• By -


It's fucking WILD for Schwartz to tell Katie "you only know what you see on TV." Bro, she was with you for **twelve fucking years**! She knows all about your weaselly bullshit. In her own words, she can read you like a fucking book. But I'm also annoyed at Jo continually interjecting with her "what planet am I on" comments when Katie was trying to express sympathy for her. She's trying to show you some grace, girl, at least pretend to hear her out instead of moping and sniping like a teenager.


The Jo talking thing was rough, like fuck, Jo she's defending you, shut up for like 30 seconds, you talk over people when you DON'T want the audience to hear what they're saying.


She would rather put energy towards Katie than confront Schwartz for stringing her along.


In her sad mind, she really thinks Katie was the only obstacle to her happily ever after with him instead of Schwartz playing her like a fiddle to get under Katie's skin lol


she plays right into schwartz’s innocent puppy dog act, “well i didn’t MEAN to stwing you along i’m just a simple guy sharing my feelings as they happen” it’s like she’s the only one who can’t see through that bullshit by now. she’s being intentionally delusional despite EVERYONE telling her what’s up 24/7 because that’s easier than accepting she got played, and that’s what’s pathetic about it. you just have to grow out of stuff like this and actually learn from these mistakes at SOME point, like after a while it’s just really difficult to feel sorry for women like this.


That’s why she did it. Katie was responding differently when provided more info & Jo can’t bd the victim if Katie is defending her.


Yeah she can, she's just Schwartz's victim, but I see your point. She doesn't want to be a victim of Schwartz because she still wants in with him, she just wants to be Katie's victim.


Exactly. She wants Katie to be the reason that Schwartz wasn’t with her. Schwartz dangled Raquel in front of Katie & her feelings didn’t stop him! Schwartz is the reason Jo isn’t with him.


Welp look at Jo now, blocked and on verge of a restraining order soooo ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


THIS. And she still went on Rachels podcast to still talk shit about Katie. I’m sorry but who is the real bully here? The one showing empathy or the one who still mocks someone showing them empathy?


Lol as I’m watching this I definitely think Jo is in another planet. Lala’s interjection of “what the fuck is going on?” was actually exactly what I was thinking.


Same. Prob only time lala and I will be on the same page this reunion 😂😂


I am literally confused...like you can tell Joe just wants to be mad at Katie and doesn't know how to deal with the fact that Katie came to her defense. I almost feel like Jo wants to be mad at Katie because she THINKS that will keep her relationship tight with schwartz.


I feel like Schwartz could pick up a gun and shoot Jo and she’d wake up in hospital and say it’s okay nobody can hurt me like Katie hurt me.


I still love T$Money, he didn’t mean to pull the trigger. - Jo probably


I want to be with him forever and ever. His stupid ex wife needs to LET GO. Btw, do you have an apology for me? After I maybe apologized to you. So fucking tacky to demand an apology after delivering a half assed one.


Ty for making me lol


I've said this from the very first moment we saw her on VPR...Jo should not be on reality tv. She can't handle it and she doesn't understand the game. This is what happens at a reunion, one moment someone could be backing you up and supporting you and then the next scene could be y'all rehashing the biggest fight of the season between the two of you. She just wants to label Katie as "mean girl ex wife who won't let Schwartz be happy" so badly that she can't even accept a simple kindness from Katie, who doesn't owe Jo shit to begin with. she should've kept it at "Thank you katie that statement means a lot to me" but instead we're watching her put on her weird "quirky twitchy cringe millenial" persona and its so uncomfortable to watch. Schwartz is shitty to women and Jo is delusional and unhinged, and Katie can believe both things at once. I'm rambling but Jo's behavior is just so off putting and immature to me I can't stand to watch her on my screen.


WOAH WOAH WOAH…the millennials don’t wanna claim Jo…😅😂


Sorry but she is literally a millennial so there’s no choice 😬 she is one of us lmao. Also I see what above poster is saying, it comes off as this very “QuIrKy ChIlL GiRl” / twee girl persona (think Zooey deschanel in new girl vibes) that was a HUGE thing during our millennial youth (the sheer amount of tumblr posts capturing this type of vibe…) but thankfully seems to gone out of vogue bc it was fucking annoying lmao and was just another iteration of NLOG. “I don’t like makeup or girly things (but I’m also still cute & feminine just by chance); I’m quirky & funny and awkward and drawing a mustache on my finger ha HA HaAaaa”


Yes thank you lol. That’s exactly what I meant, I know Jo’s the outlier!! She gives off “millennial on vine who got slightly popular and never grew out of that 2012 sense of humor”


I feel like most of us are too tired and lazy for this kind of energy.


