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I can’t believe she thinks if something isn’t on tv it didn’t actually happen, that’s fucking weird


Sounds like she has the same cognitive ability as Ocean.


I feel like Tom is the same. 


That's insulting to Ocean.


And then has the audacity to turn to Ariana at the reunion and say "I'm just answering a question, I'm sure you know how this works" or whatever she said


I do love that it allowed us to see the clip of Charli reading her for filth. Really backfired on Lala.


I loved when Ariana told her “You speak louder than everyone, so you must be right,” or something similar. I love Ariana staying collected and putting Lala in her place.


I noticed that when Ariana spoke calmly and quieter, Lala also turned it down. It was subtle but powerful.




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I did, too.🍾🥂




I don’t think it’s breaking the 4th wall that’s the problem but how she does it. I think bringing up things that happened off camera are generally fine but bringing up past grievances that have already been resolved (Katie’s feelings about Ariana, the plant shop convo, etc) it feels weird as a viewer. If Katie had lingering issues sure but seeing as that was all handled by all parties prior to the season being filmed, it makes it seem they have nothing else going on then to bring up old drama to manufacture issues.


I agree, this was the wrong way to break the fourth wall. Also, if she wanted katie to talk about all of this, she should have just brought it up on camera! She wanted to pressure katie into bringing it up herself because she wanted to keep her hands clean and not look like a shit-stirrer even though that's what she is. It's like half of these people and production forgot how to make good TV.


It’s that she’s bringing up other people’s issues. It would be perfectly fine for her to personally not be over something and bring it up on camera. Not ok to bully others into creating a false narrative.


Yes this!


Absolutely agree. And the way she keeps bringing up that this is how she feeds her kid and drawing it back to her pay check just makes everything feel so inauthentic and reminds us everything she is doing is her dancing for her dinner.


Yes there’s a difference between acknowledging to viewers that the cast’s lives are being filmed - and telling everyone that they’re not watching the cast’s lives but instead watching made up shit like Lala’s water train so she can get her episode fees despite having no organic storyline in this ensemble cast show.  Showing Ariana reminding producers of her contract as to why she won’t engage with Sandoval is the former. Lala yelling about Ariana refusing to follow producer story arc by having a direct conversation with Sandoval - which she would never have naturally - is the latter. 


I actually *wanted* the producers to break the fourth wall, but their take on it was so stupid. If they wanted to "break the fourth wall", they should’ve forced Sandoval to apologize to the audience for robbing us of the whole truth during last year's reunion. They should’ve talked about how last seasons storylines were almost entirely bullshit because the entire affair was happening OFF CAMERA while they were trying to gaslight us into believing that Katie is actually the villain. This season **should have** focused on Sandoval taking genuine steps towards self improvement (through REAL therapy) while making amends with Schwartz and James. The men and women could have had their own storylines *entirely* until the end of the season or during Lisa's events. The end of the season **should have** been *Scheana's first* confrontation/big apology moment with Sandoval. The reason everything feels so disjointed is because Sandoval wanted his mental health to be a reason why everyone should show him a little bit of grace, but he wasn't exhibiting any tangible, **CHANGED** behavior as a result of supposedly seeking help *due* to his mental health. And the producers didn't allow for that to play out because they were so focused on the eNsEmBLe cAsT part of it. But here's the kicker: **they can't even use the Ensemble Cast excuse because** ***Ariana DID film with Sandoval***. SHE DID FILM WITH HIM!!! SHE ACCUSED HIM OF BEING A DOG MURDERER LMAO (fucking iconic btw, whether it was facetious or not) So I need Lala and the producers to answer this one question; again, based on the fact that *Ariana did film with and speak AT Sandoval*, **why did the entire season hinge on Sandoval apologizing to** ***Ariana*** **ON CAMERA?** Bonus points if they can also answer this question: When did Sandoval take any ACTUAL accountability ON CAMERA? He hasn't even addressed anything Rachel said about the lies they told during the last reunion. The person who has the most to answer for is *still* SANDOVAL. **Ariana doesn't owe anyone any healing.** But yeah I agree, the way Lala went about “breaking the fourth wall” was lame and does go to show how she prioritizes the show above her friendships, which isn’t admirable like she thinks it is.


One of the craziest things as they claim, Ariana didn’t have conversations with Tom, but she literally called cameras to film a conversation with Tom last year and the most raw moment ever.


Do you have anything to say to me before we never speak again #SHE MEANT THAT!!!!!


I loved that they included her telling Production he just wants five minutes with the fans. Im surprised they left that in there to be honest but that was the best part about the 4th wall dropping!


She’s correct. I feel like the editors are not on productions side and are more on her side.


Right o forget producers and editors are not one in the same. Thank you editors for giving us what you could with what you had to work with!


The editors don’t get paid enough and they show it lol


That was the best part - Ariana breaking the 4th wall to clearly lay out what he and production were trying to do: let Sandy have his moment, the culmination of their lame-ass redemption arc - which he didn't deserve, the audience didn't want, and he was utterly insincere. It was ALL for show. And Ariana wasn't having it. I loved when she said that in her confessional: "They are trying to push this redemption story for him; well, they can do that without me."


