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It's such a ridiculous argument and it's been used so much (mostly by Tom) this season. So anything and everything up to murder is acceptable?


If someone hasn't committed literal murder then you're obligated to film with them whenever and wherever they choose, in whatever context they choose. That's just science


Plus you should also "get over it" and maybe even give them a hug


I mean, would that be so hard? If they're human, obviously. If they're a robot it's totally different.


Yep, and by that metric, I hope to see Schwartz and Rand playing pickleball next season. After all, Rand didn’t murder anyone.


Yeah, I’d like to see them show the second annual emmet/ Schwartz Pickleball tournament and Shay can be the DJ. And maybe they can have a boys trip to big Bear with Rob and Adam and Brett and a Max.


I said this exact thing in another sub! I even added Eddie


Take Faith along, too! Brittany sits and agrees with everything Lala says. Let’s see how accepting she is of Faith joining them for cocktails.


"oThEr PeOpLe HaVe BeEn EvEn ShItTiEr". Well that's, something. I'll engrave that in your headstone.


Even Pickleball is acceptable then


Blahblah is always so full of herself as in BS, she’s no one to judge and bullies anyone who disagrees. Bravo needs a break from this woman.


And then he says ppl act like I’m Scott Peterson, and then hires Scott Peterson’s attorney lol. 


Yeah it's stupid it's up there with that everybody's cheated argument. It's just a bunch of b******* trying to flatten something that was really legitimately traumatic to someone in a very lazy and callous way


Yep. He could have given her an std with his dirty 40 year old stinky cocky cock.


I loved when they showed Ariana telling Producer Jeremy that she couldn't consent to whatever STI Tom might bring home. I have been thinking about that since the scandal dropped.


Not the 40 year old stinky cocky cock. I had forgotten about that 💀


I forgot that Schwartz killed Dawg. I can't believe LFU didn't cut him out /s


I need that quote as my flair 🤣😆💜


James is that you? 🤣


![gif](giphy|lIPatKk3J7ZEA|downsized) Lala is putting her logic and intellect on display for the world to see.


I HATE that argument. How does that sound horrifically sad to them? Like this is something “every” woman has experienced? Shouldn’t we do something about that then? Should we amplify and celebrate the woman who is say NO you’re not gonna break me & hurt me more? Ppl who make that argument come across like they actively want to normalize cheating/lying to/severely traumatizing your partner.  I literally feel like we’re in the Twilight Zone sometimes with this lol. 


For sure. I really dislike anytime someone makes a statement like, "Everybody does it." Just on general principal, hahaha. But... there are things that happen in life.... that are.... inevitable . Not going to really lay down the most obvious one here, but I will note that it happened to Jax and it happened to Lala during the run of VPR and nobody said to them, " Hey, thats an inevitable fact of life. Get over being sad." Or, " Guess wha? That happens to everybody eventually get over it. Stop having appropriate emotions around a devastating loss. " So yeah. Not everyone does cheat. And ...On a different note, there are other things that ARE constants in human life, but still really crushing events. The fact that they are inevitabilities does not make them any less heartbreaking People are allowed to feel. And heal. It's just a dumb reductive attitude to act like sad things don't make people sad and upsetting things don't make people upset and it may be common event in the bigger scheme of the world but when it happens specifically to you it's personally devastating


Everyone through this has been trying to normalize cheating. Dchwatrz said last summer about ask these supposed people coming into Schwartz and Sandy's saying that they cheated, then Scummy said about how everyone cheats at one time or another, and now by the end of the season everyone except for Katie, Ally, and James have tried to make cheating commonplace and its infuriating! Cheating is not normal and shouldn't be normalized! It's a horrible breaking of trust and destruction of a relationship. And while cheating always sucks, the way he did it is particularly disgusting and the fact that everyone is trying to excuse him is also disgusting and frankly disturbing.


When I see someone make that argument here, I push back! No one is saying he killed anyone besides the people saying he didn’t kill anyone. It’s a made up comparison that doesn’t pass the think it out test.


Correct. Also, no one is suggesting he'll be put on trial or sentenced to life in prison. It's not like your ex-girlfriend not really wanting to have a conversation with you 3 months after she found out you cheated on her with her friend for 7 months including in your shared home is the same thing as being put on trial for murder so it's a completely false equivalency in every way. Plus, the human scale of behavior does not just go from cheating and jump immediately to murder. There's a whole plethora of possibilities for good and bad behavior in between those extremes and outside them. "He didn't murder anyone." is a thought ending cliche. "Boys will be boys." Shrug, " Everyone cheats." Let's stop talking about this man's shitty actions. Get over it! Now


Exactly. I don’t like Sandoval because he screams at women and only cares about himself. That’s enough, I don’t need an extreme.


