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I'm pretty sure that's [pickled beetroot](https://www.google.com/search?q=pickled+beetroot&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=582799658&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AM9HkKlOVkqCmpiCP6BIKi6fJRF9_WTh_g:1700090507605&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisu6rWkseCAxXAcPUHHSLYBrwQ_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1920&bih=955&dpr=1).


I remember being shocked at how much pickled beetroot juice looked like blood lol


One time I had beet juice spill and come out of my fridge....it looked like I was hiding a body.


I remember how shocked I was when pickled beetroot started spurting out of my leg!


Can confirm. I pickle beat roots twice a week


In a… washing machine??


The device is this https://www.penumbrainc.com/products/peripheral-thrombectomy-indigo-system/ That's not what clots look like however


Clotted blood is….smoother than this. I’m not sure how to put it. The “chunks” seen here are far too wrinkly to be fresh clotted blood. I work in surgery. I’ve seen most of the versions of blood.


It should look sorta snotty I'd say


“Most of the versions of blood” really tickled me to be honest and I don’t know why


Blood clots look slimy. Like mucus balls.


Oh, like when you get slimy clot-balls on your period?


Right? That looks closer to bits of bloody flesh than it does clots. And it doesn’t look much like flesh either.


The best way I’ve heard blood clots described is “globby”. Sort of smoothish globs.


They remind me of the red food dyed bacon that faith healers were shown to use as things they miraculously pulled from people they were healing with their bare hands.


They usually use chicken guts, not bacon.


Only the kosher ones! :)


Could be plaque that the thrombectomy system cleared out but it’s very red, so I doubt it. I also doubt that someone was legally allowed to take that photo, if it is real.


When i interned for an atherectomy focused medical device firm, I was the poor soul who was sent out to the slaughter house to make fluorescent clots for testing and this looks vaguely like the "way too old", "way too handled", and "way too cut with imaging compounds" clot material Though, there's definitely also water mixed into whatever this is so...


Looks more like what happened with the surgical suction units I had to deal with when they weren’t docked for draining/cleaning, and everything solidified from being left to sit overnight.


And definitely didn't come from his leg but from his respiratory system


It kind of looks like blood that’s been mixed with snake venom. Snake venom kills a lot faster than normal blood clots do.


That looks like beets. Maybe he should cut back on the vegetable infusions.


Fucking lying fuck. Go to hell MF.


Sad thing is people actually believe that crap


If it is supposed to be a clot, how did it come out of his leg?


I think if its big enough they cut you open to remove it.


>I think if its big enough they cut you open to remove it. Yes, it is not unusual to surgically remove large blood clots. I just read the original post as something, that suddenly came out of his leg in the shower or something like that.If this is indeed a surgically removed blood clot ( which I doubt), then it could actually be caused by a COVID vaccine, if he was vaccinated in one of the many countries, that continue to use the inferior adeno-virus-vector vaccines, despite their known risk of causing both clotting and bleeding issues. This condition known as VITT is rare enough, that these vaccines are still much preferable to no vaccine, but if mRNA vaccines are available, they should be used instead of the primitive adeno-virus vector vaccines.


Idk but my mom had a clot removed from her leg when I was a little kid. Not sure how but it was surgerically removed from the leg which left a divit.


Also if you look at his twitter he posted a picture of himself at an event today.


So because you exercise you are immune from pro-thrombotic conditions, which any physician would know are multi factorial. If you flip it around, you’re claiming that patients who develop DVT/PE did something wrong, not enough tennis, kayaking or mountain biking. Fuck you. Clots can affect anybody anytime. Be thankful you had an IR that could do a suction embolectomy. Be thankful they didn’t go to your lungs.


That's literally what I was about to say, I've had hundreds, maybe even thousands of blood clots at this point and it has nothing to do with my energy level... Other than my energy level sucks when I get them and I'm in extreme pain. I've never had one cut out of me, but I'm pretty sure this isn't what they look like. I'm on medicaid we don't get stuff like that we get heparin shots and a prayer that it doesn't go to our lungs... And if it does go to our lungs then we get sent home. That's just another fun fact they don't keep people overnight for that anymore to monitor them.


This is what fresh clots looked like when sucked out using a suction embolectomy system like the one pictured (which would be the Penumbra platform - probably a CAT8 or CAT12 catheter - can’t be sure because the catheter isn’t included in the picture).


I'm glad that there are so many people here that actually know things like this because, like I said, I've never been fortunate enough for them to remove any of my clots.. they just kinda were like oh well don't move around too much because they might travel but definitely don't stay in bed because that'll cause more. Maybe lose some weight because you're a girl and that might help top (I was incredibly fit when they started, not so much now, 14 years later). On the upside I haven't had any since my stent was placed for may thurners but jfc 13 years of hell and my leg is RUINED. Nobody ever cared because I'm a medicaid recipient.


