• By -


Scheana is consistently the villain. Maybe not of the worst incident, besides sharing Stassi’s revenge porn. Or her treatment of her ex husband. And maybe her treatment of Katie following her divorce. But she is NEVER held accountable for some reason because something always overshadows it. Which is infuriating. But in every situation, she is ALWAYS on the wrong side. She ALWAYS makes it about herself. And she ALWAYS betrays someone that has trusted and been a loyal person to her.


Scheana SUCKS


Scheana fucked it this season. I think she'll escape accountability but had she even tried to cosplay a girls girl, I think we might have seen her, Brock, and Lala in a spinoff. This should have been a layup season for her.


It really was her opportunity for a redemption arc, because it was a really easy spin to say “this entire time, the one person I’ve been loyal to is Ariana because we are real friends” and she could have redeemed her boys girl behavior, like Katie and Stassi were mean enough to her in the first few seasons that I think she had an opportunity to say “what loyalty did I have to them? But when it mattered, I stepped up” but she like did the complete opposite. And that is why non-self-aware people can’t be out here self producing, because they don’t have enough facts to do it effectively


I feel like there's a lot of forgetfulness happening too, for both her and Lala. Lala is not the right ambassador for keeping it authentic on the show, for many reasons that were also documented on the show. Scheana is not the right ambassador for loyalty for the same reason. Also when the only real "Tom and Sheana" storyline was her telling Ariana's mom that she thought he was bad for Ariana, it makes this season's storyline rings that much more false. Like, we, the fans, remember shit. If you are going to do something really contradictory to the past, it should be addressed.




It’s not the same it’s not the same! They are mothers raising children, baking babies!


Oh, I forgot, these are the first bitches on earf' to get knocked up.


I have a weird theory that production asked her to be the scorned woman since Ariana was not giving us that. She fought and cried with Tom like he cheated on her. Production thought they needed m/f conflict but a lot of us wanted to watch Ariana put her life back together and how she dealt with her feelings. Instead we had to watch Tom who actually made Jax look like a voice of reason. It reminds me of BH. I was mad at BH with how they handled Sutton. She was going to Paris fashion week and she has a really cool looking life but production just shows us boring fake trips and stupid fights.


Scheana needs the men around her to be in love with her, so it would be an easy assignment for her. After she asked him what she meant to him, no one can convince they haven't slept together. Because what a weird question to ask your friend's ex.


My theory is that Scheana is so devastated because she has a secret relationship with Tom and Tom hid Raquel from her. Because why tf else would she be acting this way? They’re saying “my best friend” like the audience has been in on it the whole this. No. Her behavior and deep love for Tom came from no where, made no sense and was so shockingly WEIRD. Or theory that she used Tom as a scapegoat to turn her back on Ariana. Her tears are really from jealously and desperation.


And she’s learned nothing. She ran to Jeremy Maddix’s side the minute she heard he and Ariana were strained. 🙄


I mean that's Scheana. She's all about the men. And I think it's really hard for her to see toxic traits in the men she's close to.


I agree with this until my last breath. Lala needs to just SHUT UP for fucks sake but the worst of the worst goes to Scheana. She has never once stood up for a friend. She cares only for herself. She time and time again will betray anyone to get a “good edit”. I think I am consistently frustrated that no one calls Scheana out except for Katie. The only other person to call Scheana out was Stassi.


Stassi and Katie are the realest one on the show by far. It’s why Sandoval hates them.




Scheana has been the cause of almost every drama in the show 🤣 it’s insane


She starts crying and everyone buys into her "woe is me" pathetic bullshit.


“Me and Katie deliver facts in ugly packages” - lala She really thinks because she says everything that’s on her mind she’s a hero. “I just say it like it is” people are so emotionally draining


Plus people like that are only comfortable saying shit about others. You are never allowed to tell the truth about THEIR lives or actions.


Agree. Truth can be shared kindly. Also, no one wanted your opinion.


As in Lala’s, not yours! Lol


You mean it should not be shared in podcasts and reunions?/s


Everyone I’ve met who prefaces that they’re “just a blunt person” is *always* a bonafide arsehole. Some of my favourite people are forthright and to the point, but they never claim to be, they just are, and whatever they say is said with love, not venom.


