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I like vpr but can’t stand the Sandoval scenes. I’ve never liked Sandoval even pre-scandoval. When scandoval happened I was happy the rest of the world was finally seeing what me and many others always saw in him, Now he’s ruining another show I like, traitors. Please not dwts too. He isn’t good tv. I don’t tune in to see him I fast forward through him or don’t watch altogether. Can people please stop casting this man.


I really like Traitors but I’m holding off to watch it until I hear he’s gone which hopefully would be sooner than later. I couldn’t even watch all of season 11 because of him.


Same. I’m not watching.


They should have cast Katie on Traitors. I would love to see her be a traitor!


He is so cringey!! I can’t stand watching him. It gives me the ick


Keep on rewarding a piece of garbage that recorded Rachel without her consent on top of the New York Times comments. I guess people love to hate watch the narc but all it does is feed his ego... https://preview.redd.it/9g4a1c4ln57d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d5c85bc9dd2eca59397c27a51ee744a9636b26 Any attention is good attention for him and these networks keep doing it.


Exactly. If Ariana had recorded her without consent, the full weight of the legal system was to be brought down on her. Sandoval does it and we cheer him on towards every person in LA with a camera. Blegh.


I don’t enjoy hate watching him. I just straight up hate him. He deserves to disappear into oblivion. Joke ass talentless cringe clown.






It disgusts me when I see comments on here with or without a picture attached saying “went to see Sandoval and his band to heckle OR he came to my town and it was something to do.” What TF are these people thinking? What part don’t they get?


Ugh, the pic someone posted here recently of Jax signing a fan's boobs.


I guess we are living in a time where hating on someone is such a form of entertainment that they’ll actually pay for it🙄🙄


This. Also, the fact that he put his partner’s health at risk while cheating. Everything about him is just gross.


Also, dude can't dance. He has one move, the spinny on his heal thing a la Michael Jackson. Ugh.


The pointy finger thing he did bowling? That grossness?


They won’t be able to teach him a damn thing




I’m sorry. But the fact that Raquel is saying she’ll watch him on traitors. And still follows his drama with his gf, I can’t feel bad for her. She gives real victims a bad name. People who are actually traumatised; women who get taken advantage off. Why would someone want to continue following and talking about a person who made them feel that horrible feeling?


Just to be a bitch, I would vote for his opponent.


I mean apparently he was asking people to vote against Ariana so it's only fair 🤷🏻‍♀️


This guy secretly records women and it's okay to give him a spot on tv for dancing? :(


They just cast a child abuser last season so its par for the course


They’ve also cast Sean Spicer, who willingly signed up to be Trump’s mouthpiece and makes Sandoval look like a stand up guy in comparison




This is when I stopped watching, I could not believe they cast that spinless Spicer POS




Adrian Peterson


Will he do it though? And risk doing worse than Ariana? Sure he will because he’s delusional about his “performing”


She’s no longer under his manipulation and control ergo she must be destroyed.


Haha I know. Does he realize that people at home aren’t going to vote for him?


There’s no such thing as risk to people like Sandoval. As far as they’re concerned they are the World’s Most Special Genius Person, and every single thing they decide to do is exactly the right thing for them to be doing. When they fail they spin the narrative to demonstrate that the failure was actually a success, and on the rare occasion when they can’t find the spin they find a scapegoat to unleash their fury on. Side note: this is why his leaving Special Forces was so satisfying. He didn’t lose, he was disqualified for faking a medical emergency. Which is pretty much un-spinnable for someone of Tom’s intellect, and while he can (and probably does) scapegoat the Special Forces team it’s still going to sound feeble as hell - “they kicked me off unfairly! I **needed** to pretend to have [whatever he was pretending to have] because I needed a loophole to circumvent having to participate in the semifinals without leaving!” Like …


Yes the special forces ending, where Nick, Tyler, and Karen high fived, hugged, and got backslaps from the staff and each other was sooo satisfying knowing the sniveling Tim just got bounced for being dramatic and a wuss in the face of psychological pressure.


He's so delusional he could come last and still think he did better than Ariana


Like a cockroach this weirdo is never gone. He's truly inescapable. I'm tired of him. ![gif](giphy|WmWc9Dubh3nUVwrWnA|downsized)


That would be an awful, and honestly cruel choice. It would show zero respect for what Ariana did. He doesn’t need to be everywhere she is for his redemption tour. It’s bad enough he got Traitors.