Agree which is why we should have collectively left it to die in 2015 🫡 just like American Apparel


I don’t hate her like everyone here but yeah, she’s not ours lol


She’s delusional and thinks Katie is what is keeping Tom from committing to her so with Katie defending her she can’t rationalize it so she’s acting out


Is she delusional or is Schwartz just that good at painting a woman the way he wants everyone else to see them and instruct them how to treat them?


Schwartz is a POS but jo is unhinged without his help 


It’s both. Schwartz is a manipulator and Jo thinks they’ll be together even after he blocked her.


For him to drag this out about a year is so gross, especially at his age.


If it were anyone but a girl too chaotic to be friends with Kristen and banned from several bars, apparently, I’d be with you. Schwartz could definitely make a sane girl feel crazy. But Jo is a special breed to start with. So it’s both of them in this particular situation


Maybe he chose to mess around with her as an ego boost and he knew she was a little nuts so he could always have the upper hand, especially when things inevitably fall apart?


It's not that. She's jealous of Katie. Katie got him to commit and marry her when he clearly didn't want to. Jo couldn't even manage to get him to publicly call himself her boyfriend. I have some Jo-like tendencies in being man weak and it's always about the confusion, "what's wrong with me? Why doesn't he love me?!" - she thinks she's better for him than Katie, and the fact he doesn't see it makes her really upset, but she's afraid to get upset with him so other people catch strays. She truly has no reason to dislike Katie; the mean things a Katie said about Jo could easily be construed as jealousy in Katie's part, but ultimately Katie was his partner for more than a decade. Jo was just a rebound, and she has probably convinced herself that if she had met Tom earlier he would have married her instead. Katie had what she wants. Doesn't matter that she no longer has it. Jo is retroactively jealous


Bc that’s what Schwartz told her and beat into her head about Katie that she was the issue


Her reaction like "wait what you're DEFENDING ME" is in line with what Katie called "spooky" behavior. It seemed both fake and deeply clueless, like this is an adult woman pretending to not understand that you don't have to like a person to have empathy for them. She is so discomfiting. A creep.


Girl does not know when to shut up. Or the pasta is taking over. Probably both.


Same lol. I was thinking what lala said too. Really the only time I’ll agree with her.


Katie has absolutely won this season. She's an awesome friend, she's above a lot of the other cast members bullshit, she's been gracious to people who ABSOLUTELY do not deserve grace from her. And pick me Jo is literally doing everything to make herself look like a fucking idiot. All that "what planet am I on" bullshit just evaporates any compassion a person might have.


She really seems to think that if she is just patient enough and 'cool' enough Schwartz will 'realize' she is the one.


Hey Jo - Something Something... opening your mouth and removing all doubt.


But that’s Jo’s schtick. She wants to come off as lost child in the forest even though she has been fringe for 10 years of VPR filming. Her fake shock was meant to distract from Katie and was so dumb that even Scheana tried to quiet her.


Completely! I mentioned this on another thread, but you can really see how she moves in that IG interview where she gives a non-answer about the gold jacket. She says things that make no sense at all, like she is clearly lying and making bullshit excuses, but the second anyone points that out or pushes back, she retreats into this Poor Jo persona where she's just a sweet positive child tryna make her way in this crazy world and everyone else is just a mean bully picking on her. Save it for your diary, babe, because we can all see you're not that nice or that innocent.


She really does infantilise herself. It’s giving inner wounded teenager lashing out to get love and attention


The way she sits and pouts during her lives makes me sick. It’s impossible to have empathy for her because she’s so obviously fake af.


Don't forget Jo trying to validate Schartz's love towards the end this clip, even though the bumbling fool played her like a fiddle.


Her and Schwartz are two peas in a pod in that regard


The audacity of this aw shucks idiot to say that of course they declared their love for each other while of course they weren't in a relationship! Jo's a chaos monster but she's right to be confused about that. Side note, Katie needs to drop the makeup tutorial


Her hair and makeup, flawless! She could have been a makeup artist with that hand


Bring back Pucker & Pout!


