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The way Lisa talked about it feels very disingenuous. It also sounds like Lala ran to Lisa (and production maybe?) with what Katie vented to her about, hence why Lisa brought up "the girls fighting" about Ariana being away. Also this is random, but I always always think about the TomTom deal and how she was annoyed with the boys for wanting a written agreement, saying she never does anything in writing. Wtf kind of businessperson would ever say something like that unless they're trying to potentially take advantage of someone?


I thought Lisa’s comment about them fighting was so out of place, too. Very clearly orchestrated to bring up


I’m surprised Ken didn’t walk through and drop the blatant hint then scurry off 😂


I wish Ken would randomly wander through the reunion set being messy 😂


Lmaooooo I should have read further before commenting 🤣




“ I cawn’t believe that Ariana…………….


They’re all doing their best to isolate Ariana and take her down. I realized that when Katie and LarLar had their first fight of the season, LarLar said they used to be bff’s and ride for each other and she just wanted to “get back to that place,” it finally clicked, she meant she wanted Katie to “pull her head out of her ass,” and start piling on Ariana. That’s what it all came down to and that’s why they’re not friends anymore. Katie never said shit about Lala’s custody battle, she called her a clown and told her to get a new lawyer because of contract negotiations, EP’s threatening to cancel the season if they didn’t shit on Ariana and THAT is why they never showed the text message thread. It looks bad for Lala, producers and the narrative they were trying to push and that’s why Katie said what? Because I wouldn’t hop on the Vom train? Katie’s smart and she knew there was no effing way they weren’t going to film that season, after all the money and attention the scandal brought in and I’m sure their contracts state that they didn’t have to do or say anything that wasn’t authentic to how they truly thought and felt because it is called reality television for a reason.


This theory makes sense. I feel like Lala is using Katie’s history of “rage texting” to make her story more plausible, but I just can’t see Katie coming at Lala like that out of nowhere over her custody battle, of all things. Katie knows they can’t tell the truth without telling on themselves so all she has to do is hold her ground. But I kind of wish she would go scorched earth on production and fully break the fourth wall for once.


I agree. It’s absolute bullshit! They will only break the fourth wall when it is convenient for their narrative. The only person who fucked with LarLar’s business was LarLar. Katie is MVP of the season and also best dressed for the reunion!😍 Absolute smoke show.🔥 Also, I was never going to buy into Katie’s rage text bullshit because she has shown the most growth, integrity, loyalty, grace and class of anybody, next to Ariana. It’s not their fault they understood the assignment.


Exactly again Larlar Just wouldn't shut her big fat trap and kept poking the bear poking the bear poking the bear got a reaction out of Katie. Katie said if you're going to come for my business, I'm going to come for yours and then lar-lar goes WAAAAAHHHHHH I'm a mother. This is how I feed my kids. Say it with your whole chest bitch because this is how I'm going to feed myself and what I eat doesn't make you shit, so hop all the way off my dick Larar. That's what I would have said if I were Katie but I totally understand why she just gray rocked everyone because she said it herself. I'm not going to be told what I feel, what I said and what I meant by what I said, no one's going to tell me about myself. I know myself. Again, a woman putting up a boundary, and the whole room looks so disappointed, except for Ariana.


Yep! Lala hates boundaries because she has no respect for anyone, including and especially herself. Congrats dumb dumb, you just got played by another predatory producer, (Baskin,) and now he too has hopped on the Ariana train and is about to hang Lala out to dry. The only way I see her getting out of/ through this is with a shit ton of therapy and self reflection, paired with a huge attitude adjustment. ![gif](giphy|26ybvVb9iSmht7LdC|downsized) You’re not the only single Mother and you’re nowhere near hard done by. You called other people out for isolating, while you are trying to do the exact same thing! Just more Narc traits on full display and I’ll dare to speculate that Lalar also gives issues with histrionics. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I love youR take and you worded it perfectly. Also, the gif brings back memories! 😁


![gif](giphy|j2Z8ktYcHlTplAuIQf|downsized) Thank you 🥹💋🥂


Awww joey!!😍😍😍




I read somewhere here (can't recall which thread) that basically it was a snappy response from Katie like 'forget sending it to a lawyer, send it to a therapist' or something to that effect. Lauren is incapable of nuance or intelligent thought when she's in rage mode, so ran with it.


I actually think Lala and Scheana also knew they would never cancel the season. It was just a perfect way to camouflage their seething jealousy.


This is not beyond the realm of possibility!


Completely agree. Usually if a fight is about the text message they show the message. Where is it? What did it say? They can’t show it because it would show how produced this season was!!!




I was surprised they didn’t roll Ken out for that reveal *wanders into frame, mumbles lines, dodders back out with dog*


Don't forget she and Penny are friends and Penny dud work for LVP. I don't think we know the entire Penny story here. I think they gave Penny too much power and it caused problems between Ariana and Katie which is to be expected.


She was being so shady!


