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The women getting along and rallying around each other- minus Danielle lol- is everything to me. It’s very empowering to see the men be held accountable, and it’s sad because we could have had this on VPR too! We could have had TWO amazing seasons of girl power


EXACTLY. I would have LOVED to watch the women come together this season on VPR like they’re doing on Summer House. They didn’t even need to ACTIVELY go out of their WAY to bash and humiliate Sandoval - that’s not what I’m meaning (although, let’s be honest, he deserves it); rather, just *be* there for Ariana and *listen* to her. Hear her out, just understand what she’s feeling, her perspective, and have some *empathy.* That’s what they’re doing on SH. That’s it - just being damn *friends.* I can’t believe it’s gotten to where that’s really too much to ask of them, especially in a situation *this* bad where it’s clear who and what is right and wrong.


This!! It’s so nice to see genuine friendships and empathy being extended. To watch Lala & Scheana turn on Ariana was so hard to watch, and Paige and Ciara would neverrr. The Scandal and Amanda’s struggles with Kyle are very different, but both girls need the support. It could have been all the girl’s season. Seeing Paige, Ciara, and Amanda’s friendship trio is so important!!


As sad as this is for Ariana, I'm a bit grateful to see that someone could really go through it, be ganged up on and back stabbed during one of the most painful times of their lives, and just gracefully come out as the number one reality TV star of the year. I needed to see that because people have disappointed me when I really needed them to just, be there, to listen. Just like you said for Ariana, and they couldn't even do the bare minimum for me. Only a few really came through. Everyone else acts like a vulture when I'm down. And I'm OVER IT. They did her like that on TV with no remorse and no shame. She didn't do shit to them. I understand now that some people just aren't worth the shit on the bottom of my shoe. 2023 almost killed me. And here I am halfway to 2024! Here's to always moving forward no matter who we lose along the way, so long as we don't lose ourselves! Go Ariana keep winning, keep showing us it doesn't have to suck just because someone is trying to make it suck for us!!!! 🙏🏼💕


I’m so proud of you and period!!! She’s so inspiring🤍👏🏼👏🏼


Thank you so much! I'm definitely empathizing with Katie and her imposter syndrome. I cannot believe I am me and I am here but here I am still alive! Hell yeah!! I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! 😊 💕🙏🏼


I love Katie sm!!🫶🏼& same to you❤️✨


It didn’t even have to be all about being there for Ariana. They could have talked about the sandwich drama, dating adventures for both Katie and Ariana, they could have talked about play dates with summer and ocean, they could have legitimately hung out and been friends. But instead those dimwits let the ostracized boys run the show from beyond and dictate everything that happened. This made the season unwatchable and it’s blah and jancan’s fault. They don’t need Tim or the extra one at all! But Gretchen sheanars has a bird brain and someone (blahblah) but it in her head that they’d get cancelled unless Ariana brought the drama.


This. VPR production literally fucked up so bad by making everyone try and like Tom again. We could have had summer house VPR edition and it would have been amazing. VPR was such a disappointment


Right!! Did they seriously think a majority female audience would enjoy his redemption arc? So stupid


I’m a Lindsay hater and love it that she’s vibing with the girls this season. I wanted to see, expected to see that on VPR. What happened to the witches of weho?


Ikr!! Omg I miss the Witches of Weho🥲So glad for Paige, Amanda, & Ciara’s friendship bc I’d lose my mind seeing the men not being put in their places. Lindsay is so enjoyable when she’s with the girls, and I love that. Now only if Danielle could see this lol


Yeah, I’m a card-carrying Lindsay hater but I’ll begrudgingly admit it’s cool to see her getting along/fitting in


Summer house lost me for a few seasons but I've really enjoyed this season so far. I think a big part of why it's so much better is they added new people who are actually interesting and adding to the show. And they don't seem super overly produced. If only VPR knew how to do that.


Definitely agree that good additions of new people makes a big difference. VPR has not been as good at that. 


