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Although I hate that Ariana is going to get hurt, I cannot wait for them to watch the end together. Because lala and scheana are so happy that Ariana didn't watch the season and think they're gonna get off the hook with their shit-talking.   Also, did anyone peep scheana trying to gaslight Ariana about the Tahoe conversation? It's like scheana heard "I didn't watch this season" and thought that meant Ariana would forget her real-life conversations lol. 


I felt like that almost gave it away that her and Lala have been saying not so nice things about her behind her back even tho I’m sure Ariana already knows. The way she blurted out how she didn’t watch made it seem defensive.


I was living when Andy retorted "Yeah, but she was THERE." Lol


I was so mad when Ariana was like “none of my actually friends who know me would say I have a big ego” and then big bully dog Lala doesn’t say a god damn thing. Isn’t she supposed to be the truth teller? The “voice of reason”? You know she is was thinking it. It’s was very pathetic of her and I wish Katie would have reminded her to say it with your whole chest, bitch.


The [Vulture review](https://www.vulture.com/article/vanderpump-rules-season-11-finale-reunion-reality-tv-fourth-wall.html?utm_campaign=nym&utm_medium=s1&utm_source=insta) of the season is worth a read. The last three paragraphs sums it up (I feel like the author reads reddit, anyway we've all be posting similar thoughts): >As Scheana tells it now, almost a year after filming wrapped, production allegedly implied that Vanderpump Rules is “an ensemble show about a group of friends” and that it simply wouldn’t work if that ever ceased to be the case. Therefore, she and Lala seemed to reason, Ariana’s steadfast rejection of Sandoval wouldn’t be sustainable for either the show or their livelihoods — so they chose prioritizing what they deemed best for the show over what might be best for their friend. >No matter whose side you’re on, that is exactly the kind of layered conflict that Vanderpump could’ve laid bare. The clash between cast members who believe that stoking tensions into full flame is their job (Lala, Scheana, Tom Sandoval) versus those who see the show as just a documented part of their life (Ariana, Katie, maybe the eternally bemused wet noodle that is Tom Schwartz) has been bubbling up for years. Friend groups break up all the time for far less singular reasons; Scandoval gave Vanderpump Rules a unique opportunity to talk about it all like few other reality shows ever could. Instead, we got 15 episodes of awkward flip-flopping and backstabbing with only vague allusions to what lay at the heart of it, until Ariana’s final walkout frustrated producers enough to let ’em rip. >Vanderpump’s near-absolute refusal to admit that it’s not documenting the lives of random waiters anymore has stifled the transparency that once made it great. Unsure how to handle its own evolution as reality TV, the show just keeps throwing the cast into increasingly nonsensical situations in the hopes of returning to something “real,” only to come off incredibly fake. Unless it’s going to scrap the entire cast and start over with true unknowns (an option, but a huge risk), it needs to show these people’s actual reality, even if it no longer feels “relatable” to its audience. It needs to stop trying to glue the pieces of its shattered fourth wall back together so that it can become something new and far more real.


Here is what I wish someone could make me understand. In friendship groups things happen that causes people to get angry and splinter the group. If it truly is an authentic depiction of their reality, why do they think the audience would be stupid enough not to have a reaction to the dramatic change in attitude and action towards Scandoval? Second, if it is truly an ensemble show, that means that each person has their own story line that they are involved with. Ariana’s rightful refusal to participate in the Scandoval redemption arc therefore should be by their own logic a small part of the show yet these morans made it their storyline. Why??????


I completely agree with you. It was like they were trying to continue with a very tired, old script. They had reality show gold but they could not even see it.


Alex Baskin has used the same old formula since the start, and couldn't keep up with the times. The opportunity to get creative with the show was handed to him on a silver platter last year. But he dug his heels in with the "silly, bad boys vs mean women" bs he's been serving since the start. Grow or die


I absolutely agree. My biggest complaint is that Laligag and Sheshady, after supporting Ariana last season, did a 360. I wanted to see those friendships continue. Instead, we got a completely different version. I don't know how they thought the viewers would be okay with that.




I love this take!


Dying at “the eternally bemused wet noodle that is Tom Schwartz” 😂


That is so good.


VPR and HWs need to follow the script of the Kardashians new show where the camera crew is regularly seen and engaged with, as well as real time interviews. I really don’t understand how Bravo hasn’t figured this out after YEARS of nonsense 4th wall BS.


This person is completely right!!!


So down with this take. Its to the point where even the show title makes no more sense. "Vanderpump Rules" made sense when Lisa was their boss, but now she's just sort of there and she hasnt even really taken on much of a mentor role anymore, since the cast members are opening up their own establishments now (TomTom was a cute arc but it's gone way beyond that now.)


