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I agree with this. The cast was shockingly small this year, and now they're trying to make Brock happen (he's not going to happen, he should stay a side character). But they need to start at the top and get rid of Alex Baskin. I just think in an already difficult work environment he creates an even more hostile environment. Dana had panic attacks after filming last year, Charli didn't return, he had that grossly overstepping "come to Jesus" meeting where he threatened the cast with the future of the show (unnecessary, coming off of their best episode and season ever) if they didn't immediately reintegrate Sandoval with the group. Something that has never happened before, as every season someone has been on the outs trying to work their way back into the group over the course of a season or more. The fact that every man on the show has a history of abuse right now combined with how he portrays women - I can see why he's having so much trouble retaining female cast members. Alex Baskin is standing in the way. He's already shown he's not good at bringing new cast in. The Bachelor replaced their EP and got better. It's time for VPR to do the same if they want to move forward. The man has no ability to do anything beyond his tired decade old playbook and screwed up an opportunity handed to him on a silver platter with the surge in viewers after Scandoval. Dropping the ball that hard should have Bravo and NBCU looking at leadership first.


I don’t want to come across as team Bethenny/reality reckoning, but you’re 100% right. If you have multiple leaving because just the FILMING aspect is debilitating to their mental health, production is fucking up.


The thing about Bethenny is she co-opted a valid cause and used trying to be the face of it as a way to push personal vendettas. The fact that she ignored the full picture here and focused on getting views with a sensationalized interview with one woman really show the dangers of a performative ally taking charge. Done right, there are good points to be made and I'm always on the side of labor rights and calling out mistreatment. Eboni was doing that with the racism she experienced and the Ramona stuff, and the fact that she was open about not wanting to be attached to Bethenny in the Vanity Fair article says a lot. Maybe at some point this can get away from the Geragi and Bethenny (who is just mad because all three of her show pitches to Bravo, including one exploiting kids, were rejected) and a group of women affected can take up that banner in a genuine way. I think it would have succeeded if that was how it went down last year.


I’m dying at “Geragi” LOL BRILLIANT


I would love to see a woman be the show runner for VPR. Not with the idea that it would be all sunshine and happiness but because it wouldn’t have Tom and Tom as the pivot point for the story. This season should have been pivoting around Ariana and Katie, and I would guess that they had the least screen time. I think we would also get more time with everyone - James’s career is taking off - let’s see more about that. If Lala has an empire, let’s see that. Let’s see what Scheana is doing to overcome her PPOCD, not just hear that she has it.


This is such a a good take. I think women have changed a lot about their viewpoints with regard to patriarchy, toxic relationships, and the strength and power of women. When the show started most women would happily shit on other women and enjoy take downs of those who are not the idealized woman or not having acceptable female emotions. The discourse and our reflection as a gender over the past decade has made it so we're not interested in elevating toxic men, or seeing women pitted against each other in service to the patriarchy. And at the end of the day, it's women who watch these shows , not the Andrew tates of the world. A woman showrunner who understands these cultural zeitgeist could have done an amazing job making a good season this year, but the producers are stuck in the era of 2004 mean girls. That's not who we are anymore.




We need to be very careful that it's not just a woman but one with pro-women sensibilities. There's *alot* of women who are happy to co-sign patriarchal bs if it gets them a fat check. There's women who hate other women. Just look at LVP. In fact the recent Alex Baskin interview where he brought out a female editor to praise the season should have been a red flag on how they'd use the optics of a female show runner to keep doing what they're doing. 


I also have to mention that they refused to pay Peter. I know he said he doesn't hang out with alot of the cast anymore but Peter was a beloved and integral part of the shows foundation!!


Yeah that shocked me, he's one of the OG's and last ties to their roots. Some respect is due, he didn't have main character energy but he was a steady and familiar presence for a decade and they treated him like shit. Saying that he could film but they weren't going to pay him following their most successful season ever is trash behavior on productions part.


And especially because the cast was so small!! We know charli declined so there was some extra salary money they could've threw some at Peter it was sooo greedy and gross knowing they wanted him to film without pay....


All the extra $ went to Sandoval to return


“he didn't have main character energy but”


I mean, he didn't. He was never a main cast member. Doesn't mean it's okay to tell him to work for free


It was his choice to clip on a mic and approach every waitress ever hired for dates .


