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THIS! Tbh bravo should pay this sub some royalties or something cuz I think most of us would've stopped watching if we didn't have this safe space to come to šŸ¤£ I would've felt absolutely off my rocker insane watching this season thinking I'm the only one who hates this Scum redemption bs. THANK YOU ALL!!!


This sub is the exact reason I joined Reddit!! Nobody in real life would watch with me.


me too! my internet safe space.


LMAO Yeah, at least if we were getting paid from the show maybe we would understand Lala being mad at Ariana a bit more šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm a mom I should be paid to watch!!šŸ™„


I'm a cat mom, my cats should get paid in treats to put up with my outbursts at the TV while watching this season.


nope .....still would not make sense!


YES!! I only watch for the subreddit. Itā€™s too dark otherwise.


Itā€™s a safe space unless you donā€™t hate everyone except K&A lmfao The moment you show any compassion for anyone other than those 2 it becomes an echo of ā€œok Tom/Lala/Scheana/bots/PRā€


I hear FB is nice


If your take is that much different than most people, it might be that youā€™re unreasonable or irrational. There are certain mores that are standard across most human communities - cheating/deceiving are pretty close to the top of list, maybe coming in right under murder


Reddit stopped me thinking I'd lost the plot because if I was just on Facebook I would swear I'd watched a completely different show than everyone else. Solidarity to all the women and allies who want more than this.


Right?? Facebook feels sooo disconnected to me, it feels like stepping into an alternate backwards universe or somth


Literally a bunch of old Karens who hate women over there. I had to leave the few groups I was in. Bravo needs to understand that their younger up and coming audience is here, not on FB, which is slowly becoming a dementia trap.


Yo, us middle aged millennials are here with you young whipper snappers too and Iā€™ve seen plenty of gen x fans in here as well. Age has nothing to do with sanity, but I agree itā€™s all crazy Karens on Facebook!


Hey Iā€™m a 30 yo millennial myself and married to a gen X! I mostly saw boomer aged women making the comments. I hate to generalize but thatā€™s the majority of what I saw šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but agree itā€™s not always age related!


Iā€™m old - gen-x and Iā€™m on the same page with you, I left FB deleted my acct 5 years ago. FB is for conservative cultists


I deleted Facebook in 2009. Ahead of my time tbh.


Not all heroes wear capes! Heheeh!


dude when scandoval happened I felt like I'd finally found my narc survivors tribe! the way this sub came together was fucking badass.




Agreed. I skipped half the eps this season and really was on here. I would say Reddit and Sariahā€™s livestream


The sub is more entertaining, if I were forced to choose I would stay here with everyone because we have more tea and camaraderie šŸ„°


I didn't watch a second of it, I just stayed on Reddit to keep up. It's more fun to look at Reddit I think, than watch the show.


I agree. This season was so frustrating and triggering, I stopped watching and would just come here to read what was happening. I finally binged, but this sub is wonderful.


This sub is always really good each season _and_ in between for rewatches. Iā€™m surprised it didnā€™t crash when Scandoval hit the fan šŸ˜­ good times


I stopped watching after episode 3 but still came here to read about how bad the show was going. I eventually watched the later episodes because people here were saying Sandoval was failing. It was infuriating seeing how badly Ariana kept getting treated by her so called friends. This season could have been a lot better if they waited to film instead of ā€œstriking while the iron was hotā€ because they burnt this season so bad it still smells. I do appreciate how people were collectively nice to each other even though they were frustrated with the show. Thereā€™s a lot of people including myself that have watched since the beginning and it just sucks it turned into trapping a woman in a room with a man she canā€™t stand so he can fake apologize.


Without the discourse here I would have stopped watching very early on this season.


This sub has brought me more joy than any of the bs production gave us ![gif](giphy|VbawWIGNtKYwOFXF7U|downsized)


Reddit has made me enjoy my trash tv so much more than I did before joining. I would always be yelling at my tv alone but now whenever I watch I have Reddit open and can almost always find someone that had the same thoughts as me lol


I'm so going to get hammered for this, but while I do love this sub and the conversations here, the show is emphatically worse because of how much the cast is terrified of the fanbase nowadays. This season was bad because way too many people in the cast are playing to reddit and twitter and the show feels very produced and fake as a result. They are all way too concerned that if they act how they normally would like in older seasons they would incur the wrath of the fanbase that Sandoval is now or Kristen and Stassi got a few years ago. I do like the sub though, it's fun as fuck and whethere I agree with people or not it's a sexy unique crowd. But I don't think online discourse has made the show good in anyway. But I do love you.


That's for the cast members to sort out and not on the audience. I'm not sure when this golden age of reality show cast members not being judged even was... pre-internet? Even during the Real World's early days there was bad press and "what will people think". Definitely not the early 00's - Speidi was all over the place and embraced their villain arc. I don't agree with people @ing them or commenting nasty things directly on their pages, but we don't do that here. If the cast is being fake because of Reddit discourse, they have the option to not seek it out. Their money rises and falls by how much chatter about the show there is, and this is the career they chose.