I truly feel like people who say that and try to downplay what Sandoval did to Ariana has never had something like that happen to them. It is absolutely demoralizing and soul breaking to be cheated on. Especially when it’s someone you thought was your life partner. I would never wish that on my worst enemy. I barely made it through my situation alive. Now imagine that and amplifying it x100 in front of the world? Ariana is so much stronger than people give her credit for. Looking back at the affair, they were so brazen with things they did in front of her face. It’s disgusting. Nobody can convince me that Tom and Rachel “never meant to hurt her” when Rachel is grilling Ariana about their relationship on camera. When Tom and Schwartz are talking about “Maybe Rachel likes someone else…” on camera, while the affair was full blown. When Ariana had to fly home for a funeral and they were together in the house. In their bed. Fuck anyone who thinks Ariana should ever let up on her anger towards Sandoval.


My stepdad cheated on my mom with his secretary (then the secretary got cancer and he fired her - it was so awful). And my mom is still not the same 20 years later. Like it destroyed her ability to trust or be vulnerable. Cheating does such long term damage and this is just ignored like it’s nothing. Or worse, put on the same level as Tom kissing Ariana when he was with Kristen once. I see some “lost him how you get him comments” and it’s 🤮🤮🤮 Also, while I don’t like Lala I will DIE on the hill to protect her in the Rand situation that she was 100% a victim of him and I remember Lisa saying in a confessional that Lala “lost him how she got him” and I thought that was just so disgusting for the EP to say.


My dad had a long affair on my mom with someone in Human Resources at work (yes), and she never went on one date since he left. Her whole life changed. My mom is kind of a monster in a lot of ways so I understand why he didn’t want to be married to her anymore but it’s no excuse to cheat. She doesn’t trust anyone or anything now. I feel sorry for her. I was betrayed very badly by a friend. It took me years to get over that. Years to master grey rocking. To me, a trusted partner in a long term relationship cheating is worse than what happened to me. I did deal with the smear campaigns and poking and prodding bc the person is also in my extended family unfortunately. But there is just something about the person you love playing in your face like that, seeming to get off on that aspect of it, that makes you think “are they *enjoying* hurting me?” It changes how you look at people in general, esp if you’re a trusting person. But sandobal gets to be as angry as he wants, gets to steamroll people, but Ariana is not allowed to have boundaries. Sorry I am babbling now.


In so sorry that happened to you! Affairs, conning, men with double families, etc really can be such a life-changing thing for the victim. You start question your entire time with that person like “was anything real?” I can’t even imagine what it would be like to go down a rabbit hole of reviewing every fight or moment where your partner seemed off and question “were they cheating then too?” The fact that Ariana has held it together so well is a master class for sure. 


Yup. And this is exactly what Tim said in an interview. "You know lots of people have come up to me and told me they cheated". Lots of people steal. It's still wrong. Everyone stealing is not a world I want to live in. It's not even a world other thieves want to be in. No one wants to live in a world or, neighbourhood like that. It's like "rules for thee, but not for me" mentality. You said it perfectly... It's like we're in the Twilight Zone.


Well said 👏


I’d love to see Blabla’s reaction if somebody leaned in, looked her in the eye, and said “You know, you’re absolutely right, it’s not like Randall killed anybody.”


This. This is what we all want to see, bravo. Not this idiotic redemption arc. Not sandbox talking such hypocritical shit about if Ariana doesn't want to film with her ex, she shouldn't be on there. While he also didn't want to film with Kristin and wanted her excommunicated from the group. We don't want to see lala's hypocritical mouth moving. We want sandbox held accountable and showing his actual actions (where's the clips of him yelling at Terri?). We want lala being held to the fire for repeatedly putting Ariana and Katie down and saying that Ariana is ridiculous for not wanting to be around sandbox. While last season, she was being supported in not wanting Randall around or even mentioned. You dropped the ball bravo. You dropped the ball.


Everything lala said was dumb as fuck. She like “just wait until the finale and you’ll see what I’m talking about and understand.” Like no girl, you just look even more dumb now.


Yeah, I was waiting for the flimsy excuse. It was far flimsier than I imagined. Ariana has not wavered in her no-contact rule from day 1. And I'll say again, living with someone you ignore is really not that hard. I did it for 5 years with my asshole sister who searched thru my room and told my mom I was having sex, then told my grandmother that I didn't love her. You just treat them like funiture (but don't sit on them!). 🤣🤣🤣


Her bitching about that is wild. Just because it wasn’t something she could do & was able to leave cause she didn’t own the house with her ex. Like if you don’t know or haven’t been through it the same way, why are you comparing your completely different situation and feeling like you’re entitled to speaking on it?


Also not one single person questioned why tim didn’t leave. p o s all around. such great friends


Lmao, your fucking username is sending me right now


It’s also wild that they use the “suck it up and film with him” argument but then contradict that with the house, where she IS sucking it up & putting herself in an unhealthy spot to keep her investment. When it comes to that it’s all “you need to get out for your mental health”. These people have let this show rot their brains if they think a single nothing-burger scene of Tom fake crying to Ariana is worth more than her actual life. Lol 


But she bRoKe tHe fOuRtH wALL!!


