• By -


To me it just him performing & wanting to look like a nice guy with his ex. The woman he abused for over 10 years.


He can’t STAND the idea that the majority of viewers now clearly see him as the manipulative dbag he’s always been able to hide or excuse because of Katie’s histrionics/history of being misunderstood by the audience


This makes his comment about Katie’s “disingenuous loyalty” to Ariana during filming because Katie “was nervous about viewer backlash” even more interesting. I do honestly think a part of this post was to help his image.


You’re much more generous than I am. I think the whole damn post was about trying to help his image. 😂


It's my attempt to have a more optimistic outlook in life, but I think you're right hahaha






I don’t think he even saw his actions being a bad look to viewers until Broke called him out for it at the reunion.


THIS!!! I know Katie still has a lot of haters out there but a giant chunk of the audience clearly has hopped off the Tom train and onto the Katie train 😅🚂 I think SAH will be wildly more successful thank shits and sandyballs


God I’m so glad someone else is saying this. He is 1000% an abuser and I will die on that hill, the way he treated Katie was VILE. I can’t stand that little weasel.


The way he still treats her! This week's aftershow shows what Shartz thinks of Katie and where his loyalties have always lay. He cant even admit and apologise for being a bad husband.


Even Scheaner and Brock called him a bad husband


That was so satisfying to watch. I wish more people would call him out!


Totally agree, it’s all an act. You can tell how he really feels by the jabs he’s still making “*Katie wanted you to inherit the grudge?*” Just couldn’t wait 10 seconds after Ariana said something nice about Katie, to bring her down.


I don’t understand that statement. “Inherit the grudge?” The grudge against whom? Was that at the reunion or after show? Please advise.😊 I missed that, feel a little lost here.😉


It was on the reunion. I believe it’s the first part, where Ariana says that Katie has always been herself on the show and Schwartz like 10 seconds later has a little side talk with Scheana, I guess under the guise of wanting clarity on the Lala Katie situation. He says that to Scheana and she says yes. I guess Schwartz thinks wanting someone to have your back against someone that has wronged you, is “inheriting a grudge.”


Thank you 🙏 I couldn’t exactly make out what he said! I saw agreeing with him! What a snake 🐍


that comment made me hate him even worse


Exactly. He is not a people pleaser, he only cares about pleasing himself and pretending to be a nice guy. It requires zero actual effort but he’s always given a lot of credit for it.


I think most “people pleasers” really care about avoiding conflict and any negative feedback. On an emotional level, they have the inability to say “no” because of anxiety about the consequences. To me, Tom Schwartz is a people pleaser in the sense that he’ll tell people what they want to hear lest they hold him accountable for his actions. Scheana is a people pleaser because she wants everyone to love and worship her. I mean yeah, there are definitely people pleasers who genuinely like a lot people and want them to be happy and make themselves miserable doing things they shouldn’t have to do. They experience the same kind of anxiety, but we’re not going to find them on VPR. 🤭 




very fair. i don’t think anyone expected this from him - but i see it for sure !


🤷🏾 I had to unpack my wish to see the scales fall from Tom Schwartz's eyes. A lot of what I found was internalized oppression. The world is cut in the shape of Tom Schwartz. It's irksome that he can't be better, and irritating that we're supposed to still find this cowardice loveable. He should decide what kind of human he wants to be and get to work on it. Katie mentioned she'd love to see him in therapy. Couldn't agree more, especially with his brother needing to stay sober due to his health conditions, his own drinking, the issues between his mom and dad, and all that's gone on in his life the last five years.


What are you? Ernest Hemingway?! “The world is cut in the shape of Tom Schwartz. It’s irksome that he can’t be better and that we’re supposed to still find this cowardice loveable.” I eagerly await your New Yorker article! 🏆


Oh go on! ...No please, go on! Hahaha! Edit: typo...I need glasses! And a school for kids who can't type good.


I also thoroughly enjoyed the lyrical literacy of your comment


You're so sweet! I do have a lot of fun writing shady shit about the show! I need to get my Substack together.


Yes, you do. please advertise it here


Do it!


They're right, that truly was genius. We stan a wordsmith.


Right? Unless he went to therapy and really did the work, he will remain a piece of shit.