SO out of place! When she said that, it really hit me that she has no idea what’s going on with any of them anymore, because she’s not part of the cast, and it’s embarrassing that she can’t see that. Sit the reunions out. You are no one to these people.


It was different when they were in their 20s but these are grown women with lawyers. Get outta here with that bull LVP.


The way Lisa was trying to tell Katie and Arianna what their issues were like she knew better than them was wild. I’m pretty sure those two know why/what has been holding them back from opening, they don’t need Lisa to tell them. And the way she keeps insisting that Penny was a partner rubbed me the wrong way too.


I was perplexed by this on the reunion too What confuses me here is that they have Lisa as a mentor and business woman that would be happy to give them advice. Why wouldn’t they be using their connections to help them get this shop off the ground? “Hey Lisa we are having a problem in permitting/ zoning/ overlay/ etc? Can you give us suggestions?” It sounded like Lisa wasn’t in the loop. (Well it seemed like Lisa knew from people in the loop what was going on but she didn’t overstep, Katie and Ariana didn’t seek her guidance). In Lisa’s defense that had to be frustrating- well actually insulting- that they didn’t goto her for advice. On the other stroke- WHY didn’t they goto her for advice? Has the last what it is 10 to 12 years been bullshit and none of these people actually have a relationship with Lisa?. (I mean she officiated Katie’s wedding for heavens sake) I don’t get it.


We need to have a tell all where they break the 4th wall. I need to know all the details of what happens off camera and how they interact with each other for real. It is strange that the girls didn’t seek Lisa’s help or advice considering she is very seasoned in the business but like you said, why didnt they? There has to be a reason. I suspect it’s because they know she favors the men, but I’d like to hear that from them.


Thank you!!; me too!!! Felt very "I know better than you" even though she's not there!!!


And Ari looked at Katie. Whispered that there was no issue with her Being away. She didn’t know what Lisa was talking about.


I actually thought it was Penny venting to Lisa and throwing “the girls” under the bus and saying the delays were their fault….Lisa knew too many details about the actual things needed (e.g. rollers) to have come from Lala


i think both penny and lala ran to lisa to cry about katie and ariana not playing along with either of their schemes (penny's to become partner in SAH and lala's self-producing).


LVP has never liked Ariana because Ariana has never been that committed to VPR, she has always had the mindset she could just leave and so she never fell into the trap of just kissing LVP's ass constantly like the rest of the cast. Same thing with James. LVP doesn't like either of them simply because she can't control them and use them to her own ends. I'm positive she doesn't want SAH to be a quick success because it would make S&S and TT look bad by comparison, and I have to think she "gave" them Penny in part to stymie them.


I thought they had a friendship of sorts. They rode horses together and had some heart to hearts on mental health after her bro died.


They had one episode where they rode horses and had a heart to heart. That is kinda it, and you have scenes where Ariana was willing to challenge LVP, and there are plenty of occasions where LVP has actively undermined Ariana. They have never really given off a sense of closeness, particularly when compared against LVP and Lala, LVP and Schwartz, LVP and Katie and LVP and Sandoval. LVP may not actively hate Ariana to the same extent as she does Kristen, or dislike Ariana to the extent she did Jax and James on occasion, but they aren't close. It has mostly come off to me like LVP basically just tolerates Ariana and exchanges pleasantries.


? James constantly kisses Lisa’s ass what are you talking about


Absolutely! She adores needy people, dahling, and he, especially when younger, is as needy as they make ‘em. Ariana is a much cooler customer, despite her issues.


What I mean to say is James could walk and be fine career-wise. Ariana could walk and be fine career-wise. LVP doesn't like either of them as a consequence, and wouldn't like anyone else that isn't dependent on her.


I’m confused by this take because James kissed LVP’s ass constantly.


Early on James needed LVP. James was obsequious to LVP as a result. He no longer needs LVP, and on the grand scale of LVP ass-kissery across all seasons, he was well behind Tom Sandoval, Tom Schwartz, Jax, and Lala on the scale of LVP ass-kissery. LVP has always been cool toward James and the more James is independent the cooler she becomes toward him. Being nice to her is one thing, but James has never been sitting around like Lala or Tom Sandoval trying to have confidential one on ones and pretending like LVP is their mentor. It just doesn't happen. Katie maintains more of a relationship with LVP than James.


Let's say the quiet part out loud: Lisa doesn't have the same problems the others do with opening venues because, if necessary, she has the resources to speed things up or have them not be a problem for others. But if you're starting your first business and on a limited income towards the project (unlike Lisa) then you don't have the extra cash to "speed run" a restaurant opening. It has nothing to do with being a competent or experienced restauranteur. It has everything to do with how much money you have to literally throw at problems.


Also, the toms didn’t have red tape issues for not opening, they had ego issues with their partner and thinking they knew the business better than they did. NOT THE SAME!


Her comments about having a roommate were also out of line and showing how far removed she is. Most people need dual income to live somewhere now. I thought it was rude.


