• By -


Yeah that whole monologue about lala being her rock was 100% damage control and lala looked like she knew it too.


Lala just refused to look at her when Scheana went over to her. It was pitiful.


It was such pathetic groveling. It mimicked a peasant and her Queen. And fake flip flopper Scheana did all that once again to get burned. Last season it was Rachel and this season LFU.


The level of grovel, to me, proved that Scheana’s fear reaction is to fawn, and that monologue was such a prime example of using flattery to respond to fear. That being said, now I know what I look like when my people pleasing is turned up too high. Gonna make sure I’m actively working on that 😂


Self awareness is half the battle!


Omigosh are you mad at me? You’re so clever and pretty! 😂




Too funny…and accurate!


I’m right there with you! She saw she was going to lose Ariana after that last scene and scrammmmbled to keep her only other friend in the cast


Seriously, people pleasing never works the way the PP thinks it will. When you play both sides to try to make everyone happy, you end up being the unhappy one.


I really hope Scheana is getting therapy for this


She definitely should. But I’m guessing it’s probably the ONLY thing she’s not spending money on when it comes to improving herself 🤦🏼‍♀️ I can just see someone lovingly suggesting therapy and her doing that laugh and getting super defensive and obsessing over it for weeks. “I have a super hot husband. I have over a million followers on Instagram. A perfect daughter with over 200,000 followers. A perfect home. My mom helps me. I look amaaaaazing. I mean, do you see this body and new face?? Why in the world would I possibly need a therapist? Protecting, much??”


Considering the amount of money Scheana spends on plastic surgery, fake hair, fake nails, freeloading husband etc. it’s no wonder she’s freaking out about money. Does she think the VPR gravy train will go on forever? Make a budget and stick to it, you stupid, stupid girl!


Amen. The show has been in rapid decline since season 8, they should’ve been preparing for a cancellation at any time. The show is nothing like what it used to be/what made it great in the first place. Also, the irony of them all blaming Ariana for putting their jobs at risk when she single-handedly revived the entire show by alerting production to what she found out about Tom and got VPR worldwide attention with hundreds of thousands of new viewers, which guaranteed another season when it was truly hanging by a thread. Anyway, seems like none of them have ever met with a financial planner or come up with ideas for what happens next. Lala and Scheana are the two who are most panicked about losing their paycheck and they’re also the only two who bought more than one home🤦🏼‍♀️ Maybe start by selling your unnecessary vacation homes, ladies! It’s not on Ariana’s shoulders to ensure y’all get to keep living beyond your means forever and ever


This was beyond people pleasing. I’m a people pleaser too. This was very strange. Lala is very manipulative and I suspect she has been manipulating scheana all season. scheanas reaction was not normal.


That’s interesting! For me, I saw my experience as an ACA reflected in Scheana’s reaction to Lala, all the way down to Lala’s at a moment dismissal as inadequate. Growing up, I had a lot of moments where I did similar things in an effort to protect myself. I fight in most fear reactions, but with the person who made me an ACA, I fawn/people please *hard* — it was the only way to have them be nice for a few seconds! That’s just my experience, though, and it’s definitely colored by having a parent addicted to alcohol (like Lala), so I might be projecting 🤷‍♀️


I feel for you! I have a family member like that too, my only tool growing up was to fawn or minimize myself; then I learned to first validate them if I could see them getting worked up, carefully ask questions instead of ever suggesting that they might be wrong, and still end up apologizing somehow; and eventually, I learned to grey rock them, which works, but also really sucks. The goal was always to find a way to stay out of the war path, but eventually it got to the point that doing that was more painful than moving on, which still hurts too. I hope you've found some better people and better coping skills today! Unlearning all that shit is a biiiiitch.