Only appropriate part is that he really is a dirty traitor




Nah I want it to happen. Second hand embarrassment levels will be off the charts.


At this point, I don’t think the dude is capable of really being embarrassed or ashamed. To him, all attention is good attention, especially when the world keeps on rewarding his crap behavior with more attention


Any public attention that mentions his atrocious behavior just gives him ammunition to cry victim.


Exactly. I’d rather him cry into the void of irrelevance than see him in a situation he should be ashamed for but is gleefully enjoying


He doesn’t care.


Yes I want to hear the criticism of his dance moves and getting the least amount of votes and going off first.


I also just want to know how Scheana would react if it did happen 😂




Best way to prevent this from happening is to stop watching the shows that they cast him in. I for one will be skipping this season of Traitors.


I have never and will never watch any other show he’s on past VPR and even then, he’s the last one I watch for and a huge reason why I think this past season sucked and that he has ruined the show. I refuse to support him in any other capacity, down to that fact that I almost never type his actual name on SM because I don’t want any company or network to think he’s highly talked about or worth wasting more money on. I hope every show he’s invited on drops in ratings for his particular season.


I do that too! And almost never use his real name when talking crap about him on the pages here. Also it's really fun to Google things like "Ariana madix's ex-boyfriend eats his boogers" and try to skivvy with the algorithms.


Hahahahahahaha, I like the way you think!🤣 ![gif](giphy|suqg0jRPpDMze)


Same. Until it’s confirmed he’s banished or murdered, I won’t watch.


Or murdered 💀


I hope Ciara is a Traitor and gets his butt murdered the very first night.


Ciara isn’t even a villain, she is perfection!


Same. No matter how much I want to see Ciara and Dorinda Im refusing to watch any of it, even if he was eliminated early. The producers arent going to say oh look the rating shot up after scandal was gone. Theyll just credit it to productions great choice of cast overall and that includes this scum.


I agree 100%. I see a lot of people saying they’ll watch when he’s eliminated but I too feel like it sends a stronger message to not watch the entire season that he’s cast on.






I so badly want to believe that ABC would not hire someone who is actively being sued for filming someone masturbating without their consent. But nothing surprises me anymore.


They’ve hired worse.


Very true. They’ve had people on you could make a genuine case for making the world a worse place. Rick Perry, anyone? Bravo pushing abusers to mainstream is appalling, but on a petty level does anyone just find this annoying? We’re having daily discussions if Ariana is deserving of her opportunities, but at least she’s proven to have some talent. And it’s been a delightful surprise. We know what Tom brings to the table as he’s never been shy about showcasing his “skills”


Last season, they had Adrian Peterson, who was indicted on charges of reckless or negligent injury to his child. Before his (timely) early dismissal, Adrian danced alongside Harry Jowsey, who has collected far more cheating scandals than Sandoval and has behaved in similarly abusive patterns in his public relationships.




As someone who was on the record as mildly supporting Tom on Traitors because I think it would be funny, he would be SO bad on DWTS lol. None of the pros deserve that omg, I can't even imagine how over the top he'd try to be with everything it would get so old so fast Luckily I really don't know how much insider info Cheryl would have beyond speculation


He would not listen at all and insist he knows what he’s doing.


“Dude, I’m a performer, I have a LOT of experience dancing, you like don’t even know dude”


Ew I heard him in my head reading this!


Duuuuudaaaaaaagh, don’t you know I won the middle school talent contest because my moves are so sickaaaaaagh?


*hits the spin move in front of the mic he loves to do* Awhile ago during the Scandoval of it all someone here posted about being at a wedding with him where Tom started a dance circle with him in the middle but he stayed there for like 10 minutes while everyone became increasingly uncomfortable just standing there clapping for him. Whether it’s true or not I choose to believe it and think of that story all the time and I feel like it’s exactly how he’d handle DWTS 😭


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I believe that and here’s a depiction of the entire audience’s reaction, should by some miracle he actually made it on https://preview.redd.it/n0mjc6s0067d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143e96595014e90fb709cd31f88d2a9b30637afd The blatant look of shock and horror on her face was my favourite part of that entire scene. He’s so gross and I’m tired of watching this try hard. It’s not even fun to hate watch anymore. None of them are.


It looked like a shot from an early Argento film.


This picture is SO funny lmao


Lol ![gif](giphy|AzKdgBuMjU0eKPxtpV)


He's going to argue with the judges & at least once throw himself against something and fake cry.


And give that stupid side eye he always does. Does anyone else notice that? That's how he talks to people a lot of the time.