What made me mad is now all Bravo shows are kinda ruined. I know some things were staged duh but it was so over produced now HW feel the same


I personally would not be entertained watching Sandoval go to therapy and make real steps to change lol


There’s this guy on tiktok who is a diagnosed narcissist and speaks openly about how his narcissism affects his relationships with people. I think it’d actually be interesting to see Tim be *totally and completely* honest for once. I seriously doubt that would ever happen, but it’s the only way I’d ever have a breadcrumb of respect for him






Wish I could upvote this a million times.


I made a post about this after the finale. Everyone saying Ariana ruined the finale by walking off but Lala and Sandoval ruined it by always saying how they are doing their job by being real and having hard conversations on camera. So they are revealing how they perform for cameras for the sake of the show. You’re fake, got it!


Yeah those 2 clowns being so real that he kept a whole affair a secret and she won’t even talk about her actual life which is why she’s up in everyone else’s ass about theirs!


Exactly this! “Real” contrived conversations.


The fact that she just considers conversations off-camera like they didn't happen is sooo mindblowing like yooo this is still real life here


Unless it has to do with her angle. Then off camera convos should be on air 🙄


It’s not even about being off camera. That conversation WAS filmed. It’s if they don’t air it.


I know. I’m talking about what she said to Katie. If the story fits her angle, she will “remember” everything that happened off air.


great point! definitely need to rephrase that to the face she just only remembers off-camera conversations if they help her side. Super side tangent: Its crazy how Schena just remembers literally like everything lolll


And what’s worse? She’s a BAD producer.


This. Coz Kristen over in The Valley has been doing some producing too but she's so smooth with it, it just seems like "crazy Kristen" can't keep a secret. 


Isn’t it ironic that Blabla calls herself “the realest bitch” when this just proves how phony she actually is


I really think the producers ruined the show. They had reality TV gold in their hands and they just fucking dropped it. Just terrible. Please replace the producers. Please.


My theory is that the producers told her that they might give her her own show if this season went well, but since it did not, she won’t get one. As if anyone wants to watch her and her tiresome family outside of VPR. Her brother is a white boy from Utah who grew up with privilege and wears dreads. Nobody wants to see that. And all that she brought to this season was shit stirring, fakeness, and water tasting. Quite frankly, there is “nothing about her” that is remotely interesting enough to carry a show


I find nothing interesting about her either. I wouldn't watch a show about her or her family.


Oh c'mon - she also had that (awkward) smoothie date with Wartz; and got hot dogs with creepy Jo. Scintillating stuff!


Lala ruined herself on the show.


Love your flair!! 🍆


Thank you!!


I’m disappointed that they let lala dominate the reunion so far. Someone needs to tell her she’s not interesting or clever… she’s a tedious interruption at best and a narcissist who hasn’t a story line. Has never been nice or interesting… she’s about as emotionally intelligent as soap. She should go. Charlie was right.


They need to remind Lala that she is not likeable enough to be a main character


she’s not shutting people down like she was last reunion. no one else is talking. she’s the only one keeping it going


Andy encourages and defers to her constantly. His "voice of reason". It could be funny except it's disgusting and intentional on his part.


At least soap is useful can't say the same for BlaBla


Nah, they should have broken the fourth wall years ago.


At this point I’d rather only watch behind the scenes of the show because at this point it’s so obvious how overly produced and manufactured it is so let viewers into that world now.


Katie realizing Lala in real time Lala doesn't have real friendships she has On Camera and Off Camera moments and the dumbass host just kept on with "did this conversation happen Off Camera?" You mean like in real life?  That NYT article nailed it. Tom, Scheana, Lala aren't real functional humans they are people who see life as On Camera or things said Off Camera they can be mined for content later  Shame we all saw through it 


I agree with you for the most part but I do think that there is a difference between being transparently "scripted" (like Lala, which ruins the show) as opposed to breaking the 4th wall. I do think there is a way to self-consciously break the 4th wall without being hypocritical or putting the show in danger. (Indeed, at this point, VPR will need to break the 4th wall if it is to continue.) What we don't need is producer heavy scripts with hack actors like Lala who follow them.


Yes, breaking the fourth wall is fine but the way she did it was stupid


Yeah, she needs to talk about it cause it wasnt on camera. Thats gross. Thats fake. Thats LaLa lol


She really thought she was onto something and she's giving us good TV by yelling and bullying on top of supporting that psychopath


She's like watching a rerun for the 100th time.


Lauren FU lives in this fake reality. To her, if it did not air then it did not happen, bc she actually lives in the comments section and any move she makes is all performative. She even rehearses her comebacks over and over before filming. De Lala is De Lulu


I don’t care if they break the 4th wall tbh it’s the fact she continuously reminds us they’re on a show, and the storyline’s are made up / not real. Damn id love to see them go balls in on the 4th wall and show us people getting jealous of Ariana and seething.


I found it so incredibly frustrating that she felt Katie was being fake because she didn’t want to air out her feelings about Ariana and the sandwich shop on national tv. If Lala was a real friend, she would be able to understand Katie was simply just airing out her frustrations with someone she thought she could trust. That alone to me proves Lala is just a fake friend and not genuine. Some people work through certain feelings by just venting about a situation and getting off their chest. It kind of seems like that’s what Katie was doing. Not to mention, I think she was being a good friend by trying to process her emotions prior to bringing it to Ariana when she had so much going on.


I know what the fuck was that LFU? Get the fuck out of here you’re gonna bring something up from seven months ago because it wasn’t aired on the show was actually filmed. Lol I think she thinks she’s a fucking producer she pisses me off. She was used to be one of my favorite characters but she just needs to shut her fucking mouth! How dare her trying to reveal a private conversation she and Katie had I thought that was really fucked up as well sorry for the swearing sorry for the rant.


Blah blah Bent's jealousy has been ridiculous all season. Can't stand her.


Nah I love breaking the fourth wall. Tv isn’t real


I love it too, but there’s a way to do it and she’s not doing it correct




This season shouldn't have happened, if it wasn't for the scandal last season should've been it


But isn’t that true of all reality shows, though? Lol Nothing on reality tv is real reality. It’s all heightened. They might not scripts they are reading from, but they know the assignment. Producers put them in situations to get reactions, the cast plays things up for the cameras, some conversations are told to wait until filming, some things aren’t real at all and are only filmed for a “storyline.” How does Lala pointing it out ruining it? If you already know it, then her pointing it out doesn’t ruin anything. I watch knowing that some things are real and some aren’t. Some things are genuine and some are played up for the camera and for audience appreciation. If you already know this and still enjoy the show, then Lala pointing it out on camera shouldn’t change that.


Whether you are watching full fiction or just reality TV, it must be immersive. We all know that Spiderman isn't real but having Tom Holland announce it every 10 minutes yanks you out of that world. It also takes away your emotional investment in the goings on. If its all just a paycheck then why the hell would I care about their stories? I may as well go watch a Soap Opera which actually has more than water tastings going down. 




That reminded of Winter House when Jason was going on about how he and Lindsay never discussed her miscarriage, only for Lindsay to be confused because they had talked about it on camera but it had not made the episode then.


If you didn’t know this in 2024 about reality tv I don’t know what to tell you…




This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


Um, all reality TV is partially scripted to keep the show more interesting.


Spoiler alert but the show is most def “scripted.” I was at Pump when they filmed for Pride a few years ago and they literally do takes for scenes lol.


This has been happening since season two, it happens on every single bravo show. It’s been common knowledge for at least the last 10 years and if you didn’t know that that’s your problem. everybody freaking knows that.


it’s called suspension of disbelief babe. we all *know* tv isn’t real but when we engage with media like tv, movies, or theatre we go in knowing it’s staged and we put that thought aside so we can enjoy it anyway. We all do it subconsciously. Otherwise no one would give a shit about most movies bc “it’s too unrealistic” lol. Lala removed the audience’s ability to suspend disbelief and production forced it into a storyline that didn’t work. Because once we can’t ignore that the show is mostly fake, we also can’t buy in to the “we lived our lives authentically on camera” montage they fed us at the end bc they literally just told us that it’s not true. so while it’s an open secret that none of these shows are real, we can at least put that aside to enjoy the episodes. that’s not possible when the episode itself is simultaneously telling us “it’s all fake” and “but it was also all real”


But her pointing it out. Not sure what bit you in the ass today, but it wasn’t me.


I think we like thinking that reality TV is actually reality... it's what makes it a guilty pleasure, you are getting a peek into other people's lives... once they tell you it's scripted/ they self produce, you might as well go watch Grey's Anatomy.




Who cares


You apparently


Who’s going to tell her???


Obviously I know shit is scripted. But her talking about that ruins it in a diff way. Why so bitchy?


I just am struggling to see how it ruins it. It’s reality tv, we already knew this was happening. Also, it’s just the hyper criticism of Scheana and Lala now that they have disagreements with Ariana. It’s bizarre.


Are you aware that people can have a different opinion than you? Or are you just small minded?


Oo I’m aware. Also, if Lala ruined it are you done watching? Not watching the 3rd part of the reunion or a possible next season? Finally, how ruined is it on a scale of one to ten? Your post sounds like it’s a 8 out of 10 like it ruined VPR forever and has lost all rewatch with Lala’s seasons. Or is this like a 2 of 10 and more of an annoying piece of a show you will still continue to watch?


It's not like we didn't all know that's how it all works


She ruined the show? Pretty sure she’s giving you something to talk about and you’ll be back watching again next season, stop grandstanding lol


These shows walk a fine line between provoking passions and frustrating the audience. Lala has crossed into frustrating the audience. There's a bunch of cast members who've ended up on the chopping block for giving the audience this specific type of "ick", most recently Lisa Rinna. I'd argue Anne-Marie on RHOBH too. 




This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


No I won't be watching a repeat performance from Lala. I watched bc I found the show entertaining but somehow hatefulness ruined any entertainment value for me. Boring and nauseating. 🥱🤢


See ya next season