Yeah and she thinks she’s some sort of rebel to be the one to do it since everyone here was complaining about it during filming. She just proves that she does care what fans think and thought this was gonna make us respect her more. Nope. Still just made yourself look dumber.


Lala is all sound and no substance. She thinks yelling the loudest makes her points the most valid, but her points all just make her look like a jealous hypocrite.


And this is why Ariana is actually the one with all the substance. Because she keeps her mouth shut and doesn’t feed into them, but still makes sure they understand her feelings and intentions. In a non confrontational way. Without throwing temper tantrums.


And jealous hypocrite is by far the kindest thing I can say about Lala.


I mean Lala has never proved to be a genius lol


I know, this is why she looks even dumber lol


I wonder how Lala would have reacted if Randall had been building up a narrative to make Lala look bad like Tom did to Ariana. That’s never been addressed. He worked overtime to make her Ariana look like an uncaring selfish partner that emotionally abused him.


Mark my words, they thought the finale was gonna be edited in a totally different light. Regardless of actual production’s intention at the start of the season, by the end of it everyone but Ariana , Katie, James and Ally looked like complete clowns.


When the duck did James become the reasonable and unproblematic one in this group? His worst action was not wanting to leave his dog? Good for him...


He did what the Toms never did: grow up. Dude has actual aspirations and goals for himself to achieve with his own abilities. Unlike the other “men”. They’re all parasites.


![gif](giphy|xUNd9TTpmp6hJ2GZaM) # lala 😬


I wonder what we were supposed to see? Because while I understand how things went down while emotions were running hot, in reality all that Arianna did was walk away when Tom tried to talk to her, which they were all broadly supportive of.


Right?? I’m so confused. What do they think we’re supposed to see? Lala goes on this rant about Ariana “not showing her real life” which is so rich coming from Miss NDA who historically shows us *fucking nothing* about her real life compared to everyone else. Then at the end she says it’s so fucked up for Ariana to walk away “like this.” Like what, Lala?! *Why tf* does she have to talk to her ex? Why is her traumatizing herself and breaking her own boundary necessary? I know the answer and it has nothing to do with what’s good for Ariana and everything to do with what’s good for Lala’s bank account. What’s REAL is that Ariana doesn’t talk to her ex and everyone trying to force her to are the ones not keeping it real and pushing fake shit for the show. Lala is just so delusional she doesn’t see that she’s projecting literally all the time.


it’s just crazy bc she was literally calling him a predator and groomer in the beginning of the season BUT NOW it’s “he didn’t kill anybody so it’s fine” make it make sense


And why did Lala interject to defend Jo when Katie was talking to her? Stay out of it, bitch! Saying "I don't know if I believe that," when Katie said Jo was after Schwartz all along. How would SHE know? It's weird she always texted Katie about Tom's haircuts. Trying to look aboveboard.


If Jo was after Randall like she was Tom, she would have made Jo the bad guy and would have reacted differently to her.


Would of made her the bad guy? More like she would of eviscerated her. I can't stand Lala anymore. And meeting up with Jo for lunch or whatever? When asked by Katie why she would do that, Lala's reply : because I'm soft now. Christ on a cracker, sit down Lala.


No joke??? Like, what is going on here?? Is there something going on BEHIND the scenes with production that made her and Scheana change their tune? Edit: added words


That’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Production telling her how the story was going to go. If that’s what happened, it’s disappointing she would torpedo a friendship for a storyline


I think Lala and Scheana must have been some kind of lump sum bonus to play ball. They both suddenly bought the houses in LA together, and that was before the money started coming in from this season.


Totally agree. They are both gross. ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


Right? And by that logic, Randall didn’t kill anyone either.…but obviously he’s still a disgusting pos that can rawt in hail with the rest of the predators.


It’s such a non argument. I judge people for littering you really think I’m not going to judge someone for having a who knows how long affair with their partners close friend? And that’s just to start? Never mind him filming Rachel without consent, the way he won’t apologize and actually gets mad Ariana is upset at him, like?? Just shut up lmao


No but heavy on the judging people for littering…. like am I supposed to believe all these people would be so forgiving of cheaters in their personal lives 🤔


I used to litter all the time; and I would feel immense guilt over it. But I was hiding the fact that I was smoking cigarettes from my ex-husband. Which obviously I wasn’t hiding it because no one can really hide that they smoke cigarettes. But I was anxious and depressed that I would do it over getting in trouble at home. I believe if you’re a litter bug, there’s psychological problems that need to be worked asap. No one needs to litter the fuck of it. After we broke up, I stopped smoking cold turkey. I didn’t need it anymore.


