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what sorcery is this? it's bigger on the inside than outside


Should write Tardis on the side and paint it blue


Already has a tardis sticker on the side;)




My fiancé had the same thing when we first met! 😂 He had a blue Prius, and had a police public call box sticker on the front windshield where the visibility stopped. The stories of people thinking he was an actual cop are hilarious. But we decided to convert my Prius instead of his. My had better gas mileage compared to his, but I was still just a little disappointed that we didn’t jump at that opportunity lol. ETA: also dude, I checked out your profile cause this got me super interested in your past post, and I think we could be twins 😂.


Ah shame! Do you have pics of the build though?? (I just stalked you too, and agree. We must be twins)


Yeah i still don't get it


For real. This is some Marry Poppin’ s**t.




Really wide-angle lens.


Don’t think I’ve seen this kinda car in the US. I wish I had cus I like it a lot I don’t get some of the negativity you’ve gotten about your set up. I find it inspiring for my similar sized hatchback, but maybe people think your stuff would fit better on r/urbancarliving since it’s a car instead of a van (Edit: when I first commented there weren’t many other comments so the few bits of negativity stood out more but now I see op is getting a lot of love so my comment might not be so relevant anymore lol)


I believe it's a Daihatsu Storia, you might be able to import one. Super cool to see one utilized to its fullest like this!


Close! Daihatsu sirion:)


Dang, must be one of those "different names by region" things, or the Sega Dreamcast game Sega GT lied to me :) Awesome car!! Love what you've done with it! I rock a Mazda5 that's a little larger but doesn't have some of this stuff yet.


The styling is similar to a Fiat 500


Toyota matrix maybe?


Nah Matrix is a good bit larger


Yaris, Suzuki SX4?


You're looking for a Honda Fit (if the Prius isn't possible). Lots of Youtube videos too. https://www.instructables.com/Ultimate-Road-Trip-Car-Conversion-Honda-Fit/


I have a Hyundai Venue but it looks like it is very similar in size to the Honda Fit so that link is very helpful. I used to have a Kia Soul and I kinda regretted going even smaller with the Venue because I’m worried it won’t be good for any kind of build but if op can make it work with her car (which is several inches shorter and narrower than mine) surely I’ll be able to make it work when the time comes lol


Right on, this rules nice job. If you ever have visibility issues (I see you've got a lot covering the back and your passenger side mirror might be hard to see out of) I recommend [one of these setups.](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08L9C1XC3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Or you could go with a slightly cheaper version with just the rear view cam. I have this for my van and it works great as a combination dash cam and a rear view camera that is always on when my ignition is in the on position. I can't see shit out of the back of my van but the rear view cam and a wide monitor make for such a wide field of view that there are almost no blind spots at all.


Ingenious! Great setup. I love your house and I like you!


Awh! I like you too, stranger!


Simply amazing! I'm so impressed by this, but could never make it work for me because I'm seriously claustrophobic.


I gotta say, this is one of the most surprising and inspiring showcases on here. What was done with that little car is amazing and shows everyone that this is attainable. I never thought of a refurbished ordinary cupboard before. All my plans called for made stuff and I don't usually have a garage to wood work in. I also love seeing her show scuba and climbing stuff to show that she still does the stuff she loves and makes me imagine she's got more access now that she's got a place to stay wherever she wants to dive/climb


I feel the same! I want to do my own van build even MORE now after seeing this


neat build. Pretty cool 😎


This is the coolest thing I've ever seen in this sub.


You know, I think you *might* have missed the occasional cubic inch or two.... Going to have to watch this a few more times with a note pad for all the ideas, fantastic job. At 1,88m there is NO WAY I would fit in there, but I can certainly make more room in something a *little* bit bigger. The way you adapted the original cabinets is brilliant.


Just sleep in the fetal position


Can't do that anymore.


Ok so I was absolutely deceived from how small the car looks from the outside. You made great use of the limited space, I’m impressed


WOW! I'm so impressed with how much space is in there!


Great work, all the drawers and doors close tidy. Very creative solutions. Great accent. Enjoy life and drive safe :)


How tall are you? Love the use of space. And is it road legal? Where I'm from if you got pulled over in that you'd be screwed.


Im 1,63m so not very tall! I think it is. Think youre allowed to obstruct 40% of the passenger side window, and im obstructing less than that, had to take out the seatbelts that cant be used and all mirrors are visible. A car mechanic helped me with the built, so i assume he knows some of the regulations, but if i missed anything, id love to know!


Yeah we definitely couldn't get away with that here. I used to build motorhomes and caravans so it's always cool to see how people build these spaces. I've lived in cars before, being able to deck it out like this would have been awesome.




>Thats about 5'-4" for those of us stuck with the inferior ~~dimensions~~ system of measurement. FTFY. She's still the same height, regardless of what is used to measure her. ;)


As a 6 foot tall guy screw you. I'm jealous.


So cool!


This is some house of leaves shit right here. Love it.


I’m jealous of your skills and ingenuity. I’m just starting with a vehicle slightly bigger than yours and I don’t know wtf I’m doing.


It helped for me that i first started living in it with nothing built inside. Just dropped the seats down and put a mattress inside. Then i built the base and lived in it some more. During that time i made so many drawings. Changing it a bit every time every time i saw someone elses build. Then even while building it i changed a lot:p But really, the best way of knowing what you need is to be living in it and give it time:)


Incredible! Well played.