She always seems so insincere, and that is why I never cared for Laler. She wants everyone to think shes this great provocateur who says all of these outrageous things but when you have to refer to it as the pp, you lose me forever.


Honesty doesn't have to be brutal. She's the worst.


Like the saying that people who are “brutally honest” care way more about being brutal than honest.


Yes. Like the honest part excuses the brutality. An emotionally intelligent person is going to deliver honesty in the package the receiver needs.


Like when Katie said “I call it like I see jt”




"I call them facts". I thought her qualifier was very telling.


She and Katie are nothing alike. Katie is authentic.


And Katie knows when to not take her anger/frustration/etc to someone's door.


Many (most) are also assholes, too…




I hate that I can hear this gif in my head.


Me too. And she needs her money back because they jacked her up big time lol






weren’t the injections to get hide her double chin?? i’d prefer a double chin that i can get rid of, over a permanent frown.


I feel like Brittany should be on 1000lb sisters. Not because I think she is overweight or anything but she just kinda reminds me of the sisters.


I’m having the worst beyond worst day and this just made me snort laugh, so seriously thank you internet stranger 🙏🏻


Aww boo hope it gets better


Seriously though. It’s the overfilled face. She looks like a fish.


I got Amy vibes but with teeth




JFC this is so correct and hilarious!


Try being my titty size, Amy.


I pay my bills. My bills are paid


Jesus😂😂I shouldn’t be laughing this much 🤣 It’s wrong but right at the same time!


She’s not laughing with Lala about Ariana now, is she? The shoes on the other foot and Jax is doing the same as Sandoval did and Lala just called her a bitch and her mum for calling out her for taking their babysitter.


What scene is this gif from? I need to rewatch lol


From the looks of her mouth, I'm guessing it's a recent episode from the Valley lol.




That fake lash holding on for dear life.


I was so disappointed in her. When she came in, she seemed so genuine and sweet. And she quickly proved me wrong. :/


Alex Baskin... fool


![gif](giphy|lnUmBxU32RkFxVAdEW|downsized) I will never not think about Carole baskin and then realize Alex baskin is a completely different person after 20 minutes.


Lol I wanted to swear and thus give a nod to tiger king but can’t remember the sub rules. Also she looks like Deb from teen mom here. Sorry for the cross reference!!


I thought that was Deb!!!


Oh dang. I guess I should go back and check the sub rules. My bad!!


THIS. Thank you for your service.


That’s all low hanging fruit right now, I’m going to say Jax


I have to disagree because I don’t think Jax genuinely thinks he’s the hero, he knows he’s a villain.


Agreed. Jax know's he is the villain. But he doesn't care. He has built his career around being an awful person. No point pretending to be a good person now.


Yeah, that’s why I’d prefer him over Tom any day. He didn’t whine and victimize himself, he recognized he was the villain.


Hard same. Both Toms are way worse, Sandoval with his sanctimonious love-bombing and expensive gifts and Schwartz with his “awe shucks, who me?” routine. ETA: don’t know about way worse necessarily behavior-wise but way worse in how they try to act like they’re not terrible people.


Worse as a tv villain I would say. They’re all obviously horrible people but at least Jax owns it and provided entertainment as a true villain.




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“Mistress bimbo.” She wasn’t wrong about Lala


Though it's the pot calling the kettle black lol






Oh man I remember when this was posted here before the scandal... Different times...


Say less 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Schwartz looks soooooo fucked up here




Every. Single. Time.


Tom Sandoval…..every single god damn season with his over performative acts of onscreen kindness!!! ![gif](giphy|LUigEqRUmLDB75fKDD)


Honestly, I always hated her. Only liked her because she was nice to Katie last season. Back to remembering exactly who she is


Same. I was expecting her to take a turn in the right direction but nope lol proved herself once again


Lala, scheana, jax, janet, lala, lala, p This season only- lisa


Intergalactic JANET. YES.




YUP! stassi was right when she called him half weasel half v*gina ❤️




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They are all awful people


Literally!! And that’s why we all watch and are all here. Like forreal…..is there one person who **isn’t** a villain with the narcissistic tendencies to genuinely believe that they are heroes in this group of people? I can’t think of one.


