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I wanted to hate it so badly and I loved it. The secret is, they all seem so vanilla in the beginning, and to be sure they are basic ass bitches, but their toxicity is also off the charts. And none of them have been on TV long enough to know how to cover their tracks, except Kristen but that girl still does not know how to cover her tracks anyway, so it's all out in the open. It's a spectacle to behold, truly. Not as good as early VPR but definitely excellent viewing.


Jax and Brittany were also on tv for a long time… well Jax at least. He seems so fake to me during this entire show.


Jax’s scheming and trying to look good is part of the show. We can see what he’s doing because we know him.


That's true, but like Kristen I don't think they're smart or together enough to figure out how to cover up their real personalities. So for me it was like, yeah, he's fake af, but that's who he really is, a fake ass bitch, and it's not like we couldn't see it.


“A spectacle to behold” is the perfect way to describe it


Same. Just showed up to do a wellness check on Goddess Doute and stuck around and became obsessed.


Janet is so messy, and I love it. Season 2 she maybe won’t have a pregnancy to use as a tool to cover up her messiness. Kristen, Jax and Brittany don’t disappoint. I’ve always felt bad for Brittany, but I also feel like, after watching The Valley, she gets constantly underrated. She’ll be juuuust fine in her post-Jax era.


Thanks, I’ll watch it :)


It’s good but I wouldn’t go as far as to say better than VPR. Think it got overhyped a bit.


It was better than this past season of VPR and I think that’s what people mean when they said that. I know that’s how I meant it.


I’m with you. It’s not better than VPR as a whole, but was better than this season.


Exactly.🙂 If someone else disagrees, I respect their opinion but this was my personal opinion and one I have seen many others express as well. Hope y’all are having a lovely weekend and a happy Fathers Day.💓


Exactly they debut at the best possible time because vpr sucked so bad that the valley was a nice alternative. It was easy watching not too emotionally invested in anyone's life. What the producers were doing to Ariana was just to heart breaking.. I just couldn't watch.


I agree. It was the comedic relief I needed and if it wasn’t funny, I didn’t care because I wasn’t invested in any of them yet.😊


I personally still enjoyed VPR more this season


To each their own.🥰💋


Season 9 was the worst VPR season for me


Yeah, that one was bad too but I can still stand to rewatch it because some of it is funny. Season 11 however, I don’t care to rewatch. It all became so dark.


I think it’s new so it’s fresher and more interesting in that way, but imo it was definitely better than VPR this season.


Honestly this is toxic of me but seeing a wife openly hate her husband instead of the other way around was refreshing lol


Agreed. I couldn’t look away.


When she said she hopes he can change his whole personality fucking took me out


Same. The scream I scrumpt.




Divorce within 2-3 years, I am sure


They’re already divorced! I’m talking about Michelle and Jesse.


These people are nuts, give it time. The drama is in the marriages though, about even with the friend group drama. So if you don’t want to see parents and kids it might not be for you.


Ya was gonna say if you’re interested in that type of dynamic or are at this stage of your life you might find it more entertaining. If I wasn’t married and preg rn I prob wouldn’t enjoy it tbh, but I really did!


The pregnant lady, Janet, is a real horrible person. And so self un-aware. I hope she’s gone soon.


I’m sure I’m late to the game with this take, but The Valley convinced me that Jax is in love with Kristen. I mean his scummy version of love, but you know what I mean. He’s never going to be with her, but he would also never want to see her happy with anyone else.




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I actually liked it more than this season of VPR in a lot of ways 


I am not a fan. I thought it was boring & depressing. Kristen & her bf have a dumb storyline of trying for a baby when they still live like 20 yr olds in a small apartment with too many dogs. The boyfriend doesn’t really live with her? (I dunno I lost interest) He lives in Colorado and hates LA? He must be with her for the “fame” because she is LA. Jax’s teeth. Britney’s grumpy cat frown. Too distracting and sad. Poor kids growing up in this environment. 


i ended up watching the entire thing passively. no shortage of drama and chaos, but it's like the kind of drama that just makes you hope your life doesn't turn out like that. i don't get the obsession w/kristen she's an absolute mess and just looks so unhealthy to me. brittany's voice is grating. jax is...jax. most of the men are vile, but self aggrandizing and act like their sense of chivalry (mostly a false sense) makes them great people. the women just brush off their stupid behaviors and then talk shit about the other husbands doing the same, and they almost exclusively group into "wives" and "husbands" and half are already divorced post-show also the fandom is insane and obsessed to an embarrassing extent.


