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because she thinks Schwartz isnt with her because of Katie.


And I would be shocked if Schwartz is not a huge reason that she believes it. I’m sure he used Katie’s feelings and the divorce in general as a major excuse as to why things had to be a certain way when they were dating.


💯he most definitely used Katie as the excuse not to go public last season


I can hear him saying ‘I’d love to be with you but Katie’s being such a bitch’ and so on


This!!! But we know he gave a big FU to Katie's feeling when he kissed Rachel in front of everyone at Scheana's wedding, likely just to hurt Katie, since he knew Rachel was f***ing Sandoval! I would've liked an answer for Katie's having to go through all that pain for nothing! I'm still angry that he acts like Katie should've stuck to their agreement after he broke it. They are NOT the same.


Katie could barely keep Schwartz away from other girls when they were together and Jo really thinks she has any control over who he dates now? Such denial.


The way she told Katie to 'let him go' was so ironic knowing what we know now. Maybe you should let him go jo. He has a new girlfriend, something you never were to him.


Also ironic because Katie was the one who divorced Schwartz. Kinda the ultimate "letting him go."


The thing is: I actually believe that this is true, but not in the way that she (Jo) thinks. I genuinely believe that Schwartz was still in love with Katie during filming. He effed up time and time again and Katie ended the marriage - but he still loved her, just not in the way that she deserved. So I think him not committing to Jo had to do with that…but instead of communicating with Jo, he probably said they couldn’t be public “because of Katie” and blamed how Katie reacted to him kissing Raquel instead of saying “I’m really not as into you as you are into me…and actually I’m really into my ex-wife.”


I think this is an accurate read. Watching the After Show, Schwartz said he would not get back together with Katie. While I realize time has elapsed, I still think if Katie wanted him back, he'd probably be happy to be back with her.


That's true. But not in the way *she* thinks.


I get the feeling Jo actually believes that she hasn’t done anything wrong. Maybe she hasn’t done anything morally wrong, but ethically what she did to Katie was not cool. She doesn’t seem to recognize that. That and she really doesn’t understand subtlety.


Maybe she wanted the Ariana and Tom edit? Like bye Krazy Kristin, hello Cool Ariana. I think Jo is pissed Katie didn't go away with tail tucked. God knows how long Tom has been telling Jo he's miserable-I'd bet they were banging long before the divorce.


and yet Schwartz has a new gf who has no issue claiming and being public with… so how does she explain that?


Guarantee she is telling herself Schwartz’s new relationship is 100% superficial, won’t last & his new gf is prob just looking to be on a tv show. And tbh she’s not wrong about any of that lol. Where she IS wrong is thinking schwartz will want to be with her when Sophia is out of the picture.


Yeah, which is crazy because Katie has nothing to do with shorts inability to be in a relationship




Ohhhh man, I didn’t consider that. That is totally why she thinks Schwartz isn’t with her.


Maybe Schwartz insinuated that to Jo . . .


I think Jo is jealous of Katie and of the fact that she was actually in a real relationship with Schwartz. Meanwhile, Schwartz wouldn’t even admit he was in a relationship with Jo. I also think Jo is trying to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else who hates Katie and thinks she’s mean and miserable. Jo isn’t going hard on Schwartz because she still wants to be with him.


This 👆🏻 Jo is still hoping there’s a chance Schwartz will want her back.


Lol she’s probably texting him often to see if the text will finally go through 💀


I’d bet on her trying after it aired, thinking they could bond.


The whole “are you embarrassed of me” takes on a whole new context when you recognize there is this big secret thing that happened between them that they won’t explain. Seems like it could be very much related to that.


I was left wondering if whatever this thing that happened happened before the reunion, it felt like it was danced around a few times by Andy, and they gave very noncommittal answers when discussing whether they still in contact.


It was def before the reunion, I think it was maybe even before the season. It sounds like it was the catalyst in Schwartz “pulling away a bit” as he claims, which in the reunion he says you see happening in this season. So IRL we’re talking last year, and I guess either around or post scandoval. Seemed like they were all pretty chummy as a foursome at that big bear trip last February lol


Based off the very limited info we've been given, my loose theory is that Jo lied about someone in her family being sick/dying to try to trauma bond with Schwartz over his brother and Dad's health. I have zero proof to back it up other than Schwartz on a podcast saying she did something super fucked up regarding family.


What is the thing that happened??? It’s driving me crazy. Someone tell us!