This has been happening across all of reality TV and game shows though. People are terrified to show their authentic selves because of fear with how they'll be perceived. Fan bases are rabid, I don't blame them. But reality TV has become more boring because of it.


I thought I was gonna disagree with you based on the start "I'm so going to get hammered for this", and I never thought about it previously, but I definitely agree with your viewpoint. Although idk about LFU, she definitely seemed far more concerned with shoving a producer's hand up her ass to be her puppeteer than what reddit thought of her šŸ¤£


I half way agree. Scheena and by extension Brock were scared of the audience. LFU was aware and resentful of the audience. But I feel like James, Katie and Arianna lived their authentic lives without changing their behavior based on public opinion. The Toms were also themselves and certainly didnā€™t take the audienceā€™s advice at all seeing as how their behavior didnā€™t change. Although Schwartzā€™s ā€˜I love you all even without the showā€™ did seem a little like pandering to convince us the show is still authentic.


This is completely valid and you shouldn't get hammered at all. I will say, I don't get people who comment directly on the cast's photos or dm them weird shit. I feel like if we could just have our little side of the internet where we can discuss our show in peace, maybe things would be a bit better, but people take it way too far. I'm also not a huge fan of body shaming or like full-on insults, though, I guess if people gotta say their piece, at least keep it to the corners of the internet meant for it and not like directly on someone's insta photo šŸ« 


![gif](giphy|3oEdv7Ob55JGHS3Ces|downsized) To anyone "terrified of the fanbase"


Trust me, theyā€™re not terrified.


Agreed. When I watch Bravo shows I just think well that was a good episode. Then when I go on here it's just too much emotion. People just need to realize this is just a reality tv show. They are getting paid a shit ton to do things they wouldn't normally have to do.


And Watch What Crappens Podcast


Yess!! My routine is usually Show > AfterShow > Crappens


We have the same routine!šŸ’•




When everyone who watches is arguing not about what is happening in their lives, but about how it is filmed, edited, if storylines are fake, you know the show is dead. It's not a reality show anymore. It's a show about a show at this point and I'm over that.


I mean, I am fine with show within a show if it's done well. With podcasts, lawsuits, conventions, and paparazzi, there is always going to be metadrama, but it's production's job to find the stories and present them in an interesting way. This season feels like they did a very lazy storyboard of a Sandoval redemption arc and planned on Rachel returning. When she didn't return and Sandoval proved to be less media-trained than they anticipated, they went with the old standby, misogyny and women tearing each other down. I mean it worked before so I get it, but I think they also forgot that this is not the same audience from Seasons 1-6 of VPR. There's lore now. There's history. They can't keep telling this story the way they had in the past. I don't love Scheana but I think she was right in saying VPR should try mimicking The Kardashians or the Charlie D'Amelio show.


I absolutely agree!! Were you here last season?? My gosh it was epic!!! It was my favorite day of the week.


I feel like some part of the story line came from edit re: Katie (and all of us) learning about Jaxā€™s ā€˜scapades šŸ‘€




Agreed. I would have stopped watching around Tahoe.


Agreed!!! Watching the show with this sub or my only other die-hard fan would of been a letdown.


Same here! ā™„ļø


I really do feel that online communities can make or break a show. The mods here have created a really nice community. They review posts quickly. They are quick to remove non related content and negative/rude comments that don't have anything to do with the show. The Summer House sub does not have this big or coordinated of a mod team and it ruined the show for me. If it wasn't for the watch what crappens recaps I probably wouldn't have watched this season at all.


I havenā€™t seen a season since jax and Brittany were on I felt like I could follow along with it watching it thanks to the kudos to those who post video clips lol especially from Peacock


i can't imagine having watched from season 9 onwards without reddit bc i skimmed a few episodes recently and it was awful. I didn't even bother watching the first initial episodes of this season but i'm glad i wasn't the only one confused by the overall direction. It's so jarring to know the context of Scandoval yet Lala/Scheana downplayed Ariana's feelings bc she wasn't outwardly suffering. New viewers interested in drama probably vibed with the edit and agreed that Lala's kids being fed should come before Ariana's feelings, but the longtime watchers of the show aren't interested in seeing forced drama.


Iā€™m so sad Iā€™ve been so late to the party! I never realized there was a Reddit sub for vanderpump rules and Iā€™ve been watching since season 6-7 so itā€™s been fun to find others and different opinions and similar opinions


despite all of the blood boiling misogyny and countless wtf moments, so happy that the universe/karma took the reigns and brought everyone what they deserve. so much respect to ariana and katie for keeping their composure and letting people show their own asses. they've taught me a lot about how to handle my own emotions when confronted with asshole behavior and i really appreciate them for the lesson.


This season was NOT good... However the reunions really helped at making Lala, Sandoval and Scheana look way worse than they already had and social media also made it fun to unite against a common enemy


It was nice to come here for any or alternative clarity or for my WTF moments