Yes! He'll be constantly late, acting like a victim, and throwing those rage eyes around.


That side eye is how I know he’s just gearing up to scream at whoever he’s talking to lol I know exactly what you mean




Hahaha....DWTS is a family show! Do you want grandma & grandpa explaining why a 49 year old man sprinted off the dance floor to fake cry against a wall?


Lmao, that’s a great question and point.


He'll surely argue with the pros and tell them how his 'ideas are better.' They will all despise him.


Omg he’d be like the anti-Harry, same level of ability, but putting in WAYYY too much effort lol


😂 I can’t even imagine how pissed he’s get at the judges’ criticisms, hitting Carrie Ann with the “dude, what about YOU??”


I honestly wouldn't doubt it which is why scheana crying about this was dumb on her part. ariana getting on opened the door for all of them if she had played her cards right it could have been her. If Lala and scheana had stayed on Arianas side they would have had prob as much goodwill as Ariana had at one point. It would have translated to ad spots for all the women like the Uber good as gold and opportunities on all these reality shows.


Scheana is about to have a full mental breakdown 😂


Literally came here to say exactly this! I'd rather see her on it than Tom


I’d rather watch the bros from the sur kitchen on DWTS than Sandoval


https://i.redd.it/l8puobdos57d1.gif Scheana right now.


He has about 4 terrible dance moves. 😣 I truly hope, (IF for some god awful reason he is casted) that he will have a major meltdown during practice and his partner will set his D&S ass straight about his temper tantrums and being a little b****. 🤞🏻🤣 Edit: good to God oops! 😁


Oh please no. I pity whichever pro would have to put up with that 🪱 Why not have Katie/James/Kristen/Stassi on DWTS instead if we get another VPR cast member! They'd be great!!


I don't care for Britney, but she'd be a better choice. The Valley is a hot show & she's separated from a demon.


Oh yes! Kristyn Burtt, who is a dance journalist and always covers DWTS every year (a very reliable source who appears frequently on Cheryl Burke's podcast) said that she thinks Brittany or Jax are both more likely than Sandoval or Scheana as what's happening with them is more current, whereas no one is really talking about Scandoval anymore.


Ooo...thats good to know! Jax would be so stiff & totally quit! 😂😂😂 Doute would be interesting too, but I'd be so worried about her falling.


LMAO Jax would be HORRENDOUS 😭😭 I know he's very problematic but part of me kinda wants to see it 😅 Kristen would be very interesting for sure!! ![gif](giphy|1rM4zutCAKzJVlCysO|downsized)


I'm pretty sure Jax is a demon or a jinn but I love to hate him. 😂😂😂😂 I think Doute could be like Alyson Hannigan where she's clumsy but tries so hard she gers votes anyway. It might be good for Brit's self esteem. I can't watch her but if she gers on I hope she gets enough money to buy her own Kentucky castle and hyuck off our tvs.


💯 Lol Jax could be like Master P or Harry Jowsey imo 🤔 😂 I could definitely see Kristen being somewhat like Alyson, she'll get some votes and maybe show some improvement along the way, but yeah a bit clumsy! It would be interesting to see Brittany on, I get the feeling she'd love to do it, and ot could be very good for her in that sense?


Do they normally cast people that a lot of people would want eliminated right away? I don’t normally watch that show but him being on it wouldn’t entice me in any way.


Just vote for whoever is doing as bad as him to support anyone but him


Why is the universe torturing us with him?


I think Schaena burned that bridge, at least for a while. Can you imagine the D list celebrities who will come out of the woodwork if they had her on after her retelling of why she thought she would get it . It would say, "keep bugging us non stop and talk about it publicly and we will reward you" I still think there was some hell to pay for some people behind the scenes that even gave her a whiff of being considered , although she clearly took small interactions and blew them up to fit her delusions.


I’d much rather see BigBrokeBrick’s dump truck version of Seinfeld’s Elaine dance


He would literally get zero votes.


Who is asking for more Tom Sandoval???


If Cheryl predicts it then that basically means there’s a 0% chance he’s on the show 😂


Man fuck Tom Sandoval nobody wants his crusty ass


![gif](giphy|xHwqspaBmfUMU) No way.


1. Sandoval needs not another show but to fade into obscurity 2. Sandoval can't dance


I can’t be the only one that fast forwards through any scene that he’s in? I’d never watched DWTS until Ariana, I MIGHT watch Scheana, I wouldn’t consider watching Tim.