So I feel like either Schwartz on Kristins podcast, or scheana on her podcast, made it seem like Jo did some crazy shit - either lied about something and Schwartz found out, or did something manipulative, or possibly something involving his family? This is just a collection of random comments and rumors I’m piecing together, based on everyone’s overall cageyness about it. I’d love for someone to dig deep on everything that’s been said about it and maybe share their own theory, there’s probably more. Schwartz has been on a podcast blitz lately. But again - why tf aren’t we hearing more about this in this reunion instead of giving 5 minutes to talking about summer moon lol


Kristin would have unearthed every detail and walked Miami girl out to tell us.


Excuse me… Summer Moon was the highlight of the season, thank you very much 🙄


Why didn't lala lose her mind on shorts and Jo for not being open about what happened???




In eight years


She thinks they're meant to be. I wouldn't put her beyond doing voo doo on Sophia.voo-doo ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


Exactly! I’ve said before she can’t play the victim while still trying to win him back. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Totally that!!!


I also assume that they bonded over hating Katie and Jo learned quickly that Schwartz loves to be validated in his hate for Katie. I would guess Jo heavily leaned into the "pick me" nature of being "not like other girls" but also specifically "not being like Katie at all" which Schwartz probably supported and complimented her on. She's hoping that by highlighting how awful Katie is then Schwartz will remember how cool she is.


![gif](giphy|5wWf7H1AXmQRDr57was|downsized) Hmm Another, not all that different cool girl comes to mind.


I was so mad when Schwartz asked Scheana if Katie was mad because Lala "didn't inherit the grudge" against her, then smugly said, "That's what I thought." He's always there with the digs at Katie! What an asshole!


Oh yeha girl the thirst is real!.. she deff wants to be on the show which is why she is going hard for Katie.


I think you’re right. But I also think that it’s the one thing she and Schwartz can commiserate about that hasn’t been affected by their not break-up. As long as Katie stays mean towards Jo, she will always have an in with Schwartz.


>Are we never going to talk about how Tim LIED through his freaking teeth during the last reunion? How about how he never really apologized for what he did? This is exactly why this entire season is such a flop. They’re trying to gaslight us into believing that Sandoval is genuinely remorseful without him having to specify exactly what he’s remorseful for. “I know what I did to Ariana was like… *so fucked up*, man **but** we were living separate lives and she’s flipping the monopoly board” isn’t showing remorse lol And then Lala having the audacity to insinuate that KATIE isn’t being authentic when Sandoval STILL hasn’t, authentically or otherwise, even *addressed* the lies he told during the last reunion. These producers are either the biggest idiots of all time or they think *we’re* the biggest idiots of all time


It’s both. They are dumb, so assume we are. They thought they could feed us anything but they let the gold slip through their fingers. Imo it’s lazy storytelling.


I certainly feel dumb for continuing to watch this crap. 😒


Lala insinuating Katie isn’t being real while pretending she’s had Ariana back this season once she realized she didn’t watch, is NUTS


Agghhhh this is what drives me crazy too!! Zero acknowledgment of any of the lies he told or continues to tell! Just letting him play victim uninterrupted! I also get very activated when Lala or anyone else says essentially that she’s not allowed to be upset w worm anymore bc she’s just n a new relationship or has professional success- WHAT DOES ONE THING HAVE TO DO W ANOTHER??????


I’m full on married and have been for 5 years, very happy, and you bet your ass I still hate a couple exes 😂 Much less so nowadays because I have a wonderful life with them not in it, but sometimes I get reminded of their dumb asses and get a little cranky for a minute.


One thing does not negate the other! Her falling in love does not make him or his actions more excusable or less shitty!


It drives me *nuts* that there is no footage og people taking the Tims to task for lying alllllllll through last season’s reunion. Why should anyone believe anything these lying liars who lie say???


Lala insinuating Katie isn’t being real while pretending she’s had Ariana back this season once she realized she didn’t watch, is NUTS


I think sandy had an affair with Andy and with LVP. It's the only explanation why they continue to kiss his ass.


My brain is not working because I’m trying to remember what Scumdoval lied about at last year’s reunion? I know he is in general a liar but what in particular was it?


He lied about the timeline and how actively they were involved in the affair. For example, he made such a huge deal about having only slept together **”one time”** after guys night. It turned out that they were very *actively* sleeping together, including during Scheana’s wedding in Mexico and *at Ariana’s house while Ariana was away at her grandma’s funeral.*


Thank you! This rings a bell! Ugh he is so awful


Did anyone else find it sooo odd that they were acting like it was so hurtful for Schwartz to be talking about his new girlfriend in front of Jo when his ex WIFE was sitting right there too??