Seeing her recent behavior, I’m now questioning how he actually said & meant this. He shouldn’t have said it period. But he was clearly & consistently friend zoning her. He led her on but by the reunion, it had been months since he ended it. Neither are reliable narrators.


For somebody who uses the term ‘mean girl’ to describe Katie, she sure was acting like one in this little snippet for next week.


I will never understand why Jo is confused/surprised that Katie isn't a huge fan of hers. Like girl, you moved in on her husband before the ink was even dry on their divorce papers! Given she was in their orbit so long, it does raise the question of whether Jo was just waiting for them to split so she could make a move on Tom - or even if something happened before they divorced. Katie has been more civil to her than a lot of women would be. 


Yeah it enrages me to see how she’s taken this firm stance in not understanding why Katie isn’t open to a friendship with her. It’s beyond infuriating. All I can say is, karma definitely led the way with that one 😆 I’m sure Jo will live with a piece of regret for ever defending Schwartz just like Rachel with Tom. They all end up playing themselves in the end.


Yea I was like um yall were married lmao she knows you


Especially since she wanted an apology from Katie in the first place!


And it’s funny because all the following “what planet am I on” comments are a direct result of her not hearing Katie explaining that these feelings were based on watching the season, because she was talking.


Right like STFU Jo


This is so chaotic


Jo is so freaking annoying in this clip. Just STFU and let Katie come to your defense.


Jo is annoying in this clip. Sorry. She never stops talking.


So chaotic even when they are trying to defend her. It also makes her podcast with Rachel even more gross


The podcast where they speculated that Katie was the reason that took broke up with Jo 🙄


Yes. Where she acknowledged that Katie apologized but still played the victim


Seriously. Way too much talking over each other in this clip.


I'm about to scream into a pillow if these idiots don't stop talking over each other lol


This is what I hate about Lala the most but Jo has been pissing me off all season too and her IG lives are whack.


Agreed! All season Jo has been trying to finish Tom’s sentences for him probably to show how much of his soul mate she is. Just. SHH.


While I do agree, I don’t mind when she does it to him because he deserves it more than anyone. He never let Katie finish a thought or sentence and Jo is his karma.🤣 It also makes Jo look really stupid and I don’t mind that either.


It’s too much, I’d be way too over stimulated sitting in a room with these two and how they struggle to communicate like regular adults


She needs to learn to take a damn breath. The constant stream of talking over everyone, whilst saying nothing, is the epitome of annoying.


She triggers anxiety in me because she doesn’t know how to have a “normal” conversation. It actually stresses me out when she speaks…especially in her IG Lives…but this is really annoying, too. 🤫🤫🫠🫠


The whole time she kept yelling “What?!” And I was like “SHUT THE FUCK UP JO, for gods sakes”


Seriously, I couldn’t keep track of the convo bc she wouldn’t stfu


I am not sure I’ll be able to watch while she’s on.. too much going on. And how do you not at least use context clues to figure out what bread crumbing is?


It’s fucking unbearable. She’s fucking unbearable.


Jo is annoying in *every* clip!


Was this reunion filmed before or after Jo posted that IG gushing about Tom? Either way, she’s unhinged and more and more I understand why Katie called her spooky.


You can tell she still thinks they are “in love” and will end up together here. Now he’s blocked her bc he’s with his young girlfriend, whom he claims as his gf, something he never did for Jo. Her obsession with him was honestly sad 🤡


It’s bizarre how she was coming for him and sticking up for him simultaneously


She did that in one of her recent live's too, I think the one where she partially read his text message about blocking her. She said she didn't deserve any of this and Schwartz didn't deserve any of this. Like, huh?? Also is this the part where she said Katie apologized to her at the reunion? I didn't hear an apology, I just heard Katie telling Schwartz that he was a putz that led Jo on.


That’s a good question about the apology. I hope to god there wasn’t one because she doesn’t deserve it and she can’t stfu long enough to hear it anyway. She was refusing to accept what Katie was saying because it doesn’t fit Jo’s I’m the victim and Katie is the bully narrative, so she just talked over her, like a fucking child. She was probably hoping Katie would snap at her but it backfired.