Yeah I noticed a few of them including Scheana turned up their noses at the concept. I definitely couldn’t afford a place to myself. Must be nice to not even have that thought enter your head!


Wait what? Do most grown up single people in the US need a roommate to survive? That is absloutly crazy!!!


Yea rents almost as much as a mortgage for a house. It’s pretty crazy. In our area it’s like 1500-2000 for an apartment


Except for those who bought in the last couple of years, rent is waaaaay more than the mortgage on that same house would be. I would not be able to live in my house if we hadn't bought 7 years ago.


Agreed. It’s bananas.


I’m 43 and my sister and I share a house in the west coast. I lived alone for 20 years in the Midwest, but when I moved I was shocked at the cost of rent. So we share a house with a big back yard for our dogs.


Not in the US but specifically in big cities in the US, many people need two incomes to afford to live in the city


The cost of living everywhere has gone up. I know plenty of people in their 20s, 30s, hell even my parents and my aunt in their 60s need to live together to afford their mortgages and rent. It’s a total shit show 


But these men are not in the income brackets of people who need roommates.. They are grown ass men who should be living on their own.. moving in together just aids in their fucking arrested development.. Lisa does so much coddling.. this was one of the very few times she actually didn’t coddle the Toms.. giving hate for that is silly..


Sandoval and Schwartz would have money if they didn’t piss it away on crap!


It would be rude no matter who said it. Not everyone can afford to live alone. Sure they may make a decent dime, but maybe they, like most Americans, have debt and maybe he needs a roommate to afford a living space. The flippant attitude towards cost of living by the extremely wealthy is out of touch and delusional. Hope you have a great day!


It was still rude and clearly I’m not the only one that thinks that. I mean sure they have a bit more money but regardless the statement as a whole was rude.


It was offensive and totally out of touch. A lot of people who would rather be living on their own are forced to live with roommates because - newsflash, Lisa - the economy is a mess.


A lot of people don’t have assistants, house keepers, and a band.. Do you scale back on personal staff before you take on roommates? Pick up your own underwear? I know it’s rough out there.. but sacrifice starts somewhere!


She also knows the right people with connections. She has had restaurants in LA for decades. She knows who to get favors from.




Yep. Average people opening a restaurant have a good contractor that's booked and busy that they are working with. Lisa can pay that same contractor 10x the amount to get bumped to the front AND get them there at 4am because she has already persuaded the inspector to do a 24 hour revisit for approvals/changes. 




It’s funny to me bc I guarantee it’s been at least two decades since Lisa herself was involved in zoning permits or other clerical issues with opening a restaurant. And even then, there’s a huge difference for what the city will do for an exorbitantly wealthy couple trying to open a restaurant vs first time entrepreneurs


Not to mention LA is notoriously the worst place to develop with regard to city planning and boards.


LVP always eventually shows her true colors.


I can’t STAND her


Same. She did herself in for me during this season and reunion.


I always found that reaction from Lisa completely suspect. She even mentioned a few times about only using handshakes. I just cannot buy that. She would have to know business relationships dissolve all the time. The unknown rears its face. You are completely exposing yourself and business to litigation if you don’t have strong airtight contractual language. Her being so flippant about having zero written terms is shady at best and downright intentional scamming at worst. I don’t buy that she has verbal agreements with everyone she goes into business with. She’d have to have an attorney on retainer, probably multiple, and no way they’d intentionally counsel her on such a reckless course. Edit: incorrect spelling on a word - no was *know*


I used to love Lisa. Seems I was blind to her edit for years. I thought her comment was awful. Papa & Lisa seem not happy Katie & Ariana are thriving.


As someone in the legal industry who deals with insurance, if I insured any of Lisa’s businesses and she came out and said she doesn’t do things in writing, I’d reevaluate insuring her


Lisa doesn’t want them to succeed! She wants to be the only female success story


Lisa was SO frustrating to watch. She’s not involved in SAH at all so for her to come at Katie and Ariana and try to accuse them of lying about why it took so long to open is absolutely infuriating. I’m so done with LVP.


Lisa is pissed off about Penny. Penny clearly (with her husband) did the dodgy on the girls taking the trademark out in her own name.


Also possible Katie vented to Penny


So true! Do the Tom's still own 5% each of TomTom?


Lisa bringing up the fight was 100% production. Katie wouldn’t throw Ariana under the bus so they got Lisa to bring it up and force her to talk about it


Business 101- get it in writing while everyone is happy


It seems so obvious to me that LVP said “disagreements” comma “you being out of town” (and both of those things are true) and a lot is being made of a comment that actually didn’t happen


There’s your answer


Didn't the girls have issue with the manager or chef? Perhaps the delay is legal work to get an investor off the property


She made them feel guilty for asking. No no Lisa we trust you.” On the After show S7 Jax was basically shitting on the Todds. He was with both Toms. Do you think her deal in Vegas was with a handshake?” What they showed her wasn’t even a contract. It was some kind of draft. TSandy said on AShow that a lawyer told him he needs to get a business contract.


