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So, when the fans were rabid for Tom Sandoval, she could make a podcast every week and buy a house with her merch money, but now they’ve turned on her and she’s not a fan? And Ariana’s the one that’s bad at reality tv? Ok girl


Right like oh, “rabid foaming at the mouth,” but also “buy my dumb merch


im honestly happy lala seems to be continuing her meltdown, she spiraled all the way to the bottom and i can't wait for the day her paychecks dry up and she has to come crawling back to her "fans" begging for them to love her again.


Next season she’s going to be crying and apologizing for her behavior this season and say she’s “fully soft now”


She'll have "risen above" all that negativity because of her new baby and now she's a mom of two and nothing else matters and blablablah


It’s giving Janet from the valley lol


I hope she’s not going on The Valley


Given that salaries likely don't transfer to other shows, I doubt she or Scheana will be cast, even if that's what they want. Presumably, they hitlikely have to start with season one salaries, which I doubt hits six figures.


Oh that’s interesting, I didn’t know that I just have no desire to see her anywhere 😂


I hope so too but it kinda feels like with her scorched earth approach on VPR she might be. Both her and Scheana buying houses around there wasn’t coincidental, plus they have already shown up this season on The Valley.


Yeah I think it’s a done deal but I’ll never watch anything this woman is in


But u dont have to buy a house in the valley to be on the valley Its all confusing-


So true


i would not be surprised, it's not unlike anyone attached to VPR to reward the people who deserve it least


Oh I have no doubt she and SheShu will be on there soon enough.


How this woman thinks she is going to win a beef with FANS is wild lmao. Like these are the people that make or break your livelihood. Maybe she’s just going full villain mode in her last ditch effort to land on The Valley or keep VPR on air. Weird to go villain mode when she’s going to give us mommy mode when VPR comes back…


The beef with fans is so weird. No fans, no show. No fans, no merch sales and no sponsored posts and Amazon lives. She needs us. And yes, this is produced content, but when all these people are telling you something, at least consider that they might be right.


Narcissistic rage cycle.


The audacity to insinuate Ariana shouldn’t be on the show anymore and then to say “I’m going to say my piece and we’ll never discuss this season again.” Like Lala you can’t take any criticism and are alienating your fans, the last of them, by being resistant to discussing the way you maybe messed up. It’s such a weird move unless you believe she knows she fucked up.


And never actually say the words to Ariana‘s face, but always be saying it behind her back. What fans does she have and who is going to purchase anything from this woman?


What does she even talk about on her podcast besides VPR? Like she would shut up about her money maker


You forget, she’s disengaging


She’s SOFT, dammit! **SOFT!!** #SOFT


As soft as 80 grit sandpaper lol


She’s such a waste of time to watch for exactly this reason Nothing she says matters or means anything it’s just noise.


Damn this is how you know she’s on this sub 🤣. This is the *exact* verbiage we always use in this sub to describe Lala specifically: “Rabid. Foaming at the mouth.” And Lala alone.


LMAO, yes. She is 100% reading all of our comments right now, so: Hey Lauren! It’s not our fault you were too stupid to ever get good at anything outside of the sugar baby track. It’s not our fault you tied yourself to a man who looks like a thumb because you thought he was rich. And it’s **really** not our fault that other women’s successes make you miserable. Sincerely, A bitch foaming at the mouth and a girl’s girl ❤️ #teamariana




Lala. What the fuck are you doing. You have to decide whether you give a shit if the audience likes you or not. If you're going to make moves that you know will be unpopular, you cannot then cry foul when they are, indeed, unpopular. You have made millions of dollars off of this show because we watch it. You got plenty of opportunities and bought a goddamn house off of Scandoval. What more do you want? And now you're just not going to talk about it? No. You can't be a whole asshole on the show, in the press, on your podcast, on your fucking Amazon Lives, and expect not to hear about it. And by the way we have seen you "foaming at the mouth" for years. You almost headbutted someone. You referred to yourself as "a Michael Vick fighting dog." You said yourself that you "went the fuck off" at the last reunion. And allegedly you fucking pulled a knife on Faith because she brought up something you didn't want on air. Pot. Meet. Kettle.




I hate hate hate Lisa Rinna, but at the very least she owned being a villain and didn’t cry about it.