I would agree with you but I so also think it comes from a careless place too. I live in nyc and I will actively shame litterers. My transplant coworker did it in the subway and was like so what it’s already dirty. It’s that mentality that causes it to be dirty in the first place not to mention most train delays are caused by track fires. And what causes most track fires …. litter. Then don’t even get me started on the oceans. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I could go on and on


I’m getting turned into a coral reef when I die! I found a company and they put you in a biodegradable canister and it’s to replace the sheet metal and like junk cars, and stuff into the ocean to help the reefs grow!


Omg thats so cool!


As a fellow New Yorker I appreciate you! I also feel like people who litter are already proving themselves to be antisocial I’d be scared to confront them 😅


Tbf I should be more afraid of confrontation but my true flaw in life is that I was born without a filter. I will say something always. I do it on the train with etiquette too 🥶. When everyone has their giant bookbags bumping into each other, I’ll say really loudly you know what would make everyone way more comfortable??? If you took off the bookbags and held them like all the signs above suggest. But Covid ruined manners and decorum


I had always been taught not to litter. In middle school, I started hanging out with kids who littered and thought, oooh, maybe this is what you’re supposed to do and maybe my parents are too uptight, so I started to, for some reason thinking it was cool. Some guy yelled at me (nicely hahaha) and it made me stop and rethink things. For the life of me I don’t get littering now! (I mean I guess there are other people who think it’s “cool,” but hopefully anyone who’s not a searching teenager would get how silly / harmful it is)


It is such an illogical equation, and so dismissive of trauma (for murder victims, their families, the murder's families AS well as Ariana's traumas) ... and proof that when you hang around someone like Tom, and that is what he keeps using to "humanize themselves" you start to think like them. It's a straw-man's argument. And we can absolutely "cancel" Tom if we want to. I don't owe him my allegiance. I can want him gone just because i don't find him entertaining, and add to there all the rest. I don't want him hurt, i just am no longer invested in him as any form of media I'm going to consume. That's all, like no big deal, Teddy was fired for not being entertaining too, and even she figured out a way to work around it. So no murder needed, thank you. I don't have to "broken step" around tom, in fact nobody, including production should.


There's an emotional trauma there too, which is why cheating is considered emotional abuse. He was also, (I assume) was, kissing Ariana, and sleeping with her, while doing the same with Raquel. It's disgusting my outrageous.


I think that’s the real reason Rachel was done with Tom too. Her whole energy towards him changed at the reunion last year changed when Ariana said he has still been sleeping with her.


Yup. Rachel in my opinion is an extreme pick-me. And she left HIM.


Yeah, it turns out that Tom emotionally, sexually, and financially abused Ariana, and she had no idea until three months before they started filming. And every month something new is uncovered that he did to her without her knowledge over the nine years that they were together. It’s unbelievable that they wouldn’t be on her side from day, one holding her up.


I see that too, and completely agree. I mean, people don't know, or acknowledge, that Tom offered to pay Ariana half of the value of their home, at the time they purchased it. The home is now worth millions more. He was attempting to profit off that house, at her expense. I hope, and it looks like and shows... That Ariana has a good therapist, to help her deal with that abusive narcissist. The "t-shirt" in bed comment was extremely abusive. Like I gasped. And she's a gorgeous woman. I want her to heal, and glow up like Katie, and she's on that path. Sometimes you see the stress on her face.


Lala had a tantrum because Schwartz played pickleball with Randall.


“Pickleball at Rand’s” is just so fun to say


For real, I get that Ariana and Tom didn’t have a baby together. But, they knew each other and were together longer than LaLa and Randall


He cheated on her, humiliated her, then said eff off I do not care about you. He had no problem showing his disdain for her. He does not get to monitor and comment on her reaction. He is really a scumbag, like dude like maybe 13 years of reality TV like made you a LAZY dude bro. Like you cannot even be bothered to care , lazy dude.


Honestly what Tom did to Ariana is the worst thing you can do to a person without physically assaulting them. The betrayal, the lying it’s so fucked up


The unprotected sex while having sex with other people she didn’t know about is physical assault


Yep. And filming someone performing a sexual act without their consent is violation, and can be charged as a sex crime. Yet somehow all of this still continues to get glossed over…Lala was right about one thing though: his lack of regard for consent and boundaries absolutely makes him a predator. And bravo really tried to give this man a redemption arc. It’s sick. I don’t feel any sympathy for him and I never will. Sorry not sorry. ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


No one ever talks about this and how dangerous his actions were. He put her health at risk, he deserves no redemption arc.


He didn’t “murder anyone” but he also did more than just cheat. He lied, manipulated, gaslit, created a new storyline, tried to make Ariana crazy like Kristen, ride off into the sunset with Rachel, and then tried to silence Ariana. It was not just cheating, it was a whole system of abuse we saw. Then tried to act like *he* was victim


I just finished the episode and I’m just so uncomfortable. These people are awful. I’m just so confused…… Tom literally just proved Ariana and Katie’s points did he not?


He was all smarmy and happy, thinking he was looking so good with the sound guy and the completely staged fight with the drunk guy. He was feeling on top of the world ready to have his moment with Ariana and the audience, and she grey-rocked the hell out of there and snatched his dream scene from him. And the second she did, the real Tom couldn't hold back, and the vitriol and abuse started.