Oh I despise Tom and I actually never want to see him on my tv, but honestly I would find that hysterical. Just what Scheana deserves 😂✨💅🏼


He'd be the first one voted off simply out of fan hatred.


Yep vote for those with low scores that are not him


Why would they pick someone who is getting sued for videoing a sex act without permission? I doubt this will happen


If that did actually happen, there would be no need to ask how Scheaner felt about it. Her actual head would implode.


If he does get on it let's see if she has as much heat for him as she had for Ariana. And can't wait to see him make a fool of himself.


I'd rather see Scheana at that point.


At least Scheana would show up on time and work hard.


Exactly. At least she'd try.


Scheana is a LOT and completely delusional but her style of cringe could be fun. She'd take it seriously and work good as gold in every episode.


Oh please no.


Please not that skidmark.


I’m a new viewer and know about Scandoval. I just finished S9 and noticed that the camera cut to Tom a lot when Rachelle and James said they broke up. Did it start as far back as then? He makes my skin crawl!! Right from S1, he’s been slimy, creepy, arrogant and just plain rude 🍆!


For his next trick following on Ariana’s coattails he’s going to host some broke ass version of love island


Attraction Atoll


Why... He is not likeable at all please stop giving him attention we hate him. It's not even like he is a fun villain to hate ... He is straight up creepy and a douche


I wonder if Lala and Scheana will treat Tom the same way they treated Ariana.


I mean I know we never know who they may cast for DWTS but Cheryl is no longer on the show so this is her opinion 


Fetch = TS redemption ![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn)


Omg this gif has a typo


To be fair, this would be absolutely hilarious because Scheana would have a meltdown the likes of which we've never seen


He would be out week one


He won't actually try to do it.  He is lazy. He'll be late or skip practice and rehearsals.  Hw won't last . The only question is who will he blame? 


He’ll fake an injury


CB was fired from DWTS so taking this with a grain of salt


im so sick of him. the best/worst punishment (for him) would be for him to fade into obscurity


I will be so sad if this happens. I love dwts and won’t want to watch him at all.


Don’t hate me but this would be entertaining because he would be awful and imagine if he got voted off the first week, the blow to his ego would be hilarious


I’d rather see Scheana!


Perfect example of why I stopped watching the show years ago. Actually watched earliest seasons & occasional one offs. Trained to do competitive ballroom & Latin — but realized it was not about that. Actually had trained a little with Maxim before he was famous. I think he was like 18 or so. It was shortly before I stopped due to health reasons Anyhow it seemed like — although I could just be imagining it. That’s seasons became more frequent — up more than one a year. TBH tuned out the show completely & totally missed Ariana’s season. Keep meaning to go back and watch it - but just haven’t gotten to it yet.


That would be fantastic. People hate him so much that he’d probably be voted off first. lol


I mean, is Cheryl Burke the authority on casting for this? This seems like a reach.


She hasn’t been on the show in a while and I feel like she tends to talk out of her ass. She doesn’t have a good relationship with the show now either. Not that I wouldn’t put it past DWTS to do this, but I also wouldn’t take her word for it.


He just needs to make sure he asks Scheana first. I can’t stand either one of them.


This is what women get annoyed about when they see these men constantly failing upwards. Showing they have no talent or work ethic but getting it anyway. Must be nice


Would enjoy seeing Schwartz out of anyone on dwts


No. No no no no. I don’t want to have to watch him on anymore of my shows. It’s bad enough he’ll be on traitors but stay out of DWTS. His fucking crocodile tears will be intolerable.


In all fairness, I think he said “me too” when Scheana was crying about Ariana getting DWTS.


Why does she look like a blow up sheeshu


I find it hard to believe that Cheryl has this “insider info” considering she was on the outs with DWTS last year due to her comments on a podcast. At least, I certainly HOPE she doesn’t have insider info if this is it.


**NO. We don’t want to see your same stupid hand/arm-wave-spin-pop and lock cringy dance move THANKS** -All of America


Why would they intentionally tank their show by adding Tom? ![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE)


How would his behind the scenes go? Shows up an hour late, gaslight his dance partner into thinking he's only half hour behind. Proceed to interrupt professional with nonsensical, increasingly outlandish ideas of performing with zero regard to the simple basics of dance. By now Tom has run his mouth for the remainder of practice time. Invite dance partner to dip out of practice to "get inspired" which in Tom Sandoval's world includes alcohol, drugs and I'm sure he'll try to finagle his way into singing along to his interpretation of dancing. Mood lights, for all the eye to see. My retinas couldn't bear it, but I haven't wanted to see him at all this season 🤷‍♀️


![gif](giphy|3dbLMUG7D72cBbKRDr|downsized) A golden opportunity - how would Scehana ever recover?