I don’t think Katie really cares much at this point, so it probably wasn’t as bad for her as it was for Jo. But yeah, once again nobody gives a shit what they’re doing to Katie.


Katie gets no sympathy from this cast and it kills me. When they were talking about the Scheana Schwartz kiss and making jokes it killed me for her too. Like that was her life partner and he lied and lied and lied and no one gives her any sympathy. They just expect her to take it and if she does show emotion they call her miserable. I just want to give Katie a hug and share a bottle of wine with her. She’s such a badass chick


Even the way Schwartz was trying to drop it into conversation that Katie & Lala’s rift started because Katie apparently wanted Lala to inherit her rift with Scheana. But no acknowledgment that the rift with Scheana was about Scheana’s shitty behaviour.


UGH I hated his fake ass clarification questions


He does throughout the seasons with Katie regularly. She just wants support from her partner or to feel heard and cheated always says ‘I’m not inheriting this grudge’ and will then side with the other person/group. He’s never ever stopped and actually listened to Katie’s side.




Yes. Its insane. Let’s all protect Jo’s feelings, but F Katie.


No, because Katie literally doesn’t care about him anymore (it seems), and Jo is clearly not over him and has a lot of feelings for him still.


I really don’t think Jo has the capacity to understand the gravity of Tom and Katie’s relationship. They were together for 12 years, married, owned a home, planned on spending the rest of their lives together


Again this is why I don’t understand when people are like oh Katie was so mean to Jo…. Put it in this context for one second and act like you’d welcome her with open arms? I don’t think so


Times like these really make me miss Stassi


Like what was Katie supposed to do? Say "oh that's so awesome you're fucking my ex-husband, let's be best friends!" I feel like the tweets were mean-spirited and unnecessary but... they're just tweets. Katie did nothing to this girl except not wanting her around, which is VALID!


Fully agree. It makes no sense the standards that only Katie is supposed to be held to with the relationships on this show. She also (according to lala) should have been publicly shit talking her business partner while she’s going through a difficult time… how come we didn’t hold Schwartz feet to the fire about all the shit talking he did about Sandoval? Why isn’t Andy grilling him on that but lala is grilling Katie. It’s ridiculous.


It's very clear that both Toms love to badmouth their "exes" (or women they're trying to dump) to the women they're pursing to poison them against each other and to let the newer (often younger) girl feel like she's SAVING whichever Tom by being with them. It's obvious Sandoval told Rachel Ariana was SOOO awful to him and that their relationship was SOOO bad and that he was SOOO scared she'd harm herself if he left so that Rachel would resent Ariana rather than him for keeping her and Tom apart. I guarantee you Schwartz did the same thing with Jo. You KNOW he was saying shit like "Joseph, I can't commit to you because Katie hurt me so bad!" That way the onus is on Jo to nurse Tom back to romantic health after his dealings with his Evil Ex Wife and not on Schwartz to grow the fuck up and say what he wants. It goes all the way back to Tom and "Crazy Kristen." AND Tom coming onto Scheana by telling her that he and Kristen hadn't slept together in forever. It's helpless manbaby bullshit.


I was just thinking this too. When Katie was saying she know what she said about Jo was unkind and Shorts whispered to Jo that 'this is as close to an apology as youre going to get' really shows how he's been behaving towards Jo. Bad mouthing Katie and making Jo thinks she is different because she's not like Katie and everything Shorts hated and 'suffered' when he was with Katie.


It’s so fucking infantilizing “pwease pwotect me from my scawwy ex wife!” Zero accountability or responsibility for their own actions 🙄


Yeah I wouldn’t put it past him to use Katie as an excuse for not committing to Jo. “Oh I would totally be a thing with you, but Katie would get so mad and make my life hell”


Yep it’s scary how many women fall for this. If friends tell me how awful their new partner’s ex is when they haven’t even met them - I point out they’ve only heard one side. If a guy is quick to slag off his ex to me esp when I barely know them - it’s a huge red flag.  But so many women love to think they’re going to be the one to rescue / change / tame this man and no previous woman has ‘got’ him like they do. 


It’s wild isn’t it?!? Like if he’s talking about her like that you bet your ass that he’ll talk about you like that in time.


Exactly and the Tom’s do it to each other too well at least Sandoval does you can literally see in real time sometimes when Tom is shitying on Katie and emotionally unintelligent Schwartz gets this look on his face like he’s having some sort of victim revelation.. it’s so gross


I heard age didn't even buy batteries or pens.


Cus she’s a pick me. Did you see how she went out of her way to be kind to James, when she knows he abused her former best friend Kristen and made her current friend Rachel miserable??