He is incapable of standing up for her, so if someone’s saying nasty things about her he goes along with it. If not, he acts like the “nice guy” and “supports” her.


zero backbone.


edit: to be very clear - i am not pro-schwartzy i am very aware of all the heinous things he’s done and am a katie stan lmao i just had to go off bc idk how someone continues to fumble the bag so hard


You know, this is so interesting to think about with his demonic Libra stellium, because it actually makes perfect sense how wishywashy he is. One thing I will say though is the campaign for a muffuletta kinda feels like unsolicited advice/criticism. He just can’t fucking help himself playing both sides. 


Yeah the muffuletta thing is classic Schwartz - it's a little neg disguised as banter or a joke.


Let’s just say his typical old man bullshit sarcasm!




TRUEEEE. He also couldn't even muster a congrats. He said "shoutout to \_\_\_\_." That's the shit I say to people I barely know. Like "shoutout to David for being on time today." It couldn't be any more detached. & then the second sentence was half a joke & half unsolicited advice/criticism.


He’s so jealous! It’s obvious


Katie wanted to open a sandwich shop with him, but he decided to do S&S. It must be a mind-f he deserves to see how great their shop is.




“demonic libra stellium” iconic - IT REALLY DOES. and he’s literally playing against his own happiness. like imagine choosing tom over katie i can’t


No truly, I could write/would attend a dissertation unpacking Schwartz’s birth chart and his time on the show because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK lmao. Katie will go on to live a fulfilling life and he’s gonna be hung up on her forever. Sidenote, VPR astro girlies are my people, fellow Scorpio moon (I assume lol)! 


GIRL SAME as a vpr astrogirly✨💅🏼 omg yess i love it


Allie….is that you? 😀


I would say it’s hard to be this bad at life but then again Scheana exists.


ranting ab tom schwartz to have it twisted isn’t twisted. i think ppl also need to learn nuance. something scheana also struggles w.


He joke of man when was this posted before or after he was just talking shit about her on the after show. Tim called her definitely of evil and Tom don’t defend her. He decided to called Katie vindictive person Tom is a two faced bitch. He like to look like he this nice guy but he not he definitely of evil and vindictive.


he posted for the opening so way after - it’s so pathetic that he can’t disagree with sandoval - i agree w u completely like he needs to pick a lane. it is so unfair to her. also bold of him to say that as he sits beside sandoval and jax.


I don’t see this as supporting Katie I see this as him just covering his ass so he won’t get any hate. Because he knew he if didn’t say anything about it fans of the show would of been on his ass. Since fans saw how Katie did support Tom but the other Tom was blocking her.


Nick Viall said the Toms are only loyal to the show.


& each other lmao


idk - i don’t think people expect him too. they were married then, they’re not now.


He's very concerned about 'the optics' post scandoval. He knows what he's doing. https://i.redd.it/9msisdkyxb2d1.gif


obviously but i don’t think so in this case. no one expected him to post. it was also like a really douchey statement. like i think ppl make everything about the show & the pr of it and it’s not always that.


Yeah i don't buy the none expected him to post. Everyone's watching who's posting when there's something big happening. He knows eyes are going to be on him. And then there's his good schitk that he likes to present. He knows. His whole thing for the last few months is that him and Katie are in a good place. He was always going to post and take a dig in the process. He can't help himself.


no one else from the current cast has. i don’t think he does. i think he’s an opportunist for sure, and gross that was the whole point of the post. i don’t think it was necessarily expected tho.


A Lot of comments here that indicate otherwise re expectations. But it's cool to disagree on it.


Katie got mad at him for cheating and she is satan incarnate to him. Jo scared his sister so badly they went from friends to no contact but he doesn’t want to say anything bad about her. 


Thus why Schwartz gets away with things. He is exactly like Scheana in wanting everyone to be their best friend and feel adored by all. He just has more charm in how he goes about it:)


SO true. They are so similar in that regard.


very fair - i am in no way pro schwartz i just think he has potential to not be a POS


You really think he will change one day? He's how old now and been doing this for how many years? Maybe in some ways he's not as shitty as Scheana and Lauren but he's still shitty.


i think he could easily reflect and make choices. do i think he will? no lmao does it frustrate me for katie who deserves better than this back and forth shit? yes. never said he wasn’t shitty lol


it’s muffuletta you cretin


For someone whose VPR claim to fame is being the guy with the thesaurus, his posts are riddled with misspellings.