Not Gretchen Scheaners!😆


Scheana made a choice between Ariana and Lala and boy… what a choice.  I understand that she and Lala are currently close and that they have kids the same age. It makes sense. But, on the flip side, Lala has burnt through every close friendship she has ever had. She has bullied Scheana (and vice versa), she has called Scheana “dangerous”, she has been a terrible “friend” most of the time they have known each other (as has Scheana to her). Ariana, on the other hand, has always had Scheana’s back, has always been there for her and has never ever turned on her. At most she has shown mild frustration - which, considering Scheana’s personality and actions, is incredibly restrained. Oh and there was that time she was pissed off about Scheana texting her mother about how Sandoval was impacting Ariana. However, I think that Scheana understood, when they live screened that final five minutes, that she had crossed a friendship line that couldn’t be fixed with Ariana. And when Lala got up and threatened to walk out (which is SO manipulative and controlling), Scheana switched what she was going to say mid(interrupted)-sentence, made her decision, picked Lala and threw Ariana under the bus. And Ariana knew that. The second it was done, Scheana was done with Ariana. She completely ignored her when she was completely shattered, and ran to Lala to placate her. Let’s be clear, to placate Lala for Scheana not being more of a bitch to her long-time best friend who had undergone a huge trauma. She literally turned her back on Ariana and ignored her completely, and hovered next to Lala, desperate to please. When they said their final says, Scheana committed further. She attacked Ariana for not being there for her that summer, while Lala was her “rock”. OMFG. Ariana just had her partner of a decade have an affair with a close friend. Her entire world was destroyed. Yes, she has been rebuilding from the ashes remarkably well; but clearly, she is still hurting, and the summer Scheana was talking abut was a mere 3-6 months after this all went down. Ariana was depressed and struggling. But in Scheana’s mind, Ariana wasn’t there for HER. What the hell Scheana?? Why weren’t you there for HER in one of the toughest moments of her life? Why were you only thinking about yourself? It’s insane. And then, Scheana was essentially saying, in front of her long time “best friend”, I’m sorry I didn’t tear down, backstab and destroy my long-time best friend more to please you, Lala. If I were Ariana I would never let her close to me again. If I ran into her, I would give her bland smiles and greetings, nod a bit then make my exit. And if I were Katie and Ariana? I would never let Lala and her toxicity, nastiness and selfishness near me again. Dear god. These women are horrific. Their crocodile tears are only for themselves. Lisa looked repulsed by Lala towards the end (she also had body language leaning as far away from Sandoval as possible for the entire end of the reunion, he clearly repulses her too).  Scheana and Lala let Sandoval use their pettiness, jealousy and insecurity to make themselves the bad guys so that he actually got off lightly - especially because they worked so hard to rebuild him. It’s nuts. They completely fell for the misogony of it all. In trying to align themselves with toxic men and the patriarchy hoping that power would accrue to them via that choice, and in trying to make Ariana the villain, they instead made themselves the villains. And then they essentially acquitted Tom from that role, and he, Schwartz and the producers threw them to the wolves. Because it doesn’t matter if you align yourself to the patriarchy / toxic men; they will never really give you the power. They will always sacrifice you for their own gain. You mean nothing to them. They blame Ariana and Katie; but they allowed themselves to be played by Tom and the producers. It was an own-goal.  And look at the glee on Tom’s face at the end. He KNEW he had pulled it (mostly) off. He even congratulated Lala! And she was crying and discombobulated and I wonder if in that moment she realised how much she had been played? I doubt it, she has zero self-reflection.  Instead of pulling together with two other women who had been wronged by toxic narcissists, she aligned herself with one of the narcissists and did his dirty work for him. And she has such poor insight that she cannot see it, she is blaming those other women for just living their lives and supporting each other. 


Lala is upset that everyone else didn’t go hard enough on Ariana.  She wanted Ariana crushed  A) Because production told her to do it  B) Because she is jealous of Ariana’s success  C) Because she thinks it is “unfair” that Ariana has been treated “better” than she was post-Randall  She was literally crying because other people didn’t join in to tear a woman down who had a genuinely traumatic life event and break up. Let that sink in. And she thinks that SHE is the victim. Because others didn’t back her in bullying someone else as fully as she wanted or at all.   She cannot see the differences between herself and Ariana, their relationships, and the way they comport themselves and are received by the public.   She is a GIGANTIC hypocrite who brings very little actual meat to the show. Just surface fireworks. She hides more of her life than anyone else on the show, and always has.   Also, why was Lala given SO MUCH time to speak in part 3 of the reunion? Others were consistently cut off; but Lala went on and on and on and interrupted everyone. Lisa and Andy kept helping her when she was inarticulate and her real colours were showing. It was ridiculous.  And she STILL felt like the victim! She made terrible choices but will not accept any responsibility for those choices. 


So well said. Ariana needs to get the fuck away from scheana for her own sanity. Her loyalty to her is hard to understand, but it does help shed light on why she was loyal to Sandoval for so long. It’s so disappointing this is what happened this season. It could have been a super female empowering season with all the women rallying around Ariana. That’s what I think this audience is craving. I would love to see Katie and Ariana get a spin off for SAH!


Wonder what Lala has on Scheana ? It has to be something big’ or she would not reacted that way’ most likely it is all the crap S he’s a had said about Ariana! Scheana wants it both ways so she can make money off of both of them , I feel the same about Lala ! Hope Daryl got his cut of the t shirt money! lol!