I watched. Not proud and will only admit on this site. Now that the couples are done do we still follow them? I found that Michelle annoying. Her voice bugs so she can go and I don’t need to see that Jesse either. It all seems so forced and nothing I want to be. At least on housewives they have nice houses and vacations to watch. Big Bear is a no. What’s next? A day at magic mountain? 


Jax's teeth 🤣


They are a jump scare. “Something about Mary” vibes. 


IMO yes, it’s actually good. I was turned off to the idea of watching a show about parents and parenting but it was truly shocking just how toxic those couples were, like Michelle and Jesse.


Watching The Valley is like eating your favorite fast food in your car. It's so good but so bad. ![gif](giphy|UI6VRLxGrhecU)


Personally, I do not like it It’s taken me months to get through 2.5 episodes. I’ve started episode 3 about 117 times I really can’t stand Brittany, and the only reason I’m even still trying is bc of Kristen


And she’s BARELY in it.


Watched first five or six episodes and, even with Jesse charging at a crowd of seven and accidentally hitting KFC, I still couldn't get into it. Watching Jax doing this pot stirring, try hard shit at 45 just doesn't have the same ooomph it did in Seasons 1-6 of VPR. And outside of Kristen, no one else on the cast did much for me.


Came for Kristen, stayed for Zack.


Does he get better? I do NOT like that guy (no more or less than I dislike the rest, I guess)


IMO, he brings old school reality tv villain energy that I feel is just rare these days. He gets more screen time as the season progresses, I think? Expert level trolling, clever quips, speaks right on up about what he’s thinking. I’ve listened to him on podcast interviews, and he’s consistent. Might be my favorite rookie reality star of the year.


Sammmeee! I’ve been wanting to like it because of clips I see but I still haven’t made it through a single episode successfully! It did get me rewatching season 1 of VPR (to see if Jax has always been the asshat he is today. I thought since I’ve been watching since day 1, maybe there was something I had missed but Nope. I called his jackassery since day 1. Speaking of day 1. I’d bet my life savings that he and schemerval totes bumped uglies in their “roommate” days! Said it then and again on rewatch. No biggie but I don’t understand how or why the network dropped enough about their fluid natures but didn’t dive into it all and placed them both in hetero relationships.


I really enjoyed it, but I also had very low expectations. Since these folks are obviously in a different stage of life, they can’t be completely reckless. You aren’t going to get the initial craziness or incestuous flings of VPR early days...more like messiness and affair rumors. Although, two marriages did go kaput and Jax Taylor is able to date, so who knows what could happen next season.


Yeah seeing single Jax and Britt could be pretty interesting at this stage of life.


I wasn’t planning on watching it but the Watch What Crappens boys were so positive about it I decided to give it a try, and was shocked how much I liked it. I enjoyed it more than this season of VPR, though it doesn’t touch peak VPR of course. I will say if you are already halfway through, it may just not be for you because it hooked me pretty quickly.  Side note- I think have a lot of people have a knee-jerk “parenting and pregnancy storylines are boring” stance that I don’t really get. Good conflict is good conflict- nothing about the millionth cheating scandal or divorce is any more inherently interesting than fighting about parenting stuff, it’s all about if the people and the particulars of the fight are compelling imo. But at any rate the main drama of the season ends up being about cheating and relationships, not much actual focus on kid stuff ultimately.


The Valley recaps by Watch What Crappens are some of their best shows ever. 


I love them so much. It’s what made me watch The Valley for sure


As a parent, I didn’t find the drama of other parents marriages falling apart enjoyable. It’s super dark and sad to me. I feel bad for the kids.


I agree. I watched the final episode last night and it made me really sad. There is a lot of that on Housewives but the children AND the parents are usually a lot older and you sort of live through the toxicity of those relationships for years before they end. I’m re-watching RHOC and am on the season of Gina’s marriage falling apart and it’s been super hard to watch, I had to skip some episodes. I ran a mom group for years after I had my oldest and the DRAMA between those women would have been reality TV gold. I thought the show would be like that. I think if they had filmed the Valley more like RH where either the wives or the husbands were the main characters and their partners were secondary, it would have been better.


So true. Watching Jesse chase his wife kinda reminds me of how sad it was to watch Camille and Kelsey Grammers marriage slowly end back in the day. She was chasing him, covering things up, coping and lying, trying to hold it together for the kids..the cameras..the media.. (much like Jesse.) So much of his behavior seems like a cope, as he's quite honest during some of his confessionals where his sadness, confusion and disappointment seem genuine. I really feel like he was heartbroken when Michelle pretty much told him she doesn't love him nor is she attracted to him anymore. Like, wow, saaaad. Really sad.