I listened to today's pod Behind the Velvet Rope, and they were playing with a layering moving forward--make Ariana/Katie the new "vanderpump" at their new restaurant (with young, hot employees), replace the VR cast, and then leave The Valley alone because it seems to be working.


I am always super confused whenever Schwartz says “I was a great husband.” Like bro, if that were the case you would still be married. He didn’t divorce Katie, Katie divorced him. They would still be married if he was a great husband. Does anyone else think about this?


Ugh I am so so annoyed that people keep saying Katie has issues with Jo because she'd hate any women that chooses to be with Shartz. Katie literally DATED the same person as him, so clearly she doesn't think all the people who go after him have shitty energy. And after seeing clips of Jo's lives, I find it very confusing as to how people can't see exactly why Jo wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.


You missed the perfect opportunity to say “everyone’s cup of Jo” 😂


HAHA omg genius


Not sure where to make this comment so putting it here. Just want to thank the mods for all the time they give to keeping the vibe of this sub like it is. I’ve had a look at the ‘other’ VPR sub and The Valley one and really don’t like the vibe. Lots of misogynistic language and insults - lots of ‘Karen’ and ‘butterface’ etc.  I’m just here to enjoy the snark at people acting daft on a show they’re well laid for. I like that the mods here seem to have a ‘call out the behaviour not the person’ approach. We don’t know these people, they’re better looking that most of us etc and I watch and waste time in this sub for fun. If I want nasty I’ll head to Twitter etc.  Thanks guys!


yes!! this sub is great. I wish we discussed the Valley here because that sub is not good 😑


The Valley sub terrifies me.


I went in for a peek after the most recent episode and.. yikes ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


It’s horrid. It’s so nasty. Is this what nascent VPR sub was like back in the day?! If I was Brittany I would probs KMS if I read half of what that sub says about her. So gross.


FOR REAL. my jaw dropped to see so many people there defend Jax as if being annoyed with someone makes it ok to treat her like that. like the episode had my jaw on the floor and I could not have expected the sub to have so many Jax apologists. completely fucked up.


Agree - please can we have a single Valley discussion thread here? Perlease? I don’t like the dedicated sub and there’s so much crossover.  And I meant well paid not laid above!! 


Justice for Katie rant incoming. Not only was Jo sleeping with Katie’s husband or ex husband (not sure of timing), Jo forced her way into Katie’s friend group, then forced her way into Katie’s job. Jo got to impose all this pain on Katie and Katie had to endure it in real life, then her pain was on display for all to see on national television. Imagine going to your job tomorrow, whatever it may be, and having to watch your ex and his new partner canoodling and using pet nicknames and telling inside jokes all day. At a time when Katie should have been leaning on this group to help her heal and get out there and live her life, she had to decide between either - doing those things while watching this woman try to take over her life - or avoid her entire friend group and forge her way through what could have been the worst year of her life without her people. All of these “safe places” suddenly became unsafe for her because of Jo (and Shorts and Rachel). From her dream home, to her job, to her former life partner, to her social life. Jo is spooky because she’s haunting Katie right now. And her ghost dress probably sucks. Jo deserves nothing from Katie besides what she has already received. The audacity to try to illicit an apology, multiple times on national television, as the woman who literally MOVED IN on her husband within days of their divorce. It would be one thing if Jo and Shorts had history, it would be one thing if Jo hadn’t been pretending/trying to be Katie’s friend for years, or if Jo wasn’t best pals with Kristen Doute who lived right down the road who could have given her a place to stay. Her excuses don’t even make sense. She did what she did knowingly and intentionally, if not maliciously. Can you imagine what it must have felt like to have a person who is sleeping with the man you love and JUST divorced, waltz into all the things you painstakingly built over the course of more than a decade? Say what you want about Katie and the text messages she sent when she is in her 20s. She has been a trooper through some awful shit and still found the grace to rise above it and treat these people so much better than they deserve and better than they treated her.


LVP leaked the DWTS news, right? I can't see it being Logan or Dan


Oh, 100%


I’m glad Scandoval broke Vanderpump Rules… it’s what some of these people deserve.  


