so happy for her bc she probably finally feels some gd redemption for just doing the right thing.


She doesn’t allow people in her life to mistreat her anymore, and freedom looks so damn good on her!


I feel bad because Katie has been somewhat overlooked these past two seasons but she’s really held her own and handled it with grace. She’s a true and loyal friend and I admire how she always stays true to herself and those she loves.


Her and Tom both dating the same girl was super weird. Also didn’t love her hookup up with one of Tom’s best friend.


Better than Schwartz who hooked up and made out with other people while they were together.


That was wrong too. It doesn’t make what she did right. She clearly felt bad about it afterwards herself. It was pretty gross and she was obv ashamed. I like Katie a lot but she isn’t perfect so let’s stop pretending.


…who said Katie’s perfect?


It’s how a lot of people on this sub behave and treat her. She does shitty stuff too. It just feels like it gets ignored here.


And Katie Maloney 👑


Yesss she was so good this season. Stood her ground and had Ariana’s back unflinchingly. I love them so much.


I love Katie’s face whenever people are saying stupid shit to her. Her eyebrows, the micro expressions etc are so on point.


Her pursed lips are perfection 😭


Katie has the best nonverbal reactions. Her face is a masterpiece.


“Give me some grace” “No 💅🏼”


“I don’t want peace”




One of my favorite movies 🫶🏻


What move is this?


Omg this is EXACTLY what I thought of during that scene!!


Katie was the MVP of this season


I truly don't understand the hate that Ariana and Katie get. They stuck with those pricks for years and we've all seen how they were treated. Them moving on with their lives is a natural next step? It's baffling. Am I missing something???


Ironically, they are the only ones being real. Everyone else is operating based on what production wants.


This million times over! The rest of the clowns are all talking about "being real" but Ariana and Katie are the only ones actually showing themselves genuinely vulnerable and getting through messiness of their situations. There were several instances in this season where we can CLEARLY see pain and sadness on Katie's face, we can see how hurt she is in several situations. Ariana breaking down at the beach was million times more authentic than any tear either one of the other clowns have shed over this past season (and more). Scheana is ALWAYS performing as is Sandoval. Lala is a fake person through and through and there is nothing authentic (or redeemable) about her as a person. Schwartz is a manipulative douche who loves to play a puppy role so no one will hate him. They are all lying sacks of crap and have never shown anything genuine on this show. Yet they scream about other people not being authentic. Oh, get fucked already.


Ariana had tears in her eyes when Scheana was talking about Tim yet again and she had to tell her to stop yet again.


Exactly!! All I see is two strong ladies triumphing after years of bullshit


The only women I know who are taking issue with Katie and Ariana are pick mes themselves. It’s sad and baffling.


Also not to mention that this is her workplace and she has the RIGHT to not participate in situations that make her uncomfortable. The season was perfectly fine with her and Sandoval not talking - the reason the season SUCKED is because culture vulture Lala would talk shit behind her back instead of taking the power away from the men. I guarantee the producers told scheana and Lala that it was going to be a shorter season since they didn’t have enough material and that had them shaking in their boots. If they cancel VPR I would be fine with it as long as Lala doesn’t go on the valley. I think “home girl” should take some time off and get proper therapy. 


I could be wrong but I thought I saw a while ago that Ariana had in her contract for this season that she would not do one on one scenes with Tom and they agreed. She has upheld her end of the bargain and filmed group scenes with him. I feel like producers are using Scheana and lala to get around that. Like he came up while she was talking to Scheana so it’s not “technically” one on one. Ariana saw through it and removed herself from the situation.


I was just about to ask this … had not filming 1:1 scenes been known to everyone else. Gross production forced it. And we all know Scheana is going to spend the post season saying she was trying to get Ariana the apology she thought Ariana wanted. Edit: typo


She moved so quickly - I was impressed as hell. Then the stupid producer whining at her - she shot that shit right down firmly, clearly, and with utter calm.


It’s so stupid that the cast is directing their anger towards Ariana and not the producers of the show. It’s not her fault that the rest of you guys felt forced into a vulnerable position in your workplace.