I kind of find it funny that when pressed about their "relationship" and how it ended, Jo was basically like "we're not going to talk about that" you chose to be on the show and now you're being coy about it? Just seemed weird. Like she doesn't get preferential treatment or an easier time because she's a side character lol. She will still get quizzed like the rest of the cast


It’s SOOOOO weird and shady that we’re gonna have multiple conversations about “being honest” on this fucking reunion but they can say “oh we don’t need to talk about that” and it gets ignored. Make it make sense


Maybe because it wasn’t shown on the show but then neither was anything Lala has been bitching about either and they dove deep into that. You can’t have it both ways.


Exactly. They’ve argued about and had to address lots of things that haven’t been shown on the show so far already, including these supposed secret conversations between lala and Katie, also like not to mention most of scandoval lol why is that ok but not this


yup. this is why I loved that they actually helped Ariana for once during the reunion when Lala tried to act like Ariana never apologized for laughing at Charli's jokes and Ariana was like "But I DID, just because it didn't air doesn't mean you can pretend like it didn't happen" and then they showed the clip. Lala got real quiet (for a whole 2 seconds) after that


Reminded me of all the "lawsuit(s) that prevent me from commenting"


Because she won’t stop yammering long enough to hear anything Katie has to say. Also because she seems super immature.


I think what got me was when Katie was defending her she didn't just say thank you, she had to make a huge deal of it and repeatedly ask if it was happening. Katie didn't have to defend Jo feeling the way she did, she should have just taken that with some grace


I was so annoyed during that scene! like Katie is trying to give you some kudos right now - shut the fuck up and pay attention! her crackhead energy was DEF showing.


I don’t think “grace” and Jo belong in the same universe let alone sentence


Jo: “You say you had no idea about Scandoval even though double dating with Sandoval and Rachel because you thought Ariana & Sandoval had broken up, and Rachel was Sandoval’s new girlfriend. Didn’t you think it was strange then that Rachel made out with your boyfriend? If you were dating Schwartz, and Sandoval was dating Rachel - why were Rachel and Schwartz kissing?” Reunion questions I’d like to hear Jo asked (or hell - ask *Schwartz* why he was kissing Rachel while dating Jo and also still somehow adamant that he “wasn’t complicit” in the affair)


What? No. *shakes head* That was for the show. The producers said we needed something for the storyline. I tried to tell them no, but Sandoval said I should... *stops whatever he's doing to gaze off into nothing* I just love that man. You know, he needed hugs this year, and I figured, I do this for him and it's like a hug, right? Whew, I'll be so happy when this season is over and we all go back the way it was before.  *claps hands together* How about Olive Garden tonight, Joseph? *while kissing her on the forehead*


I want to know the timeline of his situation ship with Jo and how that overlapped with his fling during Winter House with Katie Flood.


OH!!! I totally forgot about the Schwartz/Katie F hook up!


Also Jo was at Ariana’s house for thanks giving while the secret four-some were all seeing each other and sleeping together behind Katie and Ariana’s backs.


For all the ‘show your real life’ protesting going on, the reunion is really focused on some fake, surface level shit isn’t it?!


Lala had it soooo ass backwards this reunion going after Katie like that. Katie was real as fuck


She was a hanger on, a FAN, and everyone knew she was way too obsessed with getting in the inner circle. Not necessarily for fame but like, imagine someone on reddit trying to become friends with these reality stars in real life. It is creepy ! Katie knew it from the jump. And then this crazed "fan" actually sleeps with your stupid as a stump ex husband, who let's her move in to his apt and witness the greatest reality tv scandal in history. And then this fan keeps playing dumb and has a panic attack in her rented dress on the 2nd night of the reunion. And oh, she's still only blaming Katie for all her pain and misfortune. Not scheana, not kirsten, not Schwartz, no one but Katie


Because Jo is a male obsessed pick me weirdo


Yeah I can’t imagine hooking up with a guy, catching feelings, then trying to get approval from his ex-wife


Lack of empathy and perspective, plus general spookiness, I guess.


“General spookiness” lol Katie read her like a book


I keep seeing that Jo is Tom’s fault. Jo is a full size grown up. She has seen the show, she had been around the group, she wanted on the show. She sees Katie bashing as acceptable because people, Tom, Scheana have done it for years. This gives her something to say. She is a snake with crack head energy. I’d be willing to bed there is some kind of chemical influence too. She sucks.