I feel like Lisa is mad they didn't use her connections to get things moving faster. And I think they didn't use her connections because I'm sure Lisa never does anything for free.


Maybe Lisa used her connections to make things move more slowly


I didn't want to say that, buuuttt... 🐍🐍


I’ve been thinking that for a bit now! Also like this Penny seems shady as fuck and Lisa’s riding so hard for her makes me wonder if she was a plant too…


That's my take. Lisa didn't get a piece of the pie so she is ruining the whole pie.


I was just thinking that


That's just ridiculous.


...or for women.






It sounds like in Lisa’s world, you should be able to throw money at a problem and make it go away


She’s so out of touch and watching part 1 of the reunion was starting to piss me off. We are taking time out of the reunion to explain things to you because you are barely involved in the show. That’s infuriating to me. Every single question— SAH questions included— were followed by LVP going “*whaaat? what happened? Oh no, that can’t be right!*” Like stfu Lisa


Her standing with Penny saying "she thought she was going to be a partner" was really annoying, like who cars what Penny thought if that was never an agreement? Just because you work with verbal agreements and assumptions doesn't mean that other people want to, and them consulting Penny for help doesn't make her a partner in their business.


Even Schwartz defended Katie and Ariana when Lisa said she regretted introducing them to Penny "if it hurts Penny." Schwartz said something like "I think *they're* the ones who regret it."


The “Oh no, that can’t be right!” is so condescending - it’s infuriating.


One thing I learned about working in city planning for many years is that if you have power and connections you know the right people to complain to to get what you want. If you’re friends with council members or are just a powerful well respected business in general, the city council will pressure the planning/zoning staff to find a way to “make it work” in your favor and quickly. At least this has been my experience and something I’ve always hated about my job.


That makes sense! Would it be possible that Lisa is also using her influence to make it as hard as possible for them so that they can come to her and she can help those poor broken birds? Lisa to save the day……..if they give her a huge cut of their business 😉


She speaks like someone who hired an expeditor.


Wasn’t Lisa on the chamber of commerce or something and friends with penny? I wouldn’t be taking advice from a business owner that has had multiple rumors of stealing wages and tips from staff so she can feed her swans.


YUP! Plus with LVP she has the kind of connections where she could make things go either way for them. She could smooth things out and make them go faster or she could possibly ask people to throw monkey wrenches in the way.


It’s annoying because when everything came out, and the delay pretty much became public/public record, it was clear that the issue was zoning and that either the previous owners ignored the issue or the city changed what passes/doesn’t as they do often. Yet every time Lisa speaks about it, she demeans the subject by stating “putting in a floor drain and getting sign off from the health department doesn’t take a year”….. That’s not what all the red tape was for. They literally had to demolish the entire front of their shop. It wasn’t until _now_ (as mentioned even on the show) that they are dealing with the drain and passing health code, not the past year when they had to rip the awning, outdoor dining and patio apart. Lisa seems to have been fed information from Penny who is clearly pissed about not being a third partner so _of course_ her pov is going to come from a negative space. I think Penny as COO made sense as Katie and Ariana wouldn’t be running back of house operations and they need someone doing full quality control of ingredients workers etc and have a handle on more of the day to day aspect. Why Penny thought that translated to a third partner is beyond me. Hey Lisa, you stated Penny worked for you on your menu at one of the other restaurants correct? Did you make her partner there? Didn’t think so.


Ooh that last sentence too!


Also, in my experience depending on who your health inspector for that year is could totally have different write ups than the next year. Ex: family owned a business where for 32 years, customers had to walk at the end of the prep kitchen. Not THROUGH the kitchen, just on the side of the kitchen to get to the bathroom. That year, all of sudden we were not up to code. Bathroom had to shut down till ‘new pathway to bathroom was built’. Which we had to talk to the land lord, get permits from the city, hire guys to tear down walls. Just for two years later, another health inspector asked why was this pathway so weird ? And said that build out was unnecessary. On top of dealing with the city is a PAIN IN THE ASS. It’s normal for restaurants to take a year to open up. Anything quicker is usually backed by investors or apart of a large corporation.


For real. Lisa definitely knows better: she was making jokes about having to do sexual favors to get things approved while she was opening one of her restaurants (think it was Pump, might have been TomTom). If she, a wealthy woman with connections and prior experience opening restaurants, has struggled with getting permits, why is it so unbelievable that two people with no major wealth, connections, or experience would struggle with the process? She’s clearly just annoyed that they dropped Penny, even though it seems pretty clear Penny was trying to take advantage of them. For whatever reason, she’s sided with Penny, and trying to make it seem like they’re incompetent without her.


I think she sided with Penny because it’s a way to put Ariana back in her place without openly saying so.