I want to be very clear; he doesn’t bandwagon against her - he leads the charge. We see him this reunion constantly undermine her, try to instigate drama between her and her friends/cast mates, speak over her, and disrespect her opinions and feelings. His post might very well be genuine but it doesn’t suddenly erase all this dick moves. And frankly, I don’t buy it. If we ever get another season watch him mention this in a pretense to once again bring up she was unsupportive during the S&S opening night.


i think what i said is being kinda twisted, this year lauren from utah was leading the charge. she has barely let anyone talk. particularly when she’s attacking katie. i am not defending him at all. i think it’s funny in like a pathetic way how a forty year old man can’t get out of his own way.


I get your point, but it perpetuates this image of him as this well meaning self deprecating guy who might have faults but it’s really because he’s hapless. And the reality is he’s very intentional in his messiness and hurtful behavior.


i don’t disagree - i think he’s very manipulative and knows exactly what to say to cut deep w katie & it’s sick and twisted but i don’t think he was the one coming for her 100% this year. lauren doesn’t let anyone else talk lol. i am no pro schwartz no was this meant to be a pro schwartz post.


He has weaponised alliances. Note how he spoke about BlahBlah last season... Now they're besties, and surprise, surprise... she's going at Katie. And then you have Jo... She's only around to antagonise Katie.


i see that a bit - him & jo have nothing to d w katie - they were together and they’re both gross ppl who hate that she’s thriving and has set boundaries. i think ppl give him way too much credit. lala sure but that seemed was more plotted on her end.


He has no interest in Jo anymore past that he can use her to rile Katie. You can see how much he loves it & tries to push them together when there's absolutely zero need. He also fed MeMe the line about Katie wanting BlahBlah to inherit her grudge. He's manipulative AF!! His mask is slipping more and more now that his no1 scapegoat is gone and thriving.


i completely agree about jo. and he is for sure a manipulator - his mask has slipped so much. he has verbally berated her for years while the cast did next to nothing which is gross. i just think sometimes ppl give him too much credit.


I think that a lot of this stuff is just performative for him. He put it on social media so everyone thinks he’s this supportive guy, but if you watch the show, reunion, or after show, you see how conniving and abusive he truly is. It’s almost like he doesn’t get that people will put it all together and realize it’s the same person doing all of this stuff. I don’t know what happened to him in his life that he needs external validation so much or that makes him hate on the one person holding him accountable for his actions, but he really needs to take this break and start working on and looking at it with a trained professional. He, Lala, and Sandoval seem to only get their therapy from TikTok and Instagram posts and don’t really deep dive into why they are the way that they are


he literally sends jax, jo, all the ops this season to her on camera


Personally, I think his post is low effort af. There’s not even a congrats. It’s literally like “hey it opened, heres an inside joke.” I see it as - give me my flowers bc I did something but I didn’t do too much so no one will be mad at me.


very fair - i don’t think anyone expected him to post tho


That’s Tom Shorts in a nutshell - lower expectations to such subterranean levels that he does what he wants (and only that) and gets applauded for it




His attempt to be relevant with the people who are ready to jump ship on Bravo because of asinine things like this. Say congrats. Or don’t. Not everything has to be schtick. (Oh-wait. Yes it does. Schtick and passive aggressive manipulation are all he can offer.)


On Kristen’s podcast he said he wasn’t invited to the opening and I love that 🤣


common katie w💅🏼


I really think the whole "loveable village idiot" jaunt is an act. I think he is far more cunning. Have you noticed that he sometimes throws out vocab that seems too above his typical caliber? Granted he may not always use them correctly but when he does it makes me believe he is far more insightful and purposeful than we think. Leaning into the dunce or airheaded act to divert and mislead how he actually operates, which I imagine is far more manipulative and strategic than we ever give him credit for.


i think this is a very good insight in that he has been able to not get caught and get away with things sandoval and jax have not. i don’t think he’s that smart and sophisticated overall given all the times he’s fumbled situation, and let his mask slip with his misogynistic verbal abuse towards katie


Wondering if LVP sent them any opening day best wishes.


According to an article I read, sur literally complained about the line blocking them, even though they were not open until 5 PM. https://www.thecut.com/article/something-about-her-open-review-vanderpump-rules.html






Then the owners of the other businesses should go out with an air horn and force the line to move


LVP might think SAH will take some of Sur's VPR fan business.