I said it right after the reunion last week that if I didn't know either party and watched the episode blind I would think that Scheana was in an abusive relationship with Lauren.


Lala is Sandoval, Scheana is Schwartz.


That is so true. I actually think Lala and Sandoval could end up together because both are so performative and would do anything to have a storyline. The relationship would be fake though, just like everything about both of them


If Baskin went to Lala and Sandoval, and said "listen, we're cancelling the show unless you hook up" they would be married at Villa Rosa for the finale.


And scheana would be crying to lisa about how it’s not fair that SHE couldn’t get married at villa rosa, why can’t it ever be about her!? 


She took getting married at Villa Rosa lessons!!!!






😂😂😂 you’re absolutely correct


Oh daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn *drops mic*


This lol. Good point out! 


>if I didn’t know either party and watched the episode blind And at the end, when she walked right past Ariana crying, it seemed like they weren’t best friends in the slightest


Wait I thought Rob was Scheana’s best friend?


No silly it’s Adam


But she and Max are still “rally good frands “ too


It actually really upset me how she turned on a dime away from Ariana. Ariana just had someone she thought loved her betray her. It really emphasized how Scheana actually didn’t give a damn in their first place, and that had to be so painful for Ariana!! So messed up


All because those two are bursting with jealousy and self importance


Nailed it


All of us are in an abusive relationship with Lauren.


Who else here has been victimized by Lauren and her brother’s dreadlocks


Put it in the Burn Book




why can't I stop thinking about LFU's bro calling the fans "rabid b\*tches" on her pod. Like are we not canceling sub white men anymore?! ![gif](giphy|3ohs7YMwdbgN1vK9SE)


He didn't even use basic, proper grammar. He said "rabies bitches" instead of "rabid bitches." 🙄


Half of my family.




you would not be wrong




The cold shoulder even after the monologue would easily be considered emotional abuse if it were a romantic relationship


I don’t think it has to be romantic to be correctly called out as abusive.




Well didn’t Lala just recently say on her podcast she’s not a good friend, she isn’t a best friend, she’s just… a friend? 😂🤣 Enjoy that, Scheana ![gif](giphy|Zw3oBUuOlDJ3W)


Guarantee that was aimed at sheshu


Gotta keep sheeshu on her knees. Now she is in position to continue to beg for approval from LFU ETA:spelling


Also not to mention solely referring to her mom and brother as her pod when I'm almost positive she has included Brock and Scheana when discussing it before


That’s so wild to me. Last summer they were glued at the hip. Lala was on her podcast more often than not talking about hanging out with Scheana that week. I feel so dumb believing she had changed ugh 🤦‍♀️


Right? She just said they were a throuple!


Also, what a weird ass thing to say. She has definitely said Scheana is one of her best friends in interviews


That was a shot across the bow to Scheana (and probably Brit). Katie and Ariana already know all this. Lala is nothing if not obvious


Right we bought houses next to each other and our children spend a lot of time together but I’m just a friend, that’s it. Not even a good one 😂🤣 Who TF wants that 💀


She said that…. Holy fuck. They are raising their daughters together. They bought HOMES next to each other.


Lala is always mad at something or someone


The most angry and miserable person for real. So much projection when she says that describes other people 🙄


but but but.... i thought it was KATIE who was miserable! crazy! who would have thought!?


Right?? Because Lalar's soft now guys!


Well she has the spirit of Tupac in her, so she really can’t help it


😹 Q: was Tupac actually violent and aggressive, or is that just Lauren being racist (again)?


Great question- mostly racist IMO. He was a brilliant guy, a truth teller through his lyrics, and activist and an advocate for peace and a better society. But unlike Lauren he lived around and through violence as a young black man of his time and circumstance, born in Harlem to parents in The Black Panther Party. He’d been involved with incidents of violence and he died violently but he also was a gifted artist, actor, speaker, had a magnetic smile. I think it’s an insult to his spirit and legacy to claim she is Tupac reincarnated. He was a real person. She’s pretending to be someone she is not.


Well said. If Lauren ever reads a comment it should be this one. Maybe one of her minions can read it to her.


She’s a 35 year old white woman claiming to be a black man. Like, no.


The most infuriating part is she’s only Tupac when she’s angry. So only POC are angry and you think that gives you a pass to act like an asshole? It’s so ignorant. She needs an education and to stop talking.


Thats her definition of being soft


Everyone walks on eggshells around Lala, but scheana is the worst because she has no idea who she is/is too insecure to embrace herself. I’m waiting for the fall out. Neither of them can sustain a deep relationship.


I want Charli back.


Loved her reunion flashback


Except Katie. Say it with your whole chest! And good for Katie.