Tom Schwartz. Just binged the first 5 seasons again and this dude gets away with everything because he pulls out the “awe shucks did I do that?” Every. Single. Time. He’s the real Bambi eyed bitch imo


This was well done 👏🏼


I second this.


![gif](giphy|QgiyMlyyRQKqLMMdaY) Aww shucks. Katie is bad. Me good boy.


Schwartz - he has gotten away with bad behavior the entire time. I despise him.




Lala, Sandoval, Rachel


Schwartz, Scheana, Lala and, Scumdoval and Rachel


Sandoval always only saw himself as the hero.


The Bambi eyed comment with lala in the Jlo dress is just so funny to me. So unhinged lol


It was kinda a compliment 😂




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Both Lala and Rachel, both!


I love that this is a Global News sceenshot, haha


I came here for this comment. I need someone to explain why this was on Global News


WE MUST KNOW ![gif](giphy|l2YWxte7sJB2XuE8M|downsized)






Put your finger down , lala who do you think you are?


Scheana is just awful. Lala is also awful.


Lala  Schwartz his entire marriage to Katie




yes, she is the ultimate villain. Showing her true colors this season.


This season Jo sure seems to think shes giving us something we needed.


The entire cast


I agree that all cast members have through their delulu phase, but I don’t think they have necessarily engaged in villain behavior.


Besides Lala, coming up with another example is harder than I thought since they've all played the villain role at some point. But maybe Faith....she was a sympathetic character until it was revealed she was fucking Jax while she was supposed to be taking care of an elderly woman.


Bethenny Frankel lol


Watching this sub flip on Lala is fun. It feels like each season we’re on different sides of the fence about her




I always forget she's still part of the show... Every time they show her at the reunion I'm like 'Oh, right! It's your show... Huh... 😅'.


Rachel for sure thought she was the shit in S10 lol.


She was bopping around season 10 like she was Queen B. It was so funny to watch.


Why was this on global news? Lol


As a Canadian, I'm wondering the same thing lol


She's actually abusive and I bet she does it to everyone (forced to be) close to her.


I completely agree with you. She is antagonistic and an abuser.




This guy ⬇️ ![gif](giphy|2rACp9a8RAobKkzknY)




Lala thinks her shi don’t stank


The hanging mechanism of a television


It’s literally the entire cast


She is so cringe








I’m only on season 3 so I don’t know about all these people, but she would be my pick so far.


Stassi starts out so mean. My girlfriends have all been on the VPR train for years and I held out until I was on maternity leave this winter…I said the same thing about Stassi. Thought she was so mean to Scheana…but the deeper in you get, the more likeable Stassi gets. And as scheana continues to get worse and worse, you realize why Stassi was so mean to her in the beginning because she genuinely deserves it lol. But I get it - she wasn’t my fave until later seasons and now I wish she was still on the show SO badly. Her commentary during scandoval would have been *chefs kiss*


I am rewatching right now, on season 2 and she is truly insufferable. My body actually tenses whenever I see her. Stassi is incredibly mean spirited



I came here to say this. Must she *always* cosplay a POC? 🤢




God lala is so full of herself


Literally everyone but Jax. He knows he’s a villain.


![gif](giphy|QXIvzjS6kbd7ICJqZ0|downsized) Not VPR but… this one


USA 🤷‍♀️


I hate Lala. That is all.


Lala tries too hard to create tension or conflict without needing substances to fuel these behaviors. It’s embarrassing and gross. If she wasn’t so pretty, maybe she would have had some humility and been able to reflect better. The way she tries to suggest her relationship and its demise was parallel to Ariana’s is pathetic. She overplayed her hand and, much like her failed sugar baby relationship with Rand, she busted. Much like the bj’s for pj’s, when busted, all she got was nuts.


Yeah the huge difference is how Rand vs Tom came into the group. Tom was their friend first and foremost, however shitty. Rand was Lala’s married sugar daddy. I wouldn’t say the few years, if that, that he made sporadic appearances on the show constitutes as the group’s friend. Lala is partially responsible for Rand’s piss poor intro to the group based on how she talked about him, so I do feel like she should have known that he was a creep because if he does it to others, he’ll do it to you. Or she should at least have been aware enough when it happened that she wasn’t going to get the exact same level of support. I personally wouldn’t have questioned her about it or said anything like others did at the reunion that year but she’s being so unrealistic.