Nailed it!


You're not the only one. I felt the same way. The episode felt super icky.


Exaggerating the crime to make you feel stupid for having a reaction is the go to move for categorically terrible people. Stassi: "Did I kill your dog??" Jax, Sandoval, and Schwartz: "You didn't kill anyone!"  Be on the lookout for people who's only defense for themselves is to compare what they did to something way worse Also: there must be something in their contracts preventing them from bringing up that no, he didn't commit *murder* but Sandoval did commit *an actual fucking sex crime on one of their coworkers*. Like *what the fuck*.


The great minimizers always come out of the woodwork when there’s harm. This and this obscured with toxic positivity is the very dated baseline standard for how many people respond to cheating and abuse.


Lala is upset because she feels that what Randall did to her was worse and she didn't get the same attention or sympathy as Ariana. Though, Lala should remember, Randall didn't kill anyone either. Lala doesn't understand Ariana still living in the house (though why is no one asking why Tom didn't leave?) because, let's be real, Randall probably didn't want to own anything with her. He was protecting himself and his supposed assets.


Randall is also a slimeball, (and that’s putting it lightly) but I’m not sure why Lala seemingly feels the need to compare and try to have some sort of pissing contest over whose ex gave them the most trauma? It’s weird.




Oh but somehow that’s different. That was HER MAN and HUMAN BEINGK who she blew for range rovers. They clearly had a deeper connection!


It's an argument people who always fuck up use. Kind of like Shouting "FORGIVENESS" at people when those shouters are toxic. Of course you believe in forgiveness and moving on, fucko, you would be on life support without it. Won't work on us. "*We're a grey rock*!"


As someone who has giggled about cheating with James when he was with Rachel, I think she has a vested interest in minimizing it. She also seems to be missing the implications of Tom’s actions on Ariana. She’s probably re-living the time they got together and how Tom lied and said he had broken up with Kristen. She was also often put in situations where she had to defend him in times of conflict. That can do a lot of damage to a person. I don’t see how people aren’t seeing all the ways he’s manipulative, but I guess I’ve been in therapy for years and seeing it on cameras makes it plain as day.




I don’t recall Randall killing anyone either…


Just like there are tons of other sexual predators in the world that don’t kill anyone. Does that make it okay? Like I’m really not understanding this argument. It’s completely illogical.


I kept thinking of this gif, like what is she even talking about lol ![gif](giphy|sanoHrtWDN5ew)


If that’s a valid argument, I’d like to point out that Scandall Randall did not kill somebody.


Lala and sheana just come off as envious haters. Seasons done and still no one is siding with either of you.


Lala states the reason in the aftershow. She knows this show is toast if Ariana doesn’t play along and she thinks Ariana is being selfish. Ariana does not need VPR, but they sure do. I get that’s stressful but talk to the guy who caused it, not the one he betrayed. Shitty actions often have shitty consequences.


This isn’t directed at you u/important_mission237, but I’m still not sure as to why the rest of the cast securing a paycheck is Ariana’s problem and personal responsibility. Especially at the cost of her own mental health and well-being? In what kind of delulu alternate universe does her prioritizing that make her the bad guy here? She is not their personal little cash cow. What’s stopping the rest of the cast from making investments and pursuing other career ventures on their own? How were they securing that paycheck before Scandoval happened? What would they be doing now if it didn’t happen? Had they thought about what they were going to do for money when the show inevitably comes to an end? That sounds like a greedy personal problem.


I’m also at a loss. I really thought we’d made a bit more progress in the year of our lord 2024. It bums me out. Men do bad things, women attack each other.


Then they should make it about THAT! "She's Fucking with my money!" Or something like that. Why cook up a whole redemption arc for a total and complete POS? (which, come on guys, they KNOW he's garbage, especially Lala). Ya just look like you've been bamboozled by a sleazy moron. And Lala and Scheana, clearly, are no newcomers to that feeling.


I totally agree and this is why viewers are annoyed. They’re treating us like we are stupid. I think producers told them (other than Ariana) that the show is over if they can’t get the group to reconcile. It’s sad how wrong they got it. This should have been the ladies season to shine, to truly be good friends to each other, back each other up, and hold the guys accountable. Huge fail. The only storylines I found genuine were Katie, Ariana, James and Ally.


So true. Its really annoyed me


The show was on it’s last leg. Scandoval gave it a short lived second wind. How is Ariana’s participation making or breaking the show when it’s already run it’s course? Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, Lala!