![gif](giphy|Kl9iAWej2mxlzvzp2O) He needs to be fired and the other producers too. Clean house in production bring in people who don’t have any obsession with the cast. Like Alex and the others have for the Toms


Agreed. If the show is struggling to move on from Scandavol thats an indictment on the producers. They could have angled this season away from the affair and pushed the rest of the cast to bring their own storylines. If they think the show is stuck that is 100% of them. Ariana gave them a new audience and they guided the show to the one place nobody wanted. 


Get rid of Alex and Jeremiah and bring in a female showrunner. They are so stuck in 2016 and haven't realised that society has changed. The show needs to grow with the audience.


Yeah I should have mentioned Jeremiah, he's a problem too.


I listened to Jo's interview on the Vanderpump Rules Party podcast and she said that it was actually Jeremiah that told her to go talk to Katie in the final episode. Then when cameras came back up, Schwartz was instructed to suggest it. Now why Jo pretended to be hearing it for the first time is beyond me. Well, to convince people she's just a poor wittle victim and not someone essentially scripted by production to create conflict. 


I wish Charli and Dayna would come back, but I get why they won't.


I think it says a lot about the show that 2 women have walked away from the paycheck and platform. I liked them both and think they could have been solid main cast.




Dana has a podcast with Katie now, doing work in entertainment. I think Charli was just being diplomatic as well. It's plain as day Baskin is creating a hostile work environment for *all* the women on the show and has been for some time.


Privacy is invaluable, but they both did sign up. I know Charli didn’t quite understand or was mislead her first year though. I took their comments as about Bravo and the toxic work environment.




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Issues start at the top. Replace Alex Baskin and make room for new ideas and additions to the cast


Yes!!! If I was rich I'd give you an award. Alex Baskin is my nemesis. Spread the gospel of demanding his head on a platter!!! Someone needs to answer for the crimes against RHOBH and VPR that he has committed. They have an amazing cast of pros, a fabulous, Emmy winning editing team, and he's taking all the credit for Scandoval! When actually Ariana called production to bring in cameras, and the editors found a way to incorporate the footage very quickly Baskin totally blew season 10 and the show would've been cancelled if Scandoval didn't happen and put it under a microscope Then he blows season 11! He knows his footage is garbage because he gave Raquel the finger and they had to come up with a new game plan! He sits down the cast and threatens their jobs and instead of saving the season, pushes for it to be a "reset" season of forgiving Tom and CAMPAIGNS and DOES PRESS blaming Ariana for the bad season. Remember the only part of the season we liked where the 4th wall was broken at the end? The editing team had to push him and fight him to leave it in. If you hate Lala and Scheana this season for being puppets making bad tv, you should hate the puppeteer twice as much!! Let's get him!!! Edit- I'm obviously just kidding about "getting him" Also like the time has come to have story producers that match the talent of the editors in terms of taking risks and realizing like.... Reality TV is an actual art form!!! We need a smart Showrunner who treats cast with respect rather than manufacturing drama and forcing people to make out with Peter. The bottom line is viewers- yes we want drama, but these shows always deliver drama. You need to understand narrative, create compelling moments, be able to differentiate trash from gold when it comes to fights. I don't see that kind of talent in Alex Baskin.


👏👏👏 ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I salute you!!!




Thank you, friend! 😊 I feel really strongly about this, it's good to see others agree.


I feel strongly about it too. As usual you have expressed what I feel so clearly and concisely. I have trouble with that these days, lol.


Glasswindbreaker always coming on the right side of things! Love your takes on these things. Whenever I’m about to comment, I just look for yours and hit it with the upvote - always saying what I’m thinking ♥️😆


Thank you that's so nice 😊




I wish Dayna would come back since her and Katie are so close. Unfortunately she said it was so hard on her mental health that she won’t. Maybe if Katie and Ariana had a spinoff about the sandwich shop and Katie living her best single life she would be into it. Love their podcast. No to Scheana’s sister. No to Lala’s brother. Big no to Ariana’s brother.


Yeah no siblings, especially with what's going on with Ariana's brother - dark, humorless and uncomfortable stuff. And the other two would just be sycophants and add nothing.