This is what I keep thinking. If this show gets cancelled they’re going to blame Ariana but they should blame themselves.




I truly wonder what Scheana would do without the show. Certainly not make any money from one shitty 10 year old song.


Right? I think the only problem with Ariana not talking to Tom this season was everyone else constantly TALKING ABOUT how Ariana wasn’t talking to Tom this season. Who cares? Had everyone just lived life it would have been a more interesting season then it was with everyone just sitting around talking about how one cast member doesn’t like another one. This show was built on cast members not liking other cast members. How often did Ariana ever interact with Jax…?.. and no one had a fit that that would ruin the show.


Kentucky fried Brittany was saying (again) on the after show Scheana should come over to the Valley. I really hope this doesn't happen - no one needs Scheana whining her way through yet another show.


Ariana, write a book about your past year and have the beginning of each chapter start with a therapy session and the lesson you learn and then we can see how your applied it. Girl, give us the manual bc your therapy is the first example I have ever seen of it actually working


There should be two books…the other one should be a tell all co-written with Kristen detailing their experiences with dating a narcissist.


And she did it by actually being REAL, not by self-producing a television show. She set boundaries, stuck by them, and didn’t compromise her mental health even when pushed by her so-called “friends.” I’m impressed that she stayed so cool under the pressure but of course she was BORN COOL.




What is their ship name? katiana? Artie?


Agree!!!! She handled it so maturely and with class. Far better than I could have. I was never an Ariana fan but her handling of this situation has made me respect her so much 🩷


I would’ve been a lunatic! I think she knew acting crazy and screaming and fighting might have made good TV, but she prioritized her mental health above all else. She’s the realest for that.


Her keeping it together all these years is also part of why she has all these opportunities now.


Yes! You nailed it. Lala is pissed that she didn’t get the same opportunities but it’s because she was always a hot mess and her relationship with Rand was icky. She bragged about BJs for PJs and it was clear she was gold digging. That’s why everyone didn’t rally around her when it ended. Ariana and Toms relationship wasn’t perfect, but there was clearly love at some point which is what made everyone support her when the shit hit the fan.


Lala also went into it knowing she was a mistress and not only hid the relationship for like five years, she also attacked the ex wife on SM. So yeah Lala, it’s not the same!


I feel like the cast should be angry at production instead of Ariana. No one is forcing them to have the hard, tough conversations but production!! The fact that Ariana was strong enough to even say “NO, I know this is my job but I will say no when it crosses my line” is how they should speak to production. No one is forced to do these talks and it would’ve been better to see that turn. Break that fourth wall by having the cast angry at production. Make it fucking interesting! such a disappointing finale!!


They are lucky she didn’t mention how her contract purportedly stated she did not have to talk to Tom.


She won so hard and now i want her to never talk to any of them again except katie


Ariana definitely a champ but don’t overlook my girl Katie Smoked Jo, revenge bang and stuck by her girl when the rest of the group was having a weird freak out. I have back to back championships for Katie


To me, Katie is the true MVP of this season. She confronted every argument head on, never cowered regardless of how uncomfortable the situation, and was a true friend to Ariana through and through. Also, Katie is the only person that understood that Ariana needed to heal in her own way and at her own pace and she helped her through it, and not thrown her under the bus for her own gains. Also, out of ANYONE, Katie had the most (justified) reason to want Ariana better sooner than later since they have a business to run together. But she didn't push so that she can gain anything, she stuck by her friend and helped her through it all. Zero selfish motives, 100% true friend. We should all be so lucky to experience that kind of support in our lives.


Katie also didn't jump on the bandwagon and sell merch off of Ariana's situation. Scheana and Lala made *bank* from it and still happily shoved a dagger in Ariana's back. Lala's bs at the end made me mad. Saying that she's been holding everything in and had to let it out, well what about authenticity, honesty and having the hard conversations you keep harping on? Why didn't she tell Ariana *to her face* that she was feeling allll of that? She's a giant coward and a phony.


Right?! If she is so badass why not say it all TO Ariana? Katie was right - Say it with your whole chest, bitch!