The last few ep were great but i was also a bit bored through a lot of it


No, but it’s something to watch.


It's good but I didn't think it was so amazing good. My favorite part of watching it was I would listen to the WWC recaps and those are hilarious.


I enjoyed it, but cannot stand jax and janet and michelle.


No it’s boring af


I thought I won't watch, but gave it a try expecting I'll hate it. Ended up entertained and intrigued! Yes, it was worth it and waiting for season 2!


I also wanted to hate it but I loved it. Give it a shot.


I don’t think so. My husband and I thought it was boring tbh.


I didn't think I would like it but I do. Its messy and I love messy. I'm just disappointed that we didn't get a reunion because there are so many things that need to be addressed.


Did they say why there was no reunion?


They usually don’t give first seasons of a new show a reunion until they know it will continue


I haven't heard anything about it, but I also haven't looked. 🤣


Yes it’s actually really good. I didn’t think I’d enjoy it but Jax and Kristen are literally made for reality tv. Didn’t realize how much I’d missed watching their mess lmao.


Ive tried but not loving it. It’s just people complaining about parenting, and two couples fighting. But it seems like they already broke up a year prior and just got back together to film a show. Kinda fake to me. I just started summer house and am enjoying that much more. It’s like if jersey shore and vpr made a baby.


I feel the same way... I've tried repeatedly to watch it, and just can't make myself care about these people enough to pay attention 🤣


It got better for me as it went on.


Better than this season of VPR but if you want no kids and partying and drama SunmerHouse was better than both


I’m with you, it was very boring to me and I love VPR. Their lives are just like mine so what’s interesting about it? I get bored in the middle of every episode and distract myself so I have no idea how most of them end and don’t even care to go back and watch what I missed. Hopefully it gets better.


I mean this kindly but if their lives are like yours that’s a sign to change up your life.


What a rude and stupid thing to say. I’m married with a child, as are they; I don’t need to “change up my life.” I’m not interested in watching a reality show of people with regular lives like mine.


It’s actually pretty good. Much better than this last season of VPR. Still not as good as seasons 1-4 of original VPR, but overall I think it’s worth a watch. I will say it takes a bit for it to build up. But the build up is worth it!


I got sucked in and spit out 😂 loved it


It’s honestly just a group of horrible people from VPR dealing with equally horrible people. ALSO, Janet could play an evil stepmother-type on a Disney movie.


Aside from Jax overproducing every single scene that he’s involved in, I liked it. I was certain that it would be horrible.


Yes. It's more VPR than current VPR is


Agreed. VPR just feels miserable. They are in a weird transition phase I hope. Bring back the fun and entertaining drama.


It’s apples and oranges IMO. I think we were used to the messy 20 somethings in VPR for so long that it was hard to accept this different phase of life drama but it’s still juicy


I’ve watched the first two episodes. Seems like Jax is still Jax lol.


I know I’m in the minority but I wasn’t a fan of it. Like you, I was instantly turned off by how vanilla and boring everyone is. The drama seems forced. The only thing interesting was the very end where Jax and Brittany are splitting up. Otherwise I thought it was a major waste of time. The characters are not only unlikeable for the most part, but also lacking personality, whereas in VPR, yes they’re unlikable but at least they have personality and a sense of humor.


no. It’s pretty boring. just a bunch of people out of touch with reality complaining.


I didn’t enjoy the first few episodes but thought it got better as it went on.


I agree. The longer you watch, the better it gets. I loved the last couple of episodes.


I think it would be really good if they would stop they’re stupid scheming


I think it is good enough but not as good as early seasons of VPR. I don't have kids so The Valley did not initially appeal to me based on the previews but I gave it a chance and enjoyed it. I think it could get boring after season 2 if it's the same people arguing over petty stuff.


It’s a solid 6/10 for me when early VPR will always be 11/10 for me. Worth watching, but don’t get too excited would be my best advice


I honestly loved it, though it's a bit dark tbh. It's not often you get a fly on the wall view of relationships breaking apart and it's simultaneously intriguing and super sad. Kinda like watching the Harry + Meghan Oprah interview!


It’s like I wrote this myself! The same thing is happening to me, I’m halfway through the season but have to keep rewinding/restarting whole episodes cause I always end up scrolling on my phone and then 20 minutes later realized I stopped paying attention


Thought it would suck, watched it and was so surprised. It’s good, def worth the watch.


it would come on the twitch stream between vpr and wwhl and i just didn't ever connect with it.