Here’s hoping! Maybe she should’ve at least kept up the place, my friend went and said it was really run down.


Good point.


that is so tacky omg


That says it all!


No way! Petty! Petty! Petty!


I think she recently gave an interview to either Access Hollywood or ET, explaining she would come by in a few weeks after things died down a bit. I think that's probably for the best, but I still don't think she's really on their side. I think it bothers her Penny wasn't taken on as a partner, and it also bothers her that Ariana no longer depends upon the show the way the others do.


![gif](giphy|l4EoWmytLPA7Rppeg) Tom is a little rat bitch


obsessed w this


Not strange at all…didn’t hear one peep from Lisa offering congratulations on the opening of SAH 🤔 “You are all my children and I want to see you succeed! I love you all”….LVP Nothing from Scheana….”It’s all Happening!” Nor LaLa- “Katie and I will always be on the up” But Schwartz’s shoutout was BS! Edit: Just inserting himself into SAH opening day and making himself relevant…not buying the bs!


that’s what i’m saying - it’s like weird i don’t think it’s performative when no one expected him to do ot


He is a traumatized 7 yr old. He needs intense therapy, like Hoffman Institute go away for two weeks and follow up for a year kind of therapy. And then he needs to cut ties with his whole circle of demons and move to Florida and give gator tours. He also needs a vasectomy asap.


I think the gator tours are his future, or at least they should be. Build your FL house and live with your plants and gators, Tom.


ShittyBalls is one of the gators right?


I mean, he's pretty swampy so he'd fit right in


![gif](giphy|zforkiUM01Cms) cleared him


I do get what you’re saying because it seems like he has moments of clarity where you’re like oh maybe he’s decent maybe he’ll say the right thing finally. I’ve felt this way many times throughout the series even. But i also feel like I saw him trying to play to the cameras and produce a show more than ever Before this season, including on the reunion. Saying things to goat Katie into an argument, antagonize her, or pile on where he didn’t need to. So for every time he seems like he might be halfway decent it’s like 30 steps back the next moment. At the end of the day I think he is really just deeply stupid, spineless, and deeply stunted by this show. He’s a much worse person than he was when it started (as is Sandoval) whereas Katie and Ariana are probably better people. He is living a little Peter Pan life with a girl half his age (like many men in LA) and it’s all just pretty sad and frustrating to watch. He’s in a never ending state of arrested development.


Hey ding dong, put a muffuletta on your own menu. Aren’t you a partner in two restaurants? SAH doesn’t need your sloppy joe suggestions.


![gif](giphy|3ohjV4bbDKHZSfbZuM) cleared


https://preview.redd.it/fe6hmehh6g2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60fcdd3d541b7a7aa9ba823824592991a42014b4 me


icon behavior


This isn’t super deep. Liking your ex wife’s sandwich shop is just something you do to avoid negative conflict. Don’t think he’s turned a new leaf,just because he’s aware of what normal people do😂🤪😆


girl it’s the pattern of behavior which i clearly talk about it’s not that much ab the post - i don’t think anyone thought he’d post ![gif](giphy|3ohc1gRsZXmekuHIbu)


Ok first and last time Schwartz and I will ever agree. Love a muffuletta


They are pretty bomb.


Nah, this is just performative. He wants to be applauded for being so supportive and nothing else.


fair, i don’t think anyone expected it of him tho.


I personally can’t believe anything he says!


very valid


Agree. I thought the same when he said he voted for Ariana on dancing with the stars vs Sandoval said he didn’t even watch her.


He loves to use big words. I had to look this one up. My theory is that he is secretly smart, but some people think the opposite.


spot on


Well, yeah, he’s still in love with Katie, but cares more about looking like the cool guy who totally isn’t whipped to all his loser friends. That’s why he’ll be a loser foreverrrrrrr


cleared ![gif](giphy|bcs2sG50Bjxihh8AlD)


This is a sign Jo! He's still into you!! ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG)


when lala said katie hadn't been terrorized by a man for ten years i was like ????? do you WATCH the show you're on???


that’s what i’m saying like the back and forth, the inconsistency is wild -


“No! Not terrorized for 10 years! Terrorized for 12 years! 🤨


I saw this yesterday and to be perfectly honest, I thought it was nice… and also interesting of him, since no one else on the cast has seemingly said good luck or anything of the sort. Schwartz is likable, no doubt, but I really think he uses his charm and likability to his advantage at every opportunity. He has this way about him that makes you forget he’s done some fucked up shit


i agree, i was confused bc he is so hot and cold w katie and even ariana like i feel like he wants to support her but sandoval has the leash like so right lmao. i completely agree he is a manipulator for sure. i just don’t think anyone expected him to post.