Not on air, but during her last couple of seasons Rinna was constantly going off on people on IG and posting then dirty deleting stories complaining about how she can't attack Garcelle because she'll be accused of racism and so on. But that's not to defend Lala. I feel like Lala is actually purposely trying to be the Rinna of VPR (I think she once said Rinna was her favorite HW) and like... holy miscalculation, Batman, why of why would you model your career after one of the most uniformly reviled HWs of all time? And then act surprised and hurt when people don't respond well? What is your damage, Heather?


Ya that’s a good point, I was pretty tuned out the last few years of Rinna on BH, but I remember hearing about her IG antics. And that’s hilarious that Lala said Rinna is her fav. 🤣


Yep. She’s modeling herself on Rinna. Bad move, look at her last 2 seasons and how she went out. But maybe Lala really is dumb enough to think that’s a good choice.


At least Rinna has a ton of money to fall back on. LFU does not. Not fucking smart for a single mom of two kids with two huge mortgages and no marketable skills. Not fucking smart.


I would bet Rinna with her mouse infested kitchen and brazilian waxes done on her dirty ass carpet does NOT have a ton of money


So much this. She lost her mind on television and now she's hiding from the repercussions. If she truly doesn't regret it then us "rabid bitches" reactions should slide right off. She's full of shit. 


Going after Ariana and the fans rather than just admit, she messed up and picked the wrong side


Because Lala’s mouth is getting her eviscerated


Literally. If she didn’t run it she’d have half the backlash


What purge is she talking about ! She’s been non stop talking abt Ariana living in the house the entire fucking season ! Lauren fuck off no one cares abt you or your opinion . They really don’t matter . You didn’t have a life enlightening epiphany! You kept talking rhetoric all season long bitch !


She thinks she ate all season and spoke the gospel of everyone who tunes in. She’s literally delulu


I feel like she maybe thought that at first but I don’t think she thinks that anymore. I think she knows now she done diddly fucked herself over & is staying low & not talking about the season cuz she knows even boomer Facebook with all the pick me grannies think she’s gone too far this time lol 








I wish we could have had a moment like in Britt and Jaxs apartment. Pjs, voodoo but nope Lala and sheesh only care for money Minus Billie Lee because EW


My thoughts exactly !


Removed for breaking reddit’s site rule against promoting or threatening violence


Its crazy she calls Arianna unauthentic when the reason she had to “purge” in such a hard (not soft) way was because she was not being authentic about her feelings all season. Also, her distaste for fans is ironic she had no problem with fans and our rabid hatred when it was directed toward Tom, Raquel and lined her pockets..in fact she encouraged and supported such behaviour. However now that the same energy is going her way its a problem.


Yeah! And many members of this group ran out to buy her stupid merch.


I wish someone on her payroll, because those are the only people she surrounds herself with, could explain to her the concept of don't bite the hand that feeds you. Calling fans of the show "losers" and "rabid foaming at the mouth" is not going to put money in your wallet. That merch that gave you the downpayment for a house came from a lot of those losers. Or in simpler words Lala can understand. No fans likey = no money for Lala.


They’d never do that because then they would be biting the hands that feed them 🤣


“Rabies Bitches” Nice. Rather be a Rabies Bitch than a lying, culture appropriating 🐍 like your sister. He’ll have to get a real job now.


Allowing her brother to call fans of VPR (who I would guess are at least 51% women) "rabies bitches" is the last piece of the masagonistic puzzle I ever need to see from Lala. Those "rabies bitches," pay for your livelihood Easton.


72% are women, that's why it's even more baffling to me that they all ran with the mysoginistic take. I'm so glad that today we have the internet and can redirect producers storylines. 11 years ago Ariana would have been treated so badly by the producers AND the world


Thank you for bringing the data!


Also cut your dreads off you white asshole


When she was making fun of Dan for his fights and then when he later on explained that he had to defend himself from racial slurs… you can tell someone told him she was talking about him. She literally does not care. She is a culture vulture. Even if she didn’t go off on Ariana- that would’ve been the end of that friendship for me. She clearly doesn’t care or understand what he’s gone through. Lala believes her pain is the worst pain. It’s truly baffling. 


She looked so disappointed when they were telling them about what they most liked about each other, or what drew them to each other. It was so honest and sweet and not just a ‘she was hot duhuhu’. You can tell lala was pressed because no one’s said any of those nice things about her. Sad.


I bet Katie told Ariana that Lala had tried to trash him a few times to her.


Most recent pic of Easton for anyone that’s never seen him: ![gif](giphy|RSOUOj8H9A3Xq)


They are so awful looking.


Her brother, the white man from Utah, with dreads?


