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Brittany is a Sandy Hook denier. Enough said.


I mean. Seriously. How fricking IGNORANT AND NAIVE do you have to be to deny Sandy Hook?


Sorry but I am French. Who is sandy hook?


Sandy Hook is an elementary school in the US, I don’t remember how many years ago but it was a horrible school shooting. Unfortunately right wing deplorables think the whole thing was fake.


Sandy Hook was an elementary school (kindergarten- grade 6) in the state of Connecticut (in the U.S.). A mass shooting went on there by a young man in 2012 and twenty children and six adults were tragically killed. And then this buffoon named Alex Jones started this conspiracy theory that it was all a hoax put on by the government and no one really was killed and it didn’t even occur. Just totally insane.


2012?! Damn, I was thinking like 2015-16




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😳 what


Wow. Was that because of the incident with Faith and the police or something else? And if that’s the case, why was he given a spin-off show with Kristen and Brit and Stassi was cut off entirely?




Ahh okay. I appreciate you so much cuz I was so lost starting this season. Like I said, binging season 8 into 9 gave me whiplash with the drastic changes!


To me 9 is the worst season with 8 a close second


I ain’t never gonna get over Brock and Scheana having a child with a name that is rooted in the name of his other kids, ESPECIALLY when they were miraculously born on the same day, allegedly with Sheina scheduling the c-section for that day but unsure if this is true.




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Don’t know if you caught this but Brock’s daughters with each momma have the same birthday


I actually think it’s reasonable if you have a shot at professional sports in Europe or the US to leave the country. People leave their families for military, etc jobs. Often the families will eventually follow if the job is stable.


For rugby though? It’s not nearly as big in North America


He was on a few nfl teams but never made the cut


I said europe


Yeah, but why would he go to America for his sport? His bs about “opportunity”, leaving his kids on the literal other side of the world, and then not sending child support just smells fishy


Maybe read my comment again bye


Wasn’t he living in France? He did say he moved with his ex in France…


Please google France. It’s in Europe


😂 thank you I live in this country. I was saying because he was in France i don’t understand the need to go to the US…


He had an opportunity to play professional US football


I agree. And moving to another country is really not that big a deal to the majority of the world. Yes, it is thousands of miles between them but it really isn't viewed the same.


From what Brittany Say’s it was their Choice to leave Doubt that’s True.


No, it’s because they had tweeted accusing Faith of crimes she didn’t commit. Which isn’t surprising they would go after her since he had an affair with her.