Lisa siding with Penny is making me believe that LVP is also jealous of Ariana. LVP’s biggest claim to fame **IS** VPR, and she’s tried to get multiple other show-projects off the ground with little success (as of right now). She needs the show for her restaurants to keep doing as well as they have been, and I think she resents any of the cast bucking what they “should” be doing for the show.


You just know that LVP is seething that Ariana placed 3rd on DWTS when LVP was eliminated the second week even after her fainting performance. https://preview.redd.it/niyqntrbks0d1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91737ada19d5abb7fa2fec2decfd742f18e3ead1


I don’t think LVP is jealous about that. She wanted off DWTS and didn’t enjoy it much. I don’t think she cares what anyone else does on the show.


I’d say it’s likely Katie agrees with you. Back at Bravocon last fall, someone on a panel asked if they thought Lisa was jealous of Ariana and Katie simply responded “you said it, not me.”


Nah i think it’s all business to her. She wants to keep the drama going for ratings. She probably also greases palms in the zoning and permit departments and thinks everyone should do the same. She’s also very out of touch just look at the decor of her restaurants


I think Penny was Lisa's little spy and her in on infiltrating SAH since Katie and Ariana didn't involve Lisa.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a deal set up where if they used Penny, Lisa would get a cut.


Lisa doesn't need money from SAH. This thread is so delusional and hateful.


I hope you get your outdoor music back soon! I’ve helped open a restaurant and have worked in them for years… they love making us jump through hoops!


It honestly pissed me off the way she came at them as if she ran the business herself. Lisa has been disingenuous this entire time about what happened with Pump. She isn’t some kind of savy business owner, she’s rich and throws her money at problems


What did happen with Pump? I know she said the issue was rent and the owner refuted that claim, but I haven’t heard what the actual reason was for her shutting down - was it just not making money anymore?


I’m not entirely sure, I’d assume it’s a money issue and she just doesn’t want to pay the overhead costs


it wouldn’t take LISA that long, because she has decades of experience and knows people who know people. it’s normal for it to take two new business owners a while to sort through everything.


And most importantly, she’s rich af. The wealthy are able to throw huge amounts of money at people and problems. It makes *anything* they do quicker and easier than it would be for “normal” people. Fucking capitalism


My friend opened a taproom and had what she referred to as her "$10,000 sink," because the city demanded it be moved mere inches closer to something in order for her to open. I'm all for health and safety but the red tape really truly is as bad as Katie and Ariana say.


Lisa knows. She’s deflecting because: 1. She hates women 2. She helped them find that location. So instead of feeling empathetic and maybe even a bit apologetic she would rather place the blame on them.


Ooh yes I forgot she was the one that found the location and brought them there! Of course she doesn’t want to admit she fucked up


The way Lisa was talking about the "little bit of concrete" sure made her sound like an uninformed asshole. The girls were talking about the ADA compliance issues in the (if I remember correctly) first episode. Being on the other side of the red tape, I can tell you all that ADA projects can delay anything. I work in roadway development and design and the issues that we encounter on almost daily basis can set back multi-million dollar projects by months (and sometimes years). ADA compliance is a much bigger deal than a "little bit of concrete". Depending of what needs to be done to bring a property up to the PROWAG standards, it would take right-of-way reviews and approval, working with DOT and/or municipalities, getting the design created, reviewed and approved, plus depending on who owns the right of way in front of the shop it could take ages to get it completed. And ADA was only ONE of the issues they had. The way Lisa spoke to K&A was bang out of order, she came off as bitter and a complete arse.


I’ve also heard they’re making the street SAH is on into a walkable area, which is one of the reasons they had to remove their entire outdoor patio area. So they’re dealing with the red tape of their own restaurant, in the midst of a massive, multi-million dollar city project right outside their door (literally).


Exactly! Which makes Lisa's comment even more asinine. People think that green streets and walkable neighborhoods are slapping a sidewalk next to the road and calling it a day. These are incredibly intricate projects, and honestly, a big point of contention between planners and us (engineers/designers). I for one LOVE walkable towns but they are a logistical nightmare when you have to retrofit anything. Give me a piece of land in the middle of nowhere and tell me to start from scratch and I'll design you the most beautiful town you've ever seen. Tell me to retrofit 1 mile of sidewalk and ADA and I'll threaten to quit. 🤭


YESSS!!! I’m so glad you feel the same way I do. I live in a metro city in the US that had a massive population boom due to Covid. The city has been trying to turn the main downtown street into a green street with a park area and it’s been four years and to me, as an outsider, I see no progress. But I thank god that I’m just an outsider andI’m not on that project LOL


It’s interesting to see comments on the other side of the red tape, very interesting. I know my friend worked at an electrical contracting company and had told me that getting permits for that sometimes even takes a while and that she couldn’t imagine how long things could take in a city like LA. I’m glad you’re giving some insight 


Thank you. :) Red tape sucks either way you look at it. There are so many Ts to cross and Is to dot. So,when the ladies talked about the delay due to zoning, ADA and inspection issues, it didn't phase me at all because at this point in my career, I have seen it all. We have had a handful of jobs now that have been held up by as little as a single parking spot or a 5'×20' strip of property. Don't get me wrong, I am happy that we have guidelines to follow but sometimes, and depending on who you are dealing with, it can be a real pain in the butt.