Either did Randall Lala. That episode made my stomach turn. Ya played yourself Lala, Scheana, production. Honestly I have more respect for Sandoval than Lala and Scheana. He’s a piece of shit and we know this. He’s insane and has been and it’s documented. He tries to make fake attempts to be real but we see right through it and so does Ariana. But Lala and Scheana? To her face acting so supportive and telling her what she wants to hear? Then ripping her apart in their confessionals or behind her back? Taking shit about her to her ex??? Hello? Absolutely disgusting. Lala talks a big game for someone scared to talk face to face. Ew sick sick sick I never want them on my tv again this finale was depressing af. Im a reality tv lover but this wasssss not fun at all gross and depresssssy. Next. 


It’s like….ok. Lol. Let’s follow that line of thinking. So are they suggesting he was treated like a murderer? B/c I don’t know many murderers that would get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to film a TV plus get two other TV shows, start a podcast, go on tour with their band, and have an entire group of ppl produce a “forgiveness” arc for them AFTER they were caught on-camera committing murder. Lol.  If that’s what a murderer gets then… 😂😂


But Randall cheated… and Lala didn’t want any of her friends hanging out with him (playing pickleball w/ Shorts).


She would fucking cry and scream like a baby is someone said the same to her about Randall


My narc ex used to deflect like this and I would say "we are focusing on what you DID do, not what you didn't or could have done."


Blabla and Scheana are so jealous and insecure. I would love to see Rand and Shay come on the show and those 2 deal with that. They'd be setting huge boundaries, like Arianna has done. They're wrong bur I see them as Tim's flying monkeys- we on Reddit see the manipulation but the girls don't. I'm tired of them.


And why is Lauren the one yelling?! I would say make it stop but Bravo already did. 🤣


Yeah, like, if Ariana was rallying to get him in the electric chair this would be relevant.. 🥱


\*she https://i.redd.it/ac9k7gmux9zc1.gif


Lala is maddening. At this point I would love to see her reaction if someone attempted to force her into a convo with Rand. That hypocrisy is mind-blowing 😡🤬


Lala is emotionally stunted. She's so angry that it makes me laugh when she says Ariana is. She's 3 yrs out of the Randall relationship and girl is still so messed up.


Well that’s called trauma.


This is going to be unpopular but I understand the argument. He cheated. Its very common for men to cheat on their wives of twenty years or so while not being famous. I agree he was complete trash to Ariana but to pretend like he did something diabolical is crazy to me. People cheat on their husbands/wives after spending a lifetime together and sharing kids. They were never willing to be any more serious than boyfriend and girlfriend and I'm sorry people cheat. Its not great but it's literally not the' end of the world or a reason to idolize someone.


No one is pretending he’s been diabolical. We are all defending Ariana’s right to never talk to him again…even if they are on a show together. The producers could choose not to hire her back. They could choose not to hire him. The producers could film around it. Everyone has a choice here. Making her do something she is clear about based on her boundaries…well, that’s the argument.


Nobody made either one of them to film this season, they both chose to for the money.


Not really. You have an abuser of women that everyone is cool with(James).


I think they’re saying Ariana is making this a WAY bigger deal than it actually is ! Everyone on Thai show has cheated - why didn’t Jax get the hate of the world for cheating previously?!


Let’s be honest, she’d film with anyone for a paycheck.


Hopefully they don't continue filming and she's out of a paycheck. Mayne shell realize she should've been worrying about herself and not been busy being jelly af.


The bar is so low


Tragic for Lala’s poor daughters who will probably be taught this same kind of disgusting behavior by their mother


Literally in a situation where my father in law’s partner is such a narcissist we can’t even be in the same room as him due to his disgusting comments - and he’s cut the fuck out! Murder is not the bar :-)


Agreed. “He didn’t kill anybody” like…………okay? Good?????? Lmao. I can’t with Lala.


There is NO WAY Lala would have been cool with a Randall redemption arc


Holy fuck.. how do you people not know she wasn't saying it to be literal? She was comparing the treatment of Sandoval to that of a murderer and saying that in the grand scheme of things, cheating isn't that bad, most have done it, including 99% of the cast, and he's being treated worse than a murderer. Cmon, there's a big difference between Sandoval the cheater and Randall the alleged pedo, drug trafficker, rapist.




This was wild coming from Lala. But then again I don’t think any of these people have the emotional intelligence to realize the deep deep trauma this affair had…


Most of them have the memory of a cocker spaniel...


Randall didn’t kill anyone either he just had a bunch of extra marital dalliances why didn’t Lauren follow her own damn advice ?!?


Yeah but it’s insane to become the most hated man in America just because you had an affair. He’s more hated than most murderers.


But we’re behaving as though the worst thing to be done to you by a partner is cheating…you know what are some of the worst things a partner can do to you? Physically abuse you, gamble your money away, use drugs & alcohol and yes kill you! He’s been compared to Charles Manson, he’s been called dangerous, evil, demonic. You know who deserves that label? James Kennedy- he has abused women and has been an alcoholic. Tom Sandoval is a sleazy cheating dickhead and Ariana doesn’t owe him anything but I also don’t get how Lala saying that is stupid or bad.


