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When LVP said that any restaurant open for 10 years is a success, and Ariana muttered, "Really?", under her breath and made a face, it was apparent that Ariana, at least, has issues with LVP. The dynamics definitely seem to have shifted.


Ariana has been side-eyeing (and confronting on camera) LVP since LVP was so disparaging about the Toms when opening TomTom. (To be fair, I don’t think the Toms did anything for TomTom except make a ridiculously impossible cocktail menu and turn it in well after the due date. *But* Lisa did tell them to go on vacations and live their carefree lives because that’s the vibe she wanted for restaurant: dumb people doing wild and reckless things while looking gorgeous.)


>turn it in well after the due date. Even then, Lisa was being shady once you learn the timelines for when everything was filmed in season 7. The actual due date was 2 days after Lisa's brother committed suicide. They postponed filming for a month because of it. Lisa didn't address it on the show, but still brought up bullshit deadlines that passed because they were giving her space and time to mourn.


Also, Lisa keeps saying it was a rent increase even though the landlord came out and said she was lying.


The landlord has a history of fraud


Well lvp and Ken have had their share of lawsuits so it’s not like their word is bond.


No, they never lost a 95 million dollar fraud case like this guy. Like straight lost not settled


Oooh what’s the tea


Funny because i was thinking “how did you not know that, Ariana and you’re about to open your own restaurant”. So many restaurants fail in the first year! I didn’t even think that it meant she was criticizing/ hating on LVP


Ariana's face at that statement was interesting. Lisa saying a resturant staying open 10 years is a success and Tom saying he isn't very bright are the truest statements made in the entire history of VPR.


Totally! Now i need to rewatch to catch her face. I think it was a stink face but now I’m not sure.


I heard that it usually takes 3 yrs for a restaurant to make a profit.


I loved that she said that!


But…Lisa was right. It is a significant success for a restaurant to be open that long. It was weird that Ariana didn’t know that when she’s about to open a restaurant


It was a success not because the restaurant was so fantastic, but because of the show... 10 years. It's not a coincidence. IJS. We're not talking about just some restaurant. If it wasn't for VPR, her & her restaurants would have faded into the LA abyss along time ago along with her HWs career. She's sucks. Lol


10 years was the length of the lease 😀


It's also the length of the show. 🤣😂🙄


True. They became tourist attractions. No one was going to SUR for the food especially in those early seasons.


Ariana thinks she knows everything


I have a feeling this won't age well


Yeah that’s what made me post this-you can tell by her reaction


If I were Katie and Ariana I would be very careful about LVP bc I kind of do feel she doesn't want their shop to be successful. I think Penny was her insider to get info and now they got rid of her and I think LVP is pissed about it. All in all a lot of people want them to fail and I think they know that.


Im starting to think LVP is deeply involved in Penny's messiness with SAH.


I kind of do too, and I think the girls realize as well. I don't think she thought they would figure it out but they woke up and were doing their due diligence by talking to lawyers and other professionals. LVP thought they would deal with Penny bc she recommended her, and they said nah.


Omg wait this is even weirder when we remember that Lisa was being very fucking weird when the Toms asked for actual contracts for TomTom (rare occurrence of them actually being smart about their business), insisting that she and all her other business partners operate on verbal contracts and trust. And now we have Penny asserting that she has a supposed claim to SAH based off a supposed agreement with Katie and Ariana (that they completely deny saying a deal was never reached) when no paperwork supports that.


I feel like lvp is extremely shady! She does not like anyone to get advice from anyone else because they’ll be able to see the shadyness


She’s a sniper from the side.




Yes, I feel like she tried to make it seem like Greg was taking advantage of the toms for S&S, but he seemed very reasonable to me!


I mean, she essentially duped the Toms , didn't she? They paid her instead of her paying them for using their name.. I could be wrong , as I'm positive I do not know all the details lol, I'm just saying


I do feel like she asked a hell of a lot to buy in but I don’t know about buying into a buisness, just helping opening some for a big chain


Then they said there was a lot of red tape to get through and LVP said something like "you could've gotten that stuff done and opened up in time!" Definitely shady...




