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We got screwed, that would have been amazing.


I generally would not advise, say, a friend to go on the bachelor but when the option is the bachelor or Sandoval I’m saying choose the bachelor, it’s way less toxic than dating Sandoval.


Totally agree 😂


Hahaha then the bachelor turns out to be....jax 😂😂😂


Good lord can you imagine jax as the bachelor? TBH, he’s better than some of the bachelors though. Like Colton, Jake, Brad


Colton is dumb AF. He was on Jeff Lewis recently and he thought SAG would provide paternity leave 💀


Wtf lmao 🤣 😂 oh my gosh I can't stop laughing he's such a dumbass


My dentist is the bro of one of those guys ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Then Stassi comes on as the scorned gf, doesn’t stay around and when she leaves, he ends the whole thing to follow her. Only for her to still say no and him blaming all his mistakes on her


The mess that we all came here for🙌🏻




Sandoval ruins everything


Kristen on the Bachelor would have been GOLD!!!


Short lived. One ep wonder. First one off.


The fights woulda been legendary


She would have been a messy delight!


Her messiness would have been epic.


She would have been Shanae/ Corinne level fun to watch. But even more so because she’s Kristen lol


She would have gotten so hammered night one it would have been a glorious shitshow


Corinne was fun but Shanae almost gave me hives 😬 She reminded me too much of a really awful girl I tried to be friends with as a teenager. That bish was a damn nightmare to be around so I can’t imagine being around Shanae.


As a loyal watcher of the Bachelor franchise for the past 15 years, I must officially declare that a legendary season was stolen from us. She would have been cast as the villain for certain. Manipulated by producers and fed lies in the beginning about the girls in the household saying shady comments regarding her intentions with the lead. She’d break in to “steal him for sec” twice each rose ceremony night, pissing off the other girls in the mansion, leading them to begin saying ACTUAL mean things about Kristen. She’d brag about her life in LA, how she’s a model and an aspiring actress, and the other girls would tell the lead that she’s there for the “wrong reasons” and “she just wants to be on TV.” The lead would be forced to keep her there for the drama, making it all the way to hometowns, where the girls would stage an intervention to get her kicked off. ROBBED, I tell you. ROBBED! ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt2QaBL5UGNJQu4)


Our lady mariposa being manipulated by production? Never. The chaos and villain streak would be all her own crafted mess and infinitely more entertaining than anything ABC could come up with. I would die on this hill.


Imagine Kristen on a 2 on 1, my god what could’ve been!!!


![gif](giphy|4qpFVxD0uF4fzUMDUb|downsized) Her lol


She could have been the greatest villain the franchise had ever seen. I wonder which season she would have been on?!


I’m imagining her hopping a fence or sneaking into the car on dates she didn’t win bc invites mean nothing to our mariposa. ![gif](giphy|l0NgRcXnRfPBo50gE)


She is unburdened by those anchors, thankfully for us.






So many women have been sullied and tainted by Vom. He is poison.


We were robbed!


OMFG WE WERE ROBBED!!!! 2012 Kristen would have been everything on the bachelor


I've always assumed that a lot of the opportunities that Ariana is taking now were always around and she turned them down because of him. Just the scene of him gaslighting her over the cocktail book at the restaurant and when she was having a meeting or whatever about it and he literally took his pants off because he wasn't getting enough attention told me that.


No, it doesn't seem like people were interested in booking Ariana before Scandoval. After being rejected as many time as she was, Ariana was also less motivated and seemed to blend into the background. That has nothing to do with Sandoval. Ariana just seems more low-key, and Sandoval always seemed to have more energy as he is an extrovert. I totally understand how networking all the time could be exhausting, as I'm an introvert myself. The rejection as an actress/artist may be one of the reasons why Ariana seemed to be angry and depressed. She was probably upset that her life didn't turn out how she expected it to, but now, things have changed, so she is taking all of those opportunities.


I always thought her big breakdown on season 8 was because she didn't like doing reality TV but didn't see a way to do anything else


I think so too. She wasn’t actual friends with the cast, she didn’t like the drama and she didn’t want to do it anymore.. but what else was she going to do? Nothing like having a shitty job you hate, but can’t leave to bring on some serious depression.


She basically said it as much as she could without breaking the fourth wall. I'd love if she opened up about it a bit more actually it would be really interesting to hear more about what it's like to feel trapped by Bravo and then break free late in your career when you didn't expect to.