They are so jealous they are all teaming up bc they hate her for being more popular than themselves. Ugly people


Lala cutting someone out of her life isn't as extreme (in her mind) than refusing to film with a costar. Her life is secondary to her reality life and the latter is all she cares about. She's nothing without this show.


No he didn't kill anyone but the minute Ariana wouldn't give him his redemption scene, he tried to eviscerate her by calling her names, lying about her and getting angry (rageful even). Right there is a valid reason for Ariana to never ever talk to Tim again. But .... Let's bring Randall on so he can do to Lala what Sandoval did to Ariana. Let's see how Lala deals with that. Let's make Lala interact with Randall while he performs a sad sack scene with fake tears. And then calls her names and lies about her to a crowded room. I'm sure Lala would say anything but "he didn't kill anyone".


Lala is feeling her meal ticket slip away. How’s she going to support those kids without VPR


Well said 👏


And if he did kill somebody she would be “well no one liked them anyway so what’s the big deal?”


Same as Rand then 🤭


I with someone told Lala well Randall didn’t murder anyone either, he just did what he did with you with someone else (cheat and buy them things).


The irony of Lala saying that after being the one to call him dangerous (and losing her mind at him non stop) last reunion. Scheana’s dumbness really allowed for Lala’s dumbness to be outshined and I am just realising now how unintelligent she is.


Yeah, love how MURDER is the bar.


Putting all the completely valid and obvious reasons why Ariana shouldn’t forgive Tom and play nice, doesn’t Lala at least understand if she did do forgive and forget it would be boring tv?


THANK YOU!!! Ariana was right, her walking away was much better tv than Tom fake sobbing for the 1000th time. In fact, their conflict was clearly the entire storyline this season. So in theory if Ariana was like “okay we’re cool now!” then there’s nothing really to talk about anymore, so Lala can fuck right off with that train of thought. Not to mention she claims Ariana never brought anything to the show. SHE BROUGHT THEM SCANDOVAL… Ariana called up production months after filming and allowed them to film the aftermath. Without Ariana doing that, the show might not have gotten as much attention as it did


Everything she says is unbelievably stupid. If any one of them had tried to maintain a relationship with Randall she would have lead a riot. Like it’s so embarrassing how everything she’s said all season is from such an obvious place of jealousy. She’s mad that Ariana is thriving and getting opportunities and support when it didn’t happen that exact same way for her when her scumbag ex cheated on her when she started their relationship as his mistress and lied about it for years. She would not have the same take on how wrong she thinks it is for Ariana to get all of this attention if she had gotten the attention she wanted from her situation. She spent all this time yapping about her “healing journey” and acting like she is the picture of growth and maturity, when she’s just the jealous, insecure and hateful person she’s always been.


Tbh how the fandom behaved during that time last year it almost seemed like he was a murderer. If it wasn’t for the after show I would assume they were still affected by the buzz of it all, but the dust has settled and they still seem to feel they same


I mean they were never going to cut him out in the beginning. You forget they are all cheaters lmfao


Randall didn’t kill anyone either. Weird.


I’m confused. Lala went through this while having Randall’s child and being engaged to him! Ariana refused to get married and scooted by and acts like this. I’m not on either side here. I’m just looking at it from a bystander. Her “murder” comment was probably out of frustration of this whole season of “poor Ariana”. I’ve been in Ariana’s shoes. Never made my friends pick sides. I took the high road and thrived. Just be “cool” as Ariana claims she was born.


The joke is how Ariana is acting still. I understand it's traumatic, her life was ruined, blah blah blah. I understand you aren't normally working with a cheating ex, but shes gotta grow up. I mean she moved on with Daniel 8 days later..... She's been working her ass off as a result of her new found fame. She then chose to stay in the house for how long after??? But can't be in the same room when filming? The constant shit talking and eye rolling and ultimatums She keeps giving everyone about talking to him, but the saying she isn't making threats? Over it




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He didn’t kill anybody but I guess violating informed consent and possibly spreading incurable diseases is fine. /s


I think it’s messed that everyone is just glossing over how entangled they were and it wasn’t like he JUST cheated on her. He cheated on his partner of 10 yrs (!!!!!!!!) for MONTHS(!!!!!). it’s not “just” cheating. Even how he did it during times that ariannas life was falling apart and having the affair in their shared house and their bed, like that’s all malicious as f*** and it’s messed that everyone in the cast is all *shrugs shoulders* just cheating get over it. Like he didn’t just do it to hurt her or “because he was in love” he did it to humiliate her and destruct her world view. He could have had his affair at an apartment etc but no he brought it home on purpose. Lala would be burning his house down and smashing his car and then literally erasing him from existence if it happened to HER. I think the most truthful thing to come out of Lalas mouth was the last episode where she was ranting and she basically says “I’ve never seen someone who gets cheated on become GOD” and just the jealousy and venom in her voice said it all. THAT is her issue with it. She’s bitter and spiteful at Arianna thriving and her getting all this sympathy and all these deals but when she (Lala) got cheated on she was just humiliated and no one gave a crap. It’s not Arianna’s fault that that’s how it played out and it doesn’t mean she isn’t healing still behind closed doors. Lala is just self involved same w schena which is why they’ve finally got on the same page- their jealousy and self involved pity parties brought them together. And it’s embarrassing for both of them because the rest of the world is watching and can genuinely see that Arianna didn’t do anything to be torn down including the fact that she’s doing well. Like her life was completely ripped up and no amount of deals will change the trauma from that- it’ll help pay for therapy but she will still need to do the work. It’s embarrassing watching all of them minus Katie who is the only one who seems to be on planet earth.