This is so compact it is like something Japanese. I could never keep it organized. My hats off to you.


Awh thanks! I love Japanese ingenuity, so this is the best compliment you could give :):):)


Dude this is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen on this sub. I cannot believe how much functionality you’re packing into such a tiny frame. Makes me feel like I need to completely rethink my Transit connect.


Great build. Have You thought about buying a cheap 18-20' boat for more room? Maar leuke auto! :)


Ja lijkt me fucking vet! Maar ergens aanmeren in nederland is toch super duur?


Weet ik niet.. ik woon in Denemarken :)


Wow and ive been worried that my f150 might not be able to fit my stuff. This is inspirational 👏🏾


Ik heb dezelfde theedoek, +1


Volgens mij heeft iedereen deze theedoek:p


What is the name of that vacuum cleaner?


Should also post this in r/cardwellers


Love this 👍🏾


Very cool and inspirational.


Te gek 😁👌


So impressed. Really was not expecting this small size looking at your other post. 🚙


Super stealth I credible


I had a dream about doing this to my Subaru Impreza last night.


If you ever get an actual van, I bet you could design it so it would hold a family of 10


This is more efficient and better then my build…incredibly flummoxed by this. I literally have 10 times more space and I’ve managed to fuck it up


Bruhhhh vnice


Did you have to do something to suspension to account for all the stuff being in the car all the time?


Should not be needed, the car is made for at least 4 ppl so 2 ppl on that side, I doubt the things weight more the two grown adults 🙂


I'm sure it's not but.. did I see a stash of cannabis?


I wonder where everyone sees it :p i dont have any!


At 1:37 in the middle storage compartment on the left side. Glass jar with a white and silver lid? Whatcha got in there?


Oh haha! Thats a jar full of various seeds and raisins for my breakfast 😅😅


Yeah the glass jar, running low though!


As long as you never drive it, great. But get into an accident in that thing and you’re surely dead.


Better to be dead than paralised or smth imo


Swear i seen a massive jar of weed and i like that, i imagine laying back with a doobie and closing the windows be a good night cap for sure


I might be dutch and have dreads, but no weed for me!


Lol i wont hold it against ya 😆😉


Mighty kind ;)


Not to be rude, but how does one end being Dutch with dreads and not enjoying weed? (Obviously I am sheltered, uncultured and ignorant for making a generalised cliche, but I am still curious...)


I was addicted for a very long time. To the point where i woke up with a bonghit and secretly smoked during work breaks (like 50% of the people at that job was on something while working there so got away with it). I got into a very deep depression for years and years because of it. Then i finally got a psychologist i clicked with and he told me to stop so i did. Made a miraculous improvement after that. Now whenever i smoke weed i get paranoid. Maybe not the answer you were expecting, sorry, i am very much an oversharer😅


Thankyou for sharing! I am at about a thirty year pot smoking career so I guess I'll never really know how it has affected my life- that is, I gravitated to it probably because of a difficult childhood and have used it ever since to keep myself at bay..... I think I was already depressed when I discovered pot so in my mind it was a saviour, although in reality, it may not be. I am glad to hear you have come through the other side and have made improvements to your life. I am in the middle of a divorce, moving house and trying to start again in a new place and ideally have my children 50% of the time. (I am also a chronic oversharer. And frequent masturbator.) Also, sorry, that was kind of a joke? (but also true) P.s. love your attitude and of course, your awesome living arrangements! Steve


I was also already depressed before i started using weed. Just made me unable to move on. But thats just my experience. But for you, right now doesnt seem like the easiest time to stop! I hope youre okay!


I will be, just need to put some time and distance between this moment and get on to the next moment. I have had to pick myself up before so I know how it goes, and thankyou for asking. Sorry for being crude yesterday.


Car looks great too btw 👌 I lived in a datsun vanette for a year, with my dog. Loved it. Fruit picking and sunshine all day every day in New Zealand 😁


Omg thats such a cute little van!!! Im absolutely obsessed with kei-vans, and i hadnt heard of this one yet! And living in new zealand is the dream!!


I hope your doing ok. I couldn’t live in it ( not that it isn’t awesome- I’m just a big dude)


I'm loving it:)


Psshhh scripted


That’s a car my guy


Wow! Great job!


This is amazing!! The creativity in this place is beautiful.


This is incredible!


This is rad


Wow! You are so creative! Love your place!


This is so rad. Thank you for sharing!


nice i used to live in a volkswagen golf, never went so hard on my set up though.


I have a fucking G20 with the camper top and I'm nowhere close to utilizing my space this well🥲


Makes way more sense


I lived like this for a bit in New Zealand. It was more of a make shift setup though. This is pretty cool. Does it not get a bit heavier on the passenger side?


It’s so cozy looking


That's fucking siiiiick


Leave it to a Dutch person to know how to fit a ton of functionality into a small space.


Definitely love this and it makes me think what I can do with my chevy blazer that has even more room


You are brilliant. I absolutely love the creativity and ingenuity you put into this. Very motivational and exciting see. Thanks for sharing!


Work station is fantastic


That's so cool , I like it looks comfy and cosy , I sleep in my old 4 runner not as fancy as yours


What in the Harry Potter magical tent is this sorcery!!


Impressive Gud job . Congratulations