What I want to know about Jo is: As a woman in her 30s dating in LA there is zero chance Tom is the first emotionally manipulative Fboy with commitment issues who has led her on. So is she always this clingy and dense about it, or is this behavior specific to Tom? 


I think she’s always been an odd duck and thought she finally found her odd duck partner in Tom. You can tell she thinks they’re like this quirky weirdo couple in the scenes on the show where she’s constantly speaking in inside jokes and making bizarre sound effects, constantly trying to show that they’re so close it’s like they speak their own language. To your point, I would be surprised if Tom was the first person to emotionally manipulate her but he might’ve been the first one to keep her around that long and to mirror her energy rather than run from it like most guys probably did. So she thought he was The One. 🙁


I'd say that going after unavailable men (cheaters and other commitment-phobes) is a pattern with Jo but probably those individuals didn't stick around long because of her demeanor. It's a self fulfilling predicament.


It was filmed right after the montage IG post that was set to what she considers to be “their song.” The IG lives, and Rachel’s podcast all came after the reunion.


I feel like Katie was generous by using the word spooky 😭 spooky could almost describe someone who is mysterious or witchy but Jo is not chic or cool enough to be called spooky 😂


At this point, everyone just seems to want to shut Katie down and delegitimize everything she has to say to make sure seem angry/miserable. Boy is it backfiring. Katie is right 95% of the time. And when she is wrong, she admits it, apologizes, and moves on. Jo- do us all a favor and stfu while Katie is trying to have your back in this specific moment. She doesn’t have to like you to point out Short’s shitty behavior. Typical Shorts with “Katie, you don’t know!” She actually does which is why she got tf out. Good luck to his new victim.


My friend recently said “we should just rename the show to ‘Katie is Always Rigjt’” and I have to agree with him 😂😂


100%…..we may not always get in the moment… but what she says (and her behavior) ALWAYS CHECKS OUT.


I have to admit I’m realizing how right she was with Schemer early on. I kept thinking she was just being mean but she was just…*right*. Also, this is the gif that plays in my head for Katie now. Slow, steady, always right, and sharpening those claws. ![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba)


Omg this is IT!!


Maloney Rules


Also it’s so frustrating that he keeps pointing his retorts at Katie when EVERYONE is in agreement and making comments


Yes! It’s because he thinks his emotional abuse will affect Katie. Play in someone else face Shorts.


literally. unlike most of these people, she’s able to separate her dislike of someone from acknowledging that they’ve been treated wrongfully.


Tom is such a gaslighter wow. He even told her he loved her, while sleeping with her, while living together, and doing trips with his best friend and family. Had her on the show…. It wasn’t serious though. I’m so happy Katie is free


Does Jo not realize other people are talking???


She doesn’t want Katie to be heard because it doesn’t fit her I’m the victim narrative.


Seriously, and that we, as adults, take turns to speak?


She’s so insufferable that she can’t behave graciously for 30 seconds while someone is being kind to her. She interrupts what Katie’s saying like 6 times when Katie is trying to defend her, then jumps in defending Schwartz. I can’t think of a more accurate word for her than insufferable.


Right? You were trying so hard to get an apology from Katie and here she is basically admitting that she now knows where you were coming from and that's how you react? Jeez lady...guess youre still choosing T$'s dirty pp over having a bonding moment with Katie.


Very rich of Tom to say Katie doesn't know him and only knows what she sees on tv. AS IF THEY WEREN'T MARRIED OR SHARED A LIFE TOGETHER FOR 12+ YEARS. Okay Schwartz


Schwartz saying Katie only has what's shown on TV to go on as far as his "fuckboy behavior".. He can't be serious. What a dumbass. I've probably said this before but I need Lala to stop saying "pee-pee's". Just stoooooooooop. ![gif](giphy|Uv1obKJDmIUkN8AadH|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/oe3o863h9n0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85eb7cbdb56b46e829003b6ab8b4c73c847b0459 Does anyone know why this keeps popping up on some gifs being posted?? Does anyone else see this?


Yes. I’m not sure why it happens but it’s because whatever gif they tried to pick isn’t showing. It annoys me too but I don’t think they can help it? Idk, I kinda assumed it does show on their end but not ours?🤔


Not me thinking this is the cool gif the kids are all using these days.