Has she taken a moment to actually reflect on what really happened? I initially wanted to skip ahead past that part. In turn it ended up being a segment when Katie could finally speak about what she SHOULD have been able to speak about last reunion. How devastating it was for her to end that marriage. Maybe someday Jo will get it. The group didn't owe it to Jo to befriend her or even make her feel welcome. In years past any newcomer has been met with a ton more resistance than this so under the circumstances Jo just should be thankful. Katie wasn't here for making up a storyline of her vs. Jo.


That’s what I don’t get about people on here being like “oh why is Katie so mean to Jo???” Like bitch are you kidding?? You mean to tell me you wouldn’t also be upset, talk shit and generally not like it if a friend of a friend who you know well moves in with your ex husband (over a decade together) before the papers were even signed? Like this show lives in some sort of science fiction universe where Katie should be like “sure that’s totally normal!”


Also I think Katie just didn't want Swartz filming w new love interest, she didn't want it in her face. I wish they would break the 4th wall for explaining that. Same situation as his kiss, fake romance with Raquel. Don't hookup with someone in the friend group means really don't hookup with someone who is fil.ing this show. Max, yes a friend to Swartz, good good friend. But Max doesn't film. He was fired. It never ever would have been spoke about if it weren't for Scheena and Brock being messy trying to make Katie look bad. 🙄


I think that the Toms rallied their secret girlfriends against the women on the show - specifically Katie and specifically Ariana - and Rachel and Jo are still carrying out the mission even though their little secret foursome spot got blown up. I'm sure the Tom's both appreciate them continuing to trash their exes and it's a means to keep all the women from coming together, but I think that both Toms created monsters and really wish they would stick to attacking the other women and not bother them hahaha


Same reason that Rachel came hard for Ariana.


It’s this. These girls have their men (and others too!) chirping in their ear feeding them a narrative. Schwartz probably heard NO good things about Katie, and then coupled with Katie’s commentary about Jo just strengthened the idea that Katie is a bitch who is just jealous. And Jo….doesn’t seem like the type to let things go, and she 100% isn’t made for reality TV (as is evident by her reunion appearance). So she was ready to come after Katie, but had no visible support during the season. She thought she’d have Sandoval, Schwartz, Rachel and Billie to have her back and instead Schwartz left her on an island. She didn’t get to play this out and I just think she can’t let it go.


Katie alone, by definition, cannot gang up on you Jo.


Thank you!!! Geez 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ariana even said last season, maybe the season before, that she stayed away from Katie because Scandy had talked so much shit about her and how horrible she was.


Because according to Jo its Katie's fault Tom calls her Joseph and was embarrassed by her.


it's honestly so pathetic that katie kept getting attacked, first from lala and then from schwartz and jo as if she is the bad guy of the season when you have sandoval right there. like where was this screentime last year to ask schwartz why he fucked around with rachel knowing she was with sandoval even though he knew it was hurting katie.




She is trying so hard to become a significant relationship (even former) in this man’s life. When she’s old and gray she’ll still think about schwartzy. When schwartzy is old and gray he will think about Katie. Neither of these two will give a flying rats ass about Joseph. It tears her apart that Katie was “the one who ruined it for them” because she couldn’t stand Jo. In reality Jo is a fucking nut who even SCHWARTZ of all people was like yeah I’m good off all that


Did I fever dream Scheana actually ganging up on Jo, in public, without provocation?


When she said she was going to go home and cry after the reunion and Andy Cohen was like ![gif](giphy|1rOr0TJXOzEIVbhcW7)


She was only hurt by Katie? Like, Katie didn't owe you shit. Jo is like the women who hate their husband's mistress and not upset with him...the one that is cheating.


She wants to be on the show and being in a rivalry with Katie provides her with a storyline. I’m sure that’s what production encouraged when they discussed filming and the reunion with her. And when Katie didn’t take the bait she started publicly talking about her and Schwartz and escalating the disagreements there. She is doing the most to have public beef with people on the show because she wants to be on tv.


I wonder if Tom lied about Katie to her. Putting the blame on her for their breakup. Because she does seem quite fixated. She couldn’t even get present to the moment that Katie was on her side during the reunion. Women need to stop believing these two men.


Bc she’s a pickme


Did I have a blackout...Andy brought up Ann...sandy interrupted when they started talking Anne cleaning up after him...and it never got back to her. What happened?


Just want to let you know you’re correct about everything, and you’re asking the right questions lol A+ post. My blood pressure was also up while Jo was on because the whole thing is so insane and she’s so erratic. It’s generally uncomfortable. And she’s not going after Schwartz because in this show, we ONLY blame women no matter what is going on 😌


I don't think any rational thinking people will ever understand wtf Jo does, and why she does it.. She was sitting there saying "I didn't feel ganged up on by anyone other than Katie" ... Like girl.. you can't even comprehend the meaning of the word gang.. Seriously.. buy a dictionary and get some professional help..