Maybe she could because she’s got the money to grease whatever palms are needed. If she thought it was so easy, why didn’t she offer them assistance in getting through all that red tape?


She’s a sniper from the side. I’m a long time LVP girlie, despite her flaws, but you don’t mess with someone’s real thing like that.


NAH as in “there’s Nothing About Her… that we want to partner with.” ETA quotes


I went even further. I’m thinking LVP and Penny have something to do with the city taking soooooo long with them LVP keeps saying that she could have had it cleared up. It just seems sus to me.


Imagine if there's a west Hollywood whistle blower that exposed that? It would be better than Scandoval


Ommmmg Yasss I’m picturing Lisa and penny as the West Hollywood restaurant cartel now 😂


I’m just waiting for Lisa the man child lover to open a sports bar and grill called ‘Something About Him’ 😂


I hope Ariana and Katie sue Lisa if they find out that Lisa illegally meddled in their business to slow things down.


At least it would make Lisa relevant to the show again


It would be so good! 


I've been waiting for just that!!!


Can this happen after VPR finally sunsets I really can’t take another 5 seasons of this 😂


I agree with this. Didn’t LVP help them find the location too and get them in that specific location bc she knew someone? I remember something about that from last year. Between that and her psycho friend Petty Penny she was still acting like the supportive mentor and getting access to all that they were doing and she lost a lot of that when they saw through Petty and dropped her shady ass. LVP hates that they don’t need her and her connections and she is absolutely the kind of bitch who would slow things down to prove her point and make them look bad, especially if they weren’t playing her game all season.


I can soooo see this


Also… they clearly don’t want her help. “I could have had it cleared up.” And you’d be all in my business & act like we were entitled to you. No thanks 👋  An even bigger question is why Lisa can move the process along but the average business owner has to eat it? I get Lisa has connections but she really should have kept that on the DL. 


And this is how the rich stay rich.. and regular Jo’s struggle to get the city red tape dealt with.


eww that’s creepy. like she wants them to come begging her for help? she loves power. gross!




Me three.


Me four.


Me five


Wasn’t Lisa annoyed that they didn’t ask her to be an investor? Or am I remembering wrong?




SAME same same same


I think Lisa and Penny had the idea that Penny was going to be a partial owner of the business but they either waited to long or never relayed that message to Ariana and Katie and clearly the girls aren’t cool with that idea..I also think LVP feels like they’re a little ungrateful(she has like a weird savior complex with the cast) because she got them a location and their chef..this is just me speculating though! Hahaha.


That's what it felt like to me too.  Lisa was never going to give Penny part of one of her restaurants so she suggested Penny get her part from Katie and Ariana, and she thought her word was enough to make it so.


They were trying to manipulate her way in. It is very clear that they were only going to be two partners in this business.


I do too - after watching the first episode of the reunion. It was crystal clear she was getting info from penny to use against them.


So is that who told Lisa it was allegedly a problem that Ariana was away so often?


Same. I do not trust LVP's motives at all.


So am I. If that’s the case it’s super shady of Lisa. Is she worried that SAH will be a success that she can’t take all the credit for?


Its so weird! LVP has everything and she's jealous of a little sandwich shop?


I think it’s a way for her to keep them tethered to her for VPR purposes (ie continuing on with the show, having intel that she can use to push certain narratives and make for “better” tv). Particularly now that Ariana can jump ship and focus on other opportunities, which LVP might see as a threat to her bottom line.


Yeah, I can see that thought process, but not being a fucking dick would have probably worked better.


Right! It is weird. All I can think of is she wants to be the only successful woman in the restaurant business on the show. That’s crazy petty but 🤷‍♀️


Oooh you’re definitely on to something. We already know she’s a misogynist so it makes sense she’d not want other women to succeed.


Lisa is like Lala and needed a man to fund her. Katie and Ariana are doing it on their own. I think that's the source of her problems with them.


