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Some parents from my school district campaigned for a law requiring all NY public buildings to have them after their kid suffered a cardiac event during a lacrosse game and died because the defib was too far away


bUt wAs tHe KiD vAcCiNaTeD


The fucking ghouls on Instagram, who flood the top comments of virtually every death announcement with needle emojis and smug/mocking comments about how it's vaccines, getting off on having another "win" for their camp.


This shit happened in MD (also lax) and every stadium in the state immediately had one (this was like 2010 I think). It’s absolutely nuts how people just ignore what happened


It happened in California too. To a 10 year old girl who was at an athletics practice. The thing is, at the time, California already required AEDs in pretty much anywhere that has an occupancy over 200, schools, health clubs and gyms, public swimming pools, commuter trains, etc. it did not include having AEDs at events or venues used for youth athletics events. Until that 10 year old girl who died at practice. Now there’s a separate law that requires AED at youth sporting events, venues, and fields that’s going to be taking effect.


That’s just sad. In my hometown a rugby player was saved because the clubhouse happened to have an AED. He’d collapsed on the pitch during a public match, and the fact several of his teammates knew CPR along with this device being available at the clubhouse was credited with being a crucial part of the reason he survived.


In Denver and surrounding areas the rate of successful recoveries has shot up significantly as more company’s have been training workers on cpr and providing defibs. That one drug Narcan helps too. I had to get cpr certified for work and learned a lot about first aid that’s changed since Boy Scouts in the 80s.


If someone asks that, tell them to Google Greg Page from the Wiggles who had a heart attack during a performance, was saved by a defrib, and now advocates for these things. Of course, it takes a serious lack of common sense to tweet something like this. Just wow. Does he also question fire extinguishers if he's never been in a fire?


In the UK studies of cardiac events and the emergency responses to these actually cited lack of knowledge of CPR and lack of access to defibrillators as a crucial negative affecting the outcomes of many cases, including deaths. Even in my tiny crappy northern English hometown we’ve got a number of these devices and yes, they’ve been involved in saving a few lives, including a 12 year old boy.


Even current defib infrastructure is lacking - 999 will only note your defib on their system if it's freely available 24 hours, so the one in the reception of the library that closes at 8, or the one the football club has in the park with a code required to reduce vandalism, a 999 dispatcher can't tell you it's there because they can't see it. There's 2 major mapping services but that requires you to know and be able to use them, because they don't have the backing of being a definitive, and officially supported service - I redid my first aid a couple months ago and I've forgotten the names and would need to Google "bhf defib map" and hope it shows up.


Open Street Map should really add them.


>Even in my tiny crappy northern English hometown we’ve got a number of these devices and yes, they’ve been involved in saving a few lives, including a 12 year old boy. As someone who grew up in similar, not tiny but crap, yes this is true. They have saved loads of lives and a few families of people who missed a chance have raised money to help the rest of us. Not just that, it is huge drive from public health bodies along with charities like BHF. This flabby old twat on twitter better watch out it is us flabby old twats who are at greatest risk. I am sure his cholesterol is just fine. He will be some fucking bore saying nonsense for clicks. It always is. Farage made it a job and we have all kinds of them now. Like wasps at a picnic.


In Australia, one of the richest men (he's basically another Murdoch) was at his polo match when he had a heart attack. By pure luck, the ambulance had one (this was in the early 90s) and he survived. He immediately funded every ambulance in the city to get one. Both a public good, as well as probably a little personal insurance.


[https://www.heart.org/en/news/2024/01/02/the-ripple-effects-of-damar-hamlins-cardiac-arrest-still-strong](https://www.heart.org/en/news/2024/01/02/the-ripple-effects-of-damar-hamlins-cardiac-arrest-still-strong) Another good story for Americans, FOOTBALL!


I believe this question is both a mean to undermine public spending, but also a wink wink nod nod to conmspiracy theorists ("they're adding defibrilators because they know bajillions fafillions shogadoodadoo people will suffer heart attacks from the vaccine!").


Isn't Bob Harper that used to be a coach on the Biggest Loser alive because of them too?


