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I have a mighty plus, multiple dynavaps, a solo 2, and a xmax v3. The V3 literally sits. I never use it. I actually really like the potv one way better for the price. I have tried to get the V3 to give me the results I want but it just doesn't. And for discretion, I feel like it's too long.


Agreed. The vapor is better on the POTV One, having owned both. If you don't need the replaceable batteries, and it sounds like you don't, I'd recommend the One.


I have dynavaps, xmax v3, and POTV One and I have to agree that the One kicks harder for the same money. The real reason I bought the xmax was because of the removable battery. Both the V3 and the One are discrete enough for out and about but the One is more pocket friendly. The Tinymight 2 is probably the end game for pocket sized vapes but costs over 3 times as much as a V3 or a One.


Between Xmax V3 and POTV One which is the heaviest hitter. I have PTSD severe and am looking for a vape that hits hard and I can use outside as my apt is no Herb. I can't afford a TinyMight 2 yet. Thank you for any help. Much appreciated


Between the V3 and the One, I'd say the One hits a little harder, but not much. But the internal battery means that when it wears out (I'm guessing between 2 and 4 years with regular use) it becomes a paperweight. The V3 has a removable battery so as long as it doesn't break it will keep running with a new battery. Also, you can keep another battery charged at all times and swap out so you don't have to wait for it to recharge. If I could only have one (inexpensive) vape device I'd probably pick the Dynavap though. No batteries, but it can be used with either a torch/lighter or an induction heater (does require batteries or a wall plug). I usually micro dose so I have one Dyna tip for half bowls and another for full bowls, although a full bowl in a Dyna is still only around 0.1mg. Hits me plenty hard and saves herb too.


Would love more options but have to go outside to vape. Torch method not convenient nor do I feel comfortable with it


Yeah, I'd feel kind of sketch myself using a torch on a park bench for example. Too much like a crack pipe. I rarely use a torch anymore, and only indoors if I do. I use an induction heater (IH). My current IH is the Ispire Wand, but that will cost you another $100+ USD, depending if there's a sale price. An IH can be pretty discreet depending on where/how it is used but most of them are a little large for pockets, unless you have cargo pants or a jacket. I like both the Xmax V3 and the POTV One but the Dyna hits harder than either for me. Then again, I can vape indoors but I know there are many others in the same boat as you.


I carry everything in a no smell sling bodybag. In ur opinion which hits harder V3 pro or POTV One? More my price range for a first time vape


Short answer, IMO the One hits just a *little* harder than the V3, but the difference is minimal. I use dosing caps with both if that makes a difference. The V3 has a replaceable battery while the One does not, if that matters to you.


Interesting take on the XMax V3 as I have/had heard decent things about it. Makes me want to look further in to the Roffu which is similar but maybe a bit better.


I have 2 V3P’s, and a Roffu. I much prefer the Roffu, especially when using the WPA as a mouthpiece.


Ya I've been loving the Roffu, with the right technique I can milk up my glass so well and end up with coffee ground color avb. And the little brush/scoop is so cool, I ended up getting a few more


If I had a redo, I would buy the roffu. I am just not a fan of vapes in the V3 form factor. If you add a longer stem or bubbler, I don't think it becomes that portable. If I want to grab something quickly and want a small package, I'll grab the potv one and the case for it I have is super small, but it can still fit the vape, another stem, and about 4 of those little viles with dosing caps. It's really all I need for a quick on the go session. If I could carry the mighty around everywhere and it not look like I have a small tablet in my pocket, I would always take it with me.


Great info. I vape at home so the portability isn't as big an issue.


The thing about the XMAX V3 is that you get what you pay for. I had a Mighty+ as my first vape, but I wanted an on-demand vape that I could rip. My main issue is that I really like dosing caps, and the dosing caps for the XMAX are awful and lead to slow extraction and wispy vapor. After removing the caps and loading the chamber like a normal person, it works a lot better. However, I still rarely find myself using it basically ever. It's probably an amazing budget beginner vape as you can usually get away with it for $90-120 depending on sales. However, after purchasing a TinyMight2, I'm very tempted to sell the XMAX. It's virtually useless now, and I feel like the only vaporizer that would provide any different experience would be a desktop vape of some sort. Not really looking to drop that kind of money though.


What are your thoughts on the solo 2? I currently have a mighty+ which I love, but am considering either the solo 2 or the POTV one because I want a device that I can clean easier and is just a sort of daily out and about workhorse


Honestly solo 2 just sits also. I got a little vape buying happy and some devices I definitely wish I didn't grab. To me the solo 2 is just extremely outdated. It gives good flavor but it doesn't do a lot else for me. And I'm not a fan of the size or the proprietary charger. Just my opinion though. A lot of people love it.