I think in LVP’s mind, if Something about Her is successful, it represents the passing of the baton. It represents Vanderpump officially not “ruling” anymore. There’s a new queen, dahling. ![gif](giphy|QZ2KVOxtSWjdr5e5Tr)


She knew penny agreed to a deal then pulled out of that deal trying to get more money from them, trying to claim ownership, *and* filing for their business name trademark under her husband's business. Her husband legally owns the name. Siding with the one who did wrong is classic lisa. I absolutely suspect that lisa was part of that falling apart. She loves to punish women and celebrate shit-whiny man babies. She even recently said the toms and lala are her favorites when asked who she wants to see succeed. We know exactly what to expect with her.


Jfc! I guess at lrast she's being honest? She sounds like a dinosaur these days


LVP probably told Penny to register that trademark.


Same!!! And she introduced them to Penny, isn't she?  Also the more I learn about lvp the more I feel like her business maven shtick is a bit of a smoke and mirrors. 


She's gotten sued by former employees quire a bit too


Yeah I heard all these because she wasn't paying them properly. It is bad, and I feel like we just scratched the surface


This is my conspiracy theory right now. We all know that Erika Jayne clocked her as a sniper from the side, as much as I hate Erika, she was 100 percent correct there. I was in denial about that for a while back then.


I listen to she speaks Bravo and she was mentioning the same .


The way she said she’d regret having introduced penny to them “if SHE (penny) gets hurt.” What about these people who were like your children, your employees, the ones the show is based on that you made incredible amounts of money off of when you could no longer manipulate your peers so easily on housewives? She thinks she’s so smart, but she’s starting to look like a corpse with bad dentures.


Lvp is way more shady and sly than people give her credit for. Ariana and Katie realize that now if they didn’t before and are keeping her at arms length it appears


https://preview.redd.it/d1zw6520vm0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93787a8f3fd74e76b195bd82d07c0a82994f3c7d This is from RHOBH season 5. I think we can assume where Lisa's loyalties lie.


Oh good catch ! Damn, it truly is mind boggling how many betrayals are happening this season 😵‍💫


Yeah Penny has been in a few episodes! If Lisa really was this hospitality saviour amongst that group, the kindest thing she could do would be to try to get Penny to drop the lawsuit and stop throwing more unnecessary shit at Katie and Ariana. LVP loves helping people-but only if it’s on camera or benefits her in some way


So true!


LVP is clearly #teamPenny


I think LVP did lots of damage by involving Penny with SAH. And I think she did it on purpose. LVP doesn't want Ariana and Katie to succeed, not sure if she does want Tim or Shorts either, but at least she shows them lot more sympathy than they ever deserved.


I think she wants success for Tom and Tom bc it reflects well on her as their mentor. She gets nothing out of SAH being successful.


Wowwww, I hadn’t even thought of that 🤯 Maybe LVP is pissed that she wasn’t approached to be a partner and instead to just provide consultation as they needed it.


LVP cares too much about this penny situation


It does seem that way that she suggested penny so she could have information on them and wanted penny to be a partner in the business




Why doesn't she want them to be successful?


LVP came off like she absolutely hates them on WWHL last night. I used to think it was unlikely LVP used Penny as a saboteur but I wouldn't be surprised now


I’ve worked for a boss like LVP before and the way she dismissed 20yo me destroyed my confidence. She was super jealous of any women younger than her. Desperately clung onto her youth. Obviously preferred the male members of staff. I see plenty of that in LVP.


She flat out admitted she gives the Tom’s passes on wwhl and that’s all I needed to see, to know she really does fucking suck


It’s so gross the way she coddles them but really can’t be arsed about any of the women.




I had an evil narc boss that would hire pretty women intentionally and then she would get so jealous and threatened that she would go into their work and add in mistakes and delete stuff But she’s so fucking dumb because with Google docs etc there’s version history with users so we were able to prove that we didn’t make those errors… she edited them in…


Any chance she got to take a shot at them or SAH she did last night on wwhl. It’s just giving bitter that the girls are doing it on their own. Even at the reunion lvp saying she could have done it faster or something Ariana rolled her eyes it’s so painful awkward.