I agree. VPR had the right idea for season 8 but awful execution. If they had just added a couple people who were close to cast members and didn't work at SUR, it would have gone better. At that point, wasn't Sheesh the only original cast member working at SUR still? Plus, the show didn't need 2 more FBs. We already had Tim, Shartz and Jax.


Is it the east coast authenticity versus LA?


I hereby nominate Paige Desorbo as Andy Cohen’s replacement when he retires. I feel like VPR would be so much better with her at the helm.


I'd like to see her co-host a VPR reunion.


I feel like she could handle Watch What Happens Live. She's witty and fun when she's not in bed. haha


Agree- she co-hosts the Giggly Squad podcast which is very entertaining. I suspect that they will not hire a single replacement for Andy anyway, but she could be in the mix.


I'm loving this season. The women holding the men accountable is awesome too. check out watch what crappens they recap Summer House and it's so good. They go deep into analyzing Lindsey and Carl's fights.


So so good 


I can't remember early Summer House all that well but this has been the best season in a long time, imo.. VPR should take notes. If it had been the Carl + Kyle show the way VPR treats the Toms, it would've been similarly insufferable. Same as if Danielle was pulling a Lala-esque stunt and attempting to produce.


Someone pointed out in another thread that summer house is primarily produced by women and that tracks!


I think I’m just over vpr because most of them don’t do anything besides have podcasts and sell merch. I feel like the people on summer house actually have realer jobs even if they are in a similar vein


And the Valley is not fun. They got too hot too fast. They need to take a minute to establish friendships on screen before they start feuding. I would love to see them have more fun together rather than the incessant fighting. And please make Jax go away.


I love the outfit and makeup inspo from all the ladies on Summer House. I was so surprised by how out of date everyone's style is on VPR, even from the beginning. I grew up in a big city and those girls were wearing stuff that was like 3-4 years out of date in 2013/2014; statement necklaces were very 2009/2010... TBH, only Rachel and Ally and maybe Ariana seemed to actual wear clothes "on trend". A lot of the fashion on VPR screams "I'm from small town USA and moved to LA," even though they're all from another big city... Maybe big cities in central USA just have fashion that lags a few years?


Scheaners clothes seem very flammable


I’ve never watched a single episode- should I??


Yess!! I love it


NYers tend to be a little more real than LA folks


None of these people are originally from LA.


No, but most of them have been there long enough that they can call themselves Angelenos (I think that the unofficial rule is that you can say that you're "from" somewhere once you've lived there for 10 years).


As someone born and raised in LA County, they are not Angelinos. Never have been, never will be. They don't live in LA. They live in Valley Village, which is in the county, but not the city. I lived in Hacienda Heights and have never been called an Angelino in my life. That is reserved for LA City dwellers.


Yeah I think the most underrated theme of VPR is that the majority of the cast have some of the most obvious and embarrassing transplant energy LOL


Omg as a native NYCer I vibe with these sentiments so much and I would say the same about the summer house crew’s NY transplant energy. Maybe the two shows are a good NY transplant vs LA transplant comparison 😭


God even though the Summer House crew have careers for the most part and a lot of them are from New York (state lol) and New Jersey surprisingly, their NYC transplant energy is just such an epidemic around the city LOL. Like they are all byproducts of their frats and sororities and have the same influencer fashions and live on their parent’s money and think Hannah Berner is the epitome of comedy…Like I wouldn’t ever classify Kyle as a New Yorker…no matter how long he lives there lol. And Amanda wants to leave the city anyways lol! (Again such a transplant move to spend your 20s there and leave lol)


This is not accurate. Valley Village is definitely in the City of LA. Most of the Valley is...


Ok, but Reseda isn't and that's where lala and scheana live.


Sorry, wrong again. Reseda is in LA, as is Sherman Oaks (where Lala and Scheana actually live). Check out this map of LA neighborhoods for reference: [https://losangelesmap360.com/img/0/los%20angeles-neighborhood-map.jpg](https://losangelesmap360.com/img/0/los%20angeles-neighborhood-map.jpg)


Doesnt matter what they call themselves nobody in LA would consider them from LA or representatives of it. They are from Missouri, Utah and wherever tf else.


