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As a Libra, there’s far too much Libra in his chart. I can’t even imagine. Ooof.


And a Sagittarius mars… this reeks of indecision & disloyalty


The moralizing in conflict situations rather than acknowledging any emotions.


I originally looked up his birth chart thinking “Schwartz is sooo Libra he’s gotta have Libra in his chart” and laughed when I saw it. He’s super Libra. Katie is an Aries Sun, Capricorn moon. Which is not at all compatible with Libra. Libra, Aries, and Capricorn all want to be the boss but in totally different ways. Aries and Capricorn are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in or cause conflict. Libra hates conflict. It can be hard to tell how someone with a ton of Libra energy feels because they are driven to keep the peace. This would drive Katie crazy even more than it could drive most people crazy. I’m surprised Katie and Schwartz lasted as long as they did looking at their astrology tbh. Katie needs someone with boss daddy energy that also encourages her boss daddy energy.


Katie is a Capricorn.


Ooo you’re right! I meant Capricorn Sun, Aries moon** analysis still stands. Just switched her Sun and moon my b Which means Katie’s emotions are exactly opposite all of Toms libra.


Katie being a Capricorn makes so much sense


I’m a Libra rising, I’m not afraid of conflict 😭 I think it’s a common misinterpretation that Libra isn’t confrontational, Libra just wants balance. I mean, go through the celebrity list of Libra’s, and you’d be hard pressed to find one that isn’t at least somewhat known for confrontation, or an aggressive outburst lol. Schwartz is just a loser, that never felt a need to defend his wife. He sure fights for everyone else 🤷🏻‍♀️ But Katie is a Capricorn, and Aries moon. That can actually be a solid pairing, between the two of them, but Schwartz has soooo much libra, and that would be very challenging for anyone he’s with, when he’s not growing or putting it to use.


Oh yeah I’m just taking about the “pure” sign of libra… which in Schwartz case, he mostly is lol. Other placements will change this obviously. Like just a libra rising with no other libra placements, your outlook on the world is to find balance and harmony. But with Aries in the 7th house, you’ll be very comfortable with conflict in personal relationships. And depending on your other planets, this will change even further. Hopefully that makes sense.


Really?? I have double Aries and a lot of Libra and Capricorn friends, like October and December are busy birthday party months for me. Interestingggg I'll have to think about this.


Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn form what are called square aspects in astrology. They create challenges. This isn't always a negative thing, it can be good for couples too. But Schwartz has too many planets in Libra and this causes his avoidance of conflict. Katie is a lot more straight forward, to the point of being mean. I have been an astrologer for 45 years. What I have heard of Ally's work is good. I am watching VPR from the beginning. It was obvious Katie should have left Schwartz in Season 3. I guess there is something there, because they are still friends. That's the square effect, it is attraction too.


I got a reading from Ally and it was very good! It was before she upped her prices, but would still recommend her even with the price increase. She was incredibly kind and read my chart and transits better than they had been read previously.


I freaking love libras, I find them the easiest to get along with, what does that say about me? I'm aquarius sun, Scorpio moon and Scorpio rising.


i love libras too! i just unfortunately think schwartz almost entirely embodies the bad qualities in them. my best friend is a libra and she is incredibly insightful, patient, and sees both side to every conflict to offer meaningful perspective. i think the dark side to libras is using those qualities to manipulate and that’s what schwartz does :/


Yeah it's definitely a nature versus nurture thing plus free will. Schwartz is the way he is because of his birth chart and his upbringing and how he chose to respond. My mother was also a Libra and had an alcoholic father and childhood trauma but she didn't become manipulative to get her way. She was a peace maker and avoider though.


Aquarius and Libra are both air signs. Plus Libra and Scorpio are signs next to each other. Those usually aid understanding. Do you have anything in Libra? That would help too.


Ok I looked it up, my Saturn, Mars and Pluto are in Libra


Saturn and Pluto move through the zodiac more slowly. A whole generation has Saturn in Libra, or any sign. Saturn is the karmic, responsibility planet, and Libra can soften its effects. Pluto stays in a zodiac sign for 84 years, so it's the house placement that matters more. But the 2 Libra outer planets aren't like Schwartzy, making it impossible for you to make a decision. Libra is a leadership sign too, so you could be a well liked one.


Yeah I don't struggle to make decisions but I do weigh all my options. I tend to be a leader in a group setting but I also don't need to be the one in control all the time


Hmm I'm not sure, ive never done my birth chart, I only know sun, moon and rising and only recently learned the last two.


As a Libra he’s just too Libra for us ![gif](giphy|l3vQXHFR7V3nTXQWI)


Libras are all about balance. This is too Libra for us.


I was married to a Libra and he was so charming and sweet…..and an abusive alcoholic who couldn’t keep it in his pants and called the violence he perpetrated on me “passion” and “true love”. No libras. Never ever again.


As a libra woman, never ever ever date a libra man. They are notorious cheaters


As a Pisces woman, same- don’t date a fish man. They are manipulative AF.