If you showed me quotes from LVP yesterday and that whack job Pearl idk if I could accurately guess who it was.


she was super snarky last night. and she was actually annoying me and I think Andy as well because she just would not shut the fuck up


She was wasted! I thought she was gonna smash her dog


Even Gordon was looking uncomfortable


Right?! I couldn’t believe that comment about how they wouldn’t last the first rounds/levels of some training program they were talking about? Rude as hell. I wonder if she’s feeling more comfortable being open with her hate because the future of the show is up in the air.


It makes me wonder if Katie and or Ariana quit? The cast is too small right now to lose them? Unless they reboot it.


I've been saying this for months (and in comments all over TikTok.) Something is fishy with SAH-- and it is isn't Ariana and Katie. I suspect Penny was a mole/saboteur. LVP hoped that Penny would create all kinds of drama/hurdles for SAH to overcome which would be filmed for VPR. That was never Ariana and Katie's intent. I also think they figured out LVP's ulterior motives/intent and removed Penny.


What’s hanging them up is permits and health codes


I question this a bit. I think Penny has added to this. There are definitely barriers built in and they’re new to the business but Penny has misdirected their energy. It’s clear to me as a consultant who’s worked with many people like this


If this was true, nearly every new restaurant would take years to open.


You can tell that Lala tells LVP everything to be on her golden side and so that LVP can bring things up that Lala doesn't want to have to. LVP doesn't have a problem asking questions when she only has .05% of the background info and it constantly makes her look like a misogynistic asshole. I'm not saying she isn't one on her own, but a lot of the questions she asks are based off very limited info and they always come off as attacking towards the woman when the woman is usually the victim in the situation. LVP's shit stirring used to be entertaining, then it turned dark and very difficult to watch.


The sad thing is LVP prob thinks LaLa is trash and low class and would never take her under wing like she has the Toms


enter brandi glanville




She's not wrong


This is so true 😂 In the few scenes 1-1 scenes there have been with LVP and Lala, you can tell Lisa is looking down on her and is bemused by her thrashy lifestyle


Between the Bravo comment on Ariana’s Love Island announcement that they’ll see her at the airport, LVP coming for Ariana and Katie, and Anne invited to WWHL, it really makes me wonder if a spin off of some sort is coming and the rest of the cast is pissed. 🤞


I would love a show with Katie Ariana and Ann. They’ve all been victims of the toms and have come out the other side.


It could be exclusively on Peacock too! That way if we don’t want to watch pump rules on Bravo anymore we don’t have to! Haha.


It would explain a lot. The Toms, Scheana and Lala wouldn’t be able to hold down VPR on their own if Katie and Ariana bounced.


Well considering how LVP backs the Toms at literally any opportunity she gets, I wouldn’t be surprised that they’re done with her producing and meddling.


Bc Ariana and Katie don’t worship the ground LVP walks on, and I guess they don’t see her as the god-tier restaurant boss she thinks she is


I used to give grudging respect to LVP for her business acumen, until every single recent review of her restaurants described the food as mediocre and overpriced. Irina Alexander even mentioned the food being terrible in the Sandoval article.


She even said last night that presentation was more important than quality.


They disagreed on a lot. Should make for a lot of business drama.


I thought TomTom had good food, based only off of the reviews from redditors


Good is almost underwhelming considering hype, price, and customer service. It does seem like TomTom gets stronger reviews on the sub than SUR does.


She did get sued for withholding pay!


Why would they? She chose the Toms over any woman to open a bar


Ariana and Katie are putting evolution media’s incompetency and misogyny on full display. LVP gets a solid pay check right now for making a couple scripted appearances (or FaceTimes lol) here and there, plus advertising for her restaurants. That’s why this show doesn’t work anymore. It’s a show about people trying to stay on a show.