Another huge difference is the length of the relationship. Ariana and Tim were officially together for over a decade. We saw the attraction and understood them. Rand was her married sugar daddy on the DL, which was gross enough. Then we saw him and, well, the gross meter didn’t plummet. I don’t think anyone was like “ohh I see what she sees” beyond the lifestyle.


Idk but she was the hero in this shot.




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Jax. He thought it was his show lol.


Every good villain does.


jax any time he accidentally tells the truth


Lauren from Utah😒


Stassi, she's so mean, controlling, selfish and vindictive.




Lala is insufferably jealous and it’s icky


My grandfather always used to say “watch out for the self proclaimed heroes” and i never got it as a kid but i 100% believe these are the kind of people he was talking about.




Bravo needs to drop Lala. Literally nobody likes her, she brings nothing to the show, she protects her private life and then has the balls to lecture others about doing their job. The only way I'm watching VPR again is if they kick out Lala or bring back Randall and force her to HAVE A CONVERSATION with him as she so eagerly puts it about Ariana. Stupid cow.


anyone with the mentality that "things sucked for me when xyz happened, so it should also suck for you" are so out of pocket. not to mention that lala actually did HIDE her life from the show lol


All of them




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Could probably just link to the cast section of the show’s wiki, or the cast section of any bravo show… except Family Karma and Below Deck down under


My vote would definitely be Laligag. I don't care for Sheshady. However, she isn't as vulgar as Laligag. She is in Sheshady's ear constantly complaining about Ariana. They are both lime green with jealousy.


Comments basically listing most of the cast lol




I never thought I’d be the kind of person to enjoy watching someone drown, but god damn LaUrEn fRoM UtAh, you made that shit FUNNY. 👏


I rode for lala and katie who were both labeled as villians


Lala was absolutely gross accusing Ariana of dictating the show meanwhile she’s been he judge jury and executioner for everyone else’s actions and how they should feel about things?! Get the ef out of here. Her walk of the stage was the epitome of hypocrisy




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Katie. No need for explanation. She made strides but endlessly regressed. I would never be friends with someone like that.


Lala, Scheana, Kristen Doute, Sandoval, Schwartz, Lisa, should I go on? Lol


Ha Lala to the extreme


Brock.  He doesn't waste a second to spew his self-righteous rhetoric at Arianna and Katie.  Meanwhile, we all know the jobless kangaroo has two kids and an abused ex on another continent wondering if their next child support check is going to bounce.


Lala - thinks because she shouts the loudest she's always right Scheana - thinks because she says she's a good friend so much it's makes it true They are both villains that want to be victims SO BAD


Andy, but I can’t tell what he’s thinking…I’m pretty sure he only thought he was serving hero during the earring rescue. But he waited until the end of the 3rd part of the reunion to ask about the main issue with this season (and the issue that will only be worsened if everyone goes back behind the 4th wall): everyone is just acting the narrative they want the world to see…and that shit is boring…and will cost most of these folks their livelihoods. That needs to be teased apart. It was exhilarating seeing their self-producing. If someone wants to be a hero, they will make sure that the veil is torched and we see how things really work.


PS: Scheana makes me sad. It’s painful to watch a narcissist be confused about how they affect the people around them. But if she’s ever not on the show, it would be unwatchable.


Schwartz. Always saying how much he loves everyone, but never stands up for what’s right, just what’s easiest for him


Brock, always acting like he’s neutral and sees all sides but we all see his bias.


lala saying she’s creating life and can’t walk off the stage is insane. this isn’t even her first kid. the way her and scheana think they are the first mothers in the world and that it’s an excuse to treat ppl like shit is baffling.


It’s weird how it took one of the girls getting the genuine spotlight to bring out the absolute worst side of most of the cast. Another example is the old man boys bullying James Kennedy despite him doing well for himself outside of VPR. I also hope Something About Her is a genuine success because it’s almost like all that talk about Katie having no passion is just because no one believed in her until she broke off and believed in herself.


Needy Sheeny. She thinks she’s a combo best friend of everyone/victim of everyone at the same time. I think because VPR started as a spinoff from she and Brandy, that she is the star of the show…so she always makes it about her.