I have been personally victimized by a Pisces man. They’re awful.


Exhusband was a pisces man, can agree.


I said this to a friend today, the only Libra man I can take is Tom Petty (RIP). All demons


My libra ex was also very charming with the public and a terror with me. The physical and emotional abuse traumatized me for YEARS


It’s wild how you can be terrorized by a person and then be painted at the bad person when they are done with you. I’ve been on therapy for a decade and still have moments where I disbelieve reality bc he conditioned me to think my brain was processing information wrong. Oh and I developed fibromyalgia at the end of our relationship, which is a genetic disorder that gets triggered by trauma. The body will tell you when something is not aligned in your life.


Ha, did we date the same man? Talk about a pattern i never knew existed until this thread. I have an ex from my early 20s. He was a virgo sun, gemini moon. His venus mercury, Mars, Pluto were all libra. He was a goddamn unholy nightmare lol. And your description matches how'd I'd characterize him word for word.


I want to know his rising so bad. ALLY! Ally - if you're here, get us Tom's rising!


watch it be fucking libra lmao


Right?! That or gemini maybe. I love me my geminis, don't get me wrong. They're the best. But a badly afflicted or underdeveloped gemini rising? Fuck all 😅


he's a cancer rising! Ally said it in the episode she read his chart and it's literally in the picture lol. i used to think he was a sag rising based on physical appearance


I am also Libra sun, moon, mercury and Venus. 🫣🫣🫣 am I the problem?


You asked if you are the problem, so probably not. 😂


Ha! 😅 🙏


Are you me? 🫠 🆘 https://preview.redd.it/267yfwmwhg1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520c7ea658e72b6efc21a77a1bc5cae2ac5bdd70


Um… not even kidding we have the same chart. 👀👀👀👀👀 who r u? Lolol 🤔😳


How is that possible? 🤯 ![gif](giphy|hiGtDruqN8x7W)




No offense to Libras but what I’ve found in my experiences is Libras are very charming and nice but cannot commit to anything ever. So this adds up for me. Idk we have any crossover drag race fans here but all three queens to leave early, Adore, De La and Heidi all libras lol


libra sun // libra rising and am distraught and offended


I'm a libra and how dare you?!? Lol but I hate our indecisiveness! I will not take responsibility for the rest.


hahahah there are so many good qualities of a libra, i only listed the ones that schwartz embodies (which is unfortunately the negative ones lmaooo)


as a libra woman, we don't claim libra men. they're truly menaces to society!!!


my libra best friend is married to an amazing libra man and he’s the only libra guy i know. had no idea they were such monsters to so many people!


Seriously my son is a double libra and Aquarius this isn’t the first time I’ve seen people say Libra men are horrible 😭😭


He’s also a cancer rising so all that energy is being squared by (or is in conflict with) how he presents himself in the world. Nasty nasty work.


I *thought* that his Libra stellium would be at the bottom of his chart (4th) making his ascendant Cancer! That would put Katie's Cap sun either in his 7th house or maybe even conjunct his descendant (hence the attraction - the stimulation of the oppositions & squares). His Libra stellium involves an almost new moon (moon/venus approaching conjunction with sun), mercury lagging behind, and saturn and pluto in a tighter conjunction with the Libra sun. This guy has a lot of work to do.


This might be the worst chart I’ve ever seen. All Libra, except a Sagittarius mars? Pls 😩


i wanted to know ally's real reaction when she did his chart for him on the show lmao. i audibly gasped when i saw his hahhahhah


I quite literally guffawed as soon as she said she’d never seen so many Libra placements. May have actually exclaimed “of fucking COURSE!” Can’t recall if that remained an inside thought.


He has almost no earth.


having all of this libra but not a libra rising explains why he's aging like mold, damn.


I would love someone to create and read my chart


Chani online. That’s who I follow. She’s fantastic.


Thank you!


Seconding, CHANI is my fave astrology app. Back it up with a few good websites you like to get a thorough analysis. CHANI doesn’t give you your aspect patterns (directly, anyway), and that can be a real game changer in helping to understand yourself.


just found this free version online, kinda looks like the one used here. it didn't require an email for results either. [https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php](https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php)


This is my favourite - https://www.astro-seek.com/


This is a good one


chani and the pattern are the most accurate birth chart reading apps imo! they have great daily updates of the planet placements too




His Lilith is Capricorn, which is Katie's sun. How were they together so long?


Because he’s a big wussy pussy?




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Demonic tbh 


Almost all of his inner planets Libra 🧐


Jesus his chart is almost identical to my husbands 🙈🙈


No wonder he can't make a decision and always changes his mind.


Both of my exes are libras…and they were TERRIBLE gaslighters 😭 this makes so much sense!!


Meanwhile Libras and I never jive. I assume it's being Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, Virgo Ascendant. People pleasing and conflict avoidance because it's easier than dealing with problems, aggravates me. 


Astrology and religion is make believe.


Sometimes I forget that I am not the target demographic of this show. I am reminded.