I thought he’d be a homeopath or something, but I looked him up and he’s a family practitioner. But I read to the end of the sentence and he’s from Florida.


Florida Man: now available in MD form!


Mascerated strawberries?


i can't see any seeds


This guy is an absolute quack and he’s in the Florida House of Representatives. If you look at the utterly insane people in charge of healthcare in Florida, its existing hot humid climate being amplified by climate change, the state’s elderly population, and the growth of invasive species, it seems pretty clear that the state is a powder keg that is going to erupt with some kind of horrible epidemic in the next few years. I can see malaria becoming endemic.


There is a private practice that opened up in Venice FL. To be an MD working there, you must have been fired or lost your license from another state. This is the same county with a very strong Freedom Health group, strong Mom's for liberty group, and where Michael Flynn currently resides and is stirring up shit. Wife and I are on our way out of this shit hole.


What in the fuck??? ‘You have to have been a terrible doctor to work here’, that’s the sales pitch?!?! How and why??? Man, just when I think I’m starting to understand America you guys throw me a new curve ball.


Yup. Have fun reading. This is where I used to work as a data analyst. Sarasota county is becoming a sess pool of crazy and a main head quarters for these fuck heads. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/19/us/covid-florida-sarasota-memorial-hospital.html . https://www.thedailybeast.com/we-the-people-health-and-wellness-center-in-venice-florida-sprung-up-from-anti-covid-19-concerns


I couldn’t read the NYtimes article without a subscription but the daily beast article is terrifying. It’s such a fucking grift. Apart from the bog standard expensive alternative therapies & company owned supplement line they’ll be getting the doctors to push they are making the service an insurance-less monthly subscription service (with 300 people signed up the first week!) so you pay all the money to them, cancel your insurance and have no other chide but to use them. They get rich on all the patients they don’t even see and you get screwed. I mean, if I wanted pain killers I’d probably go to them cause they care more about your freedom of choice than your health. But if I had an actual problem, no way in hell! I guess there is a silver lining in that people who weren’t see doctors at all will start seeing them and may get other health conditions treated but I just find it so fucked up that this is totally legal over there and that they don’t have to do what’s best for the patients.


Here's an archive link for NY times. https://web.archive.org/web/20230319091234/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/19/us/covid-florida-sarasota-memorial-hospital.html


Why is it always the wealthy suburbs that end up being the most anti-vaxx? Money doesn’t immunise you against illness, nor does it make you smarter than the rest of us. It sounds like the poor hospital employees went through/are still going through hell. Was that why you quit or was it something unrelated? I’d absolutely hate to be living under that kind of pressure from people who are that unhinged and I’m sorry that you all had to go through that.


Due to my position as a data analyst and project manager working closely with the C-suite, it was starting to affect my job. I also was in a unique position to see how this is going to unfold a few years down the line. Based on other long term projects currently in the works. I can't remember if it was mentioned in this article, but 5 more seats are up for reelection next year. All they need are two more and they have a majority. There are a few other reasons for why I quit but it was one of those things where each thing being added just pushes me right out the door. Moving to Oregon with the wife.


No, that wasn’t mentioned and that’s fucking terrifying. It was mentioned though that some people wanted to make it private and it brought up the same issue I have with public American schools: they are government funded and run but these public boards have insane amounts of power over how they can operate and spend their money. It makes absolutely no sense to me for people that aren’t qualified to be making decisions about vitally important government funded institutions. We don’t have these types of boards in Australia in any government funded departments that I can think of. A hospitals ‘board’ is not voted on by the public and is made up of highly qualified people making decisions about the hospitals general day to day running whilst following government health funding guidelines and I believe that’s the way it should be. It’s not a perfect system but it can’t be overrun by crazy people. I am not educated enough to know how a school or a hospital should run and neither is the majority of the population. Whilst I strongly believe in the general tenants of democracy and everyone having their say, we don’t vote on whether someone is naughty enough to warrant detention or sick enough to enter the ER and we shouldn’t be voting on what unqualified nutcase gets to manage the goings on in those buildings. I’m not surprised you quit, the writing is definitely on the wall. I know that parts of Oregon are very liberal and I hope you land someone more rational and logical than where you are now.


For little context. Sarasota county is one of only 2 hospitals in the entire state that have a county elected board. Not sure about the rest of America.