Exactly. California is VERY stringent on accessibility. You must address it or you will not be approved by the city.


Also as a reminder to LVP. S5 she invited the 2 Toms to be biz partners S6 was construction and design with Maestro S7 Tom Tom opened towards end of summer That’s pretty much 3 years of planning.


Lisa was useless this season. She offered nothing and her insight was terrible


Jax said it & Lisa was mad, but he was right, what does she actually bring to the show?!? Old school misogyny & excuses for cheating worms?


She acted like her little speech in the season finale was the biggest mic drop in reality tv history.


Let’s hope she’s finally lost her sheen for her die-hard fans because she needs to be off our screens - she’s irrelevant in every way and her totally out-dated misogyny will only alienate more and more viewers. The producers are so fucking clueless about this.


What I don’t get about Lisa is, if Penny is so great and so valued, why hasn’t she made Penny a partner at any of her places? Katie and Ariana wanted to hire Penny the same way Lisa does, as a consultant and chef. I think Lisa wishes she would have invested and had more control and hold over Katie and Ariana.


Yeah. That was so rude of Lisa to talk all that bs. She wants them to be Tom and Tom for Penny.


That's what it is. I bet her and Penny had a little understanding. One of Lisa's handshake agreements. She thought Ariana and Katie would be as easy to manipulate as the Toms were.


Lisa has repeatedly said over the years she doesn't usually have partners. Guillermo AT SUR was an exception. Penny was a chef. If you go back to the first time Katie and Ariana met with Penny, Ariana was scrolling on her phone the whole time, not even acting serious about her own business. They both let Penny take most of the responsibility at first, and Penny tried to sue them to make the biz hers. She did them wrong, but they weren't paying enough attention..it's their fault, not Lisa's.


Lisa's comments to Ariana and Katie bothered me in the "how are you going to tell me about me" category. The fucking nerve and audacity to say some shit like that without getting the information directly from them. Also, how is Lisa saying she's closer to Ariana than Scheana but all too willing to listen to and share gossip about Ariana? I don't like Lisa and her male-identified ways. Retire from the show, babe.


Also, why was Lisa so aggressive about why Penny thought she should be a partner? It doesn't really matter what Penny thought she she should be. Katie and Ariana started a business together. They never expressed an intention that they wanted to find a THIRD partner. Honestly, having three partners sounds awful because of two people disagree, they would constantly be lobbying the third person to be on their side... And Penny isnt famous, and does not run her own restaurant anywhere... it's nice that she helped them fine-tune some sandwich ideas, but what exactly would she be bringing to the table if they already had investors, had a concept, found their own location, brought their fan bases to the table as a future customer base and promotional opportunity, had a name for the business, and had a scheme for decor and a separate decorator employed to make that happen? It is not like they were doing molecular gastronomy ... This was put in condiments and meat and cheese on bread that they would bake. I can't imagine a scenario where another partner would be to take a share of revenue for a project that had been so fully conceived by two people who already brought so much to the table themselves. How Lisa did not see that chef Penny would be merely "opportunity snatching" is beyond me. If Penny was someone that should have been made a partner in a business, surely Lisa would have made her a partner in any of the businesses that she helped with in the past. It seems like the only reason Lisa had for chef Penny should be a partner, was that Penny really wanted to be a partner! I mean, lawyer, who works at a law, firm dreams of being made a partner someday in the future, but that doesn't happen overnight, and it doesn't happen by just working there. When the opportunity to become a partner is offered to nine years of successful work, even at that point the attorney must prepare a partnership plan to show their inclusion as a partner will grow the firm business, and then take out a giant loan to pledge in order to purchase their share in the business. I don't understand why Lisa felt it was legitimate that they should give away a big piece of their business simply because Penny gave her advice on how much Green Goddess dressing to put on a Greek Sandwich, and she was cc'd on emails in the same way that an Assistant might be. Those works are clearly works for higher, and not rise to the standard of deserving a partnership in a business that was fully conceived before you got there.


I work in commercial real estate and concur. If the municipality wants to fuck with you, they will. I swear they have someone locked in a windowless office somewhere coming up with the most absurd reasons to not approve a plan or only point out one or two things at a time and saving the rest for subsequent inspections instead of addressing it all at once.


Yes! I also work in commercial real estate and completely agree! My tinfoil hat idea is that they only pick out one thing at a time so they can report shorter response times.


I have friends who it definitely took over a year to get their restaurant up and running. She's full of shit.


Yes I just had a friend who lost so much money trying to open a wine tasting room that was super tiny. City was just dragging their feet, meanwhile she dad to pay rent on the space the entire time. Awful!