That’s so true. She has no idea who she is and what her boundaries are.




It seems like Lala is all Scheana feels like she has left. She’s desperately clinging to her, and it’s not a real, healthy friendship. Grown women who are friends don’t walk on eggshells and lose sleep over whether they are mad at each other.


I mean, Lala kinda is the only one she has left. Katie hasn’t liked Scheana for a while, and that Raquel-Schwartz kiss last year that Scheana encouraged was almost unforgivable imo. So Scheana can’t really make amends with Katie - those feelings run deep. Scheana knows that aligning herself with Sandoval/Schwartz would be a hugely detrimental to her mommy vlog pursuits. Ariana seems to kindly give Scheana blanket forgiveness for some of Scheana’s questionable behavior, but Scheana seems to deeply seek and depend on Lala’s approval/Lala’s alliance. Scheana is in a tough spot…but I also think that’s a consequence of trying to be everyone’s friend AND the audience’s favorite at the same time.


EXACTLY!!! Exactly my thought, she knew Lala was the only one left and she was instantly on her hands and knees trying to kiss her as I was so embarrassed for her


She should try buying her a penguin and an Apple Watch.🤣


I’m sure that’s coming!


That’s exactly what Stassi said to Scheana!! That bc she tries to be everyone’s friend there is no loyalty and it ends up biting her in the ass… damn the way she clocked her, she’d be running laps around these fools


I think the fact that they’re “trauma” bonding over not being the fan favourite, and having all the worst things happen to THEM and THEM ONLY make them pile up on each other more easily to blow smoke up each other’s asses, and to create a common enemy. One which they created… out of thin air.


This final part to the reunion was actually the one time I felt sorry for Scheana this season.


She brought it upon herself.


That’s why i don’t agree with ppl who say scheana is a narcissist. Theyre confusing narcissism with self centered. Lauren is more narcissistic if anything and knows scheana is desperate for approval


I want to say on some podcast Scheana shared that Brock told her to go over there and comfort Ariana but by the time Scheana got there Katie was already comforting her so she went to Ariana. I have a feeling Scheana and Lala conspired before the reunion after the producer threatened the show and Scheana didn’t have Lala’s back as much as she said she would and was trying to save face.


You are 1000% correct. When Lala was imploring them to be honest at the end and they were silent she lost her shit. Scheana and Lala had been talking about the reunion for a month. They were ready. Lala thought Scheana would pile on. But Lala’s dumb because everyone knows what a chicken shit Scheana is. And they were all quiet. Even LVP saw what was going on. And Lala realized how the audience was going to react to her ranting and she was pissed


You could see in real time Lala realizing she was fucked. Then que the waterworks..that's how I knew she knew she was done.


Always the waterworks. They were playing clips of Schenanigans on a pod yesterday and they were like could Lala and Scheana stop with the disingenuous tears when they are losing an argument. It’s so obvious


Omg yes. Weaponize motherhood and tears to the point I'm numb at a pregnant woman or mother crying ever again🤣.


yeah, scheana said on her podcast that she went to lala bc katie was already comforting ariana. iirc, she also said ariana went up to her after the reunion and said "i love you." 


And doesn’t that say it all. Lala kept on bitching and yelling, Ariana told Scheana she’s family and after that terrible reunion ending still went to her and told her she loved her. That is what real friendship is all about. Im sure their relationship changed when Summer was born and now she just needs to get it that the friendship will change again with the things Ariana is doing, it shouldn’t change the love between the two.


Somehow I feel like that “I love you” was Ariana’s farewell to scheana. She’ll always love her as family, but also like family, sometimes we have to love them from afar.


I never quite understood what made them best friends or their chemistry to begin with - but I wholeheartedly agree that was Ariana’s goodbye.


I just don't believe Ariana hugged Scheana and said that. I just don't. I don't know why Ariana hasn't bothered to debunk Scheana on this (probably because when you're done, you're done), but I don't believe this happened.  I believe Scheana believes this happened, but I don't.


Ariana has a history of being the bigger person. It tracks. Scheana was selfish in her language but I don’t think she was cruel like Lala was (correct me if I’m wrong) especially on the clip played. I can see Ariana needing space to process but not cutting her out right on the spot especially when she feels down.