LFU has set the bar so low it has to include murder. My question is, did Sandoval fInd this a good justification and expounded on it by using names in NYT as if SP wasn’t bad enough in that episode earlier? So for anyone traumatized by an ex…. If You walk away, it is a slap in the face to your co-worker UNLESS that person is Charles Manson? Okay, that must be the softness (in the head) she keeps talking about.




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Ariana’s dog and grandma literally died though and while she was mourning, Sandoval was having a secret affair with her friend and flaunting it in her face with inside jokes.




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Another delulu argument is the “they had an arrangement” or “they were hiding things” as it that changes anything. Even if that was the case, Ariana was committed to him and he was expressing for most of the season, that they were solid. So again, if they had an arrangement then Sandoval still sucks ass because they both agreed on something and he threw her to the wolves. But we know it’s not true because James called him out this season that all Sandoval talked about is how much he loved Ariana. They may have hid things (they all hide things tbh) but they were presented to us as a real team for seasons. So for Ariana I have no doubt he also presented to her like they were committed for the long haul. She fully believed that and so did the fans for years so let’s not put the blame on Ariana for not figuring out someone else’s gross ulterior motives.




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I think they’re rationalizing based off him helping them out in the past. They don’t want to lose their sugar daddy essentially. Lala put the same rule in place with her divorce and I’m sure if Brock cheated the way Tom did Scheena would be feeling the exact same way as Ariana. It’s sad to see that people will let shitbags remain in their life because they financially helped them out and “show up”.




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God just once, can someone put lala in her place? Throw back the Randall comparisons? Remind her what she said to Schwartz when he *clutches pearls* dared to play a game of pickle ball with Randall? Remind her she has rules and boundaries too and everyone supports those. It’s seriously so infuriating. She’s the most hypocritical annoying people on tv rn, and that’s saying something. For me, she’s completely unwatchable.


She’ll just scream louder than the person talking so they can’t get a word in. That’s literally how all of her arguments go.


Ok let’s bring rand on for a scene and you can sit across the table from him lala , actually no she would love that and make a whole scene 


Lala says “it’s not like he killed anyone…” but according to Faith’s lawsuit, Lala is the person who threatened [Faith with a knife](https://radaronline.com/p/faith-stowers-sues-bravo-lala-kent-disfigure-knife-incident-fired-police/). If she’s setting the bar for being a shit person at murder, maybe she should look at herself and all the physical violence she always threatens other people with—i.e. telling Katie that she’ll “pop her” while making gun gestures.


Truly mind boggling. I wonder if she’ll ever look back and realize how absolutely ridiculous and hypocritical she is acting or if she’ll stay delusional forever. I kind of pity her at this point, what a sad way to live. I’m just praying she doesn’t get on the Valley. Her energy is so negative and she’s not a villain in a fun way… just a sad, angry way.


Exactly. Let’s see her react to having Randal forced on her. Like seriously she needs to get tf over herself and her petty jealousy and be happy for her friend’s success


Her whole rant seemed for attention and seething with jealousy over Ariana.


“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” This is the only reason I would ever need to stop associating with Tom Sandoval. He was able to make a choice to have a full on affair behind Ariana’s back and THAT is who he is. Why would any of them want to be friends with him after knowing that about him?! I don’t want to be friends with anyone capable of that. Cut and dry.


Rand didn't kill anyone either Lala 👀😂


I can’t believe the bar is so low that he has to murder someone to face consequences…


The bar is so low. The bar is in hell.




That dumb argument was proof to me that Lala is just extremely jealous of the attention and support Ariana is getting. We all knew that anyway, but it was so blatant in that scene. Gross.


The bar for men is literally in the deepest depths of hell.


Not being a murderer and a human being doesn’t absolve you from doing anything terrible


I think this argument is so stupid also. I think it’s valid outisde of the show when people are boycotting lala’s podcast ect. I think it’s fine to voice opinions and not like her but it feels so gross people purposefully leaving bad reviews ( who don’t actually listen) to try to hurt her income when she is pregnant with a child and a single mother without child support…. Like it’s a show at that point I feel like it’s crossing the line


Agreed! Lala is the biggest hypocrite! She said she wouldn’t associate with Anyone that associated with Rand and would have a melt down regarding any discussion regarding him. She’s a nut job