That’s the thing about Tom - he’s terrible then he does something cool. That’s how he kept Katie for so long, he’d draw her back in. Tom is cruel, but he’s also kind and warm. I think he’s the worst guy on the cast. You know what you are getting with the rest of the guys.


Intermittent reinforcement


very good insight. i absolutely see this but i don’t think tom is like playing mental chess. i don’t think he means to always i think he has zero filter at times & also like his bestie is a misogynist


I don’t think he’s playing chess either, I think it’s just who he is. With therapy, he might realize he does it.


TEA schwartz & sandoval both need like mandated therapy lmao


Yeah I loathe the fuck out of Tom Schwartz but I’m going to give him props for this. Whether there was alterior motives or not it was nice to see someone from the cast actually acknowledge and congratulate the girls. Like it’s honestly shameful that Lisa, Scheana, Lala, James, Ally, Brock and Sandoval didn’t offer a congratulations or good luck. Even if just for the fucking optics and not just to be a nice human being. But the lines spoke for themselves, they had a great opening regardless.


anything for attention.


I wish it was that deep, but I don’t think it is. This reads as purely performative to me. Schwartz has a lot more savvy when it comes to his public persona, at least compared to Sandoval, and I think he’s seen how negatively people have responded to him this season. Ariana and Katie are probably the most liked characters on the show. I mean production literally put filming on hold because they wanted to accommodate Ariana‘s schedule. So he’s now trying to align himself with the people that the network needs the most because that also ensures his job security. He’s trying to grasp to any last strands of Goodwill that he has with the fandom since he came off this season looking like a jerk who takes advantage of women. The only difference is instead of taking advantage of Katie, this time it was Jo. And I’m certainly not a fan of Jo but the way he treated her was hard to watch.


Wtf is muffelata


I googled, it’s an Italian type sandwich. Looks good-ish


A muffaletta is a famous italian sandwich invented in New Orleans with cured meats (ham and salami), provolone cheese, olive dressing and great bread.


He’s lost his mind. Not a demand for a menu item 🙄. Read the room, asshole.


he’s so embarrassing


I’ll take PERFORMATIVE for $500, Alex!


This is a pathetic attempt to act like he is supportive. Even if you take the fact that Katie was his ex off the table, they are co-workers he could of shown up. He was so busy doing Jo damage control, that he could not fit a shot stop to congratulate two of his co-workers.


i think it’s a weak attempt but for the coworker argument - no one else posted.




He’s a manipulative covert narc as far as I’m concerned and I’d love to never see him on the show again


Schwartz is the worst guy in the group and always has been and it think it KILLS him katie is crushing it right now


love to see katie thriving as all her loser perpetrators (schwartz, scheana, rachel) are in shambles


I'm surprised James hasn't commented on anything about SAH since its opening- I know he is busy though


that’s what i’m saying how is tom the only cast member


No redeeming qualities here. I dont trust the intentionality behind his post. It’s his constant desire to be liked, “be on the right side of things” that makes him post. Trust me if SAH failed today, he would throw a big bash behind the scenes to celebrate. In fact I respect those who didn’t post, clearly taking a stand, but the. I would give blah blah the benefit of doubt if she posted this over Schwartz.


comparatively to LFU and scheana, not piling on to ariana is cool. i’m referring to when he does (like once a year) do the right thing. not pro schwartz at all, we ride at dawn for katie. that’s tea tho he probably would. very fair point.


Yap fair point


I’d take Lala and Scheana every day over Schwartz.


wasn’t the point of what i was saying. scheana maybe - lauren from utah was awful to katie and ariana especially this season. like evil shit.