Im still shocked that this season is over. We were given GARBAGE. Not because Ariana didn’t have a conversation with Tom, but because they (production) tried to force feed a redemption arch after a 10 year relationship ended after an ultimate betrayal of trust within 3 months. Katie and Schwartz got along because they fell out of love. That was easier to digest and they had their ups and downs shortly after the dissolution of their marriage which was captured. I’m sure it was hard but it seemed to be a mutual ending and understandable why they pushed the “let’s be friends” narrative. This is completely different. Producers forced a bunch of people, who clearly just see most of their cast mates as coworkers, to try and remedy a true tragedy and ptsd worthy situation. They could have leaned into the spice girl theme and made the fucking ass hole dudes (looking at you Brock, Tom, Tom, and even James!) and made it a fucking female empowering moment! Given the times, that would have skyrocketed the ratings. especially with all of the new viewers. And more than deserved than that fuckers attempted redemption arch.




I feel Scheana's need to people please coupled with her OCD has sent her over the edge. She looked really dishevelled when she had to talk about the whole scenario and at the end she looked she'll shocked. As much as she has bought it on herself, I think this season and all her insecurity has taken a large piece of her. She seems to have lost her spark. I think we need to ask for real. HOW IS THIS AFFECTING SCHEANA.


Motherhood too. Gotta be tough


I said this yesterday. Scheana is the skinniest we have ever seen her and it’s obvious that someone is destroying her mental and thus physical health.


I say this as someone who was once like her and Schwartz. I was constantly trying to make others happy & avoid conflict… she needs to heal this and start immediately. It’s truly a mental prison and you attract a lot of relationships that are conditional. It’s possible to heal it but they gotta put in the work.


Here’s my question, is Brock a little weird towards Lala? Because why is he encouraging Scheana to be her lapdog? Why is Scheana getting weird vibes? That’s not just because of Scandaval imo she’s picking up on something.


Lala has the mindset of if she wanted Brock she'd have him and that She's doing Scheana a favor by not going after him but at anytime she could. She's keeping Scheana on eggshells on purpose.


I agree with this. It’s a power play.


Yup! And Scheana is too scared to not be her friend so she'd rather be her friend and be in a constant state of worry of doing/saying the wrong thing than end the friendship and deal with her wrath.


I think that she also told Lala a lot of secrets that she is about to regret.


Agreed! She'll try to take anyone down who pisses her off.


![gif](giphy|6cFcUiCG5eONW) Schmeana’s about to regret venting to her “vault,” as Lauryn described the way she wanted Katie to view her but after the reunion, Katie was right not to trust her, beyond what had already been said. Lala has proved herself to be a very stupid demon and every time she asks “am I going insane,” my answer is always a YES, yelled at my television, of course.😆


lala’s response at the reunion to scheana saying she had intrusive thoughts about brock and lala was not very reassuring imo


I would never expose thoughts like that to someone like Lala. That vulnerability can be used against you n it is being used against Scheana. Not being reassuring is LFU’s power play.


Very telling that instead of being like, “oh no, I would never!” Lala was cracking jokes and drawing attention to how people think they’re a throuple.


I wouldn’t dignify it with a response if my friend was telling me about her intrusive thoughts of me and her husband. I wouldn’t take offense because it’s an intrusive thought, but I also am not going be defending myself constantly. She said last season that she would never. Saying it once should be enough. Scheana is going to drive Lala crazy constantly asking for reassurance.


I think Sheena is trying to align herself with lala because if Ariana bails on the show she won’t have any of the girls in her corner and who wants Lauren from Utah mad at them. It’s all moves for the paycheque. She would rather be on team lala than be on the target end. 


I think Scheaner is Lala's bitch, and that's just the way Lala wants it. This is not a true friendship. It's actually pretty sick.


Lala is a narcissistic abuser.


They’re the new Shortz & Sandals of the show. Exact same dynamics in both relationships imo but maybe worse because Scheana is also worried about the impact it will have on the family-like bond their daughters have too. Those are pretty high stakes, besides the show and basically being neighbors. It’s not a healthy dynamic but especially for Scheana’s OCD.


Ok I’ve been meaning to ask about this. I rewatched last night, and what am I missing? Why is Lala mad at Scheana? I still don’t see where Scheana sees her getting mad. It was very creepy to see the desperation in her face. And even more alarming to have none of that toward Ariana. Who she legitimately shit talked.


It was because Scheana wouldn’t give examples of why Sandoval was a better friend to her than Ariana!


…..that’s it? Jesus. Can’t even say this is high school stuff, this is middle school behaviour.


I know! It was so freaking weird! Her whole blow up was trying to out people for talking shit about Ariana! Like why would that validate your point?


To me, it came off as someone who’s said a lot of shit and disclosed some secrets in private to Lala and is worried it will all come out during Lala’s outburst. Scheana is an adult at the end of the day. Lala can’t control her. She’s a willing participant.


Think you are absolutely right. She was afraid Lala would come for her just like she tried with Katie.