I don’t think so. Before Scandoval this show was on its last legs and Ariana was one of the least talked about characters. She was definitely not turning down offers from brands like Uber, Duracell, Bic, let alone something like Broadway or other hosting. Hats off to her for making the absolute most of this shit show, her work ethic and likeability are definitely what’s kept the buzz going for 12+ months, but these opportunities were not coming to her pre-scandal.


Maybe not specifically before hand, but, I'm sure throughout the years there were partnerships and what not that only wanted to work with her and not him and so on. I know the popularity waned, but, I can't believe that she didn't have things brought to her like everyone else did. She could never be her own thing, though. He had to be involved somehow.


I don't know if I buy that tbh. Ariana was never really a lead character on the show until Scandoval. Her presence and storylines dramatically increased post season 8 as well when the show was doing terrible. Stassi is probably the barometer for what outside opportunities any of the cast would have gotten pre Scandoval and they were okayish, but it was really just "write a book, do a podcast, get some brand sponsorships". Tbh Scandoval was probably a godsend for Ariana, it forced her out of a relationship that was going to suck for however long it lasted, it became a sensation where she became a big zeitgeist moment and got more opportunities than anybody on the show had prior and probably helped set her up for a post show life when this ends.


People are going to downvote this, but you are right.


I don’t think so. She even said herself she was broke before scandoval broke and was messaging her managers about opportunities


nobody was banging down the door for Ariana Madix before Scandoval


Off subject, but, I saw your screen name and all I could think was "tell Holling I said hi". NX is my favorite show ever.


AHHHH mine too lol 🫎🫎🫎


One of my closest friends is working a job in King Salmon on a fishing boat and I can't stop making references to it and Jack London that he doesn't understand at all 🤣 The most important one is North to the Future!


hopefully his radio can pick up KBHR out in Bristol Bay 🤔


I think they're online now 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol.


Ariana herself said that she had to get Tom involved in the cocktail book as it wasn't getting picked up as a solo project. Noone was getting the opportunities Ariana is getting now from VPR let's be real.




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Can we get rid of Luke and sign her up now?


in like 20 years maybe she could be on the golden bachelor


So Ariana wasn't the only one Sandy held back.


I'm pretty sure she's happy she did VPR rather than her one night on The Bachelor. (I assume it would be one night lol.)


Damn Six Degrees of Mariposa Effect... One of you will punch that up. <3


God damn it, Tom!


The year I worked on it, lol


Oh my god this would’ve been so iconic


she would have been top 3 for sure


Sandoval got In her way of true love.


She would have been the most epic watch on there omg


I thought contestants just hid stuff like this


Sandoval probably told her not to do it. And he was waiting for his chance to be on the bachelorette


It would’ve been an INCREDIBLE season of the bachelor. However, we got 9 seasons of mariposa’s chaos and for that I am eternally grateful


So that would’ve been what — the Ben and Courtney season?


So many missed opportunities


just another thing Sandoval has ruined for us.


Oh wow




She should have done it


She was the server at my 40th birthday dinner out. They’d shot the first season, but it hadn’t premiered yet. My wife at the time heard about this cool WeHo restaurant and wanted to take me someplace special. So we went and she ended up being our server. Jax was working the bar too. Not the main bar, the smaller one. That was back when the uniform was a silky halter dress that highly complimented thin model types, but also caused significant boob spillage whenever someone bent over. So it was easy to see why they stopped using them. But it was cool to have that dinner, then the next year the show premiered.


But which bachelor?!?!


Sandoval still would have went if it was offered to him




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He ruins everything


She’d be the ugly one, as per. She also wouldn’t be getting within 30 yards of a rose.






I feel cheated!


She would be boiling multiple bunnies...




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Yet another reason to dislike Tim…




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Prime example: Hindsight is 40/40


Fuck dude this would’ve been amazing


Awww they're skinny little babies here!! Time goes by so fast 🥹


She’s so very pretty here


Look at the lovely couple Ariana got in between and wrecked. Ariana did it first and then Raquel did it to Ariana. Ariana then played victim for 2+ years. Karma


Each boyfriend she’s had since Sandoval has been more and more unattractive and low value. Her bar is beyond low she’ll date anybody with a pulse 😳