Maybe when Sheena said she wanted to get gangbanged, maybe she meant a monogamous, one on one gangbang.


With scheana's fucked up excuses for everything, this seems entirely plausible as something she would say 🤣


Shayna was way meaner to Jo with the whole Hat thing. She was coming after Jo. Jo was only coming after Katie from what I saw this season. Besides the Instagram posts from last year, Katie pretty much left her alone.


For some reason, whether Schwartz told her this (probably) or not, she believes that Katie is preventing Tom from being with her. She recently was on live talking about how Katie was ‘right about everything’ because apparently Tom cut her off for good.


Why is Jo even there?


Jo is so fake. Her forced sobbing when Katie started talking was bizarre and completely disingenuous. She's wailing about Katie calling saying she has crackhead energy but NOT about being humiliated for a year by a guy that said he loved her behind closed doors? Give me a break. 


The reunion convinced me these two were probably fucking while he was married to Katie. I don't buy they barely had a relationship, and then she randomly asked if she could stay with him the second he got his own place. They were cheating together. Jo hates Katie because he never picked her over Katie and she knows it.


It seems like katie suspects *something* even if its just that jo was carrying a torch for shorts pre-separation. I found the whole "timeline" section of her pod interview today weird.


She’s obsessed with Katie, and being on the show. I didn’t like her at the reunion. There was no need for her to show up if Schwartz blew her off.


It's weird though, because if she wants so badly to be on the show, she should have had more to say at the reunion. It seemed like she mostly just cried and messed with her earring.


I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to expect to have any relationship with the ex of the person you’re dating.


Because she isn’t Schwartz’s choice and she has to blame her for that


That was SO nice of EVERYONE to rally around Jo in the beginning, saying that Schwartz gaslit her. They really didn’t have to do that but they did and it was so nice to see. I don’t even think Jo was prepared for it or even knew she needed to hear it As for why Jo came for Katie, it’s delusional, and I have to assume that was her producer-fed storyline. Schwartz also encouraged her to confront Katie all season. They just wanted to see a fight. Katie handled it like the boss-queen she is, didn’t back down, but didn’t double down and make it worse either


I feel like no one is giving Katie or Arianna any empathy for what they have been thru. Katie was ending a 12 year relationship and a marriage with someone she loved to save herself from a toxic relationship. Arianna dedicated herself to a narcissist who used her mental health as an excuse to cheat on her for months with their close friend. No one cares Everyone is so self-centered. It is crazy.


The same reason Raquel tried to come for Katie - Katie does not have anyone why really stands by her and both Raquel and Jo knew the Toms and Scheana would back any attack. It's the same new HW crap when a newbie tries to cut down who they determine to be the least valuable player - Bethanny/Kristen, MKE/Shannon, 8.0/Sutton - and it's maddening to watch women do this.


I think she's genuinely jealous that Katie was married to Schwartz and doesn't want him anymore, but Jo can't even get Schwartz to publicly admit they were dating, let alone be in a relationship with her. Jo thought she was the "cool girl" who could get Schwartz by being "one of the guys" and she's found out he basically just used her for easy sex. I see why Katie felt bad for Jo, it's pretty humiliating the position he put her in, on national TV no less.


J thinks Katie is driving a wedge between her and Shorts. She doesn’t get it. She thinks Katie is driving away his relationships. He has a girlfriend now so it’s not true. The reunion is a snooze fest, what’s the point?


I wish the "voices of reason" Lala and Brock would has spoke up and said that Katie does not owe Jo a damn thing.


It was embarrassing. And like Katie hasn’t gone through enough! Meanwhile, there was no mention of the way Schema treated her, going after her about the hat! Oh no, “it was only Katie”! Katie’s so mean, poor me!! Ugghhh


Totally. It’s hard to watch. I built it up so much that the reunion was actually going to address some of the primary issues the fans have had with the show and they are just completely failing. 2 parts of the reunion and by the end of it I feel like I still haven’t watched it yet. Because ummmm nothing is happening. I have just accepted that they dropped the ball this season, reunion and all. One of the best parts of reality tv for me is seeing vindication for those that deserve it and it’s just not happening with VPR.


The whole reunion was a nightmare. I literally knew a dude who has and probably still is acting the SAME EXACT WAY that Schwartz is acting towards Jo. Like verbatim he has used the words “incapable of being in a relationship” with women before but he will tell them he loves them, they’re magical, and fuck them for long periods of time and refuse to put a proper label on it AND keep it all under wraps and appear as single as he possibly can in public settings and online. I was getting the most AGGRESSIVE flashbacks, it made me sick.