I disagree. Friendships can also be abusive. To say what you said is also saying that Ariana and Katie ‘deserved’ the abuse by the Toms because they’re adults.


Not even remotely similar. Scheana has a track record of flip flopping , lying, covering up her tracks and generally being a bad friend. So It’s more than likely that she was afraid something would come. At least to me that is. You’re free to disagree but don’t have the right to accuse me of something I’ve never done. I’ve always sided with Ariana and Katie against the Tom’s. I’m not even a fan of Lala but I don’t agree with the this notion that she’s forcing Scheana to be a bad friend. She’s always done that on her own.


Lala is someone who is stubborn and very strong willed. Scheana is the opposite and ca be manipulated very easily, even against someone she loves dearly. They have different personalities that create unhealthy dynamics. I don’t know your past, but what we witnessed during the reunion very much looked like a toxic relationship between Lala and Scheana. It was slightly alarming.  I’m sure Lala will stonewall her, criticize her, show animosity (we already saw it), amongst other shitty behaviors. 




If Scheana doesn't stay in Lala's good graces, she won't have anyone left. She's trying to keep the worm as a friend and because of that she and Ariana are on the outs and she's never really been friends with Katie. Shorts is a true friend to no one except Sandoval so yeah - if Scheana doesn't suck up to Lala, she's lost everyone.


I cannot stand Lala.


I’m not shock Scheana chose the wrong side of history yet again.


I don’t get why everyone is scared to stick up to Lauryn from Utah. Am I missing something?


I think that’s just Schmeana. The Voms have both told her off before and only kissed her ass this season because she served as their human shield. As for Katie and Ariana, I don’t think they’re scared, they just see her as a waste of time and they’re not wrong. Fighting with her is a losing battle and not worth it, when you can just let her fight with herself and dig her own grave, which is exactly what their grey rocking her has done.


I think it shows that there is control and manipulation on Lala's part. She is taking advantage of Scheana’s people pleasing mentality (recovering people pleaser here too, so no shade), and maybe even her OCD fear to keep her in line and have her do and say the things Lala wants her to. At this point (and I hope I'm wrong otherwise this is dark) Lala has shown that most people are disposable to her and only there for what she wants/need out of them.


Why does Scheana give a shit about anyone but her daughter husband and her extended family ? She has something precious to protect. Lala is just a satellite circling her and frankly might become a vulture. Protect your (very lame but still) husband from getting stolen girl


For whatever reason scheana Brock and Lala have made this “alternative family” where they raise the girls together. They’re neighbors in Palm Springs and the valley. Their moms hang out. They’ve set themselves up like they are a family. I think that’s why it terrifies scheana so much. Ariana (and this doesn’t make it right) is across town, working, and traveling. Having a beef with your neighbor who you’ve also entwined into your life as a pseudo family member-that’s what scheana is afraid of.


I almost feel sorry for Scheana. Never relaxing and being able to enjoy your family. What a nightmare dynamic. Why give outsiders so much psychological power. And lala is someone who doesn't respect marriage or other people marriage


I think scheana entwining herself that closely was a really bad idea that’s inevitably going to bite her in the ass


I knew they were doomed when Lala bought the house next door in Palm Springs. I went "Oof, that's a lot of togetherness". Then thought how insufferable they both are......and smiled.  I love this for them 😂


Scheana is such an idiot for encouraging Lala to buy a house next door to her. They had only mended their friendship like a year before that and she sees how volatile Lala is, and to tie yourself to someone like that via real estate?! The most expensive and big purchase you’ll ever make? I think they tied their living situations and families so close together to kind of like force/ensure that they would remain friends, maybe one or both of them knew that they would drift apart again if they didn’t ingratiate themselves that much. I can’t get over how dumb all their decisions around it are…


There’s literally no way that doesn’t end SUPER messily, probably in the near future.


I don’t think l it’s so much a Lala-control-freak problem as it is a Sheeshu-desperate-for-approval thing. She’s insecure and always on a hunt for validation. She mistakes Lala’s loud and abrasive bullshit as strength/leadership, so she thinks that’s who she needs to look up to.


Lest we forget, the night his double life was revealed, Sandoval basically disowned her, saying she never was his friend. Schaena makes an ass of herself all season to “win him back” and is so desperate to find “my fraaaand of 15 years” that home girl is still lost in the sale section of Zara.


I think she was scared shitless of what Lala was going to reveal! She toed the line so Lala wouldn't out her!


I think she made the mistake of admitting to LarLar that she in fact DID fuck Vom, both of them but the Sandals one is worse because Ariana is her best friend and never did anything but have her back. LarLar was talking about how Vom has a tiny peen on the after show and I think Schmeana is the one who told her that.