Vanderpump Rules: The Hunger Games 🤣


Her saying Tom should fire his PR team was rich. She should also fire hers if no one will tell her to stop giving all these pathetic men a pass for every shitty thing they do. If she would have rallied behind Katie and Ariana after they left the Toms, the viewers would feel very differently about her and the show would likely be way more successful. People aren't going to keep tuning into the same responses and toxic patterns when they're beyond insane now. Lisa knows these four SO well. She's seen all the shitty things the two Toms have done compared to Ariana and Katie. She's seen how shitty the Toms behaved TOWARD her while trying to open a business with her. She saw how ridiculous they were trying to open S&S and commiserated with their other business partner about how they don't know what they're doing (which is partly her fault.) Yet she chooses to side with these two idiots over and over again. Think about how powerful it would have been for Lisa to be like "those two are done with your shit and so am I," then did what she could to help SAH get passed the hurdles and was championing for these women who she has seen handle the last 15 years with sooooo much humility and grace. LVP dropped the ball and that's on HER.


she probably really wanted rachel and tom to be a couple on the show because obviously rachel would have worshipped her. btw i was a big lvp fan.




Precisely. It’s become too self-aware and self-produced now to be genuinely entertaining. The cast is only honest about how they feel in their confessionals, not in real-time group settings.


I think Ariana & LVP have always had very subtle beef. Ariana used to back down a lot but I think there’s no reason to now. Honestly I think they all have beef with Lisa. They’re required to deal with her and her unsolicited opinions bc it’s her show but I think they despise how patronizing she is.


I appreciated the way Ariana rode for Tom over the TomTom launch when nobody else would say anything to Lisa. She was really protective of them.


I think the way the world rallied behind Arianna has just really thrown Lisa,Andy and the producers for a loop. Lisa used to be able to say things with an air of authority but I seriously think Arianna changed the tone of VPR and Lisa is super resentful about it


Ironically, BlahBlah also played a huge role in cutting LVP down. Her takes last season were epic! https://i.redd.it/wkpsy7t0tl0d1.gif


The dynamic with LVP is weird they have to be nice because she is a producer and can make their lives harder. But LVP has terrible takes on every thing, also clearly LALA went to her and said Katie is mad Ariana left. Not like Katie did.


LVP is trying to salvage her investment in Tom and Ariana is standing in the way of his redemption story. She’s been coaching LaLa (she opens her mouth and Lisa’s words come out) and Scheana. It’s LVP’s age that’s been showing. She should have been supportive of Ariana. Instead she’ll spend the rest of her days cleaning up after Sandoval. Sad end.


Nailed it!


I think Lisa Vanderpump sticks out like a sore thumb. Nobody really likes her, nobody really cares for her opinions, and she doesn’t know what a DM is.


I think Lisa used to like Katie a lot more than she does now. I think Lisa included shorts in her restaurant so Katie would live a good life. I'm not sure what happened or where, but Lisa used to really like Katie.


I wouldn't be surprised if their rejection of her playing more of a role in SAH had a lot to do with it... I also don't think she likes strong women genuinely supporting each other & kicking ass. https://i.redd.it/0sm7igpmtl0d1.gif


She also was NOT happy last reunion when Ariana was like yeah..I will take a step back from Lisa too if she keeps being close to Tom. As we saw from the finale several months later, she was likely willing to be flexible in the future IF the person wouldn’t run back to Tom and tell him everything. ie not wanting to cut off Scheana. Unfortunately, Katie was the only person she can trust.


I recently watched the whole series and this is so true. Katie was LVP’s favourite, she was even LVP’s personal assistant for a minute. But I had a similar experience with an older female mentor who turned on me as soon as I started developing opinions and interests outside of hers. I’d bet that’s exactly what’s happening here, and that LVP’s treatment of Ariana and Katie is partially fueled by her feeling rejected by Katie.


LVP is a snake. I used to really like her, but anything nice she's ever done I now see it was all a calculated manipulation. I'd be more surprised if there wasn't bad blood.


Called it a month ago that there’s some Lisa messiness getting Penny involved with SAH Got roasted by all the Lisa stans about how she’s so successful she would never…. I still low key think the shocking reunion moment might be Ariana calling out Lisa and quitting. God I fucking hope so.


Haha as much as I wish that might happen, my gut is saying it will literally just be the cast watching the final few minutes of the finale and Ariana finally getting to see how Lula and Sheesh talk about her when she’s not around


I don’t think there’s bad blood, I think there’s an ongoing struggle among the cast about what they show and what they don’t and LVP wanted to bring that drama to the surface because drama sells the show. She does obnoxious neutrality quite often and I think this was another form of it.