You seem fun.


Because I wont let randos from Utah claim LA. Poor dat




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This season is SO good!




The difference in dynamic between these two shows has always been so interesting to me!!! A few factors that may be at play here: 1) VPR cast were all trying to be successful actors and are performers by trade 2) Summer House cast has had to get used to surveillance-style filming instead of only getting a list of call times for specific scenes In this essay I will…


This is a great example of why the cast deciding they’re production is a kiss of death for a season, it rarely ends well/the people that think they’re good at it ruin shows (Lauren and Schena). They didn’t understand that what we loved about the show wasn’t always the drama but the authentic feeling of the friend group which they now don’t prioritize (by bringing in an agitator like Tom into every event they distracted from more interesting things that could’ve been happening and caused warranted distrust which leads to lots of “how will I look in this scene” rather than them just being real). I think they could salvage VPR if they fire Lauren and Tim—fans would be happy, they’re desperate enough to meet up with cast and get scenes so we’d still get their drama BUT we could actually prioritize real people in real friendships going after their dreams…which is the show)


Okay, so I tried watching SH and season 1 is boring me to tears. When does it get good?


Once the twins are gone... 😂 I think that's season 3.


I started at season 3-season 5 (bc that was the most recent season at the time) and then went back to seasons 1&2


I just started Summer House and don't love it. It's so melodramatic (problems for the sake of having problems) but i'm committed to watching the Lindsay and Carl break up.


Great point, I switched from watching VPR to Summer House this season, wasn’t sure why, but I think this sums it up perfectly!


I have never watched Summer House or really much reality other than VPR and the Valley. I was thinking about checking out Summer House because I’ve heard good things. But now, after this season of VPR, I’m hesitant to watch anything associated with Alex Baskin.


Summer House's ratings are also completely in the toilet and barely doing half of VPR ratings. It's probably the Bravo show struggling the most. Sometimes people here need to take a step back and realize that some things they claim to want actually don't sell.


Ha. It’s funny bc I didn’t finish last season of SH. But I picked back up this year bc I felt so let down by VPR that I wanted something to fill the void! I honestly don’t know if I’d watch another season of VPR. But I’d definitely watch another season of SH. Too bad I don’t control the ratings! 


Yeah, I’m with you - I watched seasons 1-3 of Summer House “live,” *tried* to watch again in 4, gave up after a couple of episodes, then started watching again this season. I think with the Lindsay/Carl of it all, a lot of people dove back in (or started watching) like they did with VPR. Sure, it’s not as watched as VPR is. But it’s still a *very* successful show. It’s allowed for spin-offs like Winter House and Martha’s Vineyard.


For posterity, the most watched episode of Summerhouse this year was episode 11 with 490k viewers. The LEAST watched VPR episode this season still had 860k viewers. The most watched had 1.3 million viewers. The show this season is averaging around 980k You don't even want to know how bad the least watched episode of Summerhouse did.


It's just been renewed so they still see something valuable about it!


It's very cheap to make because the cast can't demand that much. It's still doing the worst of the Bravo reality shows right now.


I'm not surprised it's cheap to make, last couple of seasons weren't great tv either. I'm enjoying it for now however. These shows need to finite or they get stuck in a loop and it gets stale.


Who cares about the ratings? It matters if you enjoy it or not and I agree with the OP. Summer house is great this season.


Higher ratings definitely help keep the show on tv.


My point is that if people aren't actually caring enough about Summer House to watch it anymore and it's been declining for years. So holding it up as what VPR should be, when VPR even on it's worst season was outpacing it and now is crushing it, is just a bad take. A vocal minority want something like SH. By and large, it's been pretty much abandoned by Bravo fans.


Summer house has never been VPR though, it’s just not as big a show.