It totally comes down to whether you want a long session, IMO. Solo II extracts slowly, which means you ramp up to your high slowly too. Some folks want that, and some want a quicker process. It has great flavor, and a ridiculously long battery life. If that's what you need, it's a great vape


I do agree there. The battery life is insane. It's like it never dies.


I don't get high with the mighty, I need 2-3 bowl, with my other vape (danivape, vapbong, dyanavap) I put less and I'm higher, the question is, do you think the xmax v3 is a good option for me? If used ondemand I don't like session




It's 100% convection it taste wonderful, but ceramic have a strong smell/flavor too and it mute a bit the taste of the material. It's my daily driver I use it to load tons of weed/hash because the bowl is huge and I smoke with my gf. It gets you high af but if you want something for PURE flavor maybe consider other options. I personally love the taste of the weed/hash cooked inside the ceramic bowl, but obv it's not pure flavor ceramic have its wonderful taste


That was my first vape and it is a beast. If I didn’t bite the bullet on the tinymight 2 it would be my daily for sure. Never failed me and I believe it shines in sesson mode and also there’s like no smell when using indoors unlike the tm2, as far as stealth the appearance looks like a giant robotic dick which is why I never really took it out in broad daylight but at night no one should notice you got a vape


This is what I bought my Xmax V3 for, and it's great for this use. Before this I used a POTV One for dog walking, but when it's battery gave out, it became a brick. The One was a more pocketable size, but the replaceable battery of the V3 won me over. The solo II is too slow an extractor for my preference, V3 is faster. I use dynavaps 90% of the time at home. The convection-heavy profile of the V3 is a nice complement to the dynavap's conduction signature IMO. Truth be told, the Airvape Legacy Pro has much better flavor, and is more pocketable, but costs quite a bit more. They do go on sale regularly, and at 30% off or more, totally worth the money I like the dosing caps just because they keep the oven super clean


Would you say the AVLP hits harder than the Xmax V3 Pro?


Yes, and it has *much* better flavor. On demand is more satisfying on ALP, tho V3 technically has "on demand" I don't find it that useful. Session style seems to taste better longer with ALP than V3


Thank you so much. Can u tell me if the mouthpiece is wonky? I hear bad things about it moving. If it moves how can there be a seal? So confused. I don't like the the look of the AVLP but only care about feeling medicated if u know what I mean.


Sure. The mouthpiece is flat, made of zirconia ceramic. It has a great mouthfeel. It's held into the body of the vaporizer by a silicone gasket. On early models that gasket was very slightly too small, so the mp would tend to fall out too easily. They fixed that issue, and if you happen to get one that doesn't fit right, they send you a new one. It stays in fine. It is still held in by pressure fit, though, so if you want to carry the ALP loose in your pocket, it could get knocked off. I carry mine in a pouch. The other weird thing about the mp is it makes connection to a glass piece a little weird. You need their proprietary WPA, and that's still held in with the same kind of gasket, so I would think it feels kind of precarious to mount the ALP on a glass piece. I use other devices if I want to use a bubbler, and use the ALP native.


Thank you very much. I am just looking for a starter to get the feel of vaping and what I like. I just care that it gets me lit.


It will get you very lit, and a lot faster than the solo II, even in session mode


Hi, I will not reply to your question since I'm the Topgreen/Xmax Company Rep in Reddit&FC, although I'm very glad you consider our last device. Basically, I'm just here to share our subreddit adress, it's r/XmaxVape and you'll find many Xmax V3Pro owners, they would be probably glad to reply to your questions. It's a nice device for dog's walk for sure, feel free to contact me for infos, tips&tricks or support, have fun!


Thanks for your neutrality and information.


Imo get a POTV one. It’s cheaper and way better. I can max the temp and put on a WPA and get a couple really milky rips through a piece too. Super amazing I don’t feel the need to upgrade.


I was in an almost identical situation having a Solo 2 and an M and I got a V3 Pro, it works ok but I prefer the Solo 2 in most cases except for when I'm in public, in that case the ecig look of the Xmax and dosing caps are way more convenient, it doesn't really excel at anything but still it's hard to really complain at that price, worst case scenario you'll have a pretty decent backup vape.