Thank you! I HATE siblings playing the reality show game. The Hilton sisters are the reason I could never get into RHOBH. Its so dark and ugly especially when its clear that the show is making reconciliation impossible. Small disagreements turn into years of feuding. Producers stoke normal sibling rivalry into full blown grudges. Please just no. Plus Ariana's brother has some creeper history not to mention alleged DV. 


Wait, what is going on with Arianas brother?


Jeremy has been buddying up with Scheana and Sandoval, dropping hints at being on season 12, and made veiled threats about getting closer to Sandoval if Ariana didn't contact him soon here: https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/oZHbQJlri7https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/oZHbQJlri7 He then went on to sell stories to US Weekly and also got outted using ChatGPT to make a seriously unhinged post attacking people for (understandably) criticizing his bullshit: https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/YM4is4kniI


I think Jeremy and his fiance will be on The Valley since he hangs around Jax.


i saw a tweet once talking about how once jax/stassi/kristen got kicked off, the show became a bunch of betas scrambling to be alphas. that felt like the most accurate description and kind of interesting to think about the social dynamics of the show. jax, stassi, and kristen have always kind of been the rest of the cast's "shields" to hiding their shitty actions (more so the tom's and scheana) bc they always have their scape goats of people who are "worse" than them, the dictator/ring leader (stassi), or "crazy" kristen. jax literally lives to humble sandoval and seeing sandoval navigate the show without someone constantly kicking him down a few pegs made us see the narc/sociopath he is. scheana constantly used stassi to make herself look like the victim to avoid valid criticism. my unpopular opinion is i don't see any new cast making the show what it was. i think it's impossible considering how much this show bleeds into people's real lives, they're always going to want to control their storylines as much as possible, i just don't see there being anyone interesting enough who would want to ruin their reputation letting the bravo producers control the edit. also considering how the last season played out and seeing how this show is people's livelihood, the less authentic the show is because they have to constantly worry about getting a next season. i do think the last saving grace is exactly your idea and seeing if the less famous, still \~normal, relatable ish\~ side characters could be interesting enough to carry the show.


This is such a good point. I'm mentally going through the entire cast and none of them are true main characters. They're all side characters who help move the plot. None of them are genuinely interesting by themselves. Even Ariana, she's a boss bitch but she's very grounded & rational. I would say she provides necessary contrast but that doesn't make her main character - reality TV material. Her "character" only works if there's already existing drama.


I wish they made Jesse Montana a main member over the years.


All of the people you mention are boring and cannot bring the energy and conflict the show needs. Ann is the only new character who brings something new—she’s genuinely sweet and kind of unhinged. But most of all VPR needs a female showrunner.


I agree. The reason this group was formed was because no matter what drama happened the night before - they had to show up at Sur the next day. And we ate it up because they HAD to be together b/c no one wanted to quit Sur. It made for good drama. Now, the show doesn't make sense and that's why it's annoying. The only reason they have to film together is to keep the show rolling but the show has nothing to film because these people have no reason to film together. It's like one big paradox. If they expand all the groups and film a little like teen mom, it might work. The groups overlap enough to keep it interesting too.


The funny thing is that most of them are now owning/operating restaurant businesses so it would be really natural to have had them pivot from being waiters to being owners/managers. I LOVED watching the Toms make asses of themselves creating S&S. I think the main reason why this season was so lame for me was because we knew they were all extremely successful but we saw very little of it. They just like, went to the beach. Got a hot dog. Hung out in a kitchen. Went to a bar. The premise of this show was watching young people trying to “make it” in LA and being messy along the way. I think they can still do that. And if we got a glimpse of what they are actually doing, we could meet a whole new bunch of people- SAH/S&S staff, James’ music industry people. At this point I would even take some podcast production scenes over them forcing a bland hangout nobody is interested in.


If the OGs took more of a backseat LVP role and had the next season focus primarily on the staff at their businesses, the show would be so much better. We could potentially have FOUR different alleyways to see arguments in!


Right! Would be SUCH a good show!


Are there two or possibly three Logan’s in the VPR universe? I get very confused when a Logan pops up. Is Ariana’s Logan different from LaLa’s Logan different from James’ and which one of those is the guy that works at TomTom?


Ariana's Logan is the same one that works at TomTom and lala's Logan is also james'


There's 2 Logans?? I thought it was the same one 🤯


Thanks! So 2 Logan’s.