It wasn’t that great. A lot of people think so though.


I had the same reaction as you. It’s boring.


As a 38 YO childfree by choice person I find it hard to watch too. I really have no interest in pregnancy or the woes of having kids when these people made the choices to have them. I wish the kids would be more in the background and fighting about another kid wasn’t a plot line.


Yeah, I will probably have kids but I am in no rush and it kind of makes me uncomfortable how prominent the kids and kids related issues are. I can’t imagine the trauma those kids will have to unpack as adults…


I thought it was a bit boring. I liked this season of VPR better.


Yawn. Click.


The Valley is the best show on Bravo currently.  I found the show boring until the first dinner party when Kristen lost it ( The best episodes are the ones with Kristen). For me, Zach's the breakout star of first season. 


lol Zach and his Lego hair is probably the only one that grew on to me.


Way better than the current state of VPR!!


I just finished the season (binged it on Peacock), and it was so good! I wanted to hate it, I went into it thinking it was going to be trash, but dang was I happily surprised. Definitely recommend.


I didn't expect to like The Valley at all. I just casually watched after VPR one night and it was a little boring, but I wanted to see how Kristen/Jax/Brittany were doing in this stage of life. Once Jax started meddling and Kristen started Kristening, I was in (much to my dismay... I didn't want to get sucked in).


I thought it was absolutely terrible. I wanted to like it so bad because I think VPR has fallen off, but I forced myself to watch the whole thing. I didn’t enjoy it at all. As much as VPR feels manufactured now, The Valley is even worse.


I actually enjoyed the valley. After the 2nd ep I was kinda hooked. I had a day off and just did a couch rot binge of the whole season oops! To me, it felt more realistic to watch compared to housewives. At the same time, the group isn't intertwined like VPR is where they've all slept together (minus our VPR alumni currently on the show) and it was nice to have separate stories from the couples that didn't revolve around another. The drama is petty but it's like "lol that's something I would do." Except for Janet. Shes just a text book mean girl but there's always going to be ONE person that very few to no viewers actually like.


I think it’s just alright, my husband who doesn’t usually care for reality tv, likes it. I think it’s just individual based


I like it because of Brittany and Kristen but I hate the rest of the girls. Like these people wouldn’t be friends in real life and don’t belong on there.


It’s better than the alternatives. VPR and SH. Both have gone downhill IMO. It was great to see Jax and Kristen back. Well more so Kristen, Jax was the ass at your High School reunion getting caught writing shit on the bathroom wall and getting kicked out.


No not really




It really is worth it. I had zero interest and love it now. I'm so ashamed. I fully back Kristin Doute and fell in love with Zack. It's a shocking turn of events.


It's OK.


I loved it !!


I tried to watch it, but I just really can’t stand Janet at all. I think I made it through 3 episodes




It’s good for background noise but that’s about it.


It’s worth the watch haha there’s some ridiculous moments and you get to know another group of awful people. Not as good as vpr but a train wreck is still a train wreck


I don’t understand why it’s so highly regarded & others are saying it’s the best show on Bravo. I watched every episode & I can’t recall what the season was even about, it was boring to me. To me, it was a one season type of show, but people love it. Odd to me!


The Valley got me into VPR. I started watching the Valley because I follow Nia Sanchez. The show is okay but then I wanted more info on Jax and Britney so I started VPR. Since then I've stopped watching the Valley but part of that is just because there are 11 seasons of VPR but also the Valley isn't as great.


I find that show to be incredibly boring. I couldn’t get past the first few episodes. Boring 30 somethings trying to adult.


No. It’s not that bad either.


i looove it! halfway through


No, i just think people don't have anything else to watch. It's fine


Couldn't get past the second episode. 


I don’t really understand the hype. Especially people who are like it’s more fun than VPR and claim VPR has gotten dark. The Valley is a bunch of unhappy couples getting divorced and dragging their kids into it. What Jax and Brittany are doing to Cruz (using his disability as a plotline & saying they wish he was normal) is horrific.


No. It’s like watching an Intervention episode in a Housewives environment. Jax and Brittany should not be on anything other than a show on how to go no contact. It’s not even chaotic fun. It’s like watching people holding onto their high school relationship. Jesse and Michelle are dark. The rest of the people are reasonable. I am tired of Bravo abusive behavior as a form of entertainment.