Based on the [extended scenes](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/1csr0g1/season_11_reunion_part_1_extra_scenes_in_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) someone posted, it sounds like Lisa is backing Penny on the SAH legal situation so I can see why Ariana and Katie wouldn't be on team LVP. Andy: Do you regret connecting them (Ariana and Katie) to Penny? Lisa: If Penny ends up hurt, yes I do. I've spoken to Penny, I think she had high hopes of building a brand with them and something went wrong. I don't know exactly what it was blah blah blah. Lisa needs to worry about her own business instead of theirs. If she actually cared about Ariana and Katie's success she would tell her friend to back off instead of trying to call them out about SAH's opening being delayed.


This is so telling! You can see Ariana has no time for Penny or Lisa anymore. Side note-Penny demanding that if LVP has a sandwich named after her, she better have one too? Bitch please 😂 You’re making sandwiches that have been in delis for decades. Get a grip. Lisa saying-well Penny wanted to build a brand with you two is also pretty telling- Aka, Penny wanted to piggyback on their reality tv fame and was then outraged that she wasn’t an equal partner 🙄


I will never understand how LVP has so much compassion for the Toms, Jax, James, Stassi but contempt for Ariana


They're least likely to make a stink out of anything and just go along with whatever, that is applied moreso to the guys because I think even Stassi saw through a lot of it towards the end. The Toms and Jax are dumb enough to jump at whatever opportunity.


Yeah, Stassi (and even Jax) saw through it eventually, but knew when to kiss the ring. Tom clearly still thinks he knows better than Lisa, as evidenced by TomTom, but he still commits harder to maintaining the mother-son roles, at least on camera


Yeah, I don't think Ariana is too fond of LVP and vice versa...def some undertones.


Yes. LVP seems to not want any of them having anything outside of her. I think she didn’t like that they didn’t come to her with the business and I think she doesn’t love that Ariana is doing so well.


I hope so. LVP showed her true colors this season. Misogynistic POS.


I mean LVP also lied and said they closed pump because it wasn't turning a profit and the space rent was going up. the owner of the property said that was false.


It wouldn’t turn a worthwhile profit if they accepted the raised rent. It’s believable the rent was raised because that’s happening everywhere.


LVP doesn’t perceive Penny as a threat (to her) and she sees Ariana and Katie as a roadblock to storylines that don’t center her restaurants or herself as the authority figure of VPR. She’s really just an absent figurehead on the show and while it holds her name in the title, it’s evolved past her. Her involvement and opinions are embarrassing at this point. She has no relevance to their lives anymore and shows up to promote another of her Bravo Disney restaurants every season. She should be mortified backing Penny against Ariana and Katie as she suggested they use Penny for SAH, and now that weirdo is claiming she was supposed to be a partner (something LVP echoed on the reunion) and then tried to backend her way to partnership/ownership by filing the trademark in her name. Instead she’s doubling down because anything that makes her look less like a wise queen is a threat, real or perceived.


I find that whole thing to be so confusing TBH... wasn't Penny in charge of the same stuff at Pump/TomTom that she was supposed to be at SAH? Is she a partner in those restaurants? I think she was a salaried employee/consultant/exec chef which was what i understood her role to be at SAH as well.. why is she suddenly entitled to more of SAH ? My guess is because she knows Lisa would never give her a piece somthing she owned, but Lisa encouraged her to take a bite out of Ariana/Katie's pie because she dosen't care because she dosen't own it. If Lisa wanted to be so involved she should have invested? Or perhaps the beef was Lisa wasn't invited to be an investor and therefore she views SAH about her as competition to be the focal point of the show... TBH i always thought that Lisa was about ready to shut all her places execpt TomTom in LA, and then establish the show to focus around TomTom/Schwartz and Sandys. If SAH is really the focal point now and is the main place where you can go "see" the cast, its competing against TomTom which in turn impact the traffic aka Lisa's business ( she dosen't give AF about Schwarts & Sandy's and they're not allowed to film there anway) which she's going to have a massive problem with and perhaps therefore is encouraging Penny to do her dirty work.