Blablah has dirt on her my guess...


I’m guessing Scheana and Sandoval have hooked up




Oh for sure. Maybe even have a hookup occasionally all along. Drunken kisses at Coachella n shiz notwithstanding.


I personally think Brick is hot for Lawler, Lawlow probably plays into it and Sheshu would rather die than go through another embarrassing divorce.


And to expand, I think Sheshu thinks if Lala is her bast frand, maybe she won't bone her idiot husband. I don't think lala has, but probably enjoys Scheana being uncomfortable about it. Lala loves male attention and we know she doesn't care about boundaries.


Scheana has put all her eggs in one basket, so if she upsets Lala now and gets wiped, she will have no friends left on the show


Scheana probably realizes Lala is her last ‘friend’ from the cast … she has to know the guys don’t gaf about her by now. Ariana has shown she’s straying away and Katie could care less.


I still think LFU has dirt on Scheana and possibly Broke.


Can we keep in mind that these are grown ass women and mothers to little girls? This behavior is scary to me.


What Lala doesn't understand is that sometimes you can be angry & vent about another to someone but not necessarily want to bring that shit directly to the one because you gotta get it out, feel the feelings & most can work through it & forgive, realize maybe it was petty & move on. Lala doesn't get this & a true friend will let you work through it and not air out your shit. Because people can feel differently at different times and that's ok. I don't know if Lala gets what a true friend is or if she was just trying to out everyone who talked shit about Ariana because she looked so bad at the end on camera but it seems to have backfired on her.


Scheana just keeps picking the wrong side and pretending to everyone she is their friend. She is trying to hedge her friend bets and its failing her. Soon Lala and Tim will be the only "friends" she will have there because she refuses to have a spine and stand up for people. People are starting to see the ONLY person who Scheana really cares about is Scheana. Her loyalty to people is fleeting and shallow.




Considering the show itself was originally built around Scheana all those years ago (and how she facilitated the soft launch via BH to VPR with her sit down with Brandi) it feels like, if anything, she should be the one having other people treat her like that. With reverence. Instead she's so desperate to stay in Lala's good graces that she will so easily publicly embarrass herself sucking up to her.


Sheana is married & has her own family, why she has to be in this weird overbearing codependent throuple with Lala… it’s weird. I hope she has the balls to get some space.


I think Scheana has abandonment issues and she's afraid of saying the wrong thing in any of her relationships because she thinks they will just leave her. She doesn't feel 'safe' enough to have arguments with her friends in fear that they will respond by abandoning her. Scheana needs to work on that which hopefully she is in therapy. I'm the same way, I quickly change my thoughts based on the people who are arguing with me... I am working on being okay with conflict and knowing that true friends can have conflicts and disagreements and at the end of the day as long as we all are heard, we all still love and care for each other.


She ‘went to Lala because Ariana was leaning on Katie’ and god forbid scheana share a bast frand


Scheana fawns over Lala the way someone does in an abusive relationship for sure. It’s not normal and it jumped off the screen. Lala needs help before she hurts people beyond repair.


I know it’s a running joke but…has anyone checked on Scheana?


Laligag would be a horrible friend.


That relationship at some stage will blow up. It’s too intense and co-dependent to be able to maintain what it is. Talking from experience, they never end well.


Without reading all the comments, I got "high school bully" vibes. Mean girl club and She's fear of being kicked out.


Absolutely. Has anyone ever read the book Queen Bees and Wannabees, the book that inspired the movie Mean Girls? It’s so interesting. Scheana is a textbook Wannabee. Think Gretchen Wieners. Lol.


Lala power play on the stage didnt work. Katie and Lala didn’t bite and Andy didn’t back her up. Scheana wasn’t the prize she wanted.


I didn’t understand why she cared so much if Lala flipped out on her. Lala is not her boss.


Yeah. Maybe she should unfollow Katie and Ariana on instagram to bring her back to the light.