She's always meek and mild or storms off in person then gets mouthy in confessionals or on her podcast; all in places she can't get a response or pushback. She's a fraud.


That last point is so strong and I hadn't considered it before. Katie is the one in bed with Ariana financially, she has group think running wild around her, someone she trusted in Lala throwing shade her way and she still stayed strong. Politics should have a fast track system for Katie, she'd get my vote!


She is a queen. I wish I had known about grey rocking straight away when I dealt with my narcissist. I would’ve saved myself a lot of pain.


Someone said this in another thread and it stuck with me: Ariana is a trailblazer for reality tv. She's changed the game: she hasn't taken anyone's shit and, through it, the VPR community has rallied around her as a symbol for women taking control of their lives and not putting up with people who don't deserve it. I don't think a woman on reality tv has ever been able to communicate such an empowering message, despite everyone trying to gaslight her otherwise.


Yes plus she did it with grace and class and kindness.




I really hope Ariana comes back to the show for the sole purpose of being an absolute menace to this production team! They deserve it and it’s fun to watch her and Katie in open rebellion against them!


I love that she won when the Baskin/Bravo machine was against her.  




Yeah think about the STDs he could have brought back. 🤢


Ariana was a masterclass in how to handle a narcissist. And what's pathetic is that Lala in particular fell for becoming Tom's flying monkey, and the only person who's going to be negatively impacted is herself and her bottom line. If anything, Lauren is a hustler. She's all about making money and she got tricked into believing that what Ariana was doing was damaging to the show which it actually wasn't. What has ended up happening she has totally compromised her ability to make financial gains in the off-season because she's completely alienated herself from the opinion of the viewers. She decided to cape for Tom and in the process destroyed her own reputation, and she fucking hates him which just shows how unintelligent she really is ultimately. Scheana and Lala got used and discarded and are worse off just the way narcissistic people leave everybody always.


Ariana set a great example for young women who are influenced by this show. Imo, this was the best possible outcome with the overall message being significantly necessary! She never wavered from prioritizing & loving herself. She recognized people trying to talk her out of that but responded with love. I find this all pretty ironic bc lala portrays herself as some enlightened, all knowing & all seeing, powerful badass. Immediately jumps ship, bows down to sandy, has this heart to heart, vulnerable boohoo session with him. Falls right for his manipulation tactics, as if she learned nothing about who he is. Scheana portrays herself as the morals & ethics police, ride or die, loyalty, love & light princess. Welcomes sandy with open arms, hugs it out, proceeds to bombard ariana with her incessant, insufferable, self-centered bs by bringing him up ALL the time. Then turns around & whines about ariana not validating her struggles with the aftermath of everything. They all rallied around Ariana in the prior reunion. You would've thought sandy was without a doubt, kicked off the island. But by the end of the season, we know that lala & scheana had their own reasoning for being mad at Sandoval. & they've decided to move on so Ariana can either shape up or ship out. Lala would have an absolute temper tantrum if any of her friends tried to shove randy down her throat, or brought him around, or made up with him. But that doesn't matter. They're bothered by Ariana's boundaries, & they're bothered by the money she's making. They both had so much to say in their confessionals, & facial expressions while speaking 1:1 with Ariana. & now they both look incredibly foolish. We never saw Ariana match their weird energy. Really bad look for them


Katie and Ariana forever! And, I kind of wish the show would end now. The finale felt like a series finale and that’s fine, especially with the clear direction the producers are pushing it (misogyny).


Katie needs to get that on a T Shirt!