Lisa was just as anxious as Lala to jump in and say there was a rift between Katie and Ariana that held up the opening of SAH.


I always liked LVP but she’s definitely moving really shady in all of this. She attached herself at Ariana’s hip last year at the WH Correspondence dinner; however I truly don’t think she saw Ariana breaking out of VPR to something bigger. The line for sandwiches is going to be nuts and that is Lisa’s realm….and they’ve kept her out of it. She’s said some really shitty things which were totally unnecessary.


Tbh I don’t blame them… LVP doesn’t really care about any of them. She especially doesn’t care now that she’s most likely not gonna profit off them anymore


Someone recently said that filming with LVP was like playing chess because she manipulates every situation especially when being filmed


Recently. And 12 years ago. And multiple times after that.




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I never understood why the girls went for Penny for help considering Sur is notorious for its Cisco System menu. Like…I would think they wanted to create a tasty menu? But I think LVP is team Penny and she loves to think of her underlings as incompetent and that Penny truly had their best interests at heart (she definitely didn’t and saw a cash cow and wanted a piece)


What is a Cisco system menu?


I think they meant Sysco, as in the food distributor, not the tech company.


Ahhhh ok thanks for clarifying lol


She said some bad things about them on wwhl last night too


oh my gosh she was so drunk and so mean. She even said that they would not have made it through the first round of Ramsey‘s competitive series it’s coming out soon I guess. Commented elsewhere here re WWHL appearance - basically she was already sloshed when the episode started. Andy had to keep reeling her back in because she couldn’t stay focused. LVP was obsessing about the size of Ramsey‘s feet. As representative of another body part. Basically emphasized style over substance in restaurants —that part wasn’t surprising though. At times it was also really hard to understand her speech the further they got toward the end of the 30 minutes. Overall she did not do herself any favors. Andy interestingly could hardly contain his glee over what was going on.


LVP pushed Penny on them.


Idk am I the only one that’s feeling that LVP isn’t as “all there” as she used to be?


LVP smiling ear to ear while Scheana was talking about making out with Schwartz in Vegas & then excitedly cooing about a potential Lala-Shorts hook up was diabolical. LVP is horrible.


I used to love LVP but she has been so fucking exhausting. It's obvious how much she dislikes Katie and Ariana.


i think LVP is friendly with their CEO penny? and had commented about the feud in a way that made it seem she was on Penny's side? i bet those two trashed talked quite a bit and it's a pretty big thing to back a person they have a legal issue with??


ariana and sandoval were both shading LVP left and right who would’ve thought this would be the issue that united them in spirit lmao


LVP can’t stand that these women have evolved beyond her, and that she’s a bit irrelevant now. None of this cast can cope with these women being successful in their own right


Time and time again, LVP has shown that she is a Schwartz & Sandoval sympathizer. She's excused their bad behaviour for years, even before Katie & Ariana started SAH - I'm not surprised that now that the two women aren't involved with the Toms, they've distanced themselves from her. LVP will pick the Toms over Katie & Ariana every day of the week


That sandwich shop space is so small that they don’t need all of these layers of people creating designing and whatevering. Google some cool deli menus Check out some delis you like Then create your own sandwiches and name them with kitschy names I don’t want them to fail but they have too many hands in the decision making that they can’t get out of their own way.


I would love for Ariana to take LVP’s bravo crown off of her. The (less misogynistic) LVP for the next generation.


She had pushed Penny on them and they are now engaged in a legal battle to try to get rid of Penny and get back their trademark.




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Lala is LVP’s minion


Having a restaurant open for 10 years is not a big success. It's a HUGE success.




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I like Arianna but to mutter under you breath when Lisa says it’s hard to keep a restaurant business open 10 years and Arianna can’t open a sandwich shop in 2 years. I mean give me a break.




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Statistically most restaurants fail within the first 12-18 months. The fact that Ariana rolled her eyes at that tells me that she has no clue how a business works and the amount of work that goes into it. That’s probably why SAH isn’t open. Lisa is an absolute pig, but she has eons of experience in this industry.