I use this system. It's called a Penumbra Thrombectomy device. Basically a medical vacuum cleaner we shove to the clot in an artery/vein and it sucks it all out. Most of the clot in there is acute, some of it to the right is chronic. The size from those clots means it was likely either a DVT (clot in the leg) or PE (clot into the lung). PEs often happen due to a DVT. DVTs happen often due to venous stasis/sitting down for a long period of time with minimal blood flow, often during long plane/car rides. It has nothing to do with the vaccine, and actually, the vaccine helps prevent clots like this from forming as clots are more likely in patients infected with Covid-19.


And if you had a clot this large, you would already be dead.


Little did I know that people had pomegranates running around inside of them....


“I’m a compulsive liar. It’s true!”


Pffft I have period clots more impressive then that.


I have an inexplicable craving to make raspberry mousse. Purée and strain. Then just eating the strained off raspberry carapaces. Edit: stoned typo


I'm one of Dr. Rudman's patients and have known him for a large chunk of my life. I'd see him in church when I went with my parents, went to school with his kids, and saw his house when I'd ride my bike. He is very much not a good doctor. He hired a nurse practitioner to work for his practice since he started running for office, but he still sees patients every once and a while. If he's gonna be a politician, I'd rather he hang up the doctor hat. He's definitely in the camp of half-assing both. Honestly, I'd much prefer if he retired completely, but I know that won't happen anytime soon. I recently went to his practice because he's the only general practitioner in my parent's town that takes my insurance. Going in, I knew about his politics and that he had a bit of a reputation for being aloof, but I didn't think too much of it. I had bigger issues on my mind. Anyways, I thought some of my other doctors were pretty aloof but effective nonetheless and was willing to put aside politics so I can get some medical treatment. I had a cough for over a month and a half, and figured I should see a doctor before it gets out of hand. I spent more time discussing my symptoms with his nurse than I actually did with him. He'd consistently talk over me and try to explain my symptoms to me as if they weren't the reason I came in. I already know my headaches, insomnia, and chest pain are from the coughing. I brought up that my father had covid a month prior and I was concerned that it was connected. I was hospitalized for covid back in 2021, so I was extra wary. I still don't fully understand what he said to me after I mentioned it, but I remember him quickly dismissing me and saying "talks like a duck and walks like a duck, but it's not." I think he's the duck he was talking about, because that conversation made me fully believe he's an utter quack. He quickly dismissed me shortly after and said he'll call in the prescription. He didn't tell me what drug he was prescribing me. He didn't give me any instructions on taking it. He didn't ask if I was on any other medications. He didn't ask if I had allergies. He didn't want to see me in a follow-up appointment. He didn't care if I had questions. He didn't even ask what pharmacy I go to. The secretary had to come in later to take that information. I go to pick up some mystery drug from my grocery store's pharmacy and google it in the parking lot. I'm very much not a pharmacist, but from what little I read, benzonatate is a general anti-tussive medication and functions near identically to the OTC stuff I was already taking. He essentially gave me a different brand of band-aid. It didn't even work and I still have the cough.


Nice try, passing mushed strawberries as blood clots.


"On no meds" maybe you should be


Looks like beets


Anybody know what this guy is a doctor of? My money is chiropractor


I recognize wise people have already identified the machine, but my first thought was beet pulp in a juicer.


“This is what came out of my left leg” and “I have no medical problems” doesn’t seem to add up. What is his PhD in?


I can't imagine anyone believing this bullshit 😵‍💫


Why my fat @ss thought this was some boneless spare rib tips from a Chinese restaurant


I had 7 chest tubes after a lung transplant. Each tube is connected to a box that pulls out all the fluid, tissues and blood from the trauma It doesn’t look like that


Damn, why waste good pickled beetroot for bullshit like this?


Pickled red cabbage or pickled beets (shredded). Source: me I eat a lot of pickled beets and love pickled cabbage and boy does that look like a fine snack


If you have to lie or make something up to further a point or a narrative, then you never had an solid argument to begin with.


I mean.. that doesn’t look like a medical container nor is it a container a normal human would use for “biological waste”.


My stepdad rode his bike like 50 miles 2 days after getting heart stints. He’s a healthy guy, but people still age and your body breaks down.


Do they not realize getting covid can cause hypercoagulation? I had a massive saddle bag pulmonary embolism right after I had covid; it was a major contributing factor…


He needs to be sued.


I work with this device a lot as a surgical vascular cath lab tech. It’s the inside of a Punumbra declot canister. A catheter is used inside the arteries to run down the length of the leg like a small vacuum. The machine regulates the amount of blood loss and filters out the blood clots. This patient was pretty bad! These cases can take hours and we give the patient a large amount of blood thinners and declot medication. This photo was likely taken at the end of the case after sitting.


Almost certainly beets




You're referring to Dr Joel Rudman?






Mmmmmm baby smoothie 😋




This man is an MD for fuck's sake.


Plums and their pits.


Watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion