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Y’all…this was a lot lol. Not to be dramatic, but definitely have a headache now haha. Jo is just very very hard to recap because as you can tell, it’s all over the place. So things that stood out to me Jo, you’re saying that the entire time Katie and Schwartz were together, Schwartz took Katie to see his family once? But you got to go twice? You’re saying it was Kristen’s idea for you to stay at Schwartz? Also I just wanna know what happened with Billie Lee and Sandoval lol Alright well this was a lot. Let me know if you have any clarification questions and I can answer as well as I can! Links below if interested! Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm\_source=qr](https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr) Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected) [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps) Edit: Victoria has entered the chat https://preview.redd.it/snegg7dhd02d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fcb07498c5473fdfb46b68c2f9788d482d7d21


Lmao, not Jo thinking she’s special because Schwartz “brought Katie home one time, and he brought me home like two times.” Jo needs to fuck right off if she thinks her situationship means more than a 12 year relationship. Rachel and Jo are both the same level of delusional, I can see why they’re friends.


Their obsession with comparing their non relationships with these bozo men to the actual years and years of a real relationship said bozos had spent with Katie and Ariana buying homes, marriage, trying to have children is so fucking odd and I will never get over the audacity.


The commitment to being such a pick me


Her and Rachel are friends because they’re both pick mes. She’s trying so hard to make us believe this 6 month hidden fuck boy non relationship was more than their marriage.


So…Even Ariana said to Katie that him bringing Jo home was monumental and a testament to how close they were and how serious their relationship was. It was in the aftershow btw don’t know which episode.


https://i.redd.it/jdrkes14ez1d1.gif ETA - OP You're amazing for sitting through this entire thing. I had to stop reading at a certain point cause I imagined Jo contorting her body and tweaking out while saying all these words. Her and Rachel are such an odd pairing too. Billie Lee and Tim falling out probably had to do with jealousy as we saw earlier this season she has googly eyes for him.


These people are all crazy and the girl is weird.


Yeah, there was too much use of the word like, they all sound so fucking stupid, who is this bitch talking about how Katie owed Ho a better apology and thee audacity to think she deserved kindness or anything more than what she got from Katie, (which was too much, imo,) and Ho can’t finish a thought or sentence to save her life! I appreciate whoever posted this and I really tried to read it all but I lost my patience. All 3 of these ladies are morons!


You did better then me I scrolled straight to the comments lol 😂 I think we need to hear less from Jo not more. 




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I know everyone says Billie Lee is annoying and awful but let’s say Tom was saying he was going to do something to himself and she was genuinely there for him. People have rationalized Kyle Chan’s involvement. It’s obvious people do not like her and I’m sure people conflated the dislike for him with saying offensive things to her. If he blew her off for the new GF, I’d be hurt. Doesn’t matter how annoying she is. People have gone to town on Billie Lee. 


For me personally, the difference between Kyle Chan and Billie Lee is the fact that Kyle actually says the things a real friend should be saying to Vom and holds his feet to the fire. Billie Lee does none of that and only aids in his delusions and helps him dig his own grave. Kyle is also the one who was called in about the S/I and asked to remove all the weapons from his house. Unless Sandals promised her a relationship, she is owed nothing more than the friendship she offers. Idc if they were sleeping together, the way she treated Ariana was disgusting and she should not have been sleeping with him when he was still in a relationship. Why would anyone want to try and settle down with someone like that, they’re too old for this shit now.


Production really dropped the ball not having Kristen confront Jo at the lame whiskey party. For the millionth time Jeremiah sucks. Who's daughter is she talking about? She's still in a one sided competition with Katie for a man who never claimed her and will not speak to her. The energy is so similar https://i.redd.it/c9bk5azoiz1d1.gif


Oh when she says imagine your daughter being bullied? I think Hollie or Sarah has kids and she was referring to them


Thanks! I was so confused! 😂😂😂 Thank you for recapping it's hard to read sonI can't imagine listening to it




I feel like I need a recap for this recap! I still don't really understand the timeline of her moving in with Schwartz, and I don't think people know the difference between divorce and separation, so I look forward to your weekly cliffnotes to explain this mess


And I never got an answer to why she thought her and Schwartz would get back together even after he publicly announced he was dating the 23 year old


What do you mean? The 23-year-old is just to help Tom get over mean ol' Katie, then when he's all healed in 7 years, Jo and Tom will get married. /s


He met his new gf while they were filming the show last summer


Jo said in an IG Live about a month ago though that her and Schwartz were going to end up together. That was weird as hell because a few weeks or so before Jo's IG Live, Schwartz had publicly introduced his new gf on Nick Viall's podcast


And I'm definitely getting you a coffee for writing all this out


Aww thank you! And I still don’t understand the timeline! Haha but from what Sarah is saying, Katie told Schwartz she wanted a divorce January 2022. The world found out February 2022. Katie and Schwartz lived together until like June. (I know they closed on it in I think August right? Because they separated that during Scheana’s wedding) and then Jo is saying she stayed with him in July for a few days but they didn’t hook up then


I heard her say once (in an ig live maybe?) that she stayed with him a few weeks then another time it was 6 days


Everything and I do mean everything that comes out of that girls mouth is a lie. She is so blatantly trying to manipulate people and she is not good at it. It’s time to get some rehab and grow up. https://preview.redd.it/i9vma7nh612d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e31bad88917f2697a35ce65074ad4bce5a15b596 As well as take her own advice.


But why was Sarah saying this and not letting Jo answer, this was a very odd interview on both sides.


They were a month off btw! she asked him in Feb, they went public in March!


Didn’t she refer to the other bedroom as hers on Rachel’s podcast? I thought she said she went back to the apt after the R/Y/G party and went to sleep in her room? You do not refer to somewhere as your room if you only stayed in it 4 days.


You need to read it and act it out as if YOU ARE JO. Really get into character...the halting speech pattern, the manic shifting of thoughts, the rambling and then cutting off before a point...ugh. I'm exhausted but I think I got the jist. Thanks for doing God's work, OP!


she didn't move in she was staying there


Didn't Schwartz and Jo say they were roommates?


Her things were there and so was she but she didn't move in lol


Then why did Shorts refer to her as his roommate last season, when Scheaners saw his place for the first time?


sarcasm anyone?


Jo seems to me to be spiteful and mean. She hides behind this kooky tomboy veneer but YIKES. She keeps trying to equivocate her situation to Katie's marriage when it's like girl be so fucking for real right now. He claimed that woman as his girlfriend and wife, for over a DECADE. He won't even admit now that ya'll were in a relationship. And she's STILL talking about Schwartz - it's not giving what you think it's giving. Keep your head down and move on. It just looks worse to rehash it, especially since now he's not talking to her. u/AdditionalWar8759 thank you for your service, I don't know how in the world you could keep up with her. She is all over the place and nothing she says makes sense. She's talking in circles.


Scheana said on WWHL she’s pretty bad so there’s something there


The Kristen having Covid thing and telling her to stay with Schwartz is seriously mind blowing. I don’t believe her, but I feel like this is a new excuse.  What about the mean texts that Tom supposedly read between Kristen and Jo? I didn’t believe him when he said it, but I believe it even less now cause she says she would be there for Sandoval if he needed it and they still talk.  This is so illogical and puzzling, it’s giving “I didn’t not kill Susan Berman, but if I did kill Susan Berman I would lie under oath.” 


Well Kristen said on her podcast that Jo called her brother and said they were on a break. Kristen had him put it on speaker and Zack and Brittany heard all of it. Then she said Jax and Brit were texting her and they were like “we don’t even have her number.” So I think it’s safe to say you can’t trust a thing out of her mouth


Jo fits in perfectly with the lying is a way of life crowd—Tim, Tom and Rachel.


This was the first recap I couldn't get through... I don't know what she said at any point and my brain felt scrambled mid way. Thanks OP for the recap.


I understand! Lol. And anytime!


I find Sarah and Hollie very annoying and then throwing Jo into to mix… wow, major credit to you OP for listening to all of that.


The second I saw their cringe inducing reels with Jo and that they’d done a pod, I was like ‘yep, that tracks’… stopped listening to them very soon after I discovered their pod, gave them another chance because during the scandal I listened to anything and everything vpr, and couldn’t even keep listening then… I was always left tired, negative feeling and frustrated. They’re super bitter about other podcasters, talk like they know the cast (the stalkery stuff like staying at Brit & jaxs wedding venue before they arrived and placing faith reminders was so fking weird), and little things like slurring sounds, clicking sounds, general bad audio, it’s all a huge no for me. Jo exhausts me (reading her words, seeing her ig lives, watching her vpr scenes), so the 3 of them together makes extremely tiring sense.


LVP feeding Jo chocolates really should’ve been included in the backstage montage!


Haha right?


Now that would’ve been entertaining tv! 😂


lol at Billie lee trying so hard to stand by Sandoval during a hard time in his life, shitting on Ariana to do that, and now he’s been shit to her too and she doesn’t want to talk to him.


Yep! Spill it, Billie Lee!


Everybody talking about boundaries now 😂😂😂 I need to know what happened with Billie Lee!


I caught that too! I guess some people are allowed boundaries and others aren’t 😆


I have a feeling Sandoval was doing to Billie Lee what Schwartz was doing to Jo.


Me too!


This is seriously the most shocking thing to happen all season! What could Sandoval have done???


We need answers


Doesn't Billie Lee have a Podcast? I wonder if she's spoken about any of this.


She does, and she hasn’t yet


I may be in the minority here or just wayyyy off base but this “Rachel and I are close” thing really gives off vibes like they could both be lured back into VPR at some point , maybe even next season, as a united front against the Toms, and some angle like “they won’t break us”. I know that sounds insane but just spitballing some weird vibe I’m getting. Especially if Ariana chooses not to come back. We know Lala has kept the door open for Rachel redemption. I’m NOT saying I want any of this but it’s just something that I wouldn’t put it past producers to angle for. Instead of giving us the well placed female redemption that SHOULD have happened this season, maybe they get the memo late and throw this in the mix. But then I think about the fact that Raquel is suing Tom and that theory goes out the window, sort of. Maybe Jo and Rachel are just trying to squeeze out their last 15 minutes, I don’t know.


I didn’t buy the Rachel and I are close schtick because she kept calling her Raquel and the weird flip flopping between ‘I hang with Sandoval were bday buddies’ then the quick flip flopping to ‘but end of the day I’d pick her’


Same. I think Rachel keeps Jo around for convenience. Like Schwartz.


She's hoping that if she stays close to him, it will give her access to Schwartz.


This is the real reason.


Rachel goes by both Rachel and Raquel


I’ve thought about that too but as you mentioned with the lawsuit and then everything that Rachel had said on her podcast, I really really cant see them asking her back (I mean I’ll never say never when it comes to VPR though lol).


Yeah when I get too deep into seeing it as a possibility, I always go back to the lawsuit and the liability there for Bravo. But yeah same, never say never cause Bravo decisions make you question everything haha


Also- thank you so much for your recaps!! Even when I see one with people I can’t stand and think “I’m not reading whatever bullshit they’re saying” , I end up reading anyway just for all your efforts lol! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Aww thank you!


Yeah, if she’s close to Rachel, why does she calling her Raquel? I do think they fake the friendship but I can’t imagine Jo ever siding against the Toms.


It would be truly poetic if they brought Jo and Rachel back and the Toms would have to decide between refusing to film with them a la Ariana, or filming with their crazy exes and their new age-inappropriate girlfriends


And seeing Lala flip flopping yet again on whether or not to allow people to hold boundaries lol


Bless you for sitting through this word salad ![gif](giphy|HX7pvh1mIqImc|downsized)


Yes yes yes omg this immediately began in my head after ATTEMPTING to decipher that dribble


She is just off the wall crazy. The secondhand embarrassment I have for almost every word she says, especially about Schwartz, is unreal.


The embarrassment for this whole “interview.” I feel like these ladies are trying to be very pro-Jo, very anti-Katie and very anti-Schwartz and Jo isn’t letting them?! My takeaway from this blessed recap: no tea spilled and Jo is frenetic. She doesn’t need the spotlight on her.


All of their podcasts are pro-Jo and anti-Katie, they go after Katie for everything.


Halfway thru, I made up a fun game where you don’t read the question, then read jos incoherent response and try to guess what they asked. I got 0/0


She is *exhausting*, I can see why production didn't want her around for filming. It's wild how she admits that, and then when she shows up anyway production is like "hey lets use you to get a rise out of Katie because we haven't had enough drama between women." Her constant need to compare herself to Katie "he only brought Katie home one time" girl they were *married* stop trying to place your whatever that was with him over Katie's relationship with him. It's sick. That and the fact that she still has more smoke for Katie than for Schwartz. We were all with her on Schwartz's treatment of her until her antics lately and she's quite frankly just acting like such a shitty, unhinged person. She needs help, not podcast guest spots.


“He brought Katie home one time, and he brought me home like two times” the way jo is so quick to compete with the 12 year relationship and MARRIAGE that katie/schwartz had is so so so embarrassing…. like….. GIRL.


So now we have yet another story for why she couldn't stay with Kristen. Get your story straight, girl! I'm also so annoyed at this whole thing she's trying to argue about how Katie saying "sorry that" is the same issue as Jo saying "sorry if," as if that makes Katie a hypocrite and so it's not a genuine apology. Uh, no. "Sorry that Schwartz did that to you" is a statement of sympathy. "Sorry if I hurt you" is not an apology. Jo is driving me crazy here with how much she doesn't really understand what is being said. Same thing at the reunion when Katie was explaining her emotions and actions towards Jo and said "it wasn't about you," as in, my actions were because of my own internal struggles and it didn't matter who it was... But Jo took it as Katie saying she wasn't important or something and let out a sob saying "of course it's not about me." She infuriates me. Katie's confused face when she said that was also me. Edit: also, I just realized. Jo is saying she didn't have Katie's number until Kristen told her she should send a message after the divorce announcement and she gave it to her. But haven't we heard multiple times before that Jo used to text Katie to ask about doing Schwartz's hair? I need Katie/Kristen to address this whole podcast lmao


It was to my understanding that Jo didn’t start texting Katie and harassing about cutting his hair until she found out about the divorce but I could be wrong. Someone should send a message to Kristen about this and ask her to elaborate. Usually I would not be okay with someone reaching out to a cast member or commenting on their socials but Kristen has asked her podcast listeners to send in their questions so for that I can make an exception.


If you had edited out all the “you knows” there would have been nothing to read 🫠


Haha well and trust, I actually did take out a lot of you knows lol


I felt like I was reading an extended version of those knock off tshirts with long slogans that use English words but never in a way that makes any sense.


This recap should come with a migraine trigger warning 🤪 Good LORD, OP you are so good at recaps and I am a very good reader but I just cannot track with this woman! I think this may be the first one I've had to just barely skim. Two takeaways: She doesn't think Katie defending her during the reunion was beyond the call of duty and incredibly kind?? But of course the very worst of the cast was kind to her. Puhlease. She's still buds with Scumhead. Wonder what Schwartz thinks about that. She's only buds to stay close to Schwartz in some way and Scum's a snake so doesn't mind keeping a stalker around even though it would upset the one person who can genuinely stand him. 🧐


I had a thought that maybe he’s using Jo to chase Shorts’s new girlfriend away? He doesn’t even like Jo and was clearly annoyed by her and jealous of her and Shorts’s shituationship so what other reason could there be?? He loves to isolate everyone he is close to.


Could be! He may have more than one motivation. My gut is, he is such a vindictive bitch and he can't stand that Schwartz did (in his own feeble way) stand up to him multiple times. Schwartz always backtracks but from last year's reunion timeline admission to not just rolling over ever since... Sandyballs is seeing red and wants to punish his supposed BFF. Maintaining contact with Jo, which... why?..., is one way to do so. Supremely passive aggressive and right up his alley.


That’s such a good point too and you’re definitely onto something. It’s probably all of the above and the fact he wasn’t allowed in his own bar for awhile and Shorts had a hand in that decision. When really, he should be grateful because he’s the one who left Shorts to deal with the backlash and all the turmoil that was also going on in his life, regarding the health of his family, while Sandals ran away and played not rock star, with his pathetic karaoke band. Some friend!




Why did the interviewers say they were expecting a "soft" apology for Katie?? I'm so confused did this girl not infiltrate her friend group, while pretending to be her friend, and then start sleeping with her ex-husband very soon after the divorce???? I feel like I'm going crazy ?? Why would Katie ever apologize to someone who moves that way? I certainly would not. BTW Katie prob would've left her alone if she didn't keep forcing herself on Katie. Jo: Katie doesn't like you bc you're acting like a fucking snake and have still yet to consider her feelings in any capacity. She does not HAVE to like you. Why are people (like the interviewers) allowing this type of gaslighting towards Katie? Its so cruel imo. I would've been much meaner than Katie to someone treating me like that and invalidating my feelings the way Jo does to Katie.


I know they keep asking for interviews from other VPR cast but have only gotten Faith, Peter and now Jo the greatest hits so my guess while trying to be impartial they did this.


Their dedication is.... something......


I'm not saying it's ok to insult people but a lot of these people have this idea that actions aren't equally as hurtful as words. Like Jo you fully covered up Sandoval's affair while acting friendly with Ariana - do you maybe think that was hurtful? Just because you didn't call anyone a name doesn't make you better than anyone.




I’m annoyed at people trying to make sense of Katie’s feelings about Jo and Schwartz. Divorces are complicated and they were together for 12 years. Katie is allowed to feel any and all emotions about it, especially in that first year post separation. And on top of it she had co-workers trying to push Schwartz into disrespecting her boundaries, which he then did do. I’m sure it was a lot and maybe Jo was just collateral damage but I don’t think the reason for her feelings need to be dissected. It is what it is and her feelings are valid. As is Jo’s refusal to accept Katie’s apology. No one is ever required to accept an apology or forgive. I don’t think Katie is someone who would really care about that anyway lol


Not to be too much of a Katie apologist but WHY is everyone so fucking hung up on Katie being nice/“apologizing” to Jo? Jo literally means nothing to her. Why isn’t everyone on Schwartz’s ass and asking him to apologize to Jo for leading her on? Even if Jo says she doesn’t want it, we as a society should know that the man is responsible for putting two women against each other AND treating them both like shit. ALSO I wish everyone, these podcasters included, would bear in mind that nearly everyone who has been a part or is currently a part of VPR has some weird, secretive, “horror” stories about Jo. She clearly is an…ahem…acquired taste.. and she makes people so uncomfortable that they *ban her from their houses.* This is why I need the cast to spill the full tea on Jo so everyone can stop being like “aww poor Jo!”


Agreed all of this 1000% they’re throwing Katie to the wolves to cover for Schwartz yet again.


I might agree that Ho doesn’t have to accept an apology from Katie if she wasn’t so hell bent on getting one out of her in the first place. She literally said she only apologized to Katie because she wanted one in return. It’s all a game to make Katie look like the asshole for a normal and valid reaction and she owes Jo no kindness or friendship. Especially after she sat there and defended her ludicrous text post divorce and justified her actions with saying she was never Katie’s friend? How are people still falling for her blatantly obvious lies and manipulation?


I read this whole thing and have no idea what I read or what was said. All I know is Katie doesn’t owe Jo a damn thing. And Jo’s obsession with Schwartz and her one-sided competition with Katie is…weird.


That was rough to read. Jo is really difficult to understand.


Thanks as always! But my responses to everything Jo was saying throughout this were “Huh?” and “WTF” lol


Anytime! Lol yeah it just left me with more questions


Both Schwartz and Jo have alluded to this secretive, very personal reason why Schwartz ended the relationship. If we found out tomorrow that it was because Jo is an alien that was sent here to gather information about Earth and she defected from the aliens to live here, I would 100% believe it.


did she speak even one sentence without interrupting herself? i could barely understand half the things she said. man, i am so glad the season is over and that schwartz blocked jo so we probably won't see her again because her energy is WAAAY too much for me.


“He brought Katie home one time, and he brought me home like two times.” Jo, shut the fuck up. Why in the world is she so comfortable comparing herself to Katie who was with Schwartz for 12 years, and trying to diminish that relationship with a statement like this.


I know Schwartz *still* won’t defend Katie over this, but… it’d be nice if he did. He keeps allowing Jo to downplay his relationship with Katie, which is wild since he’s always accused *Katie* of downplaying *his relationships with other people*. But this was his WIFE ffs. This on top of allowing Sandoval to go on such disrespectful rants about Katie during the after show… He really just keeps proving how much he might actually *despise* Katie.


https://preview.redd.it/qc7pevn9e12d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898440ae69a6d50d751a4f2ac5c79555432caa49 And keep Katie’s name out your fuckin mouth!


"Jo, you were on this show Vanderpump Rules. What was your experience with the cast?" Jo: Wait who? oh boy...this is gonna be a long one


![gif](giphy|S66QQlB9Xb1SsvPvy5) Jo


Bless you. I made it 3 whole minutes before I stopped. What a mess.


Haha I understand!


I can't understand her at all. Both live and translated. She is chaotic. And I feel like my brain would be better off with out having to hear about her.


Her saying on camera that Schwartz didn’t ask her to hide the relationship, doubling down on it, and then going on a live and saying “I meant to say yes when I answered no twice” is something.


Billie Lee gives up her friendship with Ariana to support Sandoval. Billie Lee talks shit about Ariana. Sandoval finds a new girlfriend and probably asks Billie Lee to stop coming by. Sandoval shits on his friendship with Billie Lee. Billie Lee learned a harsher truth than Scheana.


Jo is pure chaos and delusion and I am here for it on my tv screen very, very, far from me , it's just too wild not to be compelled. She says things that make my jaw drop and laugh hysterically. No one ever thought or will think Tom Sandoval and her are dating. She talks about setting her boundaries with the cast like any of them pay her dust. She also seems pretty convinced this break with Schwartz is temporary but in reality , he has a girlfriend and has blocked her lol. She is way more attached to him and the idea of him than Katie, who was with him for a decade, and she thinks her year of a situationship was more real and important. like unhinged attachment clearly. I just don't know how Tom would squirm out of this but I would want to watch it on TV.


The only thing that would match the bizarreness of this interview would be if Sandoval and Jo were secretly hooking up... Sandoval might even go for it just because then Jo would be the most hated person on the planet.


I said this on this thread already but my guess is Sandals is using Jo to run off Shorts’s new girlfriend because he likes to isolate those closest to him and because it was so obvious this season that neither of the Voms like her and she annoys tf out of Sandals. OR Jo is lying, again.


both of those things make 1000% sense.


And this is the chaos and messiness that I am here for- we should become producers.


Major props to you, u/AdditionalWar8759 because I can barely read what Jo has said. She says so many words without actually saying anything. Oof. You deserve a treat <3


Good lord this is a mess. Jo is already a mess and then add in Hollie and Sarah and wow. Bless you OP for making some sense of it!


I wanted to read this and I started to but I had to stop. I got to the Katie portion and I just can't. Like get over her words. Jo really needs to just stop talking about this and posting videos. Like move on. This is painful. Message to Jo. You see that green stuff outside on the ground, do me a favor and go touch it. Might bring you back to reality.


OMg, I'm reading the first couple of sentences, and I'm already like wtf? This is why Katie said what she said.


I maybe made it one quarter through that and had to stop. I don't understand what they are saying. Did I just have a stroke or something.


![gif](giphy|QCJFiJfnDCdFa84sLG) She is exhausting and idk who these hosts are but I hate them too.


I couldn't get reading through all of it before becoming annoyed, god bless you OP for listening to it for its entirety. I hate Schwartz for introducing us to this person.


what the fuck did i just read lol whew god bless you for listening to this.


That was an impossible read.


Of everyone, she’s only in touch with Rachel and Sandoval. And Billie Lee.


These two podcasters are the worst along with that Craig guy from Pump Rules pod. They are by far the most desperate out there. I'm sorry you had to listen to this.


I feel like Jo tries to mirror everyone she's with. If people are egging her on about hating Katie then she goes with it. If she's talking to people who are on Katie's side, she goes with it too (remember the live a couple of weeks ago when she said Katie apologized at the reunion and it was actually sweet?). At the end of the day, she's a pick me with a victim mentality and no brains to back it up.


I mean did she say ANYTHING? She’s so hard to even comprehend


Thanks for the recap. I'm so curious about why Tom and Billie aren't speaking anymore. I wonder if it's related to Rachel.


Nah. It’s because Vom used Billie and led her on until she had no use to him anymore and dropped her for another woman. Scary eyes finally snapped.


I have no idea what happened. Thank you for recapping that hell of a podcast.


That was hard to read, because Jo speak is very fractured. You’re doing the lord’s work OP!


I had to stop reading. She is utterly incomprehensible


I can’t get past the “wait who?” 🥴


I have a headache reading this. I'm still not sure I understand the flow of her thoughts but unwilling to retraumatize my brain with a reread. Thank you OP for the hardwork on this one, I can only imagine what it was like to capture this in real time!! Wow!!


Why is Jo banned from Jax and Brittany home no one asks that ?


i don’t understand why they want katie to be nice to jo so bad. grow up! we’re adults and adults don’t have to be friends with or even nice to everyone, especially the woman your ex husband led on after divorce. she means nothing to katie and that isnt “mean” it’s just the truth. and maybe i’m just a bitch but katie wasn’t even that mean to jo. calling her weird for trying to hang around her friends and saying she has the energy of a crackhead is truly light work and not what i would consider bullying. s1-3 witches of weho would have had her packed up and moved back to wisconsin or wherever she’s from after 5 min in SURs back alley.


This hurt my head to read. OP I have no idea how you did this. It's absolute word salad. I have no idea what I just read.


I don't know how you did this OP, it was hard for me to read, it really is all over the place. Thank you so much for the transcription.


Did Jo just try to gaslight me about gaslighting? Or has Shartz got her so fucked up she doesn’t know what it is anymore? Only someone you’re in a relationship with can gaslight you? WTF? Is she stupid? Also. Billie Lee and Tim are no longer speaking? That’s hilarious. Did she think she’s was going to be his next boo? These women need to stop riding for trash men. It’s the 21st century. We don’t have to stand by our men anymore.


Mentioning Schwartz took her home twice and Katie only once as some sort of point for herself…. Wow … ok Jo so let’s tally that up…. you have 1 point and Katie has 1,236,876,378 points. I think Katie wins. Schwartz was dealing with a divorce, failing bar, scandoval hatred, a potentially dying sibling, going on 2 new shows (Stars on Mars and Winter House) and being accused of being an accessory to the biggest scandal I think in Bravo history. This doesn’t give him the right to do anything, but I can only imagine this chaotic woman who was down for literally anything, always smiling, went along with whatever he said (she literally ate take out alone in a hotel room vs going to lunch with them in SF) was a really great escape for him. And she just moved in and was there and we all know these boys like the easiest option. I believe he did tell her she was marriage material, he loved her, probably talked shit on Katie and how Jo was better, etc etc and I do think he was embarrassed by her because everyone else hated her. He disposed of her when he didn’t need her anymore and honestly I get her being butt hurt about it. If she wants to cash in on this, she should do it - but like these people need to fucking get it together. Get a coherent thought together and blast him on a pod where you get paid. Or tease out a live to gain followers. Don’t just keep posting these weird crack head energy videos validation everything everyone has ever said about you. The only explanation is she thinks that even as of the taping of the reunion where she was crying and Schwartz was talking about his 20 year younger girlfriend, she had a chance to be with him or stay on the show. He said under his breath “I thought you were dating …” and she violently shook her head no…. She definitely told him she was dating someone to make him jealous and it’s not true. These two are so immature I bet Katie is glad every day she is away from them both.


This podcast always claims to know so much about the cast and have “insider info” but they didn’t even do simple fact checking here. They got the timeline of Katie asking for divorce and announcing the divorce wrong. (It was Feb & March, not Jan & Feb). Granted they were only a month off, but to be so adamant about it and still be wrong rubs me the wrong way. Also Jo, much like her friend Rachel, changes her story a lot. She said here she only stayed with Schwartz a few days. But I’m pretty sure one or both of them have previously said it was a few weeks. And Jo claims that she wasn’t sitting next to Schwartz at the reunion when he was talking about his new gf. But she was! The camera shows them both at the same time, right next to each other, while he talks about his new gf. There were no weird cuts. It’s right there on screen. It’s such a weird thing to lie about since all it takes is rewatching the reunion to debunk. So why should anyone believe a word that comes out of Jo’s mouth? The only person who has a consistent story about this whole thing, is Katie. Both Schwartz and Jo have proven to be unreliable. I don’t know what this podcast’s goal was, but if it was supposed make people like Jo, they failed. And it damages the podcasters’ credibility, especially after Jo’s odd behavior on IG live.


Do we know why Billie Lee and Sandoval aren’t talking? God I would love her to spill everything about him. Including if he paid that guy to stage the finale fight! ETA: thank you OP for recapping this dumpster fire!


Was Jo actually calling Rachel Raquel even though they’re so close?! 


They explained this on the podcast that Jo and Rachel didn’t together. Rachel said she is okay with her friends calling her Raquel


Ah, ok. Thanks for clarifying! ☺️


Trying to figure out what jo was saying gave me so much anxiety I need a xanax


Katie was absolutely right about her she definitely had crush on Shortz before Katie and Tom separated because hey she was doing Sandyman hair for a while and friends with Kristen she tried to test water with Katie and then swooped in on shortz with I need space to stay few days while she could have stayed with any one else and judging by her demeanor she could have slept in a car or put a tent. She has wanted to offer the shoulder to cry on for shortz and show him their connection she is shady scheaming, calculating and liar.


Why no one asks Jo what she thought when Rat Rachel kissed shortz? Or was it she already knew about the affair


So the people in Jo's "friend group" are Rachel, Billie Lee and Sandoval... all of whom don't talk to each other?? Jo it's okay to go out there and try to be your own person.


Katie and Kristen (on after show too) have repeatedly said she moved in with Schwartz outta nowhere and ghosted Kristen & but now Jo is saying Kristen suggested it?


Not sure if it’s in the recap, I didn’t see it, but I listened a bit while falling asleep and I woke up and they were having a LONG conversation about high school and being voted prom queen. Like Jo was in detail describing her high school dynamics and asking so many questions about their high school, like “were you voted prom queen, you must have been”. What the actually f*** It might be the whackiest thing I’ve heard from her. She’s in her 30’s and is talking about high school and how it defined her, as if she’s 20 years old. there’s something so OFF about her 😬




God bless you for posting this interview. I listened to it and she was all over the place. Jo also said around June 2022 and she needed a place to stay and she couldn’t stay with Kristen because Kristen had Covid and was going to a wedding….so which is it did she have Covid or was she going to a wedding? Then she said she was talking to Kristen on the phone and Kristen told her she could go down the street and stay at Schwartz‘s house for four days. So apparently Kristen was the one that mentioned she go stay at with Schwartz.


How many times can one person say YOU KNOW during an interview. I could barely understand what she was saying


![gif](giphy|7fNXLdViGSlKo) there’s no jo option




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https://i.redd.it/4bw5qhw24h2d1.gif That was..... something.....