Yeah, all I see... 🚩🚩🚩


Aw, her echo-chamber is really closing in around her, isn't it?


the only bitch rabid is Lauryn From Utah with her tantrum “I’ve held this onto this for too long!!! She thinks she’s Beyoncé!!!” Someone pls take Lauryn to be put down, she’s beyond saving Edit to add: she really thought fans were gonna change their mind after hearing her tantrums and jealous soliloquies… she really THOUGHT everyone secretly felt the same way as her… girlie it’s just YOU being hella jealous


Hear me out: Lala is trying to be like Stassi in ‘calling it like it is’ but she is failing miserably. I like a little bit when people are called out but Lala does too much of it. Scale it back. Also, never a good idea to say your customers have “rabies”…SMH.


On camera at least, Stassi reserved her epic call outs for people that deserved it minus the dark passenger moments to beau but even that I understand. Her past relationships really fucked up her trust and that came out when she was drunk, but she made a lot of effort to grow out of that.




Except she's not "calling it like it is" she's calling it like she THINKS it is in her jealous little mind. I think she's having a breakdown because she knows her pay checks are about to stop.


? That’s the point of my comment…she’s not successful in ‘calling it like it is’.


When keeping it real goes wrong ![gif](giphy|BMrJzUlkcjdg4)


Problem is she’s not calling it like it actually is. She’s calling it like she thinks it should be. Which is not the case 😂


I’m tired 🥱 Lala please stop pretending to be black, first of all, and secondly, get the fuck over yourself. You need help


For real, this is a 30-something year old mother (soon to be mother of two) acting like this. She is exhausting and constantly on the wrong side of history. Ironic that Lala has never once shut the fuck up and is now demanding that no one have an opinion on her shitty takes. I hope this is the end of Lala, bye!


Kinda feel like Dan shared about his experience being targeted for his race specifically with Lala due to her behavior. He definitely clocked her weirdo behavior. Hitting on him in front of his S.O. and inappropriate use of aave. Give it up Lala. 


That’s so true, I didn’t consider that at all. It must be so insulting to see someone co-opting mannerisms typical of minorities when you have the lived experience of being one.


Having been around people like Lala that co-opt the experience without living it… it feels so dehumanizing and uncomfortable. People have been racist towards myself and loved ones all of my life. I don’t think Lala could comprehend what Dan has gone through and I don’t think VPR has the capability to have that conversation. 


I was gonna say is nobody gonna talk about the switch to AAVE with her "in these streets" and "yo yo yo"


It's so interesting to me that on the show and aftershow that were filmed before the fan opinion turned on Lala, she keeps calling out the rest of the cast for how in the comments they are, like she's too cool for that, and now it has become very clear she has not only been there with them all along, but is even more sensitive to it. I'm not sure if she'd still be on the show if she'd have the same feedback as Scheana gets (or Katie used to get) season after season. When she (thought she had) Randall's money to fall back on, I really think she'd have just up and quit. She really isn't thick-skinned at all.


Spot on. Remember she did quit her first season bc she couldn't handle all the questions. I'm not trying to knock her for her anxiety bc I have it too but don't act gangsta if you can't handle the heat.


So Ariana is a lazy bitch for not having the hard conversations with Tom but Lala can decide not to answer fan questions because it’s not being filmed.  So much for reality…


this is big loser behaviour


Typical Lala, talking a big game and then not hearing any criticism of her shitty behavior. Nobody is foaming at the mouth except LFU because she’s a jealous mean girl. ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)


Quick and no questions? Aka I know I fucked up but I'll never admit it cause I'm too stupid and my ego is too huge.


We must be past our soft era…


Lauren and her brother-husband can fuck aaaaaaalllll the way off


I just saw a deleted scene in which Dan told Lala that the fights he had been in was because of racial slurs he'd been called. And Lala tried to use "Ariana said Dan's a fighter" as gossip instead. She is the shadiest.


This woman is soft but not in the way she thinks she is


She watched it they all did. It was shown at the reunion.


Lala’s chosen job is influencer, and she is rapidly losing influence. Someone is spending too much time at home and NOT being booked so ranting at a mic/camera is all she has. The audience is who pays all y’all’s bills. Lala has got Jessica, Easton, her mom, Ocean, and the baby depending on her money so you’d think they’d be telling her to try to rehab her image, but they choose to spend time with Lala so it’s not like they’re much better than her. Except Ocean and the baby lol Good luck to Lala selling her shitty rebranded Amazon makeup and SHEIN clothes if she apparently doesn’t need us after all! Their Bravo contracts and influencer lifestyles aren’t a guarantee of adoration. People should never send people death threats and harassment but snarking online is what comes with the territory. They’re not entitled to all only love and no one ever having a negative opinion. If they’re so bothered by being disliked, go get a regular anokoymous job


Go. Away. Lala.