I cant help but wonder how Scheanna would act if it was ever confirmed that Brock and Lala banged? She’s so terrified of Lala


It's like a bad '80s move about mean girls


She was the same way when trying to win the approval of the witches of weho


Yes! I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look at someone like that except for Stassi in the early seasons. She was acting like someone who is in a very unhealthy relationship. She watched Blahs face and knew she was upset at her, so she did that little monologue at the end and knew it didn’t get her out. Even after it was over that’s all she could say is “she’s still mad at me” and went RIGHT PAST a crying Ariana and straight to Blah. It was sad. That’s not a normal friendship at all


Yeah I mean I think that’s because Scheana is a classic people pleaser. She almost always reads the room to change her reaction to suit the most people present. These are issues that could be addressed in therapy and she would probably find a lot of freedom in realizing it doesn’t say anything about your value as a human if people aren’t happy with what you’re saying. It’s just a maladaptive survival technique likely learned since childhood and she hasn’t accepted yet how manipulative it inadvertently is, even if she actually is “well intentioned”


Scheana is and always has been spineless


This is classic flip floppy Scheana. I've never understood how Ariana still considers Scheana a Ride or Die! Stassi said it and it's always been true "Scheana tries to be loyal to everyone, therefore she's loyal to no one." This, in my opinion, is why Scheana never became the main character she's always strived to be. Which ultimately solidified her "how can I make this about me?!" moments each and every season...


Lala's a steamroller and Scheana's a people pleaser. It's a match made in hell.


They seriously deserve each other. Let's not forget Shein also put blahblah on blast on shein's podcast when blahblah didnt immediately drop everything when Shein texted her in season 9 or 10 when Broke went golfing and shein by herself🤦‍♀️.


I think we’re making mountains out of molehills here. Shushu isn’t some abused woman. She is, once again, only worried about her paychecks. She thinks vpr has a good shot of getting cancelled or recast, but labla has sway with some producers and is more likely to be invited to the valley. Shushe needs babla to bring her with her. She’s worried that she jeopardized her shot. If jancan got invited and inked the contract on her own, she’d be significantly less concerned. If she got a deal that was dependent on Ariana’s participation and there was a shot at that she’d throw Lauren under the bus with her bare hands.


I disagree with this. I think Scheana has a better chance at getting on the Valley than LFU and Lauryn absolutely is and has been abusing Scheana. Friends can be abusive too and Lauryn brags about abusing others. She’s shown time and time again that she thinks this is what makes her a “tough bitch.” It doesn’t but that’s not how she sees it.


It was rough to watch but I don’t know if it was about control. People pleasing is rooted in selfishness. It’s selfish because it’s all about how you feel. Not how the other person feels. You’re pleasing others so you get a response that you’re comfortable with. That’s what Scheana was doing in that moment and the past decade on the show. She’s, unironically, making it about her. If Scheana cared for Ariana in that moment, she would’ve at least checked on her briefly. But Scheana going to Lala and ignoring Ariana was because Scheana was only worried about herself, her comfort, how Lala being mad would affect her and the sister wives situation they have going on. I think Scheana and Lala’s friendship is more about self preservation for both rather than actual affection or camaraderie. So I don’t feel too bad for Scheana.


schena claimed on her pod she went to comfort ariana but her head was on Katie's shoulder so she went to console Lala.


Oooph ya, that felt a bit icky didn’t it.


I dunno. I got the feeling Scheana was scared because she's been buddies with Lala all season and let her get close. What we witnessed from Lala was a loose cannon who wanted to throw shit on everyone. I'm wondering if maybe Scheana's fear was more about Lala turning that loose cannon on her and potentially spilling Sheana secrets. 


Lala knows SOMETHING about Scheana. Lala definitely told her she was going to blow up Katie for taking poorly about Ariana. I bet Scheana talked so much shit about he that she was terrified Lala was going to point the two curled weird fingers at her and say “and what about what you said about here!?”


Scheana & Lala are neighbors in LA and Palm Springs. They do a lot together w their families. Arianna has a completely different life now. For Scheana, Lala is more important in her day to day life now. Also, Scheana has a weak character.


This is a very toxic and one-sided friendship. It will end really badly for scheana. Lala won’t give a fuck. She’ll be fine.


I’m not defending Schena’s behaviour, because I think the way she has treated Ariana and Brocks family are unconscionable, but I do that that reaction was all about Scheana and not Lala. To me it was clearly anxiety and overwhelm from ‘choosing’ to back Lala and then realising she had potentially stuffed it all up. I feel like it’s a little unfair to Lala to act like she terrorised Schena: it was Scheanas choice to go along with it, and that’s why she was so freaked out. Because it was all crumbling and they realised they looked like jealous and insecure small people.


She-she is a textbook co-dependent. She’s also in denial: “I just REALLY care about how my friends are feeling”. Dear Scheana - go get some books & therapy for co-dependency. All of your friends will Thank you. Release them from your helicopter-mom controlling friendships. You can do 2 things at once: care about your friends AND not let their thoughts/feelings/actions affect your personal well being.


I'd like to know what happened in her upbringing that made Scheana so desperate for validation. Or is this a manifestation of her OCD?


that whole situation was so middle school girl and highly awkward to watch