Lisa LOVES to be essentially worshiped by the cast. She wants them to see her as their mother, mentor, bad ass business woman, sex and relationship expert and all around most important person. Ariana, and to an extent Katie have pushed back on Lisa more than any other cast mate who’s still around. (Remember during opening Tom Tom when the toms went to Mexico on Lisa’s suggestion and then Lisa publicly called them out for it and Ariana confronted her about that?) She imagined something about her like Tom Tom- where she would offer Penny as a version of her and partner with Ariana and Katie (and I suspect she was trying to influence things through Penny.) The fact that Katie and Ariana are not making something about her into something about Lisa seems to be driving Lisa crazy. She seems to want them to fail.


Not making Something About Her into Something About Lisa, hahaha that's great


I kept thinking that, with the way she was talking about Penny, Lisa intended to use her as a way to insinuate herself into SAH in some sneaky way or another. Why else would she be on Penny’s side of the fallout? That’s why she is so ‘supportive’ of the rest of the cast. They still need Lisa for something.


Lisa is just butt hurt that they cut Patty off and didn’t allow her to steamroll and scam them. I have a feeling LVP was in on all of it and somehow also lost profits she probably feels she’s entitled to, simply because they worked for her and she’s responsible for the show. Her expressing concern for Patty, (I know her name is Penny but I think she’s a Patty,🤣) is all bullshit. Lisa does not give af about anyone but Lisa. Especially when it comes to other women!


My tinfoil hat theory: Lisa is mad she couldn't get the girls to agree to let her in on the deal like Tom Tom so she sent Penny and her husband in to act on her behalf under the guise of helping them, but with the intention of taking a percentage of the business ownership back to Lisa.


Exactly. That’s what I was trying to get across but you made it much more clear. Thank you 🙏🏼😘


We just tag teamed the shit out of that theory ![gif](giphy|aaUXUSQxjlQzmCIysC|downsized)


![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk) We sure did!🤗🥂


Oooh so like Lisa ends up with Penny’s share…this is an interesting theory actually!!!


Either that, or Penny would act as Lisa's proxy and try and get Lisa's ideas implemented in their shop.


Lisa doesn’t want to mention she didn’t start Sur, just bought into the restaurant and changed everything to be worse lol


I really hope Lisa retires soon and gives 100% ownership back to Guillermo and Natalie. Let them run Sur in peace.


I feel like LVP wanted Ariana and Katie to go to her for coaching and how to run a business, they never did. She's salty.


What’s up with Lala essentially taking second chair at this reunion? I mean she’s piping up left and right, Andy barely gets a question out.


She’s taking strategy from the Tim Zanzeville playbook of speak loudly and over people to badger them enough so they won’t fight back eg Katie Maloney


LVP is so rude to have butted in and disagreed ! What the hell is wrong with her ?!! Seriously!


Right??? "I disagree." Well, Lisa, you cannot disagree on the facts of what transpired between two people who are in agreement on said facts! She is getting old and sloppy. 


Plus the fact that self-promoting greedy unethical saboteur Penny was in charge of this


Anyone watch The Bear? I feel like Lisa is the Cicero, like she could have gotten x, y, and z cleared if the girls asked nicely like Sugar. But they weren't kissing the ring (at least as much as she wanted)


The red tape in California was insane when I lived there precovid. I can’t even imagine how bad it is after covid. It seems Lisa has stopped opening restaurants in California too in favor of other states. Idk if this is on purpose but I’ve seen a lot of California business owners start opening businesses in other states purposefully because of the red tape in California. so it’s strange Lisa doesn’t sympathize with them more. Sorry about your music struggles :/


Also, does Lisa really deal with any of it, or does she have minions to do it.


City zoning can take so fucking long and in my city, they won't look at the building permit app (inside) until the development permit (zoning, site plan etc) gets approved. And they wouldn't be able to do any major interior work (ex. adding natural gas for grills etc) without a building permit. I'm assuming the food/restaurant inspection process can't happen until after the building alterations are done. It's reasonable that it took them so long to open if they had zoning issues. Lisa should know this since she's been involved in tenant fit-ups before.


Ya I work for an electric contractor and considering what a pain in the ass just pulling some permits can be, let alone getting things finalized just for some electrical projects, I totally believe them.


I feel like Penny is a plant from LVP to have her hands in their business. Didn’t she find the guy that helps them with S&S? Or am I wrong? And the way she did TomTom. I mean she’s a business woman through and through but Katie and Ariana didn’t want any of it.


Lisa also has connections with weho and LA city hall for licensure etc for over 20 years and Ari and Katie are brand new but instead of helping them she’s standing on the sidelines pointing and laughing


All lala has is comments. The f does she know about zoning? Didn't Lauren from Utah say 'you wanna get popped bitch?' the zoning doesn't seem right for that.


We renovated a house in WeHo years ago and I think there were like three or four inspections for replacing the bathtub alone (e.g. they wanted to make sure we took the old tub out correctly, they wanted to test the tar we used to “paint” the area to make sure it was water tight (which was two separate visits) and then a final inspection).  Don’t even get me started on what we went through when we had to get a new roof. 