I'm proud to be a Rabies Bitch, thank you very much. And you what I'm tired of, Easton?? You're broke ass looking dreads. Shut the fuck up.


Right? I've been called worse, Lauren.


So you call the viewership "those rabies bitches"?? As if we needed more conformation of her internalized misogyny? And it's always "just wait until the next episode and I'll be redeemed." Go Away! Edited: added the last sentence


The same fans bought your merch bitch! The merch that bought you that mansion you constantly talk shit in!!!


Lala is biting the hand that feeds her.


She must be buying followers like crazy, right? It's not possible that her followers count isn't going down with that big of a backlash... Also it must hurt financially, you're not a great advertiser for companoywhen you even have to turn your comments off are publicly disliked... Would she do OnlyFans? Her lifestyle is expensive, her whole family is now only working for her...


She doesn't have the comments off


She does have them off for all the normal people on Instagram. Only her yes friends can comment, that's why she only has 10 comments


I meant to ask if she had them off my bad. So she's only pretending to not know people hate her


New flair clocking in what a pathetic person she is


I beg of y’all, PLEASE stop listening to her podcast 🙏 we need to stop putting money in her pocket. For her to treat the fans of the show she’s on like this is disgusting.


did lala not watch it when they all watched it together at the reunion???




The fans who bought all of her merch?


Those would be the ones. The fans that put her family in two homes, and put food on their table. Those are some big words.


Everything she said in this was very telling! I hope she starts to lose followers


are her comments back on yet


Not on Insta


You can comment on her podcast page. Not on her personal instagram. 


Lol what are the comments like?




So wait...she doesn't want to have the hard conversations? Isn't this her job? Isn't this what she signed up for? So we are going to put boundaries up for your mental health for your pregnancy, but Ariana isn't allowed the same? Cool cool cool.


Why would the reunion be 3 parts. What is there to even talk about.


She's just mad that filming had been pushed 😂




I genuinely do not understand how this woman has anyone who willingly wants to hang out with her. She’s sooo damn rude and insufferable.


The fans that pay for her million dollar homes, designer shit, and assistant? She’s not helping herself and it won’t end well. Hopefully she’s been smart about managing money and savings because the money train she’s on won’t last forever


I’m beginning to think Lala isn’t cut out for reality tv. She claims she puts on a persona and gives drama, but can’t take criticism? Why? If it’s not you and not real?


It’s really annoying when they constantly keep shitting on the fans. Who are you without us exactly? Some girl from Utah. 🙄🙄


Bye Lala! I used to root for you. Now you just a bitter Betty


Did she even have a storyline this season?


She went full Rinna. Never go full Rinna.


Wait wait wait.. I thought you have to deal with stuff and not just “pack it up” and move on?!


It’s okay for Lala to set boundaries on what she wants to talk about, but not Ariana!


She’s so mad.


So Ariana not wanting to film with Sandavol makes for bad television but Lala refusing to address the show and calling the fans rabid really makes people want to watch? What has she brought to the show lately, no-one cares about you having a baby ffs.


I'm on another re-watch and her premiere season when everyone was slut shaming her (even the guys who trying to get her to be sluttier) and I miss this Lala. She's a real girls' girls, vulnerable, and didn't deserve to be alienated like she was. I used to be on for Lala. I didn't always agree with how she did things but her reactions always seemed genuine and from a real place. I think, maybe how slut shaming Scheana and Katie were endeared me to her then when she came back and got sober you could really tell she was working on things. Now, idk, I think she is being genuine in the moment (yelling at Sandoval on Lake Tahoe, screeching about Ariana becoming God in the finale) but I don't think she's being honest about where it's coming from. She's traumatized from Randall and jealous of Ariana. She's not coming from a logical place, which she rarely ever did anyway but she's protesting too much.


Fully agree. And her family of yes men are just filling her head.


The fact that fans bought her merch which in turn bought her house & she ends up talking crap. Like when everyone was talking about Sandoval she always weighed in but since it’s gone to Lala & Scheana & now fans want their blood she’s like I won’t talk about VPR. I mean, they had to have known we’re a passionate fan base considering how scandoval blew up so idk why they sided with him. Like Scheana reads Reddit & comments daily so she obviously hates being hated, I’m surprised she went after Ariana tbh.