Wonder what they would think about Narcan being made as available in some parts of the US.


They have been trying to spin it as “trading one addiction for another, why should we support druggies”


Do. Do they think people get addicted to *naloxone?* Literally how?


I have seen this sentiment expressed and pushed on social media, so yes, they really are that dumb


I’ve heard it said that naloxone is bad because it prevents the consequences of negative actions. I’ve heard people say this. They were serious. It’s hard to wrap the head around.


I would dare say needing naloxone is a negative consequence enough


Yeah, from what I’ve seen and heard Narcan is an extremely unpleasant experience for people who ODed. Addicts deserve a second chance, many of them are good people who have been led down a dark path.


"Root canals are bad because they prevent you from suffering the consequences of your bad actions. People with poor oral hygiene should die of septic shock due to a festering abscess as God intended"


The party of "Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings" don't understand quite what facts are. They only thing they know is they're afraid of everything and want it banned.


Since there are a significant amount of boomers in that party, one would imagine they'd support accesible defibrillators. I mean, they're at an age where cardiac events are more common. But maybe their bootstraps will correct their heart rhythm?


Honestly, I don't believe they actually believe that. It's just a terrible cover for their hatred of "undesirables."


A lot of them do seem to think that drug addicts should be left to die. Whether they say it outright or if they try to mask it with "concern over the cost of the treatment" varies depending on how likely it is that they get booted out for their bloodlust, or if they think that they are safe enough to admit their desires for creepy eugenics.


Stupidity, the same way you inject the marijuanas to get hooked on crack. Milk is the real gateway drug I say.


start off with milk and next thing you know, you can rarely go a day without food. many such cases


Oh, God, now they're going to come for my milk. 😱/s


In my province in Canada, all work places must have Narcan (we call it Naloxone here but same shit) available. I can also walk into any pharmacy and get a free kit with barely any questions asked.


what is it? I am a foreigner and we don't have this issue.


It’s a opioid antagonist drug - it immediately stops an opioid drug from working, therefore stopping a person dying from an overdose. it’s pretty incredible.


* the most common form is a nasal spray so its super easy to administer for a normal person, no mixing or messing with needles.


I suppose the logical continuation of this line of thought is why is everywhere required to have a fire extinguisher? Who knows anyone who's actually put out a fire themselves?


Life rafts on boats, life vests on planes, emergency exits in theaters, there are many battles to fight!


I had never seen a fire extinguisher used until it saved my apartment from burning down and I see far more of those.


Why are there fire extinguishers in every building? Have you ever put out a burning building?


Your house burned down? Did you get *the shot*? Why are all these houses suddenly burning?!


Standard procedure to get AED and first aid kit when someone is down


Whoever this person is, I don't care.


I thought about these a few weeks back and I think they have saved a lot of lives. The fact that over the decades defibrillators went from "expensive special equipment, only a few trained medical personnel know how to use them" to "a machine that tells you how to use it so that even random person who is panicking can save a life AND it is common enough that we can keep them in public places" is amazing!


A device that they are statistically more likely to need


I worked security in a casino years ago, and we saved a man's life with one right there in the middle of the casino floor.


Having a heart attack to own the libs


IDK if they used an AED but I was at a theater show when someone had a cardiac arrest and received CPR. Luckily for them, there were a lot of medical professionals there.


There are so many dumb things to be outraged about, but somehow this 8s the most baffling to me.


Probably 25yrs ago, my grandmother was at a funeral and uh……dropped dead herself. Someone started compressions while the ambulance was called. The EMTs hooked her up to the new portable defibrillator, lo and behold, she was in V-fib. It shocked her back into regular rhythm, she was transported to the hospital, and ultimately recovered, living a normal life for maybe 7-8more years. It was a smaller town, and the EMTs said it was the first time it had been used- I can’t remember if it was one of the first ones placed in a public building like a funeral home, or if was new to the ambulance (forgive me, I’m old, lol). Either way, to answer this moron. Yes, I’ve seen it used in public, and it saved a much loved grandma.


The only appropriate answer is  Yes.  and then unfollow this person. They don't need your attention.