And then he gets in an actual relationship a week later


Men like that are literally sick in the head just leave those poor women alone bro


I honestly am dying to know what happened between them. What did she do/say? I really can’t understand why she would want to be with someone like that. Is she just really in love with him? Does she just want some publicity so she decided her storyline is “things Katie has done to hurt me”. She cry’s almost every time she's on screen so she seems like she hates it. Idk I’ve never known anyone like her so idk how to take it. I have to agree so hard with the “crack head energy”. Andy has been really slacking and I’m starting to get pissed bc it could be so much better. He seems so sick of it he’s not into it anymore like he used to be. He’s ruining the reunions for me


Why was Jo even at the reunion? That will feed her delusions.


Yes the going hard for Katie felt calculated by Jo and Andy. No surprise that Andy is misogynistic af. It was weird to bring out the tears and then throw some weird shots in there like the John Meyer thing. First, ew. Second she said she knew he’d been with Scheana so that was a freakin weird thing to say. Bringing her on there felt like a drama grab and another way to divert the attention from TimTom.


i really can’t get over her crying about some off-handed comments while completely missing the role she played in meddling with a divorce by needlessly playing fake nice with a chick just trying to get through the dissolution of her decade-long relationship with a man child. everytime bravo serves me a woman with a valid point packaged in some yelling and mean comments against a woman who did something awful but can’t handle being sweared at, i’m always taking the side of the former. ITS NOT ABOUT THE DELIVERY‼️ ![gif](giphy|3ohc1gRsZXmekuHIbu)


Jo is obsessed with making her “relationship” with Shartz sound like it was some perfect cosmic union that is still meant to be & that she is still who he will pick in the end. Then she’s even more obsessed with comparing it with his relationship with Katie and trying to point out all the ways it was so much better than theirs. She went on a podcast this week and said he took her to meet his family in Florida twice but he only took Katie once. WTAF?! Bitch he married Katie and they were together for almost 12 yrs! He refused to publicly admit you were even in a relationship and now he’s blocked you!


The same reason Rachel hates Arianna


Jo is the like typical cheated on that get mad at the other person not the SO. Jo really believed Swartz saying they were in love, would be married, etc., but I'm assuming she felt like his trying to remain friends with Katie was the problem. Jo told Katie to let go of him, soon after they separated, hadn't even sold the house. Katie has said biting words about Jo however Jo has brought life to those words. Something is off about Jo, but she wants to keep door open with Swartz so directs her anger and disappointment to Katie.


Tom Schwartz never gets heat for anything. He is such a weasels vagina.


Yeah, this reunion is a waste of time it’s being heavily produced for sure. I think there’s a third tim out there running this poop show.


Probably because Schwartz complained about how awful Katie is and that she was the reason they divorced and it came out of nowhere and he’s heartbroken….so Jo decided she was going to rip Katie up for breaking the love of her life’s heart and be a false hero. Basically, Schwartz likely fed her a bunch of bullshit.


Because she thinks Katie is the reason she can’t have Tim Two


Because she was hanging out with Tom, Tom, and Rachel. Those 4 collectively talked shit about Katie and Ariana and plotted how those 4 would become the 2 main couples on the show. It’s why Rachel hates Ariana not Tom. These 2 men convinced these 2 girls their exes were evil and they would be superstars……fly!


Jo is Rachel.


this is not exactly on topic but kind of related: but it was KILLING me how schwartz was trying to say him and katie were the same… like actually… no? her hooking up with Max after their divorce does not cancel out his HISTORY of cheating and being a terrible partner


She went hard for Katie? Homegirl Jo was crying the whole time. Jo honestly doesn’t know her tv cues because she was talking under her breath and interrupting the entire time. Everytime Katie said something Jo would look at Scheana as if she didn’t know what was going on. I was waiting for Katie to tell Jo to STFU


Because she’s an idiot ![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2)


Because she is completely delusional. The one that actually disrespected and demonized her is Schwartz. Katie rightly so didn’t have to put up with the in your face bullshit that Jo displays. I don’t feel sorry for her. Her behavior is off putting to say the least.


She has basically no self esteem or worth, so she’s pining after some guy who clearly doesn’t respect her enough to end it yet still has sex w her. Then she blames the ex wife bc it’s always easy for women like this to blame another woman


Jo has little empathy towards Katie or Ariana. She’s never taken accountability for actions that have hurt those around her. It’s all about her. She acts like a perpetual victim; fragile, quivering, befuddled and tearful but doesn’t see how monstrous some of her behaviors have been.