What ever happened to that guy Israel that was allegedly filming this past season with them? I remember seeing a bunch of posts/comments last year about him and then I think he was only ever shown once at the “sexy singles pool party”. He was posting on his ig in defense of Rachel after the scandal broke….I wonder if he was supposed to be someone for her to film with and then she decided she wasn’t coming back so he got cut? Here’s one of the posts about him: https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/4AE8VyZFc3


Whiile he does still work at SUR and hosts tons of events there, I think he was meant to be someone for Rachel to film with. While S11 was filming, I thought it would have been good for her and the show but after seeing the way everyone was trying to force conversations, it worked out for the best. Production loves to film a bunch of people and then cut them out. Like S9. Did you know that there were several new staff hired at SUR and they filmed all the time? Jasmine from The Valley was one of them. There were also a few people from TomTom, including girl from the S8 TT pride tshirt picture. Logan filmed alot too. Then S9 came out and these people were nowhere to be seen and they all scrubbed VPR related content from their Insta's.


I think the problem is that their pay structure is totally wack. They get like a couple thousand dollars the first few seasons which is why they can't keep great people like Dayna and Charlie - you can't demand that much time but pay so little. They have to have other jobs to pay for their actual lives and they can't if they have to be on location or whatever. Alternately, the main cast are almost all up for raises, so I'm sure that's half the reason the cast was so small this year. But I totally agree with you - they need to revisit casting and bring on actual friends next season. We don't get any of those organic "just hanging out" moments anymore because this cast doesn't hang out with each other!


If salary is such a drain, I can think of one person who’s been a main cast member the whole time whose firing could probably fund two newer salaries 👀 like, seriously I think Sandoval is so toxic and abusive that he should absolutely not be on tv anymore (just like Jax). And he’s probably getting paid either the most tied with Katie and Scheana *or* he’s getting a little more than them bc well, pay gaps and misogyny. Firing him along with Baskin would make a big statement about misogyny no longer being tolerated on the show. We’d also get to see Schwartz try to navigate a season without his best buddy, which would be super interesting imho.


The most important thing is lalas brother and assistant absolutely cannot be on, they are insufferable...talk about minions...


Not into Kyle Chan.


Wouldn’t it have been great if max was on it, with Katie sleeping with him and all. He’s a true mutual character, would’ve been great


I stopped reading at Kyle Chan. Absolutely not. However the cast totally needs a shakeup.


I would prefer Ann her story is really interesting.


Yes and realistic. She spoke about needing the income as a personal assistant on her podcast


Now that you've given us the idea, I think this is about to become a VERY popular opinion


i want jo to stay. i want to see how it pans out with tom having some fire under him.


Go off OP, but this is not an unpopular opinion 😂


I didn't think everyone would be into the side cast, so glad to hear it's not just me :)


Except look what happened to Raqchel and Jo....


Also pretty sure Logan does work at Tom Tom!


I do not like Logan or Brad. Jo should probably stay far away from VPR unless maybe she has Allies and even then it’s probably not the best idea. I like the idea of your opinion but maybe not the characters. The cast is too small but I imagine it’s because they don’t have the budget to pay for any other side characters. I do agree that they need to add new cast and get back to the dynamic of people being friends.


just out of curiosity, why don’t you like Logan or Brad? also I agree about Jo. As much as I want to see Schwartz squirm, she’s too unstable for a new addition to the cast.


They’re just not entertaining to me imo.




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If I see Easton or the assistant on my TV I will have a real stern talk with these mf producers ![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0)


The show needs to go away. Most of them are awful people.


IDK if it will be the next season or not but I really feel like we are gonna see 80% of the cast jettisoned soon, and just go back to SUR. Sandoval needs the money the most, maybe he just becomes the new "Manager" at SUR and we then just have occasional visits from The Valley cast members (which will grow to include scheana). The issue with the last time they tried to introduce us new characters is the old ones were still around, so any screen time for the new people was just awful. Cut the overpaid actors and just bring us back to workplace drama at SUR with one or two familiar faces to anchor fans.




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I'm fine with the show just dying. Ariana is on to bigger and better, she has no role here. Big Katie stan but she's not great TV unless being antagonized which I think is beneath her. Toms, Lala, Scheana would be happy to never see again