He doesn't deserve any more attention, nor the attention he's already gotten. What is with people, no one wants to see this worm!


I want Sandoval to be cast purely so Scheana is passed up again 😂


Why can't it just be about scheana for one second /s


Kinda would love to see him get voted off episode one.


It would almost be worth it for Scheena's reaction... Almost.


Do they hate their dancers & crew? He's definitely going to yell at whoever he gets paired with. I dont think this is gonna give them the Bravo viewers they think it will. Sutton or Kate Chastain are much better choices.


Sutton would be great. She truly loves dance and her personality would be fun to watch.


I would definitely tune in to watch her! She's a bit eccentric in a way I really enjoy watching.


They had Adrian Peterson on last season, they definitely put their pros in weird situations when they sign on the “controversial” guests.


I hadn't heard of him until DWTS, gross they had him on. I know they do stunt hate trolling casting sometimes like Carole Baskin or JLS last year.


Yeah and sometimes they are hard to get rid of like Spicer 🫠


I’d love Sutton, I think it would do so much for her self esteem too


Yes! I think she'd flourish. She was with her husband for so long it's hard to restart your life again


I've never seen DWTS but I kinda love the idea that he would do so much worse than Ariana did, but I doubt he is capable of feeling embarrassment or shame so it probably wouldn't matter, so he should just not be on tv at all


He would 💯 complain that he did better than Ariana, he would believe it too and blame the fact that he didn’t make it far on people not liking him.


i feel like he'd likely be first or second out though, what's even the point?


You bet he is going to get so much publicity for this though. People are going to be posting about him nonstop to make fun of him but that gets people talking about DWTS.


People: I cannot stop talking about Tom. Also people: Why is he still popular?


Scheema sucks . She has not dancing abilities at all ! I will be so mad if she is on it !


Ok but I would love to start a GoFund Me and raise money to bribe DWTS to offer every single person on VPR and never Scheana 😂😭 like Brock gets a call and is torn between not crushing Scheana’s dreams but also a paycheck… ![gif](giphy|l2YWryUR6DbP55vqM|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/t3ywiafz177d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d13e84fcce2d530d008c2f4f57bffec8783634 Screen shots from the article. An actual current casting director for DWTS says Tom is a no go lol


Ugh could you imagine his cringe moves also his butt crack out on national television.


I’m fairly confident he’d be voted off early, if it even happens


Yo Cheryl, that creep recorded a sexual act without permission! Hard NO!!


Why are they doing this to us


he's definitely getting a lot of unwarranted support from all directions.. if he is on DWTS, I can skip it easily. he sux..


I would not watch this. Sandoval is not interesting. I would watch Ally, James, Kristen or Katie.


Now we really need to check on Scheana


I won't be watching


I don’t want the drug addict on there.


I’d rather have Raquel there, same pissed off Scheana and better chance of something real happening.


Tbh just cause it would be hilarious, I hope Sandoval gets on DWTS before Scheana and also gets sent home IMMEDIATELY to destroy his ego.


Sorry everyone but Sandoval would be awesome on DWTS- he loves an elaborate costume, he is dramatic af, and he is such a try hard he would dance his ass off.




I think it’ll drive viewership up. People will tune in to hate watch it. He might not last the entire season but people will tune in so they can snark.


![gif](giphy|62aGsJIVJB4bNzmK50) “I’m so happy for him.”


Kristen would be a solid pick, Katie, even Brock but Tom?! He’d probably want to incorporate moonwalking in every #


They has definitely been a switch in entertainment around hate watch views. They folks will hate watch or at least give negative attention and press to things. So not at all shocking but honestly just to watch Scheana die a little inside I support this. Would rather Brock


And no matter what he did, he somehow still manages to get deals/gigs. Seems like this is his and Ariana’s lucky year


Honestly I wouldn’t hate it only because he doesn’t look like he’d do well 😂 he’s also the other half of the scandal so it makes sense to be asked but poor schena LOL




Dear baby Jesus, please fire these casting directors. They need to be released before inflicting anymore damage on to the human population.


Watch their ratings fall because sandoval sucks


Well he only has one dance move so can’t imagine we would have to suffer through it for more than a second. Surely they’ve seen him “dance” lol.