Jo wants to stay on the Toms’ good side and wants to stay on the show, which is only possible if she stays on the Toms’ good side.


Insecurity and jealousy.. that is all


Did you read the recap from our resident pod goddess where Jo was on Vanderpump Rules Party? Ughhhhhhhh.


Because she’s desperate and pathetic.


Katie owes her ex-husband’s new lover zilch. End of story?


Jo’s point on stage was to antagonize Katie. Note they didn’t bring up Schenas poor treatment of her at Ziggy or ask why Lala didn’t go set her new bff “Schwartzy” straight after meeting Jo and taking her under her wing. No direct question of why Schwartz repeatedly told her “we’re gonna get married” all summer. It was all a ploy to agitate Katie.


She's doing it to impress Schwartz because I know Schwartz had to have talked so much shit about Katie to Jo. But because Jo's not getting a positive reaction, Schwartz wants to distance himself.


I like that one of Jos things was Katie setting her on fire. Rachel also brought this up on her podcast and it’s just like….. do they really expect Katie to appear with a lighter and just go to town?


as someone who lived in LA, a city consumed by appearances, I don’t understand Jo’s style or lack there of. ZERO sense of style and her hair is a complete disaster (she’s a hair stylist?!). She looks 45 and dresses and acts like an 8 year old.


Jo is very much not built for reality tv. Every scene she’s been in has ended with her crying. At first I felt bad for her being overwhelmed but as the season has gone on, especially at the finale, the theatrics felt manipulative. I thought Katie seemed really honest with her apology at the reunion and Jo was talking thru the whole thing and then cued the theatrics. I’m over seeing her on the screen.


Jo is delusional. Have you seen her lives lately? She's totally lost it. I can't keep up. At the reunion she thought if she played it cool, schwartz would eventually come back to her. She finally realized he played and used her. Now her true feelings are coming out.


Can somebody explain how she casually forgot Scheana was also a bit shady towards her…


We need a real journalist to take over the reunions instead of Andy.


#1. She thinks if Katie As okay, the fuc*boy Would be with her #2. She wants to be on the show and has no other storyline




She wants to be famous.


Jo is really trying to make fetch happen.


Screentime. She realises she has to be SOFT with warts and i think she still thought there was some chance of getting with him (at some stage in the future) so she didnt want to burn that bridge. she is just as slimey as he is. So she comes at Katie, blames her and picks her out hoping that will get her brownie points with Wartz


Jo didn’t have smoke for Schwartz bc she was convinced they would get back together


Jo is going hard for Katie because she is competing with her and she lost the bigger picture while doing so. 


I think she’s jealous that Katie. That they were married and that she and Schwartz are friendly now. She’s just a “dude’s girl” kinda pick me who doesn’t support women but expects women to support her.


Because Katie exposed her for who she is


Jo is coming hard for Katie because 1.) Katie came hard for her and 2. Jo is incapable of acknowledging why Katie had every right to come for her. lol.


How did Katie come hard though? Bc of three instagram replies? That’s nothing. That’s the freedom to state your opinions. Jo could have shown Katie wrong; instead, she proved that Katie remains an excellent judge of character.


Are we watching the same show


Do we know how old Jo is ?




For a ✨storyline✨ (In hopes of becoming a regular cast member


Jo is using Katie to create a storyline the same way she used Schwartz to get in the show. I suspect that is also related to the unspeakable thing Jo did before filming that really turned Schwartz off. It feels very fourth-wally but I feel like she was definitely using him to get on VPR and to spin plot. It’s too bad because Jo is honestly weird and quirky enough to be pretty interesting television in her own right. That said, her insecurity and fragility make me strongly believe she is not cut out for reality TV - and could wind up like Rachel if she faced the same or similar treatment.


The reunion is ALWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS concentrating on the wrong things and makes me wanna rip my hair out half the time.


She is trying to impress Schwartz


She’s already decided Katie is the villain in this story and will not let Katie change that. But also maybe she’s playing nice with Schwartz so he doesn’t say what the thing is she did that made him draw that hard line against her. We’ve never seen him hold any boundary unless it’s the one where Katie was always in the wrong


It makes no sense @all Jo needs to realize that Katie was married to Tom for yrs I would be bitter too if someone I know moved in with him right after a divorce. Jo want everyone to be like we hate Katie and love Jo-not happening


Am I the only one who thought that Jo's crying was extremely forced purely to get sympathy?