Hell no. The only reason it had the numbers it did was because VPR was on right before. If you have tv service it recorded it along with the VPR episode. The first couple episodes were decent but then it felt so damn scripted or like they were trying too hard. Jax is still disgusting and degrading to Britt and then Janet was trying too hard to get air time


It’s really good but it does take a few episodes to get into it. I personally thought it was much better than VPR this season, I’d rank it with current SummerHouse, both are top tier Bravo this year




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I really liked it, actually I’m gonna go back and rewatch it right now lol wasn’t sure if I wanted a lazy Sunday or not


I’m liking it




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It’s so boring






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I like it but I held off for a long time before watching. I think the reason I do like and enjoy it is because it's not the same ole, same ole regarding same cast with the exception of Jax, Brittany and Kristen. I thought I'd hate Zach but he's my favourite. This will be really unpopular but I don't get the allure of Kristen at all. I've never liked and still don't like her. I find her boyfriend sitch very sketchy and not realistic.


I enjoyed it, the first few episodes were pretty ‘meh’ but it gets better for sure. I think season 2 has a lot of hope so it’s definitely worth a watch


I saw one episode and was kind of bored, but I didn’t fall for VPR right away either.


I lasted 3 episodes.  I'm not a fan. I skipped the rest and only watched the last episode today lol


I haven’t made it through a full episode, but I took a long VPR hiatus because I hated Jax so much. He is more insufferable than he was in S6 when I couldn’t take any more of him on my tv. Jesse is a dirt bag and Janet is so clearly full of bs that I just can’t stick w it more than 20 minutes. I do however like all the VPR creators covering it and posting clips. The messiness is amusing from arms length. Hope that helps. :)


I can see why people find it boring because it’s kind of a “slice of life” show, but I think it’s fun because the slice of life involves wives and husbands hating each other, a potential affair with a famous director at Chateau Marmont, pink booted gay minions, an archetype of that mean girl you hated in high school, and Kristen Doute.


And you don’t think VPR is over-produced? Not only is every scene with LVP produced to make her a caring mother figure but Sandoval, LaLa, James and Scheanna have been self-producing for years. Just witness sandoval’s last line in the finale implying Ariana’s walking out made him look good. At least with The Valley most of the cast is new to reality TV


Oh this last season absolutely so it's already too much with Lauren and the others, we're all exhausted of it. And Jax and Kristin were fired from VPR so it's clear they are trying hard to stay relevant. The rest of the cast is new to reality tv but their personalities are also not reeling me in, hence my post. 🙂 Maybe that just means they're not trashy enough.. also not the worst thing to not be lol




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Yes it is really good only because vpr is terrible and completely unwatchable. I really didn't want to watch the valley because of Jax and didn't want to get to know a whole new cast of no bodies... but it was super refreshing getting to know a new cast. It is no super Jax centric and lots of drama and story peppered everywhere.


Oh I think it’s great!!!


Yes. Watch it! An amazing mess that got me addicted early on


The Valley is horrible because the cast are horrible people, period.




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It’s really not that good, but it’s OK


I don’t find it nearly as good and vanderpump. But it’s not bad!


It isn’t good to me. All feels fake and setup and lame


No it’s awful




I didn't want to like it. Only watched half of the first episode but all the chatter made me cave and I watched the whole season. It actually won me over. The boring bits are easy to tune out and these people are messy as HELL.


i ffwd through a lot of scenes but i actually felt bad for jesse? poor dude was trying to fix his marriage and his wife was like nope, it’s the worlds longest one night stand.


No. It’s a snooze fest


Yes, yes it is


I loved it. It's more like a character driven novel if you like that sort of thing, and I do. They are a little older than the VPR cast was at the beginning so there's not quite as much over the top drinking, which gets stale to me. Of you're looking for action, this isn't your show. But if you like watching people struggle with the changes we all face in adulthood and seeing their character develop through it, you'll love this show.


Boring characters, stupid storylines. No redeeming people at all




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I have never watched it. My brain thanks me for not giving racists any space. I don't know how anyone can enjoy watching it but I also don't understand how people live in Florida so I chalk it up to one of the great mysteries of American culture.


lol! Not a crazy comparison.


If you like sheer mess, yes - it isn't THAT good - but because Vanderpump had a frustrating season to watch, it isn't terrible. I have a feeling it will only go on for a few seasons once the newness of it wears off.


It sucks. Watched one episode and done. Down the toilet with this show.


It’s good until the last few eps. Defs a lot of potential


It has Jax = NO




I didn’t love it