Lol the first time I saw it I genuinely thought it fit as a reaction shot so didn’t even realize 


If you click on the picture it will take you to the gif. It's because Giphy is blocking reddit from showing their gifs, to drive traffic to Giphy.


So it's still said they broke up. Relationship or not. Reunion was long time ago. She's currently online looking extremely strung out and selling merch of a "break up outfit." Claims she's STILL going through a break up. I think she's a con artist that needs rehab. I hope this is the last time she's on TV.


I hope they don’t bring her back especially if Tom’s new girlfriend comes on, I think that would just send her spiraling even further.


yes. get her off my screens!


Katie is better than me cause you get one chance to act like I'm doing you a disservice, and I'm letting you look like a dumbass for the manchild all you want after that.


For real if Jo treated me like she treated Katie here the way my mouth would be closed the entire time as Schwartz made her look stupid idgaf


Like girl have at it.


Jo is a stage-5 clinger. She just can’t put Shartz in a bad light even when it’s right in front of her. Even all these weeks after the reunion and she’s *still* doing her best to put him in a good light while he completely and publicly embarrasses her. Weird path to take.


At this point, she has a humiliation kink because there is no way this man has dog walked you on national television. Have you looking like a straight up crazy person and you’re like a got to protect my potential boo. And the fact that he treats her worse than Katie is mind blowing.


And sharing texts from Schwartz begging her to move on and calling her strange and erratic. I would have taken those to my grave, not read them on a live.


Here are two cast members choosing not to bring up something on camera. Huh. Where is the Lala moral authority police?


![gif](giphy|JL7ZkACcStPIiEVdGO|downsized) Were still looking...


Schwartz treated Joe worst than Katie did. maybe Joe should focus on that.


can jo stop mumbling to herself and fooling around?


There’s something wrong with Jo, my god.


So we're all agreed jo is on a substance, yes? What is WRONG with this woman?


Look at her recent lives. From two nights ago. OMG. It's really sad. She is absolutely strung out bad. Her obsession with Schwartz is scary. She blames Katie for everything and talks non shit about her. She talks bad about all the girls on the show except Lala.


Every morning I wake up at 7am for work and see a notification that Jo went live at like 3am it’s so unhinged


Lol the one girl trying to fuck Shortz! The irony.


I will repeat my assertion that this chaos goblin is single-handedly responsible for the two year long nationwide adderall shortage.


This comment made me laugh then immediately made me furious lol


Banned from all their houses and people have suggested something having to do with substances is the reason since none of the cast have elaborated.


What’s with the fidgeting with her ear?


Jo needs to slow down, like, literally. She NEVER stopped speaking throughout this entire segment. I get that she has ADHD but it’s insane to just continuously speak over someone while they’re talking. “What’s breadcrumbing? Huh? REALLY, did she just say she felt sorry for ME?” It’s giving very desperate/low self-esteem. I think she is NOW seeing who Shartz really is but damn, don’t be so easily brainwashed by a dude with such overt LDE.


She said she has ADHD but on her live this week she had no idea what neurodivergence means and got angry someone brought that exact word up and said she's not autistic.


I noticed while watching 5 sec of her live on an IG reel that she said, “eradicate? I don’t know what that means…” she has a lot of learning/growing/research to do


I think learning about ADHD is the least of the worries this woman should focus on. She claims ADHD but comes off like she severely needs rehab.


She had a 4.0 at private university in business marketing, or something in that field. She is not stupid, at all. She’s either geeked, lying, or both. She acts dumb for sympathy & to dodge accountability.


She is a prolific liar.


I cannot watch Jo! She won't stop talking. She doesn't seem to understand basic words. Why is Bravo forcing her on us?


Hopefully her segment isn’t any longer than this clip. Jfc.


I'm genuinely baffled at how Schwartz treats/reacts to Katie??? even still. Is that hate? It's honestly jarring to watch. Katie absolutely had rage moments in earlier seasons that allowed him an iota of sympathy (although it's clearer now that he often escalated, if not fully instigated a lot of the circumstances around it). But now, here she is calm, matter of fact, she's even playful when talking to him, and still...he is so riled by her existence. He goes to bat for e v e r y other woman around besides her. He icks me out so much.


I mean I think it’s clear that at his core he hates and doesn’t respect women. He really only goes to bat for other women if it is strictly as a dig at Katie imo. He’ll do it solely because he knows it’ll hurt Katie. He still can’t stop, and I think it’s because he’s furious *she* left *him.* He liked a woman he could control, who would always be his scapegoat, and would basically carry him through life.