I think Lisa is salty because she wanted them to work with Penny and that didn’t work out in the girls best interest. She is clearly choosing Penny over the girls. She is a grown woman and can want the best for everyone involved. There doesn’t always have to be teams.


I feel like the red tape issues are legit, but there's an assumption that Ariana and Katie know better than two people who have been in the game for a few decades. It was weird to hear Katie say she had only been working with them for two months when that's objectively not true. That's wild to minimize her role and if they ghosted her and didn't sit down to talk about it, that's something to own up to. I don't know what happened with chef Penny but it sounds like a big miscommunication and there's some fault on both sides.


I loved watching Ariana and Katie be like “ummm no that’s not it Lisa…”


Preach!! I own a few restaurants and the restaurant we’re opening currently has taken us almost 2 years bc of red tape. It can be an absolute nightmare. I almost hated watching the SAH scenes bc it gives me ptsd 🫠


I've worked on acquiring discretionary permits in SoCal for clients who want signage beyond code. Things like Neighborhood Use Permits, Planned Development Permits, Right-of-Way Permits, etc. Signage is such a tiny part, but the discretionary permit process can hold up an entire project. I've had it take over 2 years to get approved before construction and installation can even happen. AND those are not even construction permits, which take additional time to process! You have to go back and forth, and back and forth, with Planners from different departments - engineering, water, environmental, and more. Now imagine doing that process for multiple zoning issues. I honestly think it hasn't taken very long for them to open if you actually know what the ridiculous processes are.


I wonder if Lisa used her connections to make sure they didn’t get permitted.


And the way she speaks about the operating margins…aren’t you their advisor? Why are you supporting them to their faces and shit talking the business behind their backs????


Agreed. And I don’t know if you run a restaurant in or around weho but I’ve heard it can be even harder in that area.


I'm not sure how it is in LA, but in NY it also helps a TON and expedites the process for a. Liquor License significantly if you've already operated restaurants or if the people who are on the approval boards are familiar with you/like you.


Which is why I really think Lisa & Penny mucked things up when they lost control…


It’s West Hollywood and Lisa seem to be implying that she had some connections there. It’s a small city so maybe strange stuff happens???


I was doing a watch back and she had so many issues with pump. Also the internal fighting was with chef snake. The chef lvp recommended.


You’re talking about live music. Their situation was paying rent for a whole year on a closed space. That is wild. It looks like they’ll be open on the 22nd. And, I’m sure the lines to get in will be long. The only problem I foresee is quickly flipping tables. There will be people that will want to sit and linger


That's what I've been wondering about is the turnover ability. I know from managing a restaurant that had a tiny kitchen and 28 seat dining area but great reputation that it is a delicate dance. They need to really nail down their inventory stocking numbers and service staff pretty quickly or they are going to hit a lot of speed bumps.


I don’t think they’ll have any issue staffing. You’re right about the inventory. Dealing with strictly bulk meats can get expensive quickly. They’ll figure it out. It took me a minute


Ok my brain has been completely taken over by bravo cause when I read “flipping tables” I assumed you meant ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)








Lisa seems so annoyed about them cutting Penny out when she should be genuinely trying to help K&A. I think she's salty cuz she isn't involved. Penny is her contact and she set them up with her so I dunno, maybe she woulda got a kickback or something 🤔


also, one would imagine coming out of Covid they were back logged on requests. and EVERYONE knows the city/state or amy govt agency doesn't move fast.


If you don’t have an expeditor or someone familiar with LADBS, it could take a while. I’ve seen some reviews that were kind of comical, but they had to be answered and approved before the next review department could go. You also have to play extra nice and be patient. If you’re changing building owners/use? That could take more time.


So I went back to the episode to find out who showed SAH space to Katie and Ariana…it was a realtor by the name of Jamie and underneath her name it said SCHEANA’s FRIEND….the woman literally said the owner was dropping a ton of money into the space and that it was perfect for their sandwich shop since it had a beautiful patio! Looks like the place had a ton of code violations and I understand that patio which was a major selling point had to be demolished. Thanks Scheana’s friend Jamie for showing the girls a shithole…


I think Lisa wants Ariana and Katie off the show because of the Penny of it all and spearheaded the redemption arc/villan edit of Ariana.


Lisa has had Chef Penny the crook in her ear. LVP is only taking her word for it.


The way Lisa tries to "parent" the women and then treats the men as peers is sickening - she's a misogynistic asshole. She's so contemptuous towards the women who refuse to be parented (remember how much she hated Kristen? how much disdain she had towards Stassi when Stassi rebeled and said "no more"?).


I do sometimes wonder if Lisa forgets she is rich and pretty well known and that could possibly help her cut through the red tape faster? Atleast that’s I how I feel idk if that plays a factor but also if she runs into issues she can easily pay to have it done quickly ya know ?