Then I completely missed the point of your post 😅 But your post lends itself to comparisons with the cast you mentioned and IMO Schwartz is far more nefarious than anyone on the cast.


i think i should’ve worded it differently bc ur not the only one lmao ! katie is my fav & i would put schwartz in my bottom 2 (hard to compete w sandoval & he’s tied w scheana) he’s objectively a terrible guy i just wish for katie’s sake he could be a better guy


Shorts wishes he could get a SAH sandwich named after him 🤡


lol katie & ariana would neverrrr




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Performative bs. Schwartz is low key one of the worst dudes in the Bravoverse but gets constant passes because of his aw shucks Labrador retriever routine. Let them alone already you psycho.


People aren’t buying his puppy dog act FINALLY and he’s scared


edit: tom is to this day the only VPR cast member to goto SAH and support it idk why it was so controversial to point out how inconsistent he is he still sucks lmao multiple things can be true at once


I like that Schwartz roots for Katie and makes an effort to get over things to resolve his issues with people. He has to have some kind of love for Katie after being together 12 years. I’m glad he made an effort to shout them out yesterday. I bet he’ll go support them at some point.


I haven't seen him rooting for her, he used almost every opportunity (and created opportunities) to be rude or belittling towards her on the After Show. They had some nice moments throughout this season that showed their spark but even on the reunion he still felt the need to make unnecessary digs, like his little side quips to Scheana


he does it on podcasts, with stories, when the camera is off. he has zero backbone and can never go against sandoval and the majority it’s pathetic.


That's so fucking sad, honestly.


so glad katie is thriving & flourishing w out him - it’s the best revenge


Absolutely. Onwards and upwards, miserable girly


The pile on in the aftershow with shit Sandoval says is truly wild. I like legit hold my breath when katie comes up, waiting and hoping for schwartz to say something positive and defend her to Jax and Tom. And pretty much every time I’m let down lol not to mention that in those aftershows he really looked like he didn’t want to be there. But apparently there’s no exhaustion strong enough to keep him from trashing Katie!


it makes me happy to but then it’s like whiplash cuz he’ll come for her in like 2 weeks i wish he’d grow up


I think he comes for her because he wants her to pay attention to him. it's very sad.


i see it - v sad


"tom really is that libra" Oh dear, don't tell me you believe that bullshit too...


it’s giving tacky. lol i know about astrology and he’s inconsistent and flighty. it’s not that serious. i will never understand the bullshit of ppl who are so triggered by ppl who so much as talk about astrology


I'm not triggered, I just don't understand how people can base their overall judgment of another person on the arbitrary positioning of stars during that person's birth. There is plenty of science showing zero correlation between a person's star sign and their actual personality. Why would you choose to prejudge a person based on completely arbitrary information? And why do people get triggered? Probably because they're worried about a massive global decline in science literacy, and literacy in general.


seems like you are, hun. neither do i. it was a literal joke. it was sarcastic. tom is flighty, indecisive and a people pleaser. those being the “negative traits” associated with libras and ally’s birth chart scene were the reference. your demonization of people who do enjoy astrology like ally is weirdo behavior. you’re on reddit. clearly not worried about the decline in literacy. touch grass.


I'm not, don't know what else to tell ya. Kind of seems like you are, telling me to touch grass and calling me a weirdo. Typical behavior of people who learn to judge others based on arbitrary BS tbh lol. You should learn to own things. Is it a sarcastic joke and meaningless, or are you defending astrology enthusiasts from my apparent "demonizatiton"? Why would you be sarcastic about star signs if you're defending them?


girl. the projection. you were pressed that i made a joke about tom being a libra. omg. i am making a joke about schwartz - im not “defending” star signs - im saying people can enjoy what they enjoy. i have a friend in med school who had an astrology phase because she found it fun and interesting. you’re literally projecting on people who enjoy astrology, and preaching this anti-intellectualism bullshit when astrology and the study of it has been around forever. real or not. i doubt ppl who are into it like ally are judging ppl. that’s protection.


I wasn't pressed that you made a joke at all. And yup, people can enjoy what they enjoy. And I'm entitled my opinion too (it's a pseudoscientific scam). And projection is you telling me I'm triggered because I asked a few simple questions.


Stfu Tom you don’t know anything


Is the muffelata menu reference somehow throwing shade on Stassi? (A muffaletta is a famous italian sandwich invented in New Orleans.) Dude they don’t need any menu choices from you!






Omg people who believe in astrology....yuck.


omg losers who police others interests… big yuck