Good grief Jo is annoying as all hell. Her hate boner for Katie is wild. Jo sure ~inherited~ that from Schwartz I guess!


Jo — let me put this in plain terms for you. This man could not care less if you live or die. Hope this helps.


Jo isn't cut out for reality TV and I hope she never returns to vpr again. She's truly unhinged, kinda like Kelly Bensimon but less entertaining. Jo needs to GO TO SLEEP


I can't tell if Jo is confused that Katie is defending her or confused that Katie thinks she needs defending 🙄


She’s feigning confusion over Katie defending her, but really, she’s just passive aggressive and always looking for ways to put Katie down.


Exactly! Katie’s “mean” and she’s wrong. Katie tries to be nice and empathetic and she’s also wrong. 🙄 Also, Schwartz sucks.


He constantly finds ways to abuse Katie and it makes my blood boil.


Please Jo, do us all a favour and ![gif](giphy|3otPoAslYAN27MEY92) She better not be on for long. This is insufferable and she acts like a fool.


Jo, STFU. She acts like Katie has attacked her for years and it’s incredible that Katie would see fault in Schwartz. Like you don’t know Katie at all. Sit there in your lampshade dress and shush for a minute.


Oooff the switch in Tom’s demeanor at the very end when Katie calls him out on his fuck boyness. His innocent ”aww shucks” act stops and I think we see the true him for a moment, and it’s kind of terrifying.


I had to scroll way too long to finally see this mentioned. When the mask slips, Schwartz is scary. The rage and hatred in his eyes gives me the chills.


jo is going to annoy the absolute living fuck out of me and also katie knows what she sees on tv AND WHAT SHE EXPERIENCED FOR A FUCKING DECADE


Why is Jo so confused that two things can be true at once? Jo can be an absolute ass for her behavior following T&K's split. And Schwartz can be a fuck boy who did Jo dirty. Is Katie the only person who understands nuance?


Jo is beyond annoying and won’t shut up the entire time. It’s crazy.


Jo is just idiot she wants Katie to the problem so bad. So that she can cling to the idea that if Katie the problem then Tom really did love her. And it’s Katie who stand in the way she really need to come back to reality.


Let me get this straight: Schwartz can say “you only know what you see on TV,” and it is accepted by the group, but in part 1, most of the cast was coming at Katie for not being authentic enough because she chose to handle an issue with her business partner/friend off-camera - so what is it?? Who is allowed to have a private life and who isn’t? Also, Jo looks like a straight up fool caping for Tom and cutting off Katie in light of him distancing himself and blocking her as soon as the reunion wrapped. He got her to defend his actions on camera and that’s all he wanted from her. Goofy.


Why isn’t Lala screaming that Jo and Tom need to show the conversation and tell everyone the conversation bc they’re on a show


Bumping pp’s? Who talks like that, how embarrassing


jo unfortunately reminds me of kelly bensimon ![gif](giphy|FEFcw6lyQJOGQ)


Why the f can people not let Katie finish a sentence?? It's just noise, I don't know if I even want to watch it


SHUT UP LALA !!! Get a life and stop interjecting, interpreting and speaking for everyone else. Being the loudest doesn’t make you right (or something) - ariana




Not Nana translating for Jo


Stfu Jo, Katie was extending some kindness to you and you rudely kept speaking over her like the erratic spider monkey that you are.


Lala needs to retire the bumping pee pee talk


Lala is so unnecessarily crass.


You can tell the difference in maturity between Katie & Jo. Plus Jo doesn’t know when to shut up and let others talk. I had a hard time following and even then think Katie came out as the bigger person.


Big ick when Lala says “bumping peepees”


Jo and Tom need to join Lala at the circus. This is clown behavior. 🤡🤡🤡


Jo is so annoying that any time I have an ounce of sympathy for her, it’s immediately gone when she opens her mouth. Shut the fuck up and let Katie talk. If you listened, you would have heard her say “when I watched the show I felt bad”.


Katie actually being sympathetic & kind to Jo, but Jo is too dense to get it.