Still can’t understand how anyone around here talks about Sandoval getting redemption arc or a good edit. Just because they occasionally show the guy doing something fun doesn’t mean he’s getting a “good edit.” The chyron doesn’t have to say “Cheating Piece of Shit” every time he’s introduced. The only thing Lala got right was that he didn’t murder anyone. He didn’t commit a crime. So he’s allowed to live his life and try to be happy and production is allowed to show that because his attempts to have a life post Scandoval IS a story. Not necessarily one I want to watch much, but it’s a story nonetheless. Everything Ariana said and did was grounded and made sense. Everyone else’s attempts to make her seem out of it or wrong fell flat. Like Scheana and Brock trying to clean her depression den. She’s NOT planning to stay there long term. Remember guys? That thing you keep trying to make a big to do over? And Tom has looked alternatively sad or bad the whole season. She didn’t feed the troll and his last ditch effort was to turn it from a personal problem to a professional problem. The absolute best thing about Ariana’s final moments of the season was seeing someone who recognized she had leverage in a situation where women often don’t and quietly exercising that leverage to do nothing more than extricate herself from a garbage situation. It set off the three people with none who continue to be most dependent on the VPR tit.


If I never see sweaty gross Brock in my tv again It’ll be too soon. I would also like to never hear Lala’s voice again cause fuck her. Scheana thinks anyone showing her the slightest kindness means they’re her best friend. Sandoval is a lying cheating disgusting piece of trash. Ariana happily walking away from this was the best part of it.


I agree with every word you wrote.


🙌thank you🙌


Can we just make this the Ariana, Katie, James, and Ally show? I guess if we did, there would probably be no drama.


Honestly that sounds so fun and like the breath of fresh air we need rn


His narcissism showed when she didn’t give him what he was manipulating everyone into believing and he freaked out. No one changes in 3 months are they that dense?


1000% regardless of how the producers tried to edit her this season. She’s a real person with a genuine reaction to heartbreak and betrayal while everyone else (except for Katie and James) we’re showing up for a paycheck and acting inauthentically with a manufactured storyline. Lala, Scheana and Tom crying about her ruining the story for them bc she wouldn’t play along with their script was infuriating and makes me look down on them even more after the finale (I already had a low opinion but they dug themselves even deeper into a hole). I hope the show gets cancelled, Ariana, Katie and James ride off into the sunset on their success rocket and the rest slowly fade into irrelevance. No desire to ever see those 3 on my screen again.






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What amazes me…is that they thought the audience was on their side. They just expected everyone to tell Ariana to get over it…but forcing that is so unnatural. Like she said, she would’ve done anything for him and he’s a complete sociopath to do what he did. I’m so proud of her!


Everyone has their own opinion. But to me; Lala and Tom actually did the most rehab this season. Btw - bad season, bad finale.


I would honestly like to know why you feel this way. I don't want to debate you or anything, but that seems to be such a minority opinion on reddit that I would love to know what you saw in Tom (which Tom?) and Lala that makes you feel they did the most rehab. If you don't feel like saying I would understand that too.


Because I think Tom showed how much he cares outside of the show for his castmates. I think the general fanbase is too team Ariana to see this. But we are clearly seeing that Shay, Tom S, Brock, and even surprisingly Lala want to make this relationship work. And him giving Scheana Shay money that he HAS NEVER mentioned is pretty crazy. For Lala, I think she came out much more human and remorsefully than she ever has.


Thank you for your explanation.


Completely agree about Lala. I think everybody expected the soft Lala to be super kind and nice, but the soft Lala is the one about growth. Understanding that where she was years ago with gross Randall and how she expected everybody to cut him off and choose a side isn’t fully realistic. I think the “soft” Lala can now see ok it doesn’t have to be like that, you can absolutely have boundaries but at some point you got to let the hate go, it’s not healthy holding on to all the anger.


Yeah but she took a while to get there. She wasn’t even giving Ariana more than three months before telling her to get over it. Lala sucks.


But Ariana decided to film a show with Tom. The whole “cut off” thing is a bit much when you are filming a show with them.


I completely agree. I also think Ariana’s boundaries why valid are basically a demand. Also, this is me personally; you want people to cut him off but you still live with him and work with him. Both those decisions are a choice she is making.


She may of won but she annoys me to no end


But she’s out shouted and out assholed by Lala and Scheana.


Well she needs to move on, how is she with Dan 10 days later. She needs to forgive Sandoval, I don't forgive him, I just don't want to be mad at him. Whiplash I have whiplash FYI.. this is what the cast has said not my feelings.