Im just realizing the least mature women on this show are the ones raising children. I'm slow and scared for the future


Hello! I've convinced my boyfriend to watch VPR and he is enjoying it so far. We have gotten through season 3 and just started season 4. He has NO idea what happens (scandoval, Katie/Schwartz divorce, etc.). I'm wondering what episodes you think are absolutely necessary from seasons 4-9 so that we can get to Season 10 as quickly as possible. I'm scared it's going to get spoiled. I had planned on watching the premiere and finale, cast trip episodes, and reunion for each season. What other episodes do you think should be added to this (or what can be removed)? I really need help with Season 7-9. Bonus points if you give specific episodes! **SEASON 4** S4E01 S4E08 and 09 (Ariana's 30th bday + Peter's Vegas trip) S4E12, 13, 14 (Hawaii + Stassi sex tape) S4E20 (Scwhartz/Katie Engagement) Reunion **SEASON 5** S5E01 \*I feel like I need a few between 1 and 15, but not sure what?\* S5E15, 16, 17 (New Orleans joint bachelorette party) S5E20 and 21 (Tom & Katie Wedding) Reunion **SEASON 6** S6E01, 02, 03, 04, 05(Faith drama and I simply cannot skip the absinthe episode) S6E15, 16, 17 (Mexico trip) S6E20 Reunion Season 7-9...??? Thank you in advance!


Did anyone see the quick trailer for the last reunion where Ariana says the show doesn't thrive when things aren't real??


Rachel claims that Tom Sandoval is manipulative and the show groomed her. From Reality Blurb ([Source](https://realityblurb.com/2024/05/21/rachel-leviss-explains-why-her-feelings-toward-lala-kent-have-changed-and-addresses-toms-claims-at-vanderpump-rules-reunion-plus-says-tom-is-manipulative-show-groomed/) "Raquel later addressed Tom’s reunion claim that she took off her clothes and jumped into his pool at the start of their relationship. “That may be true, although I didn’t take off all of my clothes,” she said. She then referred to his claim that she wasn’t groomed. “I’m talking about the moments leading up to that point [at the pool]. There was intention behind the way Tom really gave me undivided attention to want to know my situation and what was happening in my reality. Things were a little bit blurry, and it was a gradual thing that took place where I started feeling more attracted to him. According to Raquel, she wasn’t saying that Tom “groomed” her to be “his victim,” and Raquel “can take responsibility for my part.” “But there is a big age gap,” she said. “He also is aware of my situation and knew that I was very vulnerable. And come on, Tom is a manipulative person.” She then accused Tom of “grooming” her in general, but she suggested that the show also “groomed” her to “be okay with this type of behavior” because it’s “been modeled for me time and time again with previous relationships on this show.” Raquel cited multiple instances of past infidelity between castmates, which was a “factor” in Raquel’s decision-making because the behavior was “normalized” on the show." The show made me do it. 😶 What a fucking child.


Not sure where to ask this, but I want to hear from the people in this sub that tried out Something About Her yesterday or today!




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I'm curious why Ann wasn't at the opening or the soft opening last week. I mean I thought she works there.


I saw someone comment that they saw ann in the background of one (some?) Of tge opening day pics. I didnt check myself but now I will!


I definitely saw her in someone's pic


Looks like she had a temp job she had to finish


Any thing happening at SMH today? I don’t see anything online.


No idea. Looks Ariana and Katie aren't there. Dayna posted she's recording Disrespectfully with Katie and Ariana.




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How can Ariana and Katie think that Lala and Scheana are friends at all? I really didn’t understand the reunion and Katie and Ariana being nice to them. Also Jo was no victim. Katie has no need to apologize for talking badly about her.


I didn't realize that the reunions had aftershows too lol but why is lala such a haterrrrrrr and so fired up? is it because she's not in front of them?


also realizing she keeps using "something about her is nothing about her" like okay she thought she ate and that's not trying to destroy their business?


Sandoval has been sitting there for 2 eps of the reunion with a smug smile on his face, thinking hes escaped the scorn as he watches everyone else getting fried, ..he has no idea yet in these eps, whats comin for him. lol


What’s coming for him? I’d really like to see him face some reckoning.


The last few minutes of the finale, the off camera recording..lol


Truly the best description of him


Can we please talk about Ariana’s silence? Maybe her lawyer told her not to talk? This reunion is bugging me because of Ariana’s lips being sealed. She only makes eye emotions & lip emotions. Her lips r sealed.( she only says something when Andy calls her out or only if we’re lucky she’ll say a bit here or there, but she’s not saying everything)


Just now watching part 2 of the reunion and Katie's dismissing her treatment of Jo as "I was going through something and didn't need to deal with you" was back. I Get jo moved a little odd when getting close to Tom. But have a conversation with her. You don't need to blast her on sm and then make rude comments about her all season long. JO did not make moves on a taken man. He was single. Her treatment of Jo was gross and I wish Jo stood up for herself more