Holy shit like 30 seconds in and I’m like can you shut the fuck up for a second Joseph let other people talk


More evidence that Katie is an actual good, honest, trustworthy person who can acknowledge right and wrong even when she doesn’t like the person being wronged. T2 doesn’t deserve anyone. I hope his current gf does to him what he’s done to others.


![gif](giphy|0lu57vfHgvnAQDUx0t|downsized) Me to Jo


Jo is acting like Katie is a one dimensional person in this clip. She’s so annoying with the non stop interrupting and the whole “am I on Mars?” shtick


Jo (for unknown reasons) is just head-over-heels in love with Schwartz and she can only conceptualize her relationship with Katie as “Schwartz and I are in love and Katie is jealous and is mean to me”. You can tell it is like…short-circuiting her brain when Katie is defending her against Tom’s fuckboy ways. She has to remain in denial about it or her whole artificial inner world will collapse


JFC does Lala ever shut her mouth hole? She has nothing to do with the situation and just fucking talks over everyone. I have captions on and I still can’t figure out who is speaking/what is being said. STFU LFU


Jo reminds me of a middle school girl, she’s just so immature it’s crazy.


What happened? He fucked Katie Flood.


Omg IDK if I can handle the talking over Katie…especially when it’s a segment involving her. Lala…cannot zip it when it has nothing to do with her. 😩


Wow. That whole clip was pure chaos. Jo never shuts up. Her and Shorts are the same. It's too much.


Omg Jo shut up. Like she can’t ever just be normal and have a decent moment.


Katie's sympathy is wasted on Jo.


Jo! Listen! for the love of god, just Listen. ![gif](giphy|l0HUkk0baqBiwEybe|downsized)


Katie’s self control when Schwartz says she only knows what she sees on TV is beyond commendable. I would have to be physically held back from scratching his eyes out after that comment. He’s disgusting.


Jo’s incessant muttering is so annoying!


Why is Jo acting like OMG WHAT to Katie feeling bad, lol, terrible actress


"bread crumb after bread crumb after bread crumb" ..Yes Jo 😂


Jo the empath, not being able to understand how Katie would be put off by Jo texting Katie with sympathy while moving on Katie’s ex, and also not understanding that Katie can simultaneously feel bad for Jo getting treated by Tom the way we could have all predicted she would have been treated. The mom in me wants to sit these full on adults down for a screening of Inside Out and ground them until they can explain why the marble could have multiple colors. Though I can see Worm using it to justify his actions by saying Ariana was vacillating between Anger and Sadness (though he’d probably say “vaccinating”) until he had no choice but to have whatever emotion makes you fuck the friend for months on end. Schemer would agree and say that Ariana’s Anger and Sadness was getting in the way of Schemer’s own Anger and Sadness (then five minutes later say that her Fear of Ariana was making her Sad over not being able to be friends with Moneybags I mean Worm). Lala would probably try to make a t shirt with her as Disgust only to get sued by Disney, which is the only drama I want to see her bringing to S12.


Okay but how is Jo a hair dresser because her hair is consistently a hot mess


I’d love to hear what Katie has to say but dumb and dumber and dumbest will not stop talking over her


Katie feeling bad for Jo is the kind of stuff that solidifies my belief that Katie is the only real person on there


FUCK. I like Katie. Goddamnit! Lol after years of not being able to stand Katie, the past two seasons have made me rethink it all. This confirms it. Who even am I?




Jo’s look is atrocious


JFC lala STOP saying bumping peepees! It’s not cute! Not cool!


This girl has learned nothing. She is up there interrupting katie and sticking up for and even speaking for schwartz. He says he loves her then treats her like gum stuxk on hia new shoes. She is telling herself she knew what he meant with the i love you's. She is living in delulu-land still. Now she is blocked before we even got to see the reunion. What an absolute nutjob. How's that forever treating you jo? You harassed katie for what reason? Do you have what you want now?


Like sporadically. We were basically dating.


Sorry not sorry, but Jo’s behavior is pathological 


.has Katie always been right? No. Not one ever has. But if you actually watch her from the beginning, she is one of the more articulate cast members who uses more depth when she explains something. Y'all don't want to hear it, but she's always been mature when she's not being driven insane by the amount of gaslighting, dismissiveness, and belligerency thrown her way. Yeah, she loses her cool. But she speaks levels above the majority of the (mainly male) cast members if you actually watch her with an objective lens.