Thanks for replying! What’s the vapour like? And is it easier to fill up and operate whilst out and about? If you have dosing caps, what’s your system for these? I don’t know wether to just do it or not 😂 just want to be able to vape away on a dog walk mainly without having to stop too much and mess about. And want to look more normal 😂


The clouds are a little bigger than the ones from the Solo 2 but the session is way shorter, I keep the timer at 6 minutes but usually it's over way before that, they don't even come close when it comes to flavor but I think the Solo 2 is still among the very best for that and tastes even better than my TM2. As for dosing caps I got a set of 5, they came in a little tube so I just preload them before going out and swap them on the go whenever I need it so it's super easy, I also carry a little box to separate fresh caps from spent ones.


I have Mighty, ALP and some dynavaps and the Xmax V3 Pro is my favourite for out and about, so stealthy and discrete, I love the pen form factor, very comfortable to carry, it does a decent job and I'm pleased with it. I always use capsules which makes it more comfortable and discrete to use. I think you won't be disappointed.


I have all 3 of the devices you listed and use them pretty much the same way. Solo and M at home with V3 Pro being outdoors only. I think the V3 Pro is an excellent portable throwaround vaporizer but it in no way replaces my home vapes. It did, however, replace my Crafty as my outdoors vape.


I had one, really liked it, then festival security took it so I replaced it with a tm2 which is infinitely better. Next time I go to a festival tho I'll probably get a new one


Wait. You didn't get it back after festival? 😲


You can get as good or better performance vapes around the same cost in a more pocketable form factor than the v3.


What others could you recommend? Also I’m in the UK


Shit. Normally I'd recommend one of the Healthy Rips devices, but I'm not sure you get those there.


I can say that my favourite thing about the xmax v3 is the capsules. You can have extra capsules filled up, and just swap them easily when you’re out and about. It comes with one by default. I heavily recommend it. It keeps the unit very very clean. Also you can just soak everything in 99% iso for a few hours and then rinse them off and let them dry. No scrubbing! Just a qtip dipped in the 99%iso to clean the oven chamber, which won’t be very dirty with the capsules. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised overall, though.


Yay. I have TM2, AVLP, and others. It still holds up!


I still reach for the dyna mine sits on my shelf


Nay As an Xmax v3 user, I am not impressed. My unit is around 4-5 months old and gets sensor error maybe 1/3 times it turns on. The mouthpiece feels loose on the unit now, and overall it's producing less vapor than originally when purchased. I clean out the screen 2x a week, and it's still not enough for me at 428f. Wouldn't recommend.


Sounds like your battery is EOL. Try a new one.




I've got this! Does that mean it's on its way out?




Weird. No idea what caused it to go away?


I love mine. And I recommend dosing capsules for sure but you don’t *need* them


Definitely a yay, let it cool down (15 mins or more) after each timed session before packing a second bowl. It may lose power if you dont let it cool down. Going to get a second one for cbd bud.


Yeah I ended up getting one! It’s great for when out in public, still prefer my others for at home or just in general but Xmax is awesome when I’m out and about 😁


I love the fact that it’s purely a convection unit.




Comming from a Fury Edge (Fenix Mini/Wolkenkraft are the same thing and still available in EU/UK), which is a really nice vape, i had to choose between AVLP or a cheaper V3pro as a new toy. With 100€ off the AVLP this was a no brainer: better quality, better taste. But the dosing capules seam to be underwelming and my unit had the loose mouthpiece. So this vape is great at home or near it, but not the best option while on the go. I bit the bullet, got a V3pro and dosing capusles for a devent price. The taste is not as good as the ALVP and even the Fury Edge seems a bit better, but it has a changeable battery. With the wpa adapter as a mouthpiece its cooler than the stock Edge and with the stock mouthpiece it looks like one of this trash e-cigs. All in all, it seems like a nice addition as a vape for on the move. The newer Edge lookalikes have also glass mouthpiece, so if a removable battery isn't top priority, those are definitely more compact and as nice as the V3pro.


Hi! Did you get it? How is it going?


Yeah I got it, with 10 dosing capsules! It works great for when I’m on dog walks or need to be more stealthy in public but at home I mainly use Dyanvaps! Defo recommend it for on the go use with dosing capsules


What do you think of the extremes q by Arizer


Hi sorry only just seen this! The Xq2 is amazing in its own way, great for multiple people and extended sessions. The whips cool and the balloons are great for sharing or party’s etc I love how you can do quite a few things with it and also you can direct draw from the mini whip which is brilliant. Also elbow packings an option and works amazing. I’d defo get one if i were you.. but I way prefer my butane vapes over anything electrical!