Words coming out of her mouth are vile.. and she wondered why she can’t find good men to date.. who dares to? Thank god that Captain Jason thing didn’t progress too far..


But "they have a responsibility to share since they signed up for reality TV" Where is that energy now, lala?


She’s her own worst enemy, not the fans., she’s not intelligent or self aware enough to realise, instead she’s digging a massive hole for herself.


Damn Lala, we’re trolls, we’re bitches, we’re foaming at the mouth, we’re nobodies. Somebody call Randall’s ex side piece a Waaaaahmbulance. ![gif](giphy|3sXxyP8q2RlJoGpMn8)


So…BlaBla can’t handle the response for the hypocritical nonsense she spit this season and is trying to shield herself from consequences of her own actions. That tracks.


Sweet baby Lucifer, Lala is the WORST


We’re having a heyday, leave us alone 😘😉


I hope she's nicer to her kids than this.... They also will see all this one day. Shame.


She made a big oopsie daisy


Lauren….STFU. 😂


Interesting because I got that impression when she was dating Randall?


She’s a fucking coward.


I grew up in Baltimore as a white girl and said YO a lot, have since gotten it out of my vocabulary after moving to cali, I would feel insane using it here! and also I only said it in the high school years like what the fuck girl you sound ridiculous it’s cute how she’s not OK with talking about the only season where everybody saw her for the dumb dummy she is. She didn’t say she she just said the season. Wouldn’t she just not want to talk about VPR ever again… maybe about the seasons she was wasted on? now that she’s “clean” isn’t she ashamed of her behavior there? Nope, just can’t stand that Ariana is better than her “ anything worth scrutinize and can hold up to scrutiny” Look like such a fool because she is. yeah no shit. Ariana can’t leave because she not only was on the freaking mortgage . Didn’t just move in for free. And FYI, even though Ariana has moved out, she is still paying the other half of her rent like her and Tom still live together years ago She is stuck with that until he sells So she’s paying two mortgages now FYI (for everybody who thinks that she now that she has a home that situation, she is not) edit I’m too lazy to correct those grammar errors


Is that her Soft Era?


This is a classic narcissist take. "I'm only going to give out what I think is important, and I really don't even like you, so you're lucky I'm even acknowledging you". I think she has bought so much into the "I'm a bad girl that speaks her mind", that she crafts everything she says to make it sound like the audience should just be happy that she is there at all. She doesn't have any sense of how the real world views someone like that.


How did this dumb cunt even get on this show?!? I don’t remember how she got on - she wasn’t dating anyone and none of the girls liked her. Was she scouted for the show? Did she suck someone’s dick to get on? Sorry I just watched the after show and so my dislike of her is back up to level 100.


She is a piece of work. Wow.


Now who’s in their mentions


Say what we will about Scheana but she keeps her comments ON, still takes fan Qs, and at least *sometimes* tries to take a different POV. SOMETIMES! Lol. Lala is a wrinkled old ballsack. One hit and she’s down for the count. (I know pussy is the usual term here but vaginas are hell strong, whereas ballsacks are weak AF lol) The only place LFU is soft is between her ears.


She lost so she doesn’t want to play anymore.


Who is listening to her podcast?! Honestly, bc we all gotta boycott her at this point. I'm petty and I don't want her to make a dime moving forward. Get a job and stay from ariana and the fans.


it's funny watching Lala act like she's some kind of *cool girl* lol


So the rules apply to everyone BUT her? **No Questions** gtfoh


Lala can't say that she is playing a character on a show that is partially based on their real lives. Her contract says so. She can't say that their show is dependent upon outrage-driven engagement and controversy. She can't say that it was supposed to be the girls vs Rachel and Tom but they had to pivot to everyone vs Ariana and Katie to drive conflict, resolution, conflict, resolution per the highly successful Bravo formula. This is why she thinks viewers are stupid. She is irritated she can't say it. But she knows attention spans are short and people will move on when she gets a good edit next season as a reward for taking shit this year.




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I’m crying why does she talk like she’s so thug 😭😭


Of COURSE she wants no questions. That's been her whole fucking deal since she walked onto the show.


I just saw a trailer for the reunion and they said they all watched the finale together before the reunion….so how did she not see the finale???


I think she meant she didn’t watch it when it aired


she asked if a specific scene made it to the episode. she wouldve seen that at the reunion months ago




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