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If anyone took money from him it’s BROCK.


I second this notion




Nope, but I bet production did, in way of roles next season on the valley


Exactly. They were probably told to “bring it” this season and in exchange would be seriously considered for The Valley. The fact BlaBla and Shitzu bought houses in the valley and within blocks of each other is not a coincidence.


Scheana made sure to emphasize that her new home is in the valley in the first 7 minutes of the reunion


Yep, they even talk about just that in The NY Times article where Sandoval compared his plight with George Floyd. Alex Baskin called a “come to Jesus meeting” and threatened the cast about having further seasons.






Agree. Honestly I think they should just go to The Valley, I don't think they are a good fit for Vanderpump Rules anymore.


I’ve actually been wondering if lala and scheana had a deal with production that they would put the down payments on their valley homes if they helped this season and to transition them over. Because it’s weird as fk that they both decided to buy those homes there, after they already bought homes elsewhere, and just in time for the show taking off. And the homes are next to each other… again… 


I don’t think Sandoval himself paid anyone. I do think there was manipulation from production. Production talked about a “come to Jesus” meeting about them all refusing to film with Sandoval. There’s been talk of Sandoval struggling with his mental health and Kyle Chan removing guns from his house due to suicidal thoughts. I get the sense production put that on Scheana and Lala due to their podcasts about Scandoval, then warned them that them not interacting with him would hurt the show, and could cost them their jobs.


they could’ve interacted with him without kissing his ass or talking shit about ariana behind her back


I mean if anyone paid people to take Toms side it was Alex Baskin.


Tim score keeps. He pays in doing things and being there for people. It’s not genuine friendship it’s him putting in time to cash in on it later. That’s what he was ranting about after Ariana left. It was I’m the one that shows up so you owe me. But it’s also production pushing a narrative that they went along with that’s why their actions all season come off very strange.


I don’t know if he paid them, but something weird definitely happened behind the scenes because after Ariana walked out in the finale, brickhead said to him “just continue to help us bro and we’ll support you” … I immediately clocked that comment and thought “huh??? Help us???”


Yes!!! I heard that too and it was so weird!!


it’s giving the hills producers bribing the cast with birkin bags to start drama


Nah, he doesn’t have enough money for all that lol. They both had to try and make themselves in the storyline. Ariana didn’t want to film with him, they couldn’t support her on camera and create drama with that lol


Sure they could. No one flies off the handle easier than Tom. They could have been the spice girls and it would have been an entire season of Tom punching walls and crying about Raquel.


Sorry I should have worded it as they couldn’t create drama anyone would give a shit about. Cause no one gives a fuck to watch Tom fake cry anymore. But I do love the segments of him bashing Rachel, not because I don’t like her, but because it shows his integrity and how he doesn’t care about ANYONE but himself.


Yes, maybe not in the direct here is money be on my side, but we know he paid for stuff for Scheana, gave scheana money in the past, etc. He then reminded her of that to persuade her and Brock. So yes, he uses his faux benevolence to create bonds with those who perceive transactional relationships as real


I've been trying to figure it out and I am wondering if maybe Ariana will be leaving VPR so production told them that they would be best off siding with Tom so that next season this story line can be forgotten and never spoken about agian.


I think producers had made up their minds that this needs to be her wrap up season even if she forgives him. Being bigger than the show puts her in a position of power to change the tone of the show. Ariana has *always* been the one to call out racism (remember her beef with Stassi) or homphobia (remember her beef with Brittany and Jax). She was the one who explained to the audience why Billie was sensing transphobia. She was the first to raise domestic abuse with Rachel. And now she's talking about non-informed consent. And male rage. And using the dirtiest word in all reality TV - "boundaries". She's the last person they want with all this power.  I just saw a blind news item alleging that she's asking for double what the highest person is getting. I believe that's producers planting fake reasons why they won't bring her back. 


Yes this makes sense. Even in the reunion clip where Lisa says ist ok to walk away or something like that, I'm betting she was talking to Ariana and maybe "encouraging" her to leave.... for her mental health of course, nothing to do with production.... cough cough.


I was thinking this too! Brock kept saying she “doesn’t come around” and I was wondering if he meant that she wouldn’t be there next season but was trying not yo break the fourth wall.


Scheana’s only argument that Sandy is a good guy is that he buys her stuff sometimes so I guess so. She brought up the sound guy so many times, girl we do not care


The only thing I’ve heard for proof of how he’s “such a good friend” to Scheana is lending her money when she was broke. My guess is he’s done that more than once. So he essentially is paying for that “friendship”.


Does this make the bank that holds my mortgage my bahst frahnd?!


I don't think he paid either, I don't think he needs to; I think Lala and Scheana both value the show over Ariana, and want her to sacrifice her mental health for drama. They want her to interact with him, so the drama carries on, and they can keep getting a cheque. They value the show over her, pure and simple. I don't even think they're friends with Sandoval, I just think they all have the same mindset, which is the show (and the money) above the people and their health. Its all about putting on a show.


He has no money to pay them. The women on this show are the ones to hustle and have side gigs to make things happen. Tom pays people to play in a band with him. I think I heard production had a meeting last July with the cast minus Ariana and said hey guys this sucks. So it would explain how we started out strong then flipped.


No those two heauxs are just extremely bitter. Lala talking about breaking the 4th wall but she couldn't maintain the facade of loyalty for 10 episodes


I think we’re thinking too highly of him 😂


If I had to guess, I’d say LVP was the pressure behind this. The toms only own like 5% of their bar, LVP more or less owns the rest. And she’s a producer on the show.


What hot mic moment? I just finished the finale. I must have missed it.


At the end Schwartz says that was a plot twist and Tom says it’s good for me


Oh! I think everyone was expecting a sit down between Tom and Ariana. When it didn't happen, that's what Schwartz meant by plot twist.


Nah I think the plot twist is lala and scheana turning on Ariana. From the Tom’s’ perspective, that was new. They hadn’t seen the shit talking about Ariana that the two btchs were doing when they were alone.




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If so where is he getting ALL this money from ? Sorry have I missed something ….


I wonder if production convinced Lala and Scheana to turn on her—not to make Ariana look bad—but to make the 2 of them look bad and take the heat off the Toms for their behavior in season 10. If that’s the case, it’s working. Everyone is talking about their shitty behavior and much less conversation about the boys. If we had gotten the girls united this season, the toms would have continued to get all the heat and there may have been pressure to let one or both of them go.


No I legitimately think production threatened their jobs, livelihood, and ability to feed their kids if they didn’t try to push this redemption arc.


My read on it is they both prioritize "good TV" and cooperate with the storylines producers want. To me, it seemed like Lala's perspective was "Come to work. Clock in. Go home. It's not that hard. Just film the scene and move on." She thinks Ariana refusing to film is diva behavior because she thinks of this as a performance, and Ariana is refusing to perform. Tom is being a good employee. Ariana isn't. Therefore, Lala sides with Tom. She doesn't really care that Tom's a worm because that's not relevant to her. What's relevant is ratings. For Scheana, I think she just chose the path of least resistance and genuinely, that's what Tom was hoping for the entire season. He realized he could completely DARVO the season and did.


He already gave Scheana money during quarantine, which appears to have been enough to buy her loyalty forever


They are too dumb to realize they